News Briefs – 12/27/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Dick Marcinko, Founder of Seal Team Six passed away. RIP, the man was a legend, and did it all his way.

Trump-backed Georgia candidate for State Sen. Burt Jones pushes to eliminate drop boxes and machine voting in elections.

Nearly every election activity in Fulton county, Georgia, was outsourced on election day to groups and individuals other than the county.

Republicans have not fully exploited their advantages in redistricting fights, and thus the Democrats have done surprising well in redistricting battles. So much is rigged Kabuki theater. Cabal needs us to think the nation is 50-50, so we will keep fighting ideological battles, and not realize our nation has been fully corrupted and is being run by an intelligence operation. If the nation were reliably conservative, and every election was just about how conservative the winning candidate would be, then people might begin looking at corruption in the nation, and where it was originating.

Defense lawyers ask the judge to dismiss the Whitmer Kidnap case, claiming evidence shows the defendants had no interest in any plot but fed agents and informants kept pushing.

Jonathan Turley asks, if the FBI raided Project Veritas for having Ashley Biden’s private diary, will they now also raid the New York Times for having Project Veritas’ private privileged legal communications with their lawyers?

With shadowy money, Ukraine oligarch became Cleveland’s biggest landlord.

Biden’s decorating a Christmas tree on the corner of 17th and Q in Washington DC.

Basically that is two guys with no training in science telling everyone else that you only understand science if you admit science can’t tell you anything about scientific topics. It is amazing Adams still can’t admit that the smart course dictated by both science, and a rough knowledge of the history of science, was to let all the rubes take the vaccine, and wait to see what happened to them. Of course if he admitted that, he would be admitting he was one of the rubes who gleefully signed up for something that could alter his future life course, produced by a mixture of people whose only concerns were making money and depopulating the planet, and who will not give it to any migrant who might not be bound by the freedom from liability they demanded to release it, and who released it without normal testing protocols, and after purposely sabotaging the control group. Who would have thought something so wholesome might have had adverse health effect?

New Zealand’s decision to allow euthanasia of patients with COVID who doctors feel will not get better will allow doctors to get a bonus for each patient they euthanize.

ICE’s failure to give detainees vaxxes and booster shots could fuel our winter surge.

Lockdown policies and mask mandates are linked with lower IQs in children. The brain is like a muscle. Deny it stimuli, and diminish oxygen, and it will fail to develop.

New studies show that the COVID vaccines damage your immune system, likely permanently.

An investigation was launched after a three-year-old girl died from cardiac arrest one day after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine in Argentina.

“The UK’s efforts to “protect the NHS” from being overwhelmed during the Covid-19 pandemic reportedly extended to asking families of disabled minors whether they should be resuscitated in the event their heart stopped beating.

2,400 flights were canceled since Christmas Eve on crew shortages and the travel chaos could continue through New Year’s Eve.

Footballer Mukhaled Al-Raqadi dies after heart attack in warm-up.

Four soccer players dead from heart attacks in one week.

Some Vermonters who are able to find antigen tests and then test positive are rushing to the Emergency Room despite having no symptoms, and that is clogging up the system and overwhelming it. I’ll bet this is common across the nation, they are doing it on orders form above, and I would not even be surprised if the test results were being faked.

Pfizer antiviral pill could be risky with other widely used medications. It would not be surprising. Ivermectin is probably similar. Lots of drugs enter cells, and need to be pumped out. There are little pumps in the cell membrane which handle that, but it is not a quick process, and the pump can get occupied with each drug’s molecule as it ejects them one by one, and as a result, if the pump is occupied with Ivermectin, other drugs will back up in the cell. So a dose of Chemo given alone may be tolerable to many cells at one dose, if there are no other drugs, because the pumps will pump it out at a certain rate. But add Ivermectin, and the chemo can’t get pumped out as fast and it will back up and build up, and a previously therapeutic dose can become toxic.

Steve Kirsch explains how for reporting honestly on COVID, LinkedIn just wiped his entire profile and all his contacts without warning, Wikipedia deleted an award from his page, and his email provider had apparently been reading his emails, and deleted his account with all his contacts so nobody can get in touch with him. You would not think LinkedIn, Wikipedia, and some email service would all be on the same page, and policing whether or not somebody is posting something which might adversely affect Big Pharma’s bottom line – unless you knew how intel works, and how it will recruit networks of assets, and myriads of operations would smoke each other out, target each other for infiltration, and eventually converge. Once those networks are growing, they will be like a cancer, permeating every tissue of a society, and killing freedom wherever they go.

More VC nurses blow the whistle on ‘overwhelming’ numbers of heart attacks, clotting, and strokes they are seeing.

Anthony Fauci on Sunday said he was “dismayed” and “stunned” when former President Trump was booed by his supporters when he told them during a speaking tour that he has received a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot. President Trump was never booed – this is that lying little shitbag trying to give the impression President Trump is not as popular as he is.

Fauci says vaccine requirement for domestic air travel ‘would be welcome.’

A U.S. Navy warship has paused its deployment to South America due to a COVID-19 outbreak among its “100 percent immunized” crew, the Navy announced on Christmas Eve.

Belgium man arrested while attempting to get a 9th COVID-19 vaccine on behalf of others. Nothing you see is necessarily true. This story could be complete bullshit, and designed to fool people into thinking that seventh booster is perfectly fine. I mean, they check IDs when you get your shots, and even register you into databases. How was this guy getting around that?

The UK is considering a plan to send door-to-door vaccinations squads to the homes of unvaccinated Britons in an effort to reach an estimated five million people who haven’t taken the jab, according to the Daily Mail.

Joe Biden seems to be “at war with all faith-based agencies” — including foster and adoption agencies that wish to operate according to their religious beliefs.

The number of police officers killed in the line of duty in 2021 hit a record high, exacerbating challenges inside police departments already dealing with staffing shortages, COVID-19 and skyrocketing crime rates. Literally an election strategy.

Chicago City employee tries to cash City check but it bounces.

Now there is a rental car supply crisis.

Canada breaks record by welcoming over 400,000 immigrants in 2021. I will bet the overwhelming majority are not just random people who got lucky to get in. I will bet you they were arranged to be brought in as part of the global network reorganization.

Russian Embassy Official tweets : Kleptocrats have stolen $100 billion of government money. Oh, I forgot one important detail – in the #US. If the Democratic administration is so eager to combat #corruption globally, let it start with itself.

Russia withdraws 10,000 troops from “drills” near Ukraine in a Christmas de-escalation.

China is currently in a state of stagflation where prices are going up for everything and unemployment is rising, which is a harbinger of little economic growth in the foreseeable future.

A plane flying to China mysteriously turned around and returned to the US, and nobody knows why. Speculation is there may have been something on board like a spy or materials US Intelligence wanted kept in the US.

Heartwarming moment seven-year-old seriously injured by Missouri tornado which killed her sister squeals with delight as she receives boxes of Christmas gifts from Donald and Melania Trump.

Tell other people about r/K Theory because good will win.

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3 years ago

Dead giraffes don’t lie. Intelligence analyst in blue shirt gets it.

Rustbucket USS Milwaukee holed up at Gitmo because 100% vaxxed crew is sick. I guess they won’t be able to intercept any vessels hauling petroleum products from Iran to Venezuela. Maybe the people in Caracas will be able to buy some gasoline now.

3 years ago

“Basically that is two guys with no training in science telling everyone else that you only understand science if you admit science can’t tell you anything about scientific topics. It is amazing Adams still can’t admit that the smart course dictated by both science, and a rough knowledge of the history of science, was to let all the rubes take the vaccine, and wait to see what happened to them. Of course if he admitted that, he would be admitting he was one of the rubes who gleefully signed up for something that could alter his future life course, produced by a mixture of people whose only concerns were making money and depopulating the planet, and who will not give it to any migrant who might not be bound by the freedom from liability they demanded to release it, and who released it without normal testing protocols, and after purposely sabotaging the control group. Who would have thought something so wholesome might have had adverse health effect?”

What he would actually be admitting is that his girlfriend made sure he got a saline placebo.

And he is doing this because she would leave him if he did anything other than what he is doing, because she told him to do it.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Russia withdraws 10,000 troops from “drills” near Ukraine in a Christmas de-escalation.”

Russians celebrate Christmas on January 8th. What’s not to like? It’s like two extra weeks of yuletide.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Huh. The Orthodox Church must still be using the old Julian calendar instead of the Gregorian calendar. Russia was one of the last hold-outs for the old calendar; the CCCP changed to the Gregorian calendar in 1917. Most of the world changed over in the 1700s, though not all did, which can make nailing down specific historical dates difficult. Even when some countries officially changed over, it didn’t mean they actually did, and lots of people kept using the old calendar anyway. And for things like scientific papers, the author might use the date in the country he was presenting the paper in, not his own local date.

The main difference between the two calendars is the Julian calendar is 13 days later than the Gregorian.

Calendars are *complicated*, mostly because people keep trying to align it with the solar year and lunar cycles. Generations of scholars have yanked their hair out in frustration, wondering why the Lord didn’t line everything up neatly…

Astronomers and some historians often use the Julian Date. There are a bunch of “Julian” timekeeping systems – something for everyone! The Julian Date is a straight count of days, starting from November 25, 4714 BC. (some of you might find that date interesting)

The current Julian Date and time is 3458576.30751 as I type this. (some of you may notice a similarity to dates on a certain long-canceled TV series)

BTW, there are several calendars worked out for future colonies on Mars. They’re mostly Julian Date type, though there’s still some disagreement on whether they want to base it off Earth days or Mars days.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago



3 years ago

God in Heaven Adams went full Talmud pilpul on that one. Facile and tendentious redefinition of “science” and “rational”. Anyone pulls that BS on me in real life and I’d permanently disengage.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

I know, right? How difficult is to just say “I was wrong. Perhaps I even have a blind spot.” That’s it. How hard is that? I’m wrong all the time about an awful lot of things. A lot of big things. No biggie, you take in the new data and adapt.

3 years ago

Fwiw I think Jeff Snider at Alhambra (has twitter) is really good. He’s been saying for at least a year that China (and the global economy) is shrinking fast due to lack of USD (esp in the form of eurodollars. He sees Xi taking the country back to Maoism in response. As a defense against the economic slowdown and perhaps collapse.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Maoism will only accelerate the slowdown and collapse. 🙂

3 years ago

I’m a C+ student of Russiagate but this made my head nearly explode: Hunter “painted” a picture of Felix Sater. Jfc nothing is what it seems. Sater is one of the top double, triple maybe quadruple agents in the world.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

With a black eye. So gross.

Reply to  M in the 517
3 years ago

Hah! Yes. Amazing

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Jim Stone comes up with some great stuff. He found a severely blurred area in Antarctica and near it was a set of Islands and to his surprise the Islands are named after corona variants or is it the other way round???

There’s been rumors of secret Antarctica bases forever likely we now know where it is from the Google blur.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Coronavirus variants are named in order from the Greek alphabet.

Remote islands named in order by Greek alphabet.


I can’t roll my eyes any harder.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Maybe the naming elements are code for when island preparations are either ready or being prepared.

When they moved from “Delta” to “Omicron” that means that Delta Island is ready for habitation.

Also, do you have GPS coordinates for that location?

3 years ago

> Who would have thought something so wholesome might have had adverse health effect?

Amazing. 😀


Merry (Belated) Christmas to you, AC. I am here at least twice a day– once for the headlines and once for the comments. Thank you for all your hard work, and God bless you, brother.

3 years ago

>Ukraine oligarch became Cleveland’s biggest landlord
Anglo Tribe of Dan mythos. Tin mining to Levant trade routes. Middle ages, UK exodus to Black Sea and Byzantium (Crimea). Throw in Khazars on top of it all, and perhaps there’s old Yamna(r)ya(n) displacement to the sea (Cunliffe’s ‘Celtic from the West’ theory) grudges in the mix.

Likely he knows, but is mortally afraid of the lumpenproles having a psychotic snap if they’re not adequately assuaged of their nescient participation in this.

>in a Christmas de-escalation.
In the context of that being 5% of the buildup.

3 years ago

The biggest threat facing us right now is the disintegration of the trump army. Everyday I see so called “insiders” (clowns) leading people astray, causing otherwise intelligent people to believe flat earth, lizard people, and benevolent aliens that are trying their best to keep evil at bay. Of course, it is possible that any one of these things is true, however unlikely. Does bad shit go on? Absolutely. Is there millions of miles of tunnels underground where unspeakable acts go on on a daily basis? Maybe, but probably not. Clowns will infiltrate places where good and intelligent people converse with one another and push evocative and scary ideas, albeit wrong ideas, with the purpose of causing fear to wash over people, to divide, and to push people into doing things that are extremely harmful to other people. Watch the alex jones show and see this pattern emerge. Every time i watch that, I get the standard adrenaline fueled fear response, and that makes me want to act. The problem is, is that is exactly what the enemy wants you to do. They WANT you to act. Take the vaccine, for instance. Every single clown has repeatedly stated and pushed that this is a depopulation tool, and if you take it, if it doesn’t outright kill you, you will become sterile and your line will end with you. My gut instinct is that this is completely absurd. I tend to trust my own eyes, and i trust people like ac and others on this site that don’t seem to be pushing an agenda or shoving bullshit down my throat. I have not taken the shot, and i dont plan on it, but nearly everybody that I personally know has taken the shot, and not one single person has complained about side effects or the like. Seems strange to me, considering I was under the impression that this thing was suicide in shot form. Granted, why you would inject something that you don’t know what it is into you to potentially prevent a disease that may or may not actually exist beats the hell out of me, but npcs are gonna do what they do.

When trump encourages people to take the shot, there are a few possibilities:

1. Trump is actually a pied piper turncoat mofo that the deep state installed simply to lull us into sleep.

I find this to be extremely unlikely, and i suspect clowns will begin to push this nonstop over the coming months.

2. The vaccine is not actually a death sentence, and either unhealthy in the sense that man made substances can be unhealthy, or the vaccine is effectively mostly saline and really does absolutely nothing.

This would jive with what I’m seeing with my own eyes, it would allow patriots to push a “cure” for npcs to take that allows them to stop the mask bullshit and get on with their lives. Again, lots of clowns have pushed the vaccine=death nonsense ( which i initially bought into tbf) and as I mature more, its easier to identify clowns.

3. He’s simultaneously talking to npcs to get rid of covid hysteria, and talking in comms to clowns to “flip”.

I really can’t write enough here to convince anyone of this, but decoding symbols writes constantly about this, and i am convinced that this is correct. If most of us here agree that trump is truly the real deal and a good guy, him telling people to take a shot that might kill you seems pretty nonsensical. I guess you could argue that trump just doesn’t KNOW that these shots could be dangerous, but come on. Thats seems to me to be a very weak argument, that the president of the united states literally doesn’t know anything about a potential global depopulation event, lol.

Hopefully I help a few with this comment, I think I wrote this mostly to organize my thoughts on this topic, as I think it’s a topic that is causing a lot of good people to scratch their heads. Thank you ac for all you do.

Reply to  Mark
3 years ago

3a) it may be less trying to flip the clowns than negotiating in the open. The negotiation is, I will not expose your attempted murder if you drop the mandate BS.

Of course, the corollary is that if they keep pushing them trump changes his public opinion.

Reply to  Mark
3 years ago


This is why Miles Mathis is interesting as a conspiracy theorist. He constantly says that Alex Jones is an operation because Jones’ job is to ratchet up the fear and confusion, whereas Mathis wants to ratchet it down, which is why Mathis is always trying to show how events are fake.

Notice how Alex Jones rarely challenges the central story of mainstream events: whether the deaths are real. He simply shifts the villain from the lone perpetrator to the government. This really does not help. The average person can calculate the probability of encountering, say, a Timothy McVeigh and realize that the odds are slim so that he does not have to alter his life in any real way. If, however, events are caused by the government, well, how do you escape that? If the government is willing to murder children just to pass legislation or sway public opinion, well, now you have a problem, and it’s a problem you can’t escape, because how do you escape the government?

Jones, iow, does the government’s bidding: the government does not want to be fingered as a perpetrator, which they can plausibly deny, but the government does not mind if you are afraid of it. If you fear them, then they have you where they want you. The key element to that fear is believing that death tolls are real, which is why the only time Jones gets in trouble is when he says “nobody died” like at Sandy Hook. Furthermore. Jones’ prosecution is itself fake and probably staged as a warning to Mathis.

About Trump? Well, he is a Boomer. As Vox says, Boomers have low levels of skepticism. They spent most of their youth listening to Walter Cronkite lie to them for 40 years. When Trump hears “vaccine” he thinks “that thing doctors invented to end polio before NASA sent a man to the moon.” He will continue believing “experts” and “best men” up to the point when all of these experts reverse themselves, then Trump will change his mind.

About the vaccine? Killing and depopulation is not what Big Pharma has in mind. They want repeat customers generated by chronic illnesses that they induce. This maximizes their profit. They don’t want to kill you, they just don’t care if you die. You don’t need a depopulation agenda to not want to take the vaccine.

Reply to  Mark
3 years ago

Don’t get me wrong. I like Alex Jones. He is a test case on how difficult it is to curate conspiracy theories. He ends up becoming a truth-teller just to remain credible.

Just remember, the TPTB don’t want a tyranny. They just want to put you back to sleep, like you were in the 1950’s.

Reply to  Mark
3 years ago

Here’s the big problem in all of the fretting over Trump supposedly “promoting” the vaccine.

IS he really promoting it?

And by that please don’t tell me, “well, in a lengthy interview he spent 20 seconds encouraging people to get it.”

Is he out there every day? Is he REALLY pushing it? Is he making multiple appearances encouraging it?

No. He’s not.

Secondly, do you really believe that his comments in an interview are going to really substantially change many minds? If you were anti-vaccine before, did it change your mind? No. Why would you assume it would be any more successful on other people?

Thirdly, if he came out against the vax in that interview, would it change anybody’s mind?

I doubt it.

So maybe it’s as simple as this: he realizes that his position on this one way or the other isn’t really going to change people’s behavior in a substantive way. And he doesn’t want to be labelled as “anti-vax” and then watch them fake a massive surge in deaths in the “unvaccinated”.

By issuing tepid support for the vax he doesn’t change anyone’s actual behavior with regard to the vax but at the same time he keeps Cabal from creating a frenzy of fabricated deaths and blaming him.

I think it’s just clever political positioning, nothing more.

3 years ago

When you read these redistricting articles, and most of them every cycle are terrible, but the one in the link here is actually not bad, keep one thing in mind.

The Republicans totally dominated the 2010 cycle, to the point where judges started intervening to dial back some of the plans, and the domination was so extreme that it can’t be repeated. The Democrats were always going to do better in 2020 compared to 2010. Its like a NFL team going 15-1 in a season, yes they could match that or go 16-0 but they are probably not going to do as well.

I am typing this because I am listening to Bannon now and they don’t get this.

There are not going to be elections in November anyway, for what its worth.

3 years ago

Chicago City employee tries to cash City check but it bounces.

Sounds like incompetence rather than insolvency. With big payroll systems, you have a payroll account that you transfer just enough money into to cover the checks that you are about to write. It sounds like someone in Chicago didn’t make that account-to-account transfer.

Make no mistake — in an honest world where Chicago couldn’t just bullshit, they would have been declared bankrupt decades ago. In the corrupt system that we have, they are fine. (Fine-ish.)

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

Can second the incompetence angle. I know some HR people, and the number of calls they have to sit on dealing with lost / missed paychecks as well as some payroll monkey typing someone’s yearly pay rate in as the hourly rate by mistake is staggering.

You’d think, in a real world, the one thing a company or government would keep iron fisted control over is their outgoing dollary-doos, but apparently they don’t care about that equally as much as they don’t care about anything else.

3 years ago

Russia withdraws 10,000 troops from “drills” near Ukraine in a Christmas de-escalation.

If the pre-positioned logistics units aren’t going home, then this is just R&R before the invasion.

3 years ago

> “The UK’s efforts to “protect the NHS” from being overwhelmed during the Covid-19 pandemic reportedly extended to asking families of disabled minors whether they should be resuscitated in the event their heart stopped beating.

That’s the same government that murdered Charley Gard, so why not?

The UK has been awfully quiet about it’s Chinese-style “Social Credit Score” program lately, but I expect when they roll it out, it will be used to ration your healthcare through the NHS. Anyone not toeing the party line will be on their own.

3 years ago

> Republicans have not fully exploited their advantages in redistricting fights, and thus the Democrats have done surprising well in redistricting battles.

There’s always going to be some competition within the Uniparty. The half in power has advantages over the other half.

3 years ago

> deleted his account with all his contacts so nobody can get in touch with him.

Webmail, then. Even IMAP leaves your contacts on your local machine. I use plain old POP, everything comes down to my local hard drive and gets backed up regularly. I’ve moved from host to host over the last 30 years, and all I have to do it let people know what my new email address is, and nowadays update some e-commerce sites and web forums.

Warning people against webmail is futile. “But it’s so convenient! And I can access it from anywhere!”

Yeah, and that guy ran slam into the “no, that’s silly, it would never happen” failure mode.

3 years ago

> they check IDs when you get your shots, and even register you into databases. How was this guy getting around that?

I went to and looked for ID requirements. It tells you to go to your local “vaccination site” and to call ahead to see what ID you *may* need to bring. So… it looks like every shot shop does their own thing.

In shithole states there the Jab is tied to a “vaccine passport” you’re probably going to need strong ID. In civilized states where we don’t have passports, mask mandates, or mandatory ID, they’d probably just take you at your word.

Some people – many of “the homeless” and illegals – don’t have any ID. They’re pushing the Jab so hard, they’re going to balk over no ID?

3 years ago

> Kleptocrats have stolen $100 billion of government money.

That’s peanuts. The Government Accounting Office can’t account for close to a trillion dollars of tax money it has collected in the last few decades. Apparently they don’t do annual audits, among other things. Sort of makes me wonder why they have the word “accounting” in their name, since they seem piss poor at it.

The usual explanation is “black programs”, but those always have respectable covers for the GAO to rubber-stamp.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Ground Report on Covid Jab:

Just got word yesterday from family friends who took the vaxx: a woman who had never had menstrual issues is having cramping, major issues, and excessive flow for the first time in her life (she’s middle aged), immediately following her jabs. This is a family who dutifully took their flu shots every year, so there was something in her COVID jabs that caused this. Only now are they asking about my Ivermectin regimen… This is my first personal encounter from people around me with real negative consequences from the vaxx.

Potentially Related Ground Report:

We were walking around in a very public area with a lot of foot traffic yesterday and we noticed MANY people who were seemingly incapable of walking in a straight line with a regular gait. It was uncanny and probably 30-40% at least, in my rough estimation. This was particularly true of females. We found this very strange and posited that it might be related to the jab. Would be curious if anyone else noticed something similar in their area.

Also, this was an outdoor area but man were people farting up a storm. Smelled like fart everywhere, nearly all the time. Never experienced this before either. This isn’t an area with a sewage issue, nor did it smell like sewage. Would be mildly hilarious if this was a jab-related issue, but could be psychological as well: maybe people who think masks would cover up their fetid flatus? Maybe since the masked can’t smell their own fart they just let their SBD scent bombs loose? But the fog was so thick even the masked among us could smell them.

Finally, Sam J.’s CIA gymnast decode has me jumping at every shadow. I’m beginning to fear going to public areas for fear of their epic death leaps from the shadows. Can’t decide whether this is worse than the farting.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Sedentary lifestyle might be it. Another item on the surveillance detection checklist.

I should add that the age of these people that couldn’t walk straight included adolescents and young adults. Fitness level didn’t seem to factor in, either. And looking into it, that bit about it being more females than males, perhaps that’s because of menstrual issues? Either way, it would be interesting to know if anyone else has observed something similar.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

I am curious what sort of walk you guys are talking about. Fwiw it seems other people say I walk weird, and others walk “normally” relative to me. My gait is a lazy/slow/smooth shuffle along the ground with preference for toe striking.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  kid
3 years ago

AC is right, it varies a lot. I’m not a movement expert at all, but here are a few cues I could think of at the top of my head:

– Noticeably uneven movement patterns (arms swinging differently, uneven leg strides, head not in a neutral position unless scanning periphery)
– Signs of some form of compensation for abnormal condition. Like limping due to pain, tightness, lack of mobility etc. (AC described a type of this)
– Signs of balance issues. This can manifest throughout a spectrum of stomping heaviness to wobbling lightness.

Now that I think about it, maybe most people just suck at walking. I was a strange kid so I had a “posture phase” after getting yelled at by my grandpa multiple times for my posture and walking. After reading some books his rebukes hit me as absolutly correct so I worked at a young age on developing my posture and gait to an “acceptable” degree (i.e., grandpa stopped yelling at me). Martial arts probably helped too. I doubt Boomer, Gen-Z, or Millennial parents are coaching their kids in proper posture and gait. But does this account for the imbalances I”m detecting? No clue.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  kid
3 years ago

“I assumed the really obviously funny walkers were changing how they walked, as a part of changing their appearance, so you wouldn’t notice them later on somewhere else and recognize them by their unique real walk.”

Totally missed that angle. Thanks, AC.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Now we know where they have the hidden HQ for cabal operations:

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: Update on new Linux distro search

Think that I’m going to do this.

Chris Titus Tech – How to Install My Version of Linux

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Both videos say they are unavailable.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

We’ll try it one more time.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Thanks. 🙂

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Cure homosexuality by killing off worm that lives in rectum???

Homosexuals upset.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Let me tell what I think about Alex Jones. First Alex Jones is NOT Alex Jones. I saw a long article where they said he was Bill Hicks. “If” the pictures and video of the real Alex Jones a radio personality, were not faked then there’s no way Alex Jones is Alex Jones. Alex Jones is really Bill Hicks a comedian who supposedly died of cancer.

The evidence for this is really large and it’s very convincing. Haven’t you ever wondered why Joe Rogan seems to have such a close and intimate relationship with Alex Jones supposedly some radio host that lived in Arkansas? Simple he was Bill Hicks a comedian and they’ve known each other a long time. (Now I will refer to Bill Hicks as Alex Jones for the rest of this.).

So Bill Hicks is a typical drug addled comedian. Now he becomes Alex Jones. Now Alex Jones has a Jew wife when he starts and has Spook relatives(for real). So they put him in this spot and he rails like a maniac so that people will think all people bringing up the various real conspiracies the psychopathic NWO(Jews) are involved in are fake and anyone who believes it is a nut.

Now this is what I believe and if you’ve watched him for a while you’ll see this appears to be true but of course I can’t really prove anything.

So Alex rails on and on but in doing his job he has to actually research this stuff and…he finds it’s true. Now Alex started as your basic drug using scum bag but he has a conscience. is a regular guy and this starts to bother him.

You can see this evolution to where his information becomes more and more and more accurate with less fake stuff thrown on top. Not hard to do because the psychopaths running things are increasingly going off the deep end.

In some ways he peaked around 9-11 and after that when he went all in on the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting (fake) and several other things that were real like Michelle Obama being a man. At that time they reigned him in HARD. Since then he’s still chugging on and trying to do the best he can to warn us but I think his control is a little tighter.

But every day he’s trying to warn us with as much good info as possible. Sure he has to bend things a little for his handlers but he’s fairly accurate a lot of the time.

If you notice what Alex Jones says does not hurt us. He’s on the right side of things all the times I have seen. That he rants and raves for his handlers and tones back on some of the false flags doesn’t change that most of what he says is essentially true. Even if he does go overboard his large base clues people in that there is something wrong here and for them to pay attention. That the press has lied so much and been caught so fragrantly doing so means that Alex is damn well just a good a source as the media is. The media has eaten their seed corn of truth but Alex compared to them seems a prophetic wizard. All the stuff he rants about seems to be coming true.

I think the deep State (Jews) have built a monster, (golem), in propping up Jones. They can control him a little but to totally control him would tip their hands because he would not be who he plays if they did that.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

See my comment on Jones above.

I like the guy and he more or less believes the same things that I believe, but I think Jones’ job is to ratchet up the fear and confusion.

3 years ago

The most recent Barnes/ Frei chat is good, and dovetails with the comment here, but you have to skip the first hour which is pure fluff (I fell asleep). Go through to about 1:08 and it frankly gets alarming:

Scroll down to where they do the chattching and skip ahead. And prepare for a crackdown.

3 years ago


Did you miss my comment to Mark