News Briefs – 12/07/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Q is still going:
Read carefully.
Why is “The Clinton Foundation” back in the news?


When did POTUS make the statement “Calm Before the Storm?”
When was HUBER activated by SESSIONS?
Who was/is assigned to HUBER?
What was leaked today (on purpose?)?

HUBER to testify re: Clinton Foundation?
HUBER to reveal ‘active’ probe actively underway into organization?
OIG to release report #2 [overview indicating many ‘potentially criminal referrals’ made]?
“We do not discuss active/ongoing DOJ / FBI investigations.”

This article Q linked to is interesting. A group of investigators got together in the private sector, from US Attorneys, to Wall Street compliance experts, to DEA money laundering investigators. They all teamed up to do a deep dive into the Clinton Foundation’s finances and activities, on their own dime, with the hope that they would one day get a reward from the IRS for any fines that were imposed. Good cover story. But all of these guys should have known about Cabal. It is why the Clintons have been untouchable. And nobody from the IRS would have done any investigation if Hillary had won. If I had honestly proposed this to a bunch of professionals who knew how it worked, they would have laughed at the idea Hillary could ever get any fine from the IRS, or even an investigation. But these guys did it, and they did it with perfect timing for the Storm, almost as if they knew things were going to change. Notice in the article, they were even turning friends of Clinton Foundation employees, and then using them as assets to extract information from their friends. That implies to me a bigger operation, with more resources than just a small group of guys. Branching out and running the surveillance and investigations on associates of your primary targets so you can turn them, could get very expensive, and require an unsustainable amount of manpower and resources, very quickly. This sounds bigger and more coordinated than they are making it out to have been.

That material is hundreds of pages of research into foundation finances and activities.

As if that wasn’t enough:

Macron approval rating down to 18%. He could actually cause a lot of leftists to re-evaluate their ideological identity. If they begin to support his opposition, even if just to oppose him personally, they might look honestly at the ideology. And if their opposition is to the immigration, that shift in perspective could really drive them to in-group with the right.

Pelosi rules out any chance of a deal seeking Dreamer legal-status in return for border-wall funding. The optics on this are horrible. It looks like Democrats don’t care about the Dreamers. Trump had already proposed a deal like that way back, that would have helped the poor, suffering Dreamers. But the evil Democrats don’t want them helped – they want them desperate and afraid so they will vote Democrat in every election. I am sure at times Trump wishes his opponents would make it a little harder to win, just to make it interesting.

The extent to which your harvested data jumps from company to company and aggregates. Give your passport (or DL probably) to paypal for verification, and the photo is shipped over to Microsoft and entered into their facial recognition database, whether you want it to or not – and Microsoft has a history of “hackers” getting in and stealing these types of files from them. And then Cabal has it.

A mysterious overnight plunge in equity futures triggered a stock market sell-off on Thursday.

Illegal Immigrant who worked at Trump’s golf course says she is “tired of being humiliated and treated like a stupid person,” so she does interviews with numerous papers attacking Trump’s immigration policy. Amazingly she also says how she found Trump incredibly kind, says he would complement and tip her gratuitously for just doing her job, and when he saw her cleaning a window once which she was too short to reach he stopped what he was doing and cleaned the window for her. And she tells of one of his employees who bent over backward to help her despite her legal status, risking him catching grief as well.

Man unable to see, speak, walk, or breathe after getting a flu shot. Imagine if Cabal owned your doctor, as an asset, and you posed a threat to the machine. They could put anything in that needle, and you would never know.

Bannon has said Don Jr may have introduced his father to Russian operatives. The whole game is the hall of mirrors. Bannon seemed genuine, and yet he was an ex-intelligence officer in exactly the right place when Andrew Breitbart was struck down, able to take over all of Breitbart. And now it looks like Trump got him out, and he may be helping push the Russia narrative. No idea what it all ends up meaning.

Australia passes new cyber-spying law which requires overseas companies like Facebook and Google to bypass encryption for eavesdropping and hide the activities of Australian government spooks as they operate in their networks. Kind of interesting, because previously I would think Five Eyes would have been good enough. Now, it is as if we are adversaries again – and I do not know how CIA will feel about Facebook being ordered by a foreign country to allow its spooks to operate freely within a US-based company.

Four new emerging STDs which are of concern. A meningitis bacteria that picked up genes from Gonorrhea to spread sexually, Increasingly drug resistant M genitalium (1-2% of the population carries it, mostly in the young, which can produce symptoms like chlamydia), Shigella flexnari (mostly in gays, and causes gastrointestinal upset like E. coli), Lymphogranumola venereum (mostly in gays, invades the lymphatic system and causes all sorts of problems with ulcers and wound healing)

Major midterm elections see much more democrat turnout in Georgia than runoff. It is possible Dems only cared about the midterm. But it is also possible the midterms were important enough to move the fraud machine, and the runoffs were not.

Dems say they may call a new election in North Carolina, because they think the Republican won using fraud.

Colorado’s Hickenlooper gearing up for 2020 Presidential bid. I strongly suspect when CIA moved into Colorado, it used its skills to take over the government there, so it would have excellent control. Therefore, Hickenlooper is probably a CIA-approved candidate, and might even be Cabal-approved, therefore he may be the one on the left to keep your eye on, if the Storm doesn’t rework everything as we know it now.

Avenatti cleaned out by his ex-wife in Divorce settlement. $1.9 million up front, $162,000 per month, and he has to give up a 2017 Ferarri 488Gt Spider that he is leasing, which I assume means he has to keep up the payments as his ex drives around in it.

Protests are getting crazy:

Italy requires Nativity scenes and crucifixes in all classrooms. This is how you avoid the French problem.

Turning point in AI – Computer shows human like intuition, and begins developing new chess strategies never before seen.

As K takes hold in Central America, street justice takes over. As these killings take off, they quickly overwhelm police, and the next thing you know, only one in ten murders are even solved, and most of those murders are spur of the moment, heat of passion, idiot murders. In that environment, I have to think SJWs would tread more carefully.

Ecuadoran ambassador says UK government has given it enough assurances that Assange would not be extradited to a country for a death penalty case, that Ecuador feels he can now leave the embassy safely. Assange could be Cabal, or he could have been Cabal and gotten sideways with them. Whatever the case, I assume Trump is in control. Interesting this broke a day after Q had scheduled things in the Storm to heat up.

Members of Clinton Foundation associated-law firm indicted on Conspiracy to Defraud the United States, Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud, Conspiracy to Commit Tax Evasion, Wire Fraud, and Money Laundering Conspiracy.

College men are waging a war on pornography. Interesting that as the K-shift approaches, we see men on the right trying to remold the world into the dopamine-starved world of K they are programmed to expect, just as r-strategists try to remold the world into the environment of safety, ease, and plenty they expect.

Police seize more than 800 pounds of marijuana, cocaine, Xanax, ecstasy and liquid steroids, as well as handguns, a rocket launcher and $600,000 in San Jose raid. The FBI Files actually said the Hell’s Angels used a LAW Rocket to blow up a rival club’s clubhouse once.

The US murder rate is on track for a big drop. Imagine Cabal was allied with street gangs, and protected them from local law enforcement and prosecutions. Those gangs would not just be killing for Cabal. They’d be running roughshod in their neighborhoods, planting bodies like daffodils. Suddenly Trump comes in and takes them all out of circulation. This is what you would see.

Facebook’s value plunges $9.5 Billion, supposedly off of released documents showing anti-competitive business practices. But if you were Cabal and knew it was going down, you would arrange the leak as a cover for your dumping stocks.

Elizabeth Warren’s advisors are urging her to apologize for her DNA test stunt, probably because her internals show it was a disaster. She will never do it – she is shameless. But now all Trump has to do is say she is shameless (which implies she should have shame), and the public is primed to see her as shameful, according to the polling.

Ted Cruz and others introduce a bill to fund the $25 billion border wall immediately.

Student protests alongside the Yellow Jackets intensify.

High School Students do not trust the News Media, and do not even bother watching it, preferring online news sources. I’ll bet it is even better than that. They consider /pol a News Source. (Which it is, but merely contemplating the idea of that will cause mass media to pass out all over the world.) We need to meme /pol as the hip source of news which only the cool kids have the balls to visit.

USGS discovers largest continuous oil and gas resources ever.

Trump to roll back Sage Grouse protections to spur oil and gas exploration.

US now a net exporter of crude. Here is a thought. Cabal amped all of this up now because they thought after China took us over they could just milk this freely and all of that profit would be their’s. Enter Trump and Q freeing us. But the oil train was already moving too fast to be stopped, so now we get the freedom and the oil.

Spread r/K Theory, because it is looking like Hillary is not above the law anymore.

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6 years ago

I’ll bet it is even better than that. They consider /pol a News Source. (Which it is, but merely contemplating the idea of that will cause mass media to pass out all over the world.) We need to meme /pol as the hip source of news which only the cool kids have the balls to visit.

I bet that if you looked, Pew News would be the most respected news source for High Schoolers. Imagine their surprise when they find out that CNN has some woman calling herself Poppy Harlow just to ride on Pewd’s coat tails.

6 years ago

Another sign of peak degeneracy from Los Angeles:

6 years ago

Barr in at AG? Lifetime swamp creature (Columbia U., The Company, Poppy Bush’s AG).

General Kelly out? Bye-bye Semper Fi.

Can’t Trump find any MAGA loyalists? Why wasn’t Gulianin the AG from the start? Why wasn’t Kris Kobach at DHS? Whatever happened to Sheriff Clarke? Instead, Trump is surrounded by Establishment retreads.

6 years ago

A lot of those STDs are from Asia. High temperature, faster evolution.
Prostitutes should be put down, diseased dogs are.