News Briefs – 12/23/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Farce turned this up in the comments:

Something happened in 1980 which caused the age to begin to rise, and then after 2000 there was a real spike. It would indicate periods in which it id not have enough new trusted agents to place them in positions of power, so it continued to recycle old trusted agents. It is possible September 11th caused the new generation to realize the conspiracy was not American national security or intelligence, and begin to rebel in ways the older assets were too tired to, or it is possible around that time Cabal discovered it was being targeted with infiltration, and it felt it could not trust it’s younger agent-pool anymore.

Democrat party official says Biden is pushing insider trading ban to hurt Pelosi who is ‘notorious’ for it. Amazing they are so shameless they can watch other people go off to jail for that and then maintain as public officials they should be immune from the law. Especially when it makes bribery so much easier, by allowing the briber to just give them information.

Joe Biden is facing criticism after bombshell reports emerged that he was allegedly too “mentally fatigued” to take a critical call from the House Armed Services Committee Chair in the lead-up to the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Google’s Quantum chip solves a problem that would take 10 septillion years in 5 minutes. If Bitcoin is dependent on encryption, and this will lead to destroying encryption, how is this not clear evidence Bitcoin will collapse in a year or two, when everyone realizes?

Official data shows alarming death surge only impacted Covid-vaxxed.

‘Wildly off-base’: New push for Supreme Court to reverse case that allows property confiscation. The old Kelo case, which said New London Connecticut could use eminent domain to seize your land and give it to someone richer who would build something bigger and pay more taxes to the city.

NASA astronaut spots ‘two metallic spherical orbs’ flying by his airplane over Texas.

Trump says that the US feels ‘that the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity.’

California Democrats ask Buttigieg for half a billion dollars for high-speed rail before Trump takes office.

According to a post on Free Republic, the DOJ has begun making contact with families of crime victims to let them know Biden is giving the criminals clemency from the death penalties they were sentenced to, so Donald Trump will not have those prisoners awaiting execution when he takes office. The poster noted the families which they knew were notified were the families of two women raped and murdered by two escaped convicts. UPDATE: NY Post story as news breaks – 37 of 40 prisoners on Death Row were given clemency.

I think Trump here might be saying something to the “Illuminati,” who believed they were the only ones in light, and the rest of the world was in darkness, and clueless. Does feel like a power struggle between cliques of elites:

Guatemalan migrant arrested for setting sleeping NYC subway rider on fire, watching her burn to death. Video of the suspect sitting watching the woman burn is here. Did it really have to be this way?

A 37-year-old Iraqi asylum seeker has been arrested in Augsburg, Germany, for allegedly planning a terrorist attack on the city’s popular Christmas market, local police confirmed.

She was either British intelligence or Cabal intelligence, and she married Assad, had three kids with him, and now that he is no longer of any importance, the job’s over and she will move back to the UK. She was born to Syrian immigrants in London, so I would assume her parents did something for MI-6 in Syria and were rewarded by being brought over, before she was told she had a shot with Assad, they could arrange the meeting, here is what he would find attractive, and they really could use an asset right next to him. And it could be weirder than that. He could know about Cabal, have recognized he was only ever meeting Cabal agent after Cabal agent as potential wives, and have accepted a deal to lead Syria (for Cabal, as a puppet), recognized he would need a Cabal wife to spy on him and report back, and she was pretty, so he gave up and decided to have a work-marriage with her. I do not know exactly how it works up there, but I know it is going to be weird if we ever find out. Imagine  being married to that. She is banging you, and holding hands, and having kids, on orders of command. What drives her? What is inside her? How will she view your kids? When will she turn and go the other way, and who would give the order? How does she view normal people marrying for love or loyalty? Who were you really meant to be with, that intel disrupted and prevented you from marrying? What would that truly loving family have been like? It is all very weird. You almost wonder if her parents turned her over for some kind of programming.

File under Famous Last Tweets:

“Jews in power” is probably a good delineator, if you stop and think about it. Regular grassroots everyday Jews are non-confrontational mostly, and just want to do their own thing and go their own way. I think that is probably inherent to the Jewish nature. They prefer to avoid all the fighting and acrimony. But you think of “Jews in Power,” and the overwhelming majority are the leftist ones fucking over the nations they are in, including Israel, and they are generally unctuous and ready to attack and fight. And since Cabal blocks people like me or them from power, if you see a Jew in power, like Schumer, or Larry Silverstein, it is almost guaranteed they are a shitbag. It is like two different species. I am pretty sure there is a lever in there for use in rhetoric to stop the fucking over of our nations.

Poland says it will arrest Bibi if Israeli PM attends Auschwitz liberation anniversary.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has publicly accused Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky of attempting to bribe him with €500 million in exchange for Slovakia’s backing of Ukraine’s NATO membership bid.

Russia has seen a wave of attempted arson attacks targeting banks, shopping centres, post offices and government buildings over the last three days, according to media reports. Most likely Ukraine is launching a campaign online offering Russians money to commit the crimes.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that he was ready to compromise over Ukraine in possible talks with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on ending the war and had no pre-conditions for starting talks with the Ukrainian authorities.

Trump predicts his administration will be ‘fully operational’ within two hours.

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Sunday he will rename Denali, Alaska natives’ name for North America’s tallest mountain, after William McKinley, the 25th U.S. president who was assassinated in 1901. Was that a key move the conspiracy made, in its takeover of the country?

US President-elect Donald Trump has sent a message to Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky, asking him to start thinking about a ceasefire and to abandon the territories that are currently under control of Russia.

Matt Gaetz says he may run for Florida Senate seat.

Trump vows to ‘stop transgender lunacy’ as a top priority.

Members of the president-elect’s team reportedly plan to announce a withdrawal from the UN Workd Health Organization on January 20th.

Trump vows ‘largest tax cuts’ in US history by next year.

Fetterman: Trump is a ‘singular political talent,’ he has a sense of ‘fearlessness.’

Send people to, because almost every single person in power, save for a very few, are in the conspiracy.

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2 months ago

I don’t believe it’s as much as number of congress-critters over 70 as length of “service” of those congress-critters. Too many of those now over 70 were on that same chart too many years ago. A number of them more than 40 years. Turtle and Pelosi for example – both over 35 years.

2 months ago

How to prevent the AI APOCALYPSE!

2 months ago

That graph is also a map of how no one in power was willing to hand the keys to GenX. And before anyone starts up with slagging GenX, the Strauss and Howe popularized book states that GenX is in the wave of a distinct value group that is different than all of the other generations. It’s a generation that stabilizes, builds, and sets things up for the next generation.

There is an argument to be made that things have gone so far astray because the Baby Boom-absolute sociopaths- went to war on GenX before they were even born, in order to secure their victory. 1/3 of all GenX was aborted by the Baby Boom. It’s the only war the Baby Boom ever won. Sanity was aborted. Stability was killed in the womb.

After that, half of all marriages that produced GenX children, ended in divorce. The GenX children were trained- by everyone (!!!) teachers, counselors, media, books, pyschologists- to care for their parents during these trying times. The media, books, teachers, parents- portrayed the GenX children as monsters, needy, homicidal, killers. Their toys, too.

Imagine if Greece had aborted Perseus, Dionysus, Zeus, Hercules, Alexander. That’s what we are up against. The heroes infant time and then childhood were stolen or broken

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

It’s not just Boomers in “Cabal”.

Millions of boomers have no direct association with an active conspiracy, but what they did do was align themselves with every disruptive ideological position that Cabal belched up, and embodied it to the nth degree, leading us to the sorry state we are living in right now.

To abort a 1/3rd of the next generation is so savage as to beggar description.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

I don’t know. The book 13th Gen, by Howe is subtitled “Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?”
It was published in 1993. I owned a copy. It is, as you can see on Amazon, the only Strauss/Howe book to not be in current print, or easily accessible via ebooks. The other books have their full title face forward. This book is shown sideviews, as a discarded second hand book. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a book presented this way on Amazon. Usually an out of print book is shown with a grey background and a title.

The book itself was printed with the cutesy, future forward look that Wired took up. It had different print types, side features, distracting fictional discussions in supposed ‘social media’ dialogue type. It was meant to be poppy, peppy, trendy.

However, it’s serious notes were: 1. GenX was a cyclical generation similar to the 1920s. They were neglected in childhood. They were socialized to take up drugs and various other socially unrespectable habits- premarital sex, smoking, cynicism, and so on.

The generation previous to them was comfortable burning down everything to get their way. The previous generation claimed prophet status- virtue signalling. The generations that did this brought on the Civil War- that burned down a continent and killed more Americans, per capita, than any other conflict involving Americans- in the names of questionable ideals. Then,the next idealists got us into World War 1- which could have just continued on as a nice Eurasian Malthusian conflict, like any other Eurasian Malthusian misadventure. World War 1, because it was super-charged, ended up burning up 300 years of European stores of value- the entire amount of profit accrued to Europe since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Stacked up and burned. This doesn’t even touch the genetic scything.

And, what I’d like to emphasize- this was stuff coming out of Ivy League schools and the military/spy complex- the war against GenX. The predictions for GenX lifecycles sounded horrific, and this book was printed barely at the start of GenX adult life. Shortened lifespan, stunted educational achievement,no social protections- church, unions, government- all of it. The words- paraphrasing- GenX will have a poorer, rougher life. GenX will provide and protect their children in the face of social onslaught. They will set the nation right. Then they will die before their time- they will die younger than the generation before or after them, but they will be happy dying this way.

It was horrifying, and yet it’s pretty much been my life script. I hate it. So much. You have no idea.

Somehow, the sketchy bohemian, non- establishment values-abortion- got sold to the Baby Boom as ‘responsible.’ I’m not sure how that happened. 1/3 of all the pregnancies in the 1970s- which is to say, only Boomer women- ended in an abortion. It was all social classes, all religions, all colors. In the 1980s, the right wing fought back. Right now, abortion is mostly younger, poorer and way more minority. Normal weight, mainstream,White women really just don’t get abortions. I think every one that does is in a commercial. I’m not even counting right wing, or religious. It just isn’t a thing for suburban white women.

And, right now,that’s showing up in TFR. White women have multiple kids, and a higher fertility rate than Hispanics or Blacks. It’s a social thing, not a federal funds policy thing. Black infants are subsidized, throughout their life to to the tune of nearly a million dollars. Hispanic babies are subsidized to over half a million dollars. White babies pay in.

Anyway, abortion was promoted by Margaret Singer because she was a swinger. She had four children in her marriage to an upper class architect (twit). He married a pretty face, and dabbled in radical politics. She wanted to have sex outside the marriage, but keep her kids in the inheritance. So she advocated for abortion for pregnancies resulting from out of wedlock sex. The current thing with her and blacks is almost bizarre. She did it for funding. She was more concerned about Ellis Islanders than blacks. Blacks were, like, her talking science fiction about appliances, not humans.

She ended up sending her kids to very nice boarding schools and then drinking herself to oblivion.

Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

I found a copy on Amazon and bought it. It’s illustrated, right? The rest of the data matches up.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 months ago

I think so. I haven’t read it in years. It made an impression, obviously. I lost our library- thousands of books- in the divorce. I don’t know if they were sold to the second hand store or thrown away.
I thought it a very bizarre book. I mean, who consents to an early, cheerful death? I mean, now that I am older, I can see how I’d be a candidate for it, from the insurance company charts about adverse childhood events (ACE). The thing is, the book never mentions the activities and life choices that nullify they ACE damages. They all, quite conveniently, map to traditional Christian practices- daily prayer, daily Bible reading, attendance at religious services, fasting, fish once a week, practicing virtues, abstaining from vices- real vices, not media vices.

Not one bit of commercial media ever advocates for any of it. There’s everyone pitching meditation-which, while nice, does not have the same physical effects- much less spiritual or personal effects- as conventional Christian prayer practices. And I mean any of them- Protestant daily prayer books, rosaries, freestyle- any of it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Willem Dafoe’s sister is a child psychologist. She’s written multiple (?) landmark books on the effect of divorce on children. She pointed out that the Baby Boom devoted so much media to teaching children (GenX) to care for their parents while the parents had a divorce. The parents were ‘going through a difficult time.’ It was books. It was movies. It was afterschool specials. It was therapy books. It was everything. It was the training manuals for teachers and counselors and the courts, and everything. It was suffocating. It was everywhere.

At the same time, all the movies and stories and books were about killer children, murderous children’s toys, and so on. Chucky? Rosemary’s Baby? Satan’s child was GenX, according to pop culture. Children of the Corn.And, then, GenX was the prey of serial killers in real life and in movies. Then, the genre ‘died’ a ‘natural’ death.

Okay, so after 1/3 were aborted, the two thirds that were remaining? 1/2 of them were subject to a divorce. They have been measuring the impact of divorce on children for decades. The UN itself notes that children in non-standard unions- divorce, polygamy, and so on- only have access to 89% as much of the family resources as a child in a stable union. Rich, poor, middle, religious, not-religious, 89%. At most.

So, we are inured to statistics about death. That 1/3 of all pregnancies death rate is the same death rate as the Black Plague. Except– the Black Plague casually took a few centuries, on and off, here and there, to get to one third. Tapering, flaring, subject to hygiene improvements- The 1/3 death rate that the Baby Boom perpetrated? Was done in ten years flat.

The US Army can’t match that kill rate. I’m thinking the only cognate is Ghengis Khan, but I’m not sure. He took time off in his conquests.

And the women that did that? Then pressured their GenX daughters to get abortions, when they fell pregnant, even if they were married, and even if the baby were healthy. It’s the most homicidal generation of women in American history.

Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

“It’s the most homicidal generation of women in American history.” HUMAN history. The most homicidal generation of women in HUMAN history. And there’s been a lot of competition. Vast numbers of overlooked La Voisins. ANTHROPICIDAL, too. A death cult mentality that extends to the entire species. Speaking of death cults, why on earth did you mention Dionysus? FUCK Dionysus. Nietzsche was completely wrong about that. IF ONLY Dionysus had been aborted. If only.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

No one cared what happened to GenX kids. The treatment was horrific. Consider, if you will, Paris Hilton. She was kidnapped and sent to a wilderness school with a death rate.

I’d throw in the child psychologists. In my current town, the head of the inpatient child psych hospital was an unrepentant incestuous pedophile. People moved here to train with him. Then the scattered out around town. People knew what he was, what he did, what his habits were. The trainees show up, occasionally, in the newspaper. Like, one whole hippie commune split up because one pedophile moved in. Someone got upset, which upset the ‘vibe’ of the place.

I’m not even listing my family history. I’m just telling you stuff that’s published in newspapers or in books. Verifiable, public information.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Them and Silents.
And those born into cabal did the same kind of thing to cabal’s powerbase in western countries.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

I’m hammering this because the GenX thing served to us was suicide. I mean, Flock of Seagulls? The last time that was romanticized was Goethe, then fin de siecle Vienna. It’s never been an American ideal. There was so much stuff valorizing suicide. There was just barking nuts amounts of all the things that they knew (!!!) led to suicide poured out on kids.

Then, society throttled the messaging back. I am pointing this out because I was having a conversation with a ?millenial? after that gen? about suicide being popularized. They thought it was sick. They thought I was exaggerating. I mean, how many funerals does a teen need to go to? Two weeks later, some poll came out showing young men were more conservative than young women. Not a lot. Like, 5%. This was before Trump. I told this person the social test was–would this bring out the suicide ideology. Six weeks later, there’s a high profile television show featuring all the main teen heart-throbs. The plot of the new show- hadn’t even been written yet- just splashed all over the news- was that these young men’s best friend has committed suicide. The plot examines why he did it. It included, of course, that this was a great big bonding exercise for all the friends. Like, this was the best, most loyal thing this guy ever did was kill himself so his friends could grow closer as a group, mature, find love, get good jobs, all of it. It was so disgusting. Such obvious, obvious propaganda.

TPTB really, deeply, truly hate ‘right-wing’ ‘conservative”christian”independent’ anyone.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Strauss and Howe also hammered how debased education would be for this one generation. Which, it was. And, it’s continued, except there’s now a reaction.

And, to be finicky, but I haven’t checked- not my monkeys, not my circus- I’m thinking the people who called out the abuses of the Catholic Church- not theoretical “I hate my sky-daddy”- but boots on the ground pedophile appreciation society things- were all GenX. The Boomers were among the perverts, and the generations after that are well-warned. That’s a GenX protect the babies production,top to bottom.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Yep, that’s the ticket, uh huh.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Well I didn’t get nothin

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Sounds about right. They also discovered they had declined in their faculties so sharply they were not really all that good at being evil anymore. What was formerly a smooth hand on the secret levers of social power and control eventually became the chocolate covered stained mittens of severely mentally retarded kids who could barely open a jar of peanut butter by themselves. The Schwab set gives away the game that the best they could get as front men were gay guys dressed as Klingons cackling in public at how evil and unstoppable they were.
Cabal realized they have to recruit people of a higher caliber than this if it has any hope of succeeding. Maybe that is what Trump is. At this point I’m so jaded I’d be pleased with a better grade of supervillain – particularly in their subtlety.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

The stupider they get the more their reaction to losing is to just lash out wildly.
It’s similar to how they just went full retard with the migration, trans, and everything else after Trump won in 2016.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

One of the commenters yesterday linked to a Martin Armstrong/Greg Hunter interview and Armstrong mentioned the increasing legitimacy deficit vis the system and the people.

As Gustav Le Bon stated in his magnum opus The Crowd, “prestige when called into question, is no longer prestige.”

The political class across the entire West has some serious payback heading their way.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

I feel bad for you every day, Anon. I believe every word of it. I think you have become so public facing they do it just because it is fun to f*ck with you.
I am not telling you to move to a remote mountaintop in the Appalachians and live inside an abandoned mining complex … but it works for me. I think these *whatever they are* have limits.
If you ever need a space, just let me know. The three nights I slept there initially were the best in years.
Sounds crazy to me yet I doubt if I have suffered a 50tieth of what you have have. Never more than a strange buzzing/hum that left me with a headache and feeling run down.
I think after hearing accounts for years, you’re just one of those people they decided to f*ck with on a lark. I’d hate for my name to come out on the day you find out who has actually been doing this. Not gonna be a happy ending for them.
Probably turn out to be a fat guy with awful foot odor who masturbates while they sit close by playing with beam controls on people each night. Pity he is not going to be running fast when the time comes.

Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

I should note that the titans DID try to abort all the Greek gods using an oral contraceptive in the form of eating them. Zeus was the one unaborted baby who revenged against the titans on everyone’s behalf.

If there’s any thin lesson tying this to us it’s that a lot of GenX & Millennials will wake up as soon as a single Zeus strikes down the top Titan. Also that Zeus is the youngest of that generation of gods with Hades and Poseidon as his elders and no one saw it coming.

Reply to  Dav
2 months ago

For which I am entirely grateful to all the alt-right/manosphere podcasters for normalizing reading the Iliad, Dostoevsky, and Marcus Aurelius, in addition to practicing Christianity. It’s a sight to behold watching actual jacked and tanned college boys and blue collar workers meeting up and casually discussing Achilles and Hector.

Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

I forget which of the two authors passed away, but the other wrote a sequel to “The Fourth Turning” (one of my favorite books). Hopefully I’ll get around to buying and reading the sequel this year.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 months ago

It’s called The Fourth Turning Is Here. Read it several weeks ago.

Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

Strauss and Howe also talked about how the Civil War was a messed up generational thing.
I think you may have a very good point. GenX was more conservative, more hardheaded. If you knew this was coming,and you were a mass murdering scum, you could see the reason for Abortion. And, now that Gen X is getting closer to power, Abortion went away….hmmm. As if the PTB knew Gen X was not going to be down with that.
Oh, what could have been!!

Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

Silents were a major part of it and we are only just starting to see the last of them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

I read, I think, all of Strauss and Howe’s books. I know the first two for sure, and maybe the third. It just occurred to me that these times of ultimate stress are very congruent with the time of shorty before maximum Jewish control of a country. It doesn’t always fit but it’s damn close. So maybe it has nothing to do with generations but really only has to do with Jews parasiting on nations until they go nuts to try and shake them off. Look at this quick dated pattern wheel of “generations” and tell me I’m wrong.

comment image

Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

I remember from Fourth Turning they predicted around 2008 we’d have a crises where the Millennials as the Hero Generation would have to face it. Granted, we’ve had many crises but somehow it was blunted and just keeps going. I wonder if it’s another cycle like the Civil War where Strauss and Howe said there was no Hero Generation.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

I want to clear up something just in case anyone gets the wrong impression. I was VERY impressed with the Fourth Turning set of books when I read them. I have a strong belief in cycles. Not that they follow rigid timelines, but that they are like patterns with strong elements of probability. James Dale Davidson and Sir William Rees-Mogg wrote a series of books much like this related to cycles of societal behavior and the subsequent financial results. I also believe there is a strong tie in to technology, disease and geological terrain that influences societies.

In case someone wonders I’ll list a few of the books of this type, starting with the authors noted above.

“Blood in the Streets: Investment Profits in a World Gone Mad” (1987)
The Great Reckoning: How the World Will Change in the Depression of the 1990’s (1994)
The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age (1999)

The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Force, and Society since A.D. 1000 by William H. McNeill

Plagues and Peoples by William H. McNeill

The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers by Paul M. Kennedy

For Good and Evil: The Impact of Taxes on the Course of Civilization by Charles Adams

“Dennis M. Bushnell, Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025] ” he goes over the trends of technology coming up and how they may play out. His report is not some wild eyed fanaticism it’s based on reasonable trends. Link.

“Weapons Systems and Political Stability” Carroll Quigly

The Life of Empires by Sir John Glubb
“The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival” Sir John Glubb

An Inquiry into the Permanent Causes of the Decline and Fall of Powerful and Wealthy Nations. Designed To Shew How The Prosperity Of The British Empire May Be Prolonged by William Playfair

The fate of empires : being an inquiry into the stability of civilisation
by Hubbard, Arthur John

If you’re interested in this sort of thing, this list should keep you busy.

Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

It’s not all about you.

Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

If you believe in Jesus Christ and if you believe in a Second Coming then NECESSARILY the Second Coming was going to be born in a PARTICULAR generation SOMEWHERE specific. Guess what, guess where, guess when. That’s what the GATE program shit was designed to identify, I think. That’s why Roe v Wade was legalized when it was, where it was. A rerun of Herod, adapted for modern times, done covertly, under various guises. Sorry if you’re a Millennial or a Zoomer and you feel insulted about not being The Second Coming generation. Cope. It’s not about YOUUUUUUUUUUUU. It *is* about US, however.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

interesting idea, but probably wrong. Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus’s Second Coning will unfold as Him being born a man again? Instead of just showing up, “ the Son of Man, riding on a cloud”?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Seems like the kind of heresy cabal would come up with.

But it also is just aimed at GOD’s servants chosen for important missions.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

The Merovingian belief is apparently strong with Cabal, especially among the royal families. That’s the belief that Jesus and Mary Magdalen had a child, who was taken to Gaul (France) and hidden away and they’re all part of a secret bloodline that comes from that child.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Curious that you echoed an elderly Black matriarch sitting in the front bench of a Duke Power bus in the early 1970s: she repeated to her two fellow matriarchs, sitting across from herself, what God had told her while she was sitting on her bed that morning: God said to her, “There is a When and a Where; and there is a Time and a Place.

Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

Teo, I’m not writing about me. I’m writing a response to a post where AC had a question about why the federal government is in the hands of senile degenerates, and no one else rotating in to take the reins. It’s one of the better measures for this.

It’s anecdotal when a talent agency has a hard time booking musical acts popular with GenX when they were young. The booker said the now adults did not want to be reminded of their youth, unlike any other generation in history. You can still make a million dollars or more on tour with a band catering to the Baby Boom- see, Paul McCartney, or the Rolling Stones. You can make a billion dollars on a tour catering to current young things- Taylor Swift. You cannot make extraordinary money on a Genx nostalgia act tour. Saying that, and seeing that, are two different things.

A chart is easy to read. There’s, basically, the horse latitudes for political careers. There simply weren’t the voters around to vote for their own interests.

Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

Kinda sorta seems like they expected the Second Coming to be a Gen X kid and systematically Herod-ed the whole fucking generation?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

My reply to this disappeared.
So I’ll repeat it.
Cease and desist with the blasphemy.

Christ’s second coming will not be a rebirth, he rose from the dead and will return in his adult body at the head of the armies of Heaven in the clouds.

EDIT: and that brought back my previous reply.

Last edited 2 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

There’s all kinds of respectable historical episodes of killing off children. The part that bothers me is that it’s usually something sensible, like children of a hated enemy- nits make lice- is the famous quote of a Roman general faced with killing off a city. Or, something like a firstborn sacrificed to an idol for, I don’t know, respect? Social prestige? A good harvest? Money? Or, something tragic like there’s no food because of a famine.

Not one of these conditions applied. These people killed off 1/3 of their children in supposedly the most buoyant, fastest growing, best economy and best culture and most stable peace the world had ever known. Detroit, for instance, had more millionaires than any other city in history, in one place. That’s just one industrial town. America was having more food harvested. America had giant corporations selling goods and services around the world.

I’d say something about family psychology, except the people killing their children were the Baby Boom. They had siblings, usually. They had the finest children’s knits, for one, the world had ever seen, for just regular kids, not even aristocrats. They had grown up with innovative toys and toy factories making things just for them. They’d grown up with all the classic television shows catering to children. They had their own music produced and distributed- records, tapes, radio, television- separate from other generations. They were the most catered to generation in history. Their daily small appetites and pleasures were catered to to a degree not seen since the Sun King. And he was a one man walking sperm donor clinic. So, why not them?

How did the think “Let me not give my child the equal of what I received?” How did they think “I like my life. Therefore, I will deprive my closest relative of life?” Who thinks like that? They didn’t seem to do any of this for religious reasons, for monetary gain, or for lack. All I’ve got left is that their children were perceived as the enemy. I’d like to know why.

I mean, is it something Old Testament-ish? The OT is a record of a particularly nasty, grubby set of people. I mean, the Greeks had people with brazen bull human sacrifice implements. They usually confined themselves to using it on grownups, and usually pretty awful grownups. I see explanations about climate change, and resource exhaustion, but they were in a society with stuff, so much stuff, and so much expansion- going to the moon optimism. Why are these people being told killing off their children is a sensible, good idea? Why are they going along with it?

I mean, for intimate matters, sensible voices for responsibility have a terrible track record. Gay people didn’t quit going to bath houses. They still have random sex. No one is really using condoms, except for maybe prostitutes. Who, you know, have kids. So they aren’t even really going for condoms for every time. We’re having explosions of STDs. People have elaborately awful sexual practices documented in public. Reddit, alone, gives lie to the responsible sexual practices theory of personal conduct.

So, why was this one generation so very focused on this one factor of ‘reproductive hygiene’?

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

It has got to have something to do with that grubby, nasty group you mention having used their control to insert ‘booby’ Traps for the parents of the boomer generation — probably via the government schools, television shows, film outcomes, and here’s a big one: child rearing advise given by grubby, nasty Dr. Benjamin Spock.
Something about the Second War (to kill White People) must have been part of the mind control mix as well because after that period everybody seemed to be sure that “The ex-spurts” had all the answers, while before Pearl Harbor there were mass quantities of skeptics. Trauma-based mind control, anyone?
Combine all of the above with the Demorslization phase of defector, Yuri Bezmonov’s three-part warning and you’ve got a sure-fire way to derail a civilization. There are a number of other clues that link those mentioned above, but no need for a wall of text here.
In some key areas Boomers are and have been almost total automitons.

Last edited 2 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 months ago

I have questions. And that’s a reductive answer. I can tell you that my MIL, for one, did not read any infant or childcare books, ever. So, the “Spock” answer doesn’t work for a lot of people. I know the woman who raised me did not read Spock, nor did my Boomer mother. I’m not sure who did read Spock.

I mean, Boomers were really second rate on following through on things. They rioted, rather than join the military. They went to Canada. They did conscientious objector. Some of them joined other branches of the military. Some went into teaching or went to graduate school, or got physical deferments. There’s a lot of variety in their responses.

How did they get one whole generation to go to war against their own offspring? It’s not like they didn’t have social cohesion, a mostly uniform racial makeup, an exuberant economy, a smaller government, minimal government debt. What was so compelling that they lemminged up for this one, very expensive, intrusive, embarassing, socially uncouth public health activity?

I mean, when they started campaigning to be pro-life, it was yelling, marching, embarassing, oppressive, to be pro-life. How on earth did a bohemian, swinger lifestyle choice become the commanding heights socially acceptable thing to do?

I mean, Betty Ford, respectable housewife, married to the President, mother of four children- a ballerina- and dance teacher- gives interviews at the White House in support of killing American babies? That’s a genuinely bizarre activity.

Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

I think GOD just sent a predominantly bad batch all together for reasons known only to him.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

There must be a reason. Creeping overall permissiveness? My Dad had been an Eagle Scout, back when it was a big accomplishment. When I was in, he was one of the assistant scoutmaster in our troop. He used to exclaim over how easy and simplified all the merit badge work had become — as if it was enough to just kind of want the thing and go through a couple of motions. These were days when my friend’s Father couldn’t be involved because he was divorced and when the main ScoutMaster had to step down when he was divorced– something that was rather rare at the time, but becoming more common. Yuri’s social engineering cum quiet war scenario had to have something to do with it. The “new” math; the way reading was taught. I remember what you might call “Mrs. Grundy Boo Hoo Syndrome” having a big and negative effect in that these old women thought us too rowdy, so they officially restricted recess activity to playing organized, supervised dodge ball, while before that we had made up our own games, like WWII, Jesse James, cops and robbers etc., with a whole lot of finger guns and “pow, pow, POW!” Quite a few Jewesses taught in that elementary school.
You have probably read Bella Dodd’s “School of Darkness?”

2 months ago

> U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Sunday he will rename Denali, Alaska natives’ name for North America’s tallest mountain, after William McKinley, the 25th U.S. president who was assassinated in 1901.

Fair, since that was its name before. Mount McKinley got renamed ‘Denali’ in 2015. At least by the Feds; the state of Alaska had changed their name for it to ‘Denali’ some years before.

2 months ago

> Democrat party official says Biden is pushing insider trading ban to hurt Pelosi who is ‘notorious’ for it.

I thought Congresscritters were banned from insider trading already? Or did that only apply to non-Democrat trading?

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

Insider trading is illegal for everybody, but laws are only as good as the will and the means to enforce them.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 months ago

So, passing yet another law that won’t be enforced will totally fix the problem. [sigh]

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

Exactly. It’s like, as of 2000 there were 20,000 gun laws on the books. They don’t enforce most of them, especially in the cities, but are constantly crying for more gun laws. I don’t know what the total amount of gun laws is now, but they don’t enforce most of them against criminals.

I will sometimes facetiously say crime isn’t illegal ENOUGH. If they can just pass enough laws, people will stop committing crimes. That’s how ludicrous this is.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

They never have been, they gave themselves a specific exception in the laws.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

google “Eyepatch McCain the brilliant stock trader” for yet another excellent lesson on why no one should ever trust a SEAL

2 months ago

> Trump says that the US feels ‘that the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity.’

I don’t think so. On the other hand, if he can make a trade with Denmark and swap Puerto Rico for it, we’d come out ahead.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

That would be an hilarious trade, and I would love to sit back and watch Denmark try and administer Puerto Rico.

A fun time would be had by all.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

better yet just cast off Puerto Rico, let it become an independent country, rent the Navy base port.

2 months ago

The sidebar went into its fallout shelter.

2 months ago

Kaos, made in Britain, skinsuiting Greek myths. It’s trannies, deformed weirdos, faithless people, ugly people. One conventionally attractive old man: Prometheus.

It’s enough to make one wish for Weinstein to come back for gatekeeping of beautiful and famous, instead of just famous.

2 months ago

Asma al-Assad has not requested divorce, according to Russian media. All media reports up to the fall have her and her husband deeply in love. Vogue, wikileaks.

The media spreading divorce rumors are also the media insisting Biden is brilliant and healthy while Trump is senile and incontinent. Also, the New York subway system is entirely safe, and there is not a migrant crisis in Europe and America.

2 months ago

Official data shows alarming death surge only impacted Covid-vaxxed.

This undercuts my argument, that the “vaccines” were saline and the campaign was the cover for deaths and injuries caused by the beams, which was mass installed via 5G during the lockdowns.

Its a British study, and the writing is confusing, but it seems that the MNRA vaccine does increase the chance of getting a serious case of “COVID”. It seems worse to get that injected in you directly, instead of being around injected people.

If the injections were some sort of bio weapon, they seem to have the main effect of weakening the immune system, so people who might have lived to old age instead die in late or even early middle age. It makes no sense to do something like this. It doesn’t even work as a depopulation device, it works too slowly. Its pretty much the same effect as the relentless promotion of cigarette smoking mid century. It would have been easier and cheaper to just bring cigarette smoking back into fashion again.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

Incredibly obvious from day 1 that the “being near a vaxxie will give you turbo-aids too!!!11!1!” rhetoric was entirely fear porn and make you hate your neighbor porn.

Crazy how even the most “aware” on our side are so flighty and gullible for the enemy’s narratives to this very day. Use your God-given discernment and rely less on anyone’s external word vomit.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Too much evidence for shedding being a thing. It’s hard to say how big of an impact this is. For those sensitive it’s a huge impact, undeniably.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

It sure increases medical profits for decades.
It also allowed them to test out their new toy, they may use it in more aggressive ways in the future, or they may try to find ways to use it to benefit themselves if that’s possible.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

The vanilla/non-conspiracy explanation of profit makes a decent amount of sense. But then also the science of vaccines- for them to be effective they have to be unsafe. The drug companies make huge profits from this and then they just pay off everyone else to go along with it.

I don’t think there’s a non-conspiracy explanation behind why they used spike protein, unless it genuinely is much harder to make vaccines using other covid material. (Spike protein is the plurality behind vaccine harm)

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

I was looking for “percentage of Americans COVID vaccination” and found this page:

It lists the percentage of vaccinated by state, which I didn’t think to look for. East Coast and liberal states claimed as high as 85%. I was pleased to see my state was down among the lowest: 68%. Wyoming looks like the winner at 59%.

DC, CT, ME, MA, NJ, RI, and VT all claimed 93-95%, which is apparently a number set by the CDC, which won’t accept any number higher than 95%.

I was sad to see NM at 91%; as sparse as its population is, and with so many tribal polities, I would have expected far less.

Makes me wonder about all those people who claimed they got vaxxed half a dozen times to get cash or gift cards, though.

From the data on that page, it looks like around a quarter of Americans opted not to get jabbed with mystery gunk. Way more than I expected, though I was, of course, influenced by media claims of much higher rates.

Of course it’s just a web page, with all the reliability it implies. Less than the Weekly World News, more than the Centers for Disease Control.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

I think they inflated the vax numbers to try to create a herd effect.
I don’t think any of the numbers are as high as they claim.

But if you want to see the results you should look around at the years following on this site:

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

I remember in the middle of it I saw a breakdown of Clot Shot recipients by education level. It literally was like that Bell Curve meme. Master’s Degrees were the highest recipients of the Clot Shot. PhDs and high school diplomas were the lowest.

Meme attached.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 months ago

There’s a reason it’s called a Masters Degree.

2 months ago

Kremlin denies reports Assad’s wife has filed for divorce

Nobody Special
Nobody Special
2 months ago

A theory about why the average age of congress members increased starting in the 1980s.

In the past people could be blackmailed based on their kinky sexual proclivities. But as various sexual activities and lifestyles became more accepted, that type of blackmail became less effective.

To control the next generation required brainwashing in various ideologies. Such brainwashing is now common in schools and media. The post baby boom generations now don’t need to be blackmailed because they are True Believers.

This process took longer than blackmail but now the True Believers are ready to take power.

Reply to  Nobody Special
2 months ago

Then why aren’t the new brainwashed people taking over?

It’s clear that recent generations are less desirable to cabal for some reason.
Or just that the Silents and Boomers in cabal are power crazed maniacs who won’t let go and retire.

2 months ago

“Regular grassroots everyday Jews are non-confrontational mostly … prefer to avoid all the fighting and acrimony.”
Where do you find these jews, exactly? I grew up somewhere jew-free, and am late to the party, but it took me only a short time to learn to recognize the insufferable attitude accompanying The Eternal Jew. They even flaunt their own word for it, “chutzpah”.
I live again amongst my kind, after spending too long in the big city, so they stand out even more when I meet them. They don’t dress different or wear weird hats where I am, but the moment I meet someone with a loud, mercenary, know-it-all contemptuous outspokenness, it’s inevitably one of them. Without fail. Well, except for the odd pothead Walmart thief.
I agree with your take that our sentiment is being manipulated against the Jews. But c’mon, man, they paint their own target on their backs.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

“It’s those other Jews”………………………………………..

Reply to  Jimmy
2 months ago

I have my own personal story… hence, why I’m keeping my name as Anonymous here:
When I was in school, my family was friends with another family where me and my sibling went to school… also friends with this family’s kids – as they were the same age as us. What ended up happening, is that somehow, the mom of this family somehow introduced another man to my mom… totally broke up my parents marriage – but my dad says it was because he was an in-closet gay (that’s a whole other story, and he’s been gay since the divorce). What ended up happening was that the wife of this other family – my friend’s mom – had an acquaintance through her boyfriend… which they introduced to my mom and eventually this guy ended up being my Jewish step-dad, and moving in with us about a year after my dad left.
Now, I went from a family that had big family ties, strong Lutheran background (not the woke ELCA shit), to having a Jewish step-dad… and all the sudden we stop seeing extended family. To top it off… My parents (that is, my mom and step dad), end up going into some business venture with this same family, and what happened was that my college education fund that was left to me by my grandfather was used towards this business fund. I know it sounds crazy… and no one has told me about it except my gay dad, and I actually believe him. Because one day, he said that my grandfather specifically told my mom that we had money set aside for our future.
What happened to the money? The business venture fell through, I never got my college funds… and that same family that was so close to my family… I swear, I bet they ran off with it – and I am certain that my Jewish step dad played a part in that… and this was some kind of operation to divert my family, and probably divert me. And to top it off, this same family… they all move to Washington DC. Go figure!
My step dad passed away, and he hardly worked at all when he was around. He had health issues, but man… I swear he must have been part of surveillance somehow, or he had some specific job. Him and I got in so many fights with each other.
My point of this story, is that he was that average Joe six-pack Jew kind of guy. I have mixed feelings about him, because he had a lot of wisdom about him, and a kind of fearlessness, and I learned a lot from him. But I think he was also crazy as shit, and he would flip out at the weirdest times, and then afterward act like it’s nothing. I also remember as a kid, finding a huge VHS porn collection in my parents’ room, a whole truck full… and I remember I was curious enough to just look at what it was, and some of it was some weird shit.
So, here I am… my mother now is a devout Christian, and I think she has a lot of guilt about everything. I don’t dare bring any of this up with her as she is very old now… but I do think that everyday Jews are also part of surveillance somehow. My step dad knew a lot of people, and it’s because the Jew community tends to know each other. We are talking about realtors, lawyers, doctors, business owners… people in positions that have some kind of sway.
But the crazy part about it, is that my family always was middle class and barely, at that. I really do think that my step dad was sent to derail my family somehow, and derail me as well. I ended up becoming a musician and playing in bars until my 40s, and around the world. Not a bad gig in some ways, but it was entirely a hedonistic lifestyle… and I know this was encouraged because my step dad was also a musicians as well. I was just better at it than he was… and I sometimes imagine if I had spent my energy doing other things than smoking pot and playing jazz during my late teens and 20s… I don’t know. I think I was derailed because they knew I was a fighter and wouldn’t put up with shit, because my step dad tested me on that, and also I had a bully in school that I instantly socked the minute he tried to pull something on me. So instead, they sent me pot and a hot girlfriend and I was more interested in chasing around women and partying and playing music.
I’m not saying it’s the Jews… but it’s the Jews!

Reply to  Jimmy
2 months ago

I haven’t had much contact with them.
But my limited experience shows that they are about equally divided between quiet distant types and loudmouth know it all dominant types.

2 months ago

“named Mount McKinley in 1896 after a gold prospector exploring the region heard that McKinley, a champion of the gold standard…”

Huh. You can see why #Cabal wouldn’t like that guy

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
2 months ago

McKinley was assassinated to put the communist warmonger Theodore Roosevelt in office. That might be the moment Cabal grabbed pretty much full control of our government.

Macaque Mentality
2 months ago

Google’s Quantum chip solves a problem that would take 10 septillion years in 5 minutes. If Bitcoin is dependent on encryption, and this will lead to destroying encryption, how is this not clear evidence Bitcoin will collapse in a year or two, when everyone realizes?”

This quantum stuff is a lot of hype, like cold fusion. This is not in my wheelhouse. I’ll dredge up some excerpts of what I’ve found in a comment below.

In the meantime, the way I understand it, quantum chips aren’t actually exponentially scalable because all of the qubits need to be connected to each other which creates massive diminishing returns as they try to scale up. As the qubits increase, so does the noise in the system, which they need to control for.

The photos of the supposed quantum chips they’re setting up are suspect, as they would be more sensitive than silicone but aren’t even remotely as sterile.

Last edited 2 months ago by Macaque Mentality
2 months ago

From Vox Day:

Its a photo of Angela Merkel and Theresa May together as teenagers.

This is really telling, and the Vox Day gloss is correct. I checked on both Wikipedia bios.

Theresa May was Prime Minister of the UK between 2016 and 2019. Per Wikipedia, she was born in Oxfordshire in 1956, and is an Oxford graduate. She worked at a bank, was elected to London local government as a Conservative, and elected to Parliament as a Tory MP in 1997 on the third attempt. David Cameron somewhat surprisingly appointed her as Home Secretary (in charge of the police) in 2010.

Angela Merkel was German Chancellor between 2005 and 2021. Per Wikipedia, she was born in Hamburg in 1954. Her family moved to East Germany when she was an infant. She obtained a doctorate in “quantum chemistry” (Wikipedia doesn’t name the institution, and worked as a research chemist. She was elected to the Bundestag in 1991 as a Christian Democrat, was appointed minster for woman (May also held that title when she was Home Secretary) by Helmut Kohl, then Minister for the Environment between 1994 and 1996. She became leader of the CDU when they were in opposition.

So the two women were born two years apart, but the photo appears to be taken when they were in their late teens, which would be early 1970s. But neither were at university presumably when the photo was taken, and they were living on opposite sides of the Iron Curtain. Why would a teenage girl from the UK meet a teenage girl from the DDR in the early 1970s? They had completely different academic subjects. And then they both become heads of governments of their respective countries.

This is the sort of thing where we really need Myles Mathis to demonstrate that Merkel and May are related, and both in turn related to crypto-Jews inserted into the British peerage, but we have enough to go on that they were recruited by the same organization.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

All of which makes that photo a least a little bit suspect.
1) Would an East German teen who – maybe – dreamt of someday going into das politicze, would THAT girl meet **and befriend** a capitalist imperialist running dog? Documented with a picture, AKA “evidence”? In the land of the OG Stasi? Doubt it.
2) Same for May. Would she, even as a foolish flighty schoolgell, would she allow a photo of herself to be taken showing her being all chummy with a coupla fookin commies? Doubt it. In 1974, in the world of schoolgell Theresa May, such a photo would instantly destroy anyone’s nascent political aspirations, and May would have known it. {it’s not like she was a solid reliable dependable true-blue English toff from the right family like Philby, Burgess, MacLean, Blunt or Cairncross were, after all. heavens no!} Just like Merkel would have. Just like La Lithuania.
3) How’d they meet? Who put em together? Who encouraged the friendliness, presumably by offering proof of Official Authorization?
4) etc.

I’ll give it this much: if that pic is real, it’s dynamite – because even I see what sure looks to be a family resemblance there. Cue Q: “Angela Merkel is Hitler’s daughter!!” {yeah, Q said that, or words to that effect. look it up} Cue ‘The Boys From Brazil’. Cue Reddit. Cue the autists.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

Each one of them in he photograph has a bad case of excess white under their pupils (it has a name, but for the life of me, I cannot remember.)

2 months ago

Jewish nature. They prefer to avoid all the fighting and acrimony.

Wha- wha- whaaaaat?

That’s like the exact opposite of how even jews depict themselves! Watch a sitcom made by/about jews and tell me that.

Anyway, god bless and keep you, AC. Keep up the good work. And be merry this Christmas!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

According to a friend of mine, (((Seinfeld))) truly is a dick in person. My friend was dating a woman who worked at a hotel in Richmond, and was waiting around the lobby for her late at night. Seinfeld was staying there, and approached the elevator. It wasn’t coming fast enough, and he got frustrated and started complaining about it. My friend was in earshot and thought it was a comedy bit, and started laughing. Seinfeld got pissed and accosted my friend, then tried to get one of his bodyguards to beat him up. Fortunately, the bodyguard had sense and refused. At that point, my friend said something to Seinfeld like “Go ahead, hit me. I will make the rest of my career about suing Jerry Seinfeld.” Seinfeld left after that.

He is a serious dick in person according to my friend’s encounter with him.

I’ve heard a lot of Cabal personalities are like that. They have agents and managers who can make them seem like really great people in controlled situations, but if there is the slightest variation in that control they show their true colors as awful human beings.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 months ago

I saw this in Tom Hanks when he was on the Graham Norton show with Peter Capaldi. Hanks was generally personable, but had a moment or two where it seemed as if his true personality poked through a carefully constructed mask.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 months ago

> slightest variation

Some people run from an internal script. They get lost and upset when the external world goes off-script.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

I honestly don’t think Seinfeld’s behavior is all that out of the ordinary. It’s totally fine if he behaves like this one day out of a thousand.(especially as I believe he didn’t hit anyone, and knows deep down violence is not going to occur) Of course he’s a nutjob if he behaves like this everyday.

Last edited 2 months ago by kid
Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 months ago

I need another anecdote. This seems like normal behavior for a normie having a bad/awful day. If he doesn’t normally behave like this I would say he’s not a dick.

In other words, I need something which is not fundamental attribution error.

Last edited 2 months ago by kid
Reply to  kid
2 months ago

Unfortunately, that’s all I have in regards to Seinfeld. I have no reason to doubt my friend. If you find something else, please share it with us here.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

> To me, it felt like his bits whining about, airlines, coffee cups, peanuts, taxis, and so on was borne of him actually being like that in real life.

That’s just Slavic and Central European (maybe Jewish?) culture in a nutshell. The idea is, complaining is good. It’s antithetical to most cultures or American culture, so you don’t get the subtleties.

It might be in particular a Dutch thing. Why would you design things suboptimally if you can instead design them optimally? The rants and complaints are meant to nudge people to do things in a way that you can’t complain. (That’s the highest German/some other cultural compliment- “i can’t complain”)

Last edited 2 months ago by kid
Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 months ago

It’s not that I doubt your friend, it’s that I don’t think he’s a dick from that one situation alone.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Gee, maybe they were low key because they were, uhhhhh, QUIETLY SURVEILLING YOU, perhaps, possibly, you think? (WTF, lol, how can you be THIS uncynical still, about THEM?!)

Reply to  mononomous
2 months ago

They avoid doing the fighting and confrontation themselves. The ancient meme of “lets you and him fight!” With the Jew provoking two normal people into an altercation.

They hate getting their hands dirty, but love the sadism of watching people tussle.

Macaque Mentality
2 months ago

Following up on the quantum stuff:

“Quantum computing, in theory, is not fake in the sense of, say, a perpetual motion-machine or free energy (impossible even in theory). However, my assertion remains that practical QC is hype. There are a ton of parallels between QC hype and the old cold-fusion hype. Cold-fusion is not physically impossible. Just nobody knows how to practically do it. Precisely the same issue with QC. Even Sabine [Hossenfelder] has started to temper her skepticism but I think she’s eventually going to regret that. QC is the perfect scam because quantum physics is surrounded by such an impenetrable cloud of mystery. But when you dig into the mathematics of quantum physics required for QC (and that’s all the more of quantum physics that I understand, or need to understand), you will find that there is a fundamental misunderstanding of what QC even is across all levels of the investment hierarchy except, perhaps, actual QC researchers themselves. This means that the blind are leading those who can see and those who can see have every incentive not to correct the blind since QC is now a multi-multi-billion (trillion) $ cash-cow…”

“The long and short of it: they’re just lying.

They’re not lying about quantum theory. That’s real.

They’re not lying about quantum laboratory experiments. Those are all real.

They’re not lying about the potential computational power of an ideal or near-ideal quantum computer.

They’re lying about the feasibility of building practical quantum computers, and they’re most especially lying about the imaginary “exponential scaling” of QC technology. Present-day QC hardware substrates are all — as far as my knowledge extends (including the substrates being used by Google, IBM, etc.) — subject to one or more strong laws of diminishing returns.

By its very nature, QC hardware has to maintain N-to-N connections between all its qubits and the system’s global fidelity is determined by the weakest link in the chain — the most weakly coupled qubits in the system determine the system’s overall coupling which, in turn, dictates coherence time (how long the QC can run in any given burst). Thinking through the geometry problem of how to layout the qubits can be helpful to understand why this is such a big deal. The simplest layout of qubits is in a straight line:

q q q q q q q q q q <– 10 physical qubits laid out in a line

But there’s an obvious problem with this geometry. While the coupling between any two neighboring qubits might be good, the worst coupling will be between the two end-qubits. As you increase the number of qubits, obviously, this coupling necessarily degrades. Thus, linear qubits are no good.

So, what other geometries can we try? In the flat plane, we can do things like circles, fractal layouts, space-filling curves, and so on. Let’s take the simplest of these (circle) because it demonstrates the issues we will face no matter what geometry we choose in real, Euclidean space (where we happen to actually live). So, with the circle, the advantage is that all qubits are symmetrical with all other qubits in respect to their strong/weak couplings. But don’t think that this means there are no strong/weak couplings! Let’s pick a particular qubit Q along the circumference of the circular qubit layout. If we look at Q’s immediate neighbors, Q’ and Q”, we see that Q has great coupling with them. However, there is a qubit that Q is most weakly coupled with, and it is on the opposite side of the circle from Q, let’s call it Q-. Q- is the most weakly coupled w.r.t Q and every qubit has a corresponding such qubit on the opposite side of the circle with which it is most weakly coupled. So, Q’ has a Q’- and Q” has a Q”- and so on. So this layout has no asymmetry (as the linear layout does) but the overall coupling of the circuit is determined by the weakest coupling … that between any given Q and Q-. As we increase the number of qubits, the diameter of the circle necessarily increases (if in no other way, by proportion), thus, the coupling necessarily degrades.

The best density-versus-coupling that we can achieve in 3D Euclidean space would be a hollow sphere. So, a 3D arrangement of physical qubits in spherical geometry would be the best achievable qubit geometry but note that the problem of Q and Q- still pertains! It’s just that you have some larger total density of qubits in the sphere versus in the circle, that is all. Thus, the most ideal geometry for physical qubits is subject to the same strong law of diminishing returns as all other geometries. Therefore, every geometry of a QC’s qubits is subject to strong law of diminishing returns, which is the opposite of exponential scaling, it’s anti-scaling. That is, the problems of bad coupling and decoherence increase as the square-root of the number of qubits. So, it gets strictly worse and worse the more qubits you add.

That, all by itself, is a fatal blow to the idea that you’re going to “scale up” to practical QCs. Note that this is not the same thing as saying that QC is impossible. It’s just that the narratives they’re spinning — designed to mimic the narrative of the exponential growth of silicon digital computers during their heyday — are lies. You can’t get a “scaling law” from a strong law of diminishing returns. Absolute, flat-out, shameless, pants-on-fire lies.”

“To understand why QC doesn’t work, you need to understand noise. And understanding digital abstraction helps immensely in understanding the physical effects of noise on real computing systems. Noise is absolutely fundamental to any real system. Complex computing systems are subject to the limitations imposed by noise just like the limitations of energy, time, etc. The nature of noise is an unalterable law, you cannot simply wish it away. No magic technological breakthrough is going to reduce noise to zero, or even reduce it by the many, many orders of magnitude that would be required for QCs to scale. This stuff is like perpetual motion machines or free-energy in a different disguise. If you could drive noise so low that these systems could be scaled up as described by the most optimistic estimates being hyped, you could effectively build free energy devices because you’re essentially claiming to have created Maxwell’s demon (search “Szilard engine” for more information). I’m all in favor of futuristic technologies, but it has to be done on the basis of the actual physical and structural limitations that affect the design of your system.”

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 months ago

The scariest words for any scientist/engineer/inventor are, “In theory, this ought to be a piece of cake.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 months ago

First I have no idea what I’m talking about ,but playing the Devils advocate, let’s see…

“…geometry of a QC’s qubits is subject to strong law of diminishing returns…”

What if like the double slit experiment, you space the q-bit outputs where the waves(data) is highest????

“To understand why QC doesn’t work, you need to understand noise…”

In the two split experiment you can even send electrons sequentually at different times and still get a wave pattern. This pattern exsists in a torrent of noise.

Of course if you are respectable you will ignore all I just said.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

I might add that I’m not totally convinced that the “model” and subsequent “mental framework” tied up with Quantum physics is right. There are other explanations.

There’s a WHOLE shit load of stuff like this. One example that really got me thinking., A physics professor took all the mass data for all the atoms AND their isotopes. Isotopes meaning the number of neutrons. Which should have when a neutron is released, contained a certain amount of energy released equated with the mass of the neutron but…the numbers don’t add up. And the measurements were very carefully done by NIST. It’s a fundamental error and of course no one in their right mind would spend a minute thinking about this if he planned to ever get another grant. But he doesn’t care. Note he talked a lot how he was constantly harassed by the local government. They even told him once they were going to condemn his perfectly fine house and bulldoze it if he built a solar engine he was experimenting with.

Another cool thing he did was he mowed his grass every summer and saved the clippings. During the winter he mulched them and it gave off so much heat he never paid heating bills, in Chicago. He said he would have to damp it down or it would bake him out. So e was using all this stored solar in the grass and releasing it in the winter.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 months ago


Macaque Mentality
Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

I already summarized it in my comment above this one.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 months ago

I usually skip over long comments like this, but this one was actually very interesting.

2 months ago

Re: Death row inmates being freed. Once again just issue that convenient blanket pardon for anyone who gives that list of people cowboy justice. Just do whatever you want at this point and just say you’re pardoning yourself.

Reply to  Dav
2 months ago

Vigilantes will be target #1 until surveillance is eliminated. The enemy knows the common man hates them and wants them dead, so will crack down on anything froggier than bitching online.

2 months ago


2 months ago

What do you have for a magnetic weapon? My teammate suspiciously called in sick this week. The truck was running really high magnetically and I was shaking non stop. I turned off the power to the truck and it went away. I think that they have installed something in the truck.

2 months ago

Ugly freaks too:

comment image

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Looks like horrible variations from the same cloning vat, like the failed Ripleys in ALIEN: RESURRECTION.

2 months ago

Herrera just called a magazine fed bolt action pistol a single shot

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

I can’t stand to watch that guy. He jerks and twitches like he has Tourette’s or way too many amphetamines.

Loyal Goatherd
2 months ago

Two years later, an update on A.P. Hill,
Honoring Our Ancestors – American Renaissance

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Loyal Goatherd
2 months ago

This is a story that will make people think. Thank’s for posting.

2 months ago

That’s funny about Assad’s wife. There is a new mini-series on Netflix called “Black Doves” starring Keira Knightly.

It’s about a woman working for a clandestine operation who marries, has children with and spies on her husband, who is a future Prime Minister of England and the current Defense Secretary. She has been with him for ten years.

How did they meet? At a hotel bar after he had his political speech. She was just “super interested” in everything he said and had a one-night stand with him.

In fact, he did the opposite of what you recommended and was all flattered by a woman out of his league.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  map
2 months ago

See “The Ghost Writer” with Ewan McGregor. Roman Polanski is a huge insider and was clearly telegraphing something here.
Early on, if somebody decides you even MIGHT be influential years down the road, they put a woman with you to make sure you are covered if you get up to something. They might do this to a hundred men who don’t even come close but guess what? For them, placing a hundred women as fake spouses costs less money and is more efficient than trying to put EVERY man with a fake spouse. They don’t have enough resources to approach the problem that way. 150 million fake spouses were not available in America but they introduced feminism which was the next best thing. Turned all women into opposition for the most part.
I believe for any non-NPCs, at least one in three men’s “wife” is in fact connected or takes instruction from a source the man will often never know about. See the movie to understand how this works out.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

They might gravitate toward that if there is something dark in their past.

The Keira Knightley character was somehow involved in the mysterious death of her stepfather.

2 months ago
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Thanks. Read this page! Bookmark it. Mail it to everybody you know!
India is a much greater danger to the world than any runaway astroid , global warming, or even nuclear war or total pole shift!
You may have had an inkling about certain cultural flaws and character defects regarding Indians migrating to the West. This article explains the REASONS, which could otherwise be difficult to grasp.
For visual embellishment and further understanding, go to Telegram and type “pajeet” into the search bar. There are several major channels.
Currently, there are about 1.4 billion of these “people” longing to move to America, Canada, Australia, or Europe. They are orders of magnitude WORSE than the Jews, because they will collude to gain political office and then vote away your inalienable Rights, give your country away to the Jews, who they will then serve as administraitors [sic].
Note: Sri Lankans are not necessarily like Indians, being mostly Buddhist. Pakistanis are similar to Indians, but being Muslims, hate and despise them.

2 months ago

Syria’s Jolani Vows To Disarm The Pentagon-Backed Kurds

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

This the the ongoing tussle between Israel/US trying to create Kurdistan and Turkey with its neo Ottoman dreams.

2 months ago

New Government Law Ruled ILLEGAL: But The Government Refuses to Give Up (BOI Update)

CTA Injunction Stayed – Court of Appeals Just Struck Down a Nationwide Injunction on BOI Filings

Last edited 2 months ago by Farcesensitive