News Briefs – 12/29/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.



Trump supports immigration visas backed by Musk: ‘I have many H-1B visas on my properties.’ I would actually have worried if Trump said, “We have to do something about these visas.” Trump’s standard move is to voice big support for something the opposition wants, like taking guns, and then have the opposite happen. His opposition diminishes, and even likes him for vocally supporting them, and then when “fate” does the opposite, his supporters forgive him the lip service he paid to it as they enjoy the victory. At this point, Trump has to know his base hates this and wants those jobs going to Americans.

Fullsized image

What is going on it white and Asian males see no meritocracy in college admissions, and training programs, which favor minorities to “even the playing field.” Then foreigners are imported to do the jobs the regular Americans now cannot get because they were never allowed training, and to boot, everyone tells them it is because they failed in the meritocracy and were not up to par. If these companies want competent help, deny them any foreign workers, and make them act on the colleges to force them to make entran,ce purely meritocratic.

Of course, behind all of this is the American Stasi, which I have no doubt is using this to import Global Stasi operatives, which they know they control. The nature of America is such most Americans would tell the Stasi to go fuck before they would target fellow Americans, or destroy our shared freedom. But foreign Stasi agents, already in the conspiracy pose no such problems.

Elon Musk launches Twitter purge, bans critics of his push to expand Indian immigration.

Good points here – Elon has now shown that if he ever succeeded at making Twitter into WeChat, everyone would have to agree with him politically, or they will lose access to banking, shopping, traveling, and everything else:

Walter Isaacson, who followed the Tesla tycoon around for three years for the bombshell biography set to be released Tuesday, described the billionaire as having “multiple personalities,” and said he was prone to “demon-like” outbursts that he can “hardly remember” in the aftermath. That is a kid who was tortured, and is all fucked up in the head. The real Elon was the demon-looking character peering up at Trump as he shook his hands.

44 million views:

U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) has confirmed that he will not be supporting House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) for another term when the new Congress is sworn in next month.

Migrant crisis spurred nearly 3 million overtime hours for two NYC agencies— costing taxpayers $139 million.

The psyops are converging – Pro-Luigi Mangione punks vandalize Jeffrey Epstein’s former NYC mansion with message found on alleged assassin’s bullets.

ChatGPT mystery: Deceased OpenAI whistleblower had been approached to testify against company.

Shocking report in the UK finds 95% of COVID-19 deaths were among the vaccinated.

37% of Gen Z skipping the gym, going straight to Ozempic.

A ninth US telecom firm has been confirmed to have been hacked as part of a sprawling Chinese espionage campaign that gave officials in Beijing access to private texts and telephone conversations of an unknown number of Americans, a top White House official said.

Benjamin Netanyahu will undergo prostate surgery on Sunday after being diagnosed with a urinary tract infection caused by a benign prostate enlargement.

Boeing 737 crashes in South Korea carrying 175 passengers.

Mexico is concerned Trump may order the military to strike the cartels.

42% of German teens are foreigners.

US research into bioweapons targeting Slavic persons underway since at least the 1990s – Expert.

President Putin signs law banning migrant children who don’t speak Russian from schools.

Send people to, because they are giving this natin away faster than they are taking stuff from other people, and that’s just wrong

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2 months ago
the link is to an article highlighting censorship and the editing of a quintessential American movie. These shitbaggery actions will continue for generations now that the woke hive mind is inbedded into all the Karen brains out there, and it self replicates with the spawn of those leftists and retards. For fucks sake they edited, removed the braces from “Dolly” the newfound girlfriend of Bond’s bad guy Jaws in the Moonraker movie. The scene as original made the whole movie plot, but those fag hags had to tamper with things that were fine originally. I guess we will become a Winston character in Orwell’s 1984 re editing things over and over according to our latest edition of newspeak manuals. It is all so tiresome.

2 months ago


“I know the H1-B very well, I shouldn’t be allowed to use it. We shouldn’t have it. It is very, very bad and unfair for our workers and it should be ended”

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

So why the change of tune?

Why can’t Trump ever just speak plainly and forthrightly on a topic of intense interest to the millions that elected him… and stick with it?

Always misdirection and supposed 4D chess garbage.

Here’s a crazy idea. Relentlessly defend Heritage America from all enemies foreign and domestic, without exception or apology.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Another Dave
2 months ago

The Children of Adam and Eve are plainspoken and blessed with honesty like the Creator.
Everybody else, not so much.

Adrian Dittman
Adrian Dittman
2 months ago

friend i know recounts:
>visits parents in small rural town for holidays
>usual observation is how large the hispanic populations has grown, only one in whole high school he remembers and no discernible population in general ~25yrs ago, now more common than caucasions.
>goes to low-cost Christmas event
>forget the hispanics, ~2/3 of attendees are Indians/”south Asians”….this is a huge change from ~0% in <24 months.
>Where from? Where work? Where live?….no clue

Reply to  Adrian Dittman
2 months ago

A lot happens in two years. I watched as the small town south of Pittsburgh called Charleroi was flooded with Haitians in a mere two years. It went from about 4200 mostly elderly white people four years ago in 2020 to an additional nearly 3000 Haitians and Liberians. I recognize the streets of the town of my teens, but none of the faces. It’s not violent there or anything, there’s just the heavy air of an alien culture that worships strange gods, all there for a greedy meatpacking plant owner who houses them 20 to 30 to a house in a town where when I lived there, normally 3 to 5 people would live in those houses. It was America back then. Where I’m at in Ohio, I watched as a city near me was illegally halfway housing Mexicans straight from the border. There were normal looking houses that would each process 30 or so people into the country every month. That was all the way back in 2006. Since then, I’ve seen a LOT of Indian immigration in certain cities and towns, seemingly overnight. Indians have been the number one immigration group into Ohio for the last decade and a half. There’s a change recently though. The Indians coming in today aren’t the same stock of Indian we got in 2019 or 2012 or 2000. I guess we’re getting their “lower caste Dalits”? I don’t know. But I don’t like it. This isn’t my country.

We’re being replaced and have been since the Hart-Celler Act.

Reply to  wiklid
2 months ago

But….are they eating the cats? 😉

2 months ago

Mass immigration illustrated through the use of gumballs. TLDW: it’s bad for all countries, especially the poorer countries who need their brightest to solve their civic problems.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

The gumball analogy makes a numerical argument but does not inherently make a case.

I think the best solution is for individuals to try to immigrate to where they are best off, countries should never pay for foreigners, and they should block immigrants if it detracts from their country. Otherwise, immigration should be natural and flowy.

2 months ago

> bringing back incandescent bulbs

It was never the goverment’s place to ban them to start with. If I want to run an incandescent bulb, or an electric space heater, or put 25,000 Christmas lights on my house, it’s none of their damned business. And none of the power company’s business as long as I pay my bill.

Same thing applies to the state and Federal agencies who work so hard to get people to drive less. That’s not their job. Their job is to provide roads so we can go where we want to. Not to force us onto socialist transit systems.

They’re not only failing at their jobs, they’re working directly against what they’re supposed to be doing.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

I don’t understand why they chose to move on banning light bulbs to begin with. It was just a naked display of aggressive power. Marketable LEDs were just beginning to become a viable nice enough thing and the market would have decided on energy savings alone. If they would have waited two years, it would have been a moot issue. The market was already deciding. The market doesn’t care that LEDs emit an unhealthy blue light that messes up circadian rhythms. It’s cheaper to run 4 7.2 watt LED bulbs that give off the same amount of lumens as 4 60 watt incandescents. 28.8 watts versus 240. It’s a no-brainer. Everybody is already staring at the blue screens of phones, tablets, laptops, computers, and TVs all the time anyways, so no one really cares. The market of me decided that my bedroom gets the healthy warm glow of incandescents, my bathroom gets half incandescent and half LED because the incandescent lights make your skin look better in the mirror, the rest of my house gets LED and my living room uses the Hue color changing bulb setup. They’re 50 bucks a bulb and the startup cost is brutal, but after 8 years of using them, I’m glad I bought them.

Reply to  wiklid
2 months ago

I think they were trying to provide a behavioral nudge to accelerate public behavior.

Reply to  wiklid
2 months ago

LED light is like fluorescent junk light: when you’re around it 24/7 it’s a small, but definite, hit to the quality of your life. I personally get headaches around too much “fake” light, and though it sounds like a “so what” thing, just add it to the vast collection of things that are knocking 1% off your quality of life to see the plan.

Constant small scale degradations to everyone’s life add up to big blows to real human experience.

Reply to  wiklid
2 months ago

LED manufacturers donated to “non-profits” doing research showing alleged green benefits to LED usage, and also donated to elected-official-adjacent-foundations AND their warchests.
Thus our “elected” officials suddenly realized their passion for the clean energy of LED’s.
But I like your assessment : “the market was already deciding”.
Can’t leave those Lear jet payments to chance, thought. And they like forcing things.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

Luke Smith makes a case on why roads (and by proxy cars)are bad (mmmkay)

roads are basically the most evil and
destructive thing that exists in the
world right now in fact I wish I were a
libertarian so I wouldn’t have to even
believe in roads I wish they did not
exist we would all be better off if they
they did not exist but it’s not the kind
of thing you really think about because
roads are never really in your face 

 the best
parts place the are we start out is of
course uncle Ted’s manifesto and he
makes a very hot take about roads and
cars in general he says it used to be
that having a car was optional it was a
cool freedom you can have back when cars
first came out because we had societies
we lived in cultures in cities that were
built for humans not for cars so you
could walk to the store so you could
pretty much walk to work you could do I
don’t know anything you could walk to
get to or traveling was not that
difficult pretty much everything was in
a distance that was comprehensible by a

2 months ago

> Shocking report in the UK finds 95% of COVID-19 deaths were among the vaccinated.

There have been a number of these reports in the last couple of years, some of them coming from the National Health Service itself.

Yet Parliament is adamant that the Jabbing must continue.

Good thing none of us are paranoid, oi?

2 months ago

> 37% of Gen Z skipping the gym, going straight to Ozempic.

Yeah… there’s been too much flimflammery in the pharma market for me to be comfortable taking anything I didn’t seriously need.

I’m doing okay with keto and the barbell. Another year or so and I’ll be down to my target weight.

Type Words
Type Words
Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

For the last 20 years I’ve been a year away from my target weight.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Type Words
2 months ago

I know how that feels!

Reply to  Type Words
2 months ago

Best comment ever. LOL.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

If you really have Type 2 diabetes; ozempic and its pals are really amazing. Have a friend who is getting a lot of benefit; very few side effects because as the doctor tells him, “You need it. The big side effects are for the people who don’t.”

Reply to  Ingot9455
2 months ago

I’m kind of ignorant on this topic but yeah doctors lie so much.

Ozempic/palls are pretty bad drugs. But then again, so is keto imo. The ray peat high calorie diets/framework are where its at.

Reply to  kid
2 months ago

I’m doing fine on keto, with occasional forays into carnivore. I went from 359 to 234 in a year, then went into maintenance mode while my skin tightens up. It’s time to finish it up.

The anti-inflammatory effects of keto would be worth it even if I didn’t lose weight.

Calories are meaningless. Only carbs count.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

My health insurance keeps sending me stuff about some health coaching program. I keep ignoring it. They sent me a survey to gauge my interest, to which I selected I had none. It did not have a text box, where I would have replied “Odds are you’re just going to give me the same old long-since busted bullshit “science” like “count calories” and “eat a low fat diet.” I’m not interested.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 months ago

How much do you think they are paid by the federal government for something like that?

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 months ago

I’d sure love to know. The government paid a lot of money for Kung Flu propaganda, and for promoting the Clot Shot. Of course, it was all that “fair share” they expect us to pay in taxes.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

Heck yeah, TRX! Congrats!

Reply to  kid
2 months ago

I’ve been on Ozempic for type 2 off and on. It is good at restricting appetite and getting blood sugar under control. My doctor (actually a PA) is a minimalist and has not mentioned the Clot Shot once, and I am happy to work with her under those conditions. She’s also open to me coming in with the research I’ve done and will listen.

The last time we discussed Ozempic, she said we have a lot of data on how it works with diabetes, but not so much how it works with people who are just looking for a cheat code to lose weight (my words.) It’s possible it has side effects for those people that it doesn’t for the diabetics it’s allegedly designed for.

2 months ago

> Boeing 737 crashes in South Korea carrying 175 passengers.

The web says the passenger capacity of a 737 is “108 to 215”, so it was probably a full load or close to it. That’s a third of what a 747 can be configured for.

I didn’t realize the 737 was so small.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

There are approximately 4 current models of the 737 depending on routes, distance, and passenger capacity. The 737-700 (3rd gen) is a smaller airplane, more like the 108 capacity. The 737 Max 7 (4th gen) is supposed to replace it. Southwest is pissed off because they fly the -700 but Boeing can’t get the Max 7 certified, which they need to replace their inventory. They’ve been buying the Max 8, which is too large for their needs and they fly with a lot of empty seats. It’s also heavier and uses more fuel, which increases operating costs for a not-full plane.

The Max 9 is much larger and can handle over ocean routes, along with the Max 10 if Boeing can ever get it certified. Some airlines are just buying variations of the Airbus A320, but that’s too large a leap for Southwest which would have to retrain all of its pilots and mechanics and they’re in too tenuous a position to make that financial leap.

2 months ago

> Mexico is concerned Trump may order the military to strike the cartels.

The USA has sent “expeditions” into Mexico before to deal with their criminal element after their govermnent refused to.

“Hey, it’s traditional!”

2 months ago

> Royal Navy … rape lists

Winston Churchill once said the traditions of the Royal Navy were “rum, sodomy, and the lash.” And he was First Lord of the Admiralty at the time. (Brit equivalent of Secretary of the Navy)

Looks like the RN is maintaining its traditions.

2 months ago

> President Putin signs law banning migrant children who don’t speak Russian from schools.

That’s only what any reasonable country would do.

They can’t be taught if they don’t speak the language, so it’s a waste of resources for them to be there, other than the “free public day care” thing.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

I wish they’d do this in American schools.

2 months ago

> actively operating in Africa.

Yet either the esteemed General or “Citizen’s Watch Report” didn’t think it was necessary to mention *where* in Africa this was supposed to be going on. .

Africa is a pretty big place. He should be able to give us the exact street address(es) and the names of all the people in each facility

2 months ago

> US research into bioweapons targeting Slavic persons underway since at least the 1990s – Expert.

Someone has been running a nice 30+ year boondoggle on that one. Hell, Fauci probably had a tentacle in it somewhere; it was free money.

2 months ago

This was posted by a commentator yesterday, but is worth reposting:

This is a fifty-two minute presentation in support of one theory on the reason behind the 2020-2022 COVID psyop. The material is difficult and the presenter is slow, not getting to the point until forty-five minutes in, so I will summarize. The evidence is old, declassified Department of Defense powerpoint presentations.

The theory is that the point of the operation was the “vaccination” program, and that was in support of a trans-humanist agenda. This is a program from an agency within the DoD, mainly DARPA, to turn people into cyborgs. The goal is that by 2030 -there is that date again- most people will be cyborgs, and while there will be a minority that won’t be cyborgs, they will be living isolated in a world where most people are cyborgs.

This is one of the three theories I came up with to explain the COVID psyop, which I think now was always intended to last only two years, and launched when the tech became sufficiently developed. The others are cover for mass deployment and testing of the Beam, and a test to see how much people would resist totalitarianism.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

I’ve mentioned Rudolf Steiner here a few times. He’s made some predictions that seem to have come true, more or less. The point is, our world will shape in an entirely unrecognizable form… and someone from the early 20th century saw it coming around the corner. The thing that blew my mind is that ‘race’ as we know it, won’t be based on our ethnicity, but only two races: good and evil. He comments that there are no obvious physical differences between someone who is evil and good (obvious, I mean) in our present day and age. But in the future, you will see it plain as day.
I have a theory on this, that this refers to cyborgs who we can safely assume will be tapped into a cloud hive mind. Furthermore, you will find them in concentrated mega cities (evil), and there will be a vast wilderness where the ‘good’ will be. I think the ‘good’ race will be pure humans and we will be at a furious war against cyborgs.
I’ve also pondered the idea that the human form as we know it will be extinct, and that our human consciousness will develop into two different forms: evil – synthetically made/cyborgs (and really, that is hellish to think about), and good… some type arbor/plant like being. Think about it. the likes of Francis Bacon had said that plants are inverted humans. I would not be shocked if there will be plant type humans that evolve (but then again, none of us will be alive to even see that occur)… and the Taiga Biome in Russia is the perfect place for something like this to occur.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  u.f.
2 months ago

…Son of Man, who will be like grass.

Reply to  u.f.
2 months ago

We are in the days of Noah; in those days the nephilim corrupted all flesh both human and beast; only Noah was righteous/perfect/without corruption in his generation. BTW, the Adamic race is the White race: Noah was the last representative of the pure White race.
The transhumanists are carrying out a satanic program which began in the garden of Eden.

Reply to  u.f.
2 months ago

> cyborgs who we can safely assume will be tapped into a cloud hive mind.

Give them a Neuralink implant and then sync them up to the Hive-Mind-Formerly-Known-As-Twitter.

“One-stop shopping!”

2 months ago

Steve Bannon said on his podcast that he was planning to do his usual canned smaltzy Christmas themed shows this week, but decided instead to wade into the H1B visa controversy, and the results were pretty epic.

Here are the best clips.

CNN coverage of Bannon’s intervention:

Raheem Kassan (some inside baseball, so worth viewing):

Darren Beattie:

I get that Laura Loomer is not that popular around here, but for context this is her interview from two days ago:

2 months ago

Vox Day has also been posting a lot on the H1B controversy, but I want to highlight this post from several days ago:

Here is Dutch blogger on the same subject:

I’ve been reading both Vox Day and Rintrah for several years, and I’ve seen them having the same take on the same subject never. Until now.

The Rintrah blogger, like myself, must suffer from SAD. His posts from the past week are from someone who is obviously depressed and also have been some of his best writing.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

He should go to a solarium and an infrared sauna. I bet NL is high tech enough that it should be readily available.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  kid
2 months ago

Doing a strenuous half hour on a punching bag is great for releasing endorphins.

Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago

Yeah but you don’t necessarily want to release endorphins per se. You want to increase health without increasing stress which will take it away. (Almost any stress will increase endorphins) Besides the endorphin high will go away in a day.

I actually dickride the idea of light(or maybe even ultra light) workouts, and for most people strenuous half hour punching is heavy. (For those who like MMA they may have the motivation to carry it through). The idea is you want to get the benefits of exercise which are numerous without the devastating effects of stress. Any SAD makes you incredibly susceptible to stress.

But this also depends on how healthy+young(+male) you are- if you are both, heavy workouts tend to reduce your stress(by producing anti-cortisol hormones/androgens), but otherwise it will increase it.

Infrared actually seems amazing in this context. It gives you much of the benefit of a heavy workout while actually destressing you like a light workout will.

Last edited 2 months ago by kid
Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

I had the misfortune of having a couple Indian programmers assigned to do the coding I needed to model derivatives. I could already do coding, but it was intended to free me up to do the higher level math they they could put into the code. One day, after getting too many errors, I looked into the code, and what I saw was what is classically called “spaghetti code.” What’s more, it was all uncommented… the Indians said it was obvious what was happening in each line of each functioning. This is what shitty programmers attempt to get away with as “self-documenting code.”

The wogs had no idea of the limitations of various data types, which is what drove many of the errors. They also had a poor understanding of Object Oriented Programming, which made the error-ridden code better, I guess, since each module they wrote wasn’t re-using what didn’t work the first time around.

The oligarchs figure that replacing talented but expensive local workers more than pays for itself by having more human capital for the same buck, but forget that the same inherent knowledge, skills and abilities that make their own human capital worth more for us mere mortals applies also at our level.

Then there is the wanton, seemingly willing destruction of our previously cohesive and high trust society with the importation of denizens of low-trust cultures. Vox is entirely correct that immigration is the wrong way for us to go, particularly to fill so-called labour shortages and skill gaps in a country the population size of the USA.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
2 months ago

Re: more people per dollar for a task

Simple retort: would you rather have 10 .22 rifles to take down an elephant, or just one .700 Nitro Express? The answer is obvious: spamming useless mud people at a problem will no more solve the issue than spitballing a charging elephant.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

How many teenage boys with straws and spitballs to a 6 ton elephant – inquiring minds want to know.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Or as Seymour Cray put it, “If you wanted to plow a field, would you use 1024 chickens or one ox?”

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
2 months ago

> This is what shitty programmers attempt to get away with as “self-documenting code.”

Baud knows I’ve had to clean up the messes left behind by too many of those.

That’s one reason so many companies just throw out old software and write new stuff; it’s often way faster and cheaper than trying to understand and debug the old stuff.

“Everyone wants to do software engineering; nobody wants to do software maintenance.”

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
2 months ago

If these companies want competent help, deny them any foreign workers, and make them act on the colleges to force them to make entran,ce purely meritocratic.


Forget going to the universities. Simply hire dudes as apprentices and train them up, with appropriate bumps of salary as skills are built.

Maybe tech CEOs and CTOs need to be culled à la Luigi until we get folks who actually want to build an American company with American workers. A German CEO once said that if he made the kind of compensation package that American CEOs had, his neighbours would burn his house; there was probably a lot of truth to that.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
2 months ago

I saw a Steve Jobs interview recently where he said when Apple started getting big, people told them they need to bring in professional management. But what they found was, these managers didn’t know shit outside of management. The tech workers couldn’t learn anything from them. They eventually let them go and went back to promoting engineers into management.

But I think everywhere else, the “professional” management class is very well entrenched. I can count the number of bosses I’ve had on less than one hand who I could actually learn anything useful about my job from. Few of them were even qualified to supervise me and couldn’t give any useful advice on technical matters.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 months ago

I think Steve Jobs is unbelievably skilled in marketing and psychology and from what I heard from nerds/techies relatively unskilled in engineering/tech. (Which is why Apple stuff is relatively bad value for money)

Though it seems Steve’s work is actually much more valuable than the engineers’ work.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 months ago

It’s not aptitude. It’s a desire to be a boss that drives them.
Such a person will never, ever be good at it.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Texas Arcane
2 months ago

This is absolutely it.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
2 months ago

Forget going to the universities. Simply hire dudes as apprentices and train them up, with appropriate bumps of salary as skills are built.”

There are some jobs where this simply cannot work. For example, developing and manufacturing advanced semiconductors. You must have engineers who understand materials science, solid state physics, gas-phase chemistry, plasma physics, and much more.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
2 months ago

Then the companies can pay to send the best applicants to schools for those things.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

When I was in grad school, they did. I don’t want to go into details, but you could get both fellowships to sustain you financially while doing your research, as well as industry projects to provide you with research opportunities.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
2 months ago

At a certain level it all becomes just following a recipe. A very complex and demanding recipe, but a recipe all the same. It can be trained on-site without the decade of schooling required.

Will this make robust employees that can innovate and improve the field? No, but I don’t think anyone is saying we have too many semiconductors out there right now, so what’s the problem?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Nah, just do what a lot of countries do, worldwide – let some other sucker eat all the development costs, then your engineers just copy their products.

The MBA types love that sort of thing.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

That works, until something subtle goes wrong, and the recipe jockey can’t fix it. Or worse, the recipe jockey doesn’t recognize that there is a problem.
AC – just a note that I’m using the old tag Nels, with a new email.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

“At a certain level it all becomes just following a recipe. A very complex and demanding recipe, but a recipe all the same. It can be trained on-site without the decade of schooling required.”

That only happens very far downstream of the R&D. But you still always need experts who can do the R&D, or your company cannot compete.

Last edited 2 months ago by Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
2 months ago

No one said the concept of having apprentices was absolute.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

Wrong, he actually said forget going to Universities.

2 months ago

Musk bends the knee to Trump

Easily fixed by raising the minimum salary significantly and adding a yearly cost for maintaining the H1B, making it materially more expensive to hire from overseas than domestically.

I’ve been very clear that the program is broken and needs major reform.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Fuck off immigrants, we’re full. Any other solution is traitors beating you in the negotiation with the anchoring principle.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

The program isn’t broken.

It was a demonstrable scam from the starting point. Multiple researchers have the receipts.

The U.S. has never needed high I.Q. talent from overseas. This is a fake issue driven by investor/corporate greed.

The U.S. pioneered and created the engineering standards and processes that the globe now takes for granted.

We have more than enough native born talent to fill all of these rolls, but most Americans will not work 80 to 100 hours a week for 50K a year, but Indians straight from diploma mills in their home country will.

These visa programs need to be scrapped, not reformed. They have done enormous economic and psychological damage to the middle class in this country for 30 years.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

“And we swear to you President Reagan, on all that is holy and on this KJV copy of the Holy Bible, that upon your signature of this amnesty we will commence enforcing the LAW on anyone who tries to break into our country after this.”
-Senator Ted Kennedy

Last edited 2 months ago by Chief_Tuscaloosa
2 months ago

Great plan, Q.
Chuck Schumer plans to use liberal, Biden appointed judges to thwart Trump agenda
“I don’t know exactly what he’ll do. But I can tell you this: The judiciary will be one of our strongest – if not our strongest – barrier against what he does.”

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Feh. It’s what they did last time.

What happens if DJT does like Obama and Biden, and simply ignores court orders he doesn’t like?

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

The RINOs will impeach and remove him.

Playing by the rules while the enemy doesn’t is not going to save us.
Trump and Q need to kick over the table and get it over with.

2 months ago

Your guess is as good as mine.

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

Trump is just being diplomatic.
We are not yet in a place where he can dance and spit on the grave.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

No need to spit on Carter’s grave.

The Deep State was firmly entrenched at that point, and let Jimmy get elected as long as he didn’t get too uppity.

Carter tried to stretch his wings a few times and quickly learned who actually runs the country.

As far as dancing on graves, there are candidates far more deserving of such treatment, and Bush is one of them.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 months ago

Carter deserves it completely.
I don’t get this strange tendency of some people to have a soft spot for a commie who did everything he could to destroy America in and out of office.

2 months ago


Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  Bman
2 months ago

Reminds me of the old saying, “You can lead a whore to culture, but you can’t make her think.”

2 months ago

Rot in Hell Jimmy Carter.
Proverbs 11:10
When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy.

Reply to  Bman
2 months ago

So Jones was the Carter’s Rasputin

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Bman
2 months ago

Jones was a product of Intel from the beginning, and that has been amply demonstrated multiple times.

Jones was sent in to various circles to gather Intel and place people into compromising positions, and when it all started going south, he was whisked away to Guyana to execute a mass suicide ritual on his slaves.

Dive into the details some time. The real story is very dark and very ugly.

Intel has been at war with our country for a very long time.

Reply to  Bman
2 months ago

That tells us something about Rosylnn, not Jimmy. Who may have been dirty, but did not get an envelope. So not Platinum-level Cabal, at least.
I cannot wait to see if Obamas Bushes and Clintons are looking around at Carter’s funeral every time a paper program snaps the air like an envelope being opened.

Last edited 2 months ago by Chief_Tuscaloosa
2 months ago


2 months ago

2025 is gonna suck. Beyond that? Not sure when, but it’s going to get better than it’s ever been. Still not perfect until Christ returns, but better than any currently alive have ever known.

Trey Smith Q & A Session

Trey Smith

2 months ago

Bashar al-Assad’s wife Asma ‘barred from UK’ for potentially lifesaving cancer treatment

2 months ago

How Did Russia Grow Such a MASSIVE Army

2 months ago

This is Ben Franklin’s daily schedule. I find it fascinating because in 2021 I was doing BOOTSTRAPPY full time and paying the bills via part-time handyman work.

I never got up that early or went to bed that early, but this is otherwise close to the pattern I fell into being self-employed. I can’t wait to return to it.

Anybody else out there do something like this?

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

Yes. I try to be in bed between 9PM and 10PM. I sleep until I know I won’t be able to fall back asleep, anywhere between 5-10 hours a night. Very important to have a system that works for you.

The push for pure “productivity” we see everywhere on social media is normie bait. Everything is dependent upon what your work entails. As a bootstrapper who has to wear multiple hats (sales, marketing, management, logistics, documentation, etc.), here is a rough outline of my approach to productivity. I’m reflecting on the year so it got kind of long:
(1) Get the important things that you will continue to build upon done effectively. Don’t optimize: ITERATE!
(1a) Iterate processes/systems quickly rather than developing something. It’s better to have a bare-minimum v1 you can sell now, than a “perfect” v1. If you have no v1 to sell, consider your ass over a fire. Get a v1 ASAP.
(1b) Do thorough research to understand, not only what is important and not, but what tasks need to be done in which iteration. This usually takes meticulous note-taking.
(1c) Don’t plan current or future iterations in too much detail–eyeball it and figure out your next task as needed.
(2) A highly focused 4 hours is an order of magnitude more effective than 8 hours of unfocused busywork.
(2a) If you’re done early, enjoy that. Don’t push too hard because this is a long game.
(2b) Breaks are your friend. More on that later.
(2c) Burnout is NOT inevitable. Burnout is NOT an option.
(3) Never stop learning. The map you currently have can always be either bigger or more detailed. At the same time, be wary of any rabbithole taking up too much time.
(3a) Always be ready to pivot, not only because of potential volatility, but because what you learn might be paradigm-shifting to your project.
(4) Energy management, task management, knowledge management, and human resource management are FAR more important than time management! In that order, too. This one is severely underrated.
(4a) Document, document, DOCUMENT. Organize your documentation. Also huge. Use something like Obsidian or Notion, which you can use for task/knowledge/HR management. Just don’t be an autist about it.
(4b) Review, review, REVIEW. There is something severely wrong if you don’t have your entire operation running through your head. If you can’t solve a problem near instantly, which you should have anticipated anyway, you’ve likely not
(5) When bootstrapping, energy management is the most important. You never want to go into a sales call (can happen any time!) too tired. You also want to maximize the morale of your team. Don’t be the burnt out goober sleeping under his desk. Energy management is different for everyone, but there are some things that work for me.
(5a) Nutrition, sleep, and physical training. Find a solid diet that works for you that keeps you energized and your BMs predictable. Sleep 7-9 hours a day on average unless you have the special sleep gene. I call it physical training because very few people are at the state of physical performance they want to simply maintain. Walking isn’t enough, but avoid crazy programs (like many beginner powerlifting linear periodization programs) unless you’re in your 20’s. Incrementally pushing your body is critical in keeping your energy high and getting a really solid night’s sleep.
(5b) Understand your brain and plan around it. Common wisdom is that the brain can really only concentrate fully for 20-40 minutes at a time. Then it needs a 5-10 minute break. The break needs to be a real break, like staring off into space. The other big one is the principle of “spaced repetition”. The brain remembers optimally if information is reviewed in increasing intervals: 1 hour after acquisition, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 6 months, 1 year.
(5c) Learn to know when your brain is full. If it is full, shift your tasks for the day accordingly to less brain-intensive tasks or tasks that require a different part of the brain. This is more important than it sounds. The subconscious needs time to process new information and experiences.
(6) Find like-minded people to talk to. I’m blessed enough to not only have a business partner but to have high level thinkers/performers I can talk/write to regularly. Iron sharpens iron.

One of my things I’m working on is establishing a classical written diary, a daily log of my activities, thoughts, discoveries, etc. The key is to keep it as concise as possible.

The other thing I’m doing is developing a better approach to breaking up my work hours using micro-workouts, music practice, Bible/prayer. I have kettlebells, dumbbells, and calisthenics stuff right in my office. My guitar is also right there and I read the Bible mostly on Xiphos. So, something like once an hour, do a small workout to get the blood pumping and make incremental progress. Same with light guitar work and Bible/prayer.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 months ago

This was incredibly helpful.

Last edited 2 months ago by 🌲🌲
Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

He was essentially working 8-5 with an hour for lunch and getting seven hours of sleep a night.

Reply to  🌲🌲
2 months ago

Three hours in the morning to wake up, cook something eat, read, whatever, followed by four hours of productivity, TWO HOUR lunch, four hours of productivity, and four hours to wind down. So he spent less time working than not. Then he slept whatever his body needed to sleep.

2 months ago

Just found this. These guys are awesome:

“People” Got MAD About Our Usury Podcast | Matt Kim #132

Matt Kim