News Briefs – 12/26/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”


DFT – IT Firms Lose Billions Pulling Out Of Russia

DFT – Japanese Inflation Hits 40-Year High

DFT – US Natural Gas Production Plummets Due To Storm

DFT – UK Employees To See Pay Fall Next Year To Lowest Since 2006

DFT – German Coal Consumption Rises

Ex-FBI agent believes University of Idaho mass murderer could be an ‘incel’ with ‘perverted anger towards women’ – killer came to ‘boiling point.’

“Clarence Thomas’ wife told Mark Meadows that ‘the Biden crime family’ and ‘ballot fraud co-conspirators’ would be ‘living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition,’ texts show.”

Judge Peter Thompson rules elections with broken machines in 60% of precincts and no chain of custody for ballots are free, fair and certifiable.

Arizona county was stumped by unregistered voters, old addresses, discrepant tallies, emails reveal.

Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that the electoral college “has become a danger not just to democracy, but to the American people.”

‘Almost every conspiracy theory that people had about Twitter turned out to be true’: Elon Musk.

US spies pushed Twitter to censor ‘anti-Ukraine narratives.’

Communist China using TikTok to promote drug use, violence in America in attempt to ruin country.

The FBI appears to be signaling via The Washington Post that it is blaming others for its unprecedented raid on Donald Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago in August.

Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), directed his former girlfriend, who was also the CEO of his Alameda Research firm, to steal customer funds from the FTX cryptocurrency exchange, unsealed criminal court documents have revealed.

Three power substation facilities were vandalized in Pierce County, Washington, on Christmas morning, knocking out power to more than 14,000 customers, authorities said.

Over a hundred migrants arrived near Vice President Kamala Harris’s home on Saturday evening, one of the chilliest Christmas Eves on record in the capital, according to a mutual aid group.

Sundar Pichai is apparently all in a pickle over OpenAI’s ChatGPT engine, and is gearing up Google to meet the perceived threat.

Eric Schmidt, a former Google CEO who has also advised the United States (US) Congress and the White House, has helped to pay the salaries of more than 24 Biden administration officials via donations from his research and investment firm, Schmidt Futures, to the nonprofit research and advocacy organization, the Federation of American Scientists (FAS). Not his money, not his decision.

A Virginia radio personality said he had to cancel Christmas plans because his Tesla S electric car would not charge during the ongoing freezing weather that has afflicted much of the United States.

San Francisco unveils taxpayer-funded open-air Christmas market that’s become dystopian hellhole after being besieged by city’s famed druggies.

Woke Las Vegas bail fund backed by Richard Branson, Danny Glover and John Legend closes after being sued for freeing serial criminal who went on to nearly kill a waiter.

Great Reset: German govt wants the power to remote control home heat, and electric car charging. LOL.

43 Chinese warplanes flying across the median line in the Taiwan Strait coming close to Taiwan in a 24-hour period.

Blasts were heard at Russia’s Engels air base, hundreds of kilometres (miles) from the frontlines in Ukraine, Ukrainian and Russian media outlets reported early on Monday.

‘CIA is behind spate of explosions in Russia’: US Army Special Ops veteran claims intelligence agency and NATO ally are conducting sabotage missions on Russian soil. You could not do this in the US because of the surveillance, meaning Russia probably does not have such a Stasi-like operation running.

Putin says he is “100% confident” Russia will destroy US Patriot missiles in Ukraine.

The shelling of Kherson by Ukrainian troops, which resulted in civilian deaths, is Ukraine’s false flag operation, Vladimir Saldo, the acting governor of the Kherson Region, wrote on his Telegram channel on Saturday.

The Gary Sinise Foundation and Walt Disney World Resort in Florida teamed up this month to honor the families of fallen veterans with the trip of a lifetime to Disney World this month.

Dear Remnant readers… A Christmas message from Archbishop Viganò.

One America News host Chanel Rion interviewed President Trump last week about a variety of current events including the Ukraine-Russia conflict, the election lawsuit in Arizona and the release of Twitter File information showing the FBI working against his 2020 reelection effort.

Spread r/K Theory, because a New Year means a new war

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teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago
Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

In light of this kind of ruling, the question is… what next?

Honestly, where do we go from here, because voting harder in 2024 won’t work, so what comes next?

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

I was going to make a longer post on this.

We have experience with dictatorships that still run elections, and even allow more than one candidate or party on the ballot, but make sure the regime party always wins. This describes most countries in the late twentieth century.

There is still benefit for opponents of the regime to run candidates in these elections. It helps to organize opponents of the regime, they can get their message out, and the regime has to commit some resources into manipulation of the elections. Outright boycotts of elections have been tried in these situations, and they never work, they just play into the propaganda that the regime really wants to run free elections but their opponents don’t cooperate.

Judicial litigation can also be effective, even when the elections are closed off. It actually sometimes worked in Soviet bloc countries.

However, regime opponents have to have a good idea what they are up against when doing this. They have to understand that they are going to lose, and for candidate selection you are looking for someone who will give the regime the most trouble during the campaign, not necessarily someone who will get the most votes or do well when they win. And its in support of your main effort, which will be not electoral (no, usually not violence). I just don’t see regime opponents having gotten there at this point.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

It’s all Fake and Gay! It’s all a Joke.

2 years ago

The Historian’s Craft has a great video on the date of Christmas and all the sundry pagan conspiracies surrounding it. (358) Santa Was a Necromancer! Christianity, Paganism, & the Origins of Christmas – YouTube

It is very good!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Good link. This is more more polemical and less evenhanded, but you may want to check out this United Church of God essay:

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

I don’t care about the history, it’s a matter of the heart. I will always celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

I’m unimpressed by a lot of these articles. Like the whole, “the shepherds wouldn’t have been out on Dec 25 at night, it’s too cold and rainy!” Bethlehem was a low of 40 with clear, dry skies last night. This year wasn’t unusual. If it had been a little warmer, it wouldn’t be a problem to keep the sheep out all night, especially in Dec when the days are short and it’s hard to graze the sheep enough during daylight.
The Mithras shit is also ridiculous. First, they follow the Zoroastrian calendar, not the Julian or Gregorian calendar, so they don’t celebrate anything on Dec 25 reliably, because it isn’t the same day reliably. That said, the Mithras cult held their major celebration in September and October, not December 25. Same with the Sol Invictus lie, since the Sol Invictus cult postdates the early church’s placing of Christ’s birth on Dec 25 (by Hippolytus of Rome in ~200AD).
The paganism argument is unpersuasive as well. The early church permitted the traditions that we have now (in large part). Why? Because they didn’t know how to stomp out paganism? Of course they did. They permitted these traditions because they were traditions, not religious observance of pagan gods. That’s a big difference. Doing something because it is tradition is different than sacrificing to a pagan god. The early church knew this, and it’s a shame that we are too dense to grasp that.
That said, I celebrate Christmas, but not as a religious holiday. I don’t follow the liturgical calendar. It’s a wonderful tradition with lots of good messages, and I celebrate it that way. Christmas is a feast of thanksgiving, thanking God for the incarnation and for the previous bountiful year. I went to church on Sunday because it was the sabbath, not because it was Christmas.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
2 years ago

Thank you Gary Sinise for sending the children of our veterans to Pedo World and creating publicity for the Devil Mouse Corporation. You xir, are a defender of Amerigay democracy and FREEDUMBS!

2 years ago
2 years ago

Wokesters, writing checks on society’s account. Example 1,000,004 is that woke bail fund. What did they think would happen when a miscreant got bailed out? Would he recidivize? Nobody thought about that, or about how innocent victims became depersonalized collateral damage in their little morality plays.
Ask people in SF or LA what happened to people when their activist DAs opened the jails and failed to prosecute. Gee whiz, the crime went up! Must be due to global warming. Stop forcing the poor dears to live up to your normative ideals and start paying more, they say.
Effing wokesters and progs will keep writing those checks.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

It’s not stupidity. It’s malice. They want it.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago


They know exactly what they are doing releasing all these crims. It’s called Anarcho-Tyranny.

2 years ago

Putin says he is “100% confident” Russia will destroy US Patriot missiles in Ukraine.

Me when the Russian missiles are incoming at the Patriot battery command center and the “intercept” button won’t work because of Russian EWM.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Sundar Pichai is apparently all in a pickle over OpenAI’s ChatGPT engine, and is gearing up Google to meet the perceived threat.

Googles search is complete shit. Formerly with a few key words added to a search you could really nail down a subject to very specific sites that were relevant Now, it’s just a vast wall of irrelevant glut of detritus.

My guess is all the diversity hires have piled code on top of code and haven’t a clue or any real plan on what they are doing so, garbage in, garbage out.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Ex-FBI agent believes University of Idaho mass murderer could be an ‘incel’ with ‘perverted anger towards women’ – killer came to ‘boiling point.’

The FBI is just like the Jews and it’s pointless to believe anything they say unless it’s backed up with stacks of evidence that collaborate what they say, and even then you should be wary.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

What do you mean by “The Jews”?

Do you mean all of them? Including children?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Yes. He means all of them. Don’t believe the Jewish children unless backed up with stacks of evidence.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

All of them. Every single one. If their babies are saying BAbAbA I would look around to make sure they were not trying to distract me so other Jews could stab me in the back.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Judge Peter Thompson rules elections with broken machines in 60% of precincts and no chain of custody for ballots are free, fair and certifiable.

The only way to defeat this that I know, excepting assassinations, is to go back to the system we had before the Supreme court made “regional Senates” in the States illegal in an illegal court ruling. This can be changed by a majority vote in the Congress. With “regional Senates” they would impeach these people. This steal would never stand.

I show how exactly this can be done in small steps here in a long, ridiculously long, comment on taking over the elections using existing Constitutional provisions.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Good luck making those changes when elections are rigged.
Until we fix the rigging all important elections including ballot initiatives will be stolen.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

I fully admit I do not have all the answers on how to peacefully resolve this. I wish I did.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that the electoral college “has become a danger not just to democracy, but to the American people.”

First step to total takeover, end “regional representation” in the State Senates. The next step is above, end “regional representation” in Presidential elections. The cites and their corrupt structure would rule all. We HAVE to roll back the illegal court ruling on regional State Senates if we are to prevail.

2 years ago

Ben Shapiro’s Wikipedia notes that his parents worked in Hollywood, but they weren’t as famous as his cousin Mara Wilson, who acted in some big movies. (Is he just an actor, too?)

Mara’s Wiki links to her grandfather’s Wiki. He was a “visual artist” whose work was bought by some interesting organizations:

In 1945, the War Department acquired some of Shapiro’s artwork for the then planned War Museum.

Nat Mayer Shapiro’s works of art can be found in numerous private art collections throughout the world, and are included in the permanent art collections of the Ministry of Culture (Fonds National d’Art Contemporain—FNAC), Paris, France, The Art Gallery of the Queensborough Community College, Queens, NY and Pfizer Inc.

Don’t bother trying to become famous if you don’t have relatives with their own Wikipedia pages.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Three power substation facilities were vandalized in Pierce County, Washington, on Christmas morning, knocking out power to more than 14,000 customers, authorities said.

You people will eventually come around to my position on electric cars and local solar power for houses or you will sit in the dark with no transportation. It just makes too much sense to have local personal energy sources during times of disintegration. A lot of my thinking on this came from a series of books I read that had a powerful effect on me by James Dale Davidson and Sir William Rees-Mogg.

They are based on the idea of Meapolitics. Namely that power and politics are based on the Technology of defense and offense. Mao, “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” An example; gunpowder brought about the rise of large states due to cost of cannon. It also destroyed castles which collapsed smaller states. It lowered the power of defense. Followed by “the Right of Kings”. The main idea being until the technology supported it “the Right of Kings” was just so much nonsense.

The authors claim the microprocessor is decreasing the power of offense which decreases the power of large States. During the World Wars you needed a large population with lots of guns to prevail. Now a small group armed with advanced weapons can attack at will hitting their targets every time. From this they concluded the welfare state and the USA was doomed.

The books are also investment books. They did not do so well on this because they were just too soon. Who knew the US could stay afloat in such dire circumstances. They’re well worth reading. I’m like probably most of the people here, a book worm, and these are some of the best books I’ve read ever on BIG ideas with far reaching ideas. The books are old so most only cost a penny plus shipping.(I think this has changed, they’ve now become collectors items).

“Blood in the Streets: Investment Profits in a World Gone Mad” (1987)
The Great Reckoning: How the World Will Change in the Depression of the 1990’s (1994)
The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age (1999)

Another good book “The Squeeze” by James Dale Davidson (1980) that is good. From a long time ago talking about how we got into this shape.

Another really big influence on my thinking that ties into this is Elon Musk CONSTANT refrain to look at all problems from the base up. Do not decide things based on what is but by the lowest form of data or process you can get and then decide how to solve a problem. This fits right into James Dale Davidson and Sir William Rees-Mogg ideas of “metapolitics”. The forces of technology have changed and with it the structure of politics has also changed but people pretend that things are just as they were. They are not.

Another example of this is my constant harping on the Supreme Court decision that took away regional Senates in the States. A really big deal that changed the whole entire political structure of the US yet people pretend that the country is the same. It is not. It is politically totally different and unless we see this “bottom up” change and do nothing about it the political structure will never change, and the country will continue to deteriorate. This is nothing new and the founding fathers Explicitly warned about letting the cities control all the political process. The told us and we let it happen anyway.

I show how exactly the State Senate problem can be fixed in small steps here in a long, ridiculously long, comment on taking over the elections using existing Constitutional provisions.

The upshot of this is that large distributed systems that can be disturbed by the mobs of pissed off people are not stable nor reliable. Gas stations, electric grids, etc. You’re now seeing evidence of this all over. Maybe you’ll be so stubborn as to pretend that this is not a problem but it will eventually kick you in the ass if you ignore it.

Something I forgot. Something extremely interesting has been released just recently. I have plugged these set of books listed above but recently a book has been released by the Gerogetown professor Carroll Quigly who wrote about the cabal in “Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time”.

He has a new book, actually old. Quigley’s book was published posthumously but written in 1983. The book is,”Weapons Systems and Political Stability”.

Now my first thought reading some reviews of it was he directly copied James Dale Davidson and Sir Rees-Mogg but then I find out he wrote it long ago before James Dale Davidson and Sir Rees-Mogg books. I wonder, and frankly believe, that Quigley talked about this with Mogg and Davidson and got them to write their books as a cut out. I have no doubt Quigley knew Sir Rees-Mogg. Sir Rees-Mogg was the former editor of The Times.

The ideas in this are very disturbing to the intelligentsia. Lots of people are very disturbed at the idea that people don’t make politics, technology does. If he would have released this in 1983 Quigley would have become enemy number one. He could NOT have withstood the political backlash from releasing this, even as far back as it was written. Today they would murder him.

Here’s a copy of his book. It’s a monster, of course. 1983. pp. 1064 pages.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

@Sam J

I own those books on Megapolitics by Rees-Mogg and Davidson and highly recommend them, especially the 2nd of the trilogy, The Great Reckoning. You might also want to check the works of Alvin Toffler, Future Shock, The Third Wave, Powershift, and War and Anti War, these books also deal with the impact of the microprocessor/computer on society.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  English Tom
2 years ago

All these books had a great effect on my thinking. Especially the Megapolitics series, which are really special. I own all of those you mentioned, I think. Can’t remember if I read “War and Anti War” all the rest I’m sure I read. Maybe I have. I’ve read so much stuff sometimes it blends all together and I can’t remember. We have some similar taste. So I’ll give you a few recommendations,

Great book, and timely…classic

Another great book. Lots of interesting stuff in this that you never heard of or I never did. Great book.

The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Force, and SocietySince A.D. 1000 (9780226561578) by William H. McNeill

You’ve likely read this but I’ll mention it anyway, as it fits the sort of series that you and I mentioned.

The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers by Paul M. Kennedy

It’s getting tougher for me to get through books like this. My attention span from reading the internet is so bad. I used to wade through huge books but it’s become more difficult.
I bet you would like this blog. This guy is a major thinker. I’ve read all his stuff and all his former blog also. Most of it is good but every now and then he has some really earth shaking insights into people, events and society. You have to search for it though. He hardly ever writes anymore. It’s been a long time since he has.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

No one is claiming solar isn’t potentially useful for individuals. The non-strawman counter is that no one wants to suicide the petroleum powered vehicle majority because rapidly available, lower consumer infrastructure cost, easier short-mid term storage and universally interchangeable fuel and siphoning if needed is far better as a primary source than electric and solar that can be catastrophically interrupted by a cloudy week.

As a backup vehicle, sure. Primary will always be gas as long as it’s still refilling the old “depleted” oil wells.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“…The non-strawman counter is that no one wants to suicide the petroleum powered vehicle majority…”

How convenient. Put up a strawman and declare it…not a straw man. What you said makes no sense. I’ve never said get rid of all IC cars, so you lecturing me on this is some sort of vapor idea that you materialized from nothing. And even if they do get rid of IC cars you can always pull a trailer down the road with a IC engine charging the electric car. So the electric will ALWAYS be more versatile. Always. 100% of the time.

Here’s a new video which most won’t watch, but if you are interested in the future of electric autos, Sandy Munro talking about what is coming up. Sandy is a manufacturing efficiency and design for manufacturing expert that advises companies on how to lower cost and make manufacturing easier. He’s worked on all kinds of stuff. Mostly autos but was on the team for the Boeing 787, most all the auto manufacturing companies, aircraft and DOD stuff to cut missile and other equipment cost. It’s good stuff.

He’s warning us ahead of time about the Chinese. They have these low cost cars that he’s been working with their companies to produce. They’re making not as fast, not as long distance but very convenient for almost all driving needs at way less cost than Tesla. It kills me that our own companies ignore our great industrialist, like Sandy, and foreign companies use what our people teach them to crush us. If any of you know who W. Edwards Deming is and how he’s related to Japans industrial rise you will know what I’m talking about. It hurts.

He has some charts he shows that will make your eyes bug out on the financial stability of various car companies. Serious panic.

A lot of people say Musk doesn’t know what he’s doing but listen to what he says about Musk and Tesla. Teslas model S he criticized in the most brutal way. They tore down the whole car and itemized every part, cost, how assembled, etc. Ripped the hell out of Tesla but now Sandy piled his own money into Tesla stock because in two years everything he criticized Tesla fixed and made improvements in manufacturing that he had been trying to get the major auto manufacturers to do for decades. Tesla did this in two years. It’s worth listening to. Next time you hear someone say Musk has no idea, then listen to this and see if you believe them afterward.


Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Sam, the internet is an invisible prison that will eventually form the backbone of a complete control grid with no escape save underground where radio signals cannot penetrate. The solar/wind grid that is being forced down Wall of our throats today will be used to starve whole continents tomorrow. The electric cars you are so fond of will be used to price people out of driving altogether. Why, because the control over all of it will not be local, it will be centralized globally.

Again, I qualify everything I say in freely acknowledging that micro level solar/wind/EV can work very well for independent people forming their own micro-grid. Scale it up and it’s just another corporate cabal way to yank your chain, and it’s this second way that it has already been implemented and will continue.

A Tesla is just a mobile holding cell waiting for the order to lock you in and deliver you to whatever agency has flagged you. When I get my SUV swapped over to diesel, I not only will MAKE my own fuel out of vegetable oil, but there won’t be a single way to dial in to the vehicle to control any function on it because I’m going to rip out every computer the thing has, replacing with single function systems that only reprogram with a physical connection. Any vehicle produced pre-2000 can do the same. There’s not a single EV currently produced where that is even possible.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

“…The electric cars you are so fond of will be used to price people out of driving altogether…”

Not true. You didn’t watch the video where they talked about very low cost electric cars. Electric cars cost will be below IC cars because the battery prices will fall below IC transmissions, engines, etc. Electric motors will become super cheap and already are headed that way. Not there yet but it’s inevitable because of the low cost of components. Guaranteed.

“…When I get my SUV swapped over to diesel, I not only will MAKE my own fuel out of vegetable oil, but there won’t be a single way to dial in to the vehicle to control any function on it because I’m going to rip out every computer the thing has, replacing with single function systems that only reprogram with a physical connection. Any vehicle produced pre-2000 can do the same. There’s not a single EV currently produced where that is even possible…”

Also not true. Not easy but no harder and much cheaper than doing what you are doing and less costly. There are third party controllers for electric motors right now. The motors in electric cars, as I understand it, are controlled by,

This is not magic. These things are built in $4 microcontrollers.

Don’t believe me, search for “diy electric motors for cars”. Lots of links. Here’s one.

It may be cheaper to build an electric car from an older car than it is to swap over a diesel, as you plan to do. Alternatives are to build an electric truck and have a small Geo metro level generator or volkswagon diesel generator built in. So you could scrimp on batteries(costly) for local travel but still have the IC for long travel. Another would be to tow the generator behind you.

Some of these electric motor kits are too expensive I believe but buying a new diesel like you plan is $9,999.00,(great engine by the way)

Cummins R2.8 Turbo Diesel Crate Engine – 5467046

$8,000 or above without the transmission, so the cost are not cheap. You can say you will buy used but you can get the same lower prices with used electric parts so you’ve shown no price advantage. Here’s a company that sells drop in kits,

We now have the Tesla Model S drive unit for sale as a complete drop in package$11,900.00

That’s expensive and I think you could get the price a lot lower,(I’ve seen used Tesla motors for under $2.000 on ebay), but compared to new engine, transmission for diesel it’s not more expensive and you have not solved your fuel problem.

And by the way where are you going to get the biodiesel? You have to have vegetable oil for that and then process it. It’s a pain in the ass. I know how this is made, and it doesn’t make itself. It takes effort. It cost money for the chemicals and the whole processing apparatus. You will not be guaranteed to always be able to get it. The Sun, if it runs out, transportation will be the least of your problems. I suspect a change over to electric compared to what you are planning long term would be much cheaper.

“…A Tesla is just a mobile holding cell waiting for the order to lock you in and deliver you to whatever agency has flagged you…”

IC cars can be controlled the same as electric, so that’s not a criticism you can use to say electric cars are a failure.

You will never, any of you, “own” me on saying electric cars are not better for personal security and dependable transportation. You will never ever prove this untrue with “facts”. Sure you may try to prove it with “feels” but “facts” you will lose because of the extremely simple base level “fact” that you can always charge an electric car with diesel or any other energy source you can scrounge up, but you can only fuel a IC car with the “holy Hydrocarbon”.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Also normalizing complacency in order to degrade the responses.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

A Virginia radio personality said he had to cancel Christmas plans because his Tesla S electric car would not charge during the ongoing freezing weather that has afflicted much of the United States.

This is his own stupidity. You’re not supposed to let the charge go too far down in the cold. The batteries are heated at cold temperatures. If he had kept the charge up this would not have happened. For those of you who are obsessed with the “Holy Hydrocarbon”, anyone who knows anything about diesels knows in very cold temperatures you have to plug in block heaters or they are very difficult to start in cold weather. Meaning, all things have faults and you have to work around them.

I’ve never said electric cars are perfect, only that if you have local solar power or other independent power to charge them that if the power grid, the “Holy Hydrocarbon” supply chain breaks down or the officials decide to shut off the fuel pumps you can still be mobile. To me, that is important. It’s all about National and personal independence.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Electric cars are a gimmick

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I notice that people who make these sort of little girl passive aggressive statements never have any facts to offer. Why is that? Can you guess?

2 years ago

On the very day of his own assassination, RFK confronted the CIA about JFK…

Nixon’s Plan to Threaten the CIA on JFK’s Assassination

President Nixon’s obsession with “the whole Bay of Pigs thing” has intrigued historians, journalists and conspiracy theorists. A largely overlooked tape provides answers.

2 years ago


I don’t see the link to the Surveillance section.
Fortunately I had it saved to give to someone.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

You might want to post it at the top of the blog every day like the DFT links.

2 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

I was reading some stuff on reddit about futurology and the same is said here and many other places. They are saying Musk is a complete fool. Knows nothing. Etc., etc. The unplugging the rack is one reason they say that. Another is some former twatter guy on a podcast supposedly “owns” Musk. Musk says twatter might need to have the whole stack of the code rewritten and the troll says,”exactly what part” and Musk calls him a “jackass” Now supposedly this means Musk knows nothing. Yet I can’t see it. Musk is supposed to go over all the twatter code on some podcast? The people criticizing him totally leave out the idea that all the code may be crammed full of spyware and boogyware of unknown origin. Him unhooking servers they say means he doesn’t know what a server is or what does. I suspect he knew exactly what he was unplugging and that his techs are telling him there’s some screwy code that they don’t know what it’s doing or where it’s going to or from, and he was trying to suss it out.

There’s a huge, continuous, relentless attacks on him. Especially about his technical abilities. I personally believe the people doing this are idiots. I think the intelligence agencies are hurting for good people and are filled with a lot of hacks. Their go to tactic is constant lies and debasement of anyone they target. Some of that works and in the past was effective, but it’s rapidly losing it’s value because no one but the most ignorant imbeciles believes what the press or the government says anymore. They’ve poisoned the ground of truth too many times and now, if you look, you can get some idea of what the truth is from the many variable sources now available.

A lot of these attacks are gas-lighting. Leaving out lots of important facts and a bunch of straight up lies about him.

People who have kept track of him know he has had a well formed plan for decades, has stuck to it and is now one of the wealthiest people on the planet. It is hard to argue with that sort of success. I’m not saying he’s a genius, but he has a well formed sense of technology and how to get the most out of it. He has a good deal of knowledge of the lower level of tech but most importantly a really good big picture of how to push things. Most people don’t have this. Most engineers have a lot of tiny tech sense and really know certain areas but have very little big picture sense on how to leverage these tiny tech things. He does. I know this because I’ve seen him spell it out exactly over a decade ago and follow through.

He may fail, and I don’t believe it will be 100% because of him. He’s getting attacked financially, bureaucratically (they’ve totally stopped him launching his new big rocket) and they are hitting him with propaganda which will hurt funding. They are slowing him anyway they can short of direct attack, and it may come to that.

A song I’ve been listening to. Has nothing to do with nothing but I like it.

2 years ago
2 years ago

Conservatives in Western Canada Pass Law Rejecting Federal Sovereignty

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

The US needs to make the changes I keep harping on about regional State Senates, change voting requirements then hive off western Canada and make it several States. There’s some really big water projects we could make. Dam off a big river in Alaska and then route the water to the US via western Canada. The growth to the west for all this water would be huge.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

This is a great project! I see that the governments are reluctant to cooperate on such a thing. OK. America can just take it, after we hang both sets of current traitors. How will that be? Then we can annex Western Canada and DEPORT all shit hole migrants from both Canada and America to Ontario. I’m already excited! (!)

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Take all of Canada and deport their leftists and migrants.

2 years ago

Serbia on Monday placed its security troops on the border with Kosovo on “the full state of combat readiness,” ignoring NATO’s calls for calming down of tensions between the two wartime Balkan foes.

2 years ago
Breaking News/Brazil: Bolsonaro will make a nationally broadcast speech tomorrow 9am

2 years ago
Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Despite the obvious lefty bias on part of the host and the guest, it’s actually worth listening to because he’s not wrong on childhood trauma and how our current society creates it.

The Diary Of A CEO – Gabor Mate: The Childhood Lie That’s Ruining All Of Our Lives. | E193

2 years ago

Patagonia’s founder, who gave his company to a non-profit, loves saving money. From eating cat food to living in beach shacks, here are some of the wackiest examples.

He has to be careful with the small amount of money they let him actually have.

2 years ago

Peru arrests six generals amid graft investigation of ex-President Castillo

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Russia’s Power Machines completes first high-power gas turbine to replace imported equipment

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

All these sanctions have been a godsend for Russia. They have replaced a lot of the foods, consumer goods and heavy equipment that used to be bought in Europe and the US. So now they make their own. They have all the natural gas, oil and nuclear power they need and energy is the key to wealth. Anything they can’t make, they likely can get from China in exchange for oil and gas. So our whole foreign policy is driving China and Russia to higher wealth, while the fools and blackmailed scum that run the west are driving it into the dirt with energy contraction. No wonder people keep saying our leaders are Chinese agents. They couldn’t ruin the country any faster if they all were paid off by Chinese intelligence to wreck the place.

And to make sure no one tries to gas-light you on my views. I am in NO way against all sorts of power sources. Oil, gas, nuclear, coal, the works. My love of solar is solely based on National and personal autonomy. I do believe that solar, batteries, etc. should be subsidized. At least as much as we subsidize oil. The way things are going price wise, solar will within the decade kick the shit out of fossil fuels. It’s already there or lower cost in sunny areas even including battery storage for nights and cloudy days.

And God forbid that excessive, obscene amount of money we subsidize turning food into alcohol to destroy our engines with this crap. It’s a crime against nature to burn food up in SUV’s. We could feed that corn to cows and eat more beef. A sure winner.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Wait, its controlled opposition!