News Briefs – 12/06/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

More Q Posts:
“After Mr. Priestap’s departure, none of the high-ranking bureau officials involved in the two investigations will remain with the bureau.”
Follow the names on the list provided [update].
Nothing To See Here.


POTUS FLOTUS not participating in this evil.

One man, who gave up everything, risking his life (himself/family), to fight for & defend, We, the PEOPLE.
Bait expends ammunition.
EVIL has no place here.

Q then points out we appear to be back on for Dec 13th:
Will another attempt to ‘delay’ be made?
Delay > > > D’s control House?
Move and countermoves.
See something.
Say something.


Long meetings held within a SCIF [unusual] usually indicate something ‘highly important’ was discussed [planned]?


The ‘blue checkmark’ FAKE NEWS Twitter personalities are out in full-force today attempting to push another FALSE narrative that arrests were supposed to occur today.
Controlled Narrative?
How much attention does “Q” receive from the FAKE NEWS MEDIA?
Why are they working so hard to try and discredit something they label as a “FAKE CONSPIRACY.”
People awake are what they FEAR THE MOST.

What do you want for XMAS?

Then a rundown of how the FBI upper leadership has just been fully purged:
It’s all just a CONSPIRACY.
Nothing To See Here.
Nothing is happening.


What happens when they lose control and the TRUTH is exposed?

Interesting body language from Jenna Bush’s husband in the youtube of Bush’s funeral:

That is an expression of extreme anger mixed with a sense of defeat. It was incongruous with the uplifting part of the speech W was giving, where he talked about how optimistic his father was. Jenna had appeared quite hostile when Mike Pence began to speak as Bush was laid in State at the Capitol:

Jenna’s husband works for Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, a hedge fund/investment group. I can’t help but wonder if he entered the family business, and now the Storm is going to hit quite close to home for him and Jenna, herself the daughter of a former CIA director who works in the mainstream media as a correspondent for NBC. Either the Storm is about to hit quite close to home, or he was read in on what has really gone on behind the scenes and he is livid about Bush senior having to take one for the team.

The interesting case of the ATF agent who infiltrated the Hell’s Angels, and was hung out to dry by his leadership as criminals firebombed his house and threatened his entire family. When do you ever see a Federal LE Agent hang out one of his own, let alone hang him out to the mercy of criminals? Here is how I see it. Cabal domestic intel will not allow a gang like Hell’s Angels to just float around out there doing its own thing. It needs to be taken over and subsumed into the network. We are sold the myth that there are criminal gangs, and Law Enforcement, and the two are locked in perpetual battle. On the surface, where you have beat cops and Feds like Dobbins, and ground level thugs in the gangs, it is kind of true. But Cabal intel is also out there, operating parallel operations, and it is manipulating events so assets it controls throughout the gangs rise in the hierarchy and ultimately control the gangs. And since it controls Law Enforcement, there is really only one player running the entire show on both sides. Join Hell’s Angels, rise through the ranks, and try to gain the top spot leading the gang. If you are independent, and get that top spot, you will not be there for long. Either you will catch a bullet, or legit Feds will have a case on you dropped in their lap. And when that happens, your second in command will almost certainly be Cabal, ready to take your place the moment you are gone. And once he is in, Cabal will protect him, because they don’t want the risk or trouble of losing their asset and having to find a replacement and guide him to power. Guys like Dobbins are a part of legit elite-level intel ops which might just have enough OpSec that Cabal can’t reliably contain them. I think what is happening to him is likely exactly like what is happening to the NYPD detectives who tried to take down Weinstein. It is a message that you don’t want to rock the boat too much these days. Have no doubt, the machinery is out there to see the attacks on him coming and stop them, and to deal with the perpetrators afterward (without even court involvement) to make sure it never happened again. If his fellow agents controlled that machinery he would be able to sleep like a baby at night. I hope the Storm frees him, and gives him some security.

Republican Congressional Campaign Committee hired DNC-Company Crowdstrike to perform cyber security, had all their emails stolen in a hack, and didn’t find out until they hired another vendor who detected the hack. Again, if you want to steal secrets from somebody you approach them as somebody who wants to help them keep their secrets.

Former Congressman John Dingell wants to abolish the Senate, because it gives too much power to sparsely populated states, allowing them to stop legislation which would oppress them.

Third Circuit splits, rules that NJ’s magazine ban is legal. Likely going to the Supremes.

Huawei CFO arrested in Canada, will be extradited to US over shipping prohibited technology to Iran and other countries.

The migrant caravan is ruining Tijuana’s tourist industry.

Rand Paul complains that the Deep State Intel agencies are running government and cutting the elected representatives out of the loop by not informing them of anything.

China has blacklisted 15 million people from travel for having low social credit scores. One government official said the goal of the program is to “bankrupt” those who score low. From the article : “Punishments are not clearly detailed in the government plan, but beyond making travel difficult, are also believed to include slowing internet speeds, reducing access to good schools for individuals or their children, banning people from certain jobs, preventing booking at certain hotels and losing the right to own pets.”

Facebook gave other companies free access to all the user data it acquired to curry favor with them and facilitate business deals.

China finagled its way through Shell companies into funding a Boeing communications satellite, and now they are trying to take over the project and possibly get access to the sensitive communications technology which is also used by our military. Any normal weak-kneed, lily-livered, spineless politician leading our nation and I would worry. But not now.

Democrats want to criminalize private gun sales.

As Twitter bans conservatives, pedophiles openly share their sexual attractions to children and younger relatives. It is all about government control.

Former Schumer aide says Democrats will lose the House in 2020 if Impeachment is pursued.

Honduran Goblino who was seen with the Caravan, complaining that the free food was not good enough for her, is now seen in Dallas, as an illegal, dining at a restaurant. She was from a well-to-do family in Honduras, supposedly. And now she flaunts her invasion of our nation online.

Two Marine Corps Aircraft crash off the coast of Japan. As we come up on Zero-Hour, it is like a medley of Cabal’s favorite parlor tricks. I hope the punishments for this are as harsh as they should be.

Supreme Court looks set to end Civil Asset Forfeiture. What is interesting is, the Feds alone took $4.5 billion in 2014 alone. And the article indicates everyone whose property has ever been taken may be able to file to get it back if the Court knocks this down. I have no idea what that will do to State, local, and federal budgets, but I think it safe to say as always, taxpayers are going to be asked to pony up the shortfall.

Interesting – an information debating website produced by Arizona State University runs one article here, and another article here, about how it is almost impossible to commit Treason under the law, because the Founders intended for us to have wildly divergent political desires, and pursue them freely without any fear that our government would treat us as traitors. As a result the intelligent position is that nobody should ever be convicted of treason, unless the government is acting improperly in a partisan fashion against someone who morally opposes its injustice. I thought it was interesting this narrative should crop up just at this point in our history.

Cuba rolls out mobile internet service. Article contains the gem that Google servers were set up in Cuba in 2017, probably around the time North Korea began to slip from Cabal’s grip. If the Sonic Attacker could drive everyone out of Cuba, they could recreate what was lost.

800,000 children go missing in the US every year? Obviously the vast majority will be runaways, but there is still a lot of room for more nefarious activities.

Armstrong says the 2020 election will be the most violent in history. Maybe. But if everyone realizes just how much of an enemy our government was turned into, and how oppressive it was to innocent Americans, maybe not. I see a path where Trump is heralded as a hero by the vast majority – but it will require almost full disclosure. The truth is, if I put myself in Trump’s shoes, I would see no other option. It is that or see everyone in my family hunted down and killed.

One in three physicians born abroad. Cabal’s domestic intelligence recruits heavily among immigrants. I have suspected it dictates who is allowed to immigrate. I will bet a substantial number are assets.

Weekly Standard reportedly going down in December. I strongly suspect the magazine never made enough to support itself, and it probably wouldn’t have if all of them had supported Trump. Nobody subscribes to those magazines when the same stories are free all over the internet. Rather, it pretended to operate by that expected model. But in reality Cabal bought all of the copies up to fund them, so long as Bill Kristol was their man on the inside pushing their narrative on the Conservative public. It puts a whole new spin on his Never-Trumpism, and points to the fact the Cabal may be running very short on cash.

Mueller amps up his investigation into the Podesta Group, and Clinton White House Counsel Greg Craig. I don’t think a Clinton partisan would do that.

104 arrests in Florida for human trafficking, many looking for children.

Broward Election Supervisor Brenda Snipe’s replacement sworn in as she vows to fight her suspension.

Carrier Strike Group to arrive off the coast of Iran by the end of the week.

Mexico’s new President prioritizes the migrant problem.

Spread r/K Theory, because you cannot delay the inevitable forever

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Mountain Farmer
Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

Anon Conservative wrote: “China has blacklisted 15 million people from travel for having low social credit scores.”

Is it true that in general Asians are more K than the white race?

It seems that China is more controlled by evil than the white nations. Why don’t the K’s in China fight back and create a freer society?

I have read from other theories that the White race is the most independent acting/thinking of all races because it is the youngest race. Is the White race the biggest threat to the Cabal?

Reply to  Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

“It seems that China is more controlled by evil than the white nations. Why don’t the K’s in China fight back and create a freer society?” K-selection is predisposition to be good and fight against evil; r-selection is predisposition to tolerate or participate in evil. China bred its peasants toward r-selection for millennia. They tried to do the same to the European population, and have not yet succeeded.

6 years ago

The pic of Jenna Bush’s husband also shows her looking like someone is holding a turd under her nose. Disgusted? Not sure why when no other former President will get the get the kind of send-off Poppy Bush is getting. He was the Cabal’s employee of the Century.

Also, it appears W and Michelle are trading candy again.

6 years ago

Wind-up MKULTRA toy averted on D5:

The cabal seems to have a particular hard-on for Dallas, despite multiple failures. Not sure why they want to hit us so hard.

JFK: Success
Garland Draw Muhammad: Failure
Black Lives Matter Sniper: Success
Colony middle schooler: Failure

6 years ago

See something.
Say something.

Operation TIPS.

6 years ago

Every single person at the RNC who reviewed, recommended, assented and ultimately approved the RNC hiring the DNC affiliated Crowdstrike should be executed for some combination of treason,fraud and terminal stupidity. And that most certainly includes Ronna Romney McDaniels.

At least 30 people were involved, and any that were not screaming at the top of their lungs “NFW” in every manner and channel available to them, should be executed.

Lina Inverse
Reply to  No
6 years ago

Errr, it was the NRCC that hired Crowdstrike, and was too embarrassed to tell anyone but the FBI about all this, and putting on my AC hat, could be this “hack” was No Accident. It’s the unit of the party that’s responsible for managing House elections, where they conspicuously failed, and they don’t really even answer to the RNC.

6 years ago

re “keystone”: says that the keystone is what the Cabal’s opposing teams have in common.

I guess that makes Crowdstrike one of many keystones.

6 years ago

Is that Bezos in front of Jenna Bush?

6 years ago

“I strongly suspect the magazine never made enough to support itself, ”

I think it is generally acknowledged that agenda-driven political magazines are money-losers that are funded by people who want to push the agenda of the magazine. Almost none of them are profitable.

English Tom
English Tom
6 years ago

Re: the US aircraft carrier battle group arriving off Iran soon. It’s just a hunch but I believe Israel is Going to hit Hezbollah in the next few weeks. I imagine the US will become embroiled in the carnage and so is positioning assets. There has also been a steady naval build up off the coast of Syria which could also become involved via air and missile strikes.

ITZ coming.

6 years ago

Medical jihad.
Looking for adults is still horrifying slavery.