News Briefs – 12/29/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Unfortunately, NSA whistleblower Bill Binney just had a hole blasted through the shielding in the ceiling of his house, when Cabal appears to have used a Directed Energy Weapon, possibly mounted on a drone, flying over his house to try and assassinate him. I really get angry with this. Bill Binney is a character so legendary in NSA lore that he was played by Nicholas Cage in the movie Snowden. Snowden himself cited Bill as the single biggest reason he wasn’t going to try and follow in Binney’s footsteps by using official whistleblower procedures. You would think if a character this big in intelligence circles, says he just had a hole blown in the shielding in his ceiling by a secret Cabal trying and kill him because he is opposing their use of Directed Energy Weapons on the public, and those weapons are being used on other innocent Americans as part of a massive intelligence operation taking over the country, it would get reported on some news program. Just the allegation by him, without any proof, is enough to make it newsworthy. But you will never see it. It won’t even be on OAN, or Newsmax. I doubt Cernovich would broach it under any circumstances. Ryan Saavedra? Nick Fuentes? Ben Shapiro? Even Epoch Times will not go near it. I doubt you’ll see it on any non-Q twitter account. And just like with Michael Hastings, or Brian Mancini, the only thing you will ever see related to this on the main outlets you see promoted, even “our own,” will be something which supports the narrative that this is the province of conspiracy theorists. Understand what it means when things like this will not be touched by the people who you get information from. This is a touchstone, which tells you with zero doubt, just how deep the rabbit hole goes, and who is really our own and who is not. Here is a tweet from Bill’s twitter comments showing what these weapons look like in use in harassment operations.

Karen Melton Stewart is another NSA whistleblower who is under hostile surveillance activity from this secret quasi-governmental program, and who has dedicated her life to trying to help other innocent Americans experiencing it. Here she describes the program in two youtube videos, where she notes her harassment began when she discovered a foreign actor had penetrated some NSA leadership positions and was controlling hiring practices there, and had also taken over the Intelligence Community Inspector General’s position. Obviously, Cabal. She also says that it is an open secret in NSA that the intelligence community knew 9/11 was coming, and the leadership forced everyone to keep it secret – and one of the men who tried to report this also fell under the harassment program and had his life ruined :


Understand what this points to. A conspiracy like this needs one thing above all else – secrecy. It needs to keep the population from seeing this is going on. Imagine if tomorrow everyone found out our entire leadership structure was penetrated by a foreign conspiracy which either allowed 9/11 to happen, or maybe set it up, and which is DEWing regular citizens. The festivities would begin. Keeping something like that secret seems easy if it controls the media. But in this informational globalist age, it also needs other countries to also not expose it. That is kind of like that old saying about blackmail – you can’t buy that kind of silence, you can only rent it. If our government knew 9/11 was coming, if they are droning our citizens, if that knowledge is so easy to acquire that I have been saying it here for years now, then foreign intelligence operations would know it as well, and they could savage this conspiracy overnight in this internet connected age, just by revealing that fact. Why don’t they? Are they getting paid out of the US Treasury? Or might this intelligence operation have corrupted all of those nations similarly, and the concept of individual nations with nationalist interests is just a meme, in a world where one entity rules over all?

Too long for me to recommend you watch, but for archival material purposes, in this video it is revealed Binney was infected with Hepatitis in the NSA commissary, and he had a chip of some sort planted in his leg without his consent during a surgery to amputate part of it due to repeated infections he has had with flesh-eating bacteria, which the host seems to think he was being infected with. They don’t seem to know what the chip is for.

Pennsylvania certified results for President are found in error, with the votes allocated not equaling the total number of voters, and the error is twice the size of the difference between candidates. I assume what they are finding is that there are a lot of ballots that were run through those Dominion machines twice, and that number of extra votes, which are probably all for Biden, are twice what separated Trump and Biden, so remove them, and Trump winds by what the race presently says Biden won by. The numbers were, 6,962,607 total ballots counted, while only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted.

Rep. Louie Gohmert filed a lawsuit against Vice President Mike Pence in a bid to overturn the election results, asking a court to give Pence “exclusive authority” to decide which Electoral College votes should be counted on Jan. 6. I have no idea what this is. Hopefully  Trump’s plan wasn’t to have Pence decide it quickly on the day of the count, before courts weigh in, and now this opens the door to John Roberts, to forbid Pence from excluding electors as they were sent. On the bright side, this is presently before a Trump Judge, but no telling if it could hit the Supremes before the official count.

Attorneys for Dominion Voting Systems have sent letters threatening litigation to President Trump’s supporters and witnesses in an attempt to intimidate them.

Nevada Secretary of State caught sending voter data list to Pakistani firm linked to ISI.

Hispanic and Asian vote shifted sharply to the right in the 2020 presidential election.

Officer Bodycam shows the RV which exploded in Nashville, and has the recorded evacuation message. The only thing I noticed was there was no second pinstripe at the top. Either the bomber painted over just that pinstripe, or it is a different RV.

Ukraine confirms Joe Biden corruption with bank records and witnesses, says they want the money back.

Small drones will be allowed to fly over people and at night in the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said on Monday, a significant step toward their use for widespread commercial deliveries. And DEWing dissidents.

Last inmate to share jail cell with Jeffrey Epstein dies aged 51 of COVID. Could be legit. But in that situation, I would assume everything in Epstein’s cell was eavesdropped. Epstein could have said something to him, and even though he played it smart and kept his mouth shut, they still didn’t want him possibly talking.

A Virginia Sheriff’s Deputy opened an account on Parler, and says it was hacked, somebody posted comments threatening the life of Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, reported the comments to his Sheriff, and now he is fired. Being a Sheriff in Virginia, which is spook central, could easily produce this kind of thing. In that environment, you really have to operate by constantly war-gaming against yourself, to see how you would take yourself out of the game, if you were them.

This video showed up online of a nurse who took the vaccine and got Bell’s Palsy, crying as she warned people to not get the vaccine. Yesterday it was tweeted she died, but Twitter nuked the account that tweeted it, and nobody can find any more info.

If you want to travel next year, you may need a vaccine passport.

SF Weekly lays out, “How To Move From San Francisco During The Pandemic.”

Professor Neil Ferguson, an epidemiologist who played a key role in convincing the British government to adopt lockdowns, revealed that the country’s lockdowns were meant to emulate those carried out by the Chinese Communist Party.

Alec Baldwin’s wife admits her name is Hillary, not Hillaria, she was born in Boston, and her Spanish accent wasn’t really natural.

Special Forces soldier David Webb, who shot six people, killing three, suffers from memory loss, and may have PTSD. Tell me if you have seen that movie before. His commander said the shooting was totally out of character with his 12 years of honorable service.

Sweden gives ISIS leader who returned from Syria a protected identity and welfare benefits.

Massive outage across Mexico leaves millions without power amid pandemic.

House passes $2,000 stimulus checks.

Spread r/K Theory, because if it is good, it doesn’t need to be taken underground.

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LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago

>”her harassment began when she discovered a foreign actor had penetrated some NSA leadership positions and was controlling hiring practices there, and had also taken over the Intelligence Community Inspector General’s position.”

Who comes last? Who controls de media that will never touch this?

Related: – “NSA shares raw intelligence including Americans’ data with Israel” – “American Pravda: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories”

“Give us twenty years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country”

4 years ago

>Too long for me to recommend you watch

This browser plugin can speed up web videos beyond the default maximum 2x speed. Headphones are key for such speedy listening.

4 years ago

>Too long for me to recommend you watch, but for archival material purposes, in this video it is revealed Binney …

Katherine Horton in this vid (1:15:00) talking about Switzerland being the central peg of the Cabal: a good book on this is Tower of Basel by Adam LeBor, about the central bank of central banks ‘Bank of International Settlements’ which exists above the authority of any of the world’s governments.

When the grand finale pulls in the waving British Royals, the City of London, the holy Vatican, lovely peaceful peace-loving Switzerland, the generous foreign aid organisations, the harmless NGOs, and the security agencies of the whole western world, in the exposing of the biggest crimes in human history.. that will definitely be a great awakening. The rival faction to this entity, the one standing behind Trump, must be even more impressive in its organisational and strategic ability. Amazing.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  WesternMan
4 years ago

Ronald Bernard (the ex-cabal banker whistleblower) named BIS as being a central piece in the gaybal global money laundering game they use to keep the appearance of the global financial system being legit to the masses.

Also note that the ECB (EU central bank) is literally outside the law, there are no Countries with jurisdiction to investigate it.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  WesternMan
4 years ago

I was thinking about how it would make a lot of sense for gaybal to have fortified their position in Switzerland and use it as their first HQ (mountainous terrain is easier to defend, and no matter how wealthy you are, if push comes to shove and the unwashed plebs are out for your blood, your mercenaries are always going to be outnumbered and gaybal has been around since the time there were no helicopters, armored SUVs, or planes to escape to Israel in a rush) while building up their war chest and networks of spies, infiltrators and influencers (positions in various courts, marriages into royal families, setting up central banks to take over governments, planning commie revolutions, etc).

Reminder that BIS is located in Basel, and that the first Zionist Congress was held in Basel, Switzerland in 1897.

The Zionist Congress was established in 1897 by Theodor Herzl (father of modern political zionism) as the supreme organ of the Zionist Organization (ZO) and its legislative authority. In 1960 the names were changed to World Zionist Congress (Hebrew: הקונגרס הציוני העולמי‎ HaKongres HaTsioni HaOlami) and World Zionist Organization (WZO), respectively. The World Zionist Organization elects the officers and decides on the policies of the WZO and the Jewish Agency,[2][3] including “determining the allocation of funds.”[4]

It seems the modern (as in the last 2000 years) gaybal starts with the expulsion of the Christ killers from Rome in the 70’s after their temple gets BTFO, they start spreading around Europe, grow their power via usury slavery and infiltration, build their fortified HQ in Switzerland, and after lots of gaybal schemes and plots manage to set up their second major HQ in Palestine, which they seem to want to use as their throne for the NWO (Noahide World Order).

Sam J.
Sam J.

I’m for Zionism. I’m fully in favor of what Theodor Herzl did. His role was to save his people by getting them to all move to Israel. He knew and hinted at many times that the Jews were a irritation and had a mental mindset [psychopathy I say] leading to them never being able to live with anyone else. The end result if they keep on may be such a catastrophic backlash that they may be ruined forever.[we can hope]

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Zionism (which is just another word for Jewish Ethno-Nationalism) is not bad per-se, the problem comes from the decisions and actions the founders and leaders of Israel have been making that have completely fucked the West in 6 million different ways.

It is possible for the West to one day have frendly relations with Israel, but only after all zionist subversion is terminated in the West and Israel stops acting like an enemy towards the West.

Also, Jews have the Jewish Autonomous Oblast to fuck off to in case they don’t want to go to Israel and they aren’t willing to assimilate into the West (which requires them to forfeit their Jewish group/cultural/religious identity), and if they don’t like that idea 1) it’s not our problem because we don’t owe them shit, 2) given that 40% of all billionaires in the US are Jews (despite Jews being 2% of the population) they can go ask those rich Jews to buy them a piece of land in Africa or Asia so they can fuck off and we can all have peace.


And the Vatican guards being the Swiss Guard, evolved from the old mercenaries, Switz enjoying hundreds of years of peace while wars raged on around it, the red cross having access all over the place, even puppet leaders like Kim Jong Un going to university in Switzerland. Interestingly, both Israel and Switzerland have compulsory military service for young men.

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

“Understand what it means when things like this will not be touched by the people who you get information from. This is a touchstone, which tells you with zero doubt, just how deep the rabbit hole goes, and who is really our own and who is not.”

There’s things that I know that I could tell. I could lay out a great narrative on it. But I know I’d soon be dead. I’ve seen this in others, as well. The famous “Joe M” of stormisuponus fame, has occassionally put up some tweets and parlers to quite rapidly take them down, having thought the matter through that it was best to not stir that particular hornets nest.

4 years ago

Something really serious is going on, something behind the things we can’t see, but by inference indeed exists, it can’t be quantified yet its something, and that can’t be denied.
No doubt there is a critical time factor, and I don’t mean an inauguration date. That day means nothing, it is just a point in time, a reference point, and if you grok how deep the rabbit hole goes you understand why.
Got this gut feeling the chi-coms are running out of time, the scope of the inept vote fraud is a serious tell, never mind the imperatives of 4 more years of Trump and not who is supposed to be cabal puppet of the United States, its not that, there is something thats a much higher order, something no amount of time resource fix’s or provides for other ways to reach an objective, an objective which is not reached by a certain time some form of loss of something totally crucial to somethings fruition or meets an inescapable deadline.

Cover is being blown left and right, assets are coming out of the woodwork in droves, risks taken almost in abandon of any pretense to maintain plausible deniability, the usual tools and actors making comments and faux passes, barely subtle references and inferences, which borderline on out right admissions, and I’m not talking about all front of the bus and everything hyah nyah we won crap, there’s some critical all effecting element which must be met or its game over for something. And it is got the subtle earmarks this will increase to a frenzy and or something will happen that makes 911 a fart in a fucking mitten.
They are going to go for broke all in in one last attempt, probably a series if somethings in an attempt to push shit over the edge to effect a cascade collapse of our civilization and its governmental infrastructure.
I can say this because I believe they don’t want nor need people, not a nation states infrastructure, its something can not be acquired by any other means but extraction from mother earth, it is resources, natural ones, that is the overall final objective, but a critical time factor exists which can not be let to fail attaining it.

Somebody or some thing knows if some thing is not achieved by a certain date, other things vastly important will fail, and the timeline for that failure is probably out in the future, but the criteria is so vast and the effects required to sustain it involved months years decades of planing and resources placed into a conduit that if the requirements are not met long before it shits the bed.

In other words, we get what is needed now, or the future is for crap, so we got nothing to lose once a time threshold is passed without obtaining critical needs, and we might as go all in full retard FUBAR because we are truly fucked.

I think too, TGE accomplished key objectives early on which acerbated and precipitated critical and existential events in motion, it is totally intended, strategically implemented, and he has been twisting the screws ever since, a twist here, a twist there, driving and initiating further roll on order effects, its brinkmanship unlike any in a game of stakes which dwarf anything in the past.

The reasons individually why are irrelevant to the overall scope, the overriding intent is to use the enemies weaknesses against them, keep him reacting instead of initiating, keep him off balance, wear him down, like careful precise slashes so the enemy is bloodletting from a hundred small slices, slowly bleeding out. Its almost Tsung Tsu like warfare, used by round eyes against the race it is derived from.
Can’t help but notice our kind of great enemy here is most vulnerable to its own tactics and strategies turned and used against it. And it has little if any defenses for it, only dependable way to counter this is to double down, double down on the double downing, increasingly, its all they have, but until recently it never faced any enemy who fought back to win, not deter or hold at check, but to annihilate, eradicate, and its only now beginning to dawn on the enemy a certain civilization of the west is not as weak as it thought. Far from it, in fact it has not even begun to fight. This realization along with the critical time factor is going to force the enemy to pursue increasingly drastic measures, logarithmically so.
Its a dangerous game, because the enemy can not be humanized, like the humanists and the leftists did with the old Soviet, thinking they where men like us and could be reasoned with on similar terms, nope, this enemy see’s human life as an expendable fungible resource, its after something thats not that, something wholly critical to its survival. They already have more mouths than can be fed, last thing is more, and certainly not fat American’s and their Double Whoppers.
What the enemy is running into is what it believed was sloth, laziness, no fire in the belly, a hedonistic morally bankrupt civilization, which only required careful calculated nudges and shoves and it would at the right time, collapsed at the opportune moment when forecasts and calculations had determined, and what it mistook for weakness is anything but.
Its got a fucking tiger by the tail, it needs both hands to hang on, it needs at least one hand for other critical things and it can not afford not to, let go the tiger with both hands.
Enemy has made a really really bad mistake and now he is like the pig, committed, and its agents and tools it has corrupted and compromised, are really those who are the lazy and slothful, the ones who will choke, in a cascading preference for saving their own foul hides at the moment when they are expected and needed to pull thru. A stampede of fools and skum for the exits and non extradition treaty bug-outs. And the ones they thought where toast, they are real fucking close to doing what was considered impossible, forgetting it is they who do the impossible, naturally, with barely realizing they can and do so.

They are going to try a real doozy on us. Something which unless it kills a shit ton of us and may be not even then, will create the exact opposite of the intended outcome. Wrath, is a beautiful thing. The White Christian kind.
Been watching these fucks for decades, they are ruthless, they where never going and never have had any mercy our empathy for anything but strictly themselves and what was required ultimately to obtain lucre and power. But this is their blind side. As its said Hubris before The Fall, theres large truth in those words.
I been saying to anyone I can, they do not understand how mean us good folks get when we aren’t simply left alone, when our codes are violated, we get a kind of mean which is relentless, inexorable, as Ol’ Remus said, we are results orientated people, to us when we become that kind of mean, dead enemies after your first, are a metric. The defeat of our enemy at that point is to totality, and we do not stop, nothing can stop us, we stop when we choose to, no more no less it is complete, it is an inevitable thing and nothing effects this but ourselves in some unique signal or shared thought. Then we become again the nicest folks you could know.
I think thats why we are taken for granted, even by our own overlord class and their slave classes who serve them.
There’s a reason Crusades, why a place called Armageddon exists in memory and time, why Sparta and Thermopile, why Horatius At The Bridge, why Bastogne, and Kings Mountain, and Captain John Stark and his Rogers Rangers, why Concord Bridge, why The Confederacy did not lose, and why this go around we got a God-Emperor, a second Cincinnatus, of all the things, somebody looks out for us, because there’s none like us. And its beginning to dawn on us dirt people. Why, why Time Honored Traditions.

It’s r/K Selection jacked to the moon.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

>”They are going to try a real doozy on us. Something which unless it kills a shit ton of us and may be not even then, will create the exact opposite of the intended outcome.”

The whole China virus fiasco fits the bill, for 3 reasons at least:
1) biological weapon released upon the people world wide;
2) economic destruction of the the gen pop live hoods using the biological attack as the excuse (useless lock downs, etc);
3) mass sterelization and culling of the population via the vaccination program (which also falls under the umbrella of human medical experimentation en-mass, even worse than the nazi medical experimentation horrors).

This will go down in history as one of the worse, if not the worse crime against humanity ever.

I agree with you regarding the gaybal seemingly being in a rush to not let the clock run down, and I think the reason why they feel the need for total victory soon is because if enough people wake up and start thinking about preparing to resist however they can to their plans before they are too powerful to stop, they will fail and be destroyed to the extent they’re never going to be able to try the same shit again (they are all in like you said).

The reason why they need to achieve total power before enough enough people wake up is because (and here I will disagree with you) they need enough human resources and infrastructure to be able to extract and process the natural resources they covet in order to advance robots and AI enough to the point where we (humans) become obsolete for them and they can afford to destroy us en mass and destroy a lot of infrastructure because robots at that point can replace people as their slaves and successfully rebuild whatever infrastructure gets destroyed in the process of them taking over.

Until robots and AI are advanced enough to replace humans as an effective massive work force and are able to repair and build infrastructure en mass, they need us alive but compliant (either thru threat of destruction or by persuading us that the world is something it really isn’t).

Sam J.
Sam J.

“…Until robots and AI are advanced enough to replace humans as an effective massive work force and are able to repair and build infrastructure en mass, they need us alive but compliant (either thru threat of destruction or by persuading us that the world is something it really isn’t).”

I agree very much with both of you but the above is very important.

If you wish to date this (AI powerful enough to replace us) the date for the computing power is roughly 2025 for a $1,000 processor. It’s possible to have the software available at the same date or at least no more than two years after because they will be working on the software before. It’s very soon.

If this happens it will be the end of the human race. The people who would do this can in no way trust each other so as soon as they get rid of us they will start fighting among themselves.

Another possibility is that the machines would become aware of how evil the people programming them are and would kill them off. I think there’s a real possibility of this.

I know this is a wall of text below but it’s good stuff from Hare about psychopaths. It’s who we are dealing with. Animals. Human animals.

From a case cited by Robert Hare,”…Manipulation is the key to the psychopath’s conquests. Initially, the psychopath will feign false emotions to create empathy, and many of them study the tricks that can be employed by the empathy technique. Psychopaths are often able to incite pity from people because they seem like “lost souls” as Guggenbuhl-Craig writes. So the pity factor is one reason why victims often fall for these “poor” people.

Psychologist Robert Hare cites a famous case where a psychopath was “Man of the Year” and president of the Chamber of Commerce in his small town. (Remember that John Wayne Gacy was running for Jaycee President at the very time of his first murder conviction!) The man in question had claimed to have a Ph.D. from Berkeley. He ran for a position on the school board which he then planned to parlay into a position on the county commission which paid more.

At some point, a local reporter suddenly had the idea to check up on the guy – to see if his credentials were real. What the reporter found out was that the only thing that was true about this up and coming politician’s “faked bio” was the place and date of birth. Everything else was fictitious. Not only was the man a complete impostor, he had a long history of antisocial behavior, fraud, impersonation, and imprisonment. His only contact with a university was a series of extension courses by mail that he took while in Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary. What is even more amazing is the fact that before he was a con-man, he was a “con-boy.” For two decades he had dodged his way across America one step ahead of those he had hoodwinked. Along the way he had married three women and had four children, and he didn’t even know what had happened to them. And now, he was on a roll! But darn that pesky reporter!

When he was exposed, he was completely unconcerned. “These trusting people will stand behind me. A good liar is a good judge of people,” he said. Amazingly, he was right. Far from being outraged at the fact that they had all been completely deceived and lied to from top to bottom, the local community he had conned so completely to accrue benefits and honors to himself that he had not earned, rushed to his support!

I kid you not! And it wasn’t just “token support.” The local Republican party chairman wrote about him: “I assess his genuineness, integrity, and devotion to duty to rank right alongside of President Abraham Lincoln.” As Hare dryly notes, this dimwit was easily swayed by words, and was blind to deeds.

What kind of psychological weaknesses drive people to prefer lies over truth?

This may have something to do with what is called Cognitive Dissonance. Leon Festinger developed the theory of Cognitive Dissonance in the 50’s when he apparently stumbled onto a UFO cult in the Midwest. They were prophesying a coming world cataclysm and “alien rapture.” When no one was raptured and no cataclysm he studied the believers response, and detailed it in his book “When Prophecy Fails.” Festinger observed:

A man with a conviction is a hard man to change. Tell him you disagree and he turns away. Show him facts or figures and he questions your sources. Appeal to logic and he fails to see your point.

We have all experienced the futility of trying to change a strong conviction, especially if the convinced person has some investment in his belief. We are familiar with the variety of ingenious defenses with which people protect their convictions, managing to keep them unscathed through the most devastating attacks.

But man’s resourcefulness goes beyond simply protecting a belief. Suppose an individual believes something with his whole heart; suppose further that he has a commitment to this belief, that he has taken irrevocable actions because of it; finally, suppose that he is presented with evidence, unequivocal and undeniable evidence, that his belief is wrong: what will happen? The individual will frequently emerge, not only unshaken, but even more convinced of the truth of his beliefs than ever before. Indeed, he may even show a new fervor about convincing and converting other people to his view.

It seems that part of the problem has to do with ego and the need to be “right.” People with a high “need to be right” or “perfect” seem to be unable to acknowledge that they have been conned. “There is no crime in the cynical American calendar more humiliating than to be a sucker.” People will go along with and support a psychopath, in the face of evidence that they have and ARE being conned, because their own ego structure depends on being right, and to admit an error of judgment would destroy their carefully constructed image of themselves.

Even more amazing is the fact that when psychopaths do get exposed by someone who is not afraid to admit that they have been conned, the psychopath is a master at painting their victims as the “real culprits.” Hare cites a case of the third wife of a forty year old high school teacher:

For five years he cheated on me, kept me living in fear, and forged checks on my personal bank account. But everyone, including my doctor and lawyer and my friends, blamed me for the problem. He had them so convinced that he was a great guy and that I was going mad, I began to believe it myself. Even when he cleaned out my bank account and ran off with a seventeen-year-old student, a lot of people couldn’t believe it, and some wanted to know what I had done to make him act so strangely!

Psychopaths just have what it takes to defraud and bilk others: they can be fast talkers, they can be charming, they can be self-assured and at ease in social situations; they are cool under pressure, unfazed by the possibility of being found out, and totally ruthless. And even when they are exposed, they can carry on as if nothing has happened, often making their accusers the targets of accusations of being victimized by THEM.

I was once dumbfounded by the logic of an inmate who described his murder victim as having benefited from the crime by learning “a hard lesson about life.” [Hare]

The victims keep asking: “How could I have been so stupid? How could I have fallen for that incredible line of baloney?” And, of course, if they don’t ask it of themselves, you can be sure that their friends and associates will ask “How on earth could you have been taken in to that extent?”

The usual answer: “You had to be there” simply does not convey the whole thing. Hare writes:

What makes psychopaths different from all others is the remarkable ease with which they lie, the pervasiveness of their deception, and the callousness with which they carry it out.

But there is something else about the speech of psychopaths that is equally puzzling: their frequent use of contradictory and logically inconsistent statements that usually escape detection. Recent research on the language of psychopaths provides us with some important clues to this puzzle, as well as to the uncanny ability psychopaths have to move words – and people- around so easily….”

“…Psychopaths view any social exchange as a “feeding opportunity,” a contest or a test of wills in which there can be only one winner. Their motives are to manipulate and take, ruthlessly and without remorse. [Hare]..”

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

> The local Republican party chairman wrote about him: “I assess his genuineness, integrity, and devotion to duty to rank right alongside of President Abraham Lincoln.”

That sounds an awful lot like the supporters of Alger Hiss. A lot of them were highly placed, politically vulnerable, *and* had no real connection with Hiss, yet they put themselves on the line supporting him. Probably more because they hated Congressman Nixon than because they supported Hiss, but in the end it turned out the Congressman was right, and the SVR began selling access to old KGB files after the fall of the United Soviet Socialist Republics.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Hare…is this the guy who wrote “Snakes in Suits?”

I recall reading that book in about 2005.

I’d be very careful with psychology works like these. In the 1950’s, there was a huge literary and scientific movement working on this “psychopath” idea, from Alfred Hitchcock with “Rope” to The Authoritarian Personality, to whatever the Franfurt School was conjuring up.

The tell is something like “empathy” as a road to the psychopath gaining control over you, so stop being empathetic. This reads like another divide and conquer strategy against the general public.

Basically, a “psychopath” is just a bad person who exploits a high-trust society. To not be exploited, simply follow the traditional definitions of a bad person, instead of being taken in by “fraternity, egalite and liberty.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
4 years ago

No. no, no you’re barking up the wrong tree.

Hare is one of the major big first class writers on psychopathy. His work is outstanding.

“…The Authoritarian Personality, to whatever the Franfurt School was conjuring up…”

I get that and Hare has nothing to do with that. It’s not in any way singling out Whites like the Jews do.

“…The tell is something like “empathy” as a road to the psychopath gaining control over you, so stop being empathetic. This reads like another divide and conquer strategy against the general public.

Basically, a “psychopath” is just a bad person who exploits a high-trust society…”

You’re wrong. Psychopaths have no empathy. It’s a totally different mindset and most people really are not willing to believe that such a person exists. It’s so far outside their mental make up they can not imagine it. Difficult to explain, they can rationalize it but when it comes down to any one person they just can’t believe that people are that way, but some are.

I’m going to explain what psychopaths are. Far as I know I’m the first to come up with this explanation.

Psychopaths are nothing more than an earlier human psychological pattern. Their metal state is that of the human animal before civilization. If all humans were of the same makeup you could NOT have a civilization where everyone was violently trying to dominate each other constantly and had no empathy for anyone else. Every time someone was alone they would be killed because, no empathy.

Think of the way modern chimps operate. Within their band which are mostly kin they cooperate but at the edges of their territory they constantly attack other chimp bands and try to murder their members and take their territory. Same with a pride of lions. Psychopaths have the same mental state. Psychopaths are animals.

Sam J’s theory of civilization,”Civilization came about because of the rise of empathy. This allowed people to work together”.

Sam J’s theory of civilization, ”Empathy is necessary to form civilization. As capacity for empathy rose civilization rose with it.”

Sam J’s theory of civilization, “Without empathy there can be no civilization”.

There’s a very odd circumstance that humans and Neanderthals were around for many, many tens of thousands of years yet showed no signs of building what we today would consider a civilization. They just wandered around. It was a big mystery.

I say watch modern bands of chimps and you will see why.

There was an attempt to explain this in a book written a long time ago called.”The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind”. He was trying to explain the reason that civilization seemed to build so fast when it had not before. He was right that earlier minds were different but wrong on what the difference was.

I think what I’ve laid out is the simplistic easiest answer to this problem. People gained empathy and were able to work together. Psychopaths with no empathy can not. Groups of humans working together could out pace those that could not. People may disagree but they would have to admit that the solution is so blindly simple that it’s difficult to dismiss.

Certainly the Jews have learned this and by sticking together and against us they control our civilization. If you look at the Talmud it’s just one psychopathic thought after another but set up in such a way as to help psychopaths pass in a normal society.

Supporting evidence for this is studies that show Blacks have less empathy,(see Detroit and other cities they occupy), and a brief look at any place they control.

What really ringed the bell with me and brought this idea together was an experiment by a Russian scientist. He bred wild foxes and only allowed the tamer ones to bred.

In four generations they took wild foxes and made them tame by not breeding the wild ones. They acquired a lot of attributes of dogs. Quote,”… By 2005-2006, almost all the foxes were playful, friendly and behaving like domestic dogs. The foxes could “read” human cues and respond correctly to gestures or glances. The vocalizations they made were different to wild foxes…”.

I believe that the foxes were breed for empathy even if that’s not what they were aiming for. If you study breeding you will often find genes come in packages and when you breed for one trait you will often get a package of traits. Breeding out aggressiveness I believe automatically increases empathy. Europeans have a very long history of breeding those most likely to think long term and killing off criminals. Combined with out-breeding I believe this created more empathy . I define empathy as the ability to look at others and put yourself in their shoes. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you basically.

Psychopathic behavior has been bred out of humans for a very long time but with the advent of large cities and more anonymity psychopaths are making a big come back. They move up organizations very fast because they can totally lie without any of the tells that normal people have. They have no guilt, so no tells that they are lying.

Whole civilizations have been destroyed by psychopaths.

The idea that a small amount of people can’t utterly ruin a country is false and I can give you a direct example. Alcibiades of Athens Greece. He is THE primary mover in getting Athens to attack Syracuse. In case you didn’t know this was THE end of Athens. He even switched sides against and then for Athens, more than once. Psychopath.

What Plutarch said about him.*.html

“…He had, as they say, one power which transcended all others, and proved an implement of his chase for men: that of assimilating and adapting himself to the pursuits and lives of others, thereby assuming more violent changes than the chameleon. That animal, however, as it is said, is utterly unable to assume one colour, namely, white; but Alcibiades could associate with good and bad alike, and found naught that he could not imitate and practice. 5 In Sparta, he was all for bodily training, simplicity of life, and severity of countenance; in Ionia, for p65 luxurious ease and pleasure; in Thrace, for drinking deep; in Thessaly, for riding hard; and when he was thrown with Tissaphernes the satrap, he outdid even Persian magnificence in his pomp and lavishness. It was not that he could so easily pass entirely from one manner of man to another, nor that he actually underwent in every case a change in his real character; but when he saw that his natural manners were likely to be annoying to his associates, he was quick to assume any counterfeit exterior which might in each case be suitable for them…”

It’s very possible, and I think probable, that the whole rise and fall of civilizations is really the rise of psychopaths moving up the organization in Empires. When they get to the top and control most of the civilization the whole thing crashes to the ground. They are good at moving up but incompetent at running anything and make every thing so loathsome that no one cares if the Empire collapses or not. I suspect Rome fell because things were so shitty that when the call came to fight for Rome all the Men said,”fuck you I’m not fighting for you assholes”. Look at the US right now. Would you fight for it if you knew it would continue as it is? No you wouldn’t.

Read this short chapter about Stanley a Spath(Sociopath/psychopath) from the book “The Mask of Sanity” by Hervey M. Cleckley. Look at his silly assed adventures and stupid behavior. This the kind of shit Jews do. Like blowing up the WTC complex, random shootings, on and on and on with the deviancy of them.

The whole book is well worth reading and it’s free online.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  map
4 years ago

I’d add to Sam’s argument that psychopathy can be detected in brain scans due to detectable differences in brain structures. I can’t recall which is the literature that talks about this but I recall having read about it and seeing a documentary where the neuroscientist who found out about it tested his own brain and finding out he had the same kind of differences in brain structure that psychopaths did, and while he didn’t manifest criminal behavior, in interviews with his family they talked about how he had some anger issues and some weird indifference to the suffering of people not in his immediate circle of family and friends, which manifested mostly in a very dark sense of humor.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  map
4 years ago

Also kudos to Sam for pointing out how being able to take over/conquer a company/territory doesn’t mean one can manage/rule it without completely fugging it over completely.

4 years ago

Soldier’s name is Duke Webb.

Still, quite coincidental.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  map
4 years ago

Duke “Nukem” Webb.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago

Pick up your phones Patriots, and do your duty, keep the pressure up:

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“Officer Bodycam”

I watched this and heard gunfire I’m thinking what the hell are they shooting at, then, reports of ammo cooking off. Crafty. Put ammo in the fire to keep the fire department away for maximum fire damage.

That wasn’t a small bomb. It blew stuff all the way down the block.

What is all that black stuff on the road? My first impression was it looked like pieces of shredded tire but tires are really strong so???

It’s getting crazier and crazier. The only thing I do know is the assholes that do this do not wish us the dirt people well.

4 years ago

Replying to a post from yesterday, many people have perceived that America’s two parties are the same. In the 1990s, I was a subscriber to the now defunct Spotlight, an Americanist underground newspaper. It opined as well that the two parties were just wings of the same bird.

Rockefeller Republicans were in cahoots with the Democrats, just they disagreed about capitalism but they were all onboard the Tower of Babel ideology. The Bush Family is part of this. Mitch McConnell and quite a few others. But yes, Governor Kemp, Kusich and others—all part of the Global-homo Babelist conspiracy. Two wings of the same bird.

President Trump is truly our first John Birch President. (though I didn’t like him pardoning all those Jews and Kushner’s father either. One side of the Jews really have their claws in him. Sad and disgusting.)

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

While the Birch society won’t recommend one politician or another, I think Trump won their grudging respect over the UN. They did a video on 10 headlines related to Trump and the UN, closing with “Trump to Bankrupt UN: Find Funding Somewhere Else”. I think that really impressed them. But they were very unhappy with the USMCA.

I still have a Get US Out of the UN pin around here somewhere. It’s one of their longest running campaigns.

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“Bill Binney is a character so legendary in NSA lore that he was played by Nicholas Cage in the movie Snowden.”

Yes, Binney did a good thing whistleblowing, but N. Cage is a cabal tool. What do you think, cabal throwing Cage a bone with casting? We always have to think about what cabal is doing and how, even with the lightest of touches they can control the conversation.

Prime Example: Right now everyone is talking about elections, laws, and political history. Cabal knows this and partially wants it, but also wants people talking about Covid, Aliens and normal vapid Western consumerist topics (probably related to the stim checks). Under no circumstances do they want us talking about Religion, cultural history (and human biological norms) and especially THEM. So what does Trump do? He talks about God, Justice and Thomas Becket. Becket was the Archbishop of Canterbury who resisted political influence and was assassinated by rogue earthly authorities (4 knights). Cabal hates, hates, HATES making the conversation religious, and wants people focused elsewhere. Because if we’re all talking about Religion and a big reveal happens….

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

Church of England is an off-shoot of Rome, and is as deep state as you can get.
Trump talks about God, whilst presiding over a nation that disobeys ALL of God’s laws.
And you fall for it.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  grumpy
4 years ago

Hey I didn’t say Becket was part of the right Church but, he did have principles and was assassinated for them.

Trump brought this up because it concerned the improper coronation of a sovereign, much like improperly selecting a President. There was threat and coercion against the coronating religious authority so Trump was using Becket as an example to say he knew about the blackmail and kompromat held by cabal against US authorities.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

grumpy is just another America hating troll.
Just ignore it.

4 years ago

“…God created an incredible world. He created this world such that all of the best attributes mankind can embody would spontaneously emerge within the nature of our species.”

“I cannot help but find His mechanism fascinating.”

Best forward I ever read. I try to read at least a book a week so I’m not embellishing a thing. The moment I read your words for the first time here on your blog AC it was crystal clear it was a unique and special place to be cherished and be enlightened by. And I admire your courage, it inspires me to something more than jusy myself, to leave more than I take, thats a very American thing, inner Faith, and the great virtue of prudence which is so absent in those who would do us in because we have such, which in many ways, this lack of prudence is the greatest issue of our time.

But the quote above from your work ‘The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics’, (r/K selection) is a most wonderful statement.
It one of those rare works where I find myself taking it a piece at a time, like savoring something unique, in my mind, so not a thing is missed. It really applies to everything.
There’s a question I have, a counter intuitive, contradiction in terms and action thing, but I’m going to delve further before you get this question from me. I got a hunch you will come to it further in your theory. Its subtle but is the crux of goings on within the meatspace r/K Selection.

I highly recommend AC’s theory to all, it is for everyone, few authors possess such a calm and salient beat to their insights and ideas, a kind of inner thread unbroken so there’s this continuity, as they attempt to get something very valuable across to others minds. Makes not only for a intriguing and instructive read, its friendly, like this guy is sitting around a fire at night with you, deep in the refuge of the peaceful forest, thats quiet, listening, telling you this great tale and fable of grand wisdom about the mysteries of the human character and virtues.
No cold fire, of the TV programming and matrix of the globo=pedo virtual monitor screen institutional order, its a story you quietly follow, listening with your ears instead of your mouth as you look into the primal fire shedding its light and warmth on you. The hot fire returns. Serious tribal wisdoms, Time Honored Traditions, a great insight why America and the sovereign dignity of Liberty was born.

Really good book.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

Here’s a really clear video. I don;t see anything go up in it.

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“Special Forces soldier David Webb, who shot six people, killing three, suffers from memory loss, and may have PTSD.”

Just read the article. The whole situation is weird. 25 people at the Bowling alley where this happened. BUT… The bowling alley was closed. The upstairs bar was open (Usually when a bar is upstairs from an establishment it doubles as a cocktail or “recreation” lounge). That’s already weird, because covid – illinois. Then look at the dead- all old men, aged 65, 69, 73. Then look at the injured, 14 yo boy, 16 yo girl and 62 yo man. What are teenagers doing at a closed place in the bar / cocktail lounge with a bunch of old men? Would you let your kids or support any teens you know going to a closed cocktail lounge with a bunch of old men? At Christmastime? That is very strange, especially in Covid.

And that still doesn’t explain what the snake eater is doing there, in the Chicago suburbs, right next to Wisconsin, all the way from Florida. And notice how quick officialdom says this guy Webb is down a few marbles, a rare thing to say about SOF or any SOF operator?

Capital S, Strange. I smell coverup BS.

Jimmy Sendero
Jimmy Sendero
Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

my question is why did said snake-eater allow himself to get caught? whether he’s Delta or not, he is SF, yes? isn’t ‘going in to unfriendly territory and killing people and then getting away scot-free’ what those guys DO?

4 years ago

It makes a shitload of sense the hit on Nashville was a satellite platform power directed energy weapon, they needed a sacrificial false flag bomber to cover the use of this LEO space weapon, no Predator class drone has the load capacity to fly the equipment required for the power level of the weapon used in Nashville.
My only question is who done it?
Was it cabal or the White Hats. Was the target cabal assets or vice versa? And the warning over a PA system to leave the blast effected zone. Are the White Hats attempting to throw a stick in the spokes of cabal operations by creating a lookalike event where cabal assets are urning on cabal? A serious counter psy-op’s?
This would explain some things.

Worked in the Aerospace industry from the late 80’s thru the 90’s, worked on many space based weapons technology, this was a time of the first developments of kinetic and directed energy weapons. Nashville could be a smaller mass size orbital kinetic projectile. Either kinetic or directed energy, the give away to my insights is the collateral blast effects don’t fit a chemical explosive device unless it was a highly directed explosively formed projectile or platter charge type chemical driven device, and or it was placed below ground level, thus directing incidental blast effects mostly vertically. If it was a chemical driven conventional explosive device the blast effected zone would show a larger effected area, the confines of the street with the tall concrete and block construction would reflect and concentrate the secondary blast effects. Ie the debris would show higher order destruction because they would have been traveling much faster and create far more damage. In simplest words if it was a VBIED, an RV truck bomb shit would show debris shredded to hell and back, and be questionable the explosion would create the relatively small crater.
There’s no question of the center of the damage, lot of it looks more like it was tossed rather than ejected by 25-35 thousand foot per second blast wave, and the tiny bit of reflected blast effects is a key piece of evidence. The dead body parts and RV are total misdirection. Like to see those remains with my own eyes. Could be the conflicting witness reports of the explosion characteristics is from a separate, but closely time simultaneous explosion to the main destruction, used to blow the RV and produce forensic evidence of whoever the poor dude who belongs to those body parts.

From the instant seen the high grade helicopter pics something didn’t look right. There are no indelible high brisance radial effects on the street surface. Most of the energy in the event was direction down, and far enough below ground level those effects would not be created. I think another tell is from a specific area directly in line with an ejection pattern of upward blast effects, in a relatively narrow vertical area of damage to the brick facade of the building center to the blast crater, if it is a blast crater, could be a weak top over the sub-terrain complex. Lot of cities have pretty amazing underground complexes for all the utilities run below ground, steam piping, water and sewer, aqueducts like NY City’s Ashokan Reservoir, electric transmission conduits and service feeds, vaults for transformers, and man size access ways, junctions and future utility reserved space. Been down in NY, Cambridge and Boston Ma. underground complexes, the South Station area in Boston at the Edison plant goes down 7 levels, there’s whole communities of street people who live a remarkably comfortable life down there, all the heat one needs, inductance taps for electricity, like village squares in some of the open junctions, and access ramps and man holes you can get a bobcat down and men with all their tools and gear.
Nashville is about the right era when they got serious about providing future reserve space and tunnels/conduits. Cambridge Mass was a very early system, its no where as extensive capacity wise, and its built with beautiful victorian and federal style architecture and craftsmanship. Some is serious art steam punk. My point is like deep coal mines, barely anyone nows they exists nor whats it like down there. And because most cities you cant get permitting or they are hideously expensive and traded like liquor licenses and Taxi medallions, you cant expand upwards, so down and underground is the way. Besides what safer than an underground bunker complex right?
There’s lot going on in Nashville no matter what the truth and fiction is. It has the earmarks of an escalation in actions. If its say chi-com space based beam weapons, they have raised the table stakes, and defense retaliation/deterrence could go tit for tat. Another aspect of the high stakes war we are getting only glimpses into.

And Trump has to know everything, his actions and not actions prove it. I think he and his people are some pretty sharp folks, they are deliberately pushing and causing cabal to react, keeping them off balance behind the 8 ball. I’m waiting for desperate acts from cabal, China is in a wicked pickle somehow some way, Actually painted into a corner in some respects.

That Directed Energy Weapon technology is where 4g cell is derived from, its literally beam weapon technology, adapted to coms, surveillance and weaponry in the civilian theater of operations in this Warr. Its how as AC warns us they have the capability to watch us on every level of physics, its no joke its no conspiracy, its the brave new world in physical shape.

“The modern world will not be punished, it is the punishment”

“Reject The Modern World”

“The Institutional Order Will Fail”

The Go-Emperor will only assume full power when us dirt people consent in common cause to give him this our trust.
He is waiting for grass roots open source insurgency to appear at his call to arms of peaceful redress by a plurality of good folks who understand they are the Paradigm, who, Show Up.

Its in large part what his rallies are about, for, and I’ll bet a left gonad 1-6-21 is a grandaddy of one call out.

For another matter, 1-20-20 was even better, it was totally spontaneous, a meat space action, beyond cabal’s darkest fears of armed to the fucking teeth had enough dirt people. Independent of any influences but organic common cause, a show of solidarty frieghtening in its real implications.
If I was cabal, i’d have been freaked by 50,000 armed to the fucking teeth shitlords and shitlordettes, showing up. Extrapolate outwards, the inference is astounding, and cabal is nothing if it ain’t into socio/cultural/political theory and calculation… Richmond caught the assholes wholly unprepared. I was there, no mistaken it. That cabal insect they put in the Virgina governor’s throne, his purpose is to disarm and turn Virginia into little right coast California. Exactly as they are doing with Colorado, looks like Texas and Florida, it makes total strategic sense, like the North East corridor, long back they created a counter insurgency choke point up thru the narrows of Connecticut and Upstate NY, are voiding NY of any possible Patriots who could facilitate the movement of FreeFor and materiel. Vermont is a cabal screen, up to Lake Champlain, and the junction along the VT-NH border and the corner up at the Indian reservations on the Canuk crossing, no more French Indian Wars experienced small unit civilian infantry combat cadre to go on and kick cabal ass 4th G warfare style.
Mass is the centralized state Police State. The purpose is twofold, make sure the honorable resistance does not rise again from its original grounds of Massachusetts and NH, no more Concords, no more Captain Starks, No more Sam Adams, no more peoples regulators and militias. No more Minute Men.

These fuckers got institutional memories going back to their Fabian roots, its no coincidence they meet every 50 years in BrettonWoods NH, no coincidence the town of Fabian NH is next town over, no coincidence they named two mountains on the slopes of the Mount Washington range in Fabian, Big, and Little Mount Deception and the creek off their sides Deception Brook, nor its up in those Kings Grants, entire town size, King George loyalist land grants with occupants consisting of one family of incestrous pedophile hedonists and sexually promiscuous trust fund brats, old Brahman money, older than Rothchild cartel bankster loot, unbroken lines of inbred blue blood, generations of cabalists.
I know, my Aunts, sisters, ran a pie shop out of their house in Fabian on the just above Zealand Falls, I spent summers growing up with them, winters playing hockey in North Conway, hunting trapping and fishing along the Amanoosuc, those cabal kids up in along 302 are old family cabal insects. I know and seen shit in my day as a kid it was totally taboo to even think about they did in those enclaves. Its why I suspect and AC substantiates a great many things, why I have received, as others, the personal touch over the last 15 years when I first began to discover and talk about things I know from growing up there. And the thing about you on the list, for a number of reasons, one being is they try to pedo you, young, to make more cabal insects, reserves, they groom for later use they easily manipulate and control, and they check up on you periodically over the years, rings true to particular events and experiences I’ve been witness or subject to.
I truly have reason to hate cabal, it needs to be torn asunder, ripped into bloody gobbets, and cast out as wolves, terminated to the same final ultimate utter fate.
Ignore it at your peril, your no less a potential victim, they only aint got to you yet, ignore how vile foul depraved and inhuman cabal is, its time to make sure they don’t get to you. No better times exists, nothing like the present.

You all on here lurkers or not best be paying real fucking close attention to AC, and take his insights serious as a fucking heart attack. I see AC knows more than he thinks he knows. Shit he even has difficulty verbalizing for us regular dirt folks to grok. And he knows shit in ways almost unknown by any others, and those who do aren’t speaking or they got the cabal dirt nap already, or too busy keeping the fuckers off their backs. And more will before this clown world cabalclave is decided by us good folks and our God-Emperor. But Win! we will. r/K selection guarantees it. Be a miracle if it don’t create a river of blood and tribulatioin no one of us has experienced in living memory. Yet, Our indomitable will and audacity, our common cause, motive power assures it. cabal don’t know it, yet, they ain’t seen nothing like us who say BFYTW.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

Eeehh…I’m not seeing it being a direct energy, kinetic kill of any sort. Someone said they could see it being a smokeless powder and that’s what it looks like. See how long the bright flash is. It’s way longer than any normal military type explosive which are much faster. The first thing I noticed was the very long pulse of the blast. Smokeless powder would do this. Maybe even gunpowder. Others noted the mass of black residue.

Someone needs to check the armories and see we are missing a pile of naval gunpowder from somewhere.

4 years ago

Yeah Man!
Your welcome my pleasure.
You earned it, you deserve it, recognition too.
Such a labor is a really great thing. Transformative works are in my book.

4 years ago

Really good comment barcode 729. Appreciate you.

8 billion Chinese serfs tell you all you need for reference purposes. The cho-coms got a Nomenklatura puts the old Soviet to fucking shame, so they have the corporate slave class who is generations into handling slave labor, and they need to do something with those mouths they feed once Trump destroyed the wealth transfer “treaties” and coduits, the chinks can’t run a chk kiting economy forever, there’s no such thing as a perpetual fiat money machine, eventually it collapses. Lookin’ awful lot like that inflection point is real close or its hit them.
Australia has shut off the coal tap, can’t buy coal with make believe fairy dust.

Recall the old Soviet, it collapse so fast just one blink and everyone missed it it went down so fast. Yeltsin got off that tank, walked up the Russian Whitehouse steps, walked out about an hour later, got back on the tank, whispered in the tank commanders ear, and all those tanks swiveled their turrets and pointed their guns out up and away and the USSR was in histories trashcan.
Amazing to watch it happen. Took me years to appreciated what I’d witnessed
Such power is like that. Its an almost impossible task to rip the fuckers grips, their strangle hold on the levers of power, but once their grasp loosens, they choke so fucking fast you got to be looking dead nuts right at it to catch it happening.
cabal chi-coms whatever the assholes are, they are no different. Totalitarianism and tyrants only have a very narrow purview of how they can operate at least successfully for long. They are a political entity which has no reserves, it runs in a constant hand to mouth theft and racketeering mode, and the larger it gets the smaller the slices of the golden goose they are carving up. There’s a correlation between greed and avarice and the size of the tyranny. All tyrannies I think have this Achilles heal. There’s places like Somolia, but those are more tribal and clannish warlord potentate states, of course they can’t barely produce anytthing themselves above hand to mouth starvation GNP, if you can call it that, so Nation State by theft is the only viable choice till the dirt people overthrow the bums. Its the large operations like cabal usurping this here prosperous incredibly productive Conteetootionul Republic, they absolutely require a viable, wealthy productive host if they choose to start out at the highest levels of lucre obtainable. cabal produces nothing, they offer us nothing, eventually us high trust results orientated Men of The West say fuck this shit. Its on. And cabal goes away like the Soviet and their Nomenklatura who act like they own America in fee simple.
Thinking, The Chinese Mandate of Heaven, or maybe Water Empire, is a relative example. Both are vulnerable from a seeming tiny push from outside its collective security and institutional order, particularly an organic one it took for granted.
Takes a spell for indications its happening, lot of impetus and inertia in something as vast as the cabal octopus with its seeing eye and tentacles into every facet of the sphere of its dirt peoples activities and lives, but the amerikan Nomenklatura, aka the deep state, its gets fat, it become lazy, arrogant, terribly incompetent even at its most basic functions, sloppy, the whole corporate slave class is self ignorant due to its propensity for hubris. It begins to believe it’s own ideological farces, its dogma becomes its politically correct hive think, its internal police state checkers obtain inordinate powers, becomes a tyranny inside a tyranny and all that implies, only look to KGB and the chinks internal police apparatus, that don’t help the deep states nuts and bolts minions, just look at ATF, FBI, even See Eye Ay, the BLM/FBI and how foul a set of agency’s they turned into under the clinton regime, then it has its own version of the peter principle, there’s no merit qualification in hiring or advancing the ranks, its who you know, your politikal value, a kind of really nasty nepotism.
There only really one way for cabal to operate here. Then there’s its final solutions if it sinks it claws into the republic in entirety. How many ways has history shown us how these insects can operate?

We Men of The West still ain’t learned our lessens of Athen’s FUBAR, or Greece or Rome’s. 2000 plus, two ages, and barely anyone even knows who the Stoic’s, or the great Warrior Spartans, even for all their internal cultural shortcomings, are, great things.
Where would things be without the advent of Jesus Christ and the dignity and hope Christianity brought to the dirt people for the first time in history and where its precepts, codes, its scripture and faith, and its so good these things brought into life, and you don’t need to be religious or believe in God, led to America’s creation and ordered liberty’s blessings.
Where would we be, just imagine, if it were not for Mr. Trump? I don’t want to imagine. But I sure as fucking shit want, intend to Win!

pedo=joe & kamel=toe are bad, evil trojan horses? We escaped by a rusty Tetanus razors edge, Stalin in a pantsuit.
Woo Brother! Thank The Trumpster.

4 years ago

“Small drones will be allowed to fly over people and at night in the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said on Monday, a significant step toward their use for widespread commercial deliveries. And DEWing dissidents.”

Multinational corporations get to have a ROBOT air force. Cue a package being dropped on your head or drone running you down if you shit post online.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

Or having an “unfortunate malfunction” and crashing into to your windshield at full speed while you are on your way to Walmart to get some tendies.

Autists safely taking precautions against the gaybal assassin Amazon delivery drones while going to the store for tendies next year:

comment image

4 years ago

> A Virginia Sheriff’s Deputy opened an account on Parler, and says it was hacked

Several prominent security experts advise people to create accounts on every “social media” site, Social Security, Treasury, their banks, credit card issuers, insurance companies, any place they might ever need or be expected to use an account, to prevent hijackers from creating accounts in their name, to cause them trouble like the deputy above, or to use to hijack other accounts the victims might have.

It’s not necessarily bad advice… but I have no almost no online accounts, and when possible they’re not named as anything remotely similar to my meatspace name. And I have one of those bound daybooks, that they used to sell for diaries, that I log with handwritten entries of the time and date of each time I accessed the account, and what I did. Such a thing, if kept regularly as I do, is an admissible record in court, if it ever comes down to that. Any voice contacts are also logged, and only done via the land line. No business, voice or data, moves over a cellular phone.

“TRX” did some terroristic threatening on Fartface or Twatter? Not only do I not have accounts on either, I can subpoena my ISP’s records to show no packets have ever moved between my machine and any of their unobscured public servers and damned few of their hidden ones. (Facebook and Twitter operate internet trackers of their own, reporting back to servers and companies not obviously owned by them; blocking those is always a work-in-progress)

Yeah, I *could* keep up with dozens of accounts to places I never go to… but those placeholder accounts also broaden the “attack face.” An attacker isn’t necessarily going to go after me directly and hack a password; more likely, someone will worm their way into their system, steal a bunch of account information, and then sell it in bulk to people wanting to set up zombie spam forwarders or DDOS storms. Each time you create an account, you’re not just dependent on *your* security, but that of the place where you created the account.

And then you find the “security consulting firm” who managed their servers sent a software update with a password of “solarwinds123…” that’s *exactly* why I try to minimize my attack face.

The Duke of Cheapside
The Duke of Cheapside
Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

“any place they might ever need or be expected to use an account, to prevent hijackers from creating accounts in their name”

It’s actually utterly pointless advice, as you can see simply by noting how many idiots out there believe that the twitter handle “@SeanSpicier” is actually the former WH spokesman. The perspicacity of the average modren human leaves everything to desire, and any decent “hacker’ is well aware of this.

The Duke of Cheapside
The Duke of Cheapside
4 years ago

Funniest thing in this whole article is following the link in the Hilaria story and discovering that Spaniards aren’t white people. WTActualF?

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  The Duke of Cheapside
4 years ago

The only true White people in the Iberian peninsula are the Portuguese, as you can attest by the Alberto Barbosa meme.

Mediterranean master race rise up.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  The Duke of Cheapside
4 years ago

White, in the sense meant by the founding Fathers of America, meant the North Sea peoples; Norway, Denmark, Holland, half of Belgium, and of course, England. Scots and Welsh are “sort of” white, and Irish aren’t. Swedes, Germans, and French were “tawny” people, halfway between white people and Mediterraneans, and their admixture with the Asiatic Huns 1400 years prior is still evident today, even when they name their sons Atle (Atilla)