News Briefs – 12/20/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Florida voting officials investigating snowbird voter fraud in the state.

Pennsylvania Democrat Secretary of State sues to prevent the State Senate audit from examining Dominion voting machines.

Rep. Ramthun lays out evidence of undeniable voter fraud in Wisconsin 2020 election and calls for forensic audit in state.

Conservative activist Ali Alexander filed a lawsuit to bar the illegally assembled January 6 Select Committee from spying on his phone records and to protect American civil liberties from federal intrusion as Democrats weaponize their congressional power.

Ex-Mossad chief had affair, shared state secrets with woman and her husband. Interesting insight into the intelligence world in the article – the guy defended himself from charges of disloyalty by saying he would never reveal secrets, and added, “When I was appointed to be Mossad chief, listen carefully, within 10 days, I fired six [top officials]… because they weren’t loyal to the system. They weren’t good. They thought I was their best friend when we were equals. The moment I was appointed [I fired them], without mercy.” The funny thing is, he acts like this proves he is a loyal person who would never betray, but the reality is he spent years sucking those guy’s asses when they were equals, to trick them into thinking he was a friend, and then the moment he got power, probably with their help, he roundly fucked over all of them. The intel world is a very strange place. And it runs everything these days. It is why you have to be careful what you get recruited into, because everything told to you will likely be lies.

There were Israeli interrogators operating in Guantanamo? Given it is likely 9/11 was a Cabal operation, it is possible Guantanamo was just a cover for a Cabal global rendition program, that it contracted to anyone who wanted somebody disappeared and professionally interrogated. Who knows who the Israelis were questioning. Had I tried to raid Epstein’s island and steal video tapes, I might have found myself waking up in Guantanamo being interrogated by those Israelis.

New York Times reports Ashley Biden left behind her diary when she moved to Florida to live with a friend who rented a two bedroom home, and then moved out and the friend got a new roommate who saw all of Ashley’s stuff left behind, and passed the diary to Project Veritas. Interesting in that supposedly Joe owns multiple massive mansions in different places, and Hunter was making money hand over fist by the hundreds of millions, supposedly for the family, but Ashley is apparently crashing alone with a friend who rented out a little dinky two-bedroom home in Florida. I get the impression anybody could have hit that house and kidnapped or killed a Vice President’s daughter, although she probably did have the local Cabal neighborhood network doing over-watch, which you would have to have gotten past. Still strange she wasn’t living the high life. Although now that I think about it, Dad’s homes had a tendency to have bullets flying through them at random times, and nothing ever done about it.

The shadowy CIA data firms behind the creation of digital vaccine passport IDs. The first step to an implantable chip ID would be a National Digital ID Card, needed by everyone to shop or go out. Normally, everyone would say fuck that, but the pandemic gives them the cover to try and force it through.

Third test of the Air Force’s hypersonic weapon has failed like the ones before it. It is OK, because the Air Force recently OK’d the use of pronouns in official memos, and is flying LGBT rainbow flags.

New York State Assembly advancing legislation to create involuntary COVID quarantine camps. The governor will be able to just send unvaccinated people there on a whim, claiming that they are a threat to public health. For that matter, publishing misinformation, by their standards, might be enough.

Video of a Swedish company’s Covid passport microchips, implanted in hands, goes viral.

Former Trump Cabinet member Dr. Ben Carson registered concern and disappointment about 80 House Republicans voting with all House Democrats to expand federal vaccine surveillance by connecting and expanding state databases.

Despite Omicron appearing harmless, multiple outlets push narratives like the Guardian, which says, “The science is clear: the case for more Covid restrictions is overwhelming.”

Paris cancels New Year’s Eve fireworks due to omicron concerns. Part of the issue may be just how many of us are so redpilled. If we meet face to face, we will start talking, and they can’t control the natural narrative that will effortlessly arise among all of us then.

Vicar’s wife says since the roll-Out of Covid Injections there’s been funeral, after funeral, after funeral.

A list of 341 athlete cardiac arrests and serious issues, with 194 dead, after COVID shots.

Moderna’s COVID vaccine 4 times more likely to cause heart inflammation than Pfizer’s.

Labor Department extends deadline to Feb. 9 for companies to mandate vaccines.

href=””>Researchers are planning to use frontline healthcare workers as their subjects to examine the effect psilocybin has on treating depression. One of the main reasons I would not try drugs is I would not want to end up damaging the function of my brain. Do we really want healthcare workers with brains that have been altered with acid?

Vox Day on a shipping company that is going under now, and a little more from Denninger on the leveraged elite. Two interesting things – one, is the company going under just as there is a supply chain crisis. That feels like it is not coincidence. I would love to know what the final straw was, and if it was somehow engineered, or if it was just fortuitous. I could see a bank loan which would normally go through getting denied just at this moment, as they are killing the supply chain any way they can. On Denninger talking about how all the elites are leveraged, he is absolutely right. I used to watch a crime show which detailed the cases of the most elite fraudsters. One case was Scott Rothstein, a lawyer who was basically running the biggest firm in Miami, as he ran a $1.2 billion Ponzi scheme. The show touched on several of the people he screwed, and the fascinating thing was how they were all, by our standards ultra rich, but it was all leveraged. They didn’t buy their yacht, or super car, or mansion, or anything extravagant – it was all leased or rented, and their finances were unsustainable absent the massive returns being promised by Rothstein in his scam. One guy with the mansion, and Ferrari, and all the trappings normal people would think would mean he was loaded, only had like $300,000 to invest, all of which Rothstein disappeared. At the time, I assumed everyone living those lives invested everything, and used the cash-flow from it to fund rentals and leases, and small increases in investments. Of course now I see it differently. For that matter, as with his lifestyle, Rothstein’s firm was the same thing – unaffordable were it not funded by the Ponzi scheme, with his offices in the most expensive locations and with ultra-expensive art and decor second to none. It was all totally unsustainable based just on billing. When Rothstein was about to be busted he sent an email to all his lawyer employees to research which country would not extradite to America or Israel. The lawyers came back with Morocco, and Rothstein promptly wired $16 million to there, and hopped a private jet. He was free and clear, and could not be touched, but one of this senior partners emailed him, extolling him to “choose life,” and he hopped a jet back to the US, and took his 50 year sentence and surrendered all the cash he had. One of the prosecutors said he never unraveled why he came back, but he assumed some of the people scammed by him were very powerful, and he felt he would have a longer life in prison than in Morocco with $16 million. Of course his Infogalatic page notes the judge granted a prosecution motion to “prohibit videotaping Rothstein during a scheduled deposition of him, citing “serious harm” and “security reasons that are unusual in nature.” And he is now untrackable in the prison system because they deleted his prisoner number, and have him in some sort of witness protection thing. But it was interesting to see the only guy in the story of all these ultra-wealthy who could afford his lifestyle was the one using fraud to steal money hand over fist from all the others, based on a promise to fund their lifestyles. And even with a free cash-flow like that, he was going under too, and couldn’t turn it into a profit.

Amazon sent its drivers out into the tornado, and when one asked to return until it passed he was told he would be fired unless he moved forward into it.

Pentagon orders company to stop making faith-based dog tags.

Candy cane shortage fueled by COVID, nd a weak peppermint harvest.

Congressional Democrats are gearing up for a sweeping set of initiatives aimed at decriminalizing marijuana that they plan to take action on this spring. This did seem to be the first step in breaking down Colorado so it could be taken over by CIA, thereby taking a rural conservative area and getting it to the point it would implement a high capacity magazine ban.

Michigan city gets ready to inaugurate all-Muslim government.

The 8th annual Islamic Arts Festival took place over the weekend in Spring, just thirty miles north of Houston, which is home to an estimated 200,000 Muslims. I will bet the majority of these Muslim communities were founded with imported Cabal/CIA ground surveillance assets from one war zone or another over the decades, and as they have intermarried with non-surveillance Muslims, and brought their children up in the network, they are now prime Cabal intel territory. If we come to a civil war, you can expect a lot of Muslim vs American action, but it will really be Cabal foot soldiers vs those who want to get rid of Cabal. I don’t know if people will realize that though.

Democrats mull hardball tactics to leapfrog parliamentarian on immigration. There are a ton of Cabal’s overseas surveillance/intelligence assets they have gotten here who they want to get locked into American residency and voting as citizens. If it goes through, you will know patriots are not actually in control anymore.

Pope Francis tells youth to beware of the ‘virus of individualism.’

Amazon partnered with China propaganda arm, agreeing to not allow any reviews of less than five stars for President Xi’s book.

Former Harvard chemistry chair accused of lying to the FBI about his ties to China admits to taking tens of thousands of dollars from China he had previously denied taking. This guy was getting paid $50,000 per month and $158,000 in expenses for his work with the Wuhan University of Technology. Clearly he was giving them something else.

Democrats use the threat of Court-packing to intimidate the Supreme Court from overturning Roe.

AOC pushed back on Nancy Pelosi’s stance against banning congressional stock-trading, saying, ‘We write major policy and have access to sensitive information.’ Translation from Congress-ese is, “Why am I not being given any of these inside tips?”

Showdown over Ukraine looms as Russia and NATO are unlikely to reach a deal.

Prince Charles says here a7 2:57, many countries do not have the resources to go green, so we need a vast military-style campaign to marshal funds from the private sector, and then “with trillions at “his” disposal,” these countries will be able to meet the challenges of climate change. Doesn’t say who the “he” of “his” is, and some are thinking the antichrist is operational behind the scenes and Charles slipped up and mentioned him. Either that, or there really is one person at the top of the pyramid, and they all talk about “him” so much Charles screwed up and did it in a speech.

Archbishop Vigano writes an open letter to the American people calling for an Anti-Globalist alliance.

Manchin finally kills Build Back Better.

President Joe Biden has done a “horrible job” against COVID-19 — and one reason people are refusing to take the vaccine is because they don’t trust him, former President Donald Trump says in a new interview.

Trump calls McConnell ‘disaster,’ says GOP needs new leadership.

Democrat party leaders prepare for a red wave in the 2022 midterms. Obviously elections are a scam, but for now it is probably best to push this narrative, so everyone comes to understand they are part of a massive movement, and 2022 should be a blowout. That way if/when it is rigged and isn’t a full blowout, they will fully understand exactly what happened.

Jesus Christ is the Savior of America, says President Trump.

Invite other people to because we do have a Savior.

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3 years ago

” If we come to a civil war, you can expect a lot of Muslim vs American action, but it will really be Cabal foot soldiers vs those who want to get rid of Cabal. I don’t know if people will realize that though.”

We have to expel them all anyway.
They are not culturally compatible even without cabal.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

One way or the other they all have to go.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Florida voting officials investigating snowbird voter fraud in the state.”

Let’s do this Stonetoss style. Let’s see if you all can finish the word.

J …

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Ex-Mossad chief had affair, shared state secrets with woman and her husband…. The funny thing is, he acts like this proves he is a loyal person who would never betray, but the reality is he spent years sucking those guy’s asses when they were equals, to trick them into thinking he was a friend, and then the moment he got power, probably with their help, he roundly fucked over all of them.”

The fact that this guy isn’t dead speaks volumes.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Third test of the Air Force’s hypersonic weapon has failed like the ones before it. It is OK, because the Air Force recently OK’d the use of pronouns in official memos, and is flying LGBT rainbow flags.”

It’s OK, they’re about to roll out the Advanced Dilating Radiator (ADILDO) for all of their post-op trannies. It’s nuclear powered so it can dilate for years without refueling, so maybe the Navy can adopt it too. That’ll show those Russians.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Given current navigation skills, they’ll crash it into an asshole in 3 days.

3 years ago

>Who knows who the Israelis were questioning
Part of the Gehlen inheritance in Paperclip transfers was his HUMINT in Warsaw Pact countries and the Middle East; you have Otto Skorzeny types hosting asymmetric warfare conferences to Arabs post war . . . perhaps there’s something to Tatiana Koriagana’s claim of a non-state entity with 300 trillion in assets behind 9/11, or Putin allusions to being more concered about “the Nazis in Washington” than in Ukraine. On the other hand there’s Kay Griggs’ claims of Zios training with corrupted units in the SOF community and law enforcement running domestic and international hits on tax payers’ dime. Was always going to happen in a NeoCohen war any which way.

>digital vaccine passport IDs.
Long game with the electronic medical document push. Gates’ patents on biometric blockchains mediated by mRNA came out very early 2020 along with the ID2020 simulation revelations.

>Third test of the Air Force’s hypersonic weapon has failed
Patented early Cold War. Hopefully this is exotic tech in the highest clearanced hands enforcing a hard No on another bald MIC usury scheme that would just go to enemies. If there’s spending to be done, it’s on the over-deployed SSBN missle subs while the decrepit Minute Man stockpiles are addressed through 2029. Redundant last gen strategic weapon budgetary boondoggle gambit to siphon it away from needed material improvements for the navy imo.

>effect psilocybin has on treating depression.
Had efficacy on PTSD and alcoholics in studies. If They have other intention with it . . . switching off hard fought epigenetic cues might be desireable, ~ male birthrate spikes after wars, ect.

>the first step in breaking down Colorado
Big enough drop off in sales due to domestic production, and they switch to legalization to launder more cartel money.

>I don’t know if people will realize that though.
Rude awakenings await many on all sides, and Arabs will have more to fear from the Belt & Road Han ascendancy than ‘the Great Satan’ America, zogged or otherwise. When and if oil goes the way of the dinosaur (by ether energy or Green New Deal managed collapse), the desert Arab nations are uniquely vulnerable in the biomass competition against India, China, and even Africa with its vast mineral wealth. Burying the schismatic divide with Shia Iran and the -stans might redress that, but their northern cousins are in too deep with the Belt & Road. Like most things, fake and gay strife set in motion by others’ putting their pieces on the board for (T)hem.

>Lieber lacked candor
Hard to track, but there were a number of similar university professor cases in the wake of his. The Winnipeg lab couple the July ’19 prior was the most conspicuous prior to him being taken in (and a director of it dying in Africa shortly thereafter). I wonder how critical Lieber’s PLA PHD student being taken in trying to smuggle biological materials was in mitigating this; he was working on nano-cellular interfaces involving spike proteins after all (McCairn’s suggested the graphene might be raw material for such structures, or increasing their signal strength, sending or receiving).

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Former Harvard chemistry chair accused of lying to the FBI about his ties to China admits to taking tens of thousands of dollars from China he had previously denied taking. This guy was getting paid $50,000 per month and $158,000 in expenses for his work with the Wuhan University of Technology. Clearly he was giving them something else.”

Dr. (((Leiber)))? (checks a box)
FIB? (checks a box)
China? (checks a box)
Wuhan U? (checks a box)
arrested Jan, 2020? (checks a box)

You know, I think this could be related to something bigger, what could it be? Impressive that China is still spending so much $$$FEDBUX$$$ on U.S. Jews in academia. Why are they doing this guys?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“AOC pushed back on Nancy Pelosi’s stance against banning congressional stock-trading, saying, ‘We write major policy and have access to sensitive information.’ Translation from Congress-ese is, “Why am I not being given any of these inside tips?””

You know, I can’t stand AOC. I hate that someone taught her how to speak English. I wish she would go back to Puerto Rico and stay there. But seeing her sellout, or try to sellout is pathetic and it undermines everything she claims to stand for. It also highlights the corrupt, debased nature of our system, as well as how stupid and controlled Democrat voters are, especially all of these white liberal soycialists. They’ve thrown Tulsi Gabbard, who they used to love, under the bus, and they would blindly follow AOC no matter how much she goes corporate if the soy-fuggernaut told them too, just like another pathetic sell-out, Elizabeth Warren. I would never want those voters as friends, or have to rely on them in a moment of need or danger, they would abandon me and I would be screwed.

I know a good number of them are cabal, so they’re damned forever when they die, but not all of the white sh*tlibs are cabal, probably not even 1/3. That’s a lot of enablers and useful idiots. Something is clearly wrong with them on a genetic level to be fooled so many times and still be proud of it, to still be so aggressively anti-Trump or anti-right. There’s a culling in the works, at a spiritual level, so don’t attach yourself to that sinking, screwed up ship.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“..not all of the white sh*tlibs are cabal, probably not even 1/3. That’s a lot of enablers and useful idiots.”

Agreed. I know many of these types. It’s perhaps the greatest burden we cope with just dealing with their willful blindness – at least for me. It gets to be a real drain at times. I’ve learned to trust in God and that this is his teaching and test of my own fortitude and faith. I know no one said it would be easy. Still, sometimes I just shake my head in disbelief at those sheep I care about.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

It’s MK ULTRA. They figured out with that program that people will ape the behaviors of the people they perceive as high status.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

“It’s MK ULTRA. They figured out with that program that people will ape the behaviors of the people they perceive as high status.”

Why they want people to apostatize from their allegiance to the King Jesus Christ.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

I’ve had a lot of success re: peace of mind by not meaningfully engaging with ppl who have blunted affects.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

It’s “conservatives” as well. When I talk to ones who don’t seek out uncensored news, I might as well be talking to someone from Ulaanbaatar. There’s almost no common cultural references left. They think they’re going to retake everything in 2022 and it’ll actually matter if they did. They think the Democrats and media are just stupid and can eventually be woken up and shown the error of their ways.

And, of course, there’s certain groups you can’t criticize in their presence. The programming is complete. They’re the Washington Generals, forever and ever, the designated losers.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

True, though they may begin to get it right before a bullet goes through their head in a future “re-education” camp.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I know several who *used to be* conservative, who insist they still are… but 100% of their news comes from Facebook and Twitter. Talking to them is creepy; they’ve bought into the Narrative by slow assmosis, and they know that the Trump is a racist, almost nobody has any problems with the vaxx and objectors are ignorant and stupid, that we won the war in Afghanistan, that masks work 100%… they’re “the way things are”, and challenging them is like denying gravity.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Showdown over Ukraine looms as Russia and NATO are unlikely to reach a deal.”

The only way NATO could expand to the East is through a partition of Ukraine between Russia and NATO. NATO chiefs have to realize what that means and Ukraine is highly corrupt and is an ineffective partner to anyone, including Russians.

Don’t be surprised if Russia invades part of Ukraine and the West does very little. Ukraine will be what it always was, a buffer.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Jesus Christ is the Savior of America, says President Trump.”

Not just America, but everyone in the whole world too. Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ will be saved by Him.

People clamoring to break into America, or those who wrongly adopt the descriptor “American”, for worldly financial gain, while believing America to be a savior instead of Christ are denying the faith (and usually breaking the law). Jesus Christ would be very opposed to illegal immigration and all law breaking, as well as to false churches claiming generosity in His Holy name, while cashing Fedgov aid checks. If you are American (a real American ie. back to the Revolutionary War) your neighbor is literally your neighbor, not someone from China, Guatemala or Haiti. So love your neighbor. You love your neighbor by keeping the country they live in safe. You love your neighbor by keeping the country they live in American. And make sure you vote to keep it safe and American as well.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

People forget that the Bible explicitly states that the nations (derived from latin nasci, or birth, meaning a group of people of shared birth lineage and not legalese paperwork “nations”) will persist through all time, and we already have an example of what happens in the Tower of Babel when you try and form one homogenized global homo union.

God has made his displeasure with the concept known, so fear not the people who try and force it on you. God has your back from above, as do true Chrsitians and your true national ingroup while we’re stuck in this realm.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Interestingly the Anti Christ will rule over various distinct Nations. But the people in the Book of Revelations never homogenized into one large Supernation ever again despite worshipping Anti-Christ.

The Divergence at the time of the Tower of Babel. Cannot be undone.

I think you are missing that the reason God opposed that all people become Homogenized in the first place is because they will unite in opposition to him:

“6 And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.”

The Unity of Mankind under the Devil’s Aegis would have proven to be inescapable in its Tyranny and would have removed Free Will by its lack of Diversity.

Having multiple Nations make it harder for the Devil to have more complete control. And would open up gaps for God’s people to flourish.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

President Trump and Jesus Christ. Be strong and have faith, friends:

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

That’s great, but he needs to come out forcefully against all mandates, lockdowns and forced vaccination.

He isn’t going to get reelected, if that’s even possible, unless he strongly condemns all of the Covid hysterics.

He said that people aren’t getting vaxxed because Biden is doing a horrible job.

No, Don.

People aren’t getting vaxxed because the mRNA shots are, at best, a temporary prophylactic that doesn’t stop the spread, and at worst, a death sentence, depending on what batch you get stuck with.

No more beating around the bush. Time to pick sides and state which side you are on clearly and loudly.

Why isn’t Don, or anyone other than Rand Paul, calling for Fauci to be fired, at the very least, or, better yet, imprisoned?

There is an overwhelming body of evidence that the release of Covid was, and is, a massive psyop, and the vax rollout an obvious plan to normalize a digital passport system and crash the economy.

Why can’t Don say no to the passport mandates?

Considering the damage these mandates are doing to America, that should be his first priority and continuous messaging.

Even Putin won’t say no. Russia is instituting QR codes. Neither will Orban, who has instituted one in Hungary.

These supposed nationalists and patriots sure are reticent to make a strong stand against globalist insanity.

In fact, they seem to be on board with the program.

What are Don and Putin really up to?

If Trump doesn’t come out forcefully and clearly against digital passports linked to vaccination, then we will know what side he really works with.

3 years ago

>One of the main reasons I would not try drugs is I would not want to end up damaging the function of my brain. Do we really want healthcare workers with brains that have been altered with acid?

Psilocybin isn’t LSD. And there is plenty of evidence that mushrooms are fairly safe.

3 years ago

>Congressional Democrats are gearing up for a sweeping set of initiatives aimed at decriminalizing marijuana that they plan to take action on this spring.

I have met plenty of potheads who are also hunters. It probably encouraged shippies to move to colorado as there weren’t many other choices, but if it were legal everywhere at once I don’t think there is much incentive to move.

Pot probably shouldn’t be considered that bad either and the propaganda against it is way over the top. However, it does make people lazy and somewhat dumb if overused.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

The simplest analysis is that enemy forces love it and want it everywhere, so there must be something nefarious about it. Even if the worst extent of it is being a lazy, unmotivated stoner, that’s still a massively dysgenic thing to be spreading as normal and acceptable through a society.

3 years ago

The story about the leveraged lawyer is why I say Cabal doesn’t believe in money the way most do. They seem to operate in the belief that money is no protection and doesn’t provide freedom. It’s the relationship wrt to Cabal that matters.

3 years ago

> Jesus Christ is the Savior of America, says President Trump.

Video clip (11 minutes):

Made me smile and tear up a little.

3 years ago

> the company going under just as there is a supply chain crisis. That feels like it is not coincidence. I would love to know what the final straw was,
My brother was a [edit] for them ten years ago. He said they were so incompetent he couldn’t understand how they stayed in business.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Or there is simply no more ability to prop them up.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

True. Propping up the US economy is expensive. Cabal in the US wants a controlled demo on their own schedule, but internationals are trying to speed that up.

3 years ago

Trump’s speech referencing Jesus did my heart good. And he has never said anything nearly as provicative before. Buckle up because that’s going to cause massive escalation. Whew. Let’s gooooooo!

3 years ago

The last para in the Mosaad article reveals the “buried lede”: he is Bibi faction.

3 years ago

Bruce Charlton of Vigano’s letter. Tl:dr Diagnosis spot on but Treatment essentially flawed

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Just like Moldbug, Curtis Yarvin. Good analysis, bad solutions.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Not everyone needs to be a complete package. Simply pointing out the truth in a succinct and inspiring way is useful in its own right.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Agreed. Vigano has a lot of other stuff on his plate. He doesn’t have to be a superhero in regards to every issue.

That he clearly and unambiguously stated what he did was amazing in and of itself.

Let’s hear Putin or Trump talk like Vigano and then we will know we are getting somewhere.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I’m a big fan of Vigano’s. Thought Dr Charlton had an intetesting take.

3 years ago

and the friend got a new roommate who saw all of Ashley’s stuff left behind, and passed the diary to Project Veritas.

As my wife said, possibly because it had a sticky note on it that said, “if you find this send to Project Veritas”.

As divided as we are, what are the chances that the same person rents out a room to their friend Ashely BIDEN and then turns around and replaces her with a redpilled shitlord?

Nobody Special
Nobody Special
3 years ago

Very informative article on current tensions with the West and Russia over Ukraine. Author brings out parallels to 1938 and British led appeasement of Hitler. An alternative view of history that posits some Europeans / globalist really wanted a three block world with Germany dominating continental Europe, Britain dominating the Euro-Atlantic West, and Japan dominating the East.

3 years ago

Oh boy. What fun times. I had just moved from a decent but awkward suburb that has some sketchy areas. Over the time I had lived in this suburb I noticed an increased presence of strange immigrants and some minor gangstalking activity. Mainly whenever I would go on walks, a car would always hit certain intersections within this apartment complex when I walked by there. I would also get random stares from said immigrants out walking about themselves. Cars would sometimes idle in a specific spot without them appearing to drop anyone off or handle any deliveries.

I recently moved to a college town near me, and things got worse. Any bar I would go to here, I would get hostility from one or more other patrons. Residents in the area would stare at me, sketchier people overall here too. The main street near me is always flooded with traffic except super late at night, and I always see cars getting right to the street from random driveways and side streets right as I get there. This town is lacking in jobs if you’re not with said college, so would more be attracted to the role of gangstalking in economically depressed areas? I do not notice any such activity on campus or any areas the students would live, but moreso in the parts of town occupied by locals.

Are certain types of cities more or less known for gangstalking activity? I’m also single and looking to not be so lonely, I would assume that also attracts more of that targeting?

I also found this website . Opinions on that? Would it be a good idea to distribute flyers that include that URL (hell and this site too)?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The only solution to dating is prayer.
Pray for GOD to guide you to the right one and keep the wrong ones away from you.

Reply to  SomeAnon
3 years ago

If you’re looking to date and make friends consider being very social rather than less so. If you’re a target they will come at you anyway. This thing is a surveillance grid and when you move from one town to another you’re simply passed off from one cell surveillance group to the next – just like your phone hands you off from one cell tower to the next as you drive along the highway. You may as well expand your circle and options. Drag that net to increase your catch of normal people and real relationships. Be aware that you have to observe everyone for the surveillance that is out there. Make it fun, a game, and remember The Moscow Rules:

1. Assume nothing.
2. Never go against your gut.
3. Everyone is potentially under opposition control.
4. Don’t look back; you are never completely alone.
5. Go with the flow, blend in.
6. Vary your pattern and stay within your cover.
7. Lull them into a sense of complacency.
8. Don’t harass the opposition.
9. Pick the time and place for action.
10. Keep your options open.

As Ian Fleming wrote, “Once is an accident. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.”

3 years ago

Braindump on psychology I was intending to write for a while

I’ve tried Paul McKenna’s Havening technique. I don’t know why it works only that it is surprisingly effective for how low effort it is.

Related, I read a small part of Alice Miller’s drama of a gifted child, want to read the rest, but haven’t got around to it. Seems good though. I certainly don’t want to mistreat my children and want to give them all the love possible.

I have not tried EFT tapping although John Paul Rice also recommended that too. Or I did a little and didn’t notice much and gave up.


On shoonya meditation

Timestamp for when it starts although he explains it at 16:39 also. I don’t know much about it, but it’s surreal when he says notice when you touch something, then notice you feel the “touch” or your fingertips etc even if you aren’t touching. Then move up your body, forearms, elbows, arms, chest. Then between your chest and stomach/abdomen you will feel nothing. It is called shoonya. Shoonya is everywhere. And he explains it better but it’s basically a lack of ego. I found it surreal that I could not feel the middle of my body!

On why video games are addictive especially for ADHD. Basically the theory among yogis is that focus is bliss that a happy mind is not anxious/distracted but focused. The focus gives calmness and enjoyment. Games are addictive because they automatically make us focus.

He also says elsewhere, but can’t remember, that meditation helps by letting you focus better. Also that video games calm amygdala. I think AC said meditation often shrinks amygdala. But could meditation be used to break video game addiction? And that if I succumb to video games to try to feel good in life can I break out of it just by training my focus via mediation or other methods?

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

The easiest way I’ve seen to break a video game addiction is to funnel it into a labor and focus intensive hobby like woodworking, carving, sewing, knitting, etc. for exactly the reasons you mentioned here.

All my friends that used to be down bad with game addictions reached a point where they didn’t even really enjoy the game, it was sort of a habit or trying to prove a point about their skill or something similar. As soon as I helped them realize they could convert that energy into focusing their hands on making something that had real world value, was challenging in an achievable way like games, etc. the game addictions stopped.

Games take advantage of the natural male urge to do something decently difficult and be as good as you can at it. It’s one of the core psychological reasons for their exploding popularity over the past decades (men work less with their hands, more with computers and in intellectual not physical jobs), as well as why it’s so uncommon to find women who are as badly afflicted by addictions as men are.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I play video games for the interesting worlds they bring to life. But modern Games are just Gambling mechanics:

Whereas games like “Final Fantasy” “Chrono Trigger” and “Icewind Dale” “Baldur’s Gate”

Make fictional worlds real and tell interesting stories that could only be taught in said medium.

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

It’s easy to see why video games are addictive. It is one of the few activities where you advance just by virtue of playing. This is especially true for scripted, single player games, where you are only as good as the computer allows you to be and the game maintains interest by balancing frustration and boredom.

I would imagine, squad-based games like Call of Duty where you play as teams against other people is more sociable?

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

From Jim Stone

“Vax awakening: An obvious trusting leftist wakes up after getting hit hard by reality.”

Ann K.
3 years ago

About Spring, Texas . . . technically, it’s 30 miles from Houston, but practically, it’s all one big urban sprawl.
There’s a saying that once you get to Houston, you’re still an hour from Houston.

3 years ago

This is the dude who owns the Daily Mail:,_4th_Viscount_Rothermere

*MMC smirking*

3 years ago

President Trump reveals to Bill O’Reilly that he got the COVID vaccine booster.

Trump: “You’re playing right into their hands” when you doubt the #COVID19 vaccines.


Why is he hanging out with O’Reilly?
Why is he pushing the frankenshots?
Why is he saying he took a booster when he said it was a scam by Pfizer and he would not be getting it?

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I posted a comment about this earlier in the thread.

This is not 4D chess. It’s a very bad sign from Trump. Very bad. Putin and Orban are also getting militant about the vaccines and vaccine passports.

I would like AC or some of Trump’s other supporters here to explain this in rational terms.

There is no way to avoid the reality of the sheer scale of very negative adverse reactions, the serious potential for long term damage, as well as the fact that the “vaccines” just don’t work very well, or for very long.

I don’t know what game Trump is playing here, or where Putin and Orban are going with this, but it stinks to high hell.

I can’t wait to hear the excuses trying to rationalize Trump’s behavior in regards to the vaccines.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

It’s so bad even normies are pissed:

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Maybe next we will see a release of super amped up small pox. Corona is not really getting them what they want so…

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

What Doesn’t Kill Us: How Freezing Water, Extreme Altitude, and Environmental Conditioning Will Renew Our Lost Evolutionary Strength

go to this page scroll down or search for Wim Hoff and you will find a link. This is the anti-(r) for individuals.

If you don’t know who Wim Hof is check him out a really amazing person.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

And lack of sleep.

3 years ago


This is great video about an important economic indicator: the eurodollar.

The eurodollar is dollars held outside of US banks and outside the control of the Federal Reserve. It is the biggest market in the world, the yield curve inverted on the eurodollar.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Awesome. Jeff and Richard Werner are my favorite economists. You gotta understand the eurodollar to understand anything.

3 years ago

Eric Trump Splits With Father on COVID Vax, Joins RFK Jr., Gen. Flynn, Drs. Peter McCullough, Judy Mikovits, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Zelenko, Del Bigtree, Other Anti-Clot-Shot Heroes on National Tour

Eric 2024?