News Briefs – 12/31/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The Trump administration is declassifying intelligence, recently briefed to President Trump, that indicates China offered to pay non-state actors in Afghanistan to attack American soldiers.

Israel says the Chinavirus was developed during gain-of-function research and was released by accident.

Lin Wood gave an interview. I listened to the hour and 20 minutes, and these were all the important parts, from a lawyer who specializes in defamation:

A sealed document in a federal court in Maryland, sealed under National Security, documents how Nancy Pelosi, Rod Rosenstein, John Podesta, and John Brennan have tapes of John Roberts talking with Podesta about who would best replace Antonin Scalia, and they were recorded before Scalia died, and apparently had foreknowledge of his death. Roberts flew on Epstein’s plane because Epstein helped him acquire his children from Wales.

Barack Obama is worth well over billion dollars, much inherited from his step-father who owned it in Halliburton stock.

Many people in this country will go to jail for treason, and the number that will be just associated with trying to steal this election from our President will be astounding.

He predicts a violent period of civil unrest as the Cabal tries to engage in violence as part of their Color Revolution plan, just like we have seen overseas, after Trump wins the Presidency.

He believes the Governor of Georgia has been taking kickbacks on Georgia purchases of Dominion voting machines and Chinese PPE orders. And the death of Harrison Deal in a car wreck, which produced an explosion that was heard by witnesses a mile away, was a message to him.

Pat Cipillone, the disloyal White House lawyer trying to thwart President Trump at every turn, drives a new luxury vehicle to the White House every two days, including a Rolls Royce.

Rosenstein, Sally Yates, and Christopher Wray all worked in the same law firm, and are corrupt.

CIA is the most corrupt organization in the country, and President Trump is about to defang them by pulling all direct-action operational capabilities from the Agency, reducing it to an organization of paper pushers. Oddly enough President Kennedy was about to do that when he was killed, and the memo, named “Memorandum 45,” sat on his desk unsigned. Lin implies President Trump set it in motion by signing that very memo.

Bill Gates is going down as well.

George Bush 41 and 43, Bill and Hillary, and Obama all ran crime families, and they ran them out of the Oval Office. He said he believes the notes given at Bush 41’s funeral said, “I’m sorry, but they know it all.”

Under the 2018 EO on voting integrity, President Trump will have the power to seize all the assets of the Fake News mainstream media once things start happening, because they have profited from trying to aid China in voter fraud.

He also points out there were reports of gunfire before the bombing, and that it is inconsistent with a lone bomber, and might indicate good guys killed the bomber before he positioned the bomb appropriately, and that is why the bomber failed to destroy the “evidence” he was trying to destroy.

Lin says he believes if the election is shown to be fraudulent, all down-ballot elections may have to be re-held.

President Trump will prove to be the greatest President in the history of the United States.

NPR does a survey and is shocked that only 46% think Q anon is false, with 14% believing it and 37% saying they don’t know. And that is the bullshit, selectively designed poll.

One anon opens a thread on /pol saying he posted an election fraud thread before everybody knew what was going on, strange overseas flags’s began dropping interesting tidbits of inside intel in perfect English, the thread got nuked, and he was promptly banned across 4Chan. Then he found out that the ban was IP based and spread back through his Gmail, his twitter, his facebook, a bunch of private sector corporate sites, and although his Chan ban just lifted, he is still locked out of everything else. And he never posted to 4Chan while logged into any of the other services. The best part was other anons chimed in, and said they had the same experience. One even had his cellphone service knocked out for a few days, making me wonder if it was a central hierarchy over it all, or if they give the local team assigned to each anon’s surveillance some degree of autonomy, and ability to request bans from all the services for that target. It is not news there is a massive network that runs it all, but it is another potential datapoint. And a good reason to run your own site on your own hosting, so you cannot be as easily un-personed.

Vox Day points out the most important lesson of all – that everything you see, the news, the economic numbers, the election results, the polls, the whole narrative that is presented to you, is fake, and simply constructed to control you.

GOP allies meet with President Trump and plan to contest electors.

Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene says Republicans will object to Electoral College votes from six states.

Georgia Senate fraud hearing hears that GOP ballots in Georgia were printed differently than Democrat ballots, so the GOP ballots would be rejected by the machines.

At the hearing, a witness reveal he was hacked into a Dominion voting machine that was being used in the Senate runoff, over the voting machines internet connection, as he was testifying.

GA Senate Judiciary subcommittee voted to allow mail in ballots to be forensically analyzed. Link is to video of the hearing. Also, a witness said, 93% of the military absentees went for Biden.

Author Larry Schweikart, does a twitter thread with what a high placed Congressional source has told him will be the procedures when the electors are counted. Larry was a published author, but he has also seemed quite solid in the past. His source’s case is Pence will have very little effect on the counting due to established procedures, where he is more of a host than a participant, and he cannot refuse to count any votes. Also rejection of Elector Slates is very unlikely, unless it happens through court actions between now and then. It may mean the Dominion machine show will be  more likely. Or it will simply go the way Q said, which was “Think logically – the military was the only way.” All I know is I have seen behind the curtain, at the cancer that has been building in our entire political system, conservative and liberal. All of this has nothing to do with politics, or left or right, or ideology anymore. I know what lurks behind door number two, where Biden takes office. It is flat out horrific – getting droned through your ceiling with Directed Energy Weapons for espousing bad think about China horrific. And from what I have seen, President Trump has stood up to it, hurt it, and enraged it. And because of that, I am still 100% confident there is zero way he can ever let the nation go through door number two. And that is even before considering it would place a Chinese asset in the Presidency, our elections would be gone, once and for all, and the country would begin its final descent. How what will happen happens is the only question. I have to say, the curiosity is almost as bad as the impatience.

Secret Service making changes to presidential detail amid concerns current members are aligned with Trump. Biden needs Agents who will be OK with him selling out to China in front of them.

Mastermind of lottery fraud admits he rigged jackpots.

Walmart says it will invest $425 million to expand presence in Wuhan over the next five years.

China owns outright or has large interests in a surprising number of well-known “American” brands.

A proposed wind farm project in West Texas has become a potential national security issue due to its Chinese owner who has ties to the communist regime in Beijing and the People’s Liberation Army.

China is guarding ancient bat caves against journalists and scientists seeking to discover the origins of the coronavirus.

Now a Swiss guy died right after receiving a COVID vaccination. If you have a loved one who has to get the vaccine, do it at a hospital, and wait three hours in the parking lot listening to the radio, just to be safe.

1 in 600 has died of COVID in North Dakota, New York, and Massachussets, while over 1 in 500 are dead in New Jersey. And yet, if the death rate is .06%, then even if everyone were to catch it, only one in about 1700 would die. It is impressive they have programmed the population to such a degree, they can still pull the wool over their eyes, even though they can’t even do basic mathematics.

Spain will keep a registry of people who refuse the coronavirus vaccine.

Prosecutors have charged a 17-year-old Illinois teen accused of shooting three people during a protest in southeastern Wisconsin this summer with violating curfew that night.

The Army is planning a major overhaul of its hair and grooming regulations, so girls can wear prettier hairstyles.

Congressman-elect Luke Letlow, the Congresman who was said to have died from COVID, suffered a heart attack following an operation related to the disease.

Minnesota state lawmakers call for national COVID death audit after ‘shocking’ data shows people with gunshot wounds were counted.

President Donald Trump’s campaign adviser said the team is aiming to present evidence during a potential congressional debate on Jan. 6.

Representative-elect says Pelosi and McConnell may strike a ‘deal’ to change the rules to block members from objecting to Biden.

It may not be necessary for both Houses of Congress need to reject a state’s Electoral College vote for an objection made during the joint session of Congress on January 6, 2021 to prevail.

Patrick Byrne says China studied us and saw that corruption was our weakest point.

Again, Biden refers to Kamala as the President elect.

Hunter Biden laptop lawsuit gives Twitter unpleasant legal choices.

Pence’s final visit to Israel before leaving office is canceled.

A D.C. hotel that has been frequented by the far-right group the Proud Boys announced Monday that it will be closed during the planned pro-President Trump demonstrations next week.

A former Texas state Senate candidate claims she was “gagged, bound [and] tortured” in a hotel, by three people who called her about meeting to discuss “something very important regarding her safety.”

Antifa group continues occupation of Seattle-area hotel, grows in numbers, takes over more rooms.

Gang of black youth goes on the attack with bikes and kicks, smashing the vehicle of a man driving his elderly mother. It is entirely possible the kids are Cabal kid-intel agents, and the guy and his mother were Cabal vehicular surveillance, and this whole thing, including the videography, was a choreographed show to heighten tensions, and motivate more people to move to Florida and Texas.

From the comments, you’ve probably seen it already but I want to store it here as Archival Material of Cabal – Vehicular Surveillance Example.

Scientists have found that dropping lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), magic mushrooms, ecstasy and other psychedelics can potentially alleviate the trauma caused by racial discrimination.

Cuban migrants protest at Mexico border, seeking entry to U.S.

Canada’s immigration minister is trying to accept U.S.-based illegal migrants who are going to be sent back to their home countries.

England will need to build over 100K houses per year to keep up with mass migration.

UK woman arrested for filming inside an empty hospital.

Rep Stefanik calls Cuomo an ‘absolute disgrace’ for prioritizing drug addicts for the coronavirus vaccine.

DC passes bill to vaccinate children without parental knowledge or consent.

Almost half of Swedish Chinavirus ICU patients are migrants.

Melatonin, a dietary supplement often used by insomnia sufferers, was associated with an almost 30 percent reduced likelihood of contracting the Chinavirus.

Ivermectin prevents Covid-19.

Tulsi Gabbard’s Bill to ban biological men from women’s sports gains bipartisan support in Congress.

450 miles of border wall to be finished by the end of the year.

Spread r/K Theory, because time heals all, especially curiosity.

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LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago

>”Israel says the Chinavirus was developed during gain-of-function research and was released by accident.”

Oy vey goys, it was just an unfortunate accident. Please don’t nuke the shit out of our next host we intend to fully parasite on once we are done with sucking dry and blowing up the US.

Sounds legit!

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatus
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatus

It might be too late. So Sad. So Sad. 😢

Nixon made the policy, and it’s still policy. Bio is a WMD, since the US lacks Bio as a means of retaliation then we will just have to use Nuclear instead to create equivalent damage within the Chinese nation.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatus
4 years ago

So sad… 🙁


LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago

>”Scientists have found that dropping lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), magic mushrooms, ecstasy and other psychedelics can potentially alleviate the trauma caused by racial discrimination.”


>Be non-White person
>Want to get high
>”Pls halp, I was bictim of raycissm, pls gib droogs”
>Number of entirely not-fake registered “hate crimes” goes up every time a non-White wants to drops some acid or do some shrooms
>ADL gets even more funding because of the worrying increase in “hate crime” since complaining about racism works like a button to dispense high potency psychedelics into the blood stream of non-Whites

Yeah, what could go wrong with that.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs

Yes, Lem of the Lusitani. It is just another way to traffic drugs.

4 years ago

In regards to women in the military. I would prefer if they were discouraged from doing so via various incentives.

I don’t believe they belong there.

Reply to  info23
4 years ago

They make good snipers. Ask the Russians.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko, with over 300 confirmed Nazi kills.

Reply to  Rhapsody
4 years ago

Skill is not the only issue.
They don’t belong in combat until you are desperate and about to lose.

“When Hitler is in New Jersey”

Reply to  Rhapsody
4 years ago

Deuteronomy 22:5
“The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.”

The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man,…. It being very unseemly and impudent, and contrary to the modesty of her sex; or there shall not be upon her any “instrument of a man”
(f), any utensil of his which he makes use of in his trade and business; as if she was employed in it, when her business was not to do the work of men, but to take care of her house and family; and so this law may be opposed to the customs of the Egyptians, as is thought, from whom the Israelites were lately come; whose women, as Herodotus

(g) relates, used to trade and merchandise abroad, while the men kept at home; and the word also signifies armour

(h), as Onkelos renders it; and so here forbids women putting on a military habit and going with men to war, as was usual with the eastern women; and so Maimonides

(i) illustrates it, by putting a mitre or an helmet on her head, and clothing herself with a coat of mail; and in like manner Josephus

(k) explains it,”take heed, especially in war, that a woman do not make use of the habit of a man, or a man that of a woman;”nor is he to be found fault with so much as he is by a learned writer

Likewise when God conscripted people for War he only chose males 20 years and older. No doubt plenty of women should be as capable as your example.

But God didn’t because he thought the sex role distinction is very important such that even capable women weren’t conscripted for War whatsoever.

I choose to trust the Wisdom of God on this.

Reply to  info23
4 years ago

Yes. You are correct info23. Unisexism is Marxist, Liberal policy. It is Gnosticism–the destruction of particularity.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatus
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatus
Reply to  Rhapsody
4 years ago

I would say a few, maybe even some, make good snipers. “They” as in all or most do not. Sniping is a rare talent among men as it is.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Rhapsody
4 years ago


For the women who have the warrior spirit in them, it would be a waste to not make use of them.

But they should be separate from men, should have their own units made up exclusively by women (for various good reasons).



Hey, you may dislike the joos, but you and they have something in common, something that’s going to result in you spending a very long time with them if you don’t change your ways.

@info23 above quoted the law of God on the matter of women doing men’s work: it is not allowed.

You choose to ignore the wisdom and commands of Almighty God though, and would use women to fight.

In this matter, disregard for God, for His will and His laws and wisdom, you are exactly like your pals. And you will suffer the same consequences as them, and much sooner than you might imagine.

So, repent, you do not know better than your Creator. He sees everything, and trust me, He is mightily pissed off right now.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  grumpy
4 years ago

>”Hey, you may dislike the joos,”

Not particularly, I just hate subversion, and that includes Jewish and Israeli subversion.


Sure there are women with warrior spirit. Although they should be engaged in a more crucial spiritual war. And countering subversion or rooting out traitors through investigative capabilities I think women are good at sniffing out weak and creepy Men.

Voxday notes their uncanny ability to find out gamma males who is very likely to be a traitor.

God limited physical warfare to the Male Sex.

4 years ago

On this new year Eve, I want to offer AC my heartfelt thanks for the work he has been doing for us.
AC, may 2021 bring you love, health, freedom, and prosperity. You are a beacon of light in a world of darkness.
We shall prevail.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I beg to differ with you AC on this “Real Freedom”. As a r/K specialist, how do you have “freedom” in a state of War. Life is War. As we see know, war has been going on in the US. Cultural, Intellectual, racial and religious war—all subterfuge.

In a State of War, the only states that survive are Authoritarian! One must have also religion. Unless one is a CCP like China. Under Throne and Altar, we had a modicum of freedom. Only Authority can deal in a state of war. The libertarian nature of America has led us to this collapse.

“An ounce of prevention, is worth a pound of cure”. We wouldn’t be in this predicament in the first place! If we had State and Religious authority.

Reply to  phil
4 years ago

Happy New Year to one and all!

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Happy new year to all the frens!

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Happy New year guys too.

4 years ago

Dated a girl lot of years ago in my youth whose brother and his school mates where producing super pure grade LSD in their lab at MIT. Amazing stuff. Of course, Carlos Castaneda had a cult following back then. Serendipity? Consciousness? Awakening? Time Honored Tradition?

It was a different world, we who had the audacity and motive power did things outside the human controls of the day, our contemporary philosophers such as George Carlin and John Belushi/Dan Akroydd had a tap into the early warning system, cabal watched us, there where evidence all around, but those days it wasn’t the insect hive it is today and they where assimilating what they watched more than assimilating r/ into the collective, and digitally socially engineering. cabal has always been very good at utilizing cutting edges of technology into its advantage, especially what was called in those days Audio-Visual which they introduced into the public school systems, a kind of recruiting boot camp from which to valuate and draw future human assets. Brave New World. I remember how my fellow students who where favored pupils seemed to leave known space, some actually dropped off the academic class requirements, leaving on buses to strange locations, and you ain’t invited, the rest if us could never even dream of skipping. And the courses quickly closed off to all but an occasional one or two here and there.

Lot of humans born since that era literally have no conception of what that is like. They may not be slaves per-say in the meat space sense, but they are slaves allrighty, I see it all around me, but the really nifty part, is where I live its like time stopped at the bottom of the mountain, you might say today folks in these Appalachian hollows and ridges are the most backwards and unsophisticated people, bitter clingers with their bibles and ways and rifles clutched to their loving hearts as a shield against the modern world, and you’d be right from your enslaved thought patterns, but in their innate steadfast perseverance and prudence they are more free than you even have an inkling of, and they stay free because Time Honored Traditions, born out of the most purest elements of r/K selection, untainted. It is timeless up here, seriously, the not modern world is a world time has forgotten, and thats a really wonderful thing, we are going to need a template. And these folks don’t now how priceless they are. That we have escaped the insects of cabals clutches infers how anti-fragile are Time Honored Traditions, a pesticide, derived from a moment, an act so revolutionary to the human race, in 1609 in a place called Jamestown, its survived the worst the worst evil in human skin suits can cast upon our great civilization America.
There’s pockets of these living breathing precepts and codes and way of life long learned hard won thru thousands of years of an unbroken line of culture which birthed a people who don’t even know they do the impossible, will survive everything because r/K selection is constantly evolving creating a race of hearts and minds hybrid vigor.

I believe whats the overall thing happening to us is tyrannies last gasp lunge for relevancy in the sphere of human activity, its trying to survive, this dead end branch of the path of r/K selection, its doomed, it always was, it knows in its primal brain. Its the Zombies, literally, why a thing called clinton is a knuckle dragging club carrying savage human under the skinsuit of illusion of authorty and legitimacy, its not sick, its a sick terminally ill dead end branch of the human genome like a runaway train on a line that dead ends. Witness the obsessed efforts to constantly revision the truth of Neanderthal man, relegate him to a dead end and a tooless dumb ape, and elevate a branch of apes out of Africa who could’nt even invent the wheel. Which employed in the form of a tool of non value added labor reduction, the wheel barrow tripled farming output over night, made the use of animal manures expeditious and doubled crop production again, even later made the stockpiling of animal manure the source of saltpeter which led to the invention of The Rifle, and its advent of the arm of self determinism, individual sovereignty, and blessings of liberty hence America.

Why it is, a myriad of reasons, we all have our favorites, the selection is vast, after all its still the r/K genome map, but the most dramatic will be the physical elimination from the gene pool in numbers large enough to have a steering effect on humanity, a great cleansing of America as Andrew Skousen prophesied, as the bible informs us, The Whole Armor of God is a primal necessity, the big guy knows us better than we do, there’s that grand design K will naturally precipitate even if we are non consciously cognitive aware of it.
Something put The God Emperor in this space and time to do exactly this, to be the catalyst, its not he who is coming to save us but we are who we been waiting for, Trump is only showing us the door, its we who have to walk thru it, and how deep the rabbit hole goes is something you can not be told, you have to see it for yourself. All trump is offering is the truth. He knows more than we know, he knows he knows he knows more than we know we don’t even know we don’t know. What we can only learn to know by seeing for ourselves. The energy created by this gestalt of good folks is whats the dynamic that causes the second great 2000 year leap. cabal power is a fart in a mitten to this motive energy and that moment when it changes is whats the dynamic underlying everything, its the disturbance in the matrix thats folks sense but don’t grok on the conscious level. Yet. Its gonna fucking explode like a bomb. This Zeitgeist. The insects are helter-skelter. The hives beginning to sense somethings up. Its about to go into survival mode. Everything is coming down to a place in time and space.
You know something like most of us, like a splinter in your mind.

My grand pop told me your gut feelings are never to be ignored, its your subconscious trying to tell you something, listen to it boy, at worst you can do no wrong by it.
He told me that when I asked him one day during hunting season if he ever had that feeling in the forest, where you had this funny feeling up ahead was a spot that felt like it was a bad place to cross, and you had this dark foreboding you best go way around or take another off quadrant line. Spots in the woods that stopped you in your tracks before your conscious cognition caught up with what stopped your legs from moving. To this day there places like that I never cross, can’t say why but can’t deny my gut don’t like them.
I think in ways this is the mark of a Paradigm, a sea change, and the energy under neath shoving up at a monster preference cascade, cabal don’t have a clue or power to make a dent in it.

The great thing about America is fuck you is always a choice, nobody tells you what your priorities are, no cabal tells a nation of us Deplorable’s what our priorities are. Playing us for suckers is one thing, ain’t making us slaves. Two totally different things.
And we are an armed to the fucking teeth culture because nobody forces their priorities on us. An organized standing military ain’t required thank you very much. We got what it takes and this is shit as dirt people we need to set to rights ourselves, its an imperative.
You risk your existence ruthlessly with malice and forethought violating our codes inherent.
Violating the Temple of our Faiths and Precepts.
Horatius At The Bridge ain’t no fable. Neither is The God-Emperor.

Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

> leaving on buses to strange locations, and you ain’t invited

They were doing that when I was in high school in the 1970s. They would show up for first period, then they’d get on a bus and wouldn’t come back until the next morning. None of them would answer any questions about where they went or what they did. But I noticed they were all the “proud crowd” who had been privileged in the lower grades.

“Magnet schools” were already a thing then, circumventing busing laws and other restrictions, but if they’d been going to one, I don’t know why it would be a big secret.

The first period thing was important; the county was rigid about attendance since they got Federal money based on it. So they showed up on the records and School A got paid for it, but they actually went to class in School B. Maybe they got counted twice…

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

“Magnet schools” were already a thing then, circumventing busing laws and other restrictions, but if they’d been going to one, I don’t know why it would be a big secret.

Right, I was in a magnet school, and it was no secret. You bragged about it, in fact.

I wonder in retrospect if my middle school magnet was in fact the quarantine magnet, where the kids who were too smart but not controllable/corruptible enough went to. The draw for my magnet was tons and tons of field trips, which frankly appeals more to slackers than the hardcorps academic nerds. (There were several magnets to choose from, with different foci — science, art, TAG, etc. I did science in middle school and vocational — R/TV/F– in high school. I was lucky enough to be in that magic transition where I learned NLE and how to thread and gate an Arri 16mm in the same course.)

4 years ago

AC, your blog your rules, have to honor and respect that, be far from it, unthinkable, me tell you what to do, thats freedom right. For what its worth, if you don’t care, you got my undying blessing to not post anything all any comment I make. I get it. Your blog’s worth way more anything I got to say, I’m inconsequential, my gums flapping don’t matter, do not want to jeopardize what you have built and you have labored to create. Your discretion rules. Anything comes from me feel free to 86 it, won’t be any bitching from me. Its imposing on you of me to even say this.

I know how they watch us, all’s it takes is one trigger and the drones flip into intruder alert mode. And brrrt your memory holed. Or a particle beam thru your cieling. Just want you to know that.
And appreciate you. Thanks for the fun and delight too. You got a great sense of graveyard humor and one liner zingers. Groucho Marks would approve, The Little Rascals, Curly Moe and Larry, would too.

God bless, kind regards.

4 years ago

Jack Whittiker won two WV drawn lottery jackpots, think the first was 234 million. Met him once, seemed like a good sort, got acquaintances who worked for him, they tell of a lot of shit happened to the guy, bad stuff, its like he had this plague of dark and nasty formed a shield around him till the winnings where gone. He’s been said to say it was the worst thing could have happened, wished he never seen a lotto ticket. And he was very well off already running a couple local outfits. Lost a suitcase of cash one night, supposedly no one new he had it, out in his vehicle, while having a drinking at a local watering hole.

Did he defy cabal somehow not obeying orders to launder the money? Was he simply a luck of the draw, 234 million got away from cabal, they went in to recover it? Couple guys know him say he is naturally lucky.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

Sounds like a pattern. Much lesser amount, and not from a lottery, but same thing happened to me. Much lesser amount, but still enough to provide freedom, independence, and get the family on a sound footing for 2 generations, with a little intelligence and work. All gone.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Mycroft Jones
4 years ago

Can you expand on specifics of how they get you to lose the money, if that is ok with you?

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones

Never ending legal attacks, mainly. Especially from the social workers. Hard to keep a family stable when funds are low and you are under legal attack. Scripture limits punishment of crimes, “lest your brother become vile in your sight” and also structures punishments so they don’t disrupt your family structure. Lessening a man’s social status further often is enough to end his marriage. Never ending attacks from the government lessens ones status, and when the money that was there disappears, it really lessens it. What they did was like a mental equivalent of curb stomping. In curb stomping, the initial kick does some damage, the rebound doubles it. The initial government attacks I could handle; the internal stress on the family though, effectively doubled their attack. Later I also found that the government had been spreading rumors among my neighbors and associates to dissuade them from extending aid and comfort. My last tenant revealed, after I kicked him out, that he’d even been approached with actionable rumors, but he wouldn’t give enough info for me to take action.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
4 years ago

Both the family court and the deliberately evil methods of destroy families by using the pretext of domestic violence are tools of the enemy to destroy the family. Look into the Duluth model and see how it always assumes male guilt and Female innocence and how that is weaponized to destroy families.

4 years ago

Kids make awesome intell agents. Loved the Little Rascal’s when I was a kid. Specially street kids. Who was it wrote stories has what was it, his irregulars? as his surveillance system? Sherlock Holmes? Remeber other kids in scholl, had gangs, did everything in a group, lots of ball’s together and total pussies you catch one by himself, instantly submissive and scared your gonna put a pounding into the fucker begging before you barely line up on them. Like they knew exactly they been acting bad as an in group member and you knew it too. Never understood but it was out of normal character. And hunter/seeker groups out at night, a local town cops would have to be unconscious those days not to see it for what it was. Watch them going sector by sector in cars, grid pattern searches, real nasty actors, never attack more than 3 at a time. They was always from the successful contractor and small business families. Older ones from those school day in groups past graduating. Had a cousin down in Boston, seen it when we would go out and infiltrate thru town enjoying the night. I grew up in the woods so it was a great experience to me, one noght they must have got a eyeball on us down some sightline we didn’t catch moving around on our rear, ambushed us, one kid ended up with his front teeth thru his bottom lip, broke radius and lots of stitches on his head and hands, we got around back of three of them while they was using chains and boots on our buddy, the rest had jumped in their car to cut us off where they figure we was hoofing it away, put the clip on them to get the pressure of our friend and help him out of the zone. We where too small and outclassed muscle and mass wise by the fuckers so you couldn’t make a stand and they always had back up near by you had to allow for. Never hightailed it so fast in my short scared shitless life, laughing like a crazed idiot.
My cousin had a number of accesses to roofs we would place ourselves and be real discreet watch things. The Boston cops knew and watched these guys and just looked the other way.
One night we was heading back to the house, carload of them drove by real slow, gave us the hand gun cocked back and click hand sign, we made haste, grabbed shovels and golf clubs out of my cousins garage, hunkered down in a hedgerow and waited, sure enough here they come, one with a pistol got out, we jumped him as he passed the hedge, and it was on after a brief mexican standoff we just all started swinging, knocked the pistol to the ground, they dragged off the shithead and took off, sicked the cops on us. Told them fuck you, they wanted the gun, said its in the street drain help yourself. Never asked us what happened, in fact the fuckers drove by up the end of the street giving us the Hawaiian good luck sign, pointed this little fact out to the cops, they looked, shrugged, one of them said what you expect us to do?

After reading your accounts and insights AC, things add up never did before, think your right, cabal starts them young, best methods of Mao’s “Dirty All Hands”. Makes a ton of sense for how crooked and comp’d and invasive they are, the coverage would escalate by logarithmic jumps in a few short generations. How else do you create such a infestation across all institutions of secretive in groups, its pure Costra Nostra El Murde. Or Chinese Gang structure? Combo of?

4 years ago

Trump will do nothing. Biden will be sworn in. Almost all of you will be banging on your keyboard in outrage .when the blue helmets show up and your wife turns in your guns(for your own good) If you are not already gone to the hills you never will go. Talk is easy. Infantry hurts .’Rule .308 is now in effect. IF YOU HAVE THE BALLS.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatus
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatus
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

It’s actually rule 556. That’s how I know Ray is a CIGay.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Ray
4 years ago

Ray? More like Gay.

Reply to  Ray
4 years ago

Stuff like that makes me remember the days of usenet, when trolls took pride in their work. Kids today…

> blue helmets

[chuckle] “They’re not coming to take our guns… they’re coming to give us theirs.”

Just as an aside, the 7.62×51/.308 is a wussy caliber by the standards of American hunters, who tend to prefer big bangs. Many common hunting rounds will easily penetrate ordinary military helmets and body armor. The “high power” NATO 5.56×45 is a variant of a cartridge hunters developed for groundhogs and similar small game.

Occupation troops also have a secondary problem. Military and police are trained to shoot at “center of mass”, which is approximately the sternum, which is above the actual normal center of mass, but that’s government for you. They have the hidden assumption that anyone shooting back will be shooting at the same place. Hunters aren’t trained to blaze away at “center of mass.” They’ll shoot where the body armor isn’t. Well, I guess armor might provide some extra warmth in winter, but a nice fluffy coat would be more effective without adding so much to their load-out… a round from great-granddad’s old .30-30 in the face or the crotch will still do the job.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

I saw some guys on hebrewtube that drilled their body shots to the hit below the front plate (just above the pelvis) and their head shots where drilled to hit to the neck a little off center (to get one of the main arteries and veins), because 2 legged mammals sometimes wear helmets and body armor.

The UN would get shredded by the American battle autism. Pls film it and post the streams if the blue homos decide to go practice being mobile shooting practice targets for the burgerfrens.


For defensive shots, pelvic girdle is absolutely your best shot. Every bit of blood in the body bottlenecks there, just like the neck, and in addition, you are likely to break or completely shatter the pelvis. If your pelvis is broken, it is mechanically impossible to stand up. All you can do is lie there and scream medic. The pelvic girdle is also notoriously hard to armor. If the guy is coming at you, pelvic girdle shots make sure it is impossible for him to continue moving forward.

Sniper’s triangle is your one shot kill. Pelvic girdle is your one shot stop, with lots of shrieking and resources tied up.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

Sniper’s triangle: imagine a triangle drawn between the bridge of the nose and both nipples. If you can put your shots in that triangle, you’ll take down anyone, anywhere — and usually on the first hit.

4 years ago

Happy New Era of America Everyone.

Lets Win!

Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

I hope 2021 is an epic shitshow that makes 2020 the Year that Was Forgotten.

comment image

4 years ago

Wrote a piece on Obama’s attempt to return Churchill’s bust in the White House. My editor said it created an unusual degree of stats for The Post&Email. From what I could gather he had a special place of hate in his black satanic heart for Churchill, from his father, who refused to become a British subject when Kenyan’s where offered this or Kenyan citizenship after the Brits returned national sovereignty to the Kenyan’s, who had a special in his heart of darkness for the Empire and it’s colonization of Africa.
I guess a billion deep state hegemony big daddy warbucks American blood treasure trumps the ideological farce of marxism and critical black race supremacy theory any day. But I just repeated myself, oop’s, 3 times I think. Nope, 4, nope 5 times, my bad.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

Fuck Churchill. He destroyed all Europe to do the Jews bidding. If Churchill had not declared war on Germany then it’s most likely that eastern Europe might have been freed. It’s possible that Russia would have been freed when it collapsed after Hitler attacked them and the Commies thrown out of power. Germany would have only have one front. There would have been no contest in Greece and North Africa. It’s possible that Germany would have done what they said they were going to do and leave everything else alone after they had taken some land from the Ukraine. Not that that was good but I expect that Ukrainians would have been better off under the Germans than the Jews in Russia.

If Germany had not been defeated I do not believe the Jews would have the power they do now. I don not believe we would be in the situation we are in now. I believe that the whole world would be much more prosperous as the Jews would not have been able to control all the central banks.

People forget the rapid rise of wealth of the working man in Germany when they took away Jew control of the banks. While farmers in the US were hanging themselves in their barns during the depression Germans were taking company paid vacations.

Now that being said the Germans should have been smart enough not to attack Poland. They ultimately put themselves in that situation.

4 years ago

Regarding Vox’s commentary on the economic numbers, I would argue that it’s not so much that they are fake, as it is the case that the legacy media goes out of its way to paint a picture designed to advance the narrative. Anyone who was paying close attention during the Obama years knew that the Obama economy was lackluster at best. GDP, job creation, business startups and pretty much every other metric showed at the time that the economy was mediocre. But the media repeatedly told us that it was The Greatest Recovery Ever!!!

On the other hand when Trump took office and the economy began to really take off we got crickets from that same legacy media. They somehow stopped paying any attention to the economy at all.

One of the President’s great and lasting achievements will have been to wake up the normies to the fact that the legacy media has been lying to them all along and that in no way should they ever be trusted again.

4 years ago

This link goes to the story about the guy who hacked the lottery, not the voting machines:

At the hearing, a witness actually pulled out a tablet and hacked into a Dominion voting machine that was being used in the Senate runoff, over the voting machines internet connection, as he was testifying.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago
President Elect kbg
President Elect kbg

That is a mugfull of teeth that should be no longer there. For the sake of diversity right – arent whtie teeth racissssst? A black gaping hole would give him some standing. At this point I can’t wait for the kickoff.

4 years ago

My bad again, at least inference the lightbringers dad was Kenyan, because the next piece I wrote, which Malcolm X inspired me in his seminal book, the guy is well worth reading, pretty sharp dude, too sharp for his own good, but had a blind spot and should have known they would give him the dirt nap for his critical thinking, was the lightbringers blood father. All the timelines and actors line up in Hawaii at the correct cross roads of time and space of his immaculate inception, with a particular white red diaper baby. It was looking at the cover of X’s book, his pose, the classic portrait of X, that prompted an epiphany, and set me on the investigative path of this confluence of actors in a hotel during a two week period of particular time.
Having only briefly informing my editor of this story I had started into X and obot, one day an email shows up, had no addressee, no subject line, only the time/date stamp, this was in the early days, before I had a fucking clue cabal existed, yet there was something just wasn’t right going on with shit.
Well after wondering for a bit should I open this mysterious email, my monkey curiosity prevailed, and what appears on my laptop is a microfiche blow up of a Mossad file on one Malcolm X. Now no one knew what I was working on but my editor, by my mouth.
It looked very authentic to me, had various stains, even part of a coffee cup stain and its brother after somebody took a sop and put his cup back down, up in the right top corner of the frontage page, where there was all sorts of usage/reader stamps and dates, library location seriel numbers, many artifacts in Hebrew, or what I assumed is, even Top Secret stamped in red ink, which looked as if they where sequential re-stamps, made from different font even and shades of red ink, one was black ink, over time across the usage records and dates and chicken scratch notes and remarks, looked pretty darn real to me, not that I looked at a document like this everyday, or never.

Anyways it was produced using an old mechanical type writer, that must have seen better days and needed a new ribbon, the paper had aged appearance, yellowing and spotty places where type had faded, lot of stuff showed as a hand made document, hadn’t seen its like in many years but looked like from the 50’s, done on a WWII or 1930’s typewriter.
What I read was essentially a surveillance and intelligence estimation document, in which it was clearly stated X and I’m not going to type this persons name, had a close sexual relationship, whose parent are suspected of being old hat altruistic comintern agents, during a two week time frame in a set of hotel suites in HI., in a time frame not to long before 1960, shared with actors by the name of F.M.D., F.C., B.D. W.A, a certain character name rhymes with shay, and a number of lesser but noted agent provocateurs who show up thru the 60’s in various locations, societies, institutions, and times from a certain caribbean island, central american banana republics, and thru, into and as 5th column US actors at various points in that era of subversive foriegn enemy activities working with domestic agents of treasons and radical political activities. There was not a single person or event, association I knew from my own personal citizen journalistic research, that did not jive with the accounts in this document, except for information I had no knowledge of, yet dovetailed seemlessly with known documented accounting, plus these unknown inknowns tied together and where substantiative in their own right. Nothing was out of wack. The only outlier was the stated intelligence of observed and time lined/time stamped sexual relationship between two particular individuals, which I knew nothing of, never read found even heard rumor of. Inly thing I could say about that was my epiphany from examining X’s book. A lightbulb over the head moment, nothing more or nothing less, ptompted by the uncanny similarities between X’s and obots facial characteristocs. And everything I came across from that time on dovetailed in one way or another with whay I was able to discover in public records, at the time, and I must have been real lucky, because all of a sudden, the memory holing of everything pertaining to the loghtbringers past across the interwebs and their meatspace sources began to be eradicated.

About an hour upon opening and reading this document in the email, I called my editor to share what I had, it was a most unerving yet thrilling experience for me, and my editor after an hour of trying to convey everything, was equalling non-plussed, which was hughly out of character for the guy, he was always had a fine command of the english language and instantly had intelligent very helpful advice and comments, as he had searched me out, convinced me to write for him, and was gracious and determined to tutor me because my skills truly sucked, I had no more than a really bad 7th grade education, and only my own self education gave me any skills. I’;m terribly dyslectic, math and english grammar does not go thru the normal neural pathways, I’ve had to create my own systems for math and syntax, the mechanics of grammar and language, but I have an eidetic memory for mechanical things, can read upside down backwards faster than regular, and hand to eye skill sets which are extremely high off any charts. Guess the brain tries to compensate and makes paths past the blocks.

But that last is just context so you can see if I’m bullshitting here. I’m not. But you always must trust but verify for yourself. And folks got to know they ain’t alone in their intuitions and leaps of logic and insights, suspicions, and no, you ain’t crazy, its not tin foil hatters madness from using mercury to cure beaver skin top hats.

I’m on the phone describing stuff to my editor, he’s asking hard questions, I’m totally focused, this is wild wacky world level shit, and both of us are trying to come to terms with it, and the email simply doesn’t exist, I’m looking right at it when it doesn’t happen, not even a blink on the screen, nothing, and nothing of it exists on my computer. Nothing in the logs. N.O.T.H.I.N.G. It did not happen. My editor wouldn’t talk to me for two weeks. Not even akcnowlege he wouldnt communicate. Total silence.
This is when the fun began.
I got, everyone who we later found not to be an agent provocateur on the paper, got the cabal personal treatment. It is for me, and I was the recipient of every kind of digital, and meat space tactics to out, doxx, incriminate, besmirch, inhibit, block, ban, follow, video taped, harassed, and literally had leg breakers in white GI vans show up and trespass on my home and physically assault me, which I am totally proud to tell you I got the drop on the motherfuckers and they figured they was all so lucky to still be breathing they didn’t try that a third time, as 3rd times the fucking charm boys, and nobody will know where your fucking ghetto rat bones lay but the trees up here on our mountain.
I’m talking bucks, big boys. Obot’s, “Civilian police force, better armed better trained than our military”, his words not mine. Aka Organizing for Amerika, aka Burn Loot Murder officer cadre, aka TNBPP, aka blackbloc, aka cabal insects.

But don’t take my word, really who you got to be listening to is the guy runs this joint. I just got myself in a pickle, and on the special list, they don’t leave you be once you get the personal treatment.
And that Mossad thingy, thats nuthin’, the best one was I war composing a piece of investigations into that whole globullshitcolding, crap, nobody but me and God knew I was doing a piece on it, I get one Sunday morning, about 5:35 am, while I’m logged on my email system, The, The one and only, two weeks before it shows up anyplace else, the East Anglia University Servers, full data dump of all the weather and temp data, everything, in Professor Mann’s, Hockey Stick paper, the unaltered unadulterated raw data, in one PDF file, just exactly like I had some wireless link into the entire Dominion vote stream, everything into and out of it, in its purest total form, and no one knew I was into it unrestricted and downloaded everything in one big fat lump.

WHO THE FUCK’S SENDING ME THIS STUFF? It ain’t the insects. Did I figure out something, some thoughts expressed, key words, was I in front of cabal’s 8ball? What? I didn’t dream this shit. It was as real as stepping on a rusty 12 penny nail sticking up out the top of my boot. I still have moments I’m like naw, did it happen?

What I now know as cabal, went psycho on us. On me. Because I did the discreet thing, I think how I did it they didn’t see it, and dropped my bomb-load on my editor in one act, no forewarning, no warning any kind, 2 weeks before any news of it, and that dude plagiarized my piece, and it was 3 weks before anyone did a piece on it from the data dump hitting the wild, and they only got the first half, I got it all, the rest never got released, the whole shabang, the whole thing they used to foist the scam of global warming on us, the Anglia hack into Mann’s and UV Pennsylvania’s Big Lie. You understand the mind controls established that day by Mann equals trillions of bucks for cabal, what comes after a Trillion? Thats how much collectively, its still going. Its the UN’s central cash cow. 12-14 years now. Not sure when it was incepted and the federal/Euro bucks first began to be run thru cabal laundromat.

Thats a long tale. To this very minute I get the personal cabal touch.
If AC see’s his way to posting this I’ll probably face all sorts of new and interesting fun and exciting attention, but then again I think they got much larger fish to fry and problems that draws cabal’s burning eye away from Middle Earth’s general goings on.
And to be frank, I’m itching for some payback. Its time to take care of shit. And somebody has to start so everyone can join in. Thats just how us Patriots roll.

This shit is water under a big fucking bridge, all it really matters is its a look-see into the extent of its tentacles into the facets of the sphere of our lives as a solid down to earth reference point, maybe you could call it need for a touch stone or sumpin’.
AC is the guy who has theorized it out, the important precious insights, got the critical thinking skill set. Vox Day too. The only ones who really get it. Everyone else is stages behind, they are figuring it out, but got some big leaps or really one big leap to do.
Thats cabal’s breaking point. The Zeitgeist. It’s inevitable, barring some really vile shit that burns every access to truth.
That last’s why you don’t have enough ammo and never enough good friends who when you call and say we got shit to take care of you jump on the tail gate at threedarkothirty and do whats needs doing.

What I’m saying here in all this is like I come across you, we total strangers, your lyin’ in the gutter or a ditch, your caught in a bad dream, your yakking away, and I bend down to rouse you, saying buddy, wake up man, we got to go, Hey! Dude, wake the fuck up Man! Your having the wrong dream you gotta get out of it come back and get up, time to go, we got a job, your coming, we all got to do this, and you wake up, and it hits you, and everything clicks, and there we go but for The Grace of God, and we know it balls to bones.

4 years ago

The Army is planning a major overhaul of its hair and grooming regulations, so girls can wear prettier hairstyles.

Not even women. Just Black Women. All of the regulation changes are pointed directly at Black Women.

4 years ago

“It is entirely possible the kids are Cabal kid-intel agents, and the guy and his mother were Cabal vehicular surveillance, and this whole thing, including the videography, was a choreographed show to heighten tensions, and motivate more people to move to Florida and Texas.”

Why would the Cabal want the migration to those states? You have intelligence regarding a lockdown or strangulation of food, power water or just easier to deal with concentrated deplorables?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I have theorized that the “white flight from trump” was a. jews, and b. electronic manipulation.

4 years ago

Thats a good one, have to remember it, you tell the nasty troll AC.

Ever notice how they all sound hatefully the same? Say the same underlying hateful things. Got the same hateful remarks. Always threaten everyone and everything with the same hateful consequences for being just good folks. We are all hateful and stupid. And have hateful glee telling us what are priorities are, getting it all hatefully wrong, when we are the happiest healthiest most generous caring creative people only caring about good plain simple things for everyone.
They are gonna really hate the excellent future of another 4 years of Mr. President Trump.
Get really hateful banging on their keyboards in hateful outrage nobody gives a hoot what they have hateful to say.

Guess some people got to hate, particularly hate a country where there’s no hate to stir up or no hate to wallow in and wear as a hate skin-suit.
Maybes its cause they really hate themselves and hate to face the hate they got in em’ so they hate on everything else.
Got to be a real hateful way to live.

Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

That’s called “the Narrative.” Leftist operate in troupes like monkeys; monkey-see, monkey-do. The pack leaders declare the Narrative, and they echo is. They *have* to, and be seen doing it, or they will lose status or be ostracized.

They gave up their free agency for their place in the Left’s pecking order.

You might come up with an idea on your own, that’s different from that of your peers, and stay with it even if ridiculed or shunned. But they won’t. Their ideas come from higher up in the pecking order, and must not be questioned, no matter how stupid or personally counterproductive. Once they’re of-the-body, the pressures to conform are so high almost nobody will step out of line.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

Enforced NPCism.

teo toon
teo toon
4 years ago

“Israel says the Chinavirus was developed during gain-of-function research and was released by accident.”
Right. And the attempted sinking of the Liberty was an accident.

4 years ago

“From the comments, you’ve probably seen it already but I want to store it here as Archival Material of Cabal – Vehicular Surveillance Example.”

How do you know if its not just idiot drivers vs. surveillance? The frequency? The oddness? This stuff happened to me and it was odd, because no one else I knew in my office had this many accidents occur in the same amount of time.

These 3 incidents never set well with me, because they seemed avoidable.
I used to work for a company in IL. 3 out of the 4 incidents occurred within a mile or so of the work location. I want to say I was always working half my time in the office between #1 and #2, and was 100% work from home by incident #3. All incidents occurred when leaving the office heading home.

#1. Heading home from work, I had pulled out onto the interstate (8 lane divided) and traffic was backing up and stopped. I was maybe 1/2-1 mile onto the interstate and in the 2nd lane from the left. I was stopped and traffic was stopped in front of me. This lady hits me from behind with a Pontiac Sunfire. My 1/2 ton truck destroyed the front of her car. She bent my bumper and trailer hitch. I didn’t have any injuries and as far as I could tell she was fine. I just figured she was trying to shoot over behind me and misjudged the speed/distance or her car brakes needed to be replaced.

#2. About 6 months later, I was heading home again, it was raining, and the accident was fresh in my memory. I decided to take a parallel road home to the interstate, because the interstate can get jammed up and didn’t want to get hit again. So instead of south to on ramp, I headed west to the parallel road. I’m probably 2 blocks from the turn west and the truck in front of me slows down fast. I was “hydroplaning a bit” but stopped with about 10 feet to spare on the truck in front of me. I look in my rearview and this lexus fucking plows me doing 30 mph at least. She hit me so hard the frame was bent in my 1/2 ton pickup truck. 12K worth of damage, nearly totaled it. I hit my knee on the dash and was a little sore, but fine. The broad who hit me was middle eastern and an immigrant, because she was still talking native tongue. Didn’t call her mom and dad either. Her brother was the first person she called.

Maybe 2 years past since 1 and 2.

#3. Bought a new snowmobile and drove up to pick it up. Sled ways about 600lbs and was in the bed of my truck. Its about an 8 hour drive back to my brother’s house. Was dropping it off there to put on the performance mods. I’m about 5 mins from his house. Heading 55mph east on two lane hwy. The intersection used to be stop only for N/S bound traffic. They had just put in traffic lights. The lights were green for me and some jackass just pulls slowly out in front of me on all red. I had all 4’s locked up sliding and he hammers the gas. I missed him by a second or two.

#4. About 1-2 months later, the same horseshit happens as I volunteered to go into the office to setup some equipment. On my way home again. Heading south on the frontage road. I was heading southbound in the 3rd lane from the west. The far eastern lane is a turning lane only. There was one car at the west side of woodfield road and one vehicle at my 5 o’clock. The car at the west side of woodfield road pulls out in the middle of the fucking road and just stops. I swerved to miss him and the 5 o’clock car t-boned him. All of the action missed me. I pulled the over in the streets of woodfield mall and just sat there. There must have been someone looking out for me.

Here is the intersection I was talking about:
42.042998416287055, -88.0313786769361

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“Israel says the Chinavirus was developed during gain-of-function research and was released by accident.”

I don’t believe the Chinese did this for the most elementary of reasons. Not that they weren’t experimenting with corona.

How would they gain? It would be hard to find how they have gained.

The only people who have gained is the global homo Jews. What really strongly suggest that they directly did this was the Israeli viral researcher that pops up just after corona starts and says that he, what a Cohencidence, just happened to be researching the exact same virus in chickens and would have a vaccine in 6 weeks. Ding, ding, ding. The greedy Jew could not resist the dollar signs of multi-billion dollar vaccine profits. Even more damning after he said this he never said another damn word about it. Someone immediately saw the same thing I did in the the Israeli government and told him to shut the hell up.

Add that with the fact that five different government based viral institutions wrote papers that said the elements of corona were from many different viruses and could not be natural,(and the same papers immediately withdrawn). Somehow the top leadership of the Jews enemy Iranian leadership immediately come down with the corona, from China???, and the Jews ancient enemy the Romans and…I mean it doesn’t get any more informative than this in our total lie based propaganda system.

The Jews did this because their total control system is breaking down. The are a tribe of psychopaths so they could care less how many people they kill as long as they stay on top.

I’m not saying Jews are the only one but they provide the cash flow, logistics and the propaganda to keep the cabal rolling. Without getting rid of them you will never be able to tackle the rest.

For the future if Trump really is on our side and he wins I expect there may be another big virus release and this one will be a killer. It may very well be that the vaccine is a primer for another virus. This is a real thing and sometimes vaccines can make things worse. I haven’t any idea if they’ve actually planned this. Could even be the Philippines mass deaths from vaccines was a test.

“Pathogenic Priming”. This has already happened before. Apparently there a problem with certain viruses that if you take a small portion of it for a vaccine when you get the same illness again it’s actually worse and kills you. This happened in the Philippines. Search “Pathogenic priming”. This says to me that their vaccine they are pushing is possibly dangerous to take.

Pathogenic Priming Likely Contributes to Serious and Critical Illness and Mortality in COVID-19 via Autoimmunity

Criminal charges for this in the Philippines [Pathogenic Priming]

A vaccine can make a second exposure to a virus very deadly. Much more than the original.

Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity

I would stock up on Ivermectin while you can. It may disappear off the shelves.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Israel and China are in on this together.
China is using it to try and get rid of Trump among other things.

4 years ago

K is coming:

Anti-foreigner sentiment on the rise as thousands of expats around the world are forced to flee their adopted homes