News Briefs – 12/31/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”


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An arrest in the Idaho College Student Murders. It appears to be a criminal justice graduate student. From the article, a few quotes:

Nick Mcloughlin, who was friends with Kohberger at school told the Daily Beast he was ‘stunned’ to see his old acquaintance arrested.

Mcloughlin said Kohberger was ‘down to Earth,’ when he graduated junior year. But at the start of senior year, Kohberger returned ‘thinner than a rail,’ had turned ‘aggressive’ and taken up boxing.

Recalling how their friendship soured, Mcloughlin added: ‘He always wanted to fight somebody, he was bullying people. We started cutting him off from our friend group because he was 100 percent a different person.’

Kohberger said he has ‘no idea’ what prompted the sudden change…

Lawrence Rosenberg said he attended classes at the Career & Technical Institute with Kohberger, but that he dropped out in 2014 without completing the course.

‘He would always looked bugged eye’d like on drugs and nobody in the class really never talked to him…”

No idea on this. Clearly the Kaylee was under gangstalking/surveillance in the food truck video. I’ve seen it firsthand for years. Hoodie appeared to be running harassment (decoy/diversion) surveillance of her, and even said to her, “They” would get her. Police even tracked down another guy who followed her through a supermarket, and investigated the fact she had told people she was being stalked. Maybe the surveillance was unrelated, but it feels strange she had two one-in-a-million bad things like that befall her, with being a gangstalking victim, and then being murdered in the middle of the night in her bed by a lone, crazed, murderer.

Then there is the above quote about the killer suddenly changing mentally. Oddly David DePape’s girlfriend said he disappeared for a year, and came back a year later, an entirely different person, and nobody who knew him had any idea what had happened to him, before he attacked Pelosi’s husband. The guy who was supposed to kill Kyle Rittenhouse, Joseph Rosenbaum, had shown up to the protest with a mysterious hospital bag, indicating he had just been released from some mental institution he had been committed in, and he was delivered to that site, where he had a starring role, taking a patriot’s gun and killing him, at least until Kyle changed the script. Supposedly neither prosecutors nor defense could not track back where he had been released from.

Then there is the fact this one guy entered a strange house with six people in it through a conveniently unlocked door, stabbed four people to death violently, attacking them two at a time, and nobody could fight him off, nobody could escape, nobody could make noise to warn anyone else, and two of the people slept through it all? I feel I have a decent enough knowledge of anatomy, and good enough physical ability, that if that were a job that needed to be done, I would be in the top five percent of regular people to do it, and I would expect such an act to become a total mess and disaster for me, especially without detailed intelligence on the house, the residents, their abilities, the weapons available to them. I could see showing up and a door being locked, and not being able to get in. You would need at least four or five people in a team to contain people while you got to them, with excellent intelligence on the house layout, who was in it, and weaponry, as well as the luck to find an unlocked door to get in, to be able to do that without a likelihood of it turning into a total fuckup.

And the one most violently injured, just coincidentally happened to be the gangstalked one, implying he saved her for last – as if he wasn’t just barely pulling it off, but he was doing everyone in the sequence he wanted to do them in? Either this guy was some sort of Jason-Bourne-MK-Ultra’d killing machine, or it all feels off.

Interestingly an early report had him asking when he was arrested, if anyone else had been arrested, but that has now been fairly assiduously scrubbed from the internet, with only the linked screenshot (which Daily Mail appears to have replaced with a different article) remaining.

I do not have an exact probability for being Kaylee Goncalves and having so many different small-probability events all go so perfectly wrong for you in so many different ways, but it would seem to me exceedingly small, albeit not entirely impossible. I am beginning to wonder though, just how much crime is actually random, and how much actually has a purpose, and conceals itself within the seemingly random.

A man accused of tampering with a voting machine during Colorado’s primary election is mentally incompetent and cannot continue with court proceedings, a judge ruled Thursday.

On Monday evening the City of Milton, Georgia, voted unanimously to take responsibility for all municipal elections, away from Fulton County, Georgia, control and 100% exclude machines, scanners, devices, etc. from future elections.

You saw the video of him covertly filming everyone around Baked Alaska with his cell phone, the way I showed you domestic surveillance does to those normies like me, who are targets of the domestic intel machine. He is clearly one of “Them.” I am just not sold he has any connection to CIA or FBI. His lawyer has denied it en toto, not that it means much. I don’t think what is spying on us and following us around, is FBI, and it might not even be CIA, or at least be officially papered to CIA. I don’t know what it is, but I am not sure the people behind it were stupid enough to form it under any known agency. Plus, if it is the same thing as James Tilley Matthews described, then it in fact predated the CIA and FBI, and even exists outside the US borders. How would such a thing be handled, if operational inside the US, during the formation of something like FBI or CIA? Would it want to be subsumed by one of those agencies? It might even be hidden under some innocuous agency like USPS, or Department of Labor, or IRS, or Transportation, or it might be entirely private sector, run out of churches or Freemasonry, with assets inside FBI or CIA, who run cover for it as needed.

Whatever it is, it is 100% criminal however, and I have zero doubt Ray Epps is a full-fledged member of it, and enough study of him could prove fruitful to identifying it. It is interesting both Kinzinger and Cheney, two of the most obvious traitors up there, immediately run cover for Epps as if he were a brother. It means both of them know 9/11 could have been stopped, and might have actually been done by this thing they are so loyal to. Be interesting to see what else is in Epps’ text messages. He sounds like the type of low IQ idiot who wouldn’t maintain opsec constantly.

House Republicans find text and email evidence that Pelosi staffers secretly DECREASED security at US Capitol for Jan 6 – while at same time Pelosi was organizing film crew that day.

$1.7 million in crypto vanishes from Bankman-Fried-linked firm days after his release on bail.

A Missouri judge has ruled that a pardon from the governor doesn’t mean St. Louis lawyer Mark McCloskey, and his wife, who gained national attention for waving guns at racial injustice protesters in 2020, should get back the weapons they surrendered, a Colt AR-15 rifle and a Bryco .380-caliber pistol, and fines they paid after guilty pleas last year. 

Republicans in the minority on the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee declared Friday that there had been “no legitimate legislative purpose” for the Democratic majority to release Donald Trump’s tax returns.

Some of Twitter’s remaining employees have reportedly begun bringing their own toilet paper to the office as Elon Musk implements sweeping cost-cutting measures at the company. Meanwhile, Google and Facebook are still a giant playground of free cappuccinos and gourmet jelly-bean buffets.

The Biden family seemingly wants nothing to do with Hunter’s child with the stripper, striking her attendance from the 46th presidential inauguration and allegedly refusing to offer the mother-daughter pair security amid domestic violence threats from the mother’s ex. You have to wonder if Cabal sees some sort of genetic/eugenic/Mendelian thing with the mother. Hunter mixed his pollen into the wrong seed, and they will just pretend this one doesn’t exist.

Covid shots reduce VO2 Max, reduce cardiovascular function.

“The walls in Dr. Anthony S. Fauci’s home office are adorned with portraits of him, drawn and painted by some of his many fans.”

Pope Benedict has died.

Country music star John Rich:

I’ve been invited to the Bohemian Grove by more famous people than I can shake a stick at, and EVERY time my answer was “HELL NO.” One famous country singer wouldn’t stop asking, so I asked him “Hey, if I go can I wear the druid outfit and burn the human effigy at the feet of Moloch?” He said, “Ah man, that’s just an old tradition, it doesn’t mean anything serious.” I replied “There’s no such thing as ‘pretending’ to worship satan.” Haven’t heard from him since:) This shit is REAL.

‘We’re at our breaking point’: Denver ‘not able to sustain’ arriving migrants much longer, city officials say.

Tiburon California Police Department Sgt. Sean Christopher commits suicide inside department locker room.

Garland Texas Police Department Lt. Christopher ‘Chris’ Carker dies by suicide. These are not even just normal workers. They volunteer for a dangerous job and then have to undergo psychological screening. And then they kill themselves?

Almost 40 percent of students identify as LGBTQ at liberal arts colleges, according to a report published by the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology. MK Ultra is reaching peak deployment through the population.

17% of assaults on NY Jews were carried out by Muslims. Is it really 17%? Would you get the same reading if you did an independent analysis? If not, how did this article come to say 17%?

Romania decides to hold Andrew Tate for 30 days.

Images from Tate’s arrest, show his home had what appears to be an extensive surveillance camera system filming inside his home. Shades of this article – Epstein’s Zorro Ranch had computer rooms the ‘size of houses’ to spy on guests including Prince Andrew, victim claims. All these guys are fake. He is also reminiscent to me of Dan Bilzerian. Lots of hot new youtube influencers who were getting traction would get a note from Dan, inviting them out to parties at his mansion, where he filmed all his social media influencer stuff. The mansion was supposedly worth $200 million, or some ridiculous amount, and Bilzerian said he was making $20 million per hand beating rich whales in poker games, and these young  influencers thought, “Hey, this guy knows how it is done, and he is reaching out to help me.” Of course Bilzerian’s parties were filled with honeypots, and later it came out Bilzerian’s mansion was actually being rented for several thousand a month and he didn’t own it, and he wasn’t actually making money through poker, and obviously you see where it was going. It was another lower-level Epstein op, with money coming from who-knows-where, run on a shoestring but made to look extravagant, for young up and coming influencers who might be finding a way to take off despite the control. Nobody becomes “an influencer” in this environment to begin with, absent Cabal’s acquiescence, and nobody does it and has money flowing like water. If you see that, know it is a shark working for the machine.

Bolsonaro rules out military intervention in Brazil, “I have no support from other institutions to act against Lula!” It was always unlikely, as for it to happen, Cabal would have had to miss a major point of failure in their wargaming. If the military were able to support him, Cabal would have detected it in wargaming, and they would not have launched their takeover, instead remaining in the shadows, looking to compromise the military going forward, and waiting until the day their wargaming showed them that in fact, once they stole the election, Bolsonaro would have had no support from any other institution. The only thing which could upset these plans would be a surprise, mass exposure of the surveillance, which would take down Cabal’s eyes and ears on the street. Once the surveillance was gone, they would have no idea what the public might be up to, and then is when a window would open where things could get interesting. At that point the public would have to understand, every institution “up there” would be compromised, and everything they laid eyes on would be an enemy, including any leader which tried to arise among them. They would have to be an army of anons, all equal, all working together, with no leader. It is the only way I see things changing. I think Q was always full of shit about the military being the only way. We would have to be our own saviors. Maybe it is coming…. But first we will have to expose the surveillance.

Brazil down to the wire: “There will be Civil War if the Army doesn’t act.” I hate to say it, but unless you get rid of the surveillance, Cabal will be in full control of the outcome of any Civil War. And it is so impossible to resist, even under the best of circumstances, that Bolsonaro could have the Presidency, for years, and he was unable to alter even a single piece of the terrain enough, to stop the election from being stolen, and then oppose the steal once it happened. Even as he was President, Cabal controlled everything around him, and made sure they were in full control the whole time. And all their lackeys knew they were being watched and listened to every moment, so none would ever dare turn on the machine. You need to get rid of the surveillance first.

Scotland Police rename Pedophiles “Minor-Attracted People.”

German public TV, suggests that Germans bathe once a week or less.

EU bans Russian media outlets, fears alternative views, says diplomat.

Zelensky signs a controversial law to regulate the news media.

Following Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s historic visit to the US last week, Congress passed a provision to give Ukraine the assets that were seized from sanctioned Russian oligarchs and the approval of the measure may have had something to do with a secret phone call between Zelenskyy and Sen. Mitch McConnell.

Russia has found more than 3,000 killed civilians in Mariupol after taking control over the city, the Russian Investigative Committee told Sputnik.

Russian forces deliver massive strike on Ukrainian command centers, defense industry sites.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping vowed Friday to deepen their bilateral cooperation against the backdrop of Moscow’s 10-month war in Ukraine.

Now incoming Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna opposes Kevin McCarthy as Speaker.

As Democrats ramp up gun control, a supermajority in U.S. think gun ownership good for society.

President Trump calls on Arizona Republicans to “DEMAND A STATEWIDE HAND RECOUNT AND ABE WILL WIN!” after recount finds hundreds of new votes for Abe Hamadeh.

Spread r/K Theory, because if your enemy wargamed everything, you have to do the unthinkable

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Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
2 years ago

Kohberger <<< early life check, please

Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago

awful rare name, it seems, too. no profile pic. and what an odd thing to say when arrested…

Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago
2 years ago

“I am beginning to wonder though, just how much crime is actually random, and how much actually has a purpose, and conceals itself within the seemingly random.” That, right there.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

in jurisdictions I live in, it’s the job of police to serve and protect this thing. If your car or home gets broken into, these days they will not even send and officer out to make a report in many places. They refer you to a pdf on their website and it’s all self-service. But if you’re a member in good standing of the club, they’ll bring all resources to bear upon the crime scene, even for petty larceny.

Basically, as far as I can see, most American police are far worse than the most extreme leftist/Marxist carcicatures of them only serving power. I avoid interaction with them as a rule.

You May note that many local police forces brag about being “Internationally accredited” which means they’ve taken “training” and have been audited for various “standards”. I presume that this basically means they’ve been certified as cabal agents.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Remember in the movie Robocop how OCP engineered a “candidate” for the Robocop program. That was art, and nobody would ever create a situation to get a policeman killed.

Now look at the cities, particularly NY & Kalifornian. No-bail release, immigration, arrest of police officers, shop lift no-arrest policy, etc.
Crime is being engineered. Once decent people are driven out, cabal own everything.

Not Pepe
Not Pepe
2 years ago

Are you sure Bolsonaro is the Cabalist? Pepe thinks otherwise:

Reply to  Not Pepe
2 years ago

Escobar is a CCP shill.

Bolsonaro is the good guy, at worst he is the fake good guy.
Lula is the CCP/cabal puppet.

Reply to  Not Pepe
2 years ago

This essay is awful and sounds like something that was printed in the People’s Daily. The comments, the first six of which disagree with the essay, are much better and somewhat interesting.

Reply to  Not Pepe
2 years ago

As with Trump, cabal or not, the election was rigged, and he won.

2 years ago

Just taking a flying guess at possibilities: Pinkerton’s? They had the means, motive and opportunity to become a complete surveillance hidden entity who eventually worked only for themselves.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Sometimes I wonder if they actually have drifted into obscurity or have just gone deeper underground

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Plus there was that literal Pinkerton goon “media security guard” who shot the MAGA guy in the face a few years ago, then disappeared into nothingness with no trial or conviction for murder obviously captured in real time on film.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Pinkerton is in the credits of the first Tom Cruise Mission Impossible movie.

I think Cruise is making propaganda for Pinkerton.
The Impossible Mission Force=Pinkerton.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Back in the big war when they were starting up the OSS, a huge problem would have been personnel/warm bodies. Who do you hire in a shockingly naive country where the gullible fools were raised on ‘Gentlemen don’t read other gentlemen’s mail’ or the even more foolish notion that ‘We really don’t have to get involved in ALL the wars, do we?’ Those people were no good to OSS and later CIA, and there were only so many Porcellian sociopaths for hire who knew which wine to order and would fit in with the lads at The Club.

Put yourself in the shoes of the OSS’ new personnel boss. Where do you go to get creepy cruds who all believe Whatever it Takes is an A-OK way to live *and* have experience at that kind of thing? Answer: you call Pinkerton’s.

Reply to  Pavel
2 years ago

‘We really don’t have to get involved in ALL the wars, do we?’ is NOT foolish.
Cabal benefits from involving us in wars that we should stay out of and K is culled in favor of r every time.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Fun fact: They’re all over Las Vegas. And every major casino property throughout the US. They maintain “The Black Book” every casino uses to keep personas non gratis out of their casinos. Basically, if you’re ever blacklisted at one property, you’re banned at all properties. I.e., if you’re baned at Harrah’s, you’re also banned at MGM, Boyd, etc. Nationwide. I’m absolutely certain it’s also the backchannel for casino comms. That’s a lot of power for a virtually unheard of company.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I read that the domestic alphabet agency was modeled after the Pinkertons.

2 years ago

> Milton Georgia
Seems like a good step
I hope they realize how ruthlessly they’ll have to cast out subversives to avoid winding up in the same mess as Fulton County

2 years ago

What if reports/articles with the “17’s” are some type of signal (for members of the club we ain’t in) to run a decipher program on the content? Perhaps a hidden in plain sight way to send out info?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

It’s a sign of victory. And since all things belong to Christ and His victory over the world, anyone who uses it refers to His victory, wittingly or unwittingly.

Not So Anonymous
Not So Anonymous
2 years ago

“I think Q was always full of shit about the military being the only way. We would have to be our own saviors. Maybe it is coming…. But first we will have to expose the surveillance.”

Unless the Q thing was a Cabal thing deliberately designed to delude me into eventually concluding that Kratman is Q, then…Q is Kratman. And that would mean that “the military” wouldn’t be The Military, the actual institution as it exists now, led by treasonous ghouls or aliens or time travellers from an unthinkably perverted future or artificial intelligence overlords or whatever in the FUCK infiltrated and captured military institutions however long ago. It would mean a SHADOW military, however many ACTUAL patriots, pro-human GRUNTS, officers whose climb up the ladder in an ordinary meritocracy was stymied by Cabal, and even spooks who joined with good intentions but inevitably discovered to their horror what they were ACTUALLY working to protect. That might, in fact, mean THE MAJORITY of veterans. The institutions and hierarchies themselves might be a bluff, a Potemkin Pentagon, projecting consensus strength they do not actually possess, because they represent merely a fraction of the actual on-the-ground human forces. Also, consider that God does exist. How many times have these Cabal creeps TRIED to “Reset” the planet but were THWARTED? Apparently, lots. God doesn’t just work in mysterious ways, God also works in SNEAKY, TRICKY ways, in order to subvert the ghoulish Cabal agenda. So, if Cabal believes they have control of the entire upper echelon of every branch of the military/intel complex, I bet they DON’T, actually, I bet the human forces of God have secretly counter-comped a select number of higher-ups to coerce them to join Team Human, Team God, Team Good, whatever you want to call it. Sleepers, just waiting for the right time to spring the trap, whenever such-and-such necessary sequence of events unfolds. But I dunno, Kratman never told me shit. The only way you’d be able to detect anything from him is if you devour his shitload of (mostly mediocre, but sometimes surprisingly good) books, where the plans would have been translated into science fiction. Then again, “science fiction” seems to be our reality. WEIRDER than science fiction, actually, wayyyyyyy weirder than the ten weirdest science fiction narratives combined. And funnier. If I’m right, then what’s about to unfold is going to be fuuuuuuuucking hilaaaaaaaaarious. The biggest danger will be, no shit, laughing too hard, laughing ourselves to death. Don’t laugh TOO hard!

But yeah, I had concluded a while ago that even if there is a “The Messiah” in our midst, or perhaps a dozen of messiahs, or perhaps thousands…eventually, we will ALL wind up being OUR OWN saviors, each of us individually, and all of us collectively, in a massive cascade of epiphanies and reformations. 7 or 8 billion messiahs, basically, by the end of all this.

But how does “all this” kick off? You’re right, I think: Exposing the surveillance. All of it. Especially the on-the-ground surveillance. And first we’d need to make such a horrifying system THINKABLE in the first place. People do seem primed by countless fictional narratives and news stories. “Enemy of the State”, “The Matrix”, movies and TV shows about “observers” who “correct” history, etc. Those narratives, from Cabal’s perspective, might be intended to preemptively gaslight us into assuming that such shit Only Happens In The Movies, that anyone who claims such a phenomenon is actually happening must be Watching Too Many Movies, fantasizing, hallucinating, etc. Nevertheless, even if those stories were meant to undermine our ability to convince normies that it’s actually happening, those stories wound up NORMALIZING those scenarios, and so if there is but a single piece of indisputable proof that something is Actually Happening, then people won’t lose their fucking minds, because we’ve all grown up thinking of those scenarios. Makes me appreciate the “Love Your Enemies” tip from Jesus. The evil ones ALWAYS wind up contributing to and even LEADING their *own* demise. THANKS, ENEMIES! [not-so-facetiously kisses their empty foreheads]

Anyway, how is the Introduction to Our Horrifying Surveillance World For The Normiest Normies or whatever going? I’m itching to make January 2023 remembered as The Month Humanity Finally Realized What In The Hell Was Really Going On.

English Tom
English Tom
2 years ago

If the alleged Idaho killer spent a year under MK Ultra programming then yeah, they could have created a Jason Bourne type. Maybe he’s just a patsy?

Regarding Brazil, just watched the latest vid by David DuByne of Adapt 2030 channel and he says Brazil is about to go through the wringer regarding food shortages and lack of fertiliser. These conditions have been massively amplified by the Hunga Tonga eruption. DuByne also believes, because of this eruption, the world could face a year without a summer (see: 1816 for reference).

All the very best to you AC and all the regulars for 2023, a year that will go down in history.

2 years ago

Re the Surveillance, Dr. Mercola has an interesting article today:
One Nation Under Blackmail
It all started in New York City in the early 20th century when the Democratic party – and most of the unions – found themselves taken over by the mob. Later it spread to the Republican party as well.
Article is dated 12/29, so this will probably be the last day it is freely available, before slipping behind Mercola’s paywall. The YouTube video should continue to be available. And a Brave search found a PDF of the article (looks like one of Mercola’s PDFs, but for some reason doesn’t seem to be available on the article page – maybe only for subscribers?), as well as numerous reposts of the article at other sites. 

Reply to  Philalethes
2 years ago
One Nation Under Blackmail (2 book series)
Kindle Edition
by Whitney Alyse Webb (Author)
Exposes vastly under-explored topics compared to other media reports and books on Jeffrey Epstein How did Jeffrey Epstein manage to evade justice for decades? Who enabled him and why? Why were legal officials told that Epstein “ belonged to intelligence” and to back off during his first arrest in the mid-2000s? Volume 1 of One Nation Under Blackmail traces the origin of the network behind Jeffrey Epstein and his associates to the merging of organized crime and intelligence networks during World War II and follows their most notable activities through the decades. Various scandals, acts of corruption and other crimes throughout the last several decades of American history, many involving sex blackmail, can be traced back to these same networks, which have subverted and taken control of many of America’ s most important institutions for their benefit, and to the detriment of the public.

2 years ago

>up and coming influencers

The whole “influencer” thing sounded bogus to me when I first started seeing mention of it. Are there really that many people who are so clueless as to be influenced by some random miming Tourette’s wannabes on YouTube? And for what? Other than promoting ugly clothes and silly makeup, what “influence” are they wielding?

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Ask Owen Benjamin, he is also an influencer, which is why he was Blackballed.
Influencer goes both ways

2 years ago

Hunter mixed his pollen into the wrong seed, and they will just pretend this one doesn’t exist.”

>Implying Biden genes are things to be desired, conserved or even spread.

YOure A dOg FaCEd PoNY IcE CrEAm

2 years ago

Covid shots reduce VO2 Max, reduce cardiovascular function.

Then they’re weapons of war. Vaxed troops can’t fight. Most SF or elite guys (worldwide) already have Olympian level VO2 max. If you shave 15 mL/kg off of any persons uptake you’ve crippled them. Only the most genetically talented Olympians could keep up and they wouldn’t be competitive in their events anymore.

2 years ago
Raki Rakkoon
Raki Rakkoon
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Thanks for that link. Those specimens in the first photo represent what an older family member would have described as “genetic debris.”

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Good article.

I still suspect that Lefties are made and not born. If brought up correctly, they will be give the tools to be good people. Most parents these days, leave parenting to TV, school & govt.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

It’s both and a healthy dose of choice added to nature and nurture.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Very disturbing to see the similarities in all of those faces. Are they a genetic offshoot that will die or is it just plain ol cretinism in those faces?

2 years ago

Garland Texas Police Department Lt. Christopher ‘Chris’ Carker dies by suicide. These are not even just normal workers. They volunteer for a dangerous job and then have to undergo psychological screening. And then they kill themselves?

Garland is a special sort of police department. They are notorious for killing suspects. The Garland cops are generally as hard nosed as state troopers, and are quick to use force. Steroid use is notorious among them. They are a smallish, middle class to lower class suburb, and they kill a LOT of suspects in a not-super-high crime rate area.
It was so common for a while, that there would be a police chase, it would go through Garland, the suspect would go under an overpass, and then never come out the other side. I even called it once, telling my brother when the guy went under an overpass, “well, he just made a fatal mistake,” and sure enough, Garland shot him under the overpass.
Remember the Dallas sniper that DPD blew up with a grenade attached to a robot? DPD borrowed the robot from Garland. I’m betting some EOD guy made it years ago and was waiting for a chance.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

I have no problem with a sniper getting his just desserts however they are served.

Reply to  bigD
2 years ago

>all engagements less than 100m.
Good one buddy. Beware of the fuggernaut programming. Sniper engagements are always well over a quarter mile and from concealment. All others are sharpshooters or just shooters. Snipers represent an elite, which this Dallas black natty guy wasn’t. And calling this guy a sniper is the same meme as black boxers from yesterday. Stop it. He was a thug with a rifle instead of a handgun who got lucky.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

A sniper is anyone who uses small arms to engage single targets from concealment or standoff range. This guy meets that definition.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“…He was a thug with a rifle instead of a handgun who got lucky…”

No I don’t think so. You see where he shot the left side of a concrete pillar to create dust. The cop on the other side looked around that side and he went around on the other and shot him. He wasn’t some buffoon. He knew what he was doing.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  bigD
2 years ago

I have a problem with it. I don’t want the police to become judge, jury and executioner. You may find yourself some day being “the terrorist” for not being woke enough.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  bigD
2 years ago

Maybe I should be more specific in “this” case of the sniper. I can see reason in the police blasting away at him every opportunity they get, but I don’t want them to make a habit of it.

Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood
2 years ago

A happy New Year to you, AC. You deserve it.

2 years ago

Re: Images from Tate’s arrest

I cannot figure out the Andrew Tate thing. There is a meaningful narrative here though that is being presented. If he is just another Cabal fraud, it’s interesting that the Daily Mail link shows an image from Tate’s podcast stream showing a large tv monitor with an infamous Epstein-related still photo provided by Q of Prince Andrew and Virginia Giuffre, or it may be Rachel Chandler.

AC, When I first tried to post the above your site was no longer available to me on any browser – “for scheduled maintenance” at 1pm EST.

Reply to  Huck
2 years ago

He’s a classic magnet for legitimate ideas to be delegitimized in the public discourse by associating them with an insufferable goon. He exists to be as annoying and noxious as possible while spouting off real issues so that anyone that repeats the issues is associated with his gay ass.

It’s been done a hundred times before as a more sophisticated gate keeping tool, and will be done again. There’s a reason the right wing’s public figures are all losers; the enemy would never signal boost a true leader for us.

2 years ago

someone researched EMF proofed beds and sleep.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

Thank you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Macaque Mentality
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

Another bed oddity I remember. If you put a electrically conductive plate on the mattress and then run a wire from it to a ground rod it’s supposed to be better. Earthing.

I wonder if this would be beneficial to AC.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

“…I tend to think grounding wouldn’t help…”

I can’t say I know for sure but I believe with enough power the sheet of emf reflection will just retransmit to the other side. It would also likely depend on the thickness of the aluminum on the sheet and the frequency of the waves hitting it. It would not be expensive to find out. Buy some space blankets for a couple bucks each, some wire cord like used for extension cords and a DIY 120 plug. To clamp onto the space blanket use two small strips of wood, strip about 12″ of the extension cord and spread out, rough the blanket up some and then use clamps to crush the stripped wire onto the blanket with the wood strips. Connect both wires to ground and plug in 120V out outlet. Of course, only the round plug, no blades.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago
Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

I put a mobile phone in an EMF bag, and it still received.

How much on sale is crap?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Mission Darkness products

2 years ago

Here is a weird thing. There is this bluepilled twitter account. Claims to be a grad student in psychology. The account is @ datepsych for anyone curious. Likes to post self-reports (cough, cough bullshit) and claim all the red pill dating advice is nonsense with these pretty shitty psych studies. Anyone familiar with the ongoing replication crisis knows anything coming out of psychology “research” can be assumed to be very unreliable. And that is before you consider all these propaganda positions get filled with trusted assets.
But that isn’t the weird part really. The weird part is that I don’t remember ever following this guy. And after constantly seeing this asshats dumb tweets for the last week, I decided I didn’t need that anymore, and I actually had trouble unfollowing him. I tried to unfollow the account probably 10 times before it actually stuck. Now I have heard of twitter automatically unfollowing people before, but this may be the first time I have had an account get automatically followed and have some resistance to undo the follow.
And moreover, I think there was an intended idea to confuse him with scott alexander (between the display name being alexander, and a mimicked style). Scott had a similar contrarian take and style on alt-right material, albeit he was a lot more trustworthy in his analyses since he seemed to always give all sides a fair hearing and would occasionally find himself agreeing with the contrary position.
Anyway, just thought that was weird enough to mention here.

2 years ago

AC & Anons
A thought about Q, and his “military is the only way”
Was that statement there to protect us? Meaning, if they had dumped all the information they had, and we tried to act on it at the time, it would have been a bloodbath on our side not knowing about the local surveillance.
I know I was willing to drop everything and go to DC back in 2021, but there was Q talking about the military and AC talking about surveillance…so I parked my butt and just observed. Which was the correct course of action.
By tempering our side with ‘waiting on the military’ to “do something” we have been given time to become aware of what’s really going on with the cabal is doing in our day to day lives.
I know can spot the watchers more readily (Hi-ya, you damn dirty apes) and am red pilling those in my life about the surveillance.
Happy New Year Anons & AC keep on praying and fighting for the Good, Beautiful and True, because Christ wins in the end.

2 years ago

Happy New Year!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Happy Happening AC.

2 years ago


Just Me
Just Me
2 years ago

Happy New Year AC.
Thanks for all your hard work on this site.
May the Lord’s Will be done in your life.
Nothing more and nothing less.

See you in 2023. 🥂🍾

2 years ago

About domestic servillance.
I have theory. Sorry everyone if stupid.
Some people are really gangstalked. They talk about this, we listen/read this stories and look around, thinking “a’m i stalked too?”. And finally we see all this weird behaving people around us.
But maybe they act weird becouse they try to find stalkers too? And we don’t see stalkers. We see people like us, who think they are stalked. I’m curious what you think about that AC. Hope that you not disgust by my grammar.
Also best wishes for new year. Stay healthy and strong.

Reply to  Peter
2 years ago

Swing and a miss.

2 years ago

Happy New Year to you, AC.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
2 years ago

Happy new year everyone.
Keep to your blood pure

2 years ago

Brazil acting president hits out at ‘silent’ Bolsonaro in New Year speech

Bolsonaro even has his own Pence.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Have we ever seen a vice president that was electable on their own?

If they didnt get there on ability, presume another reason

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

As some wag once said, being VP is a bit of a disgrace, you can’t be hanged for it, but it’s still a disgrace.

The President should get to pick his own designated successor after he is elected and he should be able to replace him at any time.
That successor should have any power the President deputizes him with.

The current system is better than the one the founders created where the VP was the opposition and poised to benefit from the death or removal of the President, but it still gives too much power to the parties to control the President by negotiating his VP choice.

2 years ago

Razorfist is right about this:

Local elections matter just as much and even more than Federal. Your influence is more substantial that way.

Just the way the founding Fathers designed it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

However, we are not in Kansas anymore. Rules & Laws are meaningless when activist officials overturn precedence because of prevailing weather conditions.

So, interesting but pinch of salt taken

2 years ago

It may be of interest to some to note the
reptilian nature of demonic spirits. Note how they looked to us in our picture. Spirits took on any disguise they
wanted to in the System, but their actual form as we have experienced
it and have heard others speak about them
is that they arc reptilian.
They Know Not What They Do – Illustrated Guide to Monarch Programming-Mind Control

2 years ago

comment image

2 years ago

German public TV, suggests that Germans bathe once a week or less.

They already bath once a week.

Reply to  E
2 years ago

The Spanish say that about the French.

Anon M
Anon M
2 years ago

“Then there is the above quote about the killer suddenly changing mentally. Oddly David DePape’s girlfriend said he disappeared for a year, and came back a year later, an entirely different person, and nobody who knew him had any idea what had happened to him, before he attacked Pelosi’s husband.”

Great connection. But I also read some news reports that the ID suspect had a heroin problem in adolescence. Maybe he disappeared for a while to complete a couple stints in rehab? Or just dropped out of school for a time if he couldn’t hold things together in his personal life due to substance issues.

“Then there is the fact this one guy entered a strange house with six people in it through a conveniently unlocked door, stabbed four people to death violently, attacking them two at a time, and nobody could fight him off, nobody could escape, nobody could make noise to warn anyone else, and two of the people slept through…”

You raise some good points on why no one was effective at self defense or alerting the others. And your food truck surveillance post was amazing. So I’m not trying to detract from your great work here. I’m just trying to add to our collective understanding of this crime. Do we know if the victims were intoxicated (alcohol or drugs) during the invasion and attack? The fact that they were scrounging for Mac and cheese at a food truck at ~1:40-am makes this a definite possibility. I could imagine a scenario where if they had been drinking and were fast asleep they would be slow to rouse and clumsy at self-defense. And maybe each could be dispatched with relatively quickly while the next victim dosed on or was slower to respond than they would normally be if sober.

Probably unrelated but there’s a decent sized cohort of MS-13 and similar groups in the Poconos region of PA where the suspect hails from. I’ve seen this when visiting the area.

Finally, of course it’s a mug shot but the suspect’s expression is chilling. It’s the eyes.

Reply to  Anon M
2 years ago

They could have been drugged by the food truck food too.

2 years ago

“I think Q was always full of shit about the military being the only way. We would have to be our own saviors. Maybe it is coming…. But first we will have to expose the surveillance.”

Patriots in control? That’s what they said. Oh please.

Some rando
Some rando
2 years ago

Happy new year, AC, and all here.