News Briefs – 12/29/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”


DFT – BOJ Conducts Emergency Bond Buying Operation

DFT – Bed Bath & Beyond May Not See Next Year’s Holiday Season

DFT – One Analyst Says Tesla Is A Definite Buy

DFT – Oil Slides Off Chinese Covid Fears

DFT – Best Buy Likely Had A Bad Holiday Season

Tommy Robinson gave a great video offering hope and inspiration to Americans, but unfortunately Youtube got wind of it and nuked it, because they need to keep his name suppressed, since he is an inspiring leader people will follow. But Gateway Pundit did a good write up. Worth a click to read and clear your head for the coming year.

A “significant miscount” of hundreds of votes has been discovered in the recount results for Trump-Endorsed Abe Hamadeh’s statewide Attorney General’s race.

Judge to order new election in Screven county, Georgia, after ‘systemic irregularities.’

New Twitter boss Elon Musk revealed that former employees of the social media company managed a fawning Slack channel titled “Fauci Fan Club” — a reference to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert.

No idea if this is real, especially since Tesla since began rising, but I will put it here in case:

CatTurd set off Twitter, noting it appears shadow-banning of anti-establishment accounts has restarted, and everyone else says they are noticing it.  You would think it would be the simplest thing in the world – If I click a button asking for all of somebody’s tweets to be delivered to me, I should get them. If I retweet one of those tweets, everyone who asked to get everything I tweet should get it. You don’t need an algorithm to analyze whether this account is important enough, or that one is a bot. But they cannot let it work that way. That would allow random ideas to explode virally, without control. They need to control what you see. Not surprising free-speech absolutist Elon was full of shit, at least on this one. Not that he gets a choice. He has no power to resist the machine, facing intel. He is just an actor.

Darren J Beattie over at puts up a tweet about his new upcoming Trump interview, and finds Twitter slapped a warning on a tweet about an upcoming interview simply existing.

Darren Beattie previews Revolver News’ blockbuster interview with President Trump: ‘We did talk about the Church Committee.’

Jonathan Turley calls for new ‘Church Committee’ to investigate the FBI.

Elon Musk has underscored his interest in buying Substack as he pushes on with his fight against corporate media.

From here:

I’m still trying to figure out where the close alliance between surveillance agencies and the woke Left, which has been evident since at least the Obama Administration, may lead.

This is the most important point we need to make people understand. There is no alliance between the intelligence agencies and the mental defectives of the woke left. The very idea that thee ruthless, predatory Sharks of the intel world might consider such an alliance is laughable. The “woke left” is not a “woke left.” It is a “cover story.” An insignificant, naturally marginalized group, blown up and made to look bigger by intel and their lackeys in the press, because intel needs the “woke left” to look responsible for what is happening. In places intel may utilize a select few actual mental defectives that intelligence elevates artificially, to help sell the idea there really is a real woke left, it is mentally ill, self-destructive, evil, and malicious towards all that is good, beautiful, and true. But it is just a cover story, being used by the predatory sharks of intelligence, to confuse people about the fact that Intel is in full control, and for reasons which are not entirely clear yet to us (but which are crystal clear to intel), intel has decided to maliciously destroy everything in the West.

‘Ringleader’ in FBI’s plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer sentenced to 19.5 years in prison.

U.S. Virgin Islands sues JPMorgan Chase – accusing the bank of helping Jeffrey Epstein sex-traffic minors at his villa by ‘knowingly providing and pulling the levers through which recruiters and victims were paid.’

PAC associated with Kevin McCarthy propped up the campaign of liar George Santos. There will be something more to this story. Like his cover story was never supposed to be broken and was supposed to be his new life story, created and backstopped by his Cabal handlers who were inserting him here. Or this whole thing is a script to reveal to us that all these people are full of shit, plucked from obscurity and manufactured. I do not know what the bigger story is, but I know, there is no way he ran for this office, surveillance did their normal research, saw everything fucked up with him, and they did not run their own agent to swoop in, expose him, and take the seat out from under him. Even just Democrats and the news media (a linked part of Cabal surveillance in many cases) not doing normal opposition research until immediately after the election is too bizarre. Maybe they let him in and then tried to give him an ultimatum, and he told them to go fuck off, so they are burning him. But there will be something more to this.

Sam Bankman-Fried to enter plea deal in FTX Ponzi scheme case.

Alameda wallets become active days after SBF bail, community mulls foul play.

Paul Pelosi’s attacker pleads not guilty to state criminal charges – after already denying the ambush in federal court and waiving his right to a trial within 60 days.

An article which makes a good case that the vaccines, because they make a person’s own cells keep churning out spike protein on and on, force the immune system to eventually give up, and reidentify the spike as a tolerated motif, and ignore it, which then prevents people from fighting off the virus.

From this larger, disturbing thread, showing there was clearly contaminating RNA in some of the batches of vaccines which were not in others:


Biden doesn’t trust some of the Secret Service agents around him and doesn’t believe certain details of the biting incident with his dog Major, according to a new book about the administration.

The Environmental Protection Agency is investigating whether Colorado’s regulation of air pollution from industrial facilities discriminates against Hispanic residents and other racial minorities, according to a letter released Wednesday.

Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin announces he has been diagnosed with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma. “I am about to embark on a course of chemo-immunotherapy on an outpatient basis at Med Star Georgetown University Hospital and Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center. Prognosis for most people in my situation is excellent after four months of treatment.” He has to know he has spent his life with microwaves beaming through his residences, and they will continue beaming, risking the return of his cancer, and yet he will never even complain.

Terrifying moment illegal migrants try to smash their way into Texas ranch house 50 MILES over the border – as homeowner spends $13k upgrading security and locals teach their kids to use TASERS for ‘self defense.’

U.S. Military works to enlist recruits who have faced behavioral challenges. They have done an excellent job of making every American so disgusted with the country and its leadership we literally could not care less if Putin rolled right through main street with the entire Red Army and took the nation over. Even the patriotic recognize, what is there now is not what patriotism respects or honors. My only request of Putin would be, there be public executions of the leaders he unseated.

U.S. Military equipment from Afghanistan for sale on eBay.

University of California at San Francisco apologizes for conducting medical experiments on prison inmates in the 1960’s and 1970’s without consent.

Pope Emeritus Benedict is ‘very sick,’ Pope Francis reveals.

Guns temporarily banned from Brazil’s capital ahead of Lula da Silva’s inauguration. Technically isn’t Bolsonaro still in control? Again, it is exactly like with Trump, where Trump was doing things to make sure there was no resistance to Biden’s seeming takeover. As if it was all part of a pre-arranged script of some sort, and they wanted to be extra-double sure none of us crashed the stage and wrote our own lines.

US federal officials have stated that the US will require travelers from China to submit a negative COVID-19 test beginning on January 5th.

Nearly half of passengers from China to Milan have COVID: Italian officials.

Millions appear to be fleeing China, escaping overseas, as Covid explodes. It is possible by pursuing their zero-Covid policies, China preserved small pockets of the original, more virulent strains as they originally existed, and they never let Omicron come in to crowd out the old strains, or let the virus get passed around enough to mutate into a less virulent form. So this could be the same death plague which was originally there, and now we have gone and vaxxed all our populations, so they cannot fight off even the more harmless strains. And now China will let this death plague free on our societies

Zelensky says Ukraine ready to join WEF meeting in Davos as it seeks postwar funding.

The Biden administration is reportedly working to curb Iran’s ability to deliver drones to Russian troops for use in Ukraine by expanding efforts to choke Tehran’s production of the unmanned aerial vehicles.

Viktor Orban claims that hundreds of ethnic Hungarians have died due to Ukrainian forced conscription.

Zelensky, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink agree to work together to develop investments to help rebuild Ukraine.

LOL. We paid for these!:

Putin highlights a truth which has vast implications for 9/11:

Russia warns US against carrying out a “decapitation strike” on Putin, responding to a US military official who reportedly told Newsweek of a special operation to “kill Putin in the heart of the Kremlin.”

Trump on Truth Social:

Something is going on with Mitch McConnell and all of the terrible and virtually automatic “surrenders” he makes to the Marxist Democrats, like on the $1.7 Trillion “Ominous” Bill. Could have killed it using the Debt Ceiling, or made it MUCH better in the Republican House. Nobody can be this stupid. Perhaps it has to do with his wife, Coco Chow, and their BIG relationships with China – A HISTORIC conflict of interest like no other!

Spread r/K Theory, because everything in Ukraine is fake

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2 years ago

Tommy Robinson (2nd from the right) modeling Middle Eastern men’s fashion. Can you guess the missing letters obscured from the t-shirt of the guy next to him?

If you’re famous, it’s spy vs spy everywhere you go.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

That sounds like a plausible assessment of TR AC.

His Telegram channel is worth a follow.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Here is a funny thing. I am personally irritated by TR’s accent. He speaks like a thug and reminds me of 70s working class english skinheads.

However, my opinion on T.R. is that he never wanted to get involved. He is fearless. That is why he speaks out while we are anons.

In another time and upbringing, he would have been Winston Churchill – and that is why cabal see him as a threat,

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Churchill sold England and General Patton down the river!

Yesterday’s traitor.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I wouldnt read too much into that.

I know soldiers that did army drag acts, and were photographed in ladies’ clothing.

It is unlikely members of clandestine organizations don the T-shirt for a photo-op

2 years ago

Not even the Corps is immune to The Woke:

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

Don’t bother with Gottfried: the biggest thing he is selling is doubt: nothing really is but maybe, likely, or even possibly.
AC’s comment after his quote of Gottfried is superior: there is an is. What he writes is an assertion: the quality of knowing, not second guessing.
Cannot edit and correct html coding once it has been saved.

Last edited 2 years ago by teo toon
Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anon
2 years ago

It’s an important signal of potentially devastating damage caused by the vax, but keep in mind that tens of millions of people apparently received either an attenuated dose, or an outright placebo, and that includes many politicians and celebrities.

The so called hot batches, or fully active doses, were spread out all over the country, but not coincidentally seemed concentrated in smaller cities and red counties.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

Those who got weaker batches will die slower so they can vote in a few more elections.
Only those who got the placebo will survive in the long run.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

From Australia, FOI requests regarding Hot batches and Ig4 and cancer

More in depth from the last American vagabond regarding Ig4

2 years ago

1.7 Trillion…one…seven. There are those numbers again.

A thought:

1 (yi) means whole, single, throughout in Chinese.
7 the sound of the Chinese word for 7 (七 qī) corresponds with that of words like 齊 (qí; uniform, even), 气 (qì; life force, energy) and 起 (qǐ; to stand up). The Chinese word for 7 also sounds like 欺 (qī; to deceive). 7 sounds like the word for a sacrifice also. A synonym for the word holocaust.

17: Whole/United/Throughout Deception/Sacrifice/Rise (stand up)

It could be a play on words for destroying the US and an ascending China.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

China is destroying itself and will not recover.
We will recover.

2 years ago

You might find this interesting, if you haven’t already seen it….
Newly Leaked Surveillance Photo Shows Two University of Idaho Victims Talking to Man in Baseball Cap Hours Before Quadruple Murders

2 years ago

“He has to know he has spent his life with microwaves beaming through his residences, and they will continue beaming”

Raskin also spent most of his life inside an oil barrel, then he got vaxxed. He was basically asking for cancer.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
2 years ago

You don’t need microwaves to cause cancer, the jab will do it!
See Dr Ryan Cole

Likewise worth watching last nights, The Last American Vagabond episode
“The COVID Injections Are Dangerous And NO ONE Should Be Taking Them”
If it’s already nuked from YT
Go to

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr Twister
2 years ago

“LOL. We paid for these!:”

Well if we paid for them it’s only fair that we should at least be able to see them.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Maybe I am getting old, but its high time we started resisting the infantile boob obsession. They are using it to distract & control us.

Some years ago, I did a Europe Club Med vacation. The most beautiful boobs were on display constantly. After 3 days, I didnt even notice them.
Make the decision to stop looking & commenting.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I’m a lifelong celibate. I’ve been spared a lot of trouble. A lot.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Right. What we really need to be watching is if their ring finger is longer than their forefinger and if their knees are together or apart and raised when they descend a flight of stairs. Are their shoulders wider than their hips? Is the lower back curved with the pelvis tilted forward? Do their arms hang long and low, or are they shorter and hanging akimbo to avoid the hips. Does one foot swing out around the other as they walk? Or do they shuffle along side by side in typical make fashion. Keep trying to take in all those things and you won’t have much time or attention for ogling boobs.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

Dont really understand the whys & wherefores, but like the gist

English Tom
English Tom
2 years ago

I watched a recent presentation by Putin and Shoigu to the combined heads of Russia’s military and I can say, with the highest confidence, that Russia is preparing for Total War.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  English Tom
2 years ago

Russia just completed restocking their cold war nuclear shelters. Yes, they are preparing…

Reply to  English Tom
2 years ago

After Iraq, Libya, Syria etc, Cabal has already declared their intention for Russia & Putin.

They would be stupid not to.

2 years ago

Nearly half of passengers from China to Milan have COVID: Italian officials.

Might be deliberate. Last outbreak came through Italy in December. By March, we had lockdowns. That would be convenient for an April invasion of Taiwan. (April and October are the only times the weather is right.)

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

There is no China pandemic. It is fake.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Well, that’s me told.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

Doesnt mean there wont be fake lockdowns, and non-fake invasion

2 years ago

The FBI was created in 1908, not 1913. Blame Theodore Roosevelt and the Attorney General, Charles Bonaparte (yes, a descendant from one of Napoleon’s brothers).

The IRS was created in 1862. Yes, there was a federal income tax in 1862. The Supreme Court later killed it, and that decision was overturned by a constitutional amendment that did take effect in 1913, but the IRS continued in existence after the Supreme Court decision.

I didn’t look up the ADL, and I will grant that the Federal Reserve was in fact created in 1913, but that tweet is pretty much bs.

Since we know that the Cabal, like Satan, prefers to take existing organizations and corrupt them, even inverting them completely from their original history, I don’t think analysis that depends on the organization being created to do something evil takes you very far.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

It is all there for anyone who wants to know. Oh sorry, not interested in history? I guess then those not interested are doomed to repeat it…over and over again.
What do they say? History…that’s so yesterday!

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

Cabal and satan prefer to be hidden and corrupt organizations from within. They’re almost always successful.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

It appears they do tell you, but people ignore the signs

2 years ago

Another Jovan Pulitzer podcast on the Cabal, this time with a spook, who supposedly advised the Trump administration:

Not much that readers here won’t know already, but especially in the second half it goes into details, and does provide interesting information and some confirmation of what we suspected.

2 years ago

CatTurd set off Twitter, noting it appears shadow-banning of anti-establishment accounts has restarted, and everyone else says they are noticing it. 

Fighting the power and wielding power are two very different things. Twitter is a weapon of mass destruction in an informational war, one which the deep state was forced into retreat, but did not surrender.

The litmus test that “if Elon is a really a white hat” then every MAGA tweeter should now be a deputized general with the power to randomly direct what goes viral is a bit naive.

It’s like saying every solider should have the right to decide when and where to shoot, and the soldiers that shoot most are the ones who will assume command by default.

There are conditions, in war, where free speech must be curtailed, even when the objective is to preserve it. Free speech is a tool, a tool to be valued, but it is not an idol to be worshipped. Nor is it free.

Reply to  B.Chiclitz
2 years ago

Musk’s avatar is him wearing Satan armour.

Do you need any other clues?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

My avatar is a disapproving baby.
Sometimes a troll is just a troll.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

Wearing Satan & Inverted cross is not a troll.
There are lines for a reason. Crossing them is a big clue

Reply to  B.Chiclitz
2 years ago

That’s control freak thinking.
The information battlefield is not a physical battlefield and doesn’t have the same issues.
The destruction of the current status quo is best served by the chaos of full free speech with no “guiding hand”.
Our enemies believe in 100% control to control outcomes, we must force the opposite.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

The opposite is controlled.

Only way to win, is not play

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The opposite of control is uncontrolled.
Control are the bad guys, KAOS are the good guys.
Embrace chaos and become free of control.
When we have the upper hand we might want to exert some control to a lesser extent, but we are the underdog.

Reply to  B.Chiclitz
2 years ago

No one expected an immediate 180 against the enemy, they just expect the friendly fire to disappear and the enemy to start taking casualties.

So far there is no evidence of this, so Elon will firmly remain in the “enemy” category until overwhelming evidence presents itself given the past performance.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Watch this

Forever in the foe list!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  B.Chiclitz
2 years ago

“if Elon is a really a white hat”

I don’t understand some people sometimes. Even if Elon takes money from Jews and modulates some of his free speech rules it doesn’t mean he is raping babies and sacrificing them to Moloch. Hitler took money from the Jews. Lot of good it did them. And you don’t have to be a white hat or a satan worshiping cabal member to not like the system we live under and try to throw a little dirt in the gears occasionally but stop short of burning the machinery down.

I like Musk because of the technology he advanced and the reasons he said he did so, which make perfectly good sense to me.

Maybe there’s some super 27D super plan he is a part of with twatter but it’s undeniable that a lot of average normal people use it and are now exposed to the fact that the government certainly, definitely was influencing elections and pushing various anti-social acts. With Musk running things, the glass is at the very least OVER half full.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

Anatomy Lesson?
‘You should have learned this material in elementary school.”
But it’s never too late.
This is the art teacher style anatomy summary mentioned earlier.Male vs Female skeletal structures.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

On aliens UFO’s. I’ve written about this before. My point here is not to show you I know how to make UFO’s, I don’t, but to show that there are several technologies and several theories that show that it’s possible and that it’s very possible the US, or others, have made them. No ALIENS needed. So I run across a paper and a listing of papers that show even more how this can be done. Now I’m not saying I understand all this only that I can see how this would be relevant to the idea that UFO type craft could be made. Anyway here’s a link to some more common sense stuff I’ve already quoted here, and the next link is to a paper and then another to a set of papers.

The Jews are constantly pushing Einstein. That they are pushing him should automatically key you in to the fact he might be a fraud. And of course they use this to say the speed of light is constant, (it’s not), and nothing can go over the, supposed, speed of light (yes warp drive), so,
“On the Existence of Undistorted Progressive Waves (UPWs) of Arbitrary Speeds $0 \leq v< \infty$ in Nature"

Here’s a list of other papers with this paper as a reference. Isn’t it odd that there are discussions on this and the press only gives us,”Aliens fly around military” and other such oddities???

The point being that when they tell you,”it could only be aliens” in fact that’s not true at all. The US Navy even has a patent for an antigravity craft and a free energy device that gets energy from the vacuum.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

UFO just means “unidentified”. Doesnt make it a flying saucer

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

@Sam J

You might want to research Vimanas which were (allegedly) flying machines used by an ancient civilisation. Apparently they ran on a mercury/iron power source.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  English Tom
2 years ago

Yeah an in depth video on this I was sharing weeks ago here, singling out the specific episode of “investigating Babylon” that covered Quick silver aka mercury drives.
Ancient flying machines

“Nothing new under the Sun”

If there is NO “Space” there can’t be Aliens!

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Einstein’s story is….. interesting. There’s a good chunk of the web that thinks he’s not really all that. That he took or stole someone else’s work on relativity and all that E=MC stuff, and just did a better job of promoting himself afterwards. “Humble Swiss Patent Office clerk proves it’s all Relative!”

A look at the Manhattan Project is what clinches it for me. The MP was huge, vast beyond imagination. The USG rounded up every single smart math guy they could find, even to the point of future Nobel Prize winners being tasked as the guy they sent out for coffee when he wasn’t sweeping floors. They got **everyone** on board. But not Einstein. Einstein, they didn’t need. Never mind the “peaceful Albert” legend, that’s all we need to know. And it’s not like the official story of World War 2 isn’t already full of lies.

Last edited 2 years ago by 2Voss
Reply to  2Voss
2 years ago

Relativity: “All movement is relative and the rest of the universe is moving in the opposite direction to the apparantly moving object because there is no such thing as absolute position or movement”

If that doesn’t sound stupid enough then consider what else Relativity tells us: “Time travel occurs when one object moves faster than the other object”

Wait? I thought both objects were moving relative to the other object?
One object has all the acceleration and movement while the other is stationary and at the same time the second object has all the acceleration and speed, also at the same time both objects have half the acceleration and speed and every other division because it’s all relative, right?
Even when the movement is relative to the entire rest of the universe there is no absolute movement or position, right?
So where do we get an acceleration/velocity differential to create a time differential?

Einstein was a tool to divert the public from the real science so it could be taken underground by cabal and used to their advantage against us, as were many of the “great minds” before and after him.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Newton was a Christian had to be canceled because of (((reasons)))

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

UFOs are demons

2 years ago

I dont believe in the China “pandemic”. It is more likely China is killing off protesters.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Protesters? Or cabal operatives?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Put down the hopium.

It is not habbening

2 years ago

Guns temporarily banned from Brazil’s capital ahead of Lula da Silva’s inauguration. Technically isn’t Bolsonaro still in control? Again, it is exactly like with Trump, where Trump was doing things to make sure there was no resistance to Biden’s seeming takeover. As if it was all part of a pre-arranged script of some sort, and they wanted to be extra-double sure none of us crashed the stage and wrote our own lines.”


Worst movie ever.
May GOD smite the writers and burn their script with the fire and brimstone of Sodom.
Trump is close to being a lesser enemy to be targeted when the opportunity arises and so is Bolsonaro.

To anyone one in an insurgent faction of cabal or any alternate opposing power structure:
Break this script, we will put up with almost any alternative state of affairs you desire.
We won’t stop pursuing our own interests but we will support your take over and and the destruction and elimination of the current powers that be.
Stop sharing the obsession with 100% control of the outcome and take a risk on we the people supporting you and GOD opposing our shared enemies.
As long as you play the 100% controlled outcome game you are playing into the hands of the current dominant faction and they will continue to win.
Blow this thing wide open because any outcome of that will be better for everyone.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

RBMK reactors don’t explode comrade. Have you taken your clot shot?

2 years ago
I am currently dealing with an ongoing, seemingly coordinated attack on ~all~ of my devices: cell phone, net hardware, and laptop. Not certain full extent just yet. Devices locked into perpetual boot sequence; disconnect from power/connectivity ineffective, suggesting attack is within the devices themselves.


Reply to  Haywoodjablowme
2 years ago

Not surprising. When I was under attack they even figured out a way to remotely fry two of my computers.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Haywoodjablowme
2 years ago

Wilma Fingado

2 years ago

Cabal picking winners and losers at Youtube:

2 years ago

Thought occured that we are losing many that are a threat to cabal.

  • Austria’s Haider – death car crash
  • NL’s Pym Fortuyn – death by MK terrorist
  • NL’s Theo van Gogh – death by MK terrorist
  • Poland President Kaczyński – death by plane crash
  • Nigel Farage – survived plane crash & suspicious car crash (*)
  • Ronald Reagan – survived assassination, died with dementia
  • M.Thatcher – survived assassination, died with dementia

(*) threat neutralised

Heart Attacks & Cancer:

  • Kevin Samuels
  • Andrew Breitbart
  • Rush Limbaugh 
  • Tom Clancy

Legal system:

  • Marine le Pen – arrested before election
  • Tommy Robinson – survived jail-assassination & banned
  • Alex Jones – financially assassinated
  • Alex Bellfield – 5 years prison
  • Assange – 3 yrs solitary, no trial
  • Andrew Tate – arrested
2 years ago

Regarding the Chinese in Milan Italy:

The dirty secret of the fasion industry, and Milan specficly, is that they use a lot if imported labor. Your expensive cloths, shoes, etc. are made in Italy, but are likely made with Chinese labor. Not all, Italians are a prideful people and are proude of what they make, but a lot is.

That is, if you recall, why the outbreak of the coof in the EU had a major start in Milan and right after the Chinese New Year as workers returned back from China

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Take a look on google maps street view – entire areas are now chinese colonies