News Briefs – 12/30/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


The thing with intelligence operations is they are very smart, very clever, and most importantly, very forward-thinking. People will tend to say, “What are the chances the Medical Examiner would just happen to be in the conspiracy too?” But the thing is, the real question is, “If an intelligence operation is taking some place over, and it is going to begin killing people like a bodily function, what are the chances it would not place its agent as the Medical Examiner first, so it could control those autopsies?” And this conspiracy has been running for nearly a century, at least, with no opposition because nobody had any idea it would even be possible. By now, anywhere it operates, I would assume it owns the Medical Examiner’s office.

The only man to lead both the FBI and the CIA urged caution to senators who might vote to confirm former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard as director of national intelligence and Kash Patel to lead the FBI, according to a letter sent to senators this week.

Report: Biden wanted Trump prosecuted earlier, regrets Garland pick.

More on cousin marriages and how it fosters extremism, corruption and is associated with poverty, and how the sciences are attempting to block all study of it. You do not want to import people from areas high in cousin marriages, because that kind of inbreeding generates strong tendencies to corruption in government, clannishness within society which prevents true nationalistic patriotism, and poor genetic health.

Musk and Loomer, both fake MAGA, finally come out of the woodwork to provide ‘MAGA civil war’ headlines for the leftist media.

Fucking over regular Americans is just the opposite of DEI. Says a guy who is only making bank through servile groveling at the feet of Shapiro, Israel, and anyone with power or money. They have worked quite hard to make sure you will not encounter honest voices in this realm.

Far from addressing labor shortages or fostering innovation, the H-1B visa program has become a tool for corporations to exploit cheap foreign labor, drive down wages, and displace American workers. Tesla’s own skyrocketing use of the program exemplifies these abuses, making it clear the program must end. The problem is America takes a huge chunk of its population, namely white kids, and tells them they cannot go to college because the college is only letting in a lower performing foreigner. Sometime, look at your major universities, and how many Americans are not accepted, and how many of their slots were given to foreigners. When I went to a pretty big STEM-oriented University, I was surrounded by Indians, who loved one upping each other over how long their flights to there were and how many connections they had. I can remember one day, exiting a building and finding myself entirely surrounded by Chinese students bantering in Mandarin, without a single non-Chinese, or non-Chinese conversation, within my perceptual range. We are declining to train Americans, and instead importing foreigners and training them. Moreover, by making the system unfair, you make it less likely white Americans will take part in it, since it will be seen as a rigged waste of time. And finally, you have the American Stasi always on the lookout for American talent, so it can suppress it where it finds it. There is no telling what I would have been, had I never crossed paths with that abomination. If they could suppress me, and took the time on the type of goof I was when I was younger, they are all over kids with real potential, and those kids don’t stand a chance.

From this big thread on H1B data:

Visual Capitalist estimates that up to 22% of people in the US, or 50.6M people, are in the country without legal status. If more than one in five is illegal, and there is a high percentage of ground surveillance among the illegals, and you have ground surveillance extensively throughout the legal civilian populace as well, 4-10% of the population as Stasi informants is entirely plausible.

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, 100, dies. He lived to see Trump reelected, and then hear that Trump is considering taking back the Panama Canal, and adding Canada and Greenland to the haul. LOL.

Members of former Special Counsel Jack Smith’s prosecution team are reportedly hiring lawyers and preparing for possible legal action by incoming President Donald Trump’s Department of Justice.

There are now more military troops in the NYC Subway than on 9/11, making many people question if NYC is actually as safe as were told it is.

Catherine Herridge claims a CIA whistleblower will come forward today.

Violent Venezuelan gang members expanding operations in Midwest.

In fairness, it is a satanic organization run by luciferian Freemasons:

Interesting how even this Shmuley guy, who has been promoted to pretty decent name recognition, is out there pressuring businesses to drop $1 million contributions into a “charity” he runs. There is very little regularly earned money in this whole game:

Fullsized image

Seen on Q’s board – the “Owl Eye”:

They know the secret, and they all know each other. How did Cernovich even cross paths with that nutjob? I would bet I could not make contact with Cernovich if I had to. There is a whole secret society of them, and many of you have been followed through grocery stores by them just because you are here. And somehow they keep the secret, and they all know each other.

A Bill Gates-tied vaccine is delivered through the bite of a mosquito, delivering a bioengineered malaria-causing parasite that infects human blood cells: ‘New England Journal of Medicine.’ What could go wrong?

A power outage plunged the capital of Greenland into darkness as temperatures dropped to -27 degrees.

Despite feeble Biden giving Ukraine 30% of US stockpile of ATACMS long-range missiles, Kiev regime is running out of them – and it did not change the course of the war.

Ukrainian Defense Forces are using FPV (first person view) drones equipped with shotguns to neutralize enemy UAVs. You put on the googles, and you see what the drone sees.

President Trump responds to Texas court ruling blocking Biden’s border wall auction and allowing investigation into Biden’s illegal wall sale.

Send people to, because it is a whole Secret Socieity we have to destroy

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2 months ago

The thing with intelligence operations is they are very smart, very clever, and most importantly, very forward-thinking. People will tend to say, “What are the chances the Medical Examiner would just happen to be in the conspiracy too?” But the thing is, the real question is, “If an intelligence operation is taking some place over, and it is going to begin killing people like a bodily function, what are the chances it would not place its agent as the Medical Examiner first, so it could control those autopsies?” And this conspiracy has been running for nearly a century, at least, with no opposition because nobody had any idea it would even be possible. By now, anywhere it operates, I would assume it owns the Medical Examiner’s office.

They’ve been running long enough it would be easier to assume all such positions have been captured, the ones that aren’t will be a miraculous occurrence.

Clown School Valedictorian
Clown School Valedictorian
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

“very smart, very clever, and most importantly, very forward-thinking”

Such as the people who already have provisions in their last wills and testaments for private medical examiners, because they’re the people who trust that the rigged games stay rigged after death.

It’s the new year soon, time to get cracking on weaponizing your last will and testament against Cabal.

2 months ago

Visual Capitalist estimates that up to 22% of people in the US, or 50.6M people, are in the country without legal status. If more than one in five is illegal, and there is a high percentage of ground surveillance among the illegals, and you have ground surveillance extensively throughout the legal civilian populace as well, 4-10% of the population as Stasi informants is entirely plausible.


Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

I think it’s also important to note it’s not a consistent distribution. Places like DC, LA, NYC, wherever the invader training camps are located etc. will have MUCH higher concentrations, probably closer to 50%+, whereas a small town may have only a handful of operatives out of a few thousand people.

Know your AO and who’s operating in it.

Clown School Valedictorian
Clown School Valedictorian
Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

In the small towns, those few operatives will be well placed.

Check the police and fire departments first, swing by the high school, and on your way through drop by the hospital.

As for urban areas, you could throw a rock in any random direction and probably hit two.

2 months ago

Turkey’s Below-Inflation Minimum Wage Rise Sparks Anger, Protests

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Yet more word wizardry!

“Minimum wage”
“Maximum wage”

No negotiations for higher wage as everyone is paying the same!

2 months ago

This link is to a longer read article about the ” cause and effect ” of the importation of those sub iq sub humans into an advanced high trust society. A good background article to forward to other anons out there.
Those normies who dwell in gated communities and live in “good schools” neighborhood hives that think they are insulated by their wealth and caste status positions from the negative effects of imported labor will be handed their asses in a wake up call incident, upon themselves personally, live and in technicolor, soon enough. “Buckle up” both on the roads out there, and personally to what is coming at you is sound advise
Stay frosty.

Reply to  Frosty
2 months ago

Reading, corruption in CA seems insane.

People certainly have to avoid these roads now!

Last edited 2 months ago by kid
Reply to  Frosty
2 months ago

The script is obviously to eliminate as many white Europeans as possible. 100 years ago we were 1/3 of the world population. Now we’re 6%. That’s a huge drop off. I saw a infographic today that said of 100 million white European Americans there were 8 million with IQ over 130 compared to 250k Indians out of a population of 1.25 billion. If that’s true it’s no wonder this thing fears us. Even with depleted numbers we can be extremely dangerous to them. The population of Spain dwindled to around 1,000 white Europeans at the low point of the north African Muslim invasion. Those 1,000 Spaniards gave birth to one of the most ferocious white societies to ever exist. If we get our shit together before we drop below 10 million it will still be a golden age of K select rule.

2 months ago

Appeals Court Halts Enforcement Of Beneficial Ownership Reporting Requirement For Small Businesses

2 months ago

Fucking over regular Americans is just the opposite of DEI. Says a guy who is only making bank through servile groveling at the feet of Shapiro, Israel, and anyone with power or money.

The top ~0.1% don’t need H1-B. They can get O1 visas.
There are 27MM software engineers worldwide. 2 are in the US. That leaves Musks percentage at 25k.
There are currently TEN TIMES that number in the US on H1B visas in tech. 1 in 8 US software engineers are on a H1B.

2 months ago

comment image

“Over a decade”…

How long must a family of rats live in an aquarium before they become goldfish…..?

Reply to  Gringo
2 months ago

Let’s fill the tank with water and find out.

Clown School Valedictorian
Clown School Valedictorian
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

My cat is now interested in the outcome, do keep us informed! 🙂

2 months ago

comment image
Cuck Murphy’s back. Amazing. And, yes… they’re all in the “club”.
He and Cerno go way back. There’s a pic around somewhere of the two of them with Cobra Taint in Bucharest a few years ago….

Marielle Redclaw
2 months ago

We’re drowning in a world of pure corruption. My skepticism level has been raised to DEFCON 3 in spite of Trump winning.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 months ago

We should all remain on high alert status until the end of Trump’s next 4 year term.

I’ve already stated here that the first 90 days of Trump’s new term will give us a good reading on what to expect for the following 4 years, and if some radical changes don’t materialize in that first 90 days, you can bet some kind of compromise was made with Cabal.

The West needs radical change in order to fix the mortal wounds we have suffered over the last 2 generations, and more happy talk, empty promises and posturing isn’t going to save us.

Trump’s 2nd term will be the real test of his bona fides.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 months ago

I’m not as worried about Trump’s forthcoming term as I am about who follows him.

When the GOP announces their contenders for 2028 we’ll know if we’re screwed or not. Cruz? Rubio? Cheney? Crenshaw? Gabbard? Some governor of a minor state who they can polish up and run a giant PR campaign on?

Marielle Redclaw
2 months ago

Someone should warn her

Marielle Redclaw
2 months ago

Use their AI tools against them 😆

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 months ago

How could you dislike this? What a Deez!

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Pojar
2 months ago

Purveyors of truth put up with the occasional downvotes

2 months ago

Collection of news screenshots discussing a “hum” that only certain people can hear, keeping them up at night.
Twitter, Thread Reader,
Wikipedia: The Hum

2 months ago

Chin up. This guy is fighting with his keyboard and his humor, for America.

2 months ago
2 months ago

The sidebar chased a white rabbit down its hole.

2 months ago

 Russia mandates language requirements for migrant children in schools

President Vladimir Putin signs law that restricts migrant children’s enrollment in schools unless they demonstrate proficiency in Russian

Also, under the new legislation, foreign citizens can enroll in basic general education programs only if they provide documentation confirming their legal residency in the Russian Federation.

2 months ago

Do the left half/right half of the guy’s face in the Paul Sperry tweet. The left half is completely sinister [pun intended].

2 months ago

> “What are the chances the Medical Examiner would just happen to be in the conspiracy too?”

How many of them took money to tweak COVID death statistics? Or were they just fellow-travelers?

2 months ago

You can get in touch with either of them on X. I used to chat with Murphy before I knew he was shoving dildos up his ass on film. He wrote a really great article about his kid playing baseball that I liked. He blocked me after I called him out while trying to establish his “masculine” brand. The LumAnal Order or something.
There was another guy that wrote some bat shit crazy book, can’t recall his name, they were all hyping. Dude went psycho and killed a few people in Colorado.
Cerno, allegedly has history with trannies. Tate was rising at the same time. This was 2017. Deaf Ninja BatmanI Ivan Throne…I quit Twitter in disgust. All these gurus are self serving fake Bozos. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

Lord of the Hundreds
Lord of the Hundreds
2 months ago

“And this conspiracy has been running for nearly a century, at least, with no opposition because nobody had any idea it would even be possible.”

This, this profound statement is why I come here, and I am grateful that you continue to follow this amazing, atrocious, ancient conspiracy and its many subtle signs of existence.

The security practiced on this venerable exercise of raw Power–a simple denial that it could even exist, given its grand scale–is the strongest security measure possible for any conspiracy.

If you don’t believe it’s possible…than it’s not. You’ll never search for it, let alone fight it. And “they” win without even trying.

A Happy New Year to you, AC. Thanks for your time over the last 365 days to explain and help readers understand this unbelievably odd world we all inhabit. May you get in 2025 the relief you deserve.

2 months ago

Envelopes putting the “fun” back in “funeral.” Carter’s is a week from this Thursday, January 9th.

Just Me
Just Me
2 months ago

7:00pm Sidebar = Hidebar

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
2 months ago

So with Carter’s passing what are the odds we have another state funeral envelope moment for Bushes, Obama, Clinton’s, and Bidens?

2 months ago

“Wonder Woman” Actress Gal Gadot Suffers ‘Massive Blood Clot’ on Her Brain

Gadot has long served as an ambassador for mass vaccination campaigns.

The 39-year-old Irsael-born Hollywood star revealed that she received the emergency surgery while eight months pregnant with her daughter.

Last edited 2 months ago by AnonL
Reply to  AnonL
2 months ago
2 months ago

You’ve probably seen this, but it vindicates you.

2 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

It seems like every few months there’s a breathless announcement of a new drug that’s going to cure cancer, obesity, bad teeth, hair loss, or whatever.

After massive news coverage, they always drop out of sight, never to be brought up again.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

Just goes to show you how people have no pattern recognition.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

> epigenetic

Trofim Lysenko wasn’t entirely wrong about environmental effects being heritable.

Lysenko promised a lot, then became unpersoned in the USSR when he couldn’t deliver. Well, what the Soviets said that he claimed he could deliver. There are multiple layers of potential fabrication there.

It would be interesting is someone with skills in Russian and biology could go through Lysenko’s lab reports and papers and see what he found, and what he actually claimed. I suspect some level of, at the very least, wishful thinking… but somehow suspect the official line ihas little to do with what Lysenko really said. Probably more like the “Trump said to inject drain cleaner to cure COVID!!!” “news” we were being told in 2019.

2 months ago

China’s So-Called Sixth-Generation Fighter Jet Makes Maiden Flight, But It’s Still Ridiculed

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Talk about a Fox and Sour Grapes.
America has not achieved any significant military innovation since Vietnam. They know perfectly well the Chinese are going to grease their candy asses in WW3 with this machine but the sad little sodomites tell themselves it’s not so special.

Reply to  Tex
2 months ago

Not to argue with you about America.
But China is just as bad or worse.

2 months ago

Masks are coming off left and right.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Pride (arrogance) goeth before a fall.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Imagine saying this about jews. The howls of outrage would be deafening. I’m a proud White male. British like my ancestors. God has blessed me for evermore.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

“But…but he’s white too! Doesn’t he know we consider him White too?!”
-Every Boomer on Planet Earth

2 months ago
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Knew everything I needed to know when I saw the redundant charging handle and the expected 70K PSI operating pressure.

The machine gun looks amazing, and I guaranty it’s being sold as a package deal along with the new cartridge and the Pentagon doesn’t care because the machine gun is just that good.

Texas Arcane
2 months ago

I hate Cernovich and I hate anybody I see associating with him.
The instant I see you sitting beside Cernovich in a car, I immediately know you are a shill, a fake and a flim-flammer.
Cernovich is paid opposition and a mockery of conservatives. If you work with him or validate him in any way, I can safely assume you are part of the problem.
All of these people connected to Cernovich are fake and gay. It’s a gigantic web of professional actors and they are all well aware of what they do for a living.
Most people already knew this about Murphy. These guys are frauds.

Last edited 2 months ago by Texas Arcane
Reply to  Texas Arcane
2 months ago

“Mike Cernovich got the best of 60 Minutes! He tricked those tricksters!”

-This was the most obvious proof in the history of obvious indicators that someone is a member of Cabal. If anyone is in Cabal, it’s that guy.

60 Minutes would have chucked the interview and made up something if he’d been one of us who legit gave them nothing.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Texas Arcane
2 months ago

A number of years ago, my introduction to Cernovich was through St Efan Molyneux and Vox Day.
If the SDL sees this, where do you stand now regarding him?
Just curious, I haven’t paid attention to him since those years ago.

a r
a r
Reply to  Mr Twister
2 months ago

The way he used the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” stuff was to give air to queermo Milo along with bigbear and thernovitch, and mollys droning long podcasts were pushed and caused more turnoff in me than if I’d never seen his face.

I believe it might have been “as long as they spout something for our side, I’ll ignore anything I don’t want to push”, and plenty of boomers and others do exactly the same thing.

I remember when the lame cherry mentioned sharpton as a mayor or something, and thought shumer would be good for some big political boss, so that back story of “advice” has to grate anyone paying attention the wrong way.

We have had a number of Indians thrown in our faces to show us they were more patriotic loud “american” than anyone else they could find??? Getting book deals, on talk shows and interviews, “persecuted” for political donations to the DON, all the “certifieds” you’d need for long term influence peddling, just a bunch of brain rot trying to think past that stuff.

You know it is because giving a platform to a true and white american would be against the game plan to make us the new injuns, as vox would say.

Reply to  Mr Twister
2 months ago

AC made me promise not to comment.
Seriously, can you blame me though?
The only thing worse than being photographed with Cernovich the confirmed freemason cokehead is to be seen beside “Gay Conservative” Milo. The ultimate paid opposition.
That would be 100% confirmation for me you are a fm highlighter.
But we will have to see.
… and I continue to insist that Stefan Molyneux is not a member of that club. They bulldozed him and he was one of the most interesting thinkers on otherwise dullard YouTube. I hope someday to speak with Stefan, I do not believe he is part of that special friends club.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

As much as I disagree with Vox Day on some issues, it’s hard for me to throw stones at him because, if I had the same level of success and notoriety he had when I was younger, I don’t know that I would have made wildly different decisions. Heck, I don’t disagree with AC on some stuff and get along with him just fine.

I must also note that I first learned about AC through VD.

Instead of any type of success, I was met with seemingly random yet unsurmountable walls every time I was even close to any sort of success in a project. One of my employees completely sabotaging my operation at a critical moment of growth was my first big one. An entire ad service shadowbanning me right as I was about to scale my bread-and-butter business–that was a great experience. A major social media site magically getting hundreds of millions of dollars to combat marketing spam right as I was gaining traction on another project–that was a good one. I can’t find evidence anymore that company spent all that money to do this, by the way, though it’s clear in my memory.

Which is fine. I learned a ton from each experience. Maybe they treat Millennials differently than Gen X. I’ve just been getting a different type of treatment than AC or VD. It might be evidence, however, that Cabal has limited resources so must target us differently.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 months ago

I think that they have two techniques they use. I think that before they try to complete lockout, they try what I call Golden Handcuffs, and they’ve managed to put me in them. I’ve got a job that leaves me very satisfied. I’m probably not doing as well and making as much of an impact as I could, but I’m doing very well at so little risk that adding any amount of risk (like going into business for myself) means that I would be adding tons of risk into a stable, comfortable situation for very unreliable increases.
So, if they can handcuff you for a (relatively) little amount of money, they do that, and if they can’t, then you get the full war.

Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

I know the feeling. I recently realized I could probably retire in 10 years, and decided to just stay where I’m at. But if AC is right, there’s a reason I don’t have more influence in my industry, so sometimes a comfortable secure spot is more than you can ask for. And it gives me time to develop influence in other ways, like through my church where I work with middle school boys, who will within a few years become men and hopefully remember some of what I teach them. I’m also involved in a few other things.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

I bet we’re at least as baffling to them as we are baffled by them. Probably more so. “Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

They probably all have get out of jail free cards for various kinds of crimes they are interested in and which are appropriate to their rank.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Just for clarity regarding my initial comment/question.

I’m a very happy UATV and Castelia library subscriber.
I was not casting any suspicion Vox’ way.
He’s blatantly on God’s side.
The one true God of creation that is, not this worlds