News Briefs – 12/31/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Possibly the most amazing article you will see on this site, about how the spying game is changing overseas. The first half is innocuous, and is like the cover for the story.  Just an innocent story to inform you anon, about all this innocuous spy stuff. The second half is where it gets interesting, and they drop a cover story for the Secret Society they have created, which means the Secret Society is going public soon. (As you read the following, understand, we in America or Britain will be even more technologically advanced, capable, wired, and monitored than Singapore. Also either the bit about not being followed anymore in some places because it is all technology-driven is B.S., or Cabal intel is a separate entity than state security operations. The following machinery is everywhere.):

Singapore was one example, recall three former intelligence officials. By the early 2000s, the agency ceased running certain types of operations in the Southeast Asian city-state, because of the sweeping digital surveillance there. The Singaporeans had developed a database that incorporated real-time flight, customs, hotel and taxicab data. If it took too long for a traveler to get from the airport to a hotel in a taxi, the anomaly would trigger an alert in Singaporean security systems. “If there was a gap, they’d go to the hotel, they could flip on the TVs and phones and monitor what was going on” in the room of the suspicious traveler, says the same former senior intelligence official. “They had everything so wired.”

Now read the following, then read the article.

The first half begins to segue into the second as it discusses CIA’s National Resources Division, which is a branch of the CIA which apparently is tasked with operating on US soil, ostensibly for spying on foreigners and handling recruitments, but you see how that could work. Also interesting is an FBI program which employs doctors, dentists, and real estate agents to support espionage operations, and purchase companies for use as covers in espionage operations run on US soil (In other words anon, “the FBI did this too”). It then explains that because of the internet, spy operations can no longer construct fake identities that are immune to a google search, so they are embedding themselves in American companies and the private sector, and giving business advantages to businesses which play ball with the CIA and have a lot of CIA civilian assets in them, working normal lives, while being CIA spooks on the side. It sounds suspiciously like this article may be trying to seed a cover story into the public, which will go something like, “But anon, the only reason we at the CIA assembled this massive civilian Secret Society of spies in America, made up of entire businesses, doctors, dentists, real estate agents, politicians, Hollywood movie-makers, media personnel, data-processing businesses, and immigrants, kept apart from the plebes, and spying on everything, and giving “our companies” CIA operational support to defeat competitors, is because we had to, in order to be able to spy overseas and protect you.”

Basically it is describing a Secret Society of CIA businesses that preferentially employs a Secret Society of CIA spies embedded in them, all living normal lives, and even moving into CIA for a bit, then moving back to civilian life, and then back to CIA. And the CIA makes sure “their” businesses win out over competitors which are not in the Secret Society by giving them CIA advantages as a reward for working for CIA. The only question is, how big is the entire thing?

Imagine if you started a business, but CIA never came to you, and your dreams were leveled because another business got the CIA hookup, CIA agents patronized it, CIA itself supported it, and with that help, it ran you under. And it was your tax dollars paying for it all. And that will be the most harmless part of the thing, when it airs out.

Also interesting is they are in DNA companies to the point they are altering the DNA profiles of CIA agents. Notice how many pieces of the big machine described on this site are peeking around the corners of this piece.

Of course, behind all of this, I see one massive intelligence operation, which Targeted Individuals report follows them  across national borders. I see the followers in all the countries on google earth. One operation above them all, possibly just keeping the plebes in the Agency busy playing spy games against each other, blinded to the ultimate reality, even as they create the very covert machine in our society which Cabal needs in each nation to take each nation over – more than any other enemy they think they face ever could.

Ages ago when I was much more ignorant and a lot younger, I was on a forum with a lot of ex-military guys, and a few Special Operations guys. A subject came up about something some guy in the public eye said, I can’t remember who now, and the moment it came out the guy was associated with CIA, everybody turned on him. I was surprised, because at that age, I thought Special Operations, Military, CIA were all the same. But guys who had been out there and met everyone, especially one of the SpecOps guys, were adamant, you never trust anyone in CIA, and I sensed more than a little hatred coming from them. I didn’t understand it at the time, I assumed it was all one big team of thrill seekers looking to serve, but as I watch how intel seems to favor those most willing to break the rules and kill everyone else, and how the weaker in intel seem to just accept the sharks are going to run the show (and as I realize CIA is probably recruiting its “insiders” from among either the Secret Society families, or more likely the bloodline families), I can see how that particular specialty needs to be buried under oversight and a ruthless system of constraint. And I see how not being so controlled, this is what you get. Basically a Secret Society run by the CIA in America, which justifies advancing itself over everyone else using its powers, because it has a mission to do and it “needs” to.

On the bright side, this article convinces me, the Secret Society is coming out into the open. This is the seed of the cover story for it. And once the FISA files are revealed, so people can see what was done to them personally, and the stories of Brian Mancini and Miosotis Familia are out there, all that will be left standing is Military Intelligence, under control of Generals, and ultimately the President.

Baghdad embassy is under attack by a mob angry about recent airstrikes, as we go to press.

Texas Church shooting hero identified as a local range owner and firearms instructor who is running for a County Commissioner’s seat. One account on Free Republic said his facility burned down and local zoning regulators made it impossible to rebuild, which is why he is running. Another account said the weapon was a Sig P229 in .357 Sig, with a small holosight on it.

Texas Church shooter was an itinerant, so nobody knows where he has been, but he was arrested by New Jersey Police in 2016 for unlawful possession of a shotgun, while he was taking photos of an oil refinery. He told Police he was traveling to Texas, and liked to take photos of “interesting sites” as he traveled. So he had no home, and no job, and was riding a bicycle to get to Texas, but had a camera, and presumably the computer to store the pictures on, as well as a 12Ga shotgun, despite being a felon? The whole thing is one of those great big puzzles, where you feel the pieces that are related, you know they fit together, you just can’t piece together exactly how.

Casey Anthony private eye claims he has Hunter Biden’s bank records that show ‘fraud and counterfeiting’ and sent them to Biden’s Arkansas baby mama to use in her paternity case.

‘Defrauded’ investor wants Hunter Biden’s bank records from China.

Jake Tapper admits that Hunter Biden’s high-paying Ukraine position ‘stinks.’

IRS goes after Hunter Biden for over $112,000 in unpaid taxes. Washington D.C. also placed a tax lien for $48,929 against him..

Peter Strzok argues his First Amendment rights were violated by the FBI, claiming he is only being punished for what he said in text messages. In other words he is being punished for talking about the Deep State insurance policy to overthrow Trump.

Epstein’s alleged pimp is convinced ‘serious dirt’ on rich will protect her.

Top New York City Department of Education official arrested for trying to set up sex with an underage boy in Wisconsin.

Denver officials will not cooperate with ICE, and will release an illegal alien who was deported six times before just getting arrested again for fleeing the scene of a deadly hit-and-run accident.

Twitter says a system outage affected President Trump’s personal account over the weekend, just hours after he shared a second article allegedly revealing the name of the whistleblower.

Seven women in one family who had their breasts and ovaries removed after testing positive for ‘Angelina Jolie gene’ learn their results may have been WRONG – and there could be dozens more. If everything were atomized, if all individuals were operating independently, and nobody had any idea what you as an individual were up to, this would most likely be as it seems, an isolated  mixture of confusion, naivete, ignorance, and incompetence. But if somebody has put together a complex, massive intelligence operation, if they have the scope throughout society to have created files on almost everyone, and if they have, even as an ancillary objective, some sort of eugenic/bloodline-esque objective, then this would almost certainly have been a purposeful move to remove these genes from competition with their own. I cannot say with certainty Cabal has a eugenical/bloodline objective, though I think it likely Secret Society members are trying to take out competition for their kids. But I can say the machine is out there, and it has the scale to be getting into everyone’s lies this personally. If you discount, or outright lack any awareness of, the possibility there is a massive machine stalking everyone, with a small part of it making time especially for you at least a few days every year to make sure you aren’t a threat in any way, you can see how you are helpless against this. Don’t be helpless against this. Make them work for it.

For the Archives of Cabal, under the heading “Economic skullduggery.”  This is one to set aside for when you have time to sit back and think about it as you read it, and after. Supposedly somebody bought a printer at a surplus auction, and just for curiosity hit print when they got home and dumped the memory to paper. What came out was this pdf, which is supposed to be some sort of primer for glowie eggheads, explaining a very brilliant history of a study glowies did, taking the economy, and applying electrophysics formulas to it based on capital, services, and goods being mathematically analogous to capacitance, conductance, and inductance. If I can try to make it simple, suppose there are two widget manufacturers. One has a regular factory, with a bank account to buy widget parts, a workforce motivated by greed/aspiration to make widgets, and a warehouse full of widgets it is selling for money to fill the bank account. The other manufacturer has a widget-making machine powered by a rechargeable battery’s electricity, that draws carbon dioxide and water out of the air, turns it into plastic widgets, ships them automatically, and produces money for the electricity that recharges the battery that runs it. If you wanted to make it really simple, you could think about it as a battery, a conductor/resistor, and the heat it produced, which people pay you for in electricity to charge the battery back up.

In the factory, the bank account is like capacitance (a store of the force behind the movement of electricity, ie like the battery in the widget machine).  The drive of the people to make money, is like the force moving the electrons that move the various parts of the widget machine as they flow through. In both cases, the end product is the goods, the widgets which have the demand to charge back up that battery or bank account. It is interesting, in that capital is worthless, without the workers caring about it and having a burning desire to accumulate it themselves, so as to motivate them to produce. Indeed, goods are of themselves worthless without a workforce which cares about them as much as or more than the means of capital (fiat).

In a way, I would postulate that one factor affecting such a system would be the balance of r/K, because a heavily r-society will value goods over capital, running their bank account dry to get every little thingamabob that comes out, while a heavily K-society will value Capital over goods, using the same items even after they have worn out, just to keep a store of capital for a rainy day. Those could be likened to changes in voltage or resistance in the machine. To that end, you can begin to imagine how money-printing and currency devaluation, immense taxation of what you work for, the rise of welfarites like pointless resistors taking electricity and burning it off as heat in the machine, the sudden influx of cheap Chinese goods, and general dopamine floods, or amygdala-triggering, would all alter the psychological drive of workers on the line, which is the voltage-force which drives the motor of the economy, by pushing electrons through it.

The genius of this work is it claims they have used supercomputers to test the system all throughout it over the last few decades, and determine the resistance/inductance/capacitance, and so forth of all the smallest parts of the system over these past decades, to the point they can apply all the well worn physics formulas, like Voltage=Currency x Resistance, and understand the whole economic system to the same degree they would understand exactly how a silicon and copper version of the same machine would turn electrons into products. If that model is out there, maybe even augmented with AI, for every minor company in every single sector of our entire economy today, Holy Shit.

There is probably a lot of this that has gone over my head, as I just stumbled on it and have spent all of ten minutes thinking about it. But it feels complex and brilliant enough that if someone came up with it, they would have filled it out and slapped a cover on it and sold it as a book, rather than cook up a cover story about it being some accidently released memo from the illuminati on just how they plan to drain our economic system’s capacitors, and then leak the memo to a website which is naturally not going to get any traffic because it is not in the network. I though it might be of even more use to brains far more schooled in economics than I on this site.

The man who sucker-punched an NYPD cop in Brooklyn was back at his old stomping ground Sunday — released without bail one day after the attack. The video here, was pretty bad, this guy feigned compliance, and then just let loose with a massive hook, followed by a full on blitzkrieg. Then there was the woman who assaulted a Jewish woman, was immediately released, went outside, assaulted another Jewish woman, and was released again. As this is happening, people are noting New York has a rapidly rising horrific crime problem.

People fled New York faster than any other U.S. State in 2019.

Muslim prisoners chant “Queen is the enemy of Islam and must die.” While the rest of the country says, “Long live the Queen.” Yeah, peace is in the future there.

More than 200 doctors have called for an urgent inquiry into the risky medical treatment of children who believed they were transgender. The rush to change children’s genders simply because a parent said they were transgender, or the child liked playing with a doll instead of an Army man is going to be looked back on as utterly bizarre. Now, imagine is there was a massive network of Cabal/CIA owned physicians. Is it more likely doctors decided to swap little kid’s genders, or that they might have ben  acting under orders, if ther eis such a big intel machine operative?

Hey, anybody under 15, come up and see uncle Joe after this is over, you can sit on his lap and he will give you “something special”:

Pizza shop again:

Zogby says, Trump jumps to 50% approval, beating Biden, Sanders, Bloomberg, Warren.

Gallup claims Obama and Trump are tied as the most admired man in 2019.

CNN’s beleaguered “Reliable Sources” with Brian Stelter hit an embarrassing new low on Dec. 22, when it averaged only 85,000 viewers among a key age group.

Trump hosts Amish in historic Oval Office visit.

Chinese Vice Premier Liu He to sign ‘phase one’ trade deal in Washington this week.

New state population totals offer fresh signs that political power is poised to shift from the North and Midwest to the South and Southwest in ways that could help states that have voted Republican in recent years.

U.S. trade deficit in goods drops 5.4% in November to a 27-month low.

Yuma, Arizona, ends border state of emergency, credits Trump immigration policies .

Spread r/K Theory, because the cover story precedes the exposure

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5 years ago

A/C, these two certainly put a lot of facial contortions on display. What, in your opinion, is their major maladjustment?

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Reply to  SteveRogers42
5 years ago

It’s “duper’s delight” and sadism, plain as day. They’re sociopaths, they love fucking over other people and getting away with it. It makes them feel powerful, which they have a pathological need for.

5 years ago

(from the always cogent Woodpile Report, a realistic appraisal of what seems to be yet another exercise in sweep-under-the-rug by the sockpuppets masquerading as our “leaders.” I hope your optimism is not misplaced, but 3 years in, the light in Freedom’s Land is waning.)

James Kunstler says , “… if Barr & Durham fail to deliver a bale of indictments, they will be putting a bullet in the head of this republic. There will be no hope of restoring trust in the system …” There’s more.

“What is most perilous for our country now, would be to journey through a second epic crisis of authority in recent times without anybody facing the consequences of crimes they might have committed. The result will be a people turned utterly cynical, with no faith in their institutions or the rule of law, and no way to imagine a restoration of their lost faith within the bounds of law”.

The first epic crisis was the finance debacle of 2008,

“… fraudsters and swindlers in that orgy of banking malfeasance were never marched into a courtroom, never had to answer for their depredations, and remained at their desks in the C-suites collecting extravagant bonuses”.

The FBI, the Department of Justice, the CIA, the FISA Court, the Department of State, et al, originated and assisted this clunky coup attempt and continue to cover up the misdeeds of their participants. Piles of actionable evidence have been part of the public record for some time now, yet we still await reason to believe the Barr and Durham investigations are being conducted in good faith. Given events thus far an objective observer would bet the other way.

As Mr. Kunstler points out, trust, perhaps legitimacy itself, is slipping away from DC. Consider their serial crimes, not merely unpunished but flouted as insider jokes. Consider the malicious partisanship and sponsored assaults by DC’s core agencies, openly applauded in DC as brave and heroic. Consider past and ongoing “legislating from the bench” specifically intended to undo the express will of the people. The emerging message is plain enough now to be unmistakable. Our votes don’t count. Because we don’t count.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Something is coming to a head. I don’t see how the 4-6% that are in the cabal will go down without a fight. Their livelihood is being wiped out.

Every time Q makes them expend ammo, I buy another 1000 rounds.

5 years ago

Trump must have BTFO 0bama if Gallup is reporting they tied.

Thank you everything you do AC. Happy new year.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
5 years ago
5 years ago

“The Alchemy of Finance” by George Soros:

Also, “A New Kind Of Science”:

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the elites were using AI-backed, dynamic, non-linear mathematical models (in other words, chaos theory) in order to decide how to act. Being able to play international billionaire while fucking whoever they want is a nice bonus. It would explain the apparent semi-randomness of false flag attacks and other events. On the local level, they are pointless and worthless, but combined together in certain ways on a large enough scale, they can cause or amplify waves in the system which would give a serious strategical advantage, at the cost of some collateral damage. Reminds you of something?

It would also explain recent comments from some of them about AI summoning demons and the like. To someone who understands nothing at all about chaos theory and is religious-minded, it would certainly look like magic when your “intelligence-in-a-box” (which is “just” an absolutely massive database, no “intelligence” or little green men required here) tells you that raping or killing or whatever this or that random person is going to help you become a billionaire. Stupid people tend to worship whatever thing they don’t understand which they think is going to give them power over others. It’s rationalization at its finest.

Our current “elites” are basically just foot-soldiers for what is probably just a handful of people who have a very deep understanding of both large-scale physics and psychology and who have decided to create their own breakaway society to get away from the massive retardation of modern society. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if many of them were old aristocracy deciding to get back into the game after the French Revolution. They certainly would have had the resources and motives to do so.

It’s basically Isaac Asimov’s Foundation and psychohistory (look it up).

5 years ago

8 hours left. No indictments, yet. Probably, why the embassy was attacked.

5 years ago

Sonny Mehta, who guided book publisher Alfred A. Knopf to new heights as its editor-in-chief with a blend of prize-winning literature and blockbusters like “Fifty Shades of Grey,” has died at age 77.

Associated with the unusual slick willie book deal

5 years ago

Policy expediting migrant deportations at the border expands

5 years ago

Happy Q year to one and all!

2Q2Q will be glorious!

5 years ago

“A tactical analysis of the Church shooting in Texas which killed one. Tough video to watch”

I couldn’t embed the video unfortunately and share it. When I go to youtube the video doesn’t exist.

5 years ago

Arab League warns against deployment of foreign fighters in Libya

5 years ago

Russians on Edge After Record Wave of Bomb Hoaxes Sweeps Country

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

I expect that we will see a lot more of this kind of thing in the US as things heat up. I don’t imagine classic civil war scenario so much as constant disruption.