News Briefs – 12/28/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


 5.5 K comments, 17.5 retweets?

 The tweet:


A reminder – As Donald Trump was being placed under federal FISA surveillance, now disgraced New York Attorney General Erik Schneiderman had used his authority as State Attorney General to unilaterally deploy his own State Surveillance team on not just Donald Trump, but his children as well. So basically there are other organizations at all levels of government who can do this to regular citizens with no court order. Surveillance teams are not dancing around each other when deployed on a target. These teams were in contact and combining their efforts, all as part of one massive machine. And even with all of this arrayed against him, the God Emperor still won handily. Still, if the official federal government can’t spy on you without jumping through all sorts of hoops, why can lower levels of government with even less vetted individuals in charge do the exact same thing on the arbitrary order of a single person? What is to stop a lower level government official from doing this to a FISC judge, to get control over her, or doing it to the head of the FBI to get control of the FBI’s intel apparatus, if there are no safeguards or oversight? Remember, Schneiderman was using the threat of surveillance on his abused girlfriend, to maintain the power over her to rape and beat her at will. Notice, from an intelligence-operation perspective, if the Trump administration is serious about making sure this can never happen again, they are going to have to address all surveillance and intelligence operations, by all entities, down to the PI level, probably. Anything less, and you create that one opening, where a hostile intel operation can target, infiltrate, take over, and begin trying to regain their leverage, level by level, as they rebuild their control over all levels of the machine. Oddly enough, I would guess you have 20-30,000 law-abiding Americans who are really woke to the dangers of intelligence/surveillance operations courtesy of firsthand experience, and who would make ideal officers in any oversight agency which comes out of the reforms. So this machine may have given Trump part of the solution to the problem, if he decides to create a counter-force to balance out the power of the government in this field, and represent the rights of regular citizens against a machinery which is naturally designed to violate them. Also probably not a bad idea to get those people and put them to work on something to occupy them actively protecting others, because if you just pull the surveillance state, make the files public, and then move on, you will have a large population with Tier-One surveillance detection skills, some good operational sense they absorbed osmotically, and a real hard-on for some score-settling with people who they feel wronged them and endured no consequence of note. Mark my words, somebody like a person who knew Brian Mancini, and failed to be there for him when he needed them because they disbelieved him when he told them his truth, will blame themselves, and look to vent that amygdala on revenge operations.

Hunter Biden was spotted in LA with his pregnant wife getting into a Porsche said to cost about $92k brand new, while he fights his paternity battle with another woman.

Trump retweeted the ‘QAnon’ hashtag #WWG1WGA to his 68 million followers and the media noticed and is freaking out.

Good piece from Conservative Treehouse showing the levels of corruption Trump faces, beginning with how the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence is comped, and as a result every appointee they move into office, like the Intelligence Committee Inspector General is comped as well, because they will not let an honest appointee through. As a result, both the actors in the intelligence game, the oversight, and the committee which does oversight of the oversight are all comped. That is not a mistake. Intel operatives have been playing this game a long time, They have war-gamed every possible scenario against themselves,  they know where the levers you will try to use within the system to fight them are, and they have moved specifically to get full control of those levers. I’m guessing the only thing which has saved Trump is he and Q grabbed the FISA files built up on every American, which will turn the entire US on the small intel op that is Cabal, and that is their “Plan Z.” In the meantime, they have a plan to slowly, piece by piece take back each level of power until they can defeat Cabal with the system again. But when Cabal has taken over and corrupted every lever you need, you can see why it is not a fast process, and why these things would take time.

George Soros-funded Southern Baptists push states to settle high-risk Islamic refugees.

Presidential candidate Joe Biden promises to obstruct justice by ignoring any subpoena from the Senate, to prove his ‘resistance’ bona fides.

FBI investigating British socialite Ghilsane Maxwell, and others who ‘facilitated’ Epstein.

DOJ requests a one week delay for second Flynn sentencing brief.

Fusion GPS’s Glenn Simpson reveals he was hired to investigate Trump in the “fall of 2015.”

WaPo runs to the defense of the Impossible veggie burger filled with Estrogen, saying there is no evidence it will give you breasts. Basically nobody has done a study on it yet, so ignore all the evidence about all the estrogen and feel free to eat as many as you want. Worst case scenario you can go tranny, and you won’t have to pay for breasts.

New gun restrictions coming to California in 2020. Anybody can just file for a Red Flag order claiming you made a threat, and you can’t own a gun for five years? Think it’ll ever happen in a divorce?

New York City Mayor’s latest soft-on-crime initiative has workers stationed on Rikers Island presenting newly released jailbirds with free transit passes and two $25 debit cards each. Immediately I wonder why not one $50 debit card? A contractor friendly to the mayor gets paid per card?

44 percent of U.S. workers earn $18,000 per year or less.

Amazon and Ring slapped with a lawsuit over camera hacking.

Massive brawl involving over a hundred teens closes down two California malls. And – Hundreds of teens storm Cincinnati-area mall, throwing punches and even hitting Police Officers. Notice how this is happening, as almost recreational outbursts. There will come a time in ten or fifteen years, when these same groups, only many, many more of them, will have to launch raids like this because they will have no food, and no other way of acquiring food. The Second American Depression will not be as peaceful as the first.

Russia’s natural population decline to hit 11-year record in 2019. I increasingly think there are two ways to promote population growth, both with very different long-term outcomes. If you have a K-society, as things get easy, K’s seem to go slightly r, but their natural responsibility mixes with a reduced rearing urge, and population growth will slip. Society will over time enter a natural economic decline, with shortage as old outnumber the young. This K-ification is a natural phase, and it will ignite the K-desire for children, you will have a baby boom, and you will begin the cycle anew. Something like a war can bump-start the process by speeding K-ification, as after WWII in the US. There is probably a way for an industrious leader to do this as well, such as President Trump’s amygdala stimulation of leftists, which I suspect is a brilliant cognitive programming operation he is doing to bring back K on a deep, subconscious level (though he probably knows it and simply views it as a mechanism). The other way to manage population growth is to panic and import hyper-r-strategists, which will bring with it the seeds of a society’s failure, with everything from crime, to welfarites, to outright rapists and murderous opportunists. Using hyper r’s to try and overcome the transient lull in K-reproduction is bound to fail in the long run. Far better to simply buckle up and let the cycle play out, or bump-start it with some K-stimuli applied to your own people.

A man who describes regret over voting for President Donald Trump in 2016 in a political ad, didn’t vote for him, according to news organizations that checked his voting record.

EU chief warns that new Brexit delay might be necessary.

Elizabeth Warren’s campaign sounds the alarm as fundraising pace slows about 30% in fourth quarter. Now Bernie will get a test drive, just as they would run his campaign against Trump in the General.

NASA warns of an asteroid approaching Earth at 63,000 mph with a chance of impact. Schumer and Pelosi have their fingers crossed.

Cartels and smuggling organizations are shifting towards supporting migration from more far-flung countries after Trump successes keeping South American migrants in their nations.

California public schools can’t suspend students for disobeying teachers, new law says.

Trans beauty queen says gender is ‘arbitrary,’ sues Miss United States pageant to let her in. Mark my words, if this continues, we will see ugly women suing beauty pageants on the grounds they discriminate against the ugly.

American and Russian troops got into a fistfght in Tell Tamer in northeast Syria on Wednesday.

Germany just guaranteed unemployed citizens around $330 per month indefinitely.

Liberals are genuinely talking about abolishing the Police. Leftists are celebrating that gay trannies with sex-assault rap sheets are rolling around on the floor with little children, and that Islam is taking over Europe. Get enough leftists in an area, and they will actually do this.

Court temporarily blocks NC from requiring photo ID at polls in 2020.

This one is a curious logical anomaly:

Scientists at the University of Bristol and the Technical University of Denmark have achieved quantum teleportation between two computer chips for the first time.

Hungary has pulled out of the Eurovision Song Contest because it has gone too LGBT for their people.

Alabama lawmakers think the time is right to make assaulting a cop a ‘hate crime.’ Throw in all politically/ideologically motivated violence as well.

Acceptance rate for US asylum seekers at historic low under Trump. Summary : Less than one percent of migrants seeking asylum at the southern border have been allowed to stay in the U.S.

Judge rules against Democrats, allowing the state of Georgia to remove from its voting rolls around 309,000 inactive voters who have moved out of state, whose addresses were undeliverable or who haven’t voted since 2012.

Immigration judges quit in response to administration policies. The winning never ends.

Judicial Watch sues FBI/DOJ for emails tied to so-called whistleblower.

A ramjet iceboat, as an example of what it would be like everywhere without Cabal trying to tamp down greatness:

Trump retweeted this next twitter thread, which is very important, as it shows that the highest Law Enforcement leaders in the land under Obama, all had to have knowingly and willingly violated the law to spy on Trump, and violated the Constitutional right to privacy of multiple American citizens. Bear in mind, left unsaid is that the intrusions were not just communication intercepts. You do not have the importance to generate a FISA warrant, and all they do is read your emails and try to extrapolate out everything else about you. If you get a FISA, everywhere around you, and everyone you know, and everyone they know, is exactly like the movie Enemy of the State, only with a lot, lot more people. And then with Trump, you have state and local operations throwing their resources into the party:

Spread r/K Theory, because what were they doing after the election was over?

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5 years ago

Good morning, AC. I don’t recall any reference to SerialBrain2’s work here. Do you follow his analyses at all? His focus on the Cabal’s communications and use of symbolism, gematria, and numerology is fascinating. He provides detailed explanations of their coded messaging to reveal the grand scheme of evil we face. SB2’s recent four-part series “Trump vs Cult 93” is epic:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

It is exactly that work you do that make this project of yours a true revelation. In years to come your site will be referenced and studied in textbooks across the world.

5 years ago

My kind of news day.

5 years ago

You need a share this on wordpress button, er reblog.

5 years ago

Whenever mentioning Soros and pro-amnesty “Evangelicals,” don’t forget to mention Paul Singer, the Vulture of Argentina, who has done as much to cuck the Republicans as anyone, and who is neck-deep in the Evangelical Immigration Table.

5 years ago

AC writes: “The Second American Depression will not be as peaceful as the first.”

We live in a different country. First off—-Family farms. In the thirties, many people lived on small family farms. If one was hungry, one could work for food. Those family farms had a multitude of food sources, personal gardens, chickens, hogs, cows, turkeys, etc.

Today—-Family Farms are practically non-existent!!!! No one knows how to grow things today. Much less raise animals for food. One can’t just walk out of a starving city to a family farm.

Second, the Protestant milieu. Protestantism embued the people with a Fear of God, there was respect, the Bible was read and generally people were religious and a god-fearing people. There was some amount of virtue.

Today—Most people are devoid of religion, piety. We live in an age of barbarianism. And there is NO Virtue anywhere.

Third, Race. Mostly, 1930s America was mostly white—Northern European. American society was genial by race and if the blacks acted up—the whites would put them down with a vengeance.

Today. Northern Europeans are a very slight minority. America is heavily minoritized and the minorities have no fear of the European–but a burning hatred for revenge! Islamic, Hispanic, Asian Indians–will all take a chunk.

A second American Depression—will be Hell on earth. It says, “…and the unrighteous will be turned into hell”. It will be a literal hell. America is a failed state–and everybody is going to go full whacko. America will be Venezuela, Yugoslavia and the Spanish Civil War COMBINED.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Top Google Whistleblower’s Wife Dies In Tragic Car Crash

5 years ago

The push for Beastcoin begins (Will they call it the Mark?)

Sovereign Powers Could Be Key to Mass Crypto Adoption

5 years ago

Libya parliament speaker urges rejection of UN-recognised govt

Homestead Tuck
Homestead Tuck
5 years ago

I, for some reason, just decided to try to explain r/K to my husband a bit tipsy. Not my best plan~ while I covered some major ground~ I failed in my overall approach. Damn. I just ordered the book to give me ammo for debate. After 3 years, I would hope I could explain clearly, but alcohol blocked me! I should have known. Thank you AC for the daily briefs that I devour each morning. Also, looking forward to sharing r/K with my husband. He probably knows it intuitively but will be fun to show him it specifically. Respect Good Sir!

5 years ago

Trump’s proposed Social Security disability cuts could end benefits for thousands

5 years ago

Austria’s Kurz Expects to Form Government With Greens Soon

Anna eppa
Anna eppa
5 years ago

What’s the meaning of 5:5 in Q’s drops?

Anna eppa
Anna eppa
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago


5 years ago

“The other way to manage population growth is to panic and import hyper-r-strategists, which will bring with it the seeds of a society’s failure, with everything from crime, to welfarites, to outright rapists and murderous opportunists.”

I think hardship is like fire hardening a blade with heat. Too little heat and the blade is soft. Too much and the blade becomes brittle and breaks.

There is a happy golden mean. Not too little not too much.

Perhaps a place for comfort to ensure that the gains actually occur.

Similarly exercise will strengthen the body. But the body needs rest in order for the muscles and bones to strengthen.

5 years ago

“droning.” “sanctimonious.”

“Even if you’re Barack Obama, nobody has time to read your *droning*, *sanctimonious* pontifications.”