News Briefs – 12/29/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Middle East Chaos Triggers Gas Price Surge In Europe

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DFT – Binance Tells Russians To Withdraw Assets

DFT – Chinese Tech Company Grows Despite US Sanctions

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So, it turns out it is totally normal to wake up out of a deep sleep at the exact same time each night, between 3 and 4 AM, and everyone is beginning to talk about it.

You know how when you have been dealing with liars long enough, you begin to feel the lies, and when they are overemphasizing something too much, and pushing you to accept something too hard? From a persuasion perspective, they start off an article about sleep schedules, which is a scientific issue, with a denigration of misinformation in the media. As if to subtly implant, “This article is totally not misinformation because the author vigorously opposes misinformation, like he just told you he does. So you know you can believe this, and don’t need to question it.”

Why put that in there? Unless you are making misinformation, and are preemptively saying you are not trying to fool people, because you feel guilty – like they might figure out you are trying to fool people.

This is an article so everyone will not think it odd they are waking up at that exact same time each night, and begin to think something odd is going on, or worse yet, try to figure out why. It is totally not The Beam™ airline taking off from a runway each night and flying over neighborhoods beaming people on a set schedule.

And their solution to waking up at 3AM? Go to bed at night and wake up in the morning at the same time each day. What does surveillance hate? Unpredictable schedules. What else? Keep a notepad next to the bed and be sure to write down all the stressors stressing you and all the things you have to do. What happened to counting sheep?

We are entering a period of something unprecedented, and they want everyone stressed, as much as possible. You see the news. They are importing as many migrants as possible, turning criminals loose and tying cops’ hands, and whether it is BLM or Palestinians, or Antifa, every day is another violent encounter or a burned down city. I would not be surprised if they are beaming vast neighborhoods either with satellites or with planes going over, at 3 or 4 AM which is the worst possible time if you have to get up at five or six, just to disrupt sleep cycles and amp up the stress even more.

Sleep disruption is a technique they used in POW camps in North Korea during the Korean War, to brainwash people and make them compliant. Do it enough, and pretty soon you are sending home an American soldier who hates American imperialists, and feels we should all be following the communist ideal.

And remember, there are actually studies which show, there is a linkage between planes flying over houses late at night, and heart attacks (Studies here and here). (That is another fun one. “It must be the sound from the plane, which causes their hearts to stop, anon.” Because everyone keels over when a plane flies over at 30,000 feet – from the noise.)

Just last night, I was testing out corrugated steel shielding, and unfortunately that didn’t work that well, because I woke up to the soft pitter patter of The Beam™ again, and as I got up to head to a safer zone, my heart rate must have been 140-150, and I was almost out of breath, like I had been running. Do not even ask me what that shit is doing. But you know where those heart attacks are coming from now. They are killing people with this shit. In large numbers. And the rest are waking up, and going, “Oh, shit, why am I suddenly amped up and waking up this same time each night?”

I thought, and wrote on my surveillance page months ago, they were probably killing specific people with the beam from a select few planes, and they were targeting enough targets for death it was affecting the statistics of all plane flyovers. But now I think they may be hitting entire neighborhoods, and those deaths are just the guys down there whose hearts are not really that durable, and suddenly their pulse is 160 as they are sleeping, and unlike when running, they cannot slow down and let the heart muscle rest a bit as it nears the redline. It just goes until they die, right there in bed. And the plane flies on, sweeping a swath of The Beam™ across entire neighborhood after neighborhood, all night long, probably on a schedule, since these people are all waking up, looking at the clock and it is the exact same time. It would be interesting if surveillance was shielding their houses, knowing all this stuff.

Imagine if that is your dad, or your brother, or your Granddad, or Granma, or even your son now, after the Vax, and this thing just killed them as part of normal, every day degradation operations. And the plane just flew on as they keeled over beneath it, and killed more people. And did it again, over and over, every night. But it is like everything else. If it doesn’t kill you, it drains you, and doesn’t let you get off the treadmill. Like traffic, and spending three days doing your taxes, and all the government shit which eats up your time. You are not starting a business, or designing a better mousetrap.

This world is so weird. We are all going to be blown away when we find out. And I think there is going to be a giant fucking shitload of killing going on, truth and reconciliation commission or not. Another reason Trump needs to be careful about getting tied too tightly to that. We don’t know everything which is going to come out, and there will probably be a lot of things which are unforgivable. It would be best to not be the one guy who let them all get away with it.

I am just gobsmacked, with every new revelation. And I still think to myself, “Wow, I can’t believe it is that bad,” as if we figured out the worst of it. And then some other datapoint comes out and makes it even darker. I mean, how much does the surveillance hate the average American, that they are basically sweeping death beams across all of them, even as people they don’t even know are laying in bed sleeping? What kind of psychos are we dealing with? And I will bet you they beam me just for writing this. Queue up the meme with the guy in the ski mask, which says, “Wake up! You were having a nightmare. And things just got worse.”

Tucker Carlson – Derek Chauvin is serving 21 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. Someone just tried to murder him. If they’d do this to him, they’d do it to you.

Now there’s proof! Brad Raffensperger lied about President Trump’s phone call telling him to “Find the Fraud.” They found a deleted audio file of the call, and they lied about what Trump said, to try and make him sound bad.

Soros-funded Colorado Sec. of State moves to eliminate signature verification, ‘protect’ dead voters and put gag order on poll workers.

Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows has decided Donald Trump is ineligible to appear on the state’s 2024 Republican primary ballot.

Appeals court denies Trump’s motion to delay E. Jean Carroll defamation trial.

On Thursday, Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene said the houses of her two daughters were swatted, coming just days after Greene’s house herself was hit.

Sen. Rick Scott is third GOP lawmaker ‘swatted’ during holidays.

Tucker Carlson goes there: Biden is importing millions of third-world illegals while telling them white people are a source of their problems.

Illegal aliens cost each U.S. taxpayer $1,200 in 2023.

Mayor Eric Adams: Illegal immigration spurring ‘erosion of quality of life’ in New York City.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) warned Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) it will sue Texas if he enforces a new state law that allows for the prosecution and deportation of migrants entering the U.S. from Mexico.

Mexican Cops step aside as new migrant ‘poverty’ caravan moves north.

Nearly 8,000-strong migrant caravan heads toward the US, Blinken urges Mexico help end ‘irregular migration.’

Video – Gigantic illegal alien caravan is highly organized and comes with Police escort.

Remittances from Nicaraguan migrants mark new record, passing $4 billion. That was 4 billion which was among Americans, taken by Biden and sent overseas.

Venezuela’s violent deaths fall to 22-year low on migration. They are sending all their murderers up here.

Mexico’s president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, hinted to a U.S. delegation that he will reduce migration to the United States if liberal President Joe Biden gives more aid and support to Latin American dictators.

Vox Day covers the fact that Facebook/Meta is developing an AI which will be able to simulate someone’s social media posts, which could be used to hide their disappearance.

Chinese-owned video streaming platform TikTok has reportedly been asking users for their iPhone passwords in order to view content, sparking concern among individuals using the app.

Wood burning temporarily banned in these Southern California counties.

Dr. Joe Gow, who served as chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse for 17 years, has been fired after the discovery that he and his wife have been making pornographic videos.

4 ways struggling Americans would bear brutal impact of $17 minimum wage.

Case for guns: Woman calls 9/11 on home intruder — Dispatcher tells her, ‘I have no one to send…Can you ask him to leave?’

Most arrested Chicagoan under ‘cashless bail’ gets arrested 3 more times in 5 days.

Street “takeover” in LA:

Chicago Mayor on increase in most violent crime: ‘reparations’ money will help.

1 in 4 Cook County, Illinois adults is ‘functionally illiterate.’

Don’t know enough to render a verdict on this, but it sounds kooky – Linux Foundation now spends only 2% of their revenue on Linux.

The US is presently involved in 15 ‘shadow wars’ on almost every continent.

U.S. Army ends free storage of vehicles, belongings for deployed soldiers.

American Paul Whelan told WTOP that the Russians are “adamant” about doing “one-for-one exchanges,” which he worries will result in Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich’s release and not his own, leaving him behind in Russia a third time. The guy is a former Marine, and is probably CIA (NatSec fantasy camp side), so he is a patriot. And thus he is of no use to the real intel op which runs everything, and is not intelligence fantasy camp, chasing imaginary bad guys, while the real actors like the Rothschilds do the real shit from the shadows.

U.S. intelligence officials determined the Chinese spy balloon used a U.S. internet provider to communicate.

Dog found stabbed 17 times on Long Island, $5K reward offered.

American YouTuber “Coach Red Pill” Gonzalo Lira has had his detention extended by another 60 days without trial at a Dec. 21 hearing in Ukraine as the US embassy in Kiev declined to push for Lira’s release, and did not attend the hearing.

Vladimir Egorov, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was found dead on Wednesday, having fallen from the third-floor window of a house. That was how CIA dispatched the CIA officer they dosed with LSD, and screwed up his head too much. Russia’s limited domestic surveillance is nice, but it also means, if you travel there, and you are sideways with the West, you will need to be super-surveillance aware, as there could be Ukrainians, or other Western agents operating and looking to cash in a contract on you.

Ukraine may have to prioritize spending on defense above paying salaries and pensions for everyone else in the country, if the EU and U.S. do not approve more aid soon, Deputy Prime Minister and Economy Minister Yuliia Svyrydenko said.

US announces $250 million arms package for Ukraine.

Federal judge OKs new GOP-drawn congressional map in Georgia.

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has successfully submitted enough signatures to appear on the Utah ballot as an independent, as indicated on his campaign website’s “Ballot Access HQ” map.

Colorado to include Trump on 2024 primary ballot as state GOP appeals to Supreme Court.

Spread r/K Theory, because a civvie plane flying overhead never killed anyone

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1 year ago

I’ve just had a realization that gave me a chill.

I’ve been reading, and occasionally commenting here, always anonymously, since about 2016 (discovered AC through Vox Day). Gifted and Talented kid back in the 90s. Surely I’m on some lists. Yet I’ve never, ever, had a beaming experience similar to what AC describes. Lots of GT/GATE nosebleeds as a kid for what that’s worth.

From about 2011-2017 I’ve lived within around 15 miles of an international airport. From 2017-2020 I lived within about 5 miles of the second largest airport, non-international but handling plenty of layovers, in a particular US state. Since then I’ve lived about 5 miles from a very small regional airport, like a recreational flying only one where the planes never show up on flight trackers, and about 40 miles from another international US airport. In other words for the past 12 or so years I’ve lived in the path where some planes begin their descent to land.

I’m not sure if this data point adds towards satellites, normal planes, or stealth planes as the beam source. But I am curious if anyone else has observed a similar correlation.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I’m several miles from a major international airport, and right in the flight path. Planes start descending south of me, then right as they get near my house at about 12,000 ft they add thrust to slow their descent. It’s interesting to track them. I can identify the 737s and A320s by engine noise. Every now and again I hear a roar, so I look on Flight Radar 24 and it’s a 777 or A380. I don’t get many of them though.

I get a lot of helicopters though. I guess the air route at around 9-12000 ft doesn’t protect us from lower altitude activities.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

I hear you ETA. I’m near a regional and it’s very similar – other than the pattern is 60-80% lower in elevation over my place.

Also, for a regional airport that is supposedly restricted by noise ordinances, I’m surprised by the number of planes overhead at 0100-0200 local time going into full-power settings to restrict descent. Apparently those 35 NM long-final approaches are difficult to navigate in clear weather with no traffic.

Makes it difficult to sleep on occasion. But of course that’s an entirely different issue.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

This is all very interesting. I’m near a sizeable one too. Lots of helicopters around me. I have cop cars, service vehicles, vans, and cars just outside my room daily. I’ve gotten the Blackout Beam (spiritual or mechanical I don’t know), I’ve had major tinnitis most of my adult life, and other spiritual/demonic stuff but not much else.

1 year ago

I’m not sure what to make of the sleep article. Did they run out of “expecting people to be on time is racist and cisgendered” topics to write about.

I’ve always wondered if there is some psyop around sleep. They keep telling us we need 8 hours a night. That was very frustrating when I had small children. I once had a headache for 3 days because my now 19 year old wouldn’t let me get to sleep long enough for the headache to go away. But I kept seeing articles about ” you need to get 8 hours of sleep every night.” But even normally, I won’t go much past 6 hours 30 minutes. The only times I’ve gotten close to 8 hours are when I was really sick and took NyQuil. I once slept 12 hours because I was 19 years old and had been living on 4 hours of sleep a night for 3 weeks because I was in the Navy. I sat down on my bed on a Saturday afternoon and next thing I knew it was 12 hours later.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Who’s the “expert” who wrote the article?
Katie spent ten years of her life studying maths, which is just about the upper limit on how much maths you can do before people start actively avoiding you at parties. She began writing about science after obtaining her PhD, with her favorite topics to cover being animals, anything completely bizarre, and of course maths (she just thinks it’s neat!) She can be found on Twitter under the handle @supermathskid because she chose her username before she realized quite how many people would see it. She has an uncanny knack for remembering useless trivia and would love for you to ask her to be on your quiz team.
No expertise in anything sleep-related, then?

Reply to  YYY Guy
1 year ago

This is one of the most deeply insightful comments I’ve read. It is illuminating on several levels. Thank you YYY Guy.

1 year ago

Ran across this article today (from 2018)….

<strong>Government Files About “Remote Mind Control”</strong>
comment image

<em>A journalist working for the non-profit organization Muckrock made a bizarre discovery after requesting documents from the US government through the FOIA…

Along with standard documents such as emails, intelligence briefings, and bulletins, the journalist received a bizarre filed named “EM effects on human”.

One document describes the effects of “psycho-electric weapons” including “forced memory blanking”, “forced rigor-mortis” and even “forced orgasm”…

Another document explains biomagnetic fields and brainwaves (Alpha, Beta, Delta, etc.)..

The final document describes how shady organizations can conduct “remote mind control” operations through mobile phone networks, trucks disguised as communication vehicles and “Black” helicopters.</em>

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

On the topic of waking up: I too have noticed this. I wake up at 3am and 6am every single night. Have been doing so for about two months now. No good reason.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

I wanted to add a data point here. Maybe this only happened because it’s on my mind and we’ve been discussing it the last few days but something woke me up last night. It felt like what AC described as the Beam and I tried to analyze the experience: It was really hard to fully wake myself just like AC and others said, like a fog which could just be the natural effect of sleeping. I almost fell back asleep then I thought, you need to see what time it is so with a lot of effort I rolled over to look at the clock. It was 12:01. That got me up out of bed because it seemed highly suspicious, as if the timing were programmed. Tex Arcane commented here a while back about how an efficient organization would have the Beam Program automated and it seemed like 12 midnight was the time the Beam got turned on in my area. If it had been 12:09 or something i probably would have just gone back to sleep. Again, this could just be in my subconscious right now because we’re discussing it but I felt I should report it here and I will monitor it further.

1 year ago

The Department of Justice (DOJ) warned Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) it will sue Texas if he enforces a new state law that allows for the prosecution and deportation of migrants entering the U.S. from Mexico.

Since they lose about 4/5 cases against Texas, I like those odds.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Have they met Texas lawyers? I’ve met lawyers who move to the state and get hired by the state because they want to fight. The AG lawyers are freaky shark human hybrids. (joke, but not much) They swim in the waters of suing-age. It makes them happy. They’ll take on bad civil cases for free just like it’s piano practice for them, to keep them sharp for big cases. They are nuts. Money doesn’t really motivate them at all. It’s the chance to fight and win. They win. A LOT. They make their own staff cry when they are being nice to their staff.

1 year ago

Vox Day covers the fact that Facebook/Meta is developing an AI which will be able to simulate someone’s social media posts, which could be used to hide their disappearance.

Perfect thing to cover up mass arrests, at least for a couple of weeks.

1 year ago

Vladimir Egorov, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was found dead on Wednesday, having fallen from the third-floor window of a house. That was how CIA dispatched the CIA officer they dosed with LSD, and screwed up his head too much.

It’s how they murdered Trevor Moore, too.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

This is a good one too:

He also has a skit that’s straight-up him signing a deal with the Illuminati to get on Comedy Central. No wonder they whacked him

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Re: The Beam

I haven’t been getting the same symptoms/effects described here, so I assumed I wasn’t being targeted in that way. But your latest post about it has me wondering.

I was a heavy, deep sleeper for most of my life. Could sleep anytime, anywhere, through almost anything. I could tell you some anecdotes you might assume are hyperbolic.

Anyway, starting in 2015, insomnia started hitting me consistently every night right around 0300. And GWS. And a relentless rash on my scalp. All started at once (well, some of the GWS symptoms you don’t wanna hear about started during Desert Shield, but the rest all came out of the blue in 2015). Been dealing with that. Didn’t want to become dependent on pills, but finally have.

Last couple years, at random intervals usually so far apart I initially forgot about in between, when I am in a deep sleep, I’m awoken by what feels like a wasp stinging me repeatedly in the leg. Sometimes it continues intermittently after I’m awake. It’s happened to both legs. It happens in the skin, but there’s never any visible sign that it happened at all.

I wouldn’t have even considered connecting the dots before, but I’ve been reading your site for a while. And when you mentioned what time this phenomenon is hitting people, it got my attention. Maybe it’s all coincidence…

As you can imagine, the V.A. is absolutely worthless for all this, other than prescribing pills.

1 year ago

I don’t know if it’s related or not, by ex specifically worked to make sure I was sleep deprived at all times. At the end, he was threatening me with statements like ” If you try X, I will make sure you never get more than an hour of sleep, day or night, until you regret ever having existed.” “If you interfere with me doing XYZ with my friends, I will make you regret every minute you’ve been alive.” ” I will never lay a hand on you. No one will be able to help you. I will make you wish you were dead.” Stuff like that.

He did work very hard, before the threats, to make sure I didn’t have more than a few hours sleep for years on end. My family thought I was being poisoned. I was disoriented and mentally slow for years. And clumsy. Walking in to walls, falling down stairs. They chalked it up to autoimmune issues, or lack of sleep with children.

I was very isolated. It’s hard to have friendships when you cannot follow a sentence, much less a conversation.

Plus, one’s body falls apart. And one’s mind. Not just emotionally. But, if your brain cannot clear the daily processing chemicals brain cells start making scars and plaques and who knows what else. The Glymphatic system, I’ve read in a few things, is the lymphatic system that clears out your brain during deep sleep. No deep sleep, no night-time maid service.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

That’s what is so frustrating. I had a normal life, or close enough. I had grandparents raising me in a good, flyover, not too special suburb and a giant church. I had people. I had friends. I had acquaintances. It’s what I tried to recreate for my children.

Then the very, very, very obvious interference. It’s not good. It’s not mistakeable for any normal civilization. I don’t know why someone can live in it and function. It’s awful!

I had friends I was connected to. My brother has obvious good friends. Then he has the almost cartoonishly evil interference.

I didn’t have diagnosable problems until I wrote it out after a week of sleep when I was homeless. I thought it was accidental, or maybe he couldn’t help himself, or he was swept away by emotions and lack of self control. I wrote it out. I sent it to the divorce lawyer. She edited out the emotional reactions. She didn’t say “This isn’t true. This didn’t happen. What did you do to provoke him?” I have had all those reactions to everything I’ve ever said. I’m not saying my opinions. I’m saying what I heard or witnessed. I don’t even vouch for photographs. I say ” I saw a photograph. This is what it looked like.”

When she sent back the edits, and I called, and other women had lived through this, that grown human beings choose to do this to people they live with…Someone who lived with me, was married to me, had children with me……Someone did this to me, knowing me? That’s when I broke. A three hour panic attack. I was on a raft in a storm on the water. The water was green, waves up, waves down, for three hours. At the end of it, I was stuttering, I can’t have things in motion around me like throwing balls, I can’t have people walk up behind me, I couldn’t speak clearly for two years.

I have nightmares about being on that raft almost every night, sometimes. My kids act like I’m strong and can do everything or know everything, and I don’t think they get- I want them away from me, on their own, because I have nightmares about the raft collapsing and drowning all of us. I’m not even sure how I’m supposed to make it the next ten years with the youngest kid.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

If “giant church” equals mega-church that could explain a lot.

I need to be very careful in my wording and inferences here and not paint with too broad a brush, but I fear that there are many “wolves in sheep’s clothing” lurking at some of said. The trivialization of God into a cosmic energy insurance policy that helps one find self-actualization and a primrose pathway on earth is heretical.

Alas, it can be very difficult finding a Christian church to attend in these challenging times. May God be with and help you to that end and to His glory.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

My dad talks about it. How there was this bubble of everyone else and then him. He’s obviously something spectrumy, according to my brother. I have no idea. He’s my dad, you know? How he is makes sense to me.

The thing is, he moved to a Cabal city. Then we were subjected to the people in that city when we were forced into his life as teenagers. The two societies are very, very incompatible. I don’t see how you can live in one and think it’s okay. Like, marry a man while planning to divorce him to take his valuable stuff. My daughter visited my brother, went to dinner, and this woman was openly talking about doing this. My daughter was horrified.

While I am getting divorced- same words- but I wasn’t planning on ever divorcing. So words mean different things.

Or my brother casually saying every woman he knows has been raped, so X person just needs to get over it. Like it’s a fender bender or a bad hair day. He can’t imagine a world where women don’t generally get raped. Or people pick up their trash instead of throwing it on the ground. Or people don’t casually take drugs and drink to excess for months or years. Or, they get married, stay faithful and stay married.It’s not something in his experience in this city and among these people.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

By close to the end I could not recognize who people were. My dad came to visit. There was a man who was telling me to get in a car. He took me to a place and made me eat a piece of cake and drink something. That was my dad. I couldn’t tell who this person was, or how they knew me, or why they were insisting I eat something. It was my dad taking me to Starbucks for a piece of cake and some coffee. He was looking at me because I was visibly not well, and I made superficial sense- I’m very polite- but I didn’t know who this person was.

He wanted to get me away from my Spouse and kids and feed me something to liven me up, to check on me.

I can remember the cake, and how strange everyone looked. I didn’t know anyone, not even my dad. It was like an exam you haven’t studied for. I didn’t know who this person was, or why they were asking me complicated questions. “How are you?” I’m not sure who You is. What happens if I don’t know what to do with this cake? Why is this stranger buying a nice piece of cake for me, and expensive coffee? I couldn’t imagine anyone being nice to me, or affording cake for me.

I tried going to Starbucks one more time, when I was better. It was awful. I can’t go, now, same as I can’t be around stuff thrown. It has the shadows of that haunting place.

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

You may have been disassociating but yeah, not sleeping, and abusers do not want your family getting you out of their grip and that will create huge excessive stressors when you do see them. Keep walking forward, you could not control the monster in your ex. It’s not your fault. There is beauty and there is peace. Keep breathing, get help to stop the waking nightmares.

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

There’s a lot of abusive assholes out there and they are narcissists as well. I am so sorry you had to go through that, you were trapped.

1 year ago

And after that grimness….to repair, if you can:

  1. Magnesium at ‘mule hit with 2*4’ levels. D and K, but I don’t know how to dose those without kicking off clotting issues. Magnesium, itself, is anti-clotting. It’s beautiful.
  1. Take B-1 at every meal, at really high doses- two or three pills at a time. It’s in three parts of the metabolic cycle. You’re trying to keep everything going. I don’t know how B-2 handles, but some people really need it.
  1. Iodine, fish,seaweed. I’m not sure how it helps, but someone rightie (possibly Miles Mathis or Mangan) wondered if seaweed is why Japanese soldiers could handle the meth levels they took in World War 2. Your brain fries on no sleep, which is what meth does, so I’m guessing no sleep and seaweed works. Whales seem to have janky sleep and good brains. Maybe it’s the fish and seaweed.

There are seaweed snacks with flavorings on them, if you don’t want to announce what you are doing, or why. The grocery store has them in foreign or snacks. Sprouts sells cheap iodine tincture. I don’t know where else it is sold. Don’t push it. Too much up from iodine is hell when sleep deprived.

  1. Sleep. After you’ve gotten to where you can sleep
  2. Walking or yoga, to squish your lymphatic system around. I am barely doing either, but I was able to for a year. I walked very slow, with pauses. I know I looked awful, but I got better than I was.
  3. I haven’t tried yoga, but it’s what it’s designed for, squishing stuff around. It’s kind of the ‘swirl and spit’ for lymph.
  4. Yes, this is a ridiculous numbering system forced by the note system.
  5. Water. You want to drive down all the ammonia in your system. Like, just dilute until you are at baby skin levels. Right now, it’s fashionable to be hydrated- fancy waterbottles, TikTok hydrohomies, so you won’t stand out while drinking so much water.
  6. The cocktail of choice for sleep involves milk thistle for liver, phosphatidyl serine and quercetin, plus magnesium. I’m not sure what all it does, but it wipes a brain clean of all thought for days on end.
Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

For moving lymph, hot-cold showers, alternating.
For sleep take traditional Chinese medicine called Xiao Yao San.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Tucker-“Derek Chauvin is serving 21 years in prison …If they’d do this to him, they’d do it to you.”

TC gives himself away there at the end. What he should say- to establish rapport with his audience is “they’d do it to ME and YOU”. That wording would show or say “hey we don’t know each other but we are on the same team”. Tucker knows, deep down, they would never do it to him because he is one of them. For whatever reason they (cabal) are absolutely disgusted by most people, even good, normal people. They view themselves as above it. They are the very worst malignant narcissists. And they gloat, and are glib about it and give themselves away. In Tuckers case he is showing his psychology. He is not on your team, he interviewed Kevin Spacey and he has a gay laugh.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Yep, basic NLP.

1 year ago

And,yeah, not eating. Autophagy clears out broken proteins.

That whole “fasting schedule” thing that various Christian faiths have? Try one. It’s a gentle enough schedule that normal people can do it.

I did a 100 days in a row of not eating. I really do not recommend it. I’d have vitamins and four chips dipped with spinach dip to hold down my vitamins. It’s really dangerous. It damages one’s heart. It burns up muscle and fat. It messes up calcium and potassium levels. I really do not recommend it. The only reason I was able to do it was Spouse was in the big reveal and I thought I was going to die anyway. I wasn’t able to hold up a gallon of milk by the end of this.

It does clear out brain damage. I would take a B-12, and my head would get itchy, like you know how inside your head hurts with a migraine? Well, inside my skull it itched. Then I’d have really heavy, clear nasal drainage from the side with the itch. One nostril. And then something ME would come back online. I couldn’t follow a coarse sitcom for ten minutes at the start. At the end, I could read a book. I could knit again. I could do math again. I could follow a conversation again.

Sometimes, there would be blood or scar tissue in the drainage. That was when the worst area itched and drained. Glossy, thick clear drainage, not the usual nasal stuff. With distinct scabs. Not bloody nose stuff. No bloody noses. I don’t know how this stuff was coming out. I’d be noticeably better, more present, after those episodes.

I haven’t had that since the starving down.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

I hope the son of a bitch who did this to you gets what he deserves. A family member of mine went through something very similar and I’m certain the asshole responsible is surveillance scum.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

I hope your family member is safe and okay now. My prayers are with her.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

She is doing well, thank you!

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

Excellent information, thank you. 48-96 hour fasts can be remarkably beneficial. After that diminishing returns sets in quickly; at least I’m my experience.

Rolling 48-72 hour fasts back to back can really repair a lot of heath issues.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Tinian
1 year ago

I just finished a 4-day fast yesterday. Never done anything more than about a day before then. Way easier than I thought it would be. It’s not just a physical reset. There are mental, emotional, spiritual components as well. It brings on a level of clarity I’ve never experienced before. Highly recommended. It’s now going to be a staple in my life.

1 year ago

Got a puzzle for you all. I’ll give you the facts, then see if anyone reaches the same conclusion as me.

  1. I attend a small, old style, rural, protestant church which runs an old school protestant liturgy. If you had attended a Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, or Episcopal church back in the 1950s, you would be at home with us.
  2. We are located in the American deep south and most churches in our area are conservative Baptist or non-denominational Bible churches.
  3. We have less than twenty regular attendees.
  4. A odd ball couple began attending about two months ago. The man is in his fifties, the woman in her thirties. They obviously had no clue what they were doing – standing up, sitting down, basic responses, etc. They also name dropped Vox to me and Wil Weedon to another church member. I didn’t know who Weedon was and the other guy had never heard of Vox. The fact this visitor name dropped the exact correct name to each of us put me on guard. They also attended our post-service annual budget meeting. Another thing that stood out to me as outside normal church visitor behavior.
  5. When I mentioned the couple to my wife on the drive home, she said the man introduced the woman as, “This is my wife. Her name is Suzie Q (not her real name)”. My wife said it sounded like the guy was a bad community production stage actor reading from a script.
  6. We both agreed this couple was most likely surveillance. However, my wife is extremely sensitive to the presence of the occult and she said she got no sense of that from them. So we figured FBI.
  7. They came to our Christmas Eve candle light service. When they came into the foyer, my wife pointed out the candles. According to her, they were completely befuddled and asked her what the candles were for. In other words, they have absolutely no experience with an old style American Protestant liturgical service.
  8. Finally, we were discussing all this Christmas day, and my wife, who is a nurse, made this comment, “The man presents to me as someone on medication for PTSD.” According to her, the woman seems to direct the man at times, but not in the way a wife would.

And now comes the question. What is the man and what is the woman? They are not occultish. They do not act like a husband and wife, but they claim to be. They are out of place in our liturgical church and the man, according to my wife, appears to be taking psychiatric medication. I have something in mind, but I wonder if my conclusion will match anyone else’s.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Good question. Yes, the elderly woman who I assumed was a government surveillance person left just before Easter. She began attending in the middle of serious congregational upheaval as the church was getting rid of some trouble makers. She lived about ten minutes south of here and her previous church had dwindled to nothing. I asked her once why she didn’t drive to the closest church in her previous denomination which was about twenty minutes south of her house. She said it was too long of a drive. Remember that, it becomes important later.

That all took place several years ago, but I tagged her as surveillance because almost nobody joins a church in crisis. She did, and then she began to become everyone’s friend, even going so far as attending our kid’s school activities. She also had a tendency to smirk when topics such as BLM, antifa, church shootings and such came up. On Palm Sunday this year, the sermon was about how the Pharisees and the religious leaders were trying to insert someone into Jesus’ inner circle and they finally succeeded with Judas. Pastor spoke about how Judas, like all infiltrators, was stupid because he traded eternal salvation for some temporary monetary gain. He then spoke of infiltrators during the Roman Empire writing their dirty little reports to their dirty little stupid supervisors – stupid because the Roman Empire is gone but the church is still here. He then spoke of similar infiltrators of the church in communist and other anti-Christians countries. Each time he made the point that those infiltrators would burn in hell for all eternity, long forgotten and irrelevant while the Christians they betrayed would live in peace and harmony forever in the world to come. The elderly lady who I had assumed was surveillance was enraged after service that Sunday. She left and never attended again. A few months later we heard she was attending church two hours north of us. It seems she was okay with driving two hours north to church, but not twenty minutes south to church. Like I told my wife, she probably requested another assignment and she was punished by being given the one further away.

Back to this new couple. The man is so bumbling, and the woman so smooth, my wife and I figured he was a trainee and she is the trainer. We thought he was given our church to practice on because we are so small and insignificant.

Back to my question, is there something else going on? It was my wife’s comment about the man appearing to have a medically treated PTSD that has me worried. That to me is the issue.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

My wife’s comment about medication and PTSD threw me. After thinking about it, I told her that evening I thought the guy might be a shooter and the woman was setting him up. I would bet you anything he is currently seeing a therapist. And yes, I do carry and its something I bought in college in the 1980s. It’s been my every day carry since then. And I have a plan, but I’ll keep that to myself.

Also, I got a new neighbor last year. He bought the house next to us, for cash, above asking price, the first day the property came on the market. I knew what that meant.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

If a thing is worth shooting, it is worth shooting twice or three times.
And always be prepared to mag dump if necessary.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

One of the more interesting scripts that plays out in churches is a bastardisation of a mythical tale in which someone upon meeting a major historical figure who shares the same name is told to “change their attitude or change their name”.

Variations of this within the church typically invoke Alexander the Great, but I’ve also heard variations that invoke more recent figures such as Winston Churchill.

At first this story’s appearance seemed like it was something like your story, in which the pastor was pointing out the covert presence of infiltrators, those who were trying to share the same name.

Eventually what it was became clear: the pastor telling this story is the infiltrator, and he’s “changed his name” so that he can hide his true alignment, seeking out others who refuse to change their alignment as well but are happy to “change their names”.

Because these kinds of operations depend on numbers, this could be an Identify Friend or Foe thing that’s being done by the pastor to see whether there’s anyone in the congregation in the same position in order to draw strength.

But this doesn’t seem as likely as cognitive dissonance.

Perhaps the pastor doesn’t like being in this position, and instead of coming clean, the pastor tells this story so that he can feel like he’s done some disclosure without compromising what may remain of a personal life.

So if you received the infiltrator sermon one week and this one another week, there’s another explanation: the pastor’s the infiltrator, and he didn’t like it when someone new showed up to try to infiltrate, but he also doesn’t like it when he’s being tested by operatives.

Realising there wasn’t a way in through the front door or the back door, the newly placed operative got placed somewhere else, somewhere far away where there would be less likelihood for being burned across operations.

The long-term operative that got placed ages ago gets to continue his infiltration operations.

AC: “… maybe even the people you suspect least …”

Which would definitely qualify the pastor in that way, because what kind of person infiltrates his own church?

Oh, right! That kind of person! Of course!

Hey Janelle, what’s wrong with Wolfie?  🙂

Nobody Special
Nobody Special
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You need to pray to the Lord Jesus to reveal the answers to you. Surprised a good Presbyterian doesn’t know this.

Reply to  Nobody Special
1 year ago

I’m sure I know the answer. In fact, I think the man is a future shooter and the female is his controller. I don’t think the man knows this. I bet he thinks he was recruited by the FBI to infiltrate what he was told was a dangerous church. I think he is, as AC puts it, FBI fantasy camp. While he’s running around thinking he is saving America from a tiny, irrelevant rural church, I think he is actually being set up.

Also, I’m not Presbyterian although I did attend a PCA congregation in college back in the 1980s.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Nobody Special
1 year ago

How can you assume he’s not doing this? His comment was an honest reach-out for sounding boards to discuss the situation with. Those of us in the thick of it are a family here. Where else would he come for something like that if not here?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I’m sorry that you and your church are going through this. Someone or something – think “principalities, powers, rulers of darkness” – is very likely doing whatever they can to sow discord and confusion into what sounds like a strong and Godly congregation.

I have no real advice other than to be resolute, trust the Bible, and trust God’s sovereignty. I will be praying for you and yours. God bless.

1 year ago

Anyone that study Economics knows the implications of minimum wage, and the affect on employment.
However there are other factors outside the basic supply/demand graphs.

  • Entry level employment becomes difficult. Those that need to learn, are not worth min wage
  • Fuels immigration

The last point is what they call “levelling up” – it is not falling if the ground is rising.

The government employs Economists and knows this too.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Chicago Mayor on increase in most violent crime: ‘reparations’ money will help.

So in really, this is nothing but a shakedown?

Always was.

1 year ago

I would suggest the conditions for CW2 already exist in the US.

It will just take the spark, eg 2024 rigging, Trump incarceration / assassination

Problem is, I think this is exactly what “they” want

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Yes. They want the excuse, before the Sharia jihadists start

1 year ago

Correct to earlier post:
Anyone that study Economics knows the implications of minimum wage, and the affect on employment.
However there are other factors outside the basic supply/demand graphs.

  • Entry level employment becomes difficult. Those that need to learn, are not worth min wage
  • Fuels immigration
  • Salaries do not rise, and end up as “minimum wage”

The last point is what they call “levelling up” – it is not falling if the ground is rising.
The government employs Economists and knows this too

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

That video of the LA street takeover is very instructive. 3 simple steps to create chaos: tie car steering wheel all the way to the right, place cinder block on gas pedal, set car on fire. It reminds me of the old naval tactic of “fire ships” where they would take an old ship and fill it with flammables and explosives and send it into enemy ports or against enemy flotillas.

1 year ago

Hey AC! I was in a vinyl record store and found this obscure record from 1989 made in Yugoslavia by a band called Borgesia entitled, “Surveillance and Punishment.” It made me think of you. 1989 and these guys were onto it. The cover is a computer with a photo of people listening to phone calls in it. Here’s a link to the album (I think)

This should be our theme music for exposing the beam! Hahaha

1 year ago

AC’s opening post and his comments on heart attacks being linked to air traffic gave me cause to think. I don’t have the data, and whatever is out there could very well be suspect, but I’ve been astonished and amazed by the ever increasing diagnosis, discussion and coverage of AFIB and associated heart rhythm irregularities.

Concomitant are the ubiquitous advertisements for drug therapies on all “proper” news channels/media platforms, and the now-common procedural/surgical interventions. I know young people in their mid-twenties struggling with this as well as people in their late 80s, and it even seems to be quite common in athletes.

From my recollection this began before the vax rollouts, but has increased subsequently. It may be due to simple diagnostics/medical herd-mentality, but it makes me wonder if there is some sort of causal relationship with other things, possibly including disruptive energy fields.

No idea if this makes sense – I’m a plant physiologist and have never taken a zoology class other than that which was covered in HS biology so take all this as a layman’s perspective and forgive any errors. Things with circulatory systems give me the heebie jeebies 😉

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I wanted to add that a close friend noticed that more young men are dying suddenly than young women. The individual posited that, if this was planned, it makes sense to cull the independent young men and mostly-sterilize the relatively impressionable young women to further demoralize society.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

The young women are needed, to breed with the migrants and occupy our houses.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Wow, thank you for this detailed response! It makes perfect sense and confirms my suspicion that there is an enormous amount of psychic and physiological manipulation occurring out there. God help us.

Anonymously being not so anonymous
Anonymously being not so anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

But if you occupied my body sometimes, you would be awed at what they have.” So, Beam(R) – ing John Malkovich?

1 year ago
1 year ago

On Dec. 28, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced that the Bolivarian National Armed Forces would conduct defensive military exercises in the Gulf of Paria, west of Guyana, Bloomberg reported the same day….

1 year ago

Thank you, you guys. Thank you. It is strengthening to have people. Thank you.