News Briefs – 12/21/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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From the comments:

Tucker Carlson gave a speech recently at TPUSA’s AmFest that I think might be of interest to AC and others here. Some of what he said echos things AC has been saying which is weird when you think about it. Maybe they really are preparing for some sort of disclosure? If you don’t have the time to watch the hour long speech I’ll list the most relevant quote below but I think the rest is worth listening to as well.

“When I hear Senator Dick Durbin say ‘maybe we should take some of the tens of millions of foreigners who’ve arrived, all of whom seem to be about 23 and in great shape, and hand them automatic weapons in our military and give them badges and guns in our police departments.’ I’m wondering what exactly is that? Ohhh you’re assembling an army against your own people that’s what you’re doing! That’s exactly what they’re doing and you know that that’s what they’re doing.”

Tough to say if this is a script leading to exposure, or merely the elites telling people what they intend to do, to release them of any karmic consequence. Either way, if we can expose the surveillance widely, we can disrupt this plan, whatever Tucker is up to. But I do not think he is lying. There is going to be a civil war, even if every person on our side just sits on their couch and does nothing. Million will just die on our side, in that case. These migrants are not being brought here for liberty and the good, the beautiful, and the true.

Tucker says informed people have told him the US government has entered into agreements with the aliens, which are really some sort of interdimensional beings which act upon all of us from a dimension we cannot detect.

New evidence suggests that NO audit was performed by election machine testing company as claimed by Georgia Secretary of State.

Rudy Giuliani is ordered to pay $148M IMMEDIATELY as judge warns ex-mayor could try hiding his assets to avoid paying Georgia election officials he defamed. Article says he has a sexual harassment lawsuit going from a former employee as well, like Cuomo. He is kind of a doofus with that, so I will bet Cabal has sent in five or ten girls minimum, and has each of their lawsuits all drawn up and ready to file when needed.

Dissenting Judge on CO Supreme Court says Trump denied due process, ‘Like nothing I’ve seen in 33 years.’ How many years?

California lieutenant governor calls for exploring options to take Donald Trump off the presidential ballot.

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: “Maybe we should take Biden off the ballot for allowing 8 million people to cross the border.”

Former National Security Adviser John Bolton said Tuesday on CNN’s “The Source” that the Colorado Supreme Court decision disqualifying former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 ballot was “incoherent,” and he predicted it will be overturned.

From here:

A research project from DTU, University of Copenhagen, ITU, and Northeastern University in the US shows that if you use large amounts of data about people’s lives and train so-called ‘transformer models’, which (like ChatGPT) are used to process language, they can systematically organize the data and predict what will happen in a person’s life and even estimate the time of death.

Suppose you maintain enormous data about people’s family lines over millenia. Could you predict some lines are going to be a problem with AI? Could you predict who within those lines? If there is a hidden splinter society, or if the Tic Tac crew is behind the scenes, and they made it to developing AI tech at some point, a lot of strange things suddenly become possible, and stuff which doesn’t make sense, like the enormous resources expended on targeting people who seemingly are not a problem, could make sense.

Radio talker Steve Deace says Republicans need to assume Trump can’t win and nominate DeSantis. Just keeping track of Cabal members who are part of the conspiracy. You wonder how much he gets paid for that. I actually not only dislike DeSantis now, I view him as faggy, pathetic, and spineless. He has no backbone, and essentially no personality. He is like another Mitt Romney, who will tell people whatever they want to hear.

Jack Smith’s appointment as special counsel is unconstitutional and so the Supreme Court must reject his petition against Donald Trump, lawyers representing former Attorney General Ed Meese and two top constitutional scholars in the country argued in a brief filed on Wednesday.

Chicago mayor claims Gov. Abbott is ‘attacking our country’ by sending migrants to Dem cities, states.

Despite blasting Biden for migrant crisis— Eric Adams says he will support him in 2024.

New information released by the federal government shows that over 3.4 million acres of United States agricultural land was purchased by foreigners in 2022.

Self-checkout kiosks at 4,500 Walmarts now offer ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ loans for basic items.

California votes to recycle toilet water and send it right back to users in the potable water pipes.

Judge allows the removal of a Confederate memorial at Arlington Cemetery.

More residents fled New York than any other state as Texas saw biggest population gain, Census Bureau finds.

The ‘1%’ are responsible for 15% of global emissions.

Xi told Biden he plans to take Taiwan — by any means necessary. Would he have done that to Trump?

China’s spaceplane has released multiple mystery objects in orbit and they appear to be transmitting.

Milei’s government in Argentina announced that they will cut off welfare benefits for everyone who riots and cuts off traffic in protests.

The French parliament has passed legislation toughening France’s immigration policy backed by both President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist Renaissance party and Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally (RN).

Member states and the European Parliament struck on Wednesday a major deal to reform the bloc’s migration policy, capping off a three-year-long ambitious effort that at times seemed doomed to fail.

The new Globohomo leftist Polish government has started purges at various state media it disagreed with. Nothing says that new government was actually elected.

Plain-clothes police officer with bodycam searches Massachusetts eighth-grade classroom for ‘gender queer’ book after someone called cops to report that sexually explicit material was being read.

ABC terminates Joy Behar’s The View contract, kicks her out of the show. UPDATE, May be fake news.

Texas will now expand its migrant export operation to include flights to Chicago.

Court blocks Biden’s plan to remove Texas border razor wire. Says the administration’s thwarting of the state’s efforts to secure the border may violate the law.

Federal judge blocks California’s legislative bid to ban firearms from public places.

Joe Biden is “losing ground every month” in the national polls mostly due to inflation, a Democrat pollster told CNN.

Trump gets surprise boost with young voters amid Biden disillusionment.

Spread r/K Theory, because the future is not set, and we are smart enough to alter the timeline ourselves

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1 year ago

“Rudy Giuliani is ordered to pay $148M IMMEDIATELY as judge warns ex-mayor could try hiding his assets to avoid paying Georgia election officials he defamed”Eighth Amendment:
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
It would seem that Rudy’s extortion is blatantly unconstitutional.
Perhaps @Phelps or any other legal beagles would like to clarify.

Reply to  Anominous
1 year ago

It isn’t bail, it’s a verdict. There’s no constitutional limits on verdicts.
That said, it looks like a runaway jury, and appeals courts aren’t timid about pulling runaway juries back, and awarding what was actually supported by the evidence. At the end of the day, they need to show how they lost money based on this, and I’m betting that evidence was thin in trial.

1 year ago

On drinking the poop water…

Grumpy Farmer
Grumpy Farmer
1 year ago

‘3.4 million acres of US agricultural land bought by foreigners in 2022’

Mono agriculture is killer, for one. Secondly, better that we rely on our own source of food then some mystery foreign owner of US farmland. In the long run, that’ll make everyone be forced to the breadline and be subjected to whatever the powers at be wish – vaccines, barcode tattoos, etc… They’re gonna do it, or at least try to. Everything that is happening is pointing in that direction.

1 year ago

People should also subscribe to VDs UnauthorizedTV. The cheapest option is just 5 bucks a month.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

But, be warned: it can take them MONTHS to contact you about your SG membership. But it’s a nice place when you get on.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I wonder why this got 3 downvotes. Is vox that unpopular here?

sandy beach
sandy beach
1 year ago

Yeah, hard to call. Gonna be something fairly quick here, pretty soon, what with the intensity of numbers if this alien invasion force, i think there are these remnants, the “surveillance” to be precise with its millions of gangstaljers and glowies, i do believe they are a certain kind of rouge element that wants to survive and they got something like a bunker mentality or have in their way evolved into a national organization of their own, disconnected themselves from cabal deep state and all, they are going it alone now, see its safety in numbers also, add to the local nature of their insinuation into the states down to the local tiny village and hamlet, its an organized crime parasite entity, they do not need that large kind if federal deep state tranches of filthy lucre, they get all they need bloodsucking off us at the local level. And that might be where the alien invasion horde comes in. Not only that to add to their arsenal of small arms they will fill out the unarmed ones from “battlefield pickups” as they proceed house to house village/town level rapine and plunder, picked up after killing said native populations locally, at the state and down level. After all, it is where the only real wealth and prosperity comes from, where it resides. Its rich pickings. Imagine the collective wealth ticked and squirreled away, how many weapons in the citizenry’s hands, how much ammo every swing dick with half a sense if things, has stockpiled. A more juicy target does not exist. The federal level of things ling ago was strip-mined of everything, there is no other target if you give it a god think.

1 year ago

Have to admit, the Fetterman Narrative is making me laugh. What the heck is the point?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I’m waiting to see what happens, but I’m starting to wonder if he was a plant. Get this brain dead moron elected, then his stroke heals and suddenly he goes right wing. This also proves liberalism is a mental disease.

Anything could happen. Maybe it’s just a flash in the pan, maybe it’s part of the script. All we can do for now is watch.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

To steal “moderate” votes from Trump.
They will run him as an Independent or use him to replace Brandon.

1 year ago

Re Patrick of Texas suggesting Biden’s removal from ballot

Yes. Let Trump and Biden (or Newsom) be removed from every state ballot possible, seriously, for whatever phony reason possible. Are we actually going to compare phony reasons?

Removing the pretense of legitimacy gives us a legitimate casus belli: you asked for it, here it is.

Let’s get this thing started at least knowing we have a partial line-up of states to rally around.

1 year ago

Let a thousand flowers bloom about personalities, IMO. Other than VSG, disagreement about personalities ought to be the least harmful thing to our side.

If a person says he believes that there are no aliens but instead interdimensional beings, I like that guy. Especially if he admits that he is in the realm of conjecture. Conjecture does not necessarily gainsay belief.

Interdimensional beings is so esoteric, so beyond the realm of convention, and yet so illuminating about so many things, good things IMO.

If the guy, for instance, says we must defend our democracy, then fuck him anyway. Thus far, IMO, has the consciousness on our side advanced, another good thing.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“Aliens” = “Interdimensional beings” = Demons

Tomato / tomahto; as long as we see them for the evil, damned (literally) entities that they are.

1 year ago

“ABC terminates Joy Behar’s The View contract, kicks her out of the show.”

In the words of Dennis Miller, payback’s a Behar.

1 year ago

AC: “I actually not only dislike DeSantis now, I view him as faggy, pathetic, and spineless.”

100%, and humbling. As fool proof as I like to think I am, there was a time when I was fooled about this guy.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The problem is, a lot of people were fooled by him and never recovered. I know people who flocked to Florida because the Great Conservative Messiah was governor. I kept telling them he only has a term left and who knows who will get in next? Not a single one would listen to me. I wish them well. Florida is too damned hot for me anyway. I’m just waiting for one of them to bitch to me that a Demonrat got elected next and they have to turn in their guns.

Last edited 1 year ago by EricTheAwful
1 year ago

> the Colorado Supreme Court decision disqualifying former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 ballot

That’s election interference, and that’s a crime.

They’re not even trying to hide it.

And the reason they’re doing it is because they know Trump will steamroller whatever sock puppet they run against him, unless they can subvert this election too.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Gotta love it. They scream about how Trump “will destroy our democracy!” But if they’re so in danger of him winning the election, they only way to stop him and “save democracy” is to prevent people from casting the vote they want. And it makes sense in their minds. These people are stupid and insane and should be in an asylum. I hope if the roles are reversed, we focus on preventing insane people from holding office.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Yup. Never Again.

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

When insane people have the authority, and wield it with no humility, or reason, the wide spread realization of national collapse is close at hand. The good news? It will be struck down. If not, refer to the previous sentence.

1 year ago

Re: the confederate statue – I am depressed that my supposedly conservative friends don’t know this is a reconciliation monument. Their opinion does change, or at least their facial expressions do, when so informed. But it means that once again, they trusted national news.

Reply to  Nels
1 year ago

Wait ’til they start digging up the graves. These people are sick.

1 year ago

> China’s spaceplane has released multiple mystery objects in orbit and they appear to be transmitting.

They’re called “satellites”, and they’re the very most modern 1950s technology.

We did the same thing with our spaceplanes, back in the days when we had them.

sandy beach
sandy beach
1 year ago

Squint a tad, and you can see that all this disqualifying for the election bullshit is simply another organized crime elite effort to deny us the vite. By any means neccessary. See the jig is up, a hundred milkion simply understand with small doubt if at all, the whole electoral system is owned by them, so whats the sense if spending their filthy lucre, to them wasting their potential ill gotten gains on us anons and plebes?

Screw us is the thing anyways. Always has been, as it appears now, this is been the case for like 30 centuries, how this cabal Solomon/Draco bloodline is a parasital system which controls the whole of Earth using wars to generate ungodly amounts of filthy lucre, change demographics, and eliminate the Warriors among us, in large number, or small even if the threat is there, nevermind getting their fikthy meat-hooks on the inground/above-ground assets, which aside from the wealth we all generate, are the only origins of creatiin of wealth. Its the generation of wealth, as money is at its core is energy itself, requiring energy of human activity to create and produce into tangible assets, and after all its the assets which these special bloodline families feed upon, that without this they would be nothing, no power, no means to maintain controls of the slaves. There is no end-game per say, it never ends, long as these fuckers exist and maintain the vast network of operatives and the operators working under them. It has to be an organization in the tebs of millions, probably the number will never be known. But begin at the local local local level gangstalkers work up the organized criminal pyramid, simple common sense lets you know they infiltrate everything, watch everyone, have to, its how the whole thing functions, always functioned, begs the thought, for example, how many operators surrounded Jesus Christ? I mean its the same Ashkenazi/Khazar “jews” bloodine then as it is now. as we know as Zionists currently up to their Genocide-Depopulation/land-resource trucks in Gaza. And do not underestimate these inhiman fucks, Gaza is just a small part of what is been going in since the imposition of the state of israel, they are after all the inground assets under the sand acriss the entire Levant, its no matter to them they extinguish all the tribes which they are genetically never not been of. The “name stealrs are just that. dirty tricks are us on roids, like nothing else, having basically turned the US entity into their piggybank, own the Treasury you own the allocation of money, regardless its worthless fiat, it still has a certain kind if power, especially the Treasury USA, where almost all currencies are printed by two companies, the only source of counage and paper for all but a couple countries who print and allocate domestically. Then there are the stockpiles of weapons and munitions, decDes of modern age weapon tech. For example triple double checked analysis shows irrefutable evidence both the US .mil and their zionist partners have employed neutron devises in Iraq, Lebenon and now in Gaza , aside from the immediate effects from neutron exposure, the ground and water is containinated with gamma emitting elements left behind from the non fission devises detonations, so there is this genetic genocide, along with stunted and less productive agriculture due to the radioactives the non fission nuetron devices leave around their effective weapons radius. Its all in a day of culling the slaves, its all long term stuff, a mentality of inhuman phsycho inbred bloodlines who been at this since King Solomon made his agreement to be humanity’s “Guardian”. A agreement which expired just a few days past on the winter solstice equinox of all things, satanic blood lines. Never mind they lost control in 2007 of the money allocation system, having to survive off their vast trafficking system of illicit everything, the Rothchillians of London gold/silver fix, the skim they take as the IRS/Treasury USA since our founding has sent all tax revenues for its disbursment globally, giving us back a mere pittance in relative terms the vast wealth machine Ameruca became. But its the last slug if serious bucks thats been recirculating thru their fiat racket, its about diminshed to zero, and without the capability to allocate new money into the system, theft and aquisition by any means the inground assets of planet earth has turned into the only recourse to others wealth. They are out to sanitize the mid east, Asia Minor, because its where the most concentrated wealth exists in that part of the world. Add to this an invasion army of alien invaders totally financed by said Rothchillian blood lines, they intebd after all to ibtain wgat they always considered theirs, the new world, rudely snatched, for a time, till they bred a conspiracy in Philadelphia employing their Masonic/Jesuit operatives, making the budding constitutional government totally their own. Subsequently, in a fashion quite similar to the Ukrainian War/Genocide going on, used similar means causing the war of northern agression against the Southern Confederacy of Free Soveriegn State secession from tyranny of the Rothchilian bloodline cabal. But i believe now its the final solution so to speak; to rid the old new world, at least the northern Americas, of its population hence the emmence in-ground assets, the natural above ground resources, openly under total tyrany and enough human skave remaining to extract said wealth, this alien invasion army is just that. They are here to kill us all. Total de-population of the “unsecured spaces”, ie, rural America, sanitize it of its villages hmlets and county population/structure, dissolution of State Governments as we know them, they become administrative entities, overseing the extraction of said in and above ground assets, snd in this way. the Rothchillians et all, garner all the filthy lucre, replacement of that lucre stream it requires to maintain global control, lost in 2007.

Yet, something never before has happened. In all our history. Another has been given position as Guardian of Earth. Hense control of the money allocation system, a kind of war for Earth is underway right now, over who controls the money which means power above over all nation states. Its said this Office of The Guardian runs a true highly advanced organic AI system, they only earthly source if allocation of new money into the global economy, and said Guardian and alliances with others are waging a winning war with the Solomon blood line families, presently its o the brink if losing this hidden war, never mind their threethousand year covenant expired, they are about to lose everything. All power, all assets, all controls. Its if it is to be believed,(and i do so), truth stranger than any fiction, any cockamamy phsycological control program cabal/deep state could dream up and have foisted on us all. A entire cast of histical chracters places and events, from aliens and satanic deamons to Kings and great potentates, from wars to creation/destruction of states, wars, famine, pestulance, biological chemical and neuclear warfare, genocides, the entire gammet of past and present history, a war over who remains and who is eliminated from this mortal plane. History like you never known but all along had that sense of events, as everything has a certain truth or relativity, its just what ioerates along the fringes of the shadows, the unknown unknowns, revealed bare. Its about to all come out like nothing you thought would happen.

Reply to  sandy beach
1 year ago

Time waster wall of text bots out in force today I guess

Reply to  sandy beach
1 year ago

Ain’t nobody got time to read all that

Whatever bloodlines
Whatever bloodlines
Reply to  sandy beach
1 year ago


Reply to  sandy beach
1 year ago

Any background on this Guardian of Earth concept? A couple of searches give page after page of stupid video game & comic book references.

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  sandy beach
1 year ago

Did the allies in WW2 attempt a genocide of the German people?

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

On the bright side, with the amount of ammo and equipment going to Ukraine and Israel, the military is most likely going to be neutered as a threat should we begin the boog.

1 year ago

Aliens, ETs, supernatural beings, or G_d.
Anyone looking at earth from above would say that humanity has really screwed things up. The hominin experience has not worked out. People can’t get along.
Solution One is to force people together. How else to explain the apparently self-destructive and irrational behaviors of so many governments? What happens next?

Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

The Tower of Babel.

Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

I believe this has been foretold, or maybe just a rational look and conclusion of the nature of humans realized centuries ago.

1 year ago

I have a Quora feed, and half the items it sends me are Cabal propeganda (tons of items recently about how awesome Israel is and how the Arabs are animals that have to be put down). This is mixed with genuinely informative items and some good writers so I keep up the habit.

The algorithm also sends me lots of Blue agitprop as well. I don’t know why. This came through this morning, and I’m sharing it for situational awareness:

Skip to the piece by “Harry Greenfield”, who I don’t think is a real person, and read halfway through and you get the idea.

My conclusion is that Cabal HQ has outsourced its mid-level operations to theater kids, why it concentrates on developing the Beam tech. That is the best explanation I can come up with for what we are seeing. Hopefully I will develop this more once we get past Christmas.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Greenfield says all that like it’s a bad thing.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago
1 year ago

Tucker Carlson gave a speech recently at TPUSA’s AmFest that I think might be of interest to AC and others here. 
Here’s the link at the time to save everyone time:

I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
1 year ago

Re: Tucker says informed people have told him the US government has entered into agreements with the aliens, which are really some sort of interdimensional beings which act upon all of us from a dimension we cannot detect.
AKA Demons, Fallen Angels, Minions of Satan, take your pick. So, the U.S. government has signed agreements (sold their soul) to Satan. Why am I not surprised? Forewarned is forearmed. If there was any doubt, this pretty much confirms that we as a country are under God’s judgment. No sidestepping this.

If you haven’t given your soul over to Jesus Christ and him crucified, it sounds like things are coming to a head, so do it while you still can. If you already have, then get to work strengthening your spiritual health and prepping up your spiritual armor (Ephesians 6:10-18 It is too late when they are breaching your door.

All your other preps mean nothing if you don’t get properly prepared spiritually.


You fail to distinguish the people from the occupying regime.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

there’s always an occupier. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. No truer words were ever sung.

1 year ago

Chicago mayor claims Gov. Abbott is ‘attacking our country’ by sending migrants to Dem cities, states.

[keks in Texan]

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

snorts laughing in Texan.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
1 year ago

Re: Chicago mayor claims Gov. Abbott is ‘attacking our country’ by sending migrants to Dem cities, states.
So sharing the load with those who fostered the event is an attack? Liars will lie and say anything to avoid the consequences of their actions.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
1 year ago

Re: Western self-propelled howitzers are not made for real, long war, but only for short missions.

Three possibilities: 1. they are not being properly maintained so… 2. they are lying to cover their posteriors since I never heard anything about this in Iraq or Afghanistan. 3. It’s true and no one knew because they were never submitted to such extensive use.

None of this is good no matter what the cause.

1 year ago

Milei’s government in Argentina announced that they will cut off welfare benefits for everyone who riots and cuts off traffic in protests.comment image

Timmy Burch
Timmy Burch
1 year ago

DeSantis reminds me of Jeb Bush.

Coincidentally, both Florida Govs

Reply to  Timmy Burch
1 year ago

Think of a time in human history where the ruler of a state voluntarily abdicated power, sometimes every 4 years, to a total stranger who might be diametrically opposed to the previous ruler’s concepts of rule.

Totally ridiculous. So ridiculous it’s obvious there’s no elections, no public selection of ruler; every single kingdom in human history prior to the last century set up security, blood inheritance, and a strict lineage of succession. We’re expected to believe that just organically happened so quickly across the world simultaneously?

They still have selected succession to ruler ship of state, the criteria is just being of Satan’s family and not a royal one.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

These idiots think they are the reincarnation of the Pharaohs.

Reply to  Timmy Burch
1 year ago

Has DeSantis requested an audience to applaud yet?

1 year ago

I think that the news article about Joy Behar being fired is a parody. I can’t find that news anywhere else, and several of the other articles on the site look suspect.

Reply to  Leatherwing
1 year ago

Oh no. Maybe we’re all getting coal in our stocking 🙁

Reply to  Leatherwing
1 year ago

I see her termination stories everywhere

Reply to  Leatherwing
1 year ago

Best Christmas present ever. Let the firing of the clowns from the cannons begin

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Suppose you maintain enormous data about people’s family lines over millenia.”

Geneology is weird like that. Most people (>95%) in the US, who are White, are descended from British, German or French royalty. Hispanics are less likely to be descended from Spanish/Portuguese royalty, probably only @75% for lighter skinned hispanics. These are royals who all lived before 1500-1600, were related themselves and all descended from historical figures such as Charlamagne, Mohammed, Roman/Byzantine Emperors, Attila, Merovech, Rurik, Persian Shah’s and even ancient Kings of Judea/Israel. So most people (and everyone reading this) can trace this. There are probably more Christians who can trace their descent from Mohammed than muslims who can. There are also more White people who can trace their descent from Pharaohs than blacks who claim descent. That’s the power of time and literacy.

Cabal is tracing something different. Either there is a hidden lineage, or genetic psychopathy or they (cabal) are keeping track of their kills/coups. They aren’t tracing geneology the way a normal person understands it. Likely they know of secret middle eastern lineages that likely spread psychopathy with the spread of civilization and whenever a sufficiently intelligent psychopath joins their group and achieves ‘rank’ they trace the psychopath genes. Kind of like that Arkhaven comic about vampires ruling the world.

Basically, things don’t work the way we think they do. Most White people are not members of Cabal and are targeted for racial destruction by Cabal for some reason, probably related to intelligence/empathy genetics or some other K gene. I doubt most members of any group are members of Cabal, and Cabal can’t get beyond 15% to 25% of a group before that group begins to decline. Reference Isaiah 14. Cabal has persistent goals of r selecting humanity, making/keeping humans illiterate, reducing quality human fertility, lowering human IQ, practicing human sacrifice and generally halting and reversing human development. This is achieved with immigration, surveillance, murders, abortion, the ‘vaccine’ and bioweapons along with fiat currency, degeneracy, filth, drugs and the power of the state. Plan accordingly.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

I definitely suspect there is some intentional screwery going on with lineages, or for that matter, the attempt at ceasing lineages. Surely, the majority of the white populations are decedents from the Tribes of Israel. If that was public knowledge, the whole game would be different on a global scale. I’ll bet whoever is behind a crabal knows the true lineages and also works to keep that hidden from the masses.
This guy writes about the Tribes today. It’s pretty interesting stuff:

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

About three years ago, in a moment of weakness, I sent off for an Ancestry DNA kit. I sent it in, as as best as I can tell it never arrived or was processed. I can’t find a single way to contact them to ask WTF. They keep sending me sales for DNA, but I’m done.

It’s made me wonder over the years if my DNA was problematic, but the odds are so remote I still file it under the f’ing USPS losing it. My children have had their DNA processed, but that was under their stepdad’s name, not our family name.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“…Most people (>95%) in the US, who are White, are descended from British, German or French royalty…”

This is complete nonsense. A large amount of the people in early America were kidnapped, dragged off the streets, taken or convicted for silly things and sold into slavery as “indentured servants”. The survival rate for them was 50%. The history has been whitewashed to pretend this isn’t true. I went to school in Georgia, and they flat out said the whole State was founded by convicts under the rule of James Oglethorpe in the elementary school books. The American Indians died off from disease, so there were vast uninhabited areas. These were populated by Whites in agricultural plantations and made to work as slaves. In many areas they had a hard time keeping them. They would run off to the Indians. So eventually they paid the Indians to recover them.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

It’s interesting how Australia is admitted to be a penal colony, but the West Indies and the Americas are not.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Descendants of royalty typically raped or coerced servant women into relationships or marriages. Every Scots-Irish person is descended from King Robert of Scotland. Every Irish person is descended from a High King of Ireland through similar methods.

This stupid “I’m a low born servant good salt of the earth cracker jack” routine needs to stop. It’s a communistic psyop meant to keep you thinking like a peasant or ignorant of your family history. It’s meant to disconnect you from history and keep you uninterested in it. Charles II for example, a relatively recent Anglo-Scottish king likely has 100 million descendants today. If you use simple binomial expansion in Generation 10 you have 1,048 people as ancestors, that’s around year 1750. Gen 20 (around 1550) it’s 1,048,576 people as ancestors. At Gen 30 (around 1300) it’s 1.07 billion people as ancestors. Pedigree collapse (inbreeding) only reduces this by 10% in the heaviest cases at G10, and possibly 80% by G30. So even highly mono-ethnic people can have way more than 200 million different ancestors from the medieval period. Going back thousands of years casts even wider nets, to the point where it is safe to say you descend from every ancient person that reproduced. That includes Romans, ancient Israelites, Greeks and even Egyptians in the family tree, even for indentured servant Whites in the antebellum American South.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“…low born servant…”

You are the one that supposes “not kings” are “low born”. I say kings got to where they were by unmerciful evil psychopathic oppression and parasitic leeching of good people. THEY are the low. Being ruthless and evil does not make one “high”. And being wealthy does not make you good or desirable as a person.

That being said, I’m not against wealth. People who make wealth through making new things or processes to make life better and lower cost for all of us are blessed with wealth that is well earned.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“…If you use simple binomial expansion in Generation 10 you have 1,048 people as ancestors…”

This is silly. People are not binomial expansion units. Some have kids, some not. Bastard children, no matter how kingly, never fared as well as normal kids with a father and mother. You’re just making up statistics and pretending they are true with no facts.

Let’s use your own numbers to show it’s fake. There’s one king and hundreds of thousands of serfs. They have kids with the same “binomial expansion” that kings do so swamping the kings numbers. Making your whole premise false. Now you might “attempt” to say king’s kids do better but since they are not ALL the king’s direct offspring they tend towards financial child support of the average person, of which there are WAY MORE, once again swamping the kings offspring. You can’t make this work mathematically and logically.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Not much has changed, we are still indentured servants. It’s called Income Tax.

1 year ago

Lame Cherry referred to something completely new to me, an eleven minute conversation between Hitler and the leader of Finland. The conversational tone and astute rationality by Hitler is shocking compared to the popular conception of him. I post the link out of general interest only with no ulterior motive:

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

We have been lied to at the most extreme levels. Good strong men were put through two massive meat grinders to further weaken men of European descent. All of that suffering for NOTHING.
Pissed doesn’t even come to describe 1% of what I feel.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I think he was referring to WWI and WWII, which removed two generations of Europe’s bravest young men from the gene pool.

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

Ironically, both takes are correct.

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

Over a longer timeline GWB did his share.

1 year ago

Merry Christmas and Happy Lifeday!

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

Your trans dimensional entities R Us; or more precisely, our human masters.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

Can’t buy this free or zero point energy thing. Unless, you could build a device yourself that would power your home and car. Otherwise some company or corporation would build and maintain them; at a cost to you. You will own nothing remember? Or the utility giants would harness the power and provide it to you at a cost. Nothing would change other than the way power gets produced. Cleaner? Possibly. How ever uap’s are powered it is obviously beyond our collective intelligence which rolls right back to the spiritual/dimensional being thing. Being that they may represent Satan, they have no power other than to influence mankind. Their method of travel in the material realm is pure magic to us. Crash retrieval? Sure they crash occasionally, you think it’s not dangerous to travel between dimensions? Reports of lightning and thunder storms in the areas where uap’s suddenly show up might just be the physical reactions between the spiritual and the material worlds momentarily connecting. Who knows? I’m just spitballing here.

1 year ago

California poop water.
On the one hand, I feel like cabal is up to something. On the other hand, if you wanted to take a space ship and explore space you would pretty much be required to do this.

1 year ago

Here we go: soup, spies and journalists. Naomi Wolfe makes her father’s soup for her future husband when he is ill. The recipe is halfway down the essay.

1 year ago

Schizo Solstice Posting

“Higher officials know of my power on the human population. I have been studied for years. So now efforts are underway to limit my powers. Can I be controlled? You are going to experience more days where I am not visible. Where did the sun go, you may ask? This is on purpose. Higher officials know how to block my rays. I am being kept from you. The officials know that I create an awakened population. And that is to be stopped. They want to keep you under their control. So, satellite technology along with weather stations have programed for photo stopping. This is a technique where they stop the sun from shining. You will become cold, and will notice the effects on your crops. I will try to combat this with extra rays on the days I am visible. On a sunny day please get outside and enjoy the warmth on your skin. It is more than warmth. It is energetic vibrations penetrating you. It is most important that you go outside on a regular basis. My waves are healing.”

“Weather tampering has been at play for past elections and major events.  Weather tampering will continue to be at play for major elections and special events.  Watch when storms happen, are they at the most inconvenient times?  Who are they affecting?  Why do you think they are affecting that region of the country?  You will see a pattern emerging.  Tornadoes at this time of the year, hurricanes here and volcano eruptions there. ”

Timmy Burch
Timmy Burch
1 year ago

Prague Shooting, as always we need to wait to see the full facts (if we ever do), but be sure,

  • if legal firearm, it will be used to ban legal firearms
  • if illegal firearm, probably came from Ukraine, and will be used to ban firearms
Reply to  Timmy Burch
1 year ago

The guy did write that he had constant ringing in his ears that couldn’t be diagnosed.

1 year ago

Hey AC,
Check out this article. This guy takes a more spiritual view of things, speaking of revelations that happens when masks slip under the force of Apocalypse, ignite of that’s not your thing… but read it all, take note of the treatment he’s getting, and tell me it’s not familiar to you.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Yeah, and what about the vibrations that disturb his sleep on a regular basis. I don’t think he’s lying about that. And what interest does the machine have in him? Doesn’t have much money or power, just a belief that every single thing is under control and as it should be, that an avatar of God is coming and all deceptions will be revealed, true nature of things unveiled… Doesn’t seem enough to warrant his treatment, but there it is.

1 year ago
Anaughty Mouser
Anaughty Mouser
1 year ago
All I want for Christmas is your soul. – Satan Klaus

1 year ago

Remember when Madison Cawthorne said that his partying was nothing compared to what was happening in the rest of Congress?
A second sex tape scandal, this time with R congressman Dan Newhouse’s office, has surfaced.

1 year ago
1 year ago

How about we just take Colorado off the ballot?
Not even a fan of Trump but it’s clear that CO is a rogue state. Not unique in that but unique in their new openness.