News Briefs – 12/25/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”


DFT – Japanese Insurers Announce No Insurance For War-Damage To Ships In Russian Waters Is NATO going to progress from blowing up a pipeline, to sinking Russian tankers?

DFT – Musk Warns Against Margin Debt Due To Potential “Mass Panic”

DFT – Zimbabwe Moves To Strictly Regulate Lithium Export

DFT – China Ceases Releasing New Covid Numbers

DFT – More Brits Are Missing Bill Payments As Cost Of Living Crisis Worsens

Merry Christmas to all anons.

Arizona judge rejects Kari Lake’s election lawsuit, Lake to appeal. These things are wargamed before Cabal launches. They know how it will turn out if there is a lawsuit, how it will go if there is an appeal, and they do not launch unless they have everything under control.

Another Twitter Files drops: Twitter and “Other Government Agencies.” Also known as CIA, deciding what you can say and not say, and determining what you will hear and not hear.

The FBI may have violated the First Amendment rights of Twitter users when it flagged accounts for the social media platform to review, several legal experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

House Judiciary Committee incoming Chairman Jim Jordan demanded Friday that FBI Director Chris Wray turn over records of all communications and payments the law enforcement agency had with Twitter, after Jordan’s office said the release of internal files by Twitter’s new owner, Elon Musk, had unmasked an “ongoing surveillance operation” that exceeded FBI investigative authorities and that resulted in a “coordinated misinformation effort between the FBI and Twitter to suppress and censor free speech.”

Facebook gives Ben Shapiro ‘shadow-boost’ to make more users see his content, leading to accusations he is seen as friendly opposition. Imagine what it takes to be conservative, and get, not only not de-boosted, but actually boosted on social media. Note also it is the intelligence agencies making these calls. So many of these people are outright domestic spies, on intel’s payroll, assigned to these roles. I would bet he was following people through grocery stores at ten years old with his parents, and spying on the other kids at his grade school. And of course, this is where those thousands of “Watch Ben Shapiro totally own this liberal in a debate…” links come from.

Pressure builds to keep Donald Trump off Facebook ahead of his possible reinstatement.

18 Republicans vote to give $11.3 billion to FBI to target domestic extremists and build the FBI a new multi-million dollar facility.

Unbeknownst to most Americans, President Biden just signed into law far-reaching legislation that could soon confirm the existence of an alien presence on earth. Is this the final scene, where they unveil the aliens to usher in the New World Order? Or are we getting truth? From the link:

Even before this ‘whistleblower’ legislation was signed into law, credible individuals were providing Congress information alleging that the US government has recovered extraterrestrial technology. This process began in 2019 when I brought astrophysicist Dr. Eric Davis to Capitol Hill to meet with staff from the Senate Intelligence and Armed Services committees. Dr. Davis, author of the famous Wilson-Davis memo, provided specific information lending credence to sensational reports that an official US government program is actively seeking to exploit recovered technology that was fashioned by some other species or perhaps advanced AI machines. Much of the information Dr. Davis provided remains highly classified, but the good news is that these sensational claims, which have the potential to transform our understanding of the universe and man’s place within it, are now being taken seriously and properly investigated. I’ve brought others besides Dr. Davis and Lue Elizondo to the Hill and the AARO office and I am encouraging anyone else who may be able to help set the record straight to step forward as well.

A secret back channel between FTX and the Biden White House shut down the day after FTX filed for bankruptcy.

Washington politicians sneaked funding for gun control database available to foreign governments into their $1.7 trillion spending blowout. Lots of other noxious stuff in the bill at the link, too.

Jan 6 report hides any mention of pipe bomber who was the cause of shutting down Congress that day.

Schumer kills bills big tech feared most, but boosts budgets of agencies targeting them. Should read – “Schumer kills bills big tech feared most, and then boosts budgets of agencies which created, own, and run the Big Tech companies.”

Dax Tejera, the executive producer of ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” died suddenly of a heart attack Friday at the age of 37.

UFC Hall of Famer Stephan Bonnar dies at age 45 from heart complications while at work.

DeSantis says Covid jabs being used by “globalist elites to depopulate the planet.”

NYC Council caucus calling on Biden to declare migrant crisis an ‘emergency.’

Yuma hospital CEO says providing care to migrants is ‘unsustainable’ for us, we can’t collect because ‘we don’t know where they go.’ And they make it up by increasing their charges to you, which drives up insurance.

Pentagon pauses all actions related to COVID-19 vaccine mandate after Biden signs bill which ends the mandate.

Elon Musk warns there’s ‘great danger in training AI to lie’ after ChatGPT is prohibited from saying anything positive about fossil fuels.

Top U.S. high school deprived students of National Merit Awards as part of ‘equity’ policy.

BRAZIL UPDATE: Military Movements Continue – “The Armed Forces Have to Act.” Maybe, but Lula’s people could spread rumors like this just to keep Bolonaro’s people sitting on their hands, thinking it will get taken care of.

No anonymous troll demons allowed:

Widespread riots erupted in Paris after a woman and two men were shot dead yesterday at a Kurdish cultural center and a nearby cafe in the 10th arrondissement of Paris.

German Foreign Minister has ~$8k a month personal stylist as citizens feel the cold.

Things may be heating up in Taiwan as the Ministry of Defense is expressing concerns about over a dozen Chinese military aircraft and naval vessels that approached near Taiwan early on Saturday morning, according to a report from Fox News.

A major Russian shipyard that specialises in building non-nuclear submarines said its general director had died suddenly on Saturday after 11 years in the job, but gave no details.

Kazakhstan to start transporting oil to Germany via Russian pipeline in January.

The US military is considering training Ukrainian forces how to use Patriot missile defense systems at a base in the United States.

Zelensky handed Congress a flag with Nazi SS symbols visible on it. Note, none of the Jews involved would care, raising the question of exactly what it is they are loyal to, and if they are even Jewish.

Now these AIs are just getting scary good:

Here is one for those of you who do not like traffic:

Donald Trump’s favorability soars over Mitch McConnell in new poll.

Trump holds 24-point lead in hypothetical 2024 Republican primary.

Five Surprising Miracles from God that Helped Make America Great. These are dark times, but this day will remind us, not hopeless. While America the government does not deserve God’s grace, real Americans everywhere will have it, and nothing is beyond God’s power or mercy. He will win.

Larry Schweikart lays out the essential role Christmas played in America’s darkest times.

Spread r/K Theory, because a Savior is born.

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2 years ago

Merry Christmas, AC and anons!

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

The FBI may have violated the First Amendment rights of Twitter users when it flagged accounts for the social media platform to review, several legal experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Is anyone else here old enough to remember when Donald Trump was told by the court that he couldn’t ban an annoying commenter from his Twitter account because Twitter is a (i forget the term) public resource? I do; and now it is as if that ruling never existed.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Note also, Twitter enjoy tax concessions & not liable for content because they are a utility and NOT and a publisher

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Nothing to do with law. Everything to do with
Judicial Dictatorship.
Judicial Dictatorship Not Just a Figure of Speech.

Not So Anonymous
Not So Anonymous
2 years ago

As for the aliens, I’ll quote myself from Lipstick Alley’s conspiracy subforum…


Today it dawned on me that the LIKELIEST future posthuman creep in the world is Yuval Noah Harari. He might be their fucking Great Leader, I dunno. But as for whether he represents “The Jews”, nooooooo, he is not only a Fake Jew, he is a FAKE HUMAN, if my hunch is right.

ACTUAL Jews — the majority of them, however normal or not — are actual human beings to just the same extent we all are, and they will be not JUST as ripshit at these malevolent posers when it dawns on THEM what’s been happening, they will be MORE furious than we are.

2 years ago

Low effort post. I got the flu, but may have something more substantial later. This is for people for whom the holidays just means additional stress:

Less than three minutes, and I found it pretty funny.

Not So Anonymous
Not So Anonymous
2 years ago

Goddamn it.

I didn’t realize triple arrow-brackets would make a quote DISAPPEAR.


I hate computer nerds sooooooooo much.


Here is what got clipped, maybe you can paste it, fix it, etc:

My best guess at the moment:

There’s a cold war across spacetime between one side which wants to preserve us at their expense and one side which wants to preserve them at our expense. Them = some nightmare future where there are, say, 100 billion people spread around the solar system who live in a “utopia” where the human species has been “transcended” (i.e., exterminated) with mindbogglingly-advanced posthumanist technology and where shit like pedophilia has become normal. Us = a shaky alliance of natural humans who have been programmed for generations by ghoulish anti-human future entities to hate each other for superficial reasons. Imagine a cross between Back to the Future 2 and the NBC show Timeless and the Terminator franchise, or something. While some of these celebs really mean it because they themselves are these non-human humanish A.I.-controlled future entities (think of the “soulless” humans, the “portals”, the people who don’t have an interior monologue, etc.) other celebs may be playing a kayfabe or COUNTER-kayfabe role and just tricking/trolling the future non-humans. The future non-humans, by the way, are very clever and ruthless, but at the same time they are fundamentally re****ed, emotionally, as in, they have no real emotional intelligence. I’m hoping Monae is one of the kayfabe tricksters, but it’s possible she’s just an actress (or a squad of cloned actresses?) who is fed her best music from some imprisoned ghostcomposer who’d be penning lyrics which subvert her captors without them realizing it because, as I mentioned, they are fucking stupid, emotionally, and they are creatively handicapped, their normal human intuitions are disabled or even totally extinguished.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Not So Anonymous
2 years ago

It sounds like those”portal people” without the internal dialogue are that way because they are under “soul control” (you might call it) of the Archonic host as explained by John Lamb Lash, who cannot themselves enter our biosphere, so they must spread ideas and ride human “horses” (as the voodoo folk call it).
According to info by Cyrus Parsa, which I think someone posted here a few days ago, all of humanity will be subject to this takeover if the Cabalist’s succeed with their transhumanist agenda. This is the Parsa link again, but read John Lash’s “Not in His Image” and build yourself a Venn Diagram.

2 years ago
2 years ago

Merry Christmas to all men of Good Will! Merry Christmas to AC, AC readers, and AC lurkers! Merry Christmas!

2 years ago

Even before this ‘whistleblower’ legislation was signed into law, credible individuals were providing Congress information alleging that the US government has recovered extraterrestrial technology.”

It’s called “SETA” or Search for Extra-Terrestrial Artifacts as opposed to SETI. It is much more likely that artifacts would be left by long vanished civilizations, including AI probes likely to have visited the Sol system. When you look at just what has been ejected into space by Humanity in the last hundred years and consider that some civilizations may have been around far longer, there are possibilities their junk could be quite common in some places.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

But it’s a big place. A really big place. Consider just our solar system. Imagine an alien probe swooping in like one of our Voyager probes. What’s the likelihood that we’d even detect it?

2 years ago

DeSantis says Covid jabs being used by “globalist elites to depopulate the planet.”

Kind of a big deal to say this. Trump has never alleged this btw.

2 years ago

Merry Christmas to you AC, and thank you for keeping us informed. May God keep you in His safekeeping for the new year, and give you the strength to continue your good work

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Hoping you have a cobra like auric shield bolstered with torsion spirals ( there I go again with the science talk ). Isn’t it a human truism that a person tends to talk about what they read or what interests them? It’s a dichotomy that’s tricky to manage – vigilance -V- raising awareness of possible, if not probable impending doom. I’m thankful to those who helped me to have a good Christmas, and don’t we all need the Holy Spirit to lead and protect us 2023! Each person can try to save America in their own way, based on their level of influence and risk factor. I sense I’ve done all I can. To those who have left the t.v. realm, Lindell TV is excellent, and presented so as to how much time you have to watch. All the shows are good, and the segments part defines a topic, so you can learn if you only have minutes to watch. Heightened awareness of what’s really happening in America would make an excellent Christmas 2023 gift! Hoping all maintain central balance.

2 years ago

“Poll: Donald Trump’s Favorability Soars over Mitch McConnell”
To be fair, cat puke on the carpet and pus also polled higher…..
Merry Christmas!

Last edited 2 years ago by WDS
2 years ago

Is this the final scene, where they unveil the aliens to usher in the New World Order? Or are we getting truth?

Clif High recently commented that Oumuamua was artificial….

  • 00:10 Oumuamua caused Covid; Detailed description of Oumuamua:
  • metallic, tubular, 800mx80m, 196,000 km/h to 225,000 km/hr, hollow
  • 04:25 Strategic outgassing created thrust – artificial gravity

He also postulated the appearance of Oumuamua in 2017 was taken as a sign the the plan needed to be accelerated, leading to the sudden appearance of Covid.
Did the appearance of Oumuamua accelerate WEF plans to put the world under their subjection?

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  B_MC
2 years ago

Interesting. And Relevant! Notice that those “Khazarians” did claim or pretend to convert to Judaism, and although they have or had no real link to the ancient Hebrews, they did have ties to the Hebrew’s Semitic cousins, the vile Canaanites, who numbered among their kind the Phoenicians, who if they could sail to Albion’s Cornwall coast, they sure as heck made the relatively easy sojourn up into the Black Sea, specifically to the Crimea (best landfall on that body of water), where according to several scholars — and also to common sense — they spread their foul and evil Baal worship cult to the natives, who they would have also intermarried into. So in a way, Miles Mathis is correct in his ” it’s the Phoenicians” claim. Not that he matters, mind you.
Great clues here. Thanks for the URL! And happy Yule to one and all, especially AC!

2 years ago

“…these sensational claims, which have the potential to transform our understanding of the universe and man’s place within it….”

Man’s place within it? As in “bow down before your new overlords”. Totally natural, nothing antichrist about that.

2 years ago

Merry Xmas and much love to AC and the anons who make this place ultra-special.

2 years ago

Commentator Lauhe on Denninger’s site speculates about the actual month Jesus was born. Its a really complicated argument, but its an argument for December, meaning we should be celebrating the Feast of the Annunciation, not Nativity, this month. There are arguments for December, based on the same priestly calendar, but September is slightly more likely:

“The Bible discloses when John was born and Luke tells us there was a 6 month age difference between Jesus and John. Johns father, Zechariah, served as priest just before John was conceived. He belonged to the division of Abijah. (Luke 1:5, 8-25) Reading 1Chronicles 24:7-18 tells about the twenty-four divisions of the priests. The division for Abijah, it shows, was the eighth. Of the twenty-four divisions the second round of the eighth division would fall in the fourth Jewish month, or the latter part of June, our calendar.”

“Hence John the Baptist was conceived in the latter part of June, 3 BCE, and so was born in the latter part of March, 2 BCE. Since John was six months older than Jesus, Jesus was born about October 1, in the year 2 BCE (there is no Zero year)”

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

Pardon me if I am skeptical of a Bible scholar who uses BCE instead of BC.

I’d bother to try to find out which is the better argument but it just doesn’t really matter all that much.
We celebrate the birth of Christ whenever it happened exactly.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago


Reply to  Ed
2 years ago


Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

BCE is an atheist/device introduced within the past 20 years, as part of the the program to de-Christian Western society
I do not read or listen to anyone that uses “BCE”

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

BCE is older than 20 years. I think Bishop Spong used it in his book “Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism”. I do NOT recommend his book.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

“Fundamentalist” is just another descriptor of true “Orthodox Christianity”

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
2 years ago

Everyone here already knows what is in this hour long year old video. But its a good summary of how the upper/ middle levels of the Cabal operates:

Too much hopium at the end for my tastes, but its only the last three minutes.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

I have never, ever seen this much virulent anti-Semitism all in one place! This is an excellent presentation that summarizes just where the world is bat the present moment. Thanks.

2 years ago

Sarah Hoyt has started a series of posts on essentially, what went wrong. There is nothing in Part 1 that isn’t in Part 2, so you might as well just start with Part 2:

She makes two points. The first is that formal schooling has become mostly busy work. Its busy work, not really easy assignments, so students are trying to complete the busy work and can’t learn even by accident or independently.

The second point is the fairly complete lack of jobs available for male school leavers, and while women both do better in school and get the good jobs upon graduation, they are completely unable to do them, and of course women who are happier as homemakers and mothers are funneled into this system.

Hoyt is mostly a science fiction writer, and while I have not yet read her fiction, her social observations are well written and solid. Her comments section is weak and you are better off skipping them.

2 years ago

Merry Christmas, AC, and thank you for all you do here.

2 years ago

That —“Fuck around and find out” is a great vid! Luv it!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Clearly the black SUV driver cause the incident.

However a good lawyer could argue the truck driver was distracted while eating, made no attempt to avoid collision, and didnt appear to care.

Interested to know the followup.

2 years ago

Merry Christmas AC! Keep fighting the good fight! God bless you, sir!

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

Merry Christmas AC!

2 years ago

Merry Christmas AC! You are a true gem and warrior for God.

Merry Christmas anons! It is such a source of hope that there are others in this fallen world that are awake and striving for the Good, the True and the Beautiful.

God bless and keep us, everyone.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Does anyone who reads the comments here ever observe something as they are going about their business, and sense that others who have inculcated the r/K insights/Cabal etc. will perceive the same things, which are probabilities that are most easily understood when shone thru the prism of this site’s learnings? ( that seems like a bit of an intellectualized Yogi Berra-ism question, doesn’t it! ). Team AC is expanding to a phase-locked dynamical system, psychomagnetically bonded. Defeating the globalist machine is, it seems to me, a series of platoons that realize how many planes the war, both spiritual and physical are involved with. Read something really profound today, this arctic Christmas – don’t just –
‘ fight ‘ cabal ( whatever fighting means to you ), always keep sight of something positive that you want more than cabal succeeding. Reading that was like a fortune cookie in a Christmas stocking – precious wisdom. Enough using this venue for Christmas introspection. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the holiday week.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

China Ceases Releasing New Covid Numbers

I wonder…maybe China has engineered a covid that is less lethal and decided to release it so that the immunity would spread?

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

It is all fake.

Excess deaths probably due to execution and vaccinations.

Pictures seen of 7 people crowding a hospital room are pathetic in comparison to the covid-concentration camps.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Would be interested in your opinion on this Sam.
Ipot1776 aka Sir Patrick Mack has done some brilliant documentaries on subjects like the “Weathermen” a solid researcher i think.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Mr Twister
2 years ago

I’m not going to watch all that. I don’t watch most videos. Too slow.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

I don’t think anything beats natural immunity for having had covid, cross immunization from varients from what I gather.
Until you get jabbed anyway!

Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

Merry Christmas, AC!

Our tree. Nobody bother look for secret symbology in some of ornaments. The story behind each one is, “Ooo, that cute!” 🙂

2 years ago

Merry Christmas to you all. If you get the chance watch Scrooge with Albert Finney, perfect for Christmas Day. They don’t make them like that anymore…

2 years ago

merry christmas, hoss

2 years ago

Merry Christmas.

2 years ago

What’s interesting is that Eliza who raises the alarm about CP on Twitter is allowed to persist.
Is this evidence of Counter-Cabal? Or is Cabal shoring up with people like her and Elon?

2 years ago

Bon Jour & Merry Christmas to AC and our very unique community. This is my daily education and enlightenment place though I rarely ever comment. May Heavenly Blessings and Christmas miracles cover all true brave hearts here. May our Lord Jesus Christ give us truth seekers great Revelation, discernment and increased wisdom. What amazing times we are witnessing. God’ Speed!