News Briefs – 12/25/2018

First, Merry Christmas to all. We already have much to be thankful for, starting with the reason for the season. In addition, we have a great President who is actually stepping forward to protect the nation. Add in family and loved ones, and suddenly the joy of the season, the gifts, and the spirit is all gravy. Take time to really enjoy it.

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Kevin Spacey is charged with sexual assault.

He posts the following video, which as one commenter noted, could be a message in plain sight, directly to the Cabal:

Munchin makes an unusual statement that if economic trouble hit, nobody should panic because it could be dealt with. People are not sure if it was meaningless, or if he is trying to allay fears in the event something big happens soon because he has information something big might happen soon. You always wonder if what he knows is that the roundups of Cabal are about to start.

An amazing article which claims there are anomalous Cell Site simulators set up around the country intercepting cellphone calls and recording them. They are said to be foreign intelligence services like the Russians and the Chinese, but the article also says our government lacks the technology to find them and remove them. As if triangulating is so difficult. It sounds incredible. A non-American, hostile intelligence operation which has so completely compromised our nation’s government that it can actually stop it from defending itself. But how else do you explain this? This is the intelligence equivalent of Ace Lyons recounting Reagan ordering military strikes on Iran, and the government refusing to follow the orders because Iran was a Cabal safezone, and Reagan was not allowed to attack it. Unless we face alien cloaking technology from the greys, our government could find these simulators and remove them as fast as they were set up. Either Cabal has developed another level of technology in private research labs which our government is not privy to and cannot keep up with, or Cabal in government has quashed any effort by patriots to take this stuff down because it is serving Cabal’s interests. Either way, things are not working the way we were taught, and the Constitution is merely an illusion to keep the more aggressive plebes from getting restless. This is why I believe they intended to start a World War to cull the dangerous plebes who would be willing to fight for principle and loyalty to flag. It might also mean those FEMA Camps and the cattlecars with the restraints were no joke. Nothing is like we were programmed to think.

Mexican Governor and Senator die in helicopter crash.

An interesting article on how the Governor of NY purposely made bad policies which smart people who liked freedom would hate so the smart people would leave and allow him to consolidate power. The one thing missing from making a more perfect union is the ability of rural areas to vote to cleave away from cities and form their own states.

Mt Etna erupts, dropping an ash cloud on Sicily. Volcanic activity could be the real precursor to an Ice Age.

Man on the street in Brussels walks up to a restaurant, with an AK-47, and opens fire into it. Then he walks off. Still out and about.

Ottowarmbier’s family awarded $501 million from North Korea over his torture and death.

NC State University starts a Satanism club, and the first thing they say is, it is important to note that Satan does not exist. Then they lay out how the club’s objectives are basically to promote leftist SJW ideology.

Stocks plunge more than 600 points. Asian markets followed. If Cabal thought they were about to be rounded up they would likely liquidate in preparation for fleeing and hiding their assets.

Indonesian tsunami death tool up to 400.

An article asks President Trump to begin hiring ideological allies. He has hired a lot of individuals who could have had Cabal links. It is not impossible he views having the Presidency as a sting operation, where he can hire Cabal agents into non-essential positions and let them hang themselves. Case in point:

Eric Schmidt is playing up the idea that China will split off its internet from our’s. Seems significant.

More indications Trump intends to get rid of the Fed:

Watch Comey extol the virtues of his good friend Bob Mueller, who he talked to nearly every day.

Democrats have four billionaires who may run in 2020, but the far left of the party will likely not approve of any of them.

Arrests of more men associated with the beheadings of Scandinavian girls thwarted a terror attack in Morocco.

Caravan migrants are turning on their organizers now that things turned out more difficult than they were told.

TSA goes to all floppy-eared airport-dog force because pointy-eared dogs were seen as too scary for children. As a nation we will do better when we learn to embrace little amygdala-training stimuli here and there, especially for the youth.

Netanyahu dissolves Parliament and schedules snap elections in April. Might he think there will be something different by that time which will affect the elections in his favor?

We are boycotting Toblerone because they went and had their crappy honey-nut-chocolate certified Halal. Callebaut is the best chocolate, far better than Ghirardelli, IMO. You can get it in small expensive lots in the US in foil covered Russel Stover hollow chocolate Santas at Christmas, or get it cheap and in bulk in the “Pound-Plus” bars sold under the Trader Joe’s brand name.

Faced with images of conflict, such as Police pointing loaded guns at the Yellow Vests, rabbits in France call for Macron to step down.

University says a student’s “Fuck Nazis” sign was not inclusive enough for the University environment. Nazis now get special diversity protections, and inclusivity. Trump supporters, not so much now, but how much farther behind the Nazis can we be?

Trump sees fighting for his promises as a winning play, while his enemies see in it the chaos that will destroy him. A good summary of the difference in outlooks between r and K. The K strategists sees the fight as the way to win, while the r’s see fighting as the path to ruin. I would love to be inside Trump’s head. He is almost like the comic book hero the Shadow, who was known for his power to cloud the minds of his enemies. He creates two realities, the one he and his followers see, which usually seems to work out very well when used for planning, and the reality his enemies see, which always seems to be exactly wrong, and leads them to ruin. Hillary deciding Trump and his followers were so bad that she would label them the Deplorables is one example. She was sure the reality was that the label would stick, and carry her to victory. Does he create that split purposely somehow by amping up amygdalae of his enemies? Does he present some subconscious information which only leftists flag and pick up on? Is it just some innate aspect of his manner? If it is purposeful I hope he puts in down on paper so others can maybe find a way to do it themselves one day.

GoFundMe for Trump’s border wall hits $16 million.

Tell others about r/K Theory, and Merry Christmas

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6 years ago

Merry Christmas! Thanks for all that you do.

6 years ago

The Federal Reserve, like our Bank of England, is a private corporation that was set up to lend money to Government at interest. They created that debt out of thin air. It’s not backed by anything tangible. It’s time they privatised the losses on their balance sheets, instead of socialising them at the taxpayers’ expense. US and U.K. workers should no longer be held responsible for others’ debts. Why should we be indentured servants for these people?

Let’s not forget that the Treasury can issue its own money at any time. Maybe this proposal to back the dollar with gold is a start:

And who says it has to be Federal Reserve dollar? After all they are only a promise to pay, essentially an IOU not worth the paper they’re printed on.

Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

Unfortunately, the Fed will never be abolished, and Trump knows it. He sniffs his dissatisfaction on Twitter because that substitutes for actual policy in his world.

Shutting down the Fed would symbolize the end of worldwide Jewish hegemony, and most anyone who’s dared such a thing in the past hasn’t seen another birthday. What is this, our nation’s third central bank? We keep knockin’ ’em down, (((they))) keep settin’ ’em back up.

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

Many, if not most, of the commentators and analysts that I have seen are saying that there is little objective reason for the Fed to be raising interest rates as they are currently doing. Commodity prices and oil are both down at present and the yield curve is close to flat. Outside the US the global economy is showing signs of slowing, and with markets down here it makes no sense to be pushing rates higher while at the same time offloading 50 billion a month from their balance sheets.

6 years ago

All best wishes to you AC for your Christmas celebration today. Always good to read your blog every day and contribute occasionally to the debate. We’re a bit ahead of you all on this side of the pond. Santa’s already been and gone 😉

May we all find some hope in whatever 2019 brings.

6 years ago

Merry Christmas and blessings to you. Thanks for your hard work

6 years ago

Sorry AC but hands down the best chocolate is Milka:)

6 years ago

Which way do you think they will hit Spacey — Andy-style heart attack or the full blown robe belt on the doorknob?

6 years ago

Prediction: If Trump really does try to get rid of the Fed, they will try to assassinate him. The history of our country since 1913 has centered around their control of the currency of this country. They had already codified not questioning the federal debt in the 14th Amendment. They will not give up their control without a fight. In fact, you will see them at their most evil and transparent when they try to protect their ownership of our country.

Hal Gore
6 years ago

I’m proud to say that that was the first time I’ve ever seen Kevin Spacey. I have no interest in any of his films.

John Doe
John Doe
6 years ago

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…the Governor of NY purposely made bad policies which smart people who liked freedom would hate so the smart people would leave and allow him to consolidate power. The one thing missing from making a more perfect union is the ability of rural areas to vote to cleave away from cities and form their own states…”

Here’s a way to screw them good. I already penned a long screed on how to take away power from the cities in States that lean RED overall.

Here’s the second part of how we put a stake through the heart of the liberals. All Liberal controlled areas eventually become hell holes so lets help them. Obama packed refugees into Red States by the millions. Do the opposite. We fund this through Housing and Urban Development housing projects like we used to have. Cut back on section 8, maybe even lower the payout that we will pay as we funnel money into building high rise projects. Big 50 story apartment buildings. We can do this cheap if we mass produce them. There’s a Chinese company called the Broad Group that is throwing 30 story buildings up in days. We just copy them. We also use mass produced concrete shells. With severe management of resources we could make the cost of these really cheap. We pack in all the section 8, refugees and welfare people in these buildings and to top it off we place them all in Democrat areas where they are against the wall, for refugees and for mass immigration. Have a vote on these things in Congress. All who vote against stopping this deluge get the high rises. Publicly state that that’s what we will do. We fill up New England, New York, San Fransisco and L.A. with these massive buildings. Any time they complain call them racist. Another thing is the way these would be built is to have large central elevator and utility towers built first. No apartments but once the towers are built you could plug in mass produced apartments. No way to stop it. You could build these super, super fast. Here’s the idea.

It doesn’t mean the apartments couldn’t be nice and fully functional that any decent person would want…if it wasn’t filled with refugees and other nar do wells. By forcefully doing this, controlling voter roles it would totally amplify all our actions. They would be cornered. They would have to either fight or be run over. They have done this to us we should counter. There’s not enough Liberals to control the country if we coral them.

Of course these paces would be hell holes because of the people in them. The old mass towers in Chicago that they tore down were actually not bad apartments for their day. They were just filled with assholes. They blamed the buildings and didn’t elaborate a lot on the residents but architects raved over the buildings when first built as roomy and modern with large outdoor spaces for kids to play. But when the kids are…thugs, you can’t play.

6 years ago
Reply to  Bob
6 years ago

Whoops, it’s Brazil. The crowd’s reaction tho…