News Briefs – 12/27/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – Micron Settles IP Theft Lawsuit To Mollify Beijing

DFT – Bitcoin Retreats, As Investors Weigh Bitcoin ETFs

DFT – Dazheng Group Consortium Looks To Buy Hollysys Automation For $1.8

DFT – Beijing Softens Online Gaming Stance

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

So I was listening to my nightly particle shower, and I was thinking, we see these shooters who complain they were getting The Beam™ and we assume this is a targeted, personalized situation, where they were getting The Beam™ as part of a planned program to make them a shooter. But then I was thinking, the brain is so complex, it would seem difficult to make a shooter that way. Then I wondered, is it possible they are just beaming so many people, that the shooters are not even purposeful, but every 50,000 people you beam, you knock out a part of the brain which restricts “shooter-behavior” and you set one off? We have a lot of people, just on this site, getting technical harassment, much of it far more sophisticated than some rando ground operative microwaving a neighbor. This program could be much bigger than anyone could imagine. I was getting this at 20, but had no idea it was not just some random quirk of the body which went haywire randomly. There could be many, many people out there who are being Beamed in the night.


I have an email from somebody who is being regularly hit by The Beam, and they say it hit their entire house at 8:15 AM in Hunter, New York, on the 25th and at 8:05 AM on the 26th. There are aspects of the account and the poster’s ID which I’m not able to go into which make the account pretty much legit. They could hear the impacts of particles on foil on a countertop in front of them, as well as feel the periodic hits dulling the very top of their head (implying it was coming almost straight down), as they were going about their day. They are unclear how it ended as after a period of getting used to the dulling, they suddenly realized after an hour it stopped. Does anybody have the ability to figure out what satellites were overhead at that spot, on those days, between 8 and 9AM, which might be capable of housing something particle-emissive? In my research, I am seeing there was a proposal to build a satellite based particle beam weapon and they even put one into space in 1989, but they claim they deorbited it, and never followed up on the research to create a permanent particle beam satellite program, so after the program ate billions and succeeded, they walked away, and there are definitely no satellite-based particle beam weapons today, 35 years later:

The U.S. Defense Strategic Defense Initiative put into development the technology of a neutral particle beam to be used as a weapon in outer space.[3] Neutral beam accelerator technology was developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory. As part of the Beam Experiments Aboard Rocket (BEAR) project, a prototype hydrogen beam weapon was launched from White Sands Missile Range in July 1989 and successfully deployed into low Earth orbit. It was operated successfully in space and after reentry was recovered intact. In 2006 the weapon prototype was transferred from Los Alamos to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC.[4][5]


The misses hitting around the anon in that case made me think they wait until I am asleep, because if it is a satellite, it probably takes at least four or five seconds for a particle, even moving at 10-20,000fps or more, or whatever it is doing, to reach the target from the time they let it go. That means, if you are walking around the house, or you are lifting weights, or getting up randomly and doing stuff, making breakfast, etc, they will probably have a much more difficult time hitting you, and have to spray and pray a lot more, since they will release a particle, and at four Mississippi you lean to the side to grab a spatula, and the particle hits the floor at five. I think they didn’t really care about that anon, and were just harassing him so they hit him whenever the satellite flies over, whatever he is doing, and if they miss, oh well. But me, they want those head hits, and I may even have gotten myself a dedicated satellite re-tasking to bring it over me purposely when I am asleep. Either way, we get the satellites which are up there at that time, we could find a decent candidate and cass of satellite, and uncover something of use, to us, to the FBI, who are being hit in Miami, to the real Americans in the CIA, and to America.


I recorded The Beam for you. This is The Particle Beam, not The Vibration Beam. Maybe The Particle Beam can be tuned to become The Vibration Beam, I don’t really know. You will need good speakers or earphones, as I am just cobbling this together with what I have on hand, in this case a cell phone voice recording app, under suboptimal conditions.

So background. I am laying on my side. I have two dental X-ray blankets covering me, from foot to head, wrapping over my head, and coming under it. I have taken the phone, turned on the voice recording, killed the screen, and placed it over my ear, microphone up, under the dental blanket, facing up against the blanket. Each individual “put” you hear, feels like somebody dropped a bb on the dental blanket, though at the same time, it feels like there is no particle that you would find. The impacts clearly feel as if they are coming straight down only, and I never felt like it came from an angle, so there may be some technical reason for that, like needing to minimize the distance of atmosphere it passes through. Or the linear accelerator on the satellite is pointed straight down and cannot be adjusted side to side easily without altering orbit somehow, or expending energy they did not want to expend. But the sensation is just a very distinct impact, or rather spatter of impacts, which is much louder than you will hear with the microphone, which is not catching it like when you are right there, for some reason. Although the two particles which you will hear hit the microphone directly are louder than I heard. The grouping of the spatter is about five inches, but the impacts moves all over my head, which is why you will hear the “puts” get louder and softer as they move nearer and closer the microphone. It may be shooting tighter groups, and they were moving it around, or they shot it precisely, and wind or something else caused it to wander.

Prior to the start of the “puts,” I can feel like an electrical energy tingling passing up and down my body, kind of like the vibrations but very weak, maybe imaging me under the blanket. Don’t ask me where that is coming from, I have no idea. It is mildly uncomfortable, but not as bad as the full vibrations. When I feel that, I know they are preparing, and it is about to begin. There is also a little bit of the high pitched sensation/noise, which is not on the recording for some reason, so maybe that is created in your head, and not audible around you. As you wait in a minute or so, the first of the “puts” will begin to fall, and this is what it sounds like, only much louder in person, since your ear is against the blanket, they are aiming for your ear, and there is none of that background noise.

I am not sure what that background whosh noise is, maybe for the microphone it is like putting your ear to a seashell when it is pressed against the blanket. Or it may be an electromagnetic effect from whatever the electrical sensation or piercing noise/sensation is, since that persists, I assume for imaging purposes throughout the spattering. It is odd it comes and goes in the recording. I did not hear any changing whosh like that, though the electrical buzz moves around. And there was no wind under the blanket, especially between the face of the smart phone and the blanket, and I was not moving anything.

You will hear two particles directly hit the microphone, and create a “Click” noise louder than the “puts,” at 27 seconds, and at 3:23. I am not sure if those were particles which only hit the blanket right over the microphone, if they made it through the lead blanket, or if that was just a moving charge stopping in the blanket which reached through it with a field effect and the field hit the microphone. But those are particle hits, which for whatever reason were louder on the recording. I did not hear them louder when they happened. To me, I never heard any “puts” louder than all the others. Be warned, it is a bad recording and you will need good speakers, or good earphones. You will not hear it on laptop speakers. Plug your laptop into a TV and go full volume, or use headphones. If you do,  you can hear the pitter patter, which under the blanket you can feel impacting with each hit, like BBs being dropped on you.

You will not hear this if it hits you directly, without the lead blanket. You will just start to feel a numb, deadened, slightly achy sensation which goes deep, and which comes up especially in the backs of the eye sockets. You are hearing it because it is hitting the lead in the blanket and being stopped cold and its kinetic energy is being turned to sound. This is sort of like a poor man’s Geiger counter, probably for something like Mercury ions. Normally it would rip right through you, probably ionizing the tissue in its path of travel like a proton beam killing tumor cells. Unbelievably, whatever these are went through an asphalt roof and ceiling, as well as a second-floor floor and a first floor ceiling, and still hit with full force, in numbers.

This is what Bill Binney is under. I make light of these things, because it is ridiculous, and that is my nature. We are all going to die from something, and this just means I am more over the target of what is destroying America than most other sites out there. But this is a bad position we are all in. Understand, that either there is going to be a violent civil war, and a lot of people associated with this (and a lot of people on our side) will be killed, so this will be taken violently from them, or they will mass produce it, and it will be done on everyone who does not follow Ben Shapiro’s and Morning Joe’s lead, rehash whatever they say to everyone else they know excitedly, whether they believe it or not, and promote their channels. It will be mass produced, put in the hands of minor despots and bullies all throughout the country for use at the neighborhood level, and it will be visited on your children when they grow up – if they criticize anything the government does, if their fake vote in a fake election is noted by their local surveillance commander to not be the right one, if their social credit score begins to decline, if they just do too well at school while seeming too moral, and if they are not willing to torture an innocent fellow citizen with this tech, for the local Commissar when asked to. And the local brownshirts will begin running real life prisoner tests on everyone to make sure you are willing to torture innocents for them, and you are not too independent or empathetic or moral. This is the world the surveillance wants. Don’t ask me why. And it may not take until your children grow up to get there, either.

These people are not going to give this up. There will be no Congressional expose, which leads to FBI confiscating it from them, and US Marshals taking them into custody. Already, I think Miami FBI said or did the wrong thing, and you have genuine FBI agents, an entire fucking field office, going home, and they, and probably their spouses, and maybe their children, are getting this in their homes, before they return to work hung over and unable to think, all discussing their own beaming’s around the water cooler. I will be surprised if the Marshals are not next. And they can’t do anything about it.

Don’t expect Congress to have more ability and will to fight this than Miami FBI, who are having it done to them. Most of Congress probably likes this because it keeps everyone, from you to the FBI, in their place so Congress can film themselves having anal sex with each other in the Cloakroom and post it to Twitter. And don’t think you will ever see this in the media. We have left the ordered systems far behind. Those are the two options in the future – Civil War, or you will feel the electricity, and then wait for the soft pitter patter of The Beam™ to fall upon you and swiss cheese your brain, because you displeased your local neighborhood or federal masters in some way.

Looking at the size of this site and my level of importance, I am guessing we are pretty close to that, if they are spending this on me. We are not that much bigger than the average citizen. This thing may be closer than you think.

Oh, and our Russian friends? You might want to figure out what you will do if this thing begins degrading your high IQs to weaken your nation. Because my guess is, these satellites are flying over Moscow right now, and it will be coming for your people too, starting with the best. It is really a no-cost attack. President Putin will just begin to lose his brain function, or physically degrade in ways he does not really understand, and that will keep happening to your leaders, until they get one in office they like, or even control. And the rest of SVR and FSB will not know where all the glioblastomas came from, they will just have appeared, as everyone begins to feel a shell of their old self and have trouble focusing on their job. I would begin to develop my anti-satellite tech, designed to take out satellites and make it look innocent, like they just broke down. I might even try to get one of these and expose it, to show why you have no choice but to clear the orbital airspace above you. Reveal who is behind the Havana syndrome, and you could be the heroes of the world.

We are all going to be in this together, in one big battle where the only lines will be between good vs evil, between us and Cabal.

So I put this tiny url on my Twitter, which, when I made it, pointed to my surveillance page, and when I try to load it now, it gives me some kind of error, which prevented people seeing my twitter profile, from getting linked into my surveillance page. So I suppose you cannot trust Tinyurl.

Don Jr makes it clear, Nikki Haley as VP is not going to happen.

Criminal prosecutors may soon get to see over 900 documents pertaining to the alleged theft of a diary belonging to President Joe Biden’s daughter after a judge rejected the conservative group Project Veritas’ First Amendment claim.

GOP Rep. Brandon Williams also swatted Christmas day, in addition to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Jack Posobiec.

Mayor Eric Adams said Tuesday that he’s baffled he can’t get a meeting with the White House to talk about the Big Apple’s burgeoning migrant crisis.

In addition to the tens of thousands of migrants entering the U.S. without authorization each day now, a huge 8,000-15,000-strong migrant caravan called “Exodus from Poverty” is headed to the states from southern Mexico now. They can just come up here, and we will make them rich.

Muckraker has obtained multiple maps, handed out by non-government organizations across South and Central America, that detail the routes to take to the U.S. and where to cross the U.S. border.

Texas plans to send MORE flights to Chicago after city started to cite bus companies and enact ordinances to slow arrivals as tit-for-tat between states intensifies.

Biden’s DOJ instructs immigration judges to loosen restrictions on “child migrants” (migrants under 21 years of age) by ignoring the laws governing them.

17 individuals on FBI terror watch list caught attempting entry at southern border.

A lawsuit attempting to punish the FDA for denouncing ivermectin as a COVID cure could have dangerous consequences, according to leftists, who say we need to trust the authorities.

CIA accused of hiding records that analysts took ‘monetary incentives’ to bury COVID lab leak finding.

Childhood vaccine exemptions are at an all-time high. Doctors worry diseases like measles could return; Exemptions for school immunizations are the highest recorded in U.S. history.

Nevada spent millions for sex change surgery, trans-gender hormones, including minors, data shows.

Chilling’: Smart toys are increasingly recording and tracking your kids, warns watchdog.

Two girls, 14 and 16, stabbed at Grand Central on Christmas Day by man who said he hated whites.

Pope Francis wants everyone except the men protecting him to give up their weapons.

On Friday, China expert Gordon Chang joined Newsmax’s Carl Higbie FRONTLINE and said China is experimenting with what appears to be biological weapons targeting human brains.

New day, new low! China’s Shanghai Composite Index drops below 2,900, down 15% from April, highlighting a 28% performance gap. Confidence struggles amid economic sluggishness.

Argentina’s President Milei lays off over 5,000 government workers.

Khan’s London: 43 knife crime incidents recorded per day amid gang violence surge in British capital.

Christmas massacre: Nigerian gunmen kill at least 140 in ‘Christian-dominated’ regions.

Berlin police raid compound of far-left feminists accused of supporting Muslim terrorists.

US rejects Israel’s & Ukraine’s request for AH-64 Apache choppers to fight Hamas & Russia – reports.

A court in Ukraine has sentenced a member of a banned opposition party to five years behind bars for expressing pro-Russian views in private conversations.

EU readies €20bn plan B to fund Ukraine.

South Carolina divests millions from Disney over ‘structural rot.’

Supreme Court heard arguments on disputed tax provision predicted to ‘wreak havoc’ on taxes. Basically they want to tax unrealized gains, which could turn into your house appreciating, and you having to come up with the money to pay the IRS, so you have to sell and move to a smaller house to give them the money each year, until you are living in a tent.

Poll: Donald Trump leads Joe Biden among independents.

Spread r/K Theory, because your body is disposable, your honor and loyalty are not

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1 year ago

#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

Less than a quarter of a century ago, London fought a bloody civil war against its own people, killing thousands. I mean the conflict in Northern Ireland, marked by unprecedented brutality on the part of British armed forces.

London decided that enough time had passed, and now, with the world community’s attention focused on Russia and the Middle East, it had an excellent opportunity to clear away their war criminals. And now, at Christmas, they passed the Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill.

Reconciliation and settlement of problematic issues seems to be a good idea, but the goal of the law lies elsewhere.

Through this bill, British parliamentarians grant immunity from prosecution to their own military and police officers who shot at civilians during the conflict.

Now these issues will have to be considered not by a court, but by some Commission for Reconciliation and Information Recovery. No legal consequences, no deadlines, no arrests. And, of course, the authorities will control the activities of the commission, unlike the more or less independent judiciary.

This is how London will rehabilitate its punishers.

These are not my words. The Republic of Ireland is filing a claim against Britain to the European Court of Human Rights. Relatives of many of the victims of the British military during the armed conflict live there. The government in Dublin is outraged by London’s decision. The victims will not be avenged, and their killers will remain free simply so as not to attract unnecessary attention to the affairs of the not-so-distant past.

The next time you hear London moralists lecturing others on human rights and freedoms, remember the atrocities they carried out against their own people in recent history.

This is why Trump had better not mean it when he says to have T&R commissions.
He needs to shut up about T&R commissions.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I missed Trump discussing T&R commissions.

Why does he think T&R commissions should be held here?

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I looked up the quote from a video clip from several months ago.

I agree with both of you that we do not need reconciliation with mass murderers and degenerates who have spent the bulk of their collective lives destroying not only the foundations of this country, and our entire civilization, but actually having large numbers of innocent people murdered.

One does not reconcile with that. One exposes it, crushes it, and eliminates every manifestation of it with extreme prejudice, all in broad daylight so that everyone knows what has taken place.

If JFK can have his head blown open in broad daylight, then we can do the same to the murderous architects of 9/11, Covid, and the surveillance state.

We cannot reconcile with them and hope to maintain peace and stability. Not after all that they have done to us as a nation.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

T&R commissions are death penalty level treason.

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

It’s in his 10 point plan:

“Fourth, to expose the hoaxes and abuses of power that have been tearing our country apart, we will establish a truth and reconciliation Commission to declassify and publish all documents on deep state spying, censorship, and corruption, and there are plenty of them.”

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

These things can also be used to recommend military tribunals as a result of what is unearthed in them. I support T&R with no amnesties so when they are over, the worst criminals can immediately fly to Gitmo for their personal military trial for treason.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago

I’d accept that.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Trump is a master troll. “Trolling is fun” – Q.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Don’t expect the EU to do anything. They got you now. What did you get? A common currency, oh boy. And the burden of having North Africa and the Middle East shoved down your throats at your expense thank you very much. Meet the new boss, same as, well you know. We’re moving back to Kings it seems, which is the whole point of the long game.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

So… the IRA shopping center bombers need to hand back their letters of non prosecution given by Tony Blair, am I right?

1 year ago

I could hear it on my laptop speakers, actually.

What would happen if, when you start to feel the electrical sensation on your body but before the particles start hitting you — you get up out of bed and walk around? Then, go back to bed. How long does it take before it starts up again? Does it only start up when you are lying still, ostensibly asleep? Or could you be reading in bed and it begins?

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

AC, you mention not wanting to get up when the Beam starts and that there might be something more to that. Is it some type of sleep paralysis where you are awake but can’t move without a supreme effort? I can only imagine what it must be like being in bed, end of the day, time to sleep and then this shit starts. Since you’re already taking drastic measures I wonder if it’s worth testing out a change in your sleep schedule. If, for example, you go to bed at 9 and get up at 5, see what happens if you stay up until 1 or 2 or 3 a.m. and get up layer in the morning. Then again you may have already tried this.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Do you only get the vibrations at home? Do you ever get them while driving?

If the vibrations follow you, that would suggest an aerial projector.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I’ve gotten the sleep thing, which I’ll call the “Blackout Beam”, multiple times, though I can’t say for sure whether it was a beam or demonic influence. I can say for sure that that most times I got the Blackout Beam it was when I was studying the Gospel that is Jesus Christ, via book or Bible.

Most times, the Blackout Beam involved sudden total-body weakness, blackout, and a timeless sensation of spiraling into an endless abyss. I would just barely be able to get to a bed or something and just black out to a seemingly eternal abyss sensation. Very similar to sleep paralysis in some ways, but very different. The Blackout Beam is more instantaneous and feels more “eternal/endless” somehow. Sleep paralysis is far more physically intense with stronger hallucinatory effects and dream integration.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Jesus, I got chills reading that. Years ago I made a comment about the book False Memory by Dean Koontz. The bad guy in it is a rich psychiatrist at the top of his field with deep government connections. He uses potions to put people under and programs them with trigger words to do all sorts of evil shit. Reading the story of your relative reminded me of it because the people he preys on would wake up and see things like your relative but it was all psychological programming by the doctor.

That’s why I commented about the tone/ringing in my ears because I wonder if it is some kind of programming trigger but as far as I know, I don’t hear voices and I’m not losing track of time.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Mares are also credited with the power to put you into deeper sleep after you realize they are seated on your chests. Don’t know what that may mean other than maybe variations of that phenomenon have been going on a long time.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago

I’ve had what are called mares on me during my high school years as a very active and public Christian. At least one has put me into sleep, then entered and influenced my dreams multiple times while manifesting on top of my chest. I could feel it stroking my face.

Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus
Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus
1 year ago

Yes, you cannot trust tinyurl.
I and several others at Treehouse and Ace have switched to using is (dot) gd for url-shortening, for this reason.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Reply to  Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus
1 year ago

I kind of wish URL shorteners would go away. They’re a security concern since you don’t know what you’re clicking on. Also, when I’m on my work computer they’re blocked (security concern) so I couldn’t access them in the first place.

They were born because URLs counted against your character count on Twatter, but they got rid of that YEARS ago so why do we need to shorten URLs? (Except AC hoping to hide his surveillance link from Twatter.)

1 year ago

“A national security crisis with unpredictable high impact,” she also calls a Black Swan event:

This comports with my recent comment positing 100 Beslans committed simultaneously across America by the invaders who have been brought in to do so.

Children held hostage in a massive armed kidnapping of schools, involving a hundred locations, would instantly achieve a number of goals immediately:

1) There would be zero critics, dissenters or explainers. Official Narrative would be the exclusive pov, despite many millions understanding that this was Cabal taking over;

2) Our firearms would become irrelevant;

3) The events could be protracted for as long as Cabal needed to achieve their GOAL;

4) The demoralization and anger would have no type of outlet or means of release, making the brainwashing and manipulation easier;

5) Martial law would have little or no opposition, would be quickly and easily imposed by “emergency” measures justified by aspects of the Official Narrative; and would last for a long, long time. There would be no prospect of returning to “normal.”

This scenario is posted in the spirit of brain storming, nothing more, but with a sense of needing to be ready for anything spiritually and psychologically. We are not dealing with dummies. Evil, yes, and literally diabolical (IMO), but powerful strategists and tacticians.

1 year ago

> Then I wondered, is it possible they are just beaming so many people, that the shooters are not even purposeful, but every 50,000 people you beam, you knock out a part of the brain which restricts “shooter-behavior” and you set one off?

Same concept as the “video games don’t cause violence you right wing prude” crowd from years ago. It was one of the first tells I had online that there were paid (or worse, unpaid) shills that would do nothing but lurk online to argue when you posted about certain topics.

It’s true that the vast majority of people can play Call of Duty and shoot imaginary people thousands of times without becoming a mass shooter. However, it’s also inarguable that a certain number of borderline mentally unwell people will not be able to separate that violent stimulus and will act out in varying degrees of violence as a result of being allowed to just bathe in violent content all day.

They don’t need every single person to snap, just enough at the right times to keep the operation working as needed.

1 year ago

How to tell if you’re pissing Satan off:

1 year ago

Wild question for anyone getting BEAMed. Inspired by Vox Day’s post yesterday sharing The Great Taking book: How would you categorize your level of debt, on a spectrum of debt-free to debt-maxxed?

What if it had some correlation with, you aren’t in our debt slavery system, so we are going to impair you in the short term and also play the long game to suck you dry with eventual medical bills?

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

I have a question about directed energy weapons. I don’t get The Beam, I have gotten sporadic vibrations which may or may not be targeted, but I regularly experience a high pitch tone in my ears. I realize it’s like the tones that were played in the GATE testing I was put through at approximately age 7 or 8 at school in a pitch dark room by a woman who was not a teacher.

I get this tone maybe 2 or 3 times a week, it probably started after GATE testing or possibly when I had tubes installed in my ears around the same time (a surgery I now see as a great way to implant whatever tech Cabal might want right into your fucking head).

I always chalked this tone up to some type of pressure regulation in my head. Anyway, my question is, does anyone else experience this and does anyone have an explanation?

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I posted about it because your descriptions of it sound like what I’ve experienced going all the way back to childhood. Until reading here I just assumed it’s something everyone experiences and is normal.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Q is already in the blast radius as far as I’m concerned.
Trump is still outside but too close for comfort.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Somewhere there are records and if Q was right about “we have everything” I hope we get something like at the end of The Lives of Others where you can read your files and then go look up all the people who fucked with you.

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

I’ve been told the high pitched noise is a warning system that you’re under psionic attack.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

Microwave radiation creates the illusion of an aural screech when your head is receiving it. Revealed in the predictive programming LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND recently.

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

For me the high pitched noise vanished once I completed the CDF deworming protocol, and there are a few others that say the same online.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

Thank you, I might try this. 5 or 6 years ago I tried a bottle of probiotics which I felt had some benefit.

Iguana Don
Iguana Don
Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

I have an unofficial wiki on the CDF NAC protocol started. It’s hosted on the free wiki farm miraheze. You can access it from or
Give the 1.x, not 2.x, protocol document a read first (linked from the wiki). The rest of the wiki is far from complete, but it should be an easier entry point than participating in the low activity subreddit or the high noise /x/ general.

I am 18 days into the protocol. I have been, and still am, in generally good health. There are people in my life with a variety of ailments, and I’m willing to try this out as a kind of guinea pig before I recommend it to any of them.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

100% this is what I’ve gotten for 25+ years. Never both ears at once for me. I feel deaf on one side and my head rings. Got the hearing and sight testing as a young kid in GATE. Merry Christmas and happy New Year’s!

thank you for running the best website for people like me.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Yes I get it in one side at a time too. I’m assuming they tested you on the cards as well? When you think about it, how bizarre is that: you’re 8 or 9 years old and the school is testing how well you guess what the next card is going to be, lol.

I forget where I read this but it was a theory or more like an explanation about how when you’re a child you are still connected to the spirit world from which we reincarnate from. Psychic phenomenon and precognition are normal, seeing ghosts, spirits, angels, and demons is common, and the world of your dreams where everything is connected to each other is almost as real as “reality”. Then you go to school and the process of brainwashing, ridiculing, and beating the innate knowledge of the esoteric out of you begins and it has like a 95% success rate.

I think the GATE program is for identifying individuals who are still strongly connected so they receive extra attention in turning them away from it. The rise of the GATE program may also be related to something I believe someone here made a comment about a few years ago, a fantastical theory about a generation of Star Children, old souls who reincarnated to help raise the collective planetary consciousness.

my name starts with a K
my name starts with a K
Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
6 months ago

Did you read that theory at /pol/? It may have come from me.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

My ears have been ringing for some time now but have ramped up the volume since 5 G rollout. I also get a weird muffled ding that lasts for a few seconds. Kind of an ear popping sensation along with it. I wonder what life would be like without the constant high thin ringing that I suffer 24\ 7?

1 year ago

I’m picturing AC in his home, cruising around the place in a traditional Vietnamese cone hat, only made of lead strips, not straw/reeds.

Reply to  Jimmy
1 year ago

That’s a good idea

1 year ago

My god what is that? You’re saying that’s ENERGY and not RAIN? Man… reading about this is one thing but hearing it pitter patter around your head is something else entirely. I know this is going to sound crazy but I guess we’re already far far down the rabbit hole anyway, can you buy just a ton of these lead blankets and I dunno nail them into your ceiling or something? Stack them two or three deep and put them all over like insulation. Or even just where you sleep? I imagine if there are multiple layers each layer will catch some of the particles and after multiple maybe the amount of particles getting through is negligible.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

For any who doubt what AC says, remember things dont have to come from space anyways to be dangerous. Much of the time, weirdly, it is the explanation. Also telling is the reaction of authorities and government. Remember the Maui thing? Thousands of ethnic Hawaiians, US citizens dead and missing? Now it’s like it never even happened, which is all too telling:

If they can get away with doing that in Hawaii, they’ll do it anywhere. They will disappear your whole town. Will anybody notice a place in Idaho or Maine missing from a ‘forest fire climate change’? Nope your government is not your government in any sense of the word. A rancher of meat cattle is more government to cows than this thing is to you. Our founders, and ironically many monarchs in Europe, would be disgusted with the current state of affairs.

For AC, charged particles that have the ability to travel long distances from space or from a hill or mountain or plane/balloon miles away are typically not able to be stopped with shielding unless you use crazy amounts (like sleeping under blocks of lead 4 inches thick and wide enough to cover a room). At a certain point that gets prohibitive. So, you have to use particle Kung-Fu. You use the particles energy against it through DEFLECTION. If you can construct a structure that deflects downward particles away from you, you will be in better shape. Think about one of those Scandinavian style houses but with lead or stainless steel plates in the roof under the shingles. The high energy particle isn’t stopped in its downward trajectory but it is deflected a few degrees so that anyone on the first floor or basement is protected from particles sourced from above. Similar structures can be built around a house or property line using layers of lead or steel much thinner than 4 inches, Aluminum might also be useful if the deflection occurs far enough away from your location, these property line shields being useful for deflecting terrestrial sources beams. You only need a few degrees and it becomes very hard to hit you, especially if you occasionally move around or slightly alter the angle of incidence the plate is making with the source. It’s just basic physics.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Excellent information. Thank you.

1 year ago

The Beam coverage is the most important item AC has put forward in 2023, and its backed up with the Binney evidence. It affects how I view how the Cabal is organized and what is likely to happen in 2024. I would like to make a longer and more substantive post, but it will probably have to wait until next year.

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“…if it is a satellite”

What period of time do the bombardments last? Because it must move at orbital velocities, a single satellite in low Earth orbit has line-of-site to a particular point on the Earth for about 15 minutes, depending on how close to directly overhead it is. If the bombardments are longer than that, either the source is not in orbit, or there are a train of satellites in the sky over your house serially.

I favor a high-altitude stratospheric balloon as a platform. It doesn’t have to scream over at orbital velocities. Instead, it can have very long hang times if it has propulsion of some sort, and it’s much closer and therefore easier to aim. And unlike a spacecraft, it can make the equivalent of both inclination and phasing changes in its path in a way that is not energy intensive. High-altitude balloon platforms would be vastly cheaper than satellites, therefore easier to scale up.

Reply to  Danger Semiconductor
1 year ago

Thanks for sharing this.

I’m not up on the physics but would a geostationary orbit overcome some of these issues? There sure seem to be a lot of things floating around up there these days.

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
Reply to  Tinian
1 year ago

The problem is the distance. It is impossible to maintain tight collimation of a light beam from an orbit 22,000 mi up to make an approximately 5 inch spot. Of course, it should be practically impossible to maintain targeting for what’s happening to impact the lead blanket when moving at orbital speeds, too. And the angle would be constantly changing.

Reply to  Danger Semiconductor
1 year ago

Thanks for the answer. I appreciate very much your time and expertise.

1 year ago

Immigration powerhouse does not mean what they pretend-spin it to mean.
Just another bullshit attempt at an earworm, out of some Ops checklist. All part of a devious marketing propaganda campaign to be first movers against the public.

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

First thing I noticed, too.

1 year ago

Mayor Eric Adams said Tuesday that he’s baffled he can’t get a meeting with the White House to talk about the Big Apple’s burgeoning migrant crisis. It’s a laugh riot! Adams is just a mayor, he better take it up with el suprimo Hochel. But he should caution, she might just boot his butt out of office by some ridiculous made up decree and replace him with an illegal alien. Preferred candidate would be female/whatever ID, poc of course, and extra points if said candidate is a wanted felon in the country of origin. The Dems have lost their cotton pickin minds.
I’m gonna pull a Jane Fonda here and say, I’ve never seen such a bunch of non malnourished, well clothed, tech savvy equipped people escaping poverty in my lifetime. Funded by NGO’s? Those groups are getting government money. Bet on it.

6 months ago

[…] I know how he feels about saying the crazy shit to be honest, even when it makes you look crazy, in the hopes it will further people’s understandings. Here, in talking about how the vibration beam would make it difficult to get up out of bed, even as …: […]