News Briefs – 12/15/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

FBI misses deadline to provide documents on whistleblower raid to Senate committee investigating it. Q has said the raid was a legit effort to safeguard evidence and the Clinton’s prosecution, though absent that it would have looked like some sort of retribution. You can see the approach of K in the way everyone just disregards rules, deadlines, and orders. Taken to the extreme, this type of amygdala-activity on everyone’s part would mean you would never be able to get anyone to do anything absent the application of force of violence. We are heading there.

Rosenstein will not allow Flynn interrogator to testify, likely because he is sympathetic to Flynn.

Father of sick migrant girl who died in custody had concealed her illness from authorities for seven hours, as she died.

Mueller scrubbed Peter Strzok’s texts, after determining unilaterally that none were important, before giving the phone to DOJ’s IG.

Sinaloa Cartel Fentanyl lab busted in City Hall.

Google filtered Western News out of google News Search results. It sounds like a little thing, but to a small website that is probably already barely worthwhile financially, this can be the killshot. This is how Cabal sees to it that when you look for news, the only sites will be Cabal-operated sites.

Google is buying off Establishment Conservatives to lobby against government regulations.

The US has spent almost $6 Trillion on the War on terror.

New Video game lets you be Trump, Jesus, or Putin, and the goal is to kill Leftists, SJWs, and Feminists who are trying to implement the New World Order. Funny shot of Putin and Trump hanging a neon-haired lefty off of a building:

Study – Feminists think Sexist men are sexier than feminist men. Read Heartiste, and you knew it from years back.

France threatens a town with a fine of 2,000 Euros a day if it will not take down a Nativity scene.

Swedish leftists propose moving those who do not support multiculturalism out of the nation. r-strategists are psychologically pre-integrated with the foreign societies they are designed to migrate to when things turn harsh. When they do not migrate, what you end up with is a psychology predisposed to being traitor. Here, notice how they are creating the world they are designed for. Normally they would migrate to the foreign nation, but here, absent the financial mover to motivate migrating, they seek to import the foreigners, and export their fellow tribespeople, creating exactly the world they are designed for.

Clinton now claims under oath she had a private server for purposes of convenience. As if being given a government email account is harder to set up than an entire private server.

Three days ago German firefighters entering a house encountered a woman with a high fever who was acutely ill, and she just happens to mention she just came from an area endemic with Ebola. No word on what came of it, but still illuminates the wonders of diversity.

Mueller’s probe has cost more than $25 million so far.

Drake has been threatening Kanye. The last guy who Drake got sideways with was XXXtentation, who tweeted out this pic (NSFW) one night and was shot dead in an ambush attack the next day.

Venezuelans lament that they let the government outlaw their ownership of firearms.

Obama pushed for gun control “for Trayvon,” as he accepted a Robert F. Kennedy Ripple of Hope award. You can’t make this shit up.

Almost 30% think Santa should be redone as a female, or “gender-neutral.” Remember, this is all a spectrum, so there will come a day when they will demand a drag queen Santa. Don’t ask what he will be making the Elves do.

Judicial Watch releases documents showing that after Trump won, the Obama administration hurriedly researched classified information on Trump’s team and gave it to members of the Senate. Republican Bob Corker was apparently one of Obama’s trusted agents who got a copy.

For the Archives, an early copy of Conspiracy of Silence, a banned and disappeared documentary about a pedophile ring operating at the highest levels of government.

Comey bragging on how he got Michael Flynn“Something… I probably wouldn’t have done or maybe gotten away with in a more organized investigation — a more organized administration. In the George W. Bush administration, for example, or the Obama administration… in both those administrations there was process. And so we placed a call to Flynn, said, hey, we’re sending a couple of guys over. Hope you’ll talk to them. He said, sure. Nobody else was there. They interviewed him in a conference room in the Situation Room, and he lied to them. And that’s what he’s now pled guilty to.” “What did he think they were coming over there for?” Wallace asked Comey. “I don’t think he knew,” Comey replied. “I know we didn’t tell him.” Flynn was the top spook at DIA. No way he fell into that. Trump winning 2016 makes me think he had high-level intel help. There was just too much fraud and corruption and control on Hillary’s side. If he did have high-level military intel help, then Comey and company would have also been under high-level surveillance themselves once Trump had won. You can see how that would change things – if “Trump’s Team” had a heads up Comey was going to try this, and how he intended to do it, they could take the enemy’s attack, and not only defend against it, but turn it into an attack of their own. Surveillance changes everything. We do not know exactly what is going on, but there is reason for hope. There are a lot of things that do not make sense in the media’s narrative.

DIA holds documents that may exonerate Flynn.

Violence erupts as arsonists burn nearly 80% of the voting machines ahead of the Congo’s elections. Interesting, given that is where the present Ebola outbreak seems to be cooking, and setting the stage for a pandemic one day. Is Cabal in control there?

Biden looks to join forces with Beto for 2020.

Hillary’s election operation hired Christopher Steele in preparation for challenging the results of the 2016 election based on Russian collusion. They were really desperate once Trump won.

Bill Gates will launch balloons in 2019 to test a method to release chemicals into our atmosphere that will mimic globe-cooling volcanic material.

Authorities roll up a human trafficking ring that supplied imported foreign prostitutes to Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire. Can’t tell if they are Chinese Nationals, but the imported girls appeared to be Chinese. No idea if that relates to Cabal’s China infiltration or is a coincidence.

Trump releases a video filled with clips of Pelosi, Schumer, and Obama calling for border security and limits on illegal immigration.

Congress passed a bill which means members with sexual harassment settlements will have to pay for them out of pocket.

Investigators tell Congress that the Clintons may owe taxes on hundreds of millions of dollars.

Esquire editor is actually angry that he cannot hate Ted Cruz as easily now that Cruz looks so much better with a beard.

Weekly Standard shuttered. Interesting that Bill Kristol seemed to know instantly that The Donald being elected would be bad news for him. If things were as they seemed, he should have gone hyper-MAGA to build his readership and subscriptions, and with all the drama, this period should be a boom period for the brand. But things were not as they seemed, and he saw it coming. There are people who see a totally different world out there. It is so fascinating to realize everything you know is a lie, and people you would think are less intelligent were better informed, and knew truths you could not imagine.

California has moved up its Presidential nominating contest, making it now like New Hampshire on steroids for the Democrats. We really need to convince Ocasio Cortez that now is the time to run for President, before she amasses a record that can be used against her, and while she is still a blank slate that people can read their personal desires into. She could win California by a landslide as a Millenial Latino Feminist Socialist, and then face The Donald in the General. If we could just get Avenatti as a Third Party candidate, that might end up being even more entertaining than 2016’s mélange of Hillary’s seizures, facial tics, and amygdala hijacks when confronted with The MAGAnificence of The Donald.

Egyptian President says migration is not a human right. Now we hear the truth begin to be spoken. But is it because K is taking hold, or because the Bilderberg meeting decided it was time for a rightward political swing.

Louie Gohmert hammers Google for making SPLC a “Trusted Flagger” on YouTube.

Superbowl cannot find performers for its halftime show because performers don’t want to be associated with an unpatriotic brand in these times, as things turn K.

Nicaragua raids offices of five NGOs, claiming they were plotting an overthrow. You can feel the game board tipping back and forth all over the world as something goes on behind the scenes.

Reporters are talking about exciting drama ad the Federal Courthouse that is related to a case they cannot identify, but which appears connected to Mueller in some way:

ICE deported 250,000 illegals, 6,000 of them gang members, in 2018.

Mulvaney is in as Chief of Staff. He is being hired as an “acting” chief, which means Cabal now has to decide whether to go all in on coverage, at a minimum cost of millions, and maybe have a new person assume the role next week, meaning everything was wasted. Or they can wait, and maybe have him serve indefinitely in the position without coverage. Too funny. I can see the guy running all of the Cabal surveillance ops shaking his head as he lets it sink into his hands, wondering how he is going to figure out how to best allocate their dwindling resources now.

France readies tens of thousands of Police for the second wave of the Yellow Vest protests.

Macron had an escape helo on standby during the Yellow Vest protests. He knows how those types of things have ended in the past in France.

Yellow Vest protests reach Israel.

British Yellow Vest protests spread, occupy Westminster, Tower, and Waterloo Bridges.

Obamacare may be done, and it shows Trump is the Stealth Bomber:

The Kansas Financial Stress Index is decreasing. And yet, Bank of America says the Stock Market exodus is the second biggest ever. It is interesting how Trump is supercharging the economy, jobs are everywhere, and citizens are ecstatic. People are making more money, the metrics show all the improvements. And yet the Fed, as well as some unseen hand behind the market is still tanking the Stock Market periodically to try and slow down the growth at the very moment when everyone should want to get in on the coming economic expansion by buying stocks.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because I do not think Q will announce the day

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6 years ago

Ironic that Congress decides that sexual harassment perpetrators have to pay out of their own pockets but Trump paying Stormy is a crime.

Almost as bad as Michael Cohen pleading that Trump made him do it!

6 years ago

Sundance has a good post about Obama’s intelligence team wiretapping the WH. After Comey had dinner with Trump in the Green Room, the room was stripped back to the stud walls and Trump tweeted that ‘gold’ was found in the walls.

6 years ago

Jim Quinn points out that with all the chem trails, the only reason this so called experiment to block out the sun is being announced now it to cover up the fact it has been ongoing for a long time.

6 years ago

II think that Bilderberg “insider” post at the chans was just a troll. The facts speak for themselves. The majority of countries have just signed up for the UN’s Global Compact For Migration. It’s quite obvious to me that there is an attempt to simply flood white countries with non-whites. It’s that simple.

The “tell” that the post was a troll was the comment “I’m going to move to Australia for a year.” Australia already has harsher asylum laws that anywhere in the West. A liberal would not be moving there to escape supposed harsher immigration laws being introduced everywhere else in the West.

Mountain Farmer
Reply to  Jonesy
6 years ago

Jonesy, I think you may be right about that post Anonymous Conservative made on November 12, 2018,

“But then I keep coming back to that 4Chan post by the aide at the Bilderberg meeting that said they had decided to take every country rightward, and undo the immigration debacle because they feared where this current path is leading. Is this a natural K-shift, or is Cabal trying to get ahead of where it is heading?”

It doesn’t make sense to me either for them to start supporting K leaders. Because K is naturally going to be anti-Cabal. It seems they would fight to the death to keep supporting all the r destruction of Western Civilization.

Then if they fail, they wait in the background until r rises again.

6 years ago

Re: the unaired documentary. Thank you for bringing my attention to the “Franklin cover-up.” I had never heard of the case before, but I have now purchased John DeCamp’s book.

Five years ago I would’ve dismissed such a claim—the existence of an extensive ring of elite political-media-corporate Satanic pedophiles—as ridiculous on its face. But then there was PizzaGate and Spirit Cooking, and then Trump’s entrenched Deep State enemies, and Q of course, and the plausibility structures have changed.

God help us.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Yeah, that’s probably true. The private investigator on the case, Gary Caradori, hired by then Nebraska State Senator Loran Schmit, wrote to then Nebraska Secretary of State Alan Beerman that “We—my employees and myself—have been followed and questionable situations have arisen during this investigation. Threatening situations have arisen numerous times.” He phoned Senator Schmit in early July 1990 to tell him that he’d acquired ironclad evidence against the culprits, but was killed days after in a plane crash. Local media was complicit in suppressing the initial eyewitness account of seeing a flash of light and hearing an explosion before the plane plunged to the ground.

It's habbening
It's habbening
6 years ago

I have been going down rabbit holes like the Franklin cover up for a few (3) years now. Q is confirming many things and also opening up so much new, frankly, scary territory. I understand the level of embedded evil and corruption and have realized that this is a process. If all of your teeth are rotten- do you pull them at once?! No. You couldn’t eat. This is a multigenerational cabal ( or what you want to call it) and it is being hunted tentacle by tentacle. I am proud to say I trust the plan. That doesn’t mean complacence. That means I support Q, the French people, my local movement, and all those who are awakening to the ugly truth of what we are dealing with. Every word, every story, every parent talking to their kids is part of it. WWG1WGA

Duke Norfolk
6 years ago

Maybe we have to get the Clintons on tax evasion, just like Capone. Or just sink them under the weight of the tax bill; that’ll work too.