News Briefs – 12/27/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Crazy Days and Nights may be saying Kevin Spacey may have a European Mafia connection to whack people for him.

IG report reveals Steele funneled his claims to the Deep State through John McCain after the FBI dropped him.

Chinese citizens set up a website to complain about Directed Energy Weapons, voices in their heads, and mind control experimentation/targeting, and 70,000 people signed up as victims with names, addresses, and symptoms before government shuts it down. The future’s so bright I gotta wear shades, and electromagnetic shielding over my crotch. Old uncle Ted the unabomber may have been right about the technological revolution.

The Whistleblower has got a special security detail.

Mitt Romney’s fortune was built with early help from Ghilsane Maxwell’s dad, who gave him $2 million in seed money.

FISA Court knew about issues with the Trump applications and turned a blind eye. Not surprising considering they almost never said no, even as the FISA warrant count hit 33,000 and the resultant ancillary contact/target list exceeded double the population of the entire US. Interestingly, I was on 4Chan, and one of the shills was denigrating the idea Q would ever accomplish anything, and a poster cryptically replied to the shill with something like, “Soon you can enjoy reading all the files. Was it worth it?” The shill disappeared. I got the impression that was somebody on the inside, and it was the FISA Declass he was referencing, and the shill knew when those FISA files on everyone are all released, it will all come down.

Trump eyes possible pardons for Stone, Flynn, and ‘other people.’

Canada has record homelessness. Is homelessness an early indicator of a K-shift?

Bloomberg has already spent $120 million on ads in presidential race. And he has gotten zero traction.

Democratic insiders say Bernie could win the nomination.  My own belief is (((they))) are looking for the person who they can simply say is taking off, and then all the lemmings jump onto their bandwagon as a result, like with Obama. Now they give will give Bernie favorable coverage for a while, and see if his real, hidden numbers rise as the NPC’s hear he is popular, and then sign on to him. If he currently has all the NPC vote, and his numbers don’t change, in a couple of weeks his numbers will “collapse” back to what they are now, and they will try someone else. Notice this happens just as Warren’s fake surge, below, is being brought back down, now that she failed to accrue a massive following of lemmings, with all the press screaming about how she was taking off. If Warren had shown a real rise in the real, secret poll numbers behind the scenes, they would begin selling her like Obama, and she would become inevitable. But judging by this, she must not have, so now they will try Bernie for a bit. They may even come back to her later, just to be sure if everybody else tanks. If you do searches on “Biden surges,” “Warren surges,” “Buttigieg surges,” “Harris surges,” and “Bernie surges,” you will see all have different moments when the media is pushing that narrative on one after the other, even though there is no reason to think the polling would be changing. Oddly enough, there is no result for Andrew Wang, which makes me think either he is not-Cabal, and doesn’t stand a chance, or they just haven’t gotten to him because they were hoping one of the more comped candidates would fly. Don’t fail to see how much centralized organization this would require, from secret pollsters and good operational security for their results, to media willing to say whatever they are told, to strategists and analysts looking over the numbers and feeding analysis to the decision makers, to one command that has control over it all and can execute such an organized, timed, stepwise plan. Somebody is at the top, and in full control :

A former Planned Parenthood instructor admits that they push sex-ed in elementary schools in order to create a market for abortion as children age.

Germans think Trump is more dangerous than Kim Jong Un and Putin. What does a society do when almost half the people in it are just mindless NPCs waiting for the evil in society to tell them what to think and how to help evil succeed, and they are not bright enough be able to resist what they are told are the Cabal’s “mainstream” beliefs? What do you do with them? There literally is no idea too retarded for a leftist to absorb and begin regurgitating. There are tranny sex-criminals rolling around on the ground with little children, and the left thinks it is wonderful simply because the media is telling it to them.

Los Angeles prosecutors reviewing 8 cases against Harvey Weinstein.

PJ Media asks, is Iran quietly infiltrating Congress through democrats like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib?  Now ask, what if Iran is a satellite of Cabal?

Buttigieg wants to legalize all drug possession. Imagine possession was legal, so demand skyrocketed, but only Cabal-smugglers were allowed to bring it in.

The first Muslim woman elected to the Pennsylvania State Legislature pled guilty to perjury, record-tampering, and embezzling over $500,000 in Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security disability funds, as well as donations to a charity she established to allegedly serve the mentally ill and drug addicted poor in her predominately African-American neighborhood. Seems like the old rule of the more you took the higher you rose isn’t holding these days.

More German families move to Hungary because it is safer. Migrants are r-strategists. Those who stay to tough it out have what it will take to make it great again. Hungary should be careful though. Taking in r-strategists is a bad idea.

Teen Vogue is literally running how-to’s on anal sex for teens:

This next one is from a Former Assistant SecDef and CIA spook, and  it leaves you wondering what they say in secret about such things:

Netanyahu wins Likud primary in a landslide.

New York Post says we should have an investigation into why the New York Times is always wrong.

There is a shortage of Strawberries. Early hints of coming K-selection?

Freed from the UE, the UK is set to overtake Germany and Japan economically.

Anti-Brexit lefty-lawyer in trouble for clubbing a fox to death in his backyard while wearing his wife’s Kimono.

The incredible Gary Sinise flies 1,000 Gold Star kids to Disney World for Christmas and their surviving parents.

Wall Street closes at record high as Nasdaq crosses 9K for first time.

All 3 Moody models confirm Trump will have a landslide victory in 2020.


Spread r/K Theory, because things are a lot weirder than people think

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Per Son
Per Son
5 years ago

AC, take a glance at this–seem off to you?

What an odd name. And how amazing when you do searches for ‘melonheads’ or ‘melonheads tex arcane’ the incredible amount of distractions out there. Melonheads, we are told, are football fans, or some nonsense New England legend (grew up there, never heard of it), a hundred other things. Like someone is trying to submerge knowledge of what Tex used to post about.

The idea of Melonheads fits the Book of Enoch’s description of fallen angels corrupting innocent mankind, teaching arts of metallurgy, make-up, seduction and weapons-making and war, certainly “fleshes out” the Eve/Serpent narrative in Genesis. The hybrid spawn, nephilim, which were the target of the flood (space rock hitting Hudson Bay around 10-12,000 BC, wiping out the pyramid-building/human sacrifice cult that allowed nephilim descendants to rule mankind and indulge their bloodlust?), weren’t completely destroyed. A remnant of their evil line persisted, in the highlands distant from the coasts, and reestablished their power, emerging in Moloch cults of Carthage, Phoenicians, Babylon, which were practiced by apostate Israelites, denounced by the prophets in the OT, and continue to secretly rule over us today (Roths, BIS etc). Carthago delenda est had more meaning than we are aware of.

Man cannot wrest control from their clutches. The ‘serpents in suits’ own the media, money-creation, and easily maintain political control through blackmail and bribery. Barr is their creature, useful until he is not, and he is simply playing for time. Some elements of Q team may be well-intentioned but also allows time to be run off clock. Only a deus ex machina can undo their ancient machinations, and for them it will be, as per the prophet Malachi, a “day of doom. The extant nephil and their human minions that rule over us will not enjoy their encounter with the archangel Michael.

But for those who believe in the Truth, in the Creator, a day of liberation. So be marked with the blood of the Messiah and you will be saved, as were the faithful of Judah, who were marked with the sign of the cross so as to be spared, or those who put the blood of the lamb on their doorposts at Passover. Simple instructions that all can understand. Do not worry!

Happy New Year, AC, and many thanks for your Herculean efforts in awakening the slumbering Finnegans!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

@Per Son

I linked a week or two ago a video that covered the different races of giants listed in the book of giants found among the Dead Sea Scrolls.

One of the races had an oversized (compared to the body).

I wish Vault-co could return but he must have been onto something huge and came to the attention of very powerful people that didn’t want it to come to light.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

>”But Vault Co was deleted from the database. And it is not even like he had that huge of a readership. But something there was dangerous, and they needed to shut it down.”

And not only Jewgle delet him from the search engine, had some 4000 something links from his domain archived (when you announced he went down, I made a post on Q research forum telling people that that’s why people need to archive everything, and someone sent me a link to the link), and I went back to the list of all archives, and they removed less than 10 but more than 5 (can’t recall the specific number of articles that someone forced to delete), and I only noticed because sudenly the total number of links archived from the domain were not 4000 something, they were 3997 (or 3996, something like that). has been bombed with activism to be taken down from all angles since forever, and they never buckled, but somehow, Vault Co had something someone VERY HIGH in the food chain wanted lost forever to the eyes of the plebs. It is a mystery.

M in the 517
M in the 517
5 years ago

Kevin Spacey needs to be publicly executed in the electric chair. After a speedy trial.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

“Old Uncle Ted” indeed. I wonder what he’s had time to think about since his incarceration. That’s an interview (((they))) don’t want to happen. I wish he’d thought of a better way to get his message out.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

“The future’s so bright I gotta wear shades, and electromagnetic shielding over my crotch.”

In true AC style, you saved the Comment Of The Year until days before the contest closed.

5 years ago

Why is the Trump administration so intent on decriminalizing homosexuality?

I find it odd given that there are far more important matters to attend to.

Other than a homosexual contingent wanting to push homosexuality on the world via the administration.

I hope the administration changes course once it goes far enough in dismantling Cabal.

I don’t like this move one bit.

Reply to  info
5 years ago

It’s a libertarian small government idea.
But it’s primarily a way to put pressure on Iran and other fundamentalist muslim countries.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

It may be so. But in promoting sin. We risk provoking divine wrath.

Even if such a thing was a strategic choice. I doubt God would be very happy with this.

Reply to  info
5 years ago

Not all sin is the proper business of government.

Some things should be preached against and socially shunned but not prosecuted.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  info
5 years ago

Think of it this way: The gay lobby (or mafia) is extremely powerful in the US. They will be against him, but Trump’s position on this does take a lot of ammo away from them. Secondly, I think Trump’s position reflects that of most Americans. Many Americans are put off by homosexuality and resent the “gay agenda”, but at the same time they are also Americans who naturally value civil liberties and don’t like to see populations persecuted.

Take the inverse view: imagine the heat Trump would get if he supported an anti-gay foreign policy agenda! We’d never hear the end of it. And it would cost him votes, I believe.

Trump wants to occupy the center. To do so, he has to be an economic populist and a civil libertarian. If the economy is good and civil rights are being respected, it takes a lot of ammo away from the Left.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

@New Name

“Take the inverse view: imagine the heat Trump would get if he supported an anti-gay foreign policy agenda! We’d never hear the end of it. And it would cost him votes, I believe.”

Agreed. But is neutrality impossible? I mean why not simply silence in regards to this issue?

As something not important to impose on other nations. As if America wants the whole world Globohomo.

5 years ago

PJ Media asks, is Iran quietly infiltrating Congress through democrats like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib? 

PJ media has a lot of balls to run a headline like this, and the comment section…No sense of self awarness

Reply to  E
5 years ago

My country has elected people that can barely speak English. Hilarious

Reply to  E
5 years ago

The level of zionist control of the US Congress is 6 million times worse, but when people try to deflect from that verifiable fact by mentioning Muslim occupation, it’s easy to bring back the focus to the big threat (ZOG and Jewish collective power) by providing proof that it was Jewish collective power that made it possible for the Muslim occupation to start in the first place. This is what I use: ( ) – Proof that Jewish collective power is the main force behind the Islamification of the West ( ) – Why Jews act subversive towards the West

Pale Rider
5 years ago

Re: the tweets from Mary Beth Long, before being a temple to Jupiter, it was a temple to Ba’al. I no longer think it’s crazy to see a connection between Ba’al worship and the Cabal.

5 years ago

“Mitt Romney’s fortune was built with early help from Ghilsane Maxwell’s dad, who gave him $2 million in seed money.”

PierrE DelectO.

I keep thinking of Huber in Utah and the Mormon prophecy that says something like the storm will begin with the church.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

The Mormon Church is heavily infiltrated by Cabal, with Romney being a great example. I do believe that most Mormons are good, decent Americans. But the problem is that they are very, very willing to blindly follow orders of church superiors completely on faith. And the church HAS been infiltrated. Mormons are actively involved with gangstalking (although I doubt they have no idea of the truth behind it) and I have little doubt that their missions across the world are intelligence operations. The Broadway Play, the Book of Mormon is wonderful and very funny, but I suspect it’s been heavily promoted by Cabal to help promote an image of Mormon missionaries that may not be accurate.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

I am a Mormon and I can tell you that the church was infiltrated in the first generation.

5 years ago

“Germans think Trump is more dangerous than Kim Jong Un and Putin. What does a society do when almost half the people in it are just mindless NPCs waiting for the evil in society to tell them what to think and how to help evil succeed, and they are not bright enough be able to resist what they are told are the Cabal’s “mainstream” beliefs? What do you do with them? There literally is no idea too retarded for a leftist to absorb and begin regurgitating. There are tranny sex-criminals rolling around on the ground with little children, and the left thinks it is wonderful simply because the media is telling it to them.”

You pick a dumping ground and expel them all.

I suggest Mexico for those in America.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

The Ross Ice Shelf has potential.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Most of them are probably exhibitionists who will attempt to switch sides when the winds change.

They must not be allowed to.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Q suggested that there was a reason for the wall that had not been mentioned. Perhaps your suggestion is already in the planning phases.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

I bet you they used neo-“Germans” from the sands for that poll, not real Germans.
Remember, most MSM is owned by Jews, and Jews hate the Germans, they were calling for the genocide of Germans even before 1945 in various books, and many of the religious Jews consider the Germans the Amalekite, which they are told need to be exterminated.
And also remember that the Jew bread and butter is divide and conquer, they couldn’t make US people hate Russia, now they try to pit the US against Germany, like they did in WW1 and WW2.
Learn the ways of the Jew, so you don’t get Jewed by the Jew.

Read: ( ) – Why Jews act subversive towards the West

5 years ago

“More German families move to Hungary because it is safer. Migrants are r-strategists. Those who stay to tough it out have what it will take to make it great again. Hungary should be careful though. Taking in r-strategists is a bad idea.”

K strategists will migrate when completely overrun by r strategists, don’t assume that people moving from an r society to a K society while things are relatively prosperous in the r society are r just because they are migrating.

5 years ago

Harry Dunn’s family accuses Foreign Office of ‘attempted cover-up’ over diplomat crimes

5 years ago

Do you think the epstein witnesses were protected? Because I find it strange that Kevin Spacey have no problem having his accusers die.

5 years ago

China’s northeast cornbelt likely to be hit by fall armyworm in 2020

5 years ago

Explosion at Kansas aircraft plant injures 15 people

5 years ago

Russia Rejects Extending Iran Arms Embargo, Defying U.S.

Is this more collaboration with the cabal?
Or is it a trick to get Iran to waste money on weapons?

5 years ago

Russia and Ukraine drop mutual gas claims worth millions

5 years ago

K stresses approach:

Al Shabaab shoot locusts with machine guns as Somalia battles biggest swarms in 25 years

5 years ago

Mexico reveals webs of corruption in contracts, trafficking

5 years ago

Genocide by kleptocracy:

Japan’s Births Drop To Lowest Since 1874 As Deaths Hit Highest Since World War II

5 years ago

Merck has received the FDA’s fast-tracked approval of a live, genetically modified Ebola vaccine which, according to its vaccine insert, can cause a novel new form of Ebola-type infection, resulting in immunosuppression and possible shedding of live virus to others.

5 years ago


I had assumed that r-migration was r-people sorting themselves into like-minded collectivities: r’s trying to live near other r’s, that is. But if it’s true that K’s migrate as well, then what motivates K-migrants? Do K’s want to live among K’s, just as r’s want to live among r’s?

This doesn’t make sense.

My current assumption, which I’ll probably change many times over, is this: K-people migrate AWAY from r-strongholds much more than TOWARD like-minded K-strongholds. This is why K-group-mindedness is so difficult to find. K’s don’t group well. They don’t seek each other out, as r’s do. We avoid more than congregate.

— r-migrants need a K-population to parasitise, so they migrate toward K-strong areas.
— K-migrants don’t want to be parasitised, so they migrate away from r-areas to K-areas.

So, who’s left? Who, exactly, is migrating to r-areas?

1) Heritage r’s.
Heritage r’s include mostly white r-migrants moving out of California to safe bastions of K-sanity in Arizona (and then ruining it), or r-Bostonians moving to New Hampshire for the tax-breaks and K-population. But it also includes r-‘s migrating INTO California to, say, Silicon Valley or San Fran. The point is they are heritage r’s = the old American stock gone wobbly.

2) Immigrants, illegal or otherwise.
So much for the melting pot. The r’s migrating into California are immigrants from below the border who reduplicate their pasts on the cultural soil tilled by once-K-Americans. For example, r’s migrating into NYC are overwhelmingly foreign-born, or a generation or two from it. Of course, this includes Jews with their confused ethnic and political loyalties.

3) The marginalised.
If you’re a pink-haired, tatted, pot-smoking, lesbian-sympathetic atheist, in all probably you’ve found others like yourself. Social misfits, cast-offs and even non-conformists flock to cities where they blur into urban heterogeneity.

4) The Young, ambitious and untethered.
Not just mine, but very your’s

Reply to  KR
5 years ago

r types migrate towards wealth and K types migrate towards liberty when they migrate.

I don’t thing either one is primarily motivated by r or K grouping but if K types could be taught to group based on K more it would give us an advantage against r types.

K needs to become one and the same with nationalism and liberty in the public mind.

5 years ago

Trump sparked a tourism boom in Ghana when he told congresswomen to ‘go back’ to where they came from

Is K going to get them choose to go back?

5 years ago

Brazil steps up Venezuela border patrols after deserters cross

5 years ago

I think there should be a disclaimer on your site. Don’t drink any liquids and read this blog…..

“The future’s so bright I gotta wear shades, and electromagnetic shielding over my crotch.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I’m sure he’s not exaggerating it. I remember seeing the CERN gal and the aluminum foil popping you linked to. Absolutely disgusting.

Reason number 1,768,913 that anyone involved with this crap gets to go bye bye, forever. What kinda little prick do you have to be to do that?

5 years ago

More investors sue Danske Bank for alleged money laundering