News Briefs – 12/05/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Two Q posts:

Who knows where the bodies are buried?
FLYNN is safe.
We protect our patriots

“NBC News: There appears, although the redacted documents do not make it completely clear, that there is a [[[+++separate criminal investigation going on outside of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s purview+++]]] for which Flynn has been providing significant assistance.”
Markers are important.
[Dec 4, 2017] > [Dec 4, 2018]
Think No Name.
Did Mueller have a choice in making the recommendation?
Who does Mueller ‘now’ report to?
Does WHITAKER also oversee HUBER + OIG?
What case(s) is HUBER + OIG + team of 470 currently working on?
Who has the server(s)?
Who has access to NSA UT Term1-12?
Does FISA grant access to NSA umbrella collection?
You are witnessing something [firsthand] that many cannot possibly comprehend or accept as reality [Sci-Fi or precision M_planning?]
Coincidences > > > reveal w/o violating NAT SEC
Coincidences > > > mathematically impossible to be ‘FALSE’
Coincidences > > > bypass ‘installed’ restrictions to prevent future legal attachments
Comms understood? 5:5?


Logical thinking.
D5 drops 1st – last.
Content & Dates.
Huber drops 1st – last.
Content & Dates.
Role of Huber (as portrayed by ‘Q’)?
What are the odds (mathematical probability) that Huber would be scheduled to testify re: Clinton Foundation on D5?
What are the odds (mathematical probability) GHWB passes away and the State Funeral date is on D5?
What other interviews and investigations were wiped clean (postponed) given a STATE FUNERAL takes up media coverage for a week?
Why does the (global) FAKE NEWS media [largest in the world] continually attack ‘Q’?
Why is the WASH POST leading the attack?
Think ABC agency.
When you are awake you can SEE CLEARLY.

That is a very small probability. Something big is coming. But I suspect we will see a few more deaths of Deep State royalty before we can really get down to business, and it is not impossible Cabal may have a couple more tricks up their sleeve.

Grassley questions FBI over raid on Uranium One whistleblower. This Whistleblower had been scheduled to be on Hannity Monday Dec 3rd, and was pulled by top executives, against Hannity’s wishes, forcing Hannity to focus on GHW Bush’s passing. This was the first big reveal on Monday, that was supposed to carry on to Wednesday, when I am assuming the Congress was to go into it in depth. In the raid, the FBI seized documents which had already been handed over to the IG by the whistleblower – documents showing Mueller and the FBI covered up evidence Hillary had broken the law on Uranium One, and he had shielded her from prosecution. In today’s environment, when Cabal-FBI agents are about to run a raid, them not knowing a guy is a whistleblower working with the IG would seem unlikely. And as the article points out, no judge will approve a raid by a Federal Agency on a Whistleblower working with the IG, so either FBI lied to the judge, or the judge was Cabal himself. There may still be pockets of FBI that are acting as Cabal’s private investigative force, looking to gather intel to see how badly Cabal members are fucked. It also means Q was being straight and the Dec 5th story was likely not disinfo. The Storm is nigh, the only question now is exactly what moment it will break.

Evidence of a controlled demolition on 9/11 to be presented to a Special Grand Jury. Any other time, and I might not pay as much attention. But this timing is very interesting. If you want to unite the entire country, show them that Cabal executed 9/11, and that every folded flag handed to the widows and young children of servicemen killed in action since 9/11 was a purposeful sacrifice by Cabal and Hillary to put more money in their bank accounts. Combined with the K-shift, if it isn’t controlled, I could easily see a mass bloodletting that will make the rage after 9/11 look like a walk in the park.

Mueller recommends no jail time for Flynn. This makes no sense if Mueller is a rank leftist partisan, and Flynn is a committed patriot. And again, timing. Why wait so long? If the Storm had begun yesterday, this would have been perfectly timed to it. So is Mueller a reluctant Whitehat operating under pressure after all and adhering to Trump’s schedule? And again, timing.

From CNN – Mueller appears poised to lift the lid on his investigation. Again, timing. Had Bush not died, look at all the stars aligning.

Stock Market plunges 799 points. Again, timing.

Bill Priestap at FBI is out. The last poor sap who got sucked into the illegal surveillance of Trump watches the horrific consequences they all thought were impossible unfold. And of course, timing.

CNN’s Douglas Brinkley says nobody wants to see Trump at Bush Senior’s funeral. Look at how completely the Cabal controls the machinery, and how they all hate Trump.

One in five millennials see the American flag as a sign of intolerance and hatred.

WaPo hits Ocasio Cortez over her referencing the untrackable fund transfers in the Pentagon. Of all her ridiculous statements, this was probably the most accurate. They lost track of $21 Trillion. And yet the WaPo honed in on this comment, and ignored all the rest to protect her. Why? It was a message. There are some subjects you do not call attention to if you are an employee of Cabal, Inc. Accounting errors like the one which was announced just before 9/11 are some of them. If she is smart and knows the game, she now knows that missing money and unaccountable transfers is something she needs to keep off her twitter feed. And notice how the message is not sent by telegram. It is an article in the paper, with no clear sender or recipient. Truth be told, it is a good gig. She was a waitress on the balls of her ass a few months ago. And without receiving any tangible salary, she is now decked out in designer duds, has state of the art technology, will probably get a first rate apartment, and will live like a king. Think she is eating Ramen noodles each night now? And then she will get sworn in, and the real cash will roll in.

Weekly Standard is having trouble finding a buyer, and the future is uncertain. The Trump curse strikes Bill Kristol. I can’t imagine what they have on him.

Roger Stone takes the Fifth and refuses to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

National Congressional Committee suffered a major hacking incident during the 2018 election. Emails grabbed.

Tom Arnold says 80% of gunowners shoot themselves or a family member.

Another diplomat, this time Canadian, struck down by sonic weapons in Cuba. Canada is one of Cuba’s biggest trading partners and tourist sources, so Cuba would prefer it if this would stop. Somebody with elite-level tech wants everyone out of Cuba, and to turn it into a completely denied area, ala North Korea and Iran. Notice, Cuba isn’t Texas. The local Police could go house to house with force, searching every domicile within 1000 yards to resolve this one way or another. Either they are allied with who is doing it, they are afraid of them, or the weapon is non-local, such as a satellite-based laser, aircraft-borne-weapon, or something similar. I am a bit puzzled why the US Government hasn’t tracked down those responsible and put them in the grave yet. But it is increasingly clear there is something about this entire system which we do not, and at this point cannot, understand. But I take all of this going on as a sign of a sort of turbulence which must be indicative of conflict of some sort. And when the status quo is unbearable, conflict, of any sort, is a good thing.

Some make the case for Infrasound as the source of the Cuban attacks. Interesting it killed one early test subject instantly by liquifying his organs.

Venezuelan President arrives in Moscow seeking support.

Islamic State in Iraq and Syria still has over $300 million on hand. Could a coalition of small businesses, operating legitimately in a first world country, amass that kind of wealth? If not, why are a bunch of sand monkeys who produce nothing of value, and who burn through it on expendables like rockets and bombs able to? And could you move that kind of money through the banking system undetected for use in anti-Cabal ops? ISIS can. Think about that.

Apple CEO Tim Cook advocates for censorship of anyone advocating division, across all Apple platforms. If you will not divide yourself from anything, you will end up supporting everything, pedophilia and all other evils included.

USMCA trade agreement has a section buried in it rendering tech companies immune to any lawsuit over censorship of any material for any reason they deem justified.

72% of immigrant households in California are on welfare.

Cabal governments in Germany and Brussels fund Soros supported anti-Israeli groups. Cabal clearly has a lot of high-level Jews in positions of power. So why run continuous opposition to Israel as a part of their architecture? To keep the Jews in Israel in line? To keep the public anti-Semitic so when the Apocalypse comes, the public can be set on the Jews as Cabal leadership squirts out the back door? I know it is significant, I just can’t imagine how.

The story of a sleepy German college town being terrorized by migrants.

A trans-contestant is the odds-on favorite to win Miss Universe. I increasingly think JFK’s assassination taught Cabal that shocking the patriot-populace would give Cabal leeway for less-shocking crimes, and thus a deadened patriot-populace was a goal worth pursuing. Suppose it was found out somebody embezzled $500,000 from the Pentagon pre-JFK assassination. It would have been unthinkable. Post JFK-assassination, it is not good, but the patriot-public has seen worse. I think Cabal realized this, and their goal became to just wear out the patriot-populace’s outrage all the time, more and more. 9/11 may have been about more than just creating a reason for defense spending and covering up the Pentagon shortfalls. It deadened our brains in a tangible way, so a socialist President, and trannies changing in locker rooms with little girls, and everything else became possible, and could then be used to deaden us even more. I hate to think where it would have ended if it were not for Trump and the Q-team.

Epstein settles his civil suit. Avoids seeing his victims put everything on the record.

Avenatti announces he will not run in 2020. It is a shame, that one would have been fun.

Joe Biden pitches himself as most qualified to be President. I realize I have subtly become conditioned to see candidates on the left as either plausible winners of fraudulent elections, or obviously implausible winners of fraudulent elections.

The media showed us Bush’s lifelong service dog Sully sulking at the side of his casket, but it turns out the dog was raised by another family, and had only joined Bush 6 months ago. I could tell the dog had no attachment as it was walked around the casket, and looked up happily at the woman walking him, without the least bit of sulking due to a missing owner. They just told him to lay down on the carpet in front of the casket, and sold it as an image of loyalty and love to push their narrative. Everything you see is just a mirage and a manipulation.

Beck and Levin are merging their platforms. Notice neither is comfortable where they are, despite being huge compared to any alt-right figure. People do not fully understand that advertising on these online platforms does not generate the sales to be a valuable commodity. I bought $1,000 of advertising on Drudge just to see what it would do, and it yielded nothing of any value to this site’s traffic, despite the ad being perfectly crafted to look like a drudge article, only more interesting than his normal fare. My suspicion is his site refreshed so fast, nobody saw the ads to begin with. If $1,000 in advertising yielded almost no click-throughs for me, I think it a fair assumption that nobody is clicking through to other ads less related to his subject matter. And yet, last I heard Drudge is given about $8 million per year in ad revenue, reliably each year. I assume National Review, American Spectator, and on and on are all the same story. And yet the money flows in ways it does not flow to Beck and Levin, and others like them. The system is more complex than most would think, because most who observe it fail to recognize there are hidden variables.

Theresa May’s government held in contempt of parliament for lack of transparency over Brexit deal.

Italy executes mass arrests of mafia members, including the new “Boss of bosses.”

Danes will banish unwanted migrants to a remote island.

UC Berkley settles free speech lawsuit with conservative group for $70,000. DOJ jumped in on the Conservative’s side.

Macron backs off on the fuel tax in response to the Yellow Jacket protests. Shades of the Brooks Brothers revolution and the time Rostenkowski tried to meddle with Medicare. Leftists are not capable of dealing with amygdala when it is presented, and as our socieities have gone more r-selected and amygdala atrophied, their movement toward r-selection and amygdala atrophy has been even more exaggerated. When the real Apocalypse happens, expect them to rapidly try to perceive where the greatest strength lies, and then exaggerate their support for it to a ridiculous degree all in an effort to save themselves.

72% of France supports the Yellow Jacket movement, even if it is violent.

The media told us how respected Obama was, but when throngs of foreigners chant about who they wish was leading them, it is Donald Trump, all the way:

Sadly, my French friends, you will have to elect your own Trump.

Spread r/K Theory, because justice delayed does not have to be justice denied

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6 years ago

Two out of the 3 amendments voted on in Parliament were about the legal advice on May’s Brexit deal. The other is far more dangerous. It means MPs will decide what happens next if May loses the vote next week.

It may sound to some a good idea for MPs, who supposedly represent their constituents, to take control of the democratic process. However, they can decide to stop Brexit altogether, have another referendum or even push through the ‘Norway’ option.

6 years ago

I should have added that we are supposed to be having our Yellow Jacket protests in London on Sunday 9 December. We also need to find our Trump.

6 years ago

Dumping some problem migrants on a remote island should be the kindest thing they could do. They should be disappearing them at sea.

6 years ago

Yeah, I imagine the highest profile Cabal soldiers are shaking in their shoes right now hoping they’re not next in line for having to take one for the team. That’s if they’re even asked to. Accidents happen and as long as the headlines are filled to distraction they’ll serve the machine one way or another. Oddly, them taking one of ours for the same purpose probably poses a much greater risk for them right now.

6 years ago

>Soros funded anti-Israel stuff
Lol, they are trying to gather support for Israel via the “common enemy” trick.
Israel IS an enemy of the West, but not for the reason Soros and his libshit useful idiots tell you (the narrative that Soros sells to leftards is that Israel is a White supremacist project, and because muslims are sacred cows, but that is a false narrative because racial Jews are not White, and muslims are certainly not sacred cows (Islam needs to, and will, be banned in the West)).

Its kinda like the way they ban Israel first zionist gatekeeper shills on twatter (like Alex Jones and Laura Loomer) so they can get some credibility back, or the way the MSM gives a little heat to Bibi (but fail to mention on how a big part of the 9 MILLION PER DAY that the US tax payer sends to Israel is used to support ISIS).

In other words, when Soros attacks Israel, they five Israel ineffectual heat (just post the verifiable proof that Israel supports ISIS and that all the communists in the MSM are also zionists, they support communism for the West and nationalism for Israel), blame it on White supremacism and try to get the right-wingers to support Israel via the “common enemy” trick, kinda like the muslims try to get support for islam in the West by telling you that Islam is against the zionists.

Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is just another enemy, and zionism IS an enemy, when outside of Israel. Israel is the biggest welfare state of the US (3.8 BILLIONS of US tax payer money per year go into Israel, and part of that is then loaned back to the US, WITH INTEREST).

Also notice that Soros is not allowed to operate in Israel, but notice how many of Soros supporters are zionists (Barbara Specter, for example).

Zionism outside of Israel, Islam outside of the Middle East and Soros outside an oven are pure cancer, but we have the cure.


Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
6 years ago

*In other words, when Soros attacks Israel, they give Israel ineffectual heat (if they really wanted to hurt Israel they could just publish the verifiable proof that Israel supports ISIS and that all the communists in the MSM are also zionists, and show the gen pop that the MSM support communism for the West and nationalism for Israel)

6 years ago

I think you may want to read this:

It’s a review about a book whose author associates r/k with psychopathology and different human life history strategies; it’s related to your Left/Right political theory, but approaches it from another angle.

The book review itself seems good enough, I only feel its author loves putting out plenty of words a bit too much – nevertheless, it’s an interesting read, 20 minutes or so that should be well invested time.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

Interesting stream of consciousness talk from a former inmate who mentions the value of fear, which I take as amygdala: (No need to watch the whole thing, although I found it worth my while).