News Briefs – 12/30/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Dollar Use In Oil Transactions Continues To Decline

DFT – Google Settles Lawsuit Over Amassing Data On Chrome User’s Behavior While Users Chose Privacy Mode

DFT – Germans Told High Energy Bills Will Continue To Present A Problem

DFT – Gazprom CEO Says Europe Deindustrializing To Reduce Gas Demand

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Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) issued a warning to states moving to keep former President Trump off the presidential ballot, saying the House of Representatives has the final say over whether electors from those states are certified on Jan. 6, 2025.

Exclusive: Trump predicts neither Biden nor Kamala will be Democrat nominee in 2024, ‘Free-for-all’ to replace them.

The state of California kept former President Donald Trump on the 2024 ballot on Thursday.

Maine Secretary of State, a non-attorney, made a legal ruling striking Trump from the ballot based on YouTube videos.

DeSantis’ campaign and super PAC have spent more than $160 million to boost him, and he spent the better part of 2023 on the road.

Michael Cohen, former President Trump’s ex-fixer and personal lawyer, said in newly unsealed court filings that he accidentally gave his lawyer fake legal citations concocted by the artificial intelligence program Google Bard.

Tucker Carlson, Episode 58: Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street, explains how Nancy Pelosi gets rich in “rigged” stock market.  It is a 51 minute video, nothing is really earth shattering, he just says her returns are too high, and maybe somebody is whispering in her ear. I put it here because people are talking. Gateway Pundit did some transcript excerpts here.

New law will allow some Mexican residents to pay in-state tuition at California community colleges.

California is offering health insurance benefits to all undocumented immigrants, regardless of age.

Reports are coming in about a large firefight south of the Lukeville POE in AZ between the cartel and the Mexican military. Gunfire can be heard, and a small explosion. Possible vehicles are on fire. It is unusual for this type of direct contact between the cartel and GOM in that area. Videos, mostly show nothing in tweets posted as replies but you can hear a fuck-load of gunshots.

Joe Biden’s DHS confirms illegal aliens freed into U.S. will get photo ID cards in 2024.

Joe Biden’s border crisis has sent so many illegal border crossers to Detroit that activists are calling on members of their community to step up to house them in their private homes.

Since August, there are officially more illegals arriving each month than there are children being born to American mothers. And these are just the official encounters — we don’t know how many avoided detection.

Record-shattering 232K migrants apprehended in December. Just the ones they encountered.

Rumor? The ATF is now granting exemptions from background checks to illegals purchasing firearms. On it website, the ATF says an alien here legally can purchase a firearm. Are these migrants, who are caught, and allowed to stay pending their hearing, here legally? I mean, they can be Police Officers.

In Gran Canaria, Spain, immigrants, after a long journey, bite not into food but into the plastic wrap of their newly obtained cellphones. This is a well-coordinated plan done on purpose. They are biting the plastic on the cell phones to get them open as quickly as possible to get commands from their handlers on where they are going and what they are doing. These are ground surveillance for Cabal from wherever they came from. And they are on a mission.

Cardiac side effects of RNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: Hidden cardiotoxic effects of mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 on ventricular myocyte function and structure.

The 6th Street Bridge in Los Angeles, a $588 million project known as the “Ribbon of Light,” lost its luster for the holidays as about a third of the bridge’s lights are inoperable due to copper theft.

So they got consent? What the misleading note fails to grasp is that when you agree to surgery, you sign a raft of forms written by hospital lawyers which basically allow them to do anything to you. So yeah, you would have consented to the vax, just like this guy consented to a penis amputation on the spot while he was anesthetized with no consultation, and no opportunity for a second opinion, even though all he thought he was getting was a circumcision. The doctor saw another $200,000 surgery which this guy was legally prevented from complaining about, and seized the opportunity. And the court allowed it because of the consent forms he signed. So yeah, people were put under and vaxxed, and I will bet the hospitals never told them.

Governor Kathy Hochul of New York announced a substantial $46 million grant initiative aimed at supporting more than 1,400 households in achieving affordable homeownership. You should apply anon, maybe you would qualify!

Jonathan Turley spoke out against swatting, and then he got swatted. Could be Cabal’s intel op telling him to shut up.

Gun sales have been blocked for much of December in Hawaii’s largest city as the Honolulu Police Department (HPD) has advised gun purchase or carry permit applicants they won’t process them without a currently-unattainable training certification.

Privacy concerns mount as project reveals AI can find locations in photos.

Arizona Military Museum CLOSES after Vietnam vet founder, 80, told tour: ‘Eventually they will replace me with some gay, black, woman woke Jew.’

Anne Frank’s step sister, Eva Schloss, tells @piersmorgan on Good Morning Britain that the Auschwitz Liberation was faked with photographers and crisis actors. There is nothing which would surprise me these days. Everything in history could be fake. Except the elites getting as many K-strategists as they can killed, everywhere. That seems like a constant.

Channel 12: Netanyahu prevented Shin Bet and Mossad chiefs from attending a sensitive security discussion this morning with the defense minister. Tension between them of some sort.

Israel’s security agency ignored warning from Gaza source about October 7 attack. Basically everybody was telling Shin Bet there would be an attack, from Egypt, to the sources in Gaza, to the soldiers assigned to watch the border activity. And they ignored all of them? It is 9/11 all over again.

The Biden administration once again bypasses Congress on an emergency weapons sale to Israel.

Leftist politician in Germany says migrants are “entitled” to mass-loot grocery stores. Whenever I see people say things this stupid, I see the conspiracy putting this out to generate some effect. I do not think this guy believes this for a minute.

The claim that the infamous Chinese spy balloon was blocked from transmitting data as it flew across the mainland United States was false, as the balloon was allowed to connect to a domestic telecommunications service and that was used to send “burst transmissions” back to China.

The Biden administration’s ballyhooed naval coalition scrapped together for the sole purpose of deterring missile and drone attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea by the Iran-backed Houthi militia in Yemen is failing.

e Telegraph – The West may now have no option but to attack Iran.

Biden warns US military may get pulled into direct conflict with Russia. It is astonishing when you see it clearly. This is the damned soul of a coward and a child molester, who with the stroke of a pen can kill hundreds of thousands of our kind by sending them into battle against hundreds of thousands of our kind among the Russian armed forces. And you can’t tell kids they shouldn’t be fighting foreigners who are against the nation. Rather you have to point them at the real enemy, the conspiracy, and let them fight it.

The Biden administration and European officials are quietly shifting their focus from supporting Ukraine’s goal of total victory over Russia to improving its position in an eventual negotiation to end the war.

Russia fires 122 missiles and 36 drones in what Ukraine calls the biggest aerial barrage of the war.

The Polish Armed Forces General Staff has announced that a Russian missile violated Polish airspace on Friday, 29 December. LOL. The missile flew into Poland, zipped around for three minutes as everyone’s asshole puckered up, and then it peeled out and destroyed something in Ukraine.

Ukrainian army adviser says a death in battle is preferable to a car crash as Zelensky decides to mobilize another 500,000 Ukrainians. Who is this army adviser bimbo? The article says, “Martinyuk, 37, is a former theater and TV actress who currently serves as an “external adviser” to Zaluzhny.” Another Cabal theater kid, who thinks it is nothing to tell everyone else to embrace death in the war.

Ukraine requests emergency funding meeting, saying if the West does not give them a GDP, and pay all their salaries, their government may not have money.

Spread r/K Theory, because every day it is like Deja Vu all over again

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1 year ago

comment image?w=590&ssl=1

EARTH TO TRUMP! It is already to late.
YOU and Q had better do something NOW!

1 year ago

“Basically everybody was telling Shin Bet there would be an attack, from Egypt, to the sources in Gaza, to the soldiers assigned to watch the border activity. And they ignored all of them? It is 9/11 all over again.”

But “sometimes you have to show people”.
“It had to be this way”


1 year ago

this guy consented to a penis amputation on the spot while he was anesthetized with no consultation, and no opportunity for a second opinion, even though all he thought he was getting was a circumcision. The doctor saw another $200,000 surgery which this guy was legally prevented from complaining about, and seized the opportunity.”

That one is borderline because everyone agreed he had cancer in his penis and the doctor said it interfered with the operation.
But it demonstrates the principle.
All a doctor has to do is claim it is a medical necessity to vax you.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It wasn’t right.
It’s just not how the headline makes it sound.

1 year ago

Let me get this straight… they want to register illegals? Like a weapons registry that could be used to gather them up at a later date?
Yeah, I’m sure they’ll happily sign those documents…

1 year ago

I thought this interesting, Scott Adams on his 12/28 CWSA, started at the 6:04 mark, , that to separate the training of children from training for the military is a logical mistake for the military, economy, and education are all a continuum.

I agree. –And where have we all heard that before?

Sparta. A successful republic where the constitution was kept without the kykos occurring and their liberty inviolate. Polybius writes:

“The result of this combination has been that the Lacedæmonians retained their freedom for the longest period of any people.” and “…for securing unity among the citizens, for safeguarding the Laconian territory and preserving the liberty of Sparta inviolate, the legislation and provisions of Lycurgus were so excellent that I am forced to regard his wisdom as something superhuman.” 

Yep! Wisdom. It is Wisdom that is necessary. LIfe is War. And in order to live in a State of constant war–one must use Wisdom and Prudence. And Wisdom can’t be approached without Arete. Arete is a perquisite of Wisdom. This is what is missing in America, Wisdom and Arete.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

This is the exact reason that Civil Defense consciousness is an integral part of keeping any nation intact and under the rule of law.
Never forget that threat is there, whether you choose to serve in the military or in some aspect of the civilian defense … including your own family! Societies don’t just “stop thinking about that stuff and enjoy their lives.” Not if they want to keep existing.
You show me a society that ceases to think about Civil Defense any more and it won’t be around for much longer.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago

Yes, and that mindset is mandatory at a countries’ border or point of entry. No borders, no country.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago

Part of martial training is Arete. Lycurgus commanded that. All Spartiates had training in Arete. Arete (virtue) is a Martial value! Arete is a Greek aristocratic term and since Aristocracy is a military class–the term Arete is also military! Arete and Aristocracy have the same root word “Ar”–like in “Ares” the Roman God of War.

Church Crisis, Part II: Understanding Arete vs the Latin Virtue

The Cretans and the Spartans, both Doric Greeks, had a public school system that inculcated Arete in their boys, and the first main virtue is Manliness which is Ruggedness, Toughness. Arete is required for Martial training and behavior! Arete is a military behavior and its training must begin at the age of seven.

And it is also Christian! Christianity demands Arete!
Book of Wisdom in the Septuagint, the four main virtues of the Greeks are listed:
“And if a man love(s) righteousness, her labours are arête: for she teacheth sophrosyne and phronesis, righteousness and manliness”. (LXX. Wisdom 8:7)
And then: II Peter 1:5, “Supplement The Faith with Arete”.

The Virtue of Manliness is not only ruggedness and toughness, but training in hand-to-hand combat, the ability to “give-and-take a punch”. Also strength and stamina training.

Is any of that in any of our public schools? —No.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Clott Adams is not an authority on anything.
I don’t even disagree, but citing him as an authority weakens your argument.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

He was right about Kamala Harris. He is the same as Vox Day. He is Mensa. He also has some Phronesis having worked in the banking industry and other places. He is a pattern recognizer. He is not an ‘authority’ as much as he is a pattern recognizer. I agree that he has got stuff wrong but he has got stuff right. I listen to him as a news aggregator, of a “pulse watcher”.

1 year ago

‘California is offering health insurance benefits to all undocumented immigrants, regardless of age.’

I was initially outraged by this. But that eventually gave way to, “You get what you vote for.”

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Voting isn’t real.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

While acknowledging the vote stealing, if voting isn’t real, then why are the Democrats trying so hard to pack the vote with illegals?

At some level the vote is real, and it becomes difficult for them to cover their tracks. The more they steal, every single one, is another crime they have to cover.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Thank you Sam, you did a better job making this point than I did in my post below.

Anyone who closely follows California voting trends comparing counties, demographics, etc is well aware that there are all sorts of games being played in that once fine state. I view it as having long been a test-bed for the chicanery we saw in 2020.

My read is that the illegals are there not to actually vote, but to serve as a buttress and cover for illegal ballots. Other states will probably see this play out if they haven’t already.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

They already *have* power. What they crave is *legitimacy*.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Certainly not for anything that matters, and that goes for Europe and Canada as well.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

👍 Not sure how many actual people “voted” for them, but your point stands.

1 year ago

You think I’m crazy when I declared the Catholic Church a criminal organization. Scott Adams basically said the same thing. In two back-to-back podcasts, Scott calls for the elimination of the NGOs bringing in all these illegals:

17:15 [QUOTE] …this an illegal Invasion and part of a war and then we could kill them couldn’t we now I don’t think we should just just go murder the people in the NGOs that would be kind of crazy I’m not saying that I’m saying we should create a legal process in which we designate the NOGs as terrorist organizations because they seem to be working diligently for the destruction of United States what would you call that well you’d say Well they’re not doing anything violent and I would say they’re shipping in uh military aged people that we don’t know how does that not end up with more violence than the there would have been if they hadn’t done it of course …[END QUOTE]
Streamed live on Dec 25, 2023

53:37 [QUOTE] “…When I look at the border it looks like an act of War so why is it that the United States allows NGOs to wage war on the United States is it because the NGOs don’t say it’s war is it just they’ defined it not as War so then therefore it’s not a war but isn’t it up to us to decide if it’s a war don’t we get to decide that yes this looks like a war I would declare war on the NGOs and I would declare them uh terrorist organizations and I would give them 30 days to stop doing what they’re doing which is making it easy for immigrants to come here and if they didn’t do it I would kill them all I would kill them all yeah I would absolutely kill the mo but militarily with lots of warning and in the most legal way we can within the rules of War but I think our CIA could kill them in their bed because this has to be stopped [END QUOTE]
Streamed live on Dec 26, 2023

He calls them terrorist organizations; I said “criminal”, my bad. Catholic Charities is an NGO that is raking in MILLIONS of Federal Aid, Millions of Federal Aid to genocide us with! The Catholic Church with its heresy of Sola Gospel is complicit in the genocide of the WASP; the Catholic hierarchy is guilty of Treason. The Catholic Church has committed REAL treason, affecting the war capability, the defense of the Anglo-Saxon from destruction. If an atheist can see this–You should be able to too. The Catholic Church due to adopting Cultural Marxism, aligning with Jewish Messianism, the heresy of Sola Gospel and Gnosticism, is a terrorist, criminal organization now. The heads, and leadership of Catholic Charities are a part of this disgusting travesty, Betrayal.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

By the same argument, you’d better declare the United States a criminal or terrorist organization. Organizations calling themselves American are doing the exact same things Catholic Charities is doing. If CC’s actions justify getting rid of the Catholic Church, then you’d better be demanding the elimination of the United States as well.

And what the hell does ‘Sola Gospel’ mean?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I agree. They say “democracy” is the people’s government; that it does a better job than the monarchy. Yes, the Federal Government of America and even the WASP himself, All Masons, engaged in genocidal activity. George Washington, our first President, Mason, was into this. All liberals of all stripes are engaged in this genocidal activity. Practically every American has engaged in genocide and thus a Traitor. Nature abhors a vacuum; either an individual lives Arete, or is engaged in Vice. There is no middle ground. Either…Or.

But–The Standard of the Catholic Church is MUCH Higher! They are the Moral Authority of the West—AND they failed! Failed greatly! Don’t they teach the “Infallibility of the Magisterium”? The Catholic Church has ALL it needed to do the job right–but none of them paid attention or took its own lessons, principles, or the Bible seriously! Catholics dismiss the teachings in the OT–thus failure. Virtue is in Catholic literature–yet NO Catholic has Arete!

A New Modern Christian Heresy: Sola Gospel 3rd Rev

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

You are deep into hating everyone and everything, both the deserving and the undeserving.
You need to take a long time removing beams from your eyes instead of trying to practices optometry.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

other churches and large churchy orgs arent any better. my folks left the methodist church in 1969 over foreign aid and catering to illegals in texas…

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Explain the practical difference between the Feral Government and the Mafia.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Take it easy, Shlomo. We know very well that you folks are wearing “Catholic” Charities and the Vatican like a skin suit. Everyone is noticing. WASP, please, lol, I don’t believe for one moment that you are a WASP.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I use the term “WASP” as general classification of all Anglo-Saxons regardless of religion. I’m very cognizant of the importance though of Protestantism upon the American zeitgeist. Let’s remember though, that England was Catholic before it became Protestant. There are English Catholics that are just as English as any one else is English. The Kings of England were Catholic–that was the whole purpose of the English Civil Wars–in getting rid of Catholic kings.

Let’s not forget that the English Civil Wars was fueled by the Talmud—I refer you to Eric Nelson’s book, The Hebrew Republic, where Jews taught the English that “Monarchy is idolatry” (which is not true), out of the Mishnah–and Cromwell’s footsoldiers were proud to call themselves “Talmudic Commonsweathsmen”. —Who is the REAL Englishman?

I also refer you to Phillip Lee’s book Against the Protestant Gnostics. He is a Protestant hmself. English Protestantism took Calvin’s theology which when turned in to its inverse is Gnosticism. Much of the so-called “Protestantism” of England is Gnostic. And then attacking hierarchy as in the Hebrew repubic–well that is Gnosticism too!

My Name–“Lindsay Wheeler” is pure Anglo-Saxon. I’m adopted. My adopted dad was as English as they come. My family is from Pisgah Alabama. My grandfather said we can trace our family history to the Mayflower. And as a Doric Greek by blood, Dorians and English share the same character traits:

A.H.J. Greenidge, M.A., in A Handbook of Greek Constitutional History, writes that Sparta and Britain had the same form of government: “History has shown that such forms of government (speaking about mixed government) are suited to a commonsense non-idealistic people: the Phoenicians of Carthage, the Dorians of Greece, Romans, and Englishmen have all developed this type of polity” (pg 76); “Besides acknowledged difficulty of the creation of such a system,…so amply illustrated by the history of Sparta, Rome, and England”

The problem is Gnosticism that is destroying the Englishman and other European peoples. The problem is the Failure to adhere to The Way prescribed by Jesus. It begins with II Peter 1:5 “Supplement The Faith with Arete”. First, one must hold the The Faith without error. Second, one must practice Arete, for Arete is the wedding garment.

1 year ago

This woman had treatment resistant depression. The experimental treatment she took was to get anesthetized down to almost dead, remain there for fifteen minutes, and then be revived. The risk is that the brain is shut down; it might not return. The machine is called something that sounds like “The Abyss.”

I am wondering if some of the things done to you at night are experiments trying to see how it works, or at what doses. Miles Mathis keeps testifying that ticket-takers are depressed while they age preternaturally fast. Any depression treatment that is both dangerous and effective- if they could get it to safe and effective?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

There was a TV show of aliens secretly invading, and testing humans to find like 98 different pschyologies or something. And if they could cope with them for the eventual open invasion. The hero was the pschyological type of ‘peaceful in peace, but a tiger in war’ and the aliens had lots of problems with him.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I think this business of being pain resistant and some evidence of that at a young age plays a huge role in the analysis that marks that person as trouble when they get older. If you endured some sort of trial when you were younger and emerged cheerful about it, I reckon they circle your name in red.
All the millennial safe space types never end up in that column. No pain tolerance at all.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago

Stubbornness/persistence is related and they hate it.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago

Remember reading a study had found Scandinavian females to have the highest pain tolerance of all.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

I saw a documentary where some doctors in the UK got permission to use hallucinogenic mushrooms in a limited trial on people who had treatment resistant depression. Early results were promising, but of course the trial got killed before any hard data got produced.

I’ve never done drugs myself, but knowing how they used lies to make drugs illegal, I’m sure there is some beneficial aspect they don’t want us having access to.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

What makes psychedelic mushrooms so interesting is that they grow naturally. A mushroom trip generally leaves you calm and grounded with a strong sense of the cosmic connection between everything, as opposed to synthetic psychedelics like lsd which strip away all sense of self and leave you in a state of fear and desperation.

1 year ago

You can share this or not – your call – but love your site, read daily, and been meaning to share for a while. True story: somewhere around 2019-2020 we had one of the decent quality video baby monitors (not color – green and white?) that we had had since our 1st in 2016; monitor is in room, mounted on wall as I recall, and then we have receiver handset in living room w/ us. One night we’re chillin and I see what looks like a small, concentrated flashlight (say, maybe 3-5″ tight diameter) panning around the kids’ room – slowly, and deliberately it is covering ground. I don’t wait but immediately rush to room w/ a blade and prepared for conflict – there’s no one there. I am still holding the receiver and can see on the video that the light has not changed and continues to pan the room on the walls, slowly, but naked eyes I see nothing. I stab the air and walk the whole room anyway, just in case (I read that book you’ve mentioned a few times – wary of the predator suits heh) to be sure there’s no physical presence, and confirm nothing. We are bemused and trying to id source direction, which oddball gstalker neighbor’s house it is coming from based on continuing to watch it thru the kids monitor, and assuming this is a regular thing and has been going on for a while – big mistake, as I didn’t feel any urgency to record it for posterity. Within maybe 5-10 mins the mystery light goes out. We watched for it to reappear for a long time, many nights prepared to record and share, but we never saw it again.
Sharing to add to your body of knowledge on these filth and their tactics, also maybe whatever frequency / low light / night vision pickup was inherent in the baby cam can be useful for you / others as a reveal for at least some of their bullshit.

Reply to  Shankerous
1 year ago

Was the baby cam was in “night vision” mode? IR flashlights would not show up to the naked eye, but would under night vision. Specifically, you would want to use the IR to enhance what you can see with your Night Vision Googles (NVGs).
Example: 13 Hours Movie (IR Lasso)

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Cardiac side effects of RNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: Hidden cardiotoxic effects of mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 on ventricular myocyte function and structure.”

Spike proteins turn a heart into what is essentially hamburger meat. Amazing that this was even published at all, and in the UK no less. Does cabal profit from anxiety, because they are massively increasing anxiety.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Its being leaked or allowed to be leak to provide cover for the Beam.

These people are taking lab produced samples of the injections and genuinely finding all sorts of things “wrong” with them. But I think what was actually injected into people was saline. The side effects we are hearing about are actually caused by the Beam. The injection program was to provide cover for the Beam.

That is why the efforts to cover up this information are so weak.

The orginal “COVID virus” worked the same way.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

It does. Anxiety drives people toward psychiatrists and anti-anxiety meds. They make a lot of money on that.

Plus, when people are full of anxiety, they’re not analyzing what’s going on and asking questions. They just want to anxiety to go away, and the people who caused the problem that is causing anxiety have just the solution.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“The doctor saw another $200,000 surgery which this guy was legally prevented from complaining about, and seized the opportunity.”

Yep. There are a ton of monsters and Mengele ‘s in the medical field. Stay healthy to the point where you can avoid hospitals as much as is possible. Hospitals are also next level filthy, if you knew how dirty your closest ER rooms are you would probably never call an amby again and just take your chances.

1 year ago

Anne Frank’s step sister, Eva Schloss, tells @piersmorgan on Good Morning Britain that the Auschwitz Liberation was faked with photographers and crisis actors.

This one is complicated. But its not what the link description might lead you to think.

Anne Frank’s father, Otto Frank, survived the war. He remarried, to an Austrian German woman who also fled the Reich (Frank fled Germany) to the Netherlands, then the Nazis invaded the Netherlands, and she went into hiding at a different locations than the Franks and was discovered earlier (all this is from Eva Schloss’ Wikipedia bio). Her daughter was Eva Schloss. Eva Schloss was sent to Auschwitz. Auschwitz was supposedly designed as an extermination camp, unlike Anne’s camp, Bergen Belsen, which was a detention camp that didn’t get food.

Piers Morgan is a mainstream normie host of a mainstream normie British TV show, and had Eva Schloss on the show. Eva Schloss was at Auschwitz. She is talking about how she saw videos put out by Soviet propaganda about the Red Army liberation at Auschwitz, and she was there, and noted that there was definitely snow at the time (in Poland in the winter) but there was no snow in the videos. She attended a function at the Russian embassy and raised the issue, and they pointed out that Red Army units had better things to do at the time than have camera crews record everything they did, so they did liberate the camp, but recreated the event after the fact for propaganda purposes.

I think there will be readers here who want to go there, so I will. Auschwitz-Birkenau was a huge camp. The only inmates there who would have direct knowledge of the gas chambers would be the victims sent there, and the sonderkommando crews detailed to help out. The Nazis tried to kill all the sonderkommando crews, and only twenty survived the war (there is, however, a considerable amount of evidence for the gas chambers provided by the Nazis themselves).

It is standard practice with public relations to recreate some event “for the cameras.” The famous photograph of the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima was done this way. There is a good scene in the fictional series “Yes Minister” of this, but I couldn’t find it with a quick internet search.

Max Barage
Max Barage
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

It’s funny how you can be a regular here and still think that the Holocaust actually happened.

Reply to  Max Barage
1 year ago

It’s not a primary focus of the site, so people come in with their conditioning. This is the first time I’ve seen the subject come up in the comments as best as I can remember.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

>Auschwitz was supposedly designed as an extermination camp…
No. It wasn’t. In my rustbelt city thirty years ago I was very friendly with an old Jewish widow who had spent her teen years working in Auschwitz. He job was to unload trucks. There was an accident when a truck backed up and pinned her against a wall, fracturing her pelvis. No more work for that little Jewish girl!
She told me the Germans sent her to the hospital, where she was treated very decently. That said, she still believed in the Holocaust and would try to lend me a book on the subject. I always declined. She also told me, “those Germans in the hospital really liked me. They said, ‘you are so nice. You don’t have a hunch back,’ etc.” This woman really was extremely decent, lacking all the character flaws and defects that are so commonly infecting Jews. I once met her eldest daughter, from NYC. What a poisonous, snickering harridan, with a ratlike countenance and an attitude demanding concrete blocks tied around the neck and dumped into the lake!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

IG Farben built a large plant for synthetic rubber and liquid fuels near Auschwitz and used the prisoners for labor. Killing them off would kill off their labor. Stupid.

I read, somewhere in my reading about Nazi nuclear weapons, that the Nazis were actually building nukes at the synthetic rubber plant. Having the camp near meant a less likely bombing campaign, and it was not bombed. If I remember correctly, they researched the amount of rubber and fuel produced and the numbers did not work out at all. And he had a bunch of other evidence. There’s also circumstantial evidence that a submarine that surrendered to the Allies was full of enriched uranium. It certainly had a lot of uranium in it, but “if” it was enriched is the tricky part. They said that this Nazi uranium was used on the bomb to bomb Japan as the numbers for US nuclear material production didn’t work out either. The original destination for it was Japan and the sub had Japanese officers on board who committed suicide rather than surrender to the allies.

“Critical Mass: How Nazi Germany Surrendered Enriched Uranium for the United States’ Atomic Bomb” by Carter Plymton Hydrick

1 year ago

In Gran Canaria, Spain, immigrants, after a long journey, bite not into food but into the plastic wrap of their newly obtained cellphones. This is a well-coordinated plan done on purpose. 

They way that they are wrapped, I don’t think they are new. They are the same phones that they had when they got on the boat, just wrapped heavily in Saran Wrap to keep them dry.
Which fits AC’s theory perfectly.

1 year ago

(((Anne Frank)))’s step sister, (((Eva Schloss))), tells @piersmorgan on Good Morning Britain that the Auschwitz Liberation was faked with photographers and crisis actors.

So, she says that it really happened, but that they faked the films anyway. I’m just going to remind you of Apollo, and turn it over to Sam to rant for 10,000 words.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

I wrote a longer comment earlier. The difference between Apollo and Auschwitz is that there are more and more reliable eyewitness accounts for Auschwitz. There are only about two dozen eyewitness accounts that humans walked on the Moon. Its otherwise all film.

As I commented, the deniers have a stronger case for the gas chambers, since the evidence for them comes from the Nazis themselves. But for the camps and death squads, no.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

The Holahoax is fake. Fake, Fake,(+ 9,993 words), Fake.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

I’d write “fake” 6 million times if I could

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Fake x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago


Last edited 1 year ago by Texas Arcane
1 year ago

House where those 4 girls were killed in Idaho was demolished the other day despite parents requesting the university delay until after the trial. A spokeswoman for the university said it had to happen to begin the healing process. Seems sort of contradictory to me considering the people who need that healing the most are requesting they hold off. Also the only reason they can do this in the first place is the owner of the property just up and gave it to the university after the murders. Who does that? You might think something like oh crap I don’t want to own a property where people died and I’m probably not going to get top dollar for it but maybe I can get at least some money out of it and wash my hands, but no they opted to gift the entire property. Are they wealthy enough to just walk away from thousands of dollars? They might not get full price but surely they could have sold it for some amount higher than zero. Very weird and lends a lot of credit to ACs theory that this had something to do with cabal not a random serial killer.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

They probably woke up in some cabal harem/brothel/breeding facility and are not dead to this day.

1 year ago

I came across a fairly long and descriptive account of one man’s interactions with some surveillance types (he believed they were mi6-employed assassins) after he attempted to pitch to any authority he could find an election fraud prevention system for third world countries. His name is Alex Weir, a Scottish man who seems very well traveled based on his story. From what I can tell, all public online activity stopped in 2014 and his website only exists in fragments on the internet archive.
tl;dr: at one point he threatens to go to the media about the pushback he was getting on his voting system, he starts getting very obviously out of place people showing up around him, some of them staring at him, some with seemingly amateurish cover identities. He calls his wife and tells her whats going on and begins hopping around to different countries trying to evade them. Some of the things he noticed: white men in circumstances where white people were out of place, a Dane who didn’t speak danish, two suspicious guys who straight up said they were from the french embassy when confronted, suspected surveillance avoiding eye contact, people giving vague or suspicious responses when asked what company they worked for, people not reacting at all when called out for being surveillance (or when being mocked as gay in their native language). He eventually confronts the British politician he suspected of calling the hit out on him and tells him to call it off.

He became ill just when this was all kicking off. He says it was very unusual. Hard to tell from his account if all the spooks he identified were part of the same group, or if they were genuine local intel who just thought he was suspicious.

Here’s a surviving archived page on his voting system idea. It seems vulnerable to attack from my POV, but seemingly it worried some people enough to start harassing this guy internationally:

(I found the site from here
His website hosted a large library of free educational/diy/survivalist-ish books and guides for developing countries, agriculture and technology etc. A little bit (28 GB + 50 GB primary school level content or so) is still accessible through the archives. Some aggressive hunting online could probably turn up the rest.)

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  NonyMouseTI
1 year ago

All I can say is that I have tinnitus and I have better hearing than anyone I know.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  NonyMouseTI
1 year ago

Exactly what I thought when I saw that story. Well done.

1 year ago

Maybe I am over-reacting, but the Trump message posted in the briefs is very disturbing. Does DJT understand how disturbing?

Trump says the millions of invaders are being signed up by Democrats to be voters. I have no doubt that this is a real possibility.

Then Trump calls on the Republicans and MITCH MCCONNELL to help with the situation.

You have to be kidding me. DJT MUST understand how ludicrous this sounds.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

No not really. In 1992, or sometime there, I lived in Northern California. I was passing out Republican campaign literature in front of a Catholic Church. I handed one of the fliers to a lady who was not concentrating until I handed her the flier. She looked up, at me and laughed and said, I was going to be a minority soon and continued walking into the church.

I was stunned. –THIS is the plan–its been the plan for the Longest time!

Heard this chanted: “I adhere to ONE Commandment. Destroy the descendants of Amalek”. —That is me and you.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Every Jew alive is a descendant of the Herodians who were likely descendants of Amalek, and definitely descendants of Esau (Edom).

White people (for the most part) are descendants of Japheth, with Europeans being descended from Javan or Dodanim. All of the sages in the time of the Temple acknowledged this. Only butthurt medieval rabbis, who were wrong about a bunch of things started to change it when it suited them.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

The Northern Europeans whom the Jews hate so much, along with White Americans and Australians are Saxons, Israelites descended from the ten northern tribes of Israel. These tribes were the Scythians, Parthians, Goths, and Saxons.There may be Japhethites among the populations but Northern European Whites are primarily Israelite. The migrations of the ten tribes were uncovered during the nineteenth century.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

It is ludicrous to ask MITCH MCCONNELL and the Republicans to help. That was my SOLE point.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

optics. take the high ground. make it appear, since it is reality, that bitch bcconnell wont werk with the gop nominee. isolate bitch bcconnell.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I hope orange man is right and they are just being imported for voting illegally.
That’s the feelgood bubblegum happy ending of the summer hit parade in comparison to the other reasons they may have for importing those people.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I addressed that in a post that hasn’t been approved yet.
Trump needs to stop gaslighting us and do something now.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I will look for your post. I love Trump, have high hopes connected with him. But I agree, the gaslighting is insulting to his supporters, and the “optics” angle is lame (although likely true). Why didn’t he say directly, “MCConnell and the Republicans are useless wrt this”? Or just leave them out of his comment.

1 year ago

This is interesting
There could be something to this.

1 year ago

other Js are trying to just blame the Ks (khazars) as a limited hangout anyway. it is more than the Ks…

1 year ago

Why is Trump supporting the FBI instead of calling for its abolition?

1 year ago


comment image

1 year ago

comment image

1 year ago

Is The Mandela Effect A Psyop To Study What The People In Charge Can Get Away With Changing?

Women Proves The Fruit Of The Loom Mandela Effect is 100% A LIE & Fruit Of The Loom Is In On It

Even Joe Rogan brings attention to this (I’ll include his clip at the end of the video)

“Got to the bottom of the fruit of the Loom cornucopia mandela effect, and I’m upset. Claire rarely pulled through for us and went through all of her old clothes until she found an official logo. Not only is this an official Fruit of the Loom shirt, except the cornucopia looks exactly how we’ve all described it and remembered it. This reignited my station. And after digging through the Internet, I found this old newspaper that specifically says fruit of the Loom logo was initially a cornucopia.

When fruit of the loom has been questioned about the cornucopia, they’ve straight up been lying to us saying that it never existed. She. Please note that this fruit of the loom image that was created from people’s memories matches exactly what’s on Claire’s shirt. Not only are they lying to us, they’re intentionally causing chaos. If you go to their homepage, they have a whole timeline of their logos and what company has that.

That’s not evidence enough that they’re intentionally trying to cause chaos. These are what their talks look like. I don’t know. I’m convinced this is a 100% corporate gaslighting. Feelings about this because honestly, it is one of the greatest marketing ploys in all of history, but at what cost?

It has caused me so much stressed that both my husband and my therapist forbade me from pursuing it any further. Glad I pursued my heart and got to the bottom of this, but she tell me what you think. Should we just admire their marketing or should we open a class action lawsuit to be reimbursed for emotional damage?”

Joe Rogan (
) “This is so scary. I have a theory that the Mandela effect is used to see how much of history can be altered in front of our eyes. Here’s a prime example of one of that. There’s this woman on TikTok who was going crazy because she swore the fruit of the loom had a cornucopia logo. And to the point that even fruit of the loom themselves put a timeline of all their logos, and it never had a cornucopia.

And this woman went hard. Her therapist told her, yo, you need to chill out. You need to just drop this. So she went through all of her old clothing, And lo and behold, she found a shirt with the fruit of the loom with the cornucopia logo on it that shows me like, yo, I think the Mandela effect eyes is an operation that’s running around right now to see how much of history can be altered right in front of our eyes without us noticing. And then they gaslight the public and be like, nope.

This never happened. People are thinking about it very little like, oh, it’s the Berenstain Bears or the Berenstain Bears or Jiffy or Jif’s peanut butter, but it’s much larger than that, guys. They’re using this to see, oh, if we can get people to forget certain primary things about their childhood, what can we do with history? What Mandela affects? Do you know?”

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

It’s certainly a DILEMNA, with an N not two M’s, lol.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

I feel sorry for people who don’t know DILEMNA was always spelled with an “N!”

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Have no idea if this is true, but posting this video here for anyone to test this out for themselves. Tiktoker uses a pre-2008 cellphone camera to find pre-Mandela Effect changes in real-time.

In Prince’s song Let’s Go Crazy, was it “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to CELEBRATE this thing called life”? Or was it always “get through” this thing called life?

Was it “objects in the mirror MAY BE closer than they appear” or was it always objects ARE closer than they appear?

Does anybody remember seeing a photograph of the Tombstone Thunderbird? No traces of this photograph can be found despite many people claiming to have seen it in magazines.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The largest Mandela effect I know of is,

Remember not too long ago where there was the phrase in the bible that I and a large number of people believe that a verse had changed?

It changed from “the lamb will lay down with the lion” to “the lamb will lay down with the wolf”.

I went right after this had changed and looked for something I think they could have missed. Stained glass windows in churches and elsewhere. The lion lay down with the lamb immensely, massively out weighed the wolf lay down with the lamb. There was none or next to none of the wolf. A bunch of people remember it as lion. I have no idea what to think of this.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Winston Smith in 1984 was shocked to discover the majority of people could only remember disjointed anecdotes from the past that made no consistent sense. Just impressions and feelings but no real semantic information could be acquired by asking them about the past.

1 year ago

> Anne Frank’s step sister, Eva Schloss, tells @piersmorgan on Good Morning Britain that the Auschwitz Liberation was faked with photographers and crisis actors. 

I don’t know about Auschwitz, but a distant relative of mine was part of the US forces who liberated Dachau. He machine-gunned several hundred SS vermin. Circumstances were confused enough that not only did the various accounts differ widely, hundreds of soldiers and former prisoners testified the Lieutenant had nothing to do with it.

The Army tribunal, in the face of conflicting reports, sternly told him that whatever he didn’t do, don’t do it again, and turned him loose.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

> machine gunned several hundred SS vermin…
This illustrates the basic difference between US and them. If an SS officer had done such a thing he’d have been court martialed and executed.
It did happen a few times.
Happy 2024, one and all, for what it’s worth.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

> He machine-gunned several hundred SS vermin.

LMAO this is such a bold-faced lie it’s hilarious. Just play out the logistics: how many times did he reload? Did he wait for the barrel to cool down after the first 500 round dump, or did he bring extra barrels to swap in to? Did he grab the several heavy boxes of ammo beforehand? Stash it all in one spot, ready to go? How did he coordinate the several hundred likely prisoners to one location, did dozens of other co-conspirators help him get the dead men to stand peacefully in a line and just die without resistance? How did he escape the obvious war crime charges of mass-executing prisoners? Did they bury the bodies or just leave them in a massive heap?

So fake it’s not even funny.

1 year ago

> Telegraph – The West may now have no option but to attack Iran.

Iran is an interesting case. Heavily Westernized and progressive (before that became a Leftist thing). Then abruptly the Shah was overthrown and a theocratic dictatorship installed. Both the CIA and KGB were openly operating in Tehran, with large and well-funded officed. I’ve read accounts from both American and Soviet intelligence officers who were there, and their stories are all identical – the first they heard about any problem was when the revolutionaties announced their takeover on TV.

So, somehow they blindsided not just the Shah’s spies, who were considered to be top-notch, but the CIA and KGB as well. And then all three appeared to be completely unable to do anything to restore the recognized legitimate goverment. They crawled out of Iran with their tails between their legs and just wrote it off.

And then Khomeini’s “student activists” took over a US Embassy and made monkeys out of the Fed, and then sat back and laughed when Carter’s “Operation Eagle Claw” rescue mission turned into a disaster without the Iranians even having to lift a finger.


1 year ago

> Biden warns US military may get pulled into direct conflict with Russia. 

OMG! Really?!

In the timeline I came from, he’s been trying his best to do that all along.