News Briefs – 12/30/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Good news anons, they are now producing a new flood of hypnosis apps, where a voice coming out of your phone or your Alexa will hypnotize you. I’m just awed at how the world was being inexorably steered to the abolition of free will, the total control by those at the top, and how everybody had been conditioned to think it was impossible.

Arizona GOP electors join lawsuit against Mike Pence, asks court to define VP’s ‘exclusive authority’ to reject electors.

Before Vice President Mike Pence was sued by Representative Louie Gohmert their lawyers met and the two sides disagreed about how the Electoral College is formally accepted, with Pence saying he could not simply accept competing slates of electors. Which would stand up in a Supreme Court Challenge better, Pence trying to just declare Trump the winner, or Pence using the same corrupt voting machines to count the votes, and those machines, which the entire election was run on, declare Trump the winner?.

Will Wisconsin officially move their Electoral College votes to President Trump after 200,000 mostly Biden votes were ruled illegitimate?

Trump campaign takes the Wisconsin Constitutional fight to the US Supreme Court, challenging 50,000 more illegal absentee votes.

A new report from Department of Justice adviser John Lott concludes that up to 368,000 “excess votes” tipped election outcomes to favor Joe Biden in critical swing states.

Dozens of House members will challenge the EC vote on Jan. 6, says Rep. Mo Brooks.

US Attorney who announced a voter fraud investigation into improperly thrown out Military ballots resigns. Doesn’t sound like he was forced out. It is always possible they are putting together a team for what is coming.

An Obama-appointed federal judge has ruled that voters in two Georgia counties shouldn’t be purged from voter rolls, even if they’ve moved out of those counties. The judge is the sister of Stacey Abrams.

Joe Biden slips and refers to Kamala Harris as the ‘President-Elect’ again.

Biden/Harris plan to decriminalize secretly exposing others to HIV without warning them. They literally say the science doesn’t support keeping it criminal.

Nashville police were warned in 2019 that Anthony Warner was making a bomb inside his RV. but a subsequent request by FBI and ATF to search the property was denied.

A doctor in Northern California has been fired from his job after he co-authored a letter that questioned the science behind his county’s lockdown order. Note, when you see a doctor, that doctor likely has a hierarchy over them which is this committed to Cabal operations, and which will ruin them in public like this, for working against Cabal’s ends. Imagine if all they do is tell the doctor to secretly prescribe one patient something and give them the prescribed pills they supply, instead of the pharmacy’s. And I suspect there are many, many doctors and nurses who are active conspirators, and don’t even need to be coerced.

Fauci’s admission that he tailored his herd immunity threshold estimate to what he felt he could get away with, drew the ire of Jay Bhattacharya, professor of medicine at Stanford University.

Health experts are weighing in after a nurse got sick and tested positive for COVID-19 more than a week after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.

The regional stay-at-home order has been extended indefinitely for two of California’s regions, Southern California and the San Joaquin Valley.

DC lawmakers strip parents of the right to refuse the COVID vaccine for their children.

Thousands of Colorado residents without heat after attack on gas service. There was a telecommunications anon on 4Chan who said the word in his circles was somebody was testing the combined North American vital infrastructure, looking for weak spots to bring it down. He claimed the power-grids have interlinkages so excess electricity can be sold to Canada and Mexico, and fossil fuels were also being looked at. According to him, data/telecom, fossil-fuel, electric, and transport were the critical sectors, and from the power outage in Mexico, the Nashville attack, the train derailments, and even something like this are all probes, which appear to be preparing some sort of major attack to shut things down in a big way, possibly as a diversion the moment Trump pulls the trigger. Could have been a LARP, but he listed a whole suite of others, and implied anons should be ready to be powerless, heat-less, and without the ability to shop for stuff down in the stores for at least a few weeks, or get gas.

Republican Congressman-elect Luke Letlow, 41, dies with coronavirus.

Pelosi likely has enough votes to retain the House Speaker role.

All major western media outlets take ‘private dinners’ and ‘sponsored trips’ from a Chinese Communist Propaganda front.

Hillary Clinton met with CCP ‘undercover intel ops’ group while Bill floated paid speeches.

The passage of the $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and government funding bill started a 180 day countdown for the Pentagon and spy agencies to say what they know about UFOs. Nobody noticed it was included as a “committee comment” attached to the annual intelligence authorization act, which was rolled into the massive bill. Is it possible this is related to the Cabal?

Federal appeals court blocks Governor Cuomo’s restrictions on size of religious gatherings.

McConnell introduces competing bill for $2K stimulus checks. It adds a repeal of Section 230 and establishes a voter fraud commission.

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday vacated two lower court decisions that blocked the government from excluding illegal aliens during the process of allotting congressional seats.

In Gallup’s 2020 poll on the most admired man, President Donald J. Trump came out on top.

Spread r/K Theory, because if it is good, it doesn’t need to be taken underground.

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4 years ago

I got this from Vox Day’s commenter:

“FYI: ITS DONE SON!!!!!!!!!

FROM Candace Owens:

“ At the moment, POTUS is sitting on a stack of Trump cards that he’s just waiting to unleash…a royal flush!
He has court cases that will go to the Supreme Court and thanks to the Texas case, he’s now aware how to file them properly…under article 3 not 2…so the SCOTUS will be forced to listen…..
He now has the DNI report. Barr stepped down and can now be a witness…..he did his job. Durham is special counsel and can prosecute, in any state….
He’s letting civil, criminal and federal courts fail to handle the situation properly… he can use military tribunals. He has ALL the data from the NSA, the Kraken supercomputer, the Alice supercomputer and likely many more computers, unknown to us….
He has the dueling electors from 7 state legislatures. He has VP Pence, as the final arbiter of which ballots to accept…..
He has the Insurrection Act, the NDAA, the national emergency, the 14th amendment, the 2018 executive order, the 2017 very first EO, the Patriot Act, the FISA warrants, the Declassification of everything, people swearing affidavits by the 1000s.
He has all the statistical data being analyzed….along with the videos, emails, phone calls and bank transfer statements…..showing the coordination of the coup d’etat.
He has RICO and he has the crimes against humanity videos. Wikileaks just dropped extensive information and Assange will be pardoned. Assange can then openly discuss the murder of Seth Rich….
Now that the governors and secretary of states certified and Biden accepted….they each committed and knowingly agreed to acts of Treason….
Solar Winds was literally just raided and Dominion is closing down, as well. He has the CIA servers, used to change dominion machine votes from Trump to Biden…and he will soon have access to the actual machines, themselves….
He baited the Deep State into staying in DC, so they can be arrested. Biden hasn’t accepted any transition money and Harris has still not given up her seat on the senate….
The military has infiltrated Antifa and BLM. He has all their financial records. He knows which politicians took Chinese and Soros money….both Republican and Demo-rat….
He positioned Christopher Miller as secretary of defense and Ezra-Cohen Watnick as assistant secretary of defense. He literally just wrote an executive order, regarding the military line of succession. Many suspect Watnick to be Q.
He is defunding the CIA. He just replaced Kissinger & Allbright on the National Security Advisory Board…..with men loyal to him.
The military has been flying planes, far more than usual, all over the country. The Navy just parked mega fleets on both coasts. The 82nd Airborne is preparing for an operation….which is the same group that General Flynn & AG Donoghue were enlisted.
Pieces are finally falling into place. POTUS has it all! He is just laying out the pieces and building the narrative. He knows he won and they committed Treason! He set a trap and they walked right in, without hesitation.
He gave the Deep State the chance to come clean and try to fix things. They chose Treason!
Patriots in control! Nothing can stop what’s coming.”

Reply to  map
4 years ago

all of which – near as I can tell – is true. so no excuses for PDJT. he has every tool he’ll ever need, and they’re all sharpened and in place. if he doesn’t do what’s called for, what’s needed, the country is lost forever. whatever political entity that exists here after a 20 Jan Biden inaug won’t be the USA.

and now, even though it seriously pisses me off to write this, since it’s all what we’ve all been doing for 4 fucking years now … now we wait and see. 21 days.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago

>”Good news anons, they are now producing a new flood of hypnosis apps, where a voice coming out of your phone or your Alexa will hypnotize you. I’m just awed at how the world was being inexorably steered to the abolition of free will, the total control by those at the top, and how everybody had been conditioned to think it was impossible.”

That’s how you get a Butlerian jihad (for the glowies that are salivating at the prospect of increasing my score on the threat matrix because of this remark, I’m sorry to disappoint your uncultured asses that the Butlerian jihad is an even from the sci-fi Dune saga. Go explain spurdo to your boss).


Jehanne Butler [ 230 BG – 182 BG] , Noted computer pogrommer.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago

>”Spread r/K Theory, because if it is good, it doesn’t need to be taken underground.”

But if it’s Billy Bass it needs to be taken to the river.

4 years ago

An video about PTSD and why it is less common historically:

Important lessons to be learnt. Aside from ways to shut down the nightmares and night terrors that come with such events.

4 years ago

AC, what do you make of the legal fund solicitations? Since not long after the election, I receive about 10 spam emails a day. Reports are now that $200 million have been raised, all to fund the filing of lawsuits that get dismissed on procedural grounds. It’s also reported that 75% of the funds can be used for other things.

4 years ago

“Could have been a LARP, but he listed a whole suite of others, and implied anons should be ready to be powerless, heat-less, and without the ability to shop for stuff down in the stores for at least a few weeks, or get gas.”

If done on a large enough scale, this could spiral out of control quickly.

Also, if large enough… it would spark a K-swing like we’ve never seen before.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago
4 years ago

“DC lawmakers strip parents of the right to refuse the COVID vaccine for their children.”

What this really means is DC usurpers for cabal strip all moral and lawful legitimacy from themselves being strung up or shot out of hand dead for treason and violation of parents primal right to protect their children from all enemies foreign and domestic, or bio-weaponized.

Nothing here taking a hundred of these cabal insects out behind congress where the dumpsters are and put a bullet in the back of each of their heads, would not solve in a hurry.

Certainly be an exercise in r/K selection, or is that exorcize…

Hypothetically speaking that is.

4 years ago

Fauci replaces Quisling in the lexicon of propaganda war crimes, genocide and crimes against the human race.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago
4 years ago

The thing about UFO’s is they are the perfection of Plausible Deniability, and right there is a 5 alarm fire warning somebody is up to something they shouldn’t be doing.

Do folks ever notice the “Unidentified” in Unidentified Flying Objects”? It sure makes me think of the great old black and white TV show Outer Limits, dododo-dodododo-do not attempt to change the dials we now have control of your TV set…

UFO, if that ain’t double-talk misdirection. Not saying no such thing, its what the name implies: a lot of things. Whatever you want it to imply.

And whats better than UFO’s, during a time of universal deceit, by the very people who officially decides these things, or don’t, deliberately.

One thing Identifiable about Unidentifiable, if UFO’s are busy flying around cabal matrix you can be sure its to distract and misdirect attention away from something they ain’t supposed to be doing. And how can you know what anything is then?

Anything can be made a UFO, or even better nothing can be made a UFO. Spook wise it doesn’t come any handier than UFO’s. The usefulness is about as unlimited as it gets. The moment you include UFO in something it becomes the most beautiful deniability preface ever invented.

And who controls the legacy media complex bringing news…?

Even flying bullshit can be called a UFO.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

I have a running joke with my children about that. We were sitting at a light a few weeks ago, and I noticed what looked like a C-17 flying somewhat low over my area, which is unusual. My 15 year old said “Well, I can’t identify it, so it’s a UFO.”

I think they’re trying to push the narrative toward calling them UAP (Unidentified Arial Phenomenon) because of the stigma around UFOs.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
4 years ago

@Eric The Awful

Thats a real hoot Eric, smart kid you have. Like to be a fly on the wall see her say it. I hope she is never distracted from thinking like that. Too bad our kids have to be cynical, but better that than slaves or worse. Its good defense mechanism.

Knowing what we know, anytime you hear the yellow media mention UFO’s its somebody doing something they shouldn’t be and need them some “Look its Haley’s Comet!”

In real speak, who can say, its a big ass universe, if somebody figures out the light speed barrier problem, then the galaxy is going to get smaller.

Who really knows? It’s certainly an endless wonderful idea there are others out there. Close Encounters was a pretty good yarn, I like when there’s human travelers are coming off the mothership ramp, and one of the scientists is watching a group of missing WWII pilots in line, and say, Einstein was right after all. Good line.
Many theories about life in the galaxy, there’s Drake’s Theory, Enrico Fermi.
Then there is the Grand Design and God’s hand in creation to consider, I’ve read a number of accounts of noted physicist and cosmologists who have a most interesting observation about the universe, where as they discover its vastness and its design, they can’t help but believe there is one, and it was created by something.
Remember when Carl Sagan made an interesting observation, about if Einsteins general relativity was not violated, and beings could only reach percentages of the speed of light due to mass increase as an object gets nearer to the limit, considering the stellar distances between stars in our arm of the milky way, and the time it is supposed for life to form and develop the intelligence for technology for space travel, we are getting near but not quite yet the time we could be visited by other civilizations. Heard it referred to God’s universal speed limit.
Another theory is the Persmanian concept, or some similar name like that, been years since I read about it, where its believed life has originated in one or two places, and thru the myriad of ways microbial life is spread planet to planet, thus we will find most life in similar forms everywhere. Some suggest it’s where you go first, where the most advanced beings will be. For instance there are meteorites from Mars found on Earth and vice-versa, and comets are suspected to be another vector, and the thought part of the water on planets comes from them when they impact planets, and how they think comets are like bullets made of all the primal ingredients from which life first evolves under the right conditions.
The truth is probably wilder than fiction or theory. I like the grand theory of a design.

Some of the photos and video clips they got from the most recent comet probe, where they had a semi autonomous robotic lander touch down and grab a sample. Pretty interesting looking surface features, the pics are super crisp, like a big cosmic cheese ball made of a zillion pieces of everything in space.

I’m a big proponent of space ventures, the resources are limitless, minong asteroids makes so much sense, and looks like Musk and his SpaceX folks are just about to turn everything on its head. One of the biggest hurdles is fuel, those guys get Starship Super Heavy going, they will have broke that barrier wide open, the rest is just technological, and money, but space pays for space its so resource rich.
One idea that makes such common sense is using nuclear weapons as rocket engines. You survey say a metal rich asteroid, excavate a crater in the exact center of gravity on the back side, detonate some A bombs in the crater, and presto your got is moving, aim it in a long term capture orbit, might take years or a decade, but it with end up in orbit, like in one of the L points between Earth and Moon, presto, the worlds supply of iron, nickel and rare earth for 50 years.
When you finish mining it, you got a ready made space station, colony, factory for zero gravity products, and rock is the perfect solar radiation shield. Spray the excavated spaces with a sealer, put in airlocks, windows, and fill that baby with air. Home Sweet Home baby.
There’s indication some asteroids have ice water and molecular water in them, so there’s a big boon, no need to launch it up out of a gravity well. Sending stuff to earth is all down hill. And with the technology of ION and fusion engines under development, you need mass, any mass works, to throw out your rocket nozzle, so you have the mega tons of dross from mining and smelting metal ores as mass for free. All the electricity you need from the sun.
Seems like the things hardest to produce are vitamins, bulk protein, H20, certain medicines, and some food stuffs you can’t grow in space, at least in the beginning.
There’s so much wealth and prosperity up there its crazy. Crazy there’s ones who do everything to stop people from going into and leaving Earth. Imagine its about as wold west free as anything imaginable, you can have your own micro planet/spaceship. And create wealth undreamed of on Earth.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

If you throw a turd into someone’s face and they can’t tell what is traveling towards their face they are technically in the presence of an UFO.

UFOs are most likely secret military tech, not outer space retards (retarded enough to come in here and show themselves).

Jimmy Sendero
Jimmy Sendero
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

can’t say for sure what’s Out There, but I’m positive it ain’t “nothing.” Google “UFO Battle over Nuremberg Germany 1561.”

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Perhaps the Star Trek writers had this sort of thing in mind when they invented Section 31, the autonomous secret intelligence department of the Federation that did targeted assassinations and whatever else they wanted, without rules or oversight.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

We’ll just have to deprive them of that won’t we then AC.
Time to take it all back, leave nothing or nobody behind.
Then flush the big toilet.

4 years ago

> Biden/Harris plan to decriminalize secretly exposing others to HIV without warning them.

Harris is from California, which already decriminalized infecting others with HIV. Since it was a far-left initiative, I’m sure she was all for it…

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

The dude that pushed that shit in CA was Scott Weiner, who also:

… introduced a bill that removes a discrepancy regarding who has to register as a sex offender.

Under California law, the age of consent is 18. If one has vaginal sex with a minor who is older than 14 and within 10 years of their age, judges have discretion as to whether that person should be registered as a sex offender. So, for example, if a 19-year-old has consensual sex with their 17 1/2-year-old partner, the 19-year-old can be prosecuted — but a judge can decide that the 19-year-old does not have to register as a sex offender.

California law, however, states that adults who are prosecuted for having anal or oral sex with a minor must automatically be registered as a sex offender, no matter the circumstances or what the judge thinks. Effectively, Wiener and his allies say, the current law discriminates against teenage LGBTQ couples. So Wiener’s bill, SB-145, corrects the discrepancy and leaves the decision to the judge about sex offender status.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago

Lem – Vox Day and AC are certainly two of our genuine national treasures. The table you linked to suggests Vox gets about 200,000 views per day – from across the population of the entire planet. It’s a stark reminder that the Good, the Beautiful and the True is buried out of sight in the vast wasteland of the Cabal’s MSM propaganda psy-op.

AC – If you’re reading this would you be willing to share any site traffic info or trends for this crazy year?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I used to actually read National Review magazine. On paper no less. I can’t remember when I quit. It was a long time ago. It was way before I knew why or had any coherent idea that it was a controlled entity. It just didn’t seem to be giving advice or data that made much sense nor to be relevant.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Their own worst enemies AC. Why I call them “THEM”, The Human Extinction Movement.
Was up in MorganTown back fall, in the welding truck, big ol 3/4ton chevy, 22 years of lots of dent and rust character. It was lunch time, the 5th column ants where out getting their kale and soy smoothies, here’s me, 285lbs of pure raycist grizzled knuckle dragging whyte privilege, cigar, wife beater T, skinhead scalp du. Yeah, the looks of pure unadulterated hatred beamed at my mug sitting at the lights, you could walk on it, woohoo!, takes 15 minute to get thru industrial food alley, in this big old gasoline guzzling globullshitcolding spewing Detroit iron. What a trip man. WTF is wrong with these people.

I’m thinking when cabal falls, these insects are going to find a world that ain’t real receptive to snowflakery and safe spaces. Its a hard place, always been. r/K Selection makes sense more every day. By the hour.

These tech masters of the universe drones have little meat space doings, so much it seems to my perceptions they live in an illusionary universe, I guess there a lot of thrill having all that imaginary power over others, its really like a hive collective though.
Its funny when they start running their pie-holes about how they are gonna liquidate, or some wannabe Che’ or neo-bolshevik chin music, round up Gulag crap, they will get all us Trumper’s and other bigoted blowhard talk.
Where do they think the world, the physical, meat space world comes from. A 4 lane highway and a 1000 ft bridge over a river, the snowflake fairy left it? The electricity that powers their virtual Potemkin village?
A 4 year degree in victim stance and gender fluidity? I find my mouth hanging open in wonder at moments. Words do not convey.

My wife was saying yesterday, she has a smartphone, for faceborg contact with her kids, grandbabys and family spread all over, all her friends are plum sick and fed up with the idiot censoring and other cabal control vectors, so much so they all been discussing with each-other getting out, and how they can maintain comm’s without the cabal brainwashing platforms. They got to where they takes days and even week long breaks. From what she is saying, this election coup got them pretty T’d off and wanting to chew sheetmetal. And the chink lung aids crap, whew, there be revolt and pitchforks in these hills, and these are nice Ladies, go to church Sunday, bring home cooked food to neighbors less fortunate, check on each-other personal if you are off line more than 12 hours, tribe and community Woman, they are beyond disgusted, they even are talking about if their husbands and son’s have enough ammo, and what to stock up on for the long haul.

Not for nothing I could reach over and yank the cord on the satellite modem and never look back, no problem, cut the cord on TV 16 years now, not even radio. My fuse is real short these days too, got no use for any BS.
Other than to keep heads up for whats coming, you can’t ignore your defensive duties and imperatives, only reason for internet is for ordering materials for metal fab, machining, gun-smithing, the forge, the alt and off-grid stuff we need, seeds, tools, vehicle parts, and other tangibles.
It would be zero hardship to totally unplug. Hardly notice the outside world. We long ago situated ourselves for when shit goes south or we choose to go without.

Your blog AC, Vox Day, Infogalactic, I like to read Trump’s WhiteHouse blog, guys a stitch with all he does, hard working man tell you what, and a couple folks with blogs who are really good folks, and finding books and technical materials, only other need I have for accessing the matrix.
Leave me and mine alone. You come to start shit, better bring tanks, every fuckin’ tank you fuckin’ got, you’ll need them, and nobody will see your hide ever again, only the trees know where you got to.

I really could take the linesman dikes and snip! Never look back.
It’s God’s country in these mountains, what else does a man need except his old ladies lovin’, and his beloved pooch, and lot of folks don’t even have a computer round here. At most an old timey text talk phone. No cell signal up here either.

Serenity be thy name.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Thank you, AC. The good news is you appear to be up a lot on unique visitors and views this year. Very well-deserved and similar to Vox Day’s experience. I’m guessing your host numbers are closer to reality than the agenda-driven WordPress is telling you. Anyway, one result of this China Flu lockdown bullshit and election fraud really may be that many more of our brothers and sisters are beginning to awaken. More are finding you and finally reading sanity and logic.

I remember first coming across your writing – it was a kind of positive cognitive dissonance as I wrestled to absorb ideas and expressions that were so verboten elsewhere. Of course, that is exactly Cabal’s fear – that we awaken to the truth of their existence and power. That we perceive our life choices as Good versus Evil, and that we go with God instead of Satan.

Keep up the great work!

Reply to  Huck
4 years ago

Big Thumbs Up Huck! Good words man. I second you.

I’m surprised the WP insects haven’t been fucking with your AC blog yet.
My blog thru WP was totally being manipulated before they got all wee wee’d up and disappeared it without a word. They went in deleted alt-agitprop i created, whole posts, even deleted parts of text I wrote. Picky little snowflake bugs. They constantly jammed up the java script function to inhibit comments, long log on times for visitors, all the shadow banning stupidity. I guess they got fed up because I wouldn’t cry uncle or something. Nasty insects. It’s really something seeing first hand how evil and petty and how many of them there are. How so many people can wallow, live work, in that hate and envy and other crap’s beyond me.

Must of been on orders from on high, there was a bunch of Goolag internal corporate secure emails and linkage prior.

4 years ago

> Nashville police were warned in 2019 that Anthony Warner was making a bomb inside his RV. [link to New York Post]
That’s a masterful piece of journalism. Let’s inspect some of it:

>City cops passed the tip off to the FBI and ATF.

NPD decided not to send anyone out to check for themselves, so they flipped the accusation to the Feds.

Note the “former girlfriend” was not named. The accusation supposedly came from a lawyer named Raymond Throckmorton, on her behalf. How many people, seriously concerned about a potential bomber, would hire a lawyer to report it to the police? Are lawyers really cheap in Nashville? Or maybe he was the new boyfriend.

> But when authorities showed up at Warren’s door, no one answered,

Positioned under the previous line, it implies it was either the ATF or FBI, but later it says NPD. Later it mentions they didn’t have a warrant, , likely because some nutter narking to a city PD doesn’t constitute probable cause.

> and a subsequent request to search the property was denied,

Doesn’t say who denied their request. Again, it *implies* it was Warren, but it could have been anyone who answered the door. And they still didn’t have a warrant.

> Warner’s bomb-making continued unhindered until Christmas morning, when he detonated explosives in the vehicle and leveled a stretch of downtown Nashville.

They “knew” it was him within hours, and that he was the one who triggered it, which seems quick for securing the area, getting the crime scene guys in, collecting body parts, opening the crime lab on Christmas Day, calling in whatever techs are home and answering their phone on Christmas morning, driving in to work… and the web says a DNA analysis can take two to ten days.

Pretty good, squeezing at least two days of lab work into hours…

And then they needed a sample of Warren’s DNA to match it to. As to knowing he was the one who actually set it off, as opposed to perhaps just his dead body (or parts of it) being on the scene, maybe their crystal balls were particularly clear.

The Post article doesn’t even use the words “suspect” or “accused”, they just jumped straight to a smear campaign.

4 years ago

> He claimed the power-grids have interlinkages so excess electricity can be sold to Canada and Mexico

Dunno about Mexico, but a lot of the Yankeeland grid is fed from the Canadian side of the border. The Canadians sold 60 terawatt-hours in 2019, with three dozen major transmission lines crossing the border. The Canadian and Yankee grids are interwoven to the point they’re often referred to as the “North American Grid.”

All of the American grid is theoretically connected, but after New York fuster-clucks managed to bring down power across multiple states in 1965 and 1977, Yankeeland is *supposed* to automatically isolate into independent segments should it happen again.

4 years ago

> The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday vacated two lower court decisions that blocked the government from excluding illegal aliens during the process of allotting congressional seats.

Essentially, this means the Supremes have granted the vote to illegal aliens. After rejecting an election fraud case brought by more than half of the states in the union.

The Supreme Court “interprets” the Constitution to pervert it as it wishes, and it makes law from the bench, usurping the powers of Congress and the Senate. They have given themselves the power to override both the executive and legislative branches at their discretion, and nobody is lifting a finger against them.

That’s your Cabal, right there.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

You have it wrong, u\illegals will not be counted.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

I don’t know where the u\ came from.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

No, that is a misreading. Go to the link. It reads:

Supreme Court enables Trump to exclude illegal aliens from 2020 census count.

High court decision vacates two lower court rulings against Trump policy excluding illegal aliens from the population count on which apportionment of congressional seats is based.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

Just to clarify:

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday vacated two lower court decisions that blocked the government from excluding illegal aliens during the process of allotting congressional seats.

The decision to remand the two cases to lower courts “with instructions to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction” follows a ruling by the high court earlier this month that allows the Trump administration to pursue plans to exclude illegal aliens from the apportionment base.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

Read it again, schmuck.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago
4 years ago

re quisling, he gets kind of a bum rap. ok he let the Nazis hold sway. thousands of western pols have let the commies hold sway. where’s their punishment?

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

Good points. Poland was invaded by Nazi Germany AND the Soviet Union in 1939. The Brits and French declared war on Germany but not the USSR. A little hypocritical isn’t it? That was a red pill realization moment for me.

The Nazis were set up by cabal (either being it themselves and getting cut out OR being patsies) to advance Communism in Europe. That was always the end goal of cabal, to let these secret societies they control end up with totalitarian power over all the free peoples of the world. Problem, reaction, solution. Nazi Germany (and allies) were never going to beat the USSR, British Empire AND the USA. But it would damage Europe greatly, which was the point. Communism was to grow in the aftermath.

And before Inquisitor Lem hammers this home, yes there are many, many Jews that are apart of it. But for every “Jew” there are two gentile Commies, a foreign weirdo and three or four “Commie Quislings”- in addition to comped politicians. They are all equally evil. They are the Beast system talked about in the Bible in Daniel and Revelation.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

Communism was verifiably created, financed and spread by Jewish collective power. Yes they had some shabboz goys and goyim useful idiots among their ranks, but the origin of communism is undeniably and verifiably Jewish. And the first ever commie gov (in Russia) was composed of 80% Jews, despite Jews being less than 1% of population at the time.

Check out this article by Henry Makow (he is a racial Jew), he shows that the inspiration for Jewish communism comes from Talmudic Jewish law, which codified how Jews would pay each other for the right to be the only Jew allowed to exploit a certain goyim or family of goyim:

In this documentary, the later part also goes into detail about this subject:

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

Also, the nazi regime helped the Zionists create Israel. You can learn about it here (it goes into it some 500 words into the comment):

4 years ago

SoCAl anon here; in the Inland Empire, people seem to be pretty much just living their lives as best they can, lockdown or no. Families gather, local businesses were packed with Christmas shoppers, and the farther out you get the more normal things seem (though of course still not pre-covid normal). We drove to a more rural town to stop by a favorite drive-thru place, and the local bars were up and running. Some had outside seating, but others appeared to be business as usual: lots of cars in the lots, no people outside.

We do know plenty of people living by fear, but then they stay home or away from whatever scares them the most. Everybody else just carries on.

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

“Note, when you see a doctor, that doctor likely has a hierarchy over them which is this committed to Cabal operations, and which will ruin them in public like this, for working against Cabal’s ends.”

The entire medical establishment is heavily infested. Shockingly so. I’m absolutely convinced that large numbers of medical “accidents” are cabal’s way of dealing with enemies. I do not trust RNs or MDs at ALL. AT ALL.

How are they held in check? Doctors and nurses usually have massive student loans and big mortgages. They know that they can be easily ruined by not playing along. Just things like being blacklisted, having their license pulled, bullshit lawsuits, the entire bag of cabal tricks.

For most of them, I’d guess that there is no ideology involved nor that they have any larger awareness of just what cabal is. But they know of the threat.

Just Me
Just Me
4 years ago
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago


Worth the read along with the comments.

4 years ago
4 years ago

“Imagine if all they do is tell the doctor to secretly prescribe one patient something and give them the prescribed pills they supply, instead of the pharmacy’s.”

Damn straight. It happened to me.
I felt strange, unusual secondary effects, for my meds. After a while, I suspected something was off. So I got my meds (same meds) from another source, and the effects stopped. I wonder how much people get their meds poisoned and never notice?

4 years ago

The Marine Corps Has Started Fielding 30,000 Rifle Suppressors to Combat Units

4 years ago

Spain the major center for Cabal will help set up a social credit system that will penalize those who refuse the Vaccine:

Also to draw up a list of their enemies.

Reply to  info23
4 years ago

“the major center for cabal” As a Spaniard I wouldn’t say that but from reading this site I get the impression that cabal is making its lower ranks here at a rapid pace following their US steps. I could be wrong.

As for the higher ups, yes, the full government, media, many musicians (these make a blatant amount of references) and others and are all in, there are pedophiles too, and it seems to me that is has been like this here for very long time and that Franco was an anomaly who had God on his side, but now, decades after his death, they often take the opportunity attack his figure in public and other things.

Also to note, the king visited Trump and since then the media and government has been attacking him non stop (however they have attacked trump 100 times more) . Whatever his parents past, that they do that tells me he has turned to the good side.