News Briefs – 12/24/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the description. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


What I find fascinating is that this is exactly was what was done to the Roman Empire. EXACTLY. I’ve long noted, it is a natural r-selected impulse. They crave “other” to facilitate migration when it is required. And yet in the back of my head has always been a little voice, emerging from all the shadows and hidden crevices, asking, “But do they crave it this much, all on their own?” It always felt a little “off.” Mankind has a certain inertia. Over just a few decades, we have gone from diehard patriotism paving our way to full blown treason guiding our leaders. That is a huge inertia shift, which feels strange and unnatural.

It is true, the r-strategist is possessed of self-destructive impulses, malformed and maladapted to the reality of a world of K-selection and competition. But as such, they are made to be deceived. If you are looking for a traitor to destroy a society, you could hardly desire better. They have the need for free resources, and the inability to endure hardships which motivates many, many traitors. To those who understand, they are a huge unused lever in society, which only requires a small push to alter a society’s course, in many ways, irreparably.

Have they been being used against us by a hidden hand, and even more interesting, could this possibly be the same hidden hand as before –  a hidden hand descended from a similar hidden hand which used the exact same game plan to fall other massive empires throughout history, going back to Rome?

Perhaps more to the point, what are the chances there could be two hidden hands, both so perfectly in control of these deep hidden human urges, and each with such a detailed knowledge in how to provoke a society’s self-destruction – and even more strangely, the boldness to step forward and make it happen?

Just to see such an evil force exposed and the truth aired out would be amazing. But to see it also dealt with, its members punished and a lesson created for all of history – that makes this a rare moment in history for the non-traitors of our kind.

The video:

 Who is in the shadows, having decided America is coming down, and our peaceful society will be reduced to chaos and violence at the hands of imported savages? And why do so many all follow these orders to destroy our nation?

 As with everything, they have only given us rosy numbers with no basis in reality, which are numbers they think they could get away with. The real numbers are the reality, and they are far beyond the bounds of what (((They))) could get away with. But because we have no honest media and the reporting organizations were all compromised, we have no idea.

 There is no doubt it is treason. We even knew to some degree it was happening. But it is a measure of how powerful control of the media, control of the reporting agencies, and the paralyzing effects of doubt are. We couldn’t be sure, and when taking life we naturally want to be sure.

Certainty may be coming.

What is the good fight? Put your voice out there. They are on every forum and website, sockpuppeting Cabal talking points. They control many of those forums at the administrative level, and will sink any thread which reveals anything they want hidden, and especially the intel side of their operations. They need to control that dialog to keep their conspiracy hidden.

When you have something to say on Free Republic, jump in and say it. Are you on 4Chan? Wherever people go to converse with fellow Americans, go there and jump in, and expose the conspiracy, so others will see the ideas, and gather they are mainstream by how many of you post it.

Promote Q. Speak out about the conspiracy. Support the President. Do what I am doing here. Set up your own site. Burn every aspect of the conspiracy (((They))) want hidden. And the more they want it hidden, the more poisonous it must be, and more exposing it will help our side and support real America. They hide because our kind is the real strength in the world. They hide because they know they are wrong and others will know it. Their only strength is the cluelessness of our people. Let our people know how this thing is trying to take full control of their lives, use them, dominate them, intrude upon them, oppress them, and do it without them even knowing. Expose everything, and by your numbers make the knowledge mainstream.


US authorities reportedly set to charge alleged conspirator Ghilsane Maxwell, in Epstein case.

Epstein business partner says Epstein admitted to being a Mossad agent back before he was a billionaire, and that is why he served no time in the massive Ponzi scheme case he was wrapped up in as a young, newly-minted trader.

Hunter Biden was accused of a $156 million Ukraine money laundering scheme in his baby-momma case.

Unemployed Hunter Biden is living in a $2.5 million Hollywood Hills mansion.

Hunter Biden’s baby mama submits tax returns and financial documents amid paternity battle. While Hunter stalls. Technically, you’re not supposed to piss off a judge in these things. They have a schedule, and having a case drag on without resolving makes them look bad. But the rules may be different for Cabalites.

There’s now a FISA review of every single warrant application involving dirty FBI lawyer and FISA-evidence-tamperer Kevin Clinesmith. If he was their go-to dirty-crime-guy, and he might have been, his fingerprints may be on a lot of shitbaggery.

Bill Barr indicts 8 including Mueller top witness for funneling millions in foreign donations to Hillary and Bill – and new data shows Hillary and Bill’s involvement.

The U.S. Department of Commerce asked a federal court in Maryland on Wednesday to dismiss a lawsuit challenging Trump’s order to collect administrative records on citizenship.

Thai court to rule on case linking opposition to Illuminati. From the article : There is a widespread belief that [the party] will end up being disbanded, with its leaders banned from political office for several years… Natthaporn alleged that the resemblance of the party’s symbol to that of the Illuminati showed its hidden purpose, and when its leaders’ other behavior is taken into account, it shows they “do not trust in conventional thoughts.”

Britain makes it legal for their security services to cover up crimes committed by its agents, essentially giving agents a license to kill. My money is this is actually about surveillance of the citizens.

Mossad, the CIA, and MI6 implicated in bugging of the Ecuadoran embassy to spy on Assange.

Pirating Trump PACs are raising money in the President’s name despite being unaffiliated with him or his campaign. The correct address is

Baltimore is bringing back the whole-city-monitoring with spy planes thing. Things like this are what tell you that regular law enforcement/government is not what is running the big operation, which nobody knows about. It is on its own wavelength, with its own agenda, and it does not share.

FEC is investigating campaign violations in John Kasich’s 2016 campaign.

Pentagon warns take-home DNA kits pose security risk. Say that here, and the normies giggle at how weirdly paranoid you are.

TikTok banned by Navy amid growing data and privacy concerns.

Algeria’s Military chief general Gaid Salah dies of a heart attack.

Obama talks up Warren behind closed doors to wealthy donors.

8-year-old YouTuber is YouTube’s highest earner of 2019 with $26 million dollar haul. I saw one of this kid’s videos on the news. He was a chubby Indian geek lecturing them on some sort of reason for doing something safely. If you try to build an audience, you realize several things. It is nearly impossible to go viral, unless you have something absolutely shocking and entrancing, that people want to share uncontrollably. Second, it takes time to acquire people who will come back. It does not just happen. As for this kid, I remember what it was like to be a kid, and how kids thought. They followed alphas who were fun, not chubby, geeky Indian kids lecturing them about safety. And there is no way it is adults producing these views. In fact, I would bet there are no views at all, and somebody at google just changed the number in their system, to pay the family off for something on behalf of Cabal. YouTube channels may be a major way Cabal’s intel ops are laundering out their payments. If I was an anti-Cabal intelligence operation, I would pour over the top YouTube earners in my sector, and go over each with a fine-toothed comb.

In Italy, the Nigerian Mafia is forcing girls as young as 12 into prostitution. Obviously part of the wonderful cultural enrichment which will yield dividends for years to come. Very little compares to the wrath of someone who was deceived by someone else into harming themselves. To be beaten openly is one thing, but to be beaten because you allowed yourself to be deceived only produces twice the rage, with one portion for those who deceived you, and an extra portion you feel at yourself for having allowed yourself to be deceived. Of course both portions end up being directed upon your enemy, because that is just how humans work. So don’t rule out a lot of leftists now being the ones who want to torture Cabalites before they kill them, once things start.

Democrats are trying to urbanize suburbs by outlawing single-family zoning.

Health officials warn of measles exposure at 5 US airports.

FDA approves Ebola vaccine with 100% success rate. However Ebola has proven to mutate quickly, already shedding the fever which was used to contain it before.

Tesla borrows another $1.4 billion from China. A lot of companies work this way borrowing the massive sums it takes to run their businesses. McDonalds was one business which cannot buy its supplies, like meat and buns outright, but rather borrows the money to run, makes the gross, then repays the bank with interest, and keeps the excess as profit, before taking another loan. I used to think they did this just to massively exploit their name recognition on a scale they otherwise could not, and yet the bank is making money off the loan, which McDonalds could be making if it got to a place where it could finance itself. Now I wonder if the interest is basically like a Cabal Tax. You want media support and to not be sunk by a Cabal competitor raised specifically to destroy you? Then you have to use our bank to finance your business, and launder us our cut that way. After all, who owns the banks?

Barr blasts Soros for stoking hatred of Police. And yet I bet if any Cop ever wrote Soros a ticket for jay waking, he would be working the file cabinets in the basement for the rest of his career.

France capitulates to illegal migrants demanding residence permits after protests.

Italian exorcist says society risks collapse due to ‘aggressive satanism.’ Basically makes the case Satanism infects people with evil, to their core, and will collapse society, and cultural influences, from children’s books to video games are increasingly seeking to expose children to satanism.

AOC, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren back a bill seen as a “first step” to legalizing prostitution.

American taxpayers sending billions to fund foreign border walls. Probably scams enriching Cabal as well.

Cabal critics are panning Clint Eastwood’s latest film, Richard Jewell. Title says mainstream critics, but the Cabal no longer is the mainstream now that Trump and Q are here.

Lawless Mexico kills 3,000 times more Americans than terrorists do.

BBC’s bullying for license fees leads to one in ten magistrate hearings, a third of criminal cases brought against women, and children as young as ten prosecuted.  To pay for Cabal’s propaganda, and pay the traitors who produce it.

TikTok has a QAnon problem – The conspiracy theory is growing there. Nothing can stop what is coming.

Fourth earthquake in one day, a 6.0 strikes off the coast of British Columbia. Others were 6.0, 5.7, and 5.2, getting stronger each time.

Next up, a good example of what should never happen. This guy is lucky he is not dead. Either you have no beef and let everything slide, or you see threat of imminent bodily harm/death and smoke your opponent instantly. Once a gun shows up, you draw and fire, off what should be immediate muscle memory, exploiting action beats reaction, and keep firing until the threat is neutralized, and let it play out the way it will. There is no draw and stand around, or draw and threaten, or draw and argue while pointing guns at each other, or draw and then scuffle. Your opponent should have no idea you have a gun until he is already shot and being killed. This was just terrible all around. Oddly nothing came of this, with no charges filed, so that whacko is still out there floating around with a hard-on for Trump supporters and a handgun he likes to point at people he is arguing with:

Suppose you formed a party around a simple principle. Everyone leaves everyone else the fuck alone. Stay in your lane. Don’t bother anyone who isn’t bothering you. And have government do that for everyone. We can all  do whatever we want, so long as it doesn’t interfere with other people doing what they want. It would seem we could all agree on it. It won’t bother any of us. Maybe it would bring us together. We’d all be free, and government would be cheap and limited. But that isn’t what the Cabal would want. Now how could they possibly discredit such a movement? I know, make it look insane by flooding crazy people into it with the express purpose of making it look crazy. What would a party convention look like?:

Understand, that dude is not just that crazy. It is an act. He is a recruited member of the network, one of millions, and  probably tens of millions embedded amongst us. From the level of his performance, I’d be surprised if he wasn’t raised in it from a child, under parents who were themselves agents. It is a totally different culture. When he goes back to the group – “his” people – they all laugh together at his performance, and how stupid everyone there is, to not realize, that is an intelligence operation working its magic to derail the movement, because that movement might affect their ability to control. You can see how if you do not realize you face a sophisticated intelligence operation, your movement doesn’t stand a chance.

Bette Midler never tweets in all caps, but she did to say this:

I see the vibe in that last tweet more and more, especially on the local news. The local affiliate newscasters used to always be happily and bubbly, and act like they were one of us, and we were all having fun during their newscast together, as one big family of equals. They are still keeping up the bubbly façade, but if you look close enough, you can feel something else – just a little bit of detachment, like there is us and them, and they are beginning to register we need to be kept in our place, and separate from them. In truth, they know they are part of a team which is designed to keep everyone else controlled. They lie on their newscasts and say what they are told, they are almost all probably running coverage on everyone else when they are not on the air, and they have pledged their loyalty to the conspiracy against us for their pieces of silver. Imagine Bette having the balls to tell us we shouldn’t even look at any information she deems “malicious.” She knows her fan-base doesn’t know, and as much as she will act like she loves them, they are just like her, and they and her are one big team of equals, there is also this little vibe of someone who views themselves as higher, and they want to keep that position by tricking all the others to keep themselves down. It is very irksome, and I can only imagine what the public will feel like once it is revealed.

A group organized by Border Patrol agents recently collected and distributed Christmas and holiday gifts for the children of fallen agents. The fund gave gifts to more than 100 children. Website here. It’s a a 501(c)(3) charity that is also listed on the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC #75034)


Breitbart News’ facebook page crushes The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, MSNBC, and CNN.

BBC freaks out, accuses Johnson of Trumpian tactics as the row over the lack of impartiality in state broadcasters takes off.

Taliban elders agree to a short-term ceasefire with the US.

Donald Trump approval blows past Obama at the same point in their terms. In fairness, Obama fucked up the country for his own voters, as he fucked his opposition, while Trump has made as many opportunities for voters who didn’t vote for him as he made for his own supporters.

Saturday shopping set a single-day sales record, analyst says.

Black voters ‘abandoned’ by Democrats warm to Trump. Black parents see the lives of blacks getting better, and support Trump for their children’s futures.

Spread r/K Theory, because everyone needs to speak up.

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5 years ago

With the way the FISA process works, I think I know a simple 3-step process to surveil everyone with a phone. Correct me if I’m wrong. 1) Get FISA warrant for legal, legitimate reason. 2) Have telemarketer contact that person. That’s one hop. 2) Have that telemarketer contact anyone else. That’s 2 hops. Is it as simple as that? Are telemarketers cabal for that reason? God protect my kid. I want to rejoin the fight, but I have VERY legitimate reason to be scared for her.

5 years ago

Thanks for all your efforts AC.

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to you and yours.

5 years ago

>”After the House vote, Democrats are having BUYER’s REMORSE about impeachment and don’t know what to do.”

They thought everyone would follow the (((stars))) (of David):

Now that the sloppy Jew coup against Trump has bombed (nobody is buying the shit they are peddling with their MSM, entertainment and zionist globohomo NWO cabalite comped politicians), all they can do is stall, but I think that when they let the articles go to the Senate, they are going to get officially and publicly BTFO by the Senate acquitting Trump, so they choose to stall to try to post pone the inevitable, but by doing so, they end up losing more and more support before the Senate BTFO of them, so in a way, they have no way to take off this sloppy Jew coup boot off without getting fucked by their own (mostly circumcised) dicks. Very entertaining to watch them squirm big time, all the time.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

I believe this is because the Jews are a tribe of psychopaths. No not every one but a very large percentage compared to normal populations. Even if I’m wrong there is no discernible difference between a bunch of Jews moving to your country and a tribe of psychopaths in the long run. Psychopaths not having an internal governor, empathy for others, just push and push until they are stopped.

They blew up the world trade center complex right in front of our eyes and got away with it why wouldn’t they think they could convince people of anything they wanted?

Since all psychopath manipulation consist of a large amount of lies and distortions I predict that at some point a huge flip will occur where no one will believe anything the Jews say no mater whether it’s true or not. No matter how sincere they are it won’t make any different. At that point in the past they have been ejected from whatever country they have been parasiting on. Lets hope it’s soon.

5 years ago

Read while you can, threads on Rome, British, French and Russian revolutions.

The “war on private property” made manifest in the French and Russian revolutions is being made
manifest here. Yesterday a story about how “single family-residence neighborhoods are racist.”
As outlined in Pasternak’s ‘Dr. Zhivago.’ Coming to a town near you, unless the people are awoken
and the monster strangled.

Merry Christmas, AC!

Reply to  Zangwill
5 years ago

Jews as a group have been honing what we today call “government takeover intel operations” for centuries. It’s not a coincidence that communism and progressivism were both Jewish creations, nor that the revolutions in Europe always had Jews backing both sides of the conflict.

Also interesting that in the book “Confessions of an Economic Hitman”, the way the author says a very big game of miking the plebs like cattle plays like is:
Make huge ass loans to govs, much more than they require, and big enough that they will never be able to repay them ever, which then makes the gov get under the loaner’s control (this weaponization of Usury was always used by Jews on both citizens and governments, and the Torah tells them do to it to take control of the goyim via debt slavery: “For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.” – Deuteronomy 15:6). If that fails then;
Use intel operatives to persuade the gov to comply with your plans (bribes, black-mail, threats), and if faced with non-compliance, topple the government (revolution, assassination). If that doesn’t work then;
Find someone other faction or group and make them both go to war. Then after they are destroyed and in need of money, offer your take-over-loans, which they will accept due to being in need.

5 years ago

Collins is a mole.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Man, i’d love to see that.

5 years ago


Someone was speaking about General Patton the other day, here is some information related:

On a letter to his wife he commented:
“I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is Liberty, then give me death. I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it.”
And in his diary he noted:
“Today we received orders… in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc?… We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles.”

General George S. Patton knew who was behind the subversion of the USA:

General George S. Patton was murdered:

Patton was redpilled on the JQ, he saw it all first hand, and I would not be surprised if he was killed because of it (not going along with it, and being outspoken about it).

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

dont be surprised, (((they))) killed him.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
5 years ago

And note that the 2nd article says that it was OSS William Donovan who ordered the hit on Patton, that makes sense since William “Wild Bill” Donovan was:
Involved with the Rockerfeller foundation;
One of the main forces behind the creation of the EU, Richard Kalergi, the father of the EU asked him for help to create the EU, and so William (at this time the OSS had became the CIA already) created the ACUE (American Committee on United Europe), and

Also note that Richard Kalergi’s father was a very close friend of the father of Israel and moder political zionism, Theodor Herzl, and that Richard Kalergi was a friend of both the Rothschild, and the Warburgs (one of the Warburgs, the brother of the guy who founded the FED in 1913 in the US, gave Richard Kalergi money to help him with his pan-European project some years before the ACUE and the schemes with Wild Bill and the CIA).

Basically, the US has been the bitch of the zionist Rothschild and company for over 100 years now (well, the whole West has been, it’s not just America the Beautiful, Europe should had never allowed Jews to come into it after the Romans destroyed the Temple in the year 70), and the OSS and CIA were the main intel arm of the zionists, until recently (now that Trump is fucking the traitors up, this is changing), along with the Mossad.

Which reminds me, the other day someone posted an article about a CIA guy who was in counter-intel, which worked closely with Israel and Mossad. No wonder his counter-intel shit failed, his closest “ally” was the one doing the subversion, and Israel has a direct connection with communism.

Also note that the CIA and Wild Bill said that an United Europe should be created to fight the threat of communism, and then note that it was the same people (the zionists) who advanced the agenda for the creation of the EU, who also financed, created and promoted communism, and then note on how the EU advances communist policy on its members, while grovelling to Israel in every shape way and form.

It’s the thousand year long Jewish play book, create the problems, offer the solution, take control, and always play both sides. Buy them out, control them any way you can, and start a war if necessary and/or profitable.

Like I said, even if the leadership of the cabal is not Jewish, terminating Jewish collective power in the West (peacefully and fairly, off course) is the most damaging thing one can do to the cabal power structure, and it is happening right now as we speak, people are waking up, and Rudy Giuliani has launched a genius divide and conquer attack against Soros and Israel (the Rothschild made Soros and created Israel, Israel protects Soros and doesn’t allow Soros to operate in Israel, Israel and Soros are two sides of the same coin), so very interesting times ahead.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

General Patton was my hero as a kid. My parents took us to a drive-thru theatre to see the movie. It was fantastic. The opening credit score was very memorable.

My heart is broken that he died mysteriously and that my country may have killed him. A War Hero–killed by his own country.

Much like how Captain John Birch was murdered by the Chinese Communists. Funny, how our government kills our own.

5 years ago

Regarding your first comment under the Q-text … thinking out loud here …

I used to believe — Gibbon-lite — that all empires dissipated before they fell. It’s certainly easy, in retrospect, to point out their flaws, and assume those flaws were fatal. But perhaps I’ve been blinded by Gibbon’s presuppositions and thus see history through Gibbon’s faulty lens. Could it be that some empires, at least, fall at their peak strength??? Could it? I don’t know. Most recently, the rise and fall (and rise again) of Germany and Japan suggest that empires and nations can lose at war even though their populations were max-K-ified. I don’t know enough about Japanese history to speak with confidence, but it does seem that the Japanese, prior to WWII, were a coherent, inner-focused nation. Thus, very K.

If this is right, then the Japanese didn’t lose because of their K-ness, which is far too reductionistic anyway for thousands of factors go into such a calculation, not just K/r. But, you’re suggesting — at least I think this is what you’re saying — that K/r is some sort of “ur-factor,” one that undergirds the other ones, and thus has both explanatory and determinative power.

Was Gibbon, in his wordy way, pointing toward that inertia which you above mentioned … an inexorable pull toward the Left/r-selection/apostasy. Is this why rise and fall … rise and fall … never ceases? I can’t think of a rise that hasn’t fallen … but why? And more importantly, is it possible to reform a country/culture to stave off it’s inertial fall if it is inevitable?

You’re suggesting that it’s not only cultural inertia – the pull toward r (liberalism, cultural dilution, religious apostasy) — but an inertia either caused by, or in conjunction with, a sinister, multi-generational, centralised, organised force which you call cabal or the “hidden hand.” It’s not quite a two-fer, but an intertwined thingy like DNA, that can be ripped apart through the center, but somehow fits together. On one side is cabal, on the other, the culture. You say you see continuity in cabal – the “same hidden hand as before … descended from a similar hidden hand that used the same game plan …” Is this true? Thinking here. This statement would be hard to defend, historically, but you may be right.

Am I getting closer to understanding your insights? I’m trying here, but am having a hard time pulling the camera back far enough. I don’t have enough facts at hand, or, perhaps, the insight into the few I have.

So, it’s not just the speed of the K-r shift that bothers you, but it’s existence, no? You’re asking why this happens, why a culture, maxed-K, sorta loses its mojo?

As I type this, I’m thinking of a half-dozen examples, both Western and non-W, in which the leadership of the country sought dilution of the original stock. Yet this didn’t happen in Japan, and really didn’t happen in Germany. I won’t list the other examples in the back of my mind as I’m sure you have better ones in the front of yours.

Rome may be a horrible example, Sir. American hegemony was nothing like the Roman – we didn’t bring others here as slaves or lesser citizens, but they came willingly, enticed by the goodies and the culture they’re destroying. They were invited, not conquered. By whom, and why, is the question, as I see it.

Anyway, I find this one of the most insightful comments you’ve made. Thank you. Mind spinning wildly now …

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Where is the rest of your comment AC?
Pls continue, that is really insightful fren.


Reply to  KR
5 years ago

read miles mathis’ updates page. it is pretty obvious thru history that the same people are setting countries up to be knocked down. over and over again.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
5 years ago

Have anyone here read his articles on mathematics? What do you think of it in that case?

Reply to  KarmaK
5 years ago

I’ve read a lot of his science articles and I find them very convincing.

I don’t think he has all the answers but he’s well ahead of the rest of the world.

Reply to  KarmaK
5 years ago

really only the one on pi. and that seems to make sense. there’s videos on it too, from a variety of sources. it’s the kind of thing one can replicate.

John 16:7-11
John 16:7-11
5 years ago

“Pentagon warns take-home DNA kits pose security risk. Say that here, and the normies giggle at how weirdly paranoid you are.”

Why doesn’t Pentagon solve the problem then? There would be alot more respect for brass if they removed a clear and present danger in our midst. If DNA companies are selling our soldiers DNA to our enemies for cash they need to get… reprocessed kinetically and recombined somewhere else.

But we already know the reason, cabal and their prince of this world.

5 years ago

AC on r, “…the inability to endure hardships which motivates many, many traitors.”

II Peter 1:5 “Supplement The Faith with Arete”. Arete is translated as virtue. The four main virtues are Manliness, Righteousness, Sophrusyne, and Prudence.

What all “r” have is a lack of the virtue of Manliness! It was the Doric Greeks of Sparta and Crete that endeavored to habitualize all their youth in the Virtue of Manliness–the enduring of Hardship. That is just one part of the Virtue of Manliness. That is how they maintained their republics. The Rule of Law is had with the Virtue of Manliness. No virtue, No rule of law.

It is just that simple. Yet, modern man can’t grasp that. Our societies are totally devoid of any virtue. No boy knows what it means to be a man. It doesn’t come by instinct. Machismo comes from instinct, but not Manhood. Boys need training into Manhood and that is ONLY accomplished thru Arete, Arete being “The excellence of a Man”. Virtus actually means “to be a man”. V-I-R is Latin for “man”.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

As corrupt and evil as unholywood is, especially with the prolific pedophiles, it is rare to come across an actor who seems like a decent human being. I hope Caviezel is. He played Jesus, and I loved his character in Person of Interest.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

Whenever I see someone male online take a core virtue, -such as courage or warrior spirit/discipline, etc- and make it exclusive to men only, -or like when they preach male superiority in general-, it makes me think they are mistaking their pent-up, frustrated instinctual need to be sexually dominant for actual superiority. This is why we have four virtues working in harmony (plus drill sergeants who tamp down those ridiculous egos).

Same goes for the attitude that K equals good and r equals evil. It might seem that way because the pendulum has swung too far one way, but it’s more complicated than that. What if (((they))) were arch-K?

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

“…Promote Q. Speak out about the conspiracy. Support the President. Do what I am doing here. Set up your own site. Burn every aspect of the conspiracy (((They))) want hidden…”

I don’t think your average person is going to buy Q and if they do I son’t think it has quite the impact as one thing that you can tell people. One thing that makes it absolutely clear that the whole entire system is rotten and a lie.

You have to talk about building 7 on 9-11. They will ignore it at first after you tell they what I’m about to say but they won’t forget and after a time they will not be able to mentally ignore it. It’s just too obvious and too basic to ignore.

On 9-11 building 7 fell the same speed as rock dropped in air for roughly 108 feet. Gravity is the same for all objects. On the Moon an Astronaut dropped a feather and a hammer and they fell exactly the same speed. Since the building fell the same speed as a rock dropped in air this means the resistance to the rock falling and the building falling was EXACTLY the same. Air. We all know building 7 wasn’t floating in the air and it had millions of pounds of steel and concrete holding it up before it fell so the only way it could fall the with the same speed as a rock dropped in air is if the bottom support was removed. There’s no way this could happen without some sort of demo. They say fires did it but did you see fires so hot they vaporized the entire bottom of the building to where it was the same density as air? No you did not.

Once I realized this I realized it was all a lie. They all know. The press, the Legislature, the military, they all know. It’s just too obvious and they’ve done nothing about it.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

In order to optimize one’s redpilling efforts, one should start with the easier to digest and verify redpills (which means, adapt to your audience).

Pointing out MSM contradicting itself redpills is one of the best ones I have seen working as an introductory redpill, but certainly there are a lot of other ones good to use for that end.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

Case in point, this twatter thread that Q linked to, which got nuked by the censorship:

Note how he starts with some very easy to digest redpills, then starts dropping some JQ redpills (the JQ being the most hard to broach issue as a general rule) as the thread progresses, in a nice flow that allows even the most bluepilled audience member to digest the pills easily.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

“…In order to optimize one’s redpilling efforts, one should start with the easier to digest and verify redpills…”

I disagree. Sure they will think you’re a nut and try to block off such unpleasant thoughts but building 7 is so obviously an abnormality they will not be able to forget. It will haunt them and eventually, they will accept the truth. The Jews control our country such that they can blow up major landmarks in our cities.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

I have to say that you make a very fair point.

And honestly, I sometimes DGAF and just drop heavy and light redpills all over the place with random people, even IRL, and it’s rare to have people reject them outright (perhaps because I try to tell them in a matter of fact tone? I was always very curious, and willing to learn about everything, so I never think of any type of information has something that I don’t want to hear or read about, but most people aren’t like that, so I have no idea if my low audience-redpill-rejection rate is low because of my tone, or any other factor (perhaps it is random)).

Perhaps a combination of both approaches is not that a bad thing to do, I mean, sometimes you need a scalpel and sometimes only a sledgehammer does the work, why not use both (and I don’t mean each of us, I mean, the hive mind, it’s good to have people who swing sledgehammers all the time, perhaps it even helps normies to swallow the redpills when they are presented in a less direct way (kinda like the Overton Window shift type of situation))?

Josey Montana
Josey Montana
5 years ago

Happy Christmas AnonCon and to all your fam too.

And happy Christmas to the spooks and clowns surveilling good, honest, loyal Americans like us. May God cause the scales to fall from your eyes that you may know the Truth and repent your evil and wicked ways.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago


Re: the continuous surveillance via plane (and drone) check out a company called Persistics. The concept is called Wide Area Surveillance. It is a game changer as far as counter insurgency goes.

Re: The Hidden Hand. It is claimed that the Rothschilds trace their lineage all the way back to Nimrod. This would suggest they have been around for countless millennia, pre flood civilisations.

Merry Christmas to you and the regulars on the blog. Best wishes to all.

5 years ago

“Tesla borrows another $1.4 billion from China. A lot of companies work this way borrowing the massive sums it takes to run their businesses. McDonalds was one business which cannot buy its supplies, like meat and buns outright, but rather borrows the money to run, makes the gross, then repays the bank with interest, and keeps the excess as profit, before taking another loan. I used to think they did this just to massively exploit their name recognition on a scale they otherwise could not, and yet the bank is making money off the loan, which McDonalds could be making if it got to a place where it could finance itself. Now I wonder if the interest is basically like a Cabal Tax. You want media support and to not be sunk by a Cabal competitor raised specifically to destroy you? Then you have to use our bank to finance your business, and launder us our cut that way. After all, who owns the banks?”

That makes sense, I always wondered why there weren’t more companies that did things the old fashioned way and ran on money they had earned instead of borrowed.

The same thing with nations, in ancient times the national treasury was actually full of gold and kings didn’t borrow money unless they were going to run out.

5 years ago

Anonymous Story About a “School” that Borders Denver International Airport

5 years ago

Merry Christmas AC. Thanks for fighting the good fight. Your blog is a daily must-read or me, and I appreciate your time and efforts. I’ve learned a lot from you. Thanks.

May God bless you this season and throughout the new year.


5 years ago
5 years ago

Sudan inks peace deal with rebel faction, paves way for more

5 years ago

Bolsonaro Discharged From Hospital After Losing Memory in Fall

5 years ago

For better or worse, it’s Jim Jordan’s GOP now

Jordan must be the next Speaker of the House.

5 years ago

Kevin Spacey Posts Another Bizarre Video as Frank Underwood: ‘Kill Them With Kindness’

5 years ago

Turkish parliament readying bill to allow sending troops to Libya

5 years ago

Have they been being used against us by a hidden hand, and even more interesting, could this possibly be the same hidden hand as before – a hidden hand descended from a similar hidden hand which used the exact same game plan to fall other massive empires throughout history, going back to Rome?

Remember that we fight not against flesh and blood, but powers and principalities. Paul (a part of It as Saul) was warning us directly and unambiguously.