Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – American Consumers Expect Inflation To Moderate In 2023
DFT – Musk Claims No More Tesla Stock Selling For Him For Two
DFT – British Forgo Christmas Gifts In New Survey
DFT – Meta To Settle Cambridge Analytica Case
DFT – Russia Says May Cut Crude Production 500-700,000 bpd In 2023
Cabbie who took Idaho students home from the Grub Truck before they were murdered, speaks out. “They were normal just like any other night. They weren’t upset about anything or talking about anyone,” the taxi driver noted. “There was no nervousness about them. They weren’t afraid of anybody. There was nobody following them or following us.” That feels out of the blue. Why would he think someone was alleged to be following them, and he needed to address that and dispel it? Why wouldn’t he assume the murderer was somebody who knew them, and broke in their house, and that he didn’t need to explain they weren’t followed? And how would he know if he was followed? Was he explicitly looking for that and thus can rule it out? Ask me when I was 20, did somebody follow you home last night? I’d say, “I don’t think so, but I wasn’t really looking to see. Maybe there was.” Feels like he doth protest too much. And you know what I have said about cabbies. They ditched Hoodie at the food truck and got into the cab, not realizing surveillance will be able to get a surveillance cabbie routed to a target who calls a cab, if you are a target. This thing has been at this a very long time, and developed the most impressive machine you will ever go up against.
A Mohave County judge has denied Republican Abe Hamadeh’s challenge of his narrow defeat to Democrat Kris Mayes in the Arizona attorney general’s race. Hamadeh, who lost by 511 votes, alleges in his lawsuit that problems with printers in Maricopa County led to issues involving disenfranchised voters.
Texas 2020 election audit find ‘serious issues’ in Harris County, ‘phantom voters’ in Dallas County.
January 6th committee won’t release Ray Epps transcript. Every time I hear the name now I picture him doing that walk-by, awkwardly holding his cell phone to video all the protestors around Baked Alaska at some protest, and then turning abruptly when he realized he was being filmed. This is one of the guys following people through grocery stores, posing like some bastion of old American patriotism and individuality.
In the typical federal case, a bail bondsman would charge between 10%-15% of the amount in cash to issue a surety bond or “bail bond.” In the case of Bankman-Fried’s astronomical bond, 15% of $250 million would be $37.5 million. But Bankman-Fried did not pay $37.5 million for his bond. No, Bankman-Fried actually paid no cash at all for his “$250 million bond.” Nothing. Zero…
In this case, Bankman-Fried was not required to post a conventional bail bond. Instead, Bankman-Fried was simply released from custody on something called a personal recognizance bond. The personal recognizance bond contains Bankman-Fried’s solemn promise (and his parents’ promise) to pay the court $250 million if he fails to show up for trial at the appointed time.
He reportedly had $300 million he took, in return for interest in FTX he contributed to get investment in a deal. Investors paid like $425 million for something like 10% ownership which he put up from his own ownership, and he took $300 million for himself for the 10%, giving FTX $125 mil (which he probably shifted over to Alameda). And last I heard the $300 mil was shifted to like Costa Rica or something. just before the bankruptcy. So he will run.
More than half of the members of the U.S. House of Representatives voted remotely Friday for the $1.7 trillion government spending bill, claiming in proxy voting letters they could not be present to vote because of the “ongoing public health emergency.” Probably a very bad thing, but for those who want to look at the 2% probability of things going well, all of these assholes were just suckered into passing something which is a major crime against the nation as their last act before this Congress is booted out. If we ever do get control, it is theoretically possible they could all be prosecuted for this. And of course we are moving towards a collapse faster now, which will produce a lot of chaos which could result in something good, if we can expose the surveillance before it happens.
GOP sellouts gave Biden regime $11 million to target gun owners in repulsive Omnibus bill.
Somehow Cernovich manages to argue that the brazenness of this fearless betrayal is a sign that our elections are not rigged, when the reality is if we actually elected these assholes, they would not betray us so openly for fear we would not elect them:
Sham January 6 Committee recommends banning Trump from public office in final report.
Andy Biggs: Only way Kevin McCarthy becomes House Speaker is if he gets Democrat support.
In a bombshell tweet issued by one of Israel’s most prominent biologists and the former head of the Israel Institute For Biological Research, Prof. Shmuel Shapira, the professor says that “I made three mistakes – with the first vaccine, the second vaccine and the third vaccine,” in reference to the COVID-19 vaccines of Pfizer. The professor added “Who says that those who were vaccinated can’t admit they were wrong?”
Guggenheim Partners CIO Scott Minerd dies suddenly at 63 after heart attack during workout.
China estimates 37 million infected with COVID in a single day.
Leaked notes from Chinese health officials estimate 250 million Covid-19 infections in December.
A few things I didn’t know in this one: Private school that gave students sex toys backed by foundation of Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s billionaire trans sibling. Nothing as weird as a stocky, fat man who convinces himself he feels like a lady. They are doing that to them somehow.
A third of Betsy DeVos’ wealth comes from China – she took a role in the Trump administration for four years and angrily quit on her way out, claiming that she no longer believed in the President and that he was ‘unconscionable’ after the January 6th protest. She is also Blackwater’s Eric Prince’s sister. A foreign power, for a small cost, can easily make a citizen rich and seemingly successful, to elevate their status and get them in high office as an agent. And there are a lot of citizens which will take that deal. And the more that do, the less a regular citizen is able to make a fortune honestly and compete with them for that office.
The U.S. Census Bureau reported Thursday that 300,000 people left California in 2022, more than left any other state. And they went to purple states, which was the plan.
America’s Catholic Bishops made back all $3 billion in sex abuse settlements by trafficking illegal immigrants at taxpayer expense. And after the money is used to bring in illegals, it is routed into still more Cabal bank accounts, and used for even more Cabal operations. For Cabal, every dollar routed to a Cabal activity by a Cabal actor is like ten dollars, after it is routed from one Cabal entity to another to another, over and over. It is almost like they created their own mini-economy, which favors itself, within the broader economy.
They are using toys to try and groom children behind their parent’s backs.
Shoplifting has reportedly become a $94.5B problem for US retailers.
Bolsonaro signs order to sideline corrupt Supreme Court. Maybe. Or this is one last story leaked by a leftist press to make everyone sit on their hands. If Bolsonaro were to stage the coup, he would be a hero. If not, he will have been complicit by not simply explaining the truth of the matter at each step, to his followers.
King Charles bans Prince Andrew from Buckingham Palace. “Despite the palace exile, Andrew is expected to spend Christmas dinner with King Charles and the rest of the royal family.”
Rep. Thomas Massie skips speech of ‘Ukrainian lobbyist’ Zelensky – “I’m in DC but I will not be attending the speech of the Ukrainian lobbyist,” Massie (R-Ky.) wrote in a Twitter post.
Billions sent to Ukraine could have built seven 450-mile border walls along U.S.-Mexico border.
Ukrainian bots blamed for mass Twitter suspension of accounts criticizing Zelensky’s visit to Congress. Russia cannot afford a bot army like that, but Ukraine can? Those are Cabal Bucks, probably from CIA.
Ron Paul: The U.S. will have given Ukraine OVER TWO TIMES the entire military budget of Russia! That is not what we spend on our military, it is what we gave away to some third-world backwater shithole, like it was nothing. And Russia has been raking in the cash off the oil boom. But it cannot even begin to compete with Cabal’s funny money. Whatever the economic system Cabal has created, it is like economic witchcraft, making limitless money from nothing.
Similar to the shots of Greta with pigtails which were compared to Nazi propaganda, this does not feel like purely coincidence:
Russia close to legalizing international trade in Bitcoin and crypto: Head of Finance Committee.
Scientists create protein-based gel that can absorb supersonic projectile impacts.
Gun ownership went up. Killings went down. Brazil debates why.
Trump is the only human being on the planet who didn’t get richer while he was president.
President Trump calls on GOP Congress to release Biden crime family’s tax returns.
Poll says Trump holds 24-point lead in hypothetical 2024 republican primary.
Spread r/K Theory, because there are not a lot of coincidences today
‘Pelosi’s net worth has increased by $140,000,000 since becoming Speaker in 2007.’
Insider trading pays off big.
“They’re the same picture.”
Except one of the subjects actually fought for his own countryment. The other man is fighting for corrupt Western politicians.
Why did WW2 happen? Hitler rebuilt the German economy on foreign investment and borrowed money from Wall St and City of London, and then he screwed them over and invaded Western Europe to loot it when the bills came due and the spare cash ran out. He made a deal with the devil and tried to shoot his way out of it, and then tens of millions of people died horribly.
Other way around – France and England declared war on Germany first. Hitler tried to make peace with England multiple times, including sending #2 man Hess to try to get a peace settlement. But 6 years before England and France declared war, back in 1933, international Zionists declared war on Germany.
Churchill was a greedy man who forged art, and Roosevelt used this as leverage against him. Churchill sacrificed his own nation’s empire in the cause against Germany. History is written by the victors, which is why WW2 history is mostly lies about the Germans.
Hitler was Austrian and probably at least part Jweish.
VD is right, Hitler and Zelensky are the same.
Both are spending the lives of a different nation to try to build an empire for themselves and their secret backers.
Hitler may have betrayed his backers, Zelensky will not.
Please do a side by side of hitler and Biden. He and his minions are the true natzies. It’s his and his millions that sold us out. But ya, Zelensky
There’s a video I’ve been looking for “Ant Middleton climbs Everest” I found finally. He’s former SF. I realize he has a lot of psychopathic traits. A few stories he tells involving his immediate family seem very odd. Dad dies no one will allow him to funeral, doesn’t know why his father’s grave is, mother refuses to see him, and just the ways he talks. Always someone else’s fault, of course. If you like adventure video’s, worth watching for that. It’s BBC how, 45 minutes.
>> Whatever the economic system Cabal has created, it is like economic witchcraft, making limitless money from nothing.
It’s the “free market” baby! (((Usury))) is one of our best freedumbs.
Anyone against Fed bankster funny money is a “socialist” and anti-Semite.
Now let’s all sing along …”I’m proud to be an America, where at least I know I’m free…”
And I have all the permits and licenses to prove it
FED bucks for Jews and their allies. Bugs for food for everyone else.
Sitting in the dark eating bugs. What they want for us.
> The Internal Revenue Service on Friday said that it is delaying by one year a new tax reporting requirement targeting Americans who made more than $600 online through third-party payment apps like Venmo or PayPal.
Remember when they hired 80,000 people and showed tons of videos of them training with rifles in squads, and the enemy said “the majority of new hires were desk jockeys” but now they can’t even implement one simple program that could easily be handled by, at most, 10,000 people?
It seems the official narrative has been proven to be a lie once again, and the IRS has pretty much conscripted it’s own military force (which in 101% sure is illegal and unconstitutional). So prepare accordingly.
like most of the “news stories” today
both narratives are fake
Wisconsin utility we energies asked customers to drop heat to 60-62 degrees yesterday because of a pipeline equipment failure that could lead to a bigger problem, maybe loss of heat for people w gas furnaces, maybe long term gas shut off. They also told people to use microwaves and slow cookers instead of gas stoves. (How much gas is used by residential stoves??) This morning they say it’s all fine, gee thanks customers for cooperating.
The whole thing felt weird. Notifications went out on social media, not directly to customers (who they contact via email, text when bills are ready so they have that capability). Hours later after many complaints on social media, they sent an email that went straight to junk for many.
Natural gas is used to generate electricity, but no mention of reducing electricity use (turn off Christmas lights, unplug unused appliances, etc). No talk of how it was that 2 valves broke at the same place at a pipeline running through N Illinois.
Just a plea to all “pull together to keep heat on for everyone” followed by a “gee thanks we did it, let’s get back to normal”. Felt a little like Covid push in 2020. Here is a crisis, everyone should take this step that makes life a little worse, but it is for the common good, so follow directions without complaint or asking questions.
No talk about what they will change to prevent it happening again (increase reserves, diversify suppliers, require suppliers to keep spare parts and emergency crews on hand), or investigating why 2 valves broke at once (did they rule out sabotage?). Not a peep from the government utility board either of course,
Now I know people will cry and moan about some hippy solar power comment but I’m not a hippy. Solar is coming way down. My love for solar is totally based on personal and national autonomy. Here’s a graph of solar power cost vs. natural gas, coal and oil.

For large installations, it’s at or close to fossil fuel cost. For sunny areas, it’s cheaper right now. For example the big battery bank that esla put n Australia pus wind mills is cheaper than coal or natural gas for power. It paid for itself in three years.
The Chinese have a new sodium battery that works in cold temperatures and is half the cost of lithium but only 70% or so of the power per kilogram. The material cost of the sodium are dirt cheap, or ocean cheap, so their cost can go way down.
The real take away from this is it’s a super multiplier of freedom. The biggest hold they have over us is energy. Several technologies are coming into being that reduce dramatically the Global Homo’s power which is monopolized energy, food, water. With solar cheaper you could recycle all your water. They already use large industrial ozone generators to completely purify water. Smaller scale equipment should be fairly easy. Large areas with little water but lots of sun become very livable.
The reason I tell you these things is so you will not lose hope that things cannot get better. They can. A large part of our problems are the global homo monopoly and as we begin to shrug off portions of it, our wealth, heath and independence grows. Working for the global homo becomes less and less appealing. Killing their power. Now I do not believe money is everything. Far from it, but a basic living without fear is very important. Anything that helps bring the cost of this down breeds independence and takes away their power.
I think there are a ways to go with dropping solar cost and there’s a huge amount of cost-cutting that can be done with batteries and I think flywheels which I did a back of the envelope costing of here,
I just realized, don’t know why I didn’t see it before, the potential power from a flywheel made of Silicon, monocrystalline (m-Si) is 414 Wh/kg. Now what that is, is the same thing monocrystalline solar cells and integrated chips are made of and any advances on the material cost for these will lower the cost also of flywheels made of these. For reference, Lithium ion battery is 100-265 Wh/kg, so you can see the potential.
Great! Now calculate how much solar will cost when the panels aren’t made using “fossil” fuels.
To give you an idea of how much cheaper solar is right now if you had a sunny area and there was a three meter thick layer of coal laying on the ground. No digging except to dig it up and burn it in a plant to make electricity, you would make more money leaving the coal in the ground and putting solar panels on top of it over 20 years.
Thank god we use a cooperative here. But I will not be surprised when they follow suit and pull that bullshit on us
So it’s really weird. His parents’ house is no where near enough to satisfy the bond. The reports are he has to have four co-signatories, one of which can’t be related. That’s the real wild card here. I’m betting part of the deal is that one of the signatories, particularly the non-family member, has to be worth more than $250MM.
That person is the wild card, because that person has all the legal rights to go get him from anywhere in the world, by any means necessary, to get him to court. Non extradition country doesn’t matter when you are having a PMC illegally enter the country in private yachts to rendition his ass.
So, the real question is if this fourth person is going to make sure he is delivered, or just pay the remaining $246MM in bond.
I guess that sweet cabal money his parents have been enjoying all these years has dried up. Had to pull a favor for some back up
I’m just not seeing the results. It seems like we are getting the red fornians.
Also, if they were sending us the blues, that would eventually tip CA back red, which they can never allow.
They have businesses. They build businesses. They sound almost okay, and then they’ll write out some essay that’s nearly where, right in the middle, it’ll say something like “The government in this state is horrible because it will not tell us businesses what to do.” I’d quote the article, with links, for the most recent one, except it’s doxable.
It’s really freaky. They sound almost normal. There ought to be a Voight-Kampf test for Californians. It’s not normal to move to a state built by people trying to get away from collectivists, and try to act like an individualist, and then say something like this.
It’s not just me being weirded out. They move into an area, and start changing the rules to favor themselves, and then everyone who built the place moves out, destroying what made it special. It’s left or right, locals talking or reddit posting, same complaints.
Yes, this narrative never made sense. The people leaving blue states were always obviously reds who were living in the blue states and had had enough.
Maybe. I would like to see the data. If r/K is correct, r’s will migrate first, simply because their amygdalae cannot tolerate stress, and K’s will tend to just persevere and grind. If they flood the cities with robberies and assaults, will the leftists just take it?
Maybe they did, and practically it doesn’t work like that. But we need data to say for sure.
In case you haven’t seen it. A funny take on the subject.
Babylon Bee: Californians Move to Texas (8 video series)
Well, states with large migration are turning more red, not blue (Texas and Florida). I’ve been thinking about it.
For one thing, moving is an effort and investment. This isn’t crossing the street to get a better free burger, this is crossing the country. Add to this that presumably people are moving to get a new job, and that is a huge long term risk. I think those are K behaviors rather than r. K plans, r reacts.
The other thing is that r tends to follow the “fashion,” and in red states, conservative is the fashion. I think a lot of them are just conformists who are conforming to their new normal.
The Internal Revenue Service on Friday said that it is delaying by one year a new tax reporting requirement targeting Americans who made more than $600 online through third-party payment apps like Venmo or PayPal.”
If it comes in as cash, keep it cash, spend it, never stick it in the bank. If it comes some traceable way, report it.
Definitely a case of the Cabal picking winners and losers in the Game of Life.
No mention of what was happening with/to the cheerleaders.
Hmmm. thin upper lip
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, AC.
Thank you for everything that you do. I’ve been a reader and commenter here for a few years and it has been an excellent and eye-opening experience.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too Map. You guys make all this worthwhile.
Merry Christmas, AC!! God bless you !
Merry Christmas, Anon, and Happy New Year to you too!
As the nations future is uncertain, times are tough regarding my life right now. Still, I’m always happy at Christmas, and when I first discovered this site, life was a bit turbulent as well. That was about this time seven years ago. The breadth and scope of this site is awesome. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, as well as Hanukkah, to all who read, comment, or just visit this site to learn things they don’t anywhere else. Deadly cold weather here; let’s hope the electrical grid can survive the winter season. Thanks for all of the research, news scanning, insights, and comments and all of the effort you exert with r/K perspective of the current news cycle, and the courage to report and expound on the ramifications of this unprecedented era we are all living through. An ancient civilizational pattern at its end phase, juxtaposed with unimagined evo-neuro-techno malfeasance, and all of the readers appreciate your gift of making it all coherent, and with excellent writing skills as well. Merry Christmas AC!
Thank you, Anon. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too.
Merry Christmas!
Hear hear! Merry Christmas, AC, and to all you’ns!
Merry Christmas, my friend!
Cabbie who took Idaho students home from the Grub Truck before they were murdered, speaks out.
I appreciate these surveillance insights. The comms are pretty blatant as well, so taken together I think we can conclude with certainty this is an operation of some kind. As to whether a murder actually took place is the only mystery at this point, aside from what other objectives have been rolled up into the op.
The address, 1122 King Post Road in Moscow, is particularly clownish. Just in case we missed the Nov 22 Kennedy assassination wink, they have proudly displayed the number in a photo today, complete with a wreath layed upon the grave…I mean front door.
We also have this odd photo of trickles of blood running down the concrete foundation wall onto white ”virgin” snow. Did that blood take a hard right turn under or over the ground sill plate?
Today the magic words are “mac and cheese”, the girls final “pasta” meal. Emphasized several times in the article, because that information is obviously important and relevant to the story to warrant repeating.
The “soft pornification” of the victims has been ongoing, among other “sex and violence” cliches. Very MKish vibes all around, this one.
Sounds odd to say Merry Christmas after all that, lol. But…yes, carry on!
It is also obvious the Grub Truck is in on the Cabal surveillance. Just how many camera does a food truck need?
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all. I wish you well and remember. Things look bad but all is not lost. Sometimes when things seem worse, a tiny action by a tiny person that no one knows gathers steam and encompasses all. Just like a carpenter born in a manger over two thousand years ago has changed all history.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and God bless, Sam.
Merry Christma, AC!
May you have a wonderful, wonderful holiday!
God Bless you and keep you!
Thank you Wooderson! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too!
Merry Christmas one and all! Thanks to A/C for your daily work & your good temper & kindness.
Thank you, Johannes. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too.
Welcome to the Machine
Welcome my son
Welcome to the machine
Where have you been?
It’s alright we know where you’ve been
You’ve been in the pipeline
Filling in time
Provided with toys and scouting for boys
You brought a guitar to punish your ma
And you didn’t like school
And you know you’re nobody’s fool
So welcome to the machine
Welcome my son
Welcome to the machine
What did you dream?
It’s alright we told you what to dream
You dreamed of a big star
He played a mean guitar
He always ate in the Steak Bar
He loved to drive in his Jaguar
So welcome to the machine
Merry Christmas everybody!
Merry Christmas, Anon.
Linus explains it.
Thanks for all your hard work AC.
Greatly appreciate your site and insight.
Merry Christmas AC, all the regulars and irregulars!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year o you and yours too, JM.
RE: REAL Fusion breakthrough
This is pinging my intuitive “spidey sense.” The fact that they are absolutely ditching legacy problems like for example the need to heat water to turn a turbine is the correct approach. With the Tokamak systems they keep trying to pile on complication after complication to FORCE something to work when these guys are just getting out of the way of the flow and riding it.
Their upcoming Polaris reactor is going to generate electricity for the first time – this group has been laboring for something like four decades basically on faith that eventually materials and electronics tech will be there when they need it to be, and it’s all about to sync up.
It’s a 30 minute video, and you really need to watch all of it to truly understand what they’ve done with their approach.
Real Engineering- A New Way to Achieve Nuclear Fusion: Helion
I realize Reddit is a cesspool, but I still check in to lurk on some of the threads from time to time. You can still find good stuff there, if you know what you are looking for, and I am good at skimming through most posts.
So here is a comment from r/ misanthrophy. Its really r/ introverted teenagers, but on occasion you get interesting comments. This is from a thread on whether narcissism is getting more popular:
“It is incorrect to assume that natural selection selects for the “best” traits. It instead selects for the most adaptable. The other poster mentioned the bird feathers that are useless for flight and only serve to attract mates, it’s basically saying “look at me, I’m so awesome I can afford this stupid thing”. If that’s what’s being selected for, that’s the trait that’s going to be passed down. The bird with the perfectly fine and functional feathers won’t be selected for, because the other gender interprets it as weakness of deficiency. That’s all fine and dandy while the environment allows it, but if something happens (less food, a new predator, etc) and the bird with the stupid wings can’t cope anymore, they’ll start dying.
“I think something very similar is happening to the human race, if not this exact phenomenon. So much stupidity, irrationality and irresponsibility gets a free pass in modern society, simply because our global industrialized economy allows for it. People don’t need to rely on themselves anymore, society carries them (compared to the habitat we evolved in), therefore bad traits don’t get punished harshly like they normally would. In a sick way, these bad traits end up being selected for, in the same way the stupid feathers do, because they scream “I’m so awesome I can afford behaving stupidly and irresponsibly”.”
The entire thread is here:
But this commentator gets it. For decades, the Cabal and surveillance has been busy shaping a society run by, and for, psychopaths. And they carry along people who are not threats to psychopaths. Think long term and independently, barriers will be moved in your way. Short term thinking and no inner life, resources will be thrown at you so things that would normally be a problem with that won’t be a problem. These people get more material success and more access to mates.
So you get a situation where they can start making ridiculous, humiliating demands on people, and most go along with it and are even happy to do so, and the remainder is isolated.
Another Reddit thread, this time the whole thread is good:
R lockdown skepticism was almost the only place on the internet posting COVID lockdowns, but they seriously pulled their punches (as stated openly by the moderators) to avoid being banned. So you got a frustrating among of normie comments. Better threads opposing the “Great Reset” all got nuked. Again, I will check in once in awhile and there is something good there, and this thread its good.
Its supposedly about how things would be without the COVID hysteria, but the commentators do a good job on the whole of walking through the entire psyop. One interesting thing is that it is clear from the thread that the Cabal were already moving society in the direction they wanted it to go before 2020, and would have continued to do that otherwise at a slower pace. I think we would have even gotten the face masks, but they would have been presented as cool fashion accessories that every one is wearing because they just want to, and don’t you want to be cool? It would have been the millennial tattoos all over again.
Merry Christmas to everyone. We got hit with a high of 17 degrees today, so my relative who was coming over cancelled, and we bailed on the lessons and carol service (we will just go to the normal Sunday service tomorrow), I am am spending Christmas eve catching up on my internet reading.
Two more links and I’m done.
Bruce Charlton on how “globalism”, the ideology promoted once the Gold War ended, is flat out evil. There are no claims they make that are either a good critique of how things are, or you could argue maybe would improve things, but they miss a lot. Its pretty much reducing the world population to slave status:
Ian Kumner on the sh–show/ humiliation exercise we are experiencing with the Zelenksy visit:
This stuff is not exactly funny, but this part of the essay is worth reprinting:
“Remember how I said a hustler is overly friendly and familiar with his victim? He does this as a subtle way to assert dominance. Formality is a show of respect, so being informal in an inappropriate situation is inherently disrespectful. It is simply not appropriate to give Biden a soldier’s medal. Military awards are given to soldiers for service to their country. Such awards can, when appropriate, be given to foreign soldiers. For example, American soldiers fighting under French command in WWI were eligible for French awards. Biden is not a soldier and he’s not serving Ukraine. Notice the fine details of this exchange. Zelensky emphasizes that the award is coming from a Ukrainian captain. Not Zelensky. Not even a general. A captain, a low-ranking officer. Imagine a Polish peasant presenting an award to Napoleon like he’s a stable boy who did a good job cleaning cow shit. That’s no more bizarre a situation than a random captain giving the President of the United States an award like he’s a common soldier in the Ukrainian army.”
I wonder if Zelensky outranks Biden in the Cabal by quite a bit.
“I wonder if Zelensky outranks Biden in the Cabal by quite a bit.”
I’m sure he does. Biden is nothing to these people. Just look at what they did to his son.
Wow. Good catch Ed
Merry Christmas to all my Conservative Nonnies and especially to our devoted AC who tirelessly gives us the news of the day!
Thank you, Rizzo. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to your too!
“Somehow Cernovich manages to argue that the brazenness of this fearless betrayal is a sign that our elections are not rigged…”
Cernovich is a huge DeSantis shill. There’s a lot of DeSantis shills on Twitter who are insisting that there’s no voter fraud, and even if there is, we should not do anything about it. This makes me think DeSantis really is a traitor and an enemy.
“A foreign power, for a small cost, can easily make a citizen rich and seemingly successful, to elevate their status and get them in high office as an agent. And there are a lot of citizens which will take that deal. And the more that do, the less a regular citizen is able to make a fortune honestly and compete with them for that office.”
Taking anything from a foreign power should disqualify you from any office for life.
That should include having dual citizenship and having a second passport.
We should not allow dual citizenship, take a new one and lose your old one.
Re: Taxis used as surveillance. I wont say how or why I know, but i can confirm Intelligence uses taxis for surveillance purposes. They are used extensively.
Longtime reader here, figure I should also just give a big thanks to AC as well. I suspect there are many like me who truly appreciate everything you do and never miss a day, or close to it.
I used to read the Vault-co site which I found out about from here of course. Amusingly (to me) I often see the people in charge, both in my work life and in politics and think heh look at that melon head!
I also have become convinced it’s true that people who are not in the “club” that show potential early in life indeed have the brakes applied by whatever means necessary. Explains some things from my early life, although I am pretty tough to eliminate entirely. The “vexing” almost got me, spent two months in the hospital for starters, and my life will never be quite the same. But, I found I am one tough SOB, LOL. I also am with a woman now who had stuff happen early in her life and even her kid’s lives that indicate that same intervention. What a world we would live in if merit was how one got ahead..
Thanks again for all you do!
Thank you, Joe! The readers are why I am able to do this.
Merry Christmas to all!
Merry Christmas, Bman!
Not sure if anyone can see this, but it’s a breakdown of the public finances of the Mozilla Foundation, and no surprise it’s an obvious Cabal money distribution center. Seventy percent of the Foundation’s revenue is currently coming from GOOGLE, which is money being paid for Mozilla to make Google the default search engine for Firefox. The money being spent of actual development and promotion of Firefox is a fraction of what is taken in, much like what is happening lately with the Linux Foundation.
Firefox Money: Investigating the bizarre finances of Mozilla
Payments to nonexistent companies? Funding politics? Reliance on a single customer? And that’s just for starters.
We don’t observe Christmas in this house, though I wish you all well and of course thank AC for his hard work and for providing the most visited site in my Browser, I check in on the comments several times a day, as I tend to go back a few days to check on additional comments posted, good stuff everyone, Thank you.
So it’s the 25/12/22 (how we fornat it in Englandistan) which marks 1 year to the day when our household decided that “Torah observance” was the path we wanted to take, in that year we’ve had many conversations in our home as to whether we actually describe ourselves as Christians, due to the intense misinformation regarding Christianity propagated by GloboPedoHomo!
Christmas falls into that catagory, but that’s not where I’m going here.
Being Torah observant is simply trying to follow YHWHs laws as set out in the first 5 books of Genesis.
Changes had to be made, Biblical eating came up, No Pork or shellfish, giving up Bacon, well that was surprisingly easy considering I could eat bacon sandwiches on a daily basis, shellfish.. piece of piss, I’d never eaten shellfish for the reason unknown to me, alresdy laid out in Scripture, Pigs and Shellfish are YHWHs cleaners, I’d never wanted to eat shellfish that filter all the crap that falls to the sea floor… yuck!
Christmas day last year fell on a Saturday, the Sabbath, and that’s #4 of the ten commandments, Observe the Sabbath.
We’ll that’s actually surprisingly hard to do! I doubt in 5he 51 Sabbaths since I’ve managed to comply more than half a dozen times! Seriously, how hard can it be to have all your ducks in a row so that on the Sabbath, there aren’t jobs that still need doing? we’re meant to rest as YHWH did and appreciate his creation, study Scripture, and not engage in commerce, obviously there’s more, but the fact is that I struggle due to the off grid lifestyle to even manage the complete rest aspect! That said, attempting is enjoyable, with the added bonus that Sunday feels like being given an extra day, when much gets achieved as a premonday, before everyone else gets going again, Sunday is now the first day of the week for us and it feels right.
Hmmm am not sure why I shared that?
Take care everyone, however you are spending this time?
I’ll be chopping wood, sorting Coal, tidying the homestead, preparing the veg patches today as it looks to be a dry one.
Thanks again AC.
Mr T
There is no “$pace” ergo no “Aliens”
There are no “Nuke$”
CO2 & Nitrogen are NOT Pollutants
Oil and Natural gas ARE NOT “Fossil fuels”
He can’t be a she
Germ theory is a crock of Shit! (Terrain theory is where it’s at)
Government education is NOT education.
Government health advice … just isn’t!
Inversion is EVERYWHERE!
it is after all Satans realm.
“History is Amygdala, Amygdala is Everything” – AC (paraphrased)
The Bible is the Amygdala training manual!
YHWH Bless you all.
Set Free from the Law of Sin and Death
Read Romans 8.
If you are Christian, why would you want to burden yourself following the Torah, when God has freed us from the law?
This may be harsh, but trying to earn your way to heaven is a rejection of the work of Christ.
This. You cannot follow the Law. The only one who could was Jesus, the only begotten son of God. More importantly, you have no temple or tabernacle under which to absolve yourself of sin. Even under the Law, you are burdened and condemned to everlasting death for the sins that you can’t absolve yourself of.
Christ was the one who cut this Gordian knot. He was able to ransom your soul for the debt your sin put on you. He completed the Law, replacing the legalisms of the Torah with the True Law of His commandments. Repent and accept Christ as your savior.
Also, Hebrews 8-9. It was written specifically for those struggling the same as you are now. The only High Priest you have is Christ, and He has set aside all the old trappings.
Jesus solidified God’s laws, he did not nullify them!
You’ve made assumptions and you’re barking up the wrong tree.
Churchians dismiss the OT.
Okay. So you are living under the old covenant.
Where is your temple?
Where is your high priest?
Where is the blood atoning for your sins?
How are you paying your vows to God?
Merry Christmas AC! Thanks for all you do to shine light in the world.
Many thanks also to the many thoughtful commenters. Together we crowd source so much good content and helpful resources. Truly grateful for this site.
Merry Christmas, Forest. Thank you for coming!