News Briefs – 12/25/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Merry Christmas to all.

Lawsuit reveals Fulton county, Georgia 2020 absentee ballot results were physically impossible and files were modified.

Republican lawmakers aiming to expand what they call a “forensic investigation” of Pennsylvania’s 2020 election into inspecting voting machines must wait until next month, by which time the state and the county must have come up with agreed upon rules for the inspection, a judge decided Tuesday.

New report shows exactly how Mark Zuckerberg’s millions changed the outcome in Wisconsin.

Journalist reporting on Ghislaine Maxwell trial burglarized, research stolen. At this level, these types of things are not, “Let’s go break in, and hope she isn’t home, or doesn’t come back fast, unexpectedly, and catch us.” You have eyes on the house, ears in her comms, you know where she is going before she goes and how long it will take her, you have a team on her as she travels set to call her return so you can clear out, you take over what you must so no neighbors have a sightline to your entry point so nobody will call the cops, you know exactly what is going on inside her house so you know there is no crazy cousin who was living with her that nobody knew about who will pop out of a second bedroom with a shotgun, and you leave nothing to chance. I’ll leave it to you to figure out how all of that gets put together, and what kind of resources are deployed, and for how long prior to the actual break-in they show up. But these are not small operations by two or three PI’s hired by a political party on the spur of the moment.

The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot has asked the Supreme Court to respond to former President Donald Trump’s request that the justices block the National Archives from releasing his White House records by mid-January.

From the comments, a woman reports being stalked by someone who planted an AirTag on her car, but Police couldn’t find it. An AirTag is a small device which broadcasts its GPS location back to the person who set it up. Wherever it goes, it broadcasts its location with its unique ID number. The nature of an AirTag is it should be able to be easily found. The reason she felt somebody had planted it on her was she ran an app which scanned nearby AirTag IDs, looking for ones which repeatedly were near her as she traveled, and thus would be assumed to be with her. Her app told her the same ID was popping up around her several places she went, and she had seen some weirdos around her car who fled when she noticed them, so she assumed they planted one in her car at that point. Here is what I’d bet really happened. The weirdos were probably a local surveillance team tracking her which she noticed. One of the boobs assigned to her frequently lost his keys, and attached an AirTag to them, so they could find them in the future, or something like that, and never thought anything more of it. So he, or she, was carrying an AirTag while performing active surveillance on a target who was running an AirTag scanning app, which of course noted the AirTag was frequently near by and flagged it. The target assumed it must be on her, but it was really just somebody following her. It is possible this was some sort of organized lesson in tradecraft, run by the network in the news, to school its members on the need to stay below the radar of targets. We first heard about the use of AirTags in a story about thieves who were AirTagging cars they wanted to steal, and then using the AirTags to locate the cars later on after the owners had driven them home. I wondered when I heard that story, why would a thief do that? Why not just drive to a nice neighborhood, and choose cars you saw parked in driveways? Why add the AirTag step, with the associated risk of the AirTag being associated with you? Why not just steal the car instead of AirTagging it? For that matter, how were they discovering the AirTags were used? From the victim’s end, their car got stolen and was gone. By the time they found the car, surely the AirTag was removed. How did they figure out AirTags were being used? And having found it out, why broadcast it in a news story to tell other criminals about this brilliant plan? It always felt off. I would be unsurprised if it was all part of a lesson to Cabal’s network to be aware of things like heat maps and tracking devices, and how they can break through tradecraft and compromise an operation.

Lots of people are losing lots of money to various scams, but when they report them to the FBI’s internet crime division, nothing is done and the cases are being dropped. From the article: “Most of these locally reported scams are turned over to the FBI’s internet Crime Complaint Center, or IC3… I have never seen any resolution from It’s a great repository,” [former FBI Special Agent Roman] Garcia said.” Sounds suspiciously like the scams are Cabal, and FBI has been forbidden to do anything about them.

Golfer Phil Mikelson tweets, “Serious question since I’m not a dr. If omicron is contagious but not deadly(25,000 cases in Africa with no deaths) why try and control it? Why not let it go and let people get it and develop immunity? Especially for those who won’t get vaccinated? Pls no hate, I’m just curious.” Lots of Lockdown fetishists piling on in the comments, making up reasons it would end the world.

South Africa relaxes COVID rules as 80% of population gains immunity.

New studies showing the Omicron coronavirus variant may be up to 70 percent less likely to lead to hospitalisation offer a “glimmer of Christmas hope,” a senior UK health official has said.

Robert F Kennedy’s book exposing “The Real Anthony Fauci” was the most-bought non-fiction book on Amazon this week!

The New Hampshire Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) recently made some waves in our state when they attempted to remove two children from their home after learning that the father had administered Ivermectin to his teenage boy a few days earlier.

New study shows vaccines must be given monthly to be effective against Omicron. We are now up to twelve shots per year. Will we make it to a morning vaccine each day as the standard to get some milk at the store?

Intentionally contracting Covid for ‘natural immunity’ may land you in jail for 5 years in Switzerland.

Air Force denies 2,100 vaccine exemption requests.

Sen. Joe Manchin reportedly told the White House last week that he would be willing to support a version of the billionaire tax in President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda, in a reversal from his previous criticism.

Texas refinery blast could help push gas prices above $4 a gallon.

A new report from the Rockefeller Foundation called “Reset the Table” (sound familiar?) calls for a total centralization of the global food supply in order to solve the “hunger and nutrition crisis.”

Kamala Harris has sought the counsel of twice-failed presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton on the best way to reverse diving approval ratings while at the same navigating the travails of public life. Of course Hillary probably wants to run in 2024, and Kamala is thinking she may run in 2024, so there is probably more manipulation by each, of the other, going on than that.

Alan Dershowitz looks at how Police Officer Kim Potter’s accidental use of a firearm instead of a taser was not a crime, and her conviction of a crime for it sets a dangerous precedent. I would think if all cops knew about the conspiracy, they could leverage that through a threat of exposure of it into eliminating all instances like this, which seems clearly another engineered case with a preordained outcome to affect some change in teh nation’s environment.

Baltimore Police Officer and single mother of four ambushed and shot twice in the back of the head as she sat in her patrol car. Looks like just two savages wandering about. Baltimore Police Stated:

The Signal 13 foundation is providing assistance to the family in their time of need. Those who wish to provide financial support to Officer Holley’s family, may do so through the Signal 13 website at and click on the “Donate” button. Please designate your support for Officer Holley’s family, by writing “In support of Officer Holley” in the notes box or in the memo field of a written check.

How Daunte Wright, shot by Kim Potter, led a life of crime and violence before his death, shot his own friend in the head, broke into a neighbor’s home, and robbed a woman at gunpoint.

Vox Day on the thousands of NATO “instructors” that are reportedly being sent to Ukraine. Clearly the Cabal is preparing for war there, and Russia’s 250,000 troops so far amassed on the border would make it seem a losing war for our side, but probably a winning war for Cabal’s objectives, since they can arrange the deaths of any soldiers who seem problematic in the future.

US not ready to agree to Russia’s security proposals regarding NATO per WH spox Jen Psaki.

Video of a Rite Aid in Los Angeles, where a female just walks in with a pickaxe over her shoulder like one of the Seven Dwarves going to work, loads up a cart with liquor, and walks out. Nobody would go near her.

Global investors are gobbling up single family homes in the U.S. pushing out first-time buyers, and driving up housing costs. Another artificially engendered shortage.

Actor Alec Baldwin has posted a video on Instagram days before Christmas where he appears to wallow in self-pity over the ‘really tough time’ he has been having in recent weeks after accidentally shooting dead a cinematographer, adding, “I’m looking forward to this being behind me,” and saying he wants to “move forward with his life.”

A low-profile, solo conman scored one of the biggest thefts of the year Wednesday when he posed as a FedEx driver, knocked on the store’s service door, took possession of a cartload of outgoing packages, and walked out of the Apple store with an estimated $70,000 in merchandise. Intel operations are everywhere. I’m just a burned FedEx driver and I am here  to help. Basically the exact same thing happening to our government, where some burned, elite freedom and democracy loving patriots like the Open Society Foundation have shown up to help us run our democratic republic.

Five Planned Parenthood CEOs make over $500K.

Four Texas National Guard troops have died in suspected suicides since October as the force rapidly expands to carry out Gov. Greg Abbott’s order to guard the Lone Star State’s border with Mexico, according to a report.

Texas Dept. of Public Safety Lt. Christopher Olivarez said he predicts that the situation on the border is “going to get a whole lot worse” in 2022. If the Cabal is denied a COVID epidemic for 2022, expect them to flood in illegals to have them handle the voter fraud. It will be interesting if we see another Acute Flaccid Myelitis outbreak to go with it.

Drone has the ability to take down illegal aliens crossing the border by shooting a taser out of it.

Israeli alleged mobster shot dead in the Netherlands.

A report by the South Florida Sun Sentinel suggests Florida is on track to become the 22nd constitutional carry state.

The Nevada Supreme Court recently issued a ruling upholding the immunity of firearm and ammunition makers from civil lawsuits, when their products are used criminally, under Nevada law.

A parent told President Joe Biden ‘Let’s Go Brandon!’ during the NORAD Santa Tracker event with First Lady Jill Biden at the White House complex on Friday.

“Former Trump Chief Strategist Steve Bannon and strategist and campaign advisor Boris Epshteyn have reportedly both invested heavily in $FJB, the ‘Let’s go Brandon’ cryptocurrency. It will be interesting if it goes nowhere, because it will reveal a lot of meme cryptos are somehow promoted and pumped by a hidden force, which is not big on President Donald J. Trump.

New poll finds a dismal 21% strongly approve of Biden’s job performance while 40% strongly disapprove.

A great interview with the driver of General George S. Patton. Some have argued because Dec 21st, 1945, Gen Patton passed away, and June 14th, 1946, Donald J. Trump was born, there was a little reincarnation thing going on. Patton would not have thought it impossible.

Trump would beat Biden by six points if the 2024 election were held today as a poll shows Joe’s popularity still struggling after confirming plans to run again.

Silent Night, sung as it was originally written.

Invite other people to because every Christmas is a Merry Christmas.

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3 years ago

Merry Christmas to you, AC.

3 years ago

“A parent told President Joe Biden ‘Let’s Go Brandon!’ during the NORAD Santa Tracker event with First Lady Jill Biden at the White House complex on Friday.”

And Brandon agreed and repeated “Let’s Go Brandon”.

3 years ago

“New poll finds a dismal 21% strongly approve of Biden’s job performance while 40% strongly disapprove.”

That has to be very close to the percentage of the population that is cabal at this point.
I would put it at 15-20%.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Admin has apparently abandoned any policies that aren’t targeted at benefiting assets. Ensuring loyalty of cadre is job #1 right now.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Merry Christmas everyone! Remember the reason for the season, our Savior, Jesus Christ!

3 years ago

Merry Christmas AC, and the whole AC crew. Merry Christmas everyone

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Intentionally contracting Covid for ‘natural immunity’ may land you in jail for 5 years in Switzerland.”

That’s the one problem with European judicial systems. The burden of proof is on the accuser, and how do you prove what’s inside someone’s head? You have to have unimpeachable surveillance evidence on the individual, and this usually violates their privacy rights.

Otherwise, without evidence, you’re just jailing people you don’t like and guess what our kind ain’t in charge really anywhere, besides maybe Russia. So any European showing pride in their system is an idiot. That system can jail them at will if they get sick, and vaxxes don’t work, so they are screwed.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Global investors are gobbling up single family homes in the U.S.”

It’d be a shame if something minecrafted those houses. A shame I tell ya.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Texas Dept. of Public Safety Lt. Christopher Olivarez said he predicts that the situation on the border is “going to get a whole lot worse” in 2022.”

Then the Civil war will start there, Texans are done f*cking around with invaders. Not speaking English will end up being a summary ex.

3 years ago

Merry Christmas to you, AC. May God bless you and your loved ones, and all of us of our great country please.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“Thunderstruck” is a huge meme on Youtube.



White Trash Washing Machine:

Just Me
Just Me
3 years ago

Merry Christmas to All.

Thanks AC!

3 years ago

Merry Christmas Frens. Here is a Christmas Carol for your pleasure:

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

Merry Christmas AC. Thanks for putting this together everyday.

3 years ago

Monthly vaxxs?
Dude…the older movie “Equilibrium” comes to mind- daily pills were handed out I’m order to balance your mood (and keep you from questioning authority).

Merry Christmas, all.
God is still in control, even if the near future is a bit hazy.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Lots of people are losing lots of money to various scams, but when they report them to the FBI’s internet crime division, nothing is done and the cases are being dropped.”

From the link:

“I met Shikuka Suzuki, who also lived in Denver, and was interested in a lot of the same things,” Belcher said.

The two clicked instantly, messaging for several weeks, but never meeting in person. Eventually, they’d talk about cryptocurrency

“I missed out on Google, I missed out on Apple, so I didn’t want to miss out on this trend,” Belcher said.

“I start transferring money out of my retirement accounts to this platform,” Belcher said.

In total, he deposited $1.6 million. Belcher said. “I’m 52, my entire life savings, gone in a matter of a month.”

“I always thought ‘I’ll never fall for something like that,'” Belcher said in an exclusive interview with Denver7.”

I have no sympathy for this guy. I mean what kind of an asshole puts his entire life savings in a leveraged cryptocurrency play on some shifty website no one’s ever heard of?

A greedy one that’s who. It’s called a pig butchering scam for reason.

I’m shocked he was even able to save 1.6 million tbh. It must have been an inherited IRA from recently deceased non-asshole parents.

Plus at 52 he absolutely had to pay early withdrawal fees to pull that money out. So much failure at every step. Ugh.

3 years ago

Weird how strongly the Daily Mail stresses this Brit spook was married. “Hey anon, maybe his wife is interesting?” Or maybe comms or a threat.

Additional Merry Christmas to everyone. Christ is King and has already won!

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Trying to generate some sympathy-based support for an overt mission.

You’ll hear about his cute children and their funny pets next, I expect.

3 years ago

> Kamala Harris has sought the counsel of twice-failed presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton on the best way to reverse diving approval ratings while at the same navigating the travails of public life.
The two of them are so demented, that story might even be true,

The general population doesn’t have the seething hatred of Kamala that they have for the Evil Witch, but with her help, surely it won’t take long…

English Tom
English Tom
3 years ago

Merry Christmas AC. All the best, and thanks for all your hard work.

3 years ago

> Alan Dershowitz looks at how Police Officer Kim Potter’s accidental use of a firearm instead of a taser was not a crime, and her conviction of a crime for it sets a dangerous precedent.

Potter was a trained professional. The gun and the taser were basic tools of her trade.

For her to mix the two up, she was criminally incompetent, criminally negligent, or both.

I don’t understand why I’m seeing people objecting to her conviction. What, the cops can murder someone and say “Oops, my bad!” and walk away? Granted the cops can very nearly do that now, but do they want it established as precedent?

“Incompetence is not a defense.”

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

I heard some people make the case she had a right to use her gun in the situation and so it isn’t a crime.
But intending to use her TASER and using her gun should get her fired or moved to a desk in any case.

3 years ago

Merry Christmas!

3 years ago

>Baltimore Police Stated:

The Signal 13 foundation is providing assistance to the family in their time of need. Those who wish to provide financial support to Officer Holley’s family, may do so through the Signal 13 website at and click on the “Donate” button.
Really. [remembers the various “wounded warrior” and “help Kyle Rittenhouse” false fronts that collected money and buggered off with it]

Coming from BPD doesn’t give it any extra believability, unfortunately.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
3 years ago

Merry Christmas, AC and everyone. Let’s Go Brandon! (Brandon Actual publicly agreed with the sentiment.)

John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (ESV)

3 years ago

> Five Planned Parenthood CEOs make over $500K.

PP is a nonprofit, and that’s not an unusual amount of money for organization bigwigs. Usually there’s other “compensation” as well; comped apartments, air travel, cars, limo service, meals, even clothing, so all their needs are provided for and the salary is just pocket money.

3 years ago

> posed as a FedEx driver

That’s a variant of the old valet scam. Dress in appropriate clothing, hang around some place that might have valet parking (but doesn’t), and wait for someone to hand you the keys to their Benz or Corvette. Then hop in and drive off.

3 years ago

Merry Christmas, AC and everyone here! Thank you, Jesus, for showing us the way.

3 years ago

Interesting post on the mechanics of the steal. Tactics and strategy (of one prong) settled on in 1996. They created a bank of deployable fake votes they could withdraw from as needed. Very high level long term planning.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Merry Christmas everyone, and this is worth looking at.

It buttresses the argument that they did cheat in 2016, just not enough.

3 years ago

> Patton

Except Patton was a hothead and an asshole. They’d already turned the PR machine on him before the people outside of direct contact with him knew about it, so they had to double down and try to hide his fuckups. Pretty much the same thing the Brits had to do with Montgomery, except Montgomery was incompetent and probably a few cans short of a six-pack.

Indigo Arc
Indigo Arc
3 years ago

I want to sincerely thank you, AC, for your daily gift to us. I have been far more informed -and encouraged- since stumbling upon your page. Merry Christmas to you and to all who contribute here. It’s a top-notch group, for sure.

3 years ago

Re: journalist on the Maxwell case being burglarized –

I had an experience a few years ago that this made me think of.

We had some neighbors move in next door and became friends with them. They were new to the area, and he needed work, and my husband got him a job at the construction company where he works. From that point forward, when they were assigned to the same job, they would ride together.

The neighborhood is not a planned subdivision, so the houses are all different. There is only one 2-story house and it is on the other side of these neighbors, and houses our neighborhood hoodlum, who often had friends there. There’s no garages, so vehicles sit in the driveway.

The next door neighbors had a shed that sat almost on our property line. We frequently go into the backyard because of our dogs and it’s right there in view. These neighbors bought a nice 4-wheeler one year and kept it locked in that shed with a strong padlock and chain.

One day the shed had been burglarized and the 4-wheeler stolen. We all suspected the hoodlum and his friends, and drove around looking for it and asking. Even the neighbors of the hoodlum’s race were happy to tell us it was indeed him and his friends, because he had terrorized, vandalized, or stolen from so many of them. The chain and padlock were found in his garage with the bolt cutters, so it was later verified.

Once it was all over that evening, we were comparing notes. It was a Saturday. My husband and the man next door had left before dawn together in my husband’s car for work. Later that morning, both I and the woman next door had been in our backyards and nothing was amiss. I left for the gym, and was gone a little over an hour. While I was gone, she left for a quick trip to the grocery store. I returned before she did, then she returned, and that’s when we discovered the shed had been broken into and the 4-wheeler stolen.

There were no fences at the time. Their shared property line with the 2-story house has a row of mature cedars for privacy, but the second-story windows are visible.

So these guys had to have been watching carefully for their opportunity because there was only about a 20-minute window when all 4 adults were gone. However, one of the four vehicles was still there – because our husbands rode to work together. So I believe they knew that also, and so must have been watching carefully for hours.

While I don’t suspect anything more than hoodlum stuff, I could tell stories about him and his friends for days and they would definitely sell out their own mothers if there was something in it for them so maybe at times people like him are part of the network.

3 years ago

Thread on what Russia is doing re: Ukraine. Tl:dr invasion mid/late January. Take and hold strategic points. Due to weakness in DC

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Yeah, but I think the game plan for the Cabal and the Blues is to crush the Reds in the USA this winter. I wonder if one plan is to get into war with Russia, and accuse the Reds of somehow siding with Russia, which has been done before.

Though I think it would be easier to just get into a war with China, lose deliberately, and then China dictate peace terms where the USA has to change its political system.

Nan C.
Nan C.
3 years ago

Merry Christmas, AC and everyone! I do not comment much, but I have read daily for several years and I am grateful for all of you.

Today I am wondering if Omicron is a Christmas gift, because if it is a real thing, I quite possibly am infected with an extremely mild “something.” Immunity would be grand. And here’s hoping for a mass awakening (soon) and putting those evildoers in a place where they cannot do evil ever again.

3 years ago

Merry Christmas, AC!! And to everyone, one and all !!

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
3 years ago

“Republican lawmakers aiming to expand what they call a “forensic investigation” of Pennsylvania’s 2020 election into inspecting voting machines must wait until next month, by which time the state and the county must have come up with agreed upon rules for the inspection, a judge decided Tuesday.”

Meaning they need more time to tamper with and destroy evidence.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Merry Christmas AC, everyone here, and to the world!!! I love you guys!

3 years ago

Merry Christmas to all!

3 years ago

FYI, Codemonkey talking about fema camps…

3 years ago

I’ve decided that I am going to refer to the house select committee on Jan 6 as the “House Select Committee on Unamerican Activities.” I’m hoping to pop a few fuses with that one.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
3 years ago

Merry Christmas, AC. Thanks for putting all this together.

I’m including a link here for an article about Q you might find interesting. We’ve all run into people trash-talking on Gab and elsewhere about how Q is fake, or a psyop. (I guess I’m open to any possibility at this point–though I hope the Q narrative turns out to be true–in the same way I once hoped I would become a millionaire, marry the perfect woman, and build my dream house). Anyway, this perspective is different IMO. It dives into the “you’re watching a movie” theme from the Q community.

All glory and honor to the King of Kings. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago
Reply to  Machine Trooper
3 years ago


Reply to  Machine Trooper
3 years ago

He doesn’t understand Q.
Q was never about making a king or actual unironic God Emperor and Q people would never accept that.

3 years ago

Of course Hillary probably wants to run in 2024, and Kamala is thinking she may run in 2024, so there is probably more manipulation by each, of the other, going on than that.

My first thought is she was negotiating a Hillary run with herself as VP.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: Christmas

I’m not and wasn’t the Christmas type before I found out about all the ancient vestigial paganism, etc, etc. So it leaves me in a bind when I want to express best wishes to everyone, as well as my appreciation to each and every person in my life. I can only hope that you all have a great day, take joy in your families, and definitely make the most of the time and take a breather. Relax while you can. Unplug. Thank you to each and every one of you, and most especially to AC for this playground and the support. See you back in the trenches soon enough.

Christ is King.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I have an idea for a gun you might be interested in that I stole from a friend:

A Webley-Fosbery Automatic with the forward sealing system of the nagant 1885 revolver added.

3 years ago

[…] News Briefs – 12/25/2021 — Anonymous Conservative __ATA.cmd.push(function() { __ATA.initDynamicSlot({ id: 'atatags-26942-61c765a32dd1f', location: 120, formFactor: '001', label: { text: 'Advertisements', }, creative: { reportAd: { text: 'Report this ad', }, privacySettings: { text: 'Privacy', } } }); }); […]

3 years ago

Merry Christmas! 🙂

comment image

3 years ago

> Sounds suspiciously like the scams are Cabal, and FBI has been forbidden to do anything about them.

This scam non-investigation has been going on for at least 30 years. A trusted friend’s father had his identity stolen and had to physically drive to the scammer’s address three states away and take photos of the guy driving around in the car purchased with his bogus info to get the cops to do anything about it.

Much like gangs, I’m betting the scammer rings don’t all (or even a majority) start out as intel ops. They’re just noticed by the system and “acquired” under threat of massive prosecutions by a kangaroo court.

That, or the reports are being filed away in a “damn that’s clever, why didn’t we think of that?” folder for them to dust off later for their own uses, and they let the scammers keep going just to cause misery for innocent people which seems to be an alternative motive for these animals.

Johannes Q
3 years ago

Merry Christmas one & all. I was inadvertently watching the Queen’s Speech and noted she now refers to Jesus openly as “a man” rather than, well, God. The quotation:

“It is this simplicity of the Christmas story that makes it so universally appealing: simple happenings that formed the starting point of the life of Jesus — a man whose teachings have been handed down from generation to generation, and have been the bedrock of my faith.”

I think this would also be in line with Islam, where Jesus is a prophet but no more.

3 years ago

Merry Christmas AC, and everyone else watching the world burn.

3 years ago

Merry Christmas to everyone here.

Watching “The Blacklist.”

This time the criminal is a psychiatrist who enables criminals (assassins, mobsters, masterminds etc.) to perform better through hypnotherapy.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
3 years ago

Merry Christmas AC, deep thanks for all the time and effort you put in each day to produce this excellent blog.

For those whose Christmas may not be as merry as they would like, here’s an interesting link which might make it merrier. This may be popium, but the newsreader’s slip of the tongue sure is interesting

3 years ago

Merry Christmas, thank you for these news run downs, even on holidays.

>you know exactly what is going on inside her house so you know there is no crazy cousin who was living with her that nobody knew about who will pop out of a second bedroom with a shotgun, and you leave nothing to chance.
Catching Bigfoot scenario would be of infinite value, especially livestreamed. Delicious discovery process thereafter.

>The weirdos were probably a local surveillance team tracking her which she noticed.
Need comped ghouls at the bottom level for justified on paper surveillance (where required) to piggy back like this.

>a lesson to Cabal … to be aware of things like heat maps and tracking devices
There’s an angle on the Arctic and world ‘military’ bases with those fitness app heatmaps years ago.

>Lots of Lockdown fetishists piling on in the comments
‘Liberals’ love this shit, spinsters, reddit moderators, troons, tankies. China could have simply kept on with the slow bribe-everyone march to inevitable victory, but they just had to jump the gun on the bioweapon contingency plans. So much for the ‘End of History’ as honorary shabbos NeoCohn Fukuyama framed — in Weltanshauungskrieg terms, one might even say that this was necessary, from a certain perspective.

>when they attempted to remove two children from their home after learning that the father had administered Ivermectin to his teenage boy a few days earlier.
UN/WHO tipped their hand at the beginning of this with ‘humane removal of children from infected family homes’. That’s what’s at stake here.

>Texas refinery blast
One such ~2014 cost over a billion in damages and 100+ deaths in China. Lebanon port ships/grain silo; ammo dumps in the US & Russia . . . some of these will be related.

>firearm instead of a taser
Gender integration facilitates and covers for this. War Crimes will be expedited by female savagery toward out-groups and physical inferiority complexes. Jab Camps will be administered by tranny capos with Reddit Gold.

> since they can arrange the deaths of any soldiers who seem problematic in the future.
It’s imperative ‘no more Brother Wars’ is staken seriously by the rank and file. This long arc Trotsky ice pick vengeance fantasy is too many degrees removed from Wuhan and premeditated war plans against the USA & Pacific Allies. If it comes down to draft riots, let them eat ass.

>Alec Baldwin insta
Maudlin. The Spacey fireside chats were at least hilarious

>ome have argued because Dec 21st, 1945, Gen Patton passed away, and June 14th, 1946, Donald J. Trump was born
Strange numerology with DT, just as with Lincoln and JFK. Would’ve spilled the beans on ‘the little Swedish Jew’ Eisenhower slow rolling the thrust into Germany, and Operation KeelHaul ‘repatriation’ of Soviet expats (and starvation of 100s of thousands of German POWs) in a presidential run.

>“Intentionally contracting [HIV/AIDS] for ‘natural immunity’ may land you in jail for 5 years in Switzerland.”
State Enforced Homosexuality MDE skit.

>Except Patton was a hothead and an asshole.
Operation Overlord was planned at an ‘economic building’ with bankers in tow while Patton was sent to sit on his hands over a fake landing force diversion Big A was dead set on comign from Calais anyway, over spilt milk. The Plan was always splitting Europe down the center, once Stalin overcame their stalking horse and the Corporal preempted Soviet intervention in the Franco-German War redux. Patton vowing to presidential campaign on the bs got him redacted.

>this would also be in line with Islam, where Jesus is a prophet but no more.
If it were down to theology, we would have zero common cause with ‘the only democracy in the middle east’ Edomites, and at least this Nestorian basis with them.

3 years ago

Putin sends the whole world a Christmas present:

Thousands of Russian troops leave Ukraine border

3 years ago


ITV News Journalist Stumbles, Says Pope Francis “Death Was Announced” On Broadcast

3 years ago

Right now I am so sick with fever, chills, nausea, weakness, throwing up, diarrhea. I’m suffering so much, any help? I am too sick to even completely wash up after myself.

It could be a spike thing, given I was at a party with a freshly vaxxed girl.

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

So far I recovered very quickly, which is surprising given how horrible it was. I took like 2g Vitamin C which is pretty tiny considering, and am taking another 2g. Still feel bad but not completely bedridden

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It does sound similar to that or some sort of gastro thing.

I’m getting real hungry(well, drained from low food, although not necessarily hungry per se) now but still have diarrhea. I wonder if there’s a good liquid nutrition, or perhaps I can eat bananas.

> The one good thing about diarrhea is it eliminates one of the most inflammatory materials in the body

Which one?

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

Thanks for everything. I believe I had food poisoning from eating the tiny leftovers of a 2 day old kebab. So already am feeling better.

I will try abstain eating a bit longer in case this is the right thing to do with food poisonings instead of norovirus, I already had 2 bananas, but will try to survive on salt/water/juice.

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

That sounds more like food poisoning than the coof. You might just need a shot of antibiotics.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  kid
3 years ago

Not sure what to suggest because I don’t know what you have stocked up in my pantry.

Considering your quick recovery, Phelps might be right and it might be food poisoning. I’ll post this anyway b/c I had those symptoms minus throwing up when I believe I had the COVID earlier this year. Might help someone. I’m not a doctor, so grain of salt and all that, this is purely from my personal experience, because my symptoms were comparable to some of the worst cold/flus I’ve had.

If I were in your position and it turns out it wasn’t food poisoning, I’d start doing daily Ivermectin (at the time I used hydroxychloroquine), maximize liposomal vitamin C, take a good amount of salt with your water and maybe electrolyes (you need salt to rehydrate), and make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, and other key micronutrients. Continue to monitor your temperature and monitor your blood oxygen levels with a pulse oximeter if you have one. A lot of the weakness I’ve felt when having similar symptoms when I believe I had COVID (I didn’t get any tests so I can’t be sure) were a combination of fever and dehydration, so that salt + water made a very big difference for me. If you can handle it, it’s also okay to take full doses of both Tylenol (paracetamol/acetominophen) and Advil/Motril (ibuprofen) to manage extreme pain, which also made a very big difference for me.