News Briefs – 12/22/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

From Q:
Did ISIS form on HUSSEIN’s watch?
Did HUSSEIN take care of business or allow them to expand?
How long did it take POTUS to ERADICATE and DESTROY ISIS?
Why did HUSSEIN attempt to destroy our military (weaken)?
What was the 16-year plan to destroy America?
Why did HUSSEIN install traitors at the highest levels of our Gov’t?
Think DOJ.
Think FBI.
Think C_A.
Think NAT SEC.
Why did HUSSEIN bring people into the WH who HATE AMERICA and what we stand for?
What years did HRC serve as Sec of State?
What years did ISIS expand?

Obama needed to run every drone strike through him to make sure they weren’t killing Cabal assets. And they intended to destroy America because in the end they couldn’t subjugate it. It is mind-blowing stuff.

From the comments – antidepressants can create the effect of “medication spellbinding.” At this point I would wonder if antidepressants could have been an actual designed product of the MK Ultra program, and marketed to the masses to make them more accepting of the narratives provided by the Fake News. Notice how as Obama and Hillary put in place their 16 year plan to destroy America, antidepressant use soared by 65%. Imagine a nation, taking a specially designed MK Ultra drug that “spellbinds them,” and then being fed a carefully constructed controlled news program delivered by actual CIA-controlled agents in the media like Anderson Cooper. Trannnies are wonderful and make great soldiers. Gay adoptions are magical. Muslims from violent regions must be accepted. Police murder people. Women soldiers on front lines is a noble goal. War with XXXXX good. Loyalty to nation bad. Leftism patriotic. Conservatives traitors to Russia. No Borders. And on and on. And before long you actually have a large portion of the populace repeating these same ridiculous assertions and thinking they believe them. And that doesn’t even consider how rendering the population persuadable would affect sales of advertised products produced by Cabal companies. Q said we were being farmed.

Case in point : two Princeton Student Groups hold events maintaining that menstruation is not just a woman’s issue, as it is not only women who menstruate. Does that feel more like semi-rational human beings espousing something even remotely believable, or more like MK-Ultra-lab-rats espousing a bizarre programming which the researchers chose specifically to be certain their mind-control program was working? At this point, reality is so bizarre I would believe anything. And if they are programmable enough to absorb and regurgitate that, if you cracked the code you could make them believe anything.

Democrats are planning to use an obscure law that allows committee heads to demand that IRS furnish them with Trump’s tax returns. I will bet they find an immense amount of charitable giving, and score an own goal, again.

Podesta Group is broke and suing former clients for non-payment, as former clients sue it for non-performance. Again, a sign Trump is not Cabal, and he is doing something behind the scenes.

Muslim migrants who beheaded Scandanavian tourist girls sent the videos and photos to their friends and one of their mothers. Europe is now filled with migrants who hold to that belief system, and have those tendencies.

Roberts sides with liberals, as Supreme Court prevents Trump from enforcing his asylum ban. Kavanaugh sides with Roberts, Alito, and Thomas.

Ukrainian MP’s introduce resolution to declare war on Russia. Ukraine has tried to claim that the US and Britain signed a treaty which promised Ukraine “security assurances,” meaning we would have to defend them from Russian attacks. I wonder if getting out of Afghanistan and Syria are related to any potential plays by Cabal on the horizon.

Flake proposes amnesty for “Dreamers” in the border wall funding fight.

Twitter suddenly locks WikiLeaks, and multiple Wikileaks Staff accounts. Something coming?

UN orders UK to let Assange leave the Ecuadoran Embassy freely. Meaning capturing Assange and bringing him to the US is likely important to the Storm somehow.

When Comey, the President’s FBI Director, briefed the President on the dossier, he failed to inform him it was paid for by the Democrats.

NBC Legal analyst says if Trump can’t be indicted, then they should indict his children, probably to force him to plead guilty to something to save them.

Look at what is trending:

I doubt this is organic. I will bet this is a computer program controlling automated Twitter accounts, designed to program the NPCs to turn on Trump over the shutdown. People do not engage the way people think. You see some loudmouth constantly spoiling for a fight, or even a commenter throwing in their two cents on a blog, but for every one of those, there are millions who say nothing and just lurk. Very few people engage. That is why even a site like 4Chan can be controlled. I’ve lurked for a long time there, but posted only a handful of times. There can be hundreds of thousands of people lurking, but only a few will post. And every one agent sent there, acting as a shill, can simultaneously post as ten different people or more, and they will do it frequently, in a way natural posters will not post, even further skewing the dialog. Everything has to be assumed to be manipulation. Expect more of this activity as the shutdown goes on.

Pelosi confirms Democrat’s first order of business when they take over is new gun control.

A Washington Post Reporter tried to get the Border Wall GoFundMe taken down based off it being racist.

Freeper perusing the now-erased twitter of one of the Scandinavian girls who got beheaded finds she was tweeting a tolerance video supporting migrants. I’m not sure, but this feels very strange, as if there is more to it. Why are these girls seeing their very instinct to survive, and basic common sense overridden. Clearly r/K plays a role, as does amygdala-atrophy. But I am beginning to wonder if there could be more to it. Tyranny is about making people do what their brain tells them they don’t want to do. We know somebody has been doing some pretty wild neurocognitive experiments under the rubric of MK Ultra, to shut off that brain resistance. They did it on an impressive scale, taking over entire mental hospitals and prison wards, administering all sorts of drugs, even leaving people unable to speak, and thinking the researchers were their parents. Could they have found a way to erode amygdala function even more by some other means that can be applied widely to an entire population, affecting a large percentage? I am beginning to wonder if we need to start testing food and city water for neuroactive compounds, and testing the airwaves for some sort of energetic radiation that intoxicates and maybe disables amygdala-function. r/K is the reasonable explanation, and probably the most likely, but I do find myself feeling as if this looks an awful lot like something even more.

Controversial treatment uses young blood to cure aging.

Boise Priest who lived a life of Satanism and Child Pornography is sentenced to 25 years.

An interesting article about an exorcist who stated that things can be cursed by Satanists and then open the door to procession by those who consume them. Two interesting things he mentioned which can carry the curse were drugs, which are cursed by Cartels that offer tributes to Satan to get their shipments through, and porn, which is produced by pornographers who are often practicing Satanists. It is an interesting area because you have trained medical/psychological professionals from Ivy League schools who began as skeptics, but after attending exorcisms came out of it believing there is some way in this world that evil intelligences can manifest seemingly out of the ether and affect the world and the people in it.

According to Jason Chaffetz, about $1 Trillion each year out of the US budget is discretionary, and some of that can probably be used to fund things Congress never specifically authorized, meaning theoretically, Trump could grab some of that money and throw it at the Wall.

Lindsey Graham wants to fight for border wall funding.

Yellow Vests plan to mass at Versailles today, Police plan to box them in.

Daniel Greenfield supports pulling out of Syria and Afghanistan and spending the money on the wall. May be exactly what we are doing.

Mohammed Bin Salman sends replacement troops to protect the Kurds from any Turkish operations against them. Must not have liked Turkey trying to hang him out to dry over Khashoggi.

Go here, scroll to the top, and read down, about all the evidence indicating that when Obama fired Flynn, Flynn used the firing to build a cover as a disaffected spy for hire by our enemies, approach a whole boatload of actors looking to break our laws and influence our government, and then he turned around, refunded their money, and gave all his intel to the whitehats in DIA. He was just a burned spy, and he was there to help.

17 days? Is this a message?

Sounds innocuous, but this take was from Q’s board:

Medfag take on RBG

First, lets look at her history. Pancreatic and Colon cancer. Both have high rates of metastatic spread. She “beat” (spoken more as a prayer by the left than any scientific based assessment) both.

Several items can be taken away from her recent history.

1. She has no predisposing risks for a primary cancer of the lungs. This most likely presents as a secondary metastasis. More likely a recurrence of her pancreatic cancer than colon. The tumors in her lungs were likely discovered on a chest CT taken during her rib fracture treatment. For them to have gone in and taken them out would indicate that they are large and fast growing. They would likely have been detected at her annual checkup otherwise or, if they were small, would have been monitored over the next 6 months to determine if they were concerning and growing rapidly. This indicates to me that they were large and were likely known to be cancerous because other lesions were seen on the bone and in the CT scan.

2. Her fall was into a piece of furniture, not onto the floor. She is active, has the best medical care available, and likely has some mild to moderate osteoporosis. This would not account for the fracture. Given the location and degree of trauma this is likely a pathologic fracture from mets to her bone.

3. Her recent appearance where should had difficulty remembering constitutional facts and had to be reminded could be attributed to her age (85) but also could be early findings of mets to the brain.

4. Likely she has a recurrent pancreatic cancer that has rapidly spread and is most likely a stage IV at this time. 5 year survival is less than 1.5%. Given past history and age you are looking at months, perhaps several weeks. In any event it would be difficult or impossible for her to serve in the next court session.

UK claims two were arrested over the drone chaos that shut down Gatwick airport.

But experts speculated that the drone chaos was a coordinated attack by multiple people with multiple drones to overcome battery limitations, with PhD level electronics knowledge, to hack their professional drone (which was five times the size of a normal drone), to disable “geofencing,” and to rewire the transmitters and receivers to use 3G cellphone radio control instead of regular radio, which the Police can jam.

French Blue Vest protestors grind passport control to a halt as Police align with Yellow Vest protestors.

French leaders are desperate – Preparing last ditch “Smothering” chemical weapon for deployment around federal buildings to make them No-Go areas for everyone. Good to know the weapon is out there, and that you need to bring an air supply or filtration if you want to operate in that environment.

Intel officer behind the release of classified UFO encounter accounts last year says pretty big news is coming in 2019. If some big reveals come, hopefully it will be clear that they came from President Trump’s transparency and trust for the people – and that they had been withheld because of the old guard’s distrust of a public they viewed as their enemy.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because Trump gave up his 17 day vacation, and he would only do that if what was coming would be worth it

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6 years ago

==Internet shills driving narratives for lurkers:==

Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and 4chan to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>”Israel’s Internet Censorship War – If Americans Knew”
>”The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations”
>”JIDF Editing on Wikipedia”
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>”Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech”
>”Defamation” – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

6 years ago

My gut tells me a UFO bombshell would create a greater diversionary impact on John Q Public than what Q will reveal about The Plan. Because John Q Public has been desiring the UFOs to be real since the 40s. Whereas The Plan, they do not desire it.
Translation: the UFOs are fake but make Excellent cover for the cabal.
Who wins this War? The one with the bigger bombs.

6 years ago

Pelosi going for gun control struck me as a pathological need to engage in political conflict. Then, her attacking with that issue struck me as a naked use of power. As I read Q, r’s in power are crazier than the emotional triggers explain. If gun violence can trigger democratic legislation against American gun owners, don’t our enemies know that? Can’t all the emotion in politics these days be used by foreign powers to sow discord in the domestic body politic? Exactly how it’s going now.

Trump appears to be playing for keeps this time. It’s obviouse he was gaslighting Pelosi while talking trash to Schumer. Trump / Republicans failed to use naked power and political aggression to fund the wall. This try is an escalation and the timing is interesting. It’s blown the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax off the front page. I don’t see the path to Trumps end in the Senate. Nobody does. Dems won’t cave. Republicans there are no help. So, what is the government shutdown good for? I have no idea but it has the media’s attention right now. Misdirection like the magicians hot assistant. I really hope the rabbit gets pulled out of their ass while POTUS holidays at Mara Largoduring this shutdown. That would be a great Christmas gift to his base.

6 years ago

Also one should ask here at this blog, does a UFO “reveal” serve the Cabal’s cause? I say it does, whether aliens exist or not. It doesn’t matter if they’re real, it matters what the public thinks, and if what they think protects or harms the cabal.
I personally think they do not exist because I cannot reconcile it with what I know about Christ. It makes no sense in the story of Christ (it serves no purpose I can think of) and is unnecessary in a story that makes perfect sense without it (that man is the reason for the Cosmos). The addition of “aliens” to that story (or any story of our origin) only makes it more complicated, requires more time than the 14billion years the Cosmos has been evolving toward Man, and makes it less likely than if Christ is who he says he is. If aliens exist, then Christ is a liar.
Would the Cabal want the public to think Christ is a liar (whether He is or isn’t)?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Thanks AC. I’m probably not explaining myself well enough. Let me put it this way, the more I learn of Christ and Christian theology the more logical that narrative crystallizes, whereas my former interests in alien and alien lore (I was a young teen in the 70’s — we were saturated in it) becomes less mature and illogical. According to Christ, Man is central. God does not experiment in the manner that we do.
The fact that many accounts of alien experiences which sound alike is not persuasive, given what I know about human nature and desire for attention via envy. If they sounded different I’d find them more persuasive.
Over the years scientists have developed formulas for trying to get a handle on the odds of life forms existing in other places in the universe. Over the years the formulas have been improved but at the same time the odds have only gotten worse. I think I ran across one such result a few years ago that showed the odds of our own life form being possible at all has passed zero which is to say that even We should not exist. Adding aliens to that equation only makes matters worse. I say, greatly so.
With that said, I would need much more than a video (even a high tech Cabal funded video) to convince me they exist.
See where I’m going here? I’m gonna need to meet and interact with an alien + will need that alien’s and Christ’s story to intertwine somehow, logically, (and Beautifully) without contradicting the New Testament. For even the New Testament does not contradict the Old Testament.
That’s a mighty tall order, that I think the “these people are stupid” Cabal are not capable of.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

“I have seen things that gave me almost more an awareness than a faith.”

Would you mind sharing some of these things, AC? Your perspective on matters is pretty unique, and while you talk about God as a reality on occasion, you don’t share much about your religious beliefs/spiritual experiences. I think a fair amount of your readers (like me) are Christians of one variety or another and would appreciate you opening up on these matters.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I had a similar “warm” experience at the time of my awakening which was when I was 41 (now 53). I was raised Catholic but I was not engaged. It was not intellectually engaging then but I remained open minded about it. Was never anti-faith, more agnostic I suppose. If anything merely indifferent. Anyway, I did not come to faith via an intellectual experience, deduction, or logic, and so forth. That came AFTER the awakening experience. It went something like this. I was reading a blog and found a profoundly shocking mistake in my thoughts and decisions about a particular concept — which rattled me to the core (the concept is not the importance part of the story, merely that it was personally important to me). When I read it, it was like it was a live conversation directly with me. I blushed, all over my body in embarrassment (this was embarrassment before God, as it turns out) and this was immediately followed by a “warm” presence (I was alone in my den at the time) a presence of more than one living person (or spirit – or whatever you want to call it when you realize by mistake that you are not alone) and the warmth (though I didn’t call it that) but was a clear feeling that the spirit was letting me know it was alright. Like many had made the same mistake. No visual experiences of any kind. I attribute the presence to be angels or one angel. Perhaps one assigned to me.
So the warmth was forgiveness.
I was never the same since and the experience began a burst of intellectual study of all things Christian Theology and flurry of writing literary fiction that has lasted over 10 years now. Two things I’d never saw coming. Or rather, three things. I was transformed.
Now, one other thing about the experience (which is good, though sounds bad when you first hear it). The church fathers and others will tell you (the ones worth their salt) to not make anything of such experiences. It doesn’t mean you’re special. Many terrible things have come from people who think they are chosen. What’s important about the experience comes later (or it doesn’t). If you want to know if it was genuine, look for the fruit it produces.
I don’t believe every experience I hear. There are different types of experiences. I don’t know what to make of them, but because I know there is at least one real one, and that this is not playtime down here, I maintain a healthy skepticism of all of them. The Truth deserves nothing less. I hope that makes sense. And on the other hand, when AC says “warmth” I know what he is talking about but struggles to describe perfectly. “Like knows like”.

Reply to  Rick
6 years ago

Why do we refer to Adam and Eve being forced out of the Garden of Eden as the “Fall of Man”? Does the Bible tell us that Eden was on Earth?

Reply to  Brickbat
6 years ago

I don’t believe the word Earth was used the way we think of it today. I’m almost certain the Old Testament predates the word Earth (as a planet among others). But Man being central to The Story, and the World being central to the Cosmos, it merely suffices to use the word World or firmament (as different from the Heavens) which Eden was merely a place within the World. The World being (in my mind) almost synonymous with “everything except the Heavens.” But one could make the argument that Eden was in Heaven. God made both of them so both could be physical “places”. But I tend toward the interpretations that are less literal and more Universally True rather than true in this or that case (historic, facts, scientistic).

6 years ago

An alien reveal would be to crucify Christ all over again (in the hearts and mind of Man). Which is also to say, that in the first case, it was I think the lowest point in Man’s evolution (what is worse than Man crucifying God?). Therefore, an alien reveal would be, in all the aspects that matter, perfectly Anti-Christ in behavior; and a second absolute low point in Man’s evolution toward God. Sounds just like the Cabal I know.
Fortunately, the last lowest point was immediately followed by Man’s highest point (Christ is risen).
So we got that goin for us, which is nice.

6 years ago

Do you think ufos may be linked to demonic entities. Their appearances seem to coincide with mutilation and sexual violation despite their advanced technologies and seem to react negatively to the name of Jesus.

People who experience ufos and aliens seem to have commonly dabbled in the occult previously as well.

Reply to  info
6 years ago

I do not. I think it is less likely that demons would be material beings. I think it is in alignment with traditional theological thought that demons are “non-beings” with “being” being an aspect of goodness or creatures or creations of God. The demon’s envy of not having “beingness” could explain much of their behavior to “capture” beings, if not explain all of it.
With that said, a demon’s influence on a being (in this case, on a person) could be to make the being think he is experiencing reality when in the presence of a demon (spirit). He is a trickster, after all.

Reply to  Rick
6 years ago

Oh and I am not a female. You are wrong in so many ways I forgot that one. Congratulations.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

There is a computer scientist by the name of Jacques F. Vallee who wrote some interesting books where he was convinced that UFO’s were real but not alien. He also believed they were part of an attempt to redirect the course society was taking. He never would say exactly what he thought the new course might be.

Reply to  rogerlocke
6 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Lozl … squid ink from (((Rick))). Long-time shill at CH. Just ignore her. She’ll go back and Cappy will give her a spankin’

Reply to  Inlikeme
6 years ago

This has happened to me once before here. There is something wrong with you. You should be aware that there is more than one person with the name of Rick in the universe.
I have never posted at CH. I am not Jewish. You can’t tell from my comments that I am Christian?
How am I a shill? My point is that the alien phenomenon is more likely a Cabal op. I gave a number of reasons for thinking I may be right. I don’t think that AC and I are not on the same page by very much. I in essence said it’s not impossible aliens exist, just not as likely as it being a Cabal op, which I never considered until I began reading here a number of months ago (compliments to AC).
You don’t make any sense. And you seem to be triggered by the name Rick. That’s all it takes. This should concern you more than me.
Which of us sounds more rational?
I don’t know what’s wrong with you, all I know is I can’t help you.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I recommend you read through this:

The red flags is when those aliens promotes ideas that are new agey and are anti-Christian. The abductees seem to have been inducted more and more away from God and Christ.

6 years ago

AC, with regard to the spike in antidepressant use and the 16 year plan to destroy America, have you seen this article….? Anheuser Busch exploring cannibus laced drinks with a Canadian company.

So if you cannot disarm the people, MK ultra some, get a massive amount hooked on prescription drugs (notice how many drug commercials are on tv?) and for those who are left, especially the men, try impairing them with cannibus thru their use of beer!

I also noticed something new: hard liquor advertising on tv. The latest: women drinking hard liquor (Jim Beam) sitting at a bar by themselves (sad! Pathetic!). And another Jim beam commercial celebrating a lesbian “wedding”.

The assault on the family unit, and on the stability of the traditional home, the attempted obliteration of k males and biblically submissive, help-mate females, the promotion of everything else sinister, despicable, shameful, disgusting and anti-traditional family is nonstop and gets more outrageous by the month.

Reply to  Cinderellaspeaks
6 years ago

**the article refers not to cannibus infused beer but non-alcoholic cannibus infused drinks. However, I don’t they would ever expand the market to popular beers, would they?🙄

Mountain Farmer
Reply to  Cinderellaspeaks
6 years ago

If you want to be free, stop watching TV.

6 years ago

Thank you for these news aggregations and your accompanying comments! One of my first web visits in the morning and I always look forward to them. Merry Christmas AC!

6 years ago

“…Kavanaugh sides with Roberts, Alito, and Thomas.”

Gorsuch, not Roberts.

Merry Christmas, AC, all the best to you and yours! Here’s to a propitious 2019.

6 years ago

Keep up the good fight AC and thank you for your efforts.

I think this Boise Priest must have had something in his water for a long time.

“””Faucher bragged to Bruno about how easy it had become to lie: “It felt good to lie for no good reason except to do it … Most of the time, I just make a new reality and believe it as long as it suits me.”””

6 years ago

Dude. Seek help. Seriously.

6 years ago

Regarding the Scandinavian girls:

“Why are these girls seeing their very instinct to survive, and basic common sense overridden….”

AC, you must not have any children in the public school system. It doesn’t matter the country – kids are -bombarded – – daily- and in EVERY subject these very harmful and twisted ideas of gender questioning, all the people of the world are good, everyone is equal, social justice crap, climate change and on and on. Bombarded. Teachers with work this crap into math word problems even, or are told they must do this and fed the curriculum to present this to students on a daily basis. It is disgusting.

6 years ago


6 years ago

Golly! Looks like it’s time to let the Tomahawks fly into France, amirite? I mean, alleged chemical weapons attacks on civilian citizens were the casus belli for doing a couple of Pearl Harbor jobs on Syria, so the precedent has been set. I anticipate seeing Orly airport cratered and the Elysee Palace in flames.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
6 years ago

Yellow vest protests spread across Canada, and have been building rapidly over the past 3 weeks. The level of support from cars and trucks driving by was amazing.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
6 years ago

Yellow vests in Canada:

The moderator says that comments on YouTube are in the mod queue, and vanishing before he is even able to moderate them, in front of his eyes. YouTube is seriously censoring the Yellow Vest movement.