News Briefs – 12/20/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Donald Trump floats declaring martial law to overturn the rigged election results, reports say. However Trump said on Twitter this is fake news. says Bush invoked Martial law to justify spying after 9/11. That I had not heard. From the article – “Notorious examples include Franklin D. Roosevelt’s internment of U.S. citizens and residents of Japanese descent during World War II and George W. Bush’s programs of warrantless wiretapping and torture after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.” It is probably like Patrick Bryne saying in 2008 they created a rule where the CIA director could sign a piece of paper and literally take over the FBI’s operations within the United States entirely at his discretion with no oversight. I hadn’t heard about that one either.

Trump encourages ‘wild’ protests in D.C. on the date of Electoral College vote count. I tend to think Trump would have everything under full, 100% control, but having five million angry patriots right outside the Capitol might help make sure those inside come to the correct decision when the Electoral College votes are counted to decide who will be President.

Trump considers naming Sidney Powell as a Special Prosecutor for election fraud.

Michael Flynn says foreign nations were watching what happened with our elections, and are turning their intelligence about the fraud over to President Trump.

Army leaders join Gen. Milley and release a statement saying there is “no role” for the US Army in martial law in determining elections. Statistically it is highly unlikely this would not have been foreseen and addressed by Q. And it is always possible they are demonstrating to the public that to them Military involvement is only for extreme circumstances, so when it happens, people will conclude it is an extreme circumstance, and not just some Trump allies corruptly overthrowing a legitimate election.

Scholar explains the 1807 Insurrection Act and why this is different from Martial Law. Basically Martial Law replaces the Constitution with an all powerful President, while the Insurrection act is about enforcing the Constitution and laws of the US when there is a failure to enforce them.

Redacted information in Michigan’s Dominion Voting Systems audit report shows races were flipped.

Pompeo says Russia was behind a widespread hack of the U.S. government through SolarWinds.

President Trump says, the SolarWinds hack may have been China, the media won’t admit it due to financial ties to China, and they may have hit voting machines in our election too.

An employee of the video platform Zoom who is based in China was spying on Chinese dissidents for the Communist Chinese government.

Fox News airs a news package debunking election the fraud claims made by its own hosts.

Remember that nurse who they trotted out in front of the cameras after she got the vaccine, she got light headed, keeled over right on camera, and then the camera cut out as doctors crammed around her lifeless body? Official local news media reported social media posts turned up which seemed to indicate she had died, but the family didn’t want anybody talking about it because they were threatened. 4Chan began to look into it, and based off death records, they think her body was shipped back to her hometown to be quietly put on the death records there. /pol has noted, her friends and family plus nurses are ignoring all the instagram comments asking if she’s okay, she usually posts every 2-3 days and it’s been like a week since she posted on Instagram, there was a post up on the hospital page for FB saying she was feeling better and now they took it down, someone made a new channel to pretend she’s alive while leaving her old channel alone, and a friend posted a picture of the two of them together, but /pol noticed the picture was part of a set from a while back, and not recent. It is one of those things you would discount, but suppose she did die right on camera from the vaccine. They would do anything to keep that away from the narrative. No way to know for sure it isn’t a girl with the same name, age, and hometown, but it doesn’t look good. I’d think the hospital would have trotted her back out just to please pharma, who must be terrified of this rumor.

Chicago-area hospital pauses vaccinations after 4 workers experience adverse reactions.

Almost 3% of COVID-19 vaccine recipients were unable to perform normal activities, unable to work, or required a doctor’s care.

Wealthy Californians are offering $25,000 donations to hospitals so they can cut the line for a COVID-19 vaccine. No idea if these are idiots who aren’t plugged in, if these are Cabalites looking for a fake vaccine shot from a comped doc and an all powerful vaccination card for travel, or if this is entirely fake news.

4Chan had a video of the Ontario Health Minister taking the flu vaccine, or rather not taking a flu vaccine. How long has this scam been going on?

Half of US states are prioritizing black and Hispanic residents over whites when giving vaccines. They are so dishonest and malicious I am not even sure who they are fucking over any more.

Nine people have been killed after an oxygen ventilator exploded at a hospital treating Chinavirus patients in southern Turkey. They all died from the Chinavirus.

Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice warns COVID-19 ‘is not the big one,’ and a future pandemic could be worse. She is setting the public up for Biden getting into office and really clamping down after the Chinese send us a real plague. Nice to know what they had planned, and what is coming if we do not get Trump installed in January.

IMF proposes punishing dissidents by lowering their credit score if they go to bad websites.

Billionaire hedge fund investor Ray Dalio said in a post on Twitter that his 42-year-old son was killed in a car accident.

The State Department has informed Congress that it plans to shutter its last two consulates in Russia over caps set by Moscow on the number of diplomats that are allowed in the country.

California’s Legislature is considering a wealth tax on residents, part-year residents, and any person who spends more than 60 days inside the state’s borders in a single year, and even those who move out of state would continue to be subject to the tax for a decade. They may not intend to pursue it, but want people to think they will so they will accelerate their exodus to get out before it takes effect. Again, this is coming from the top of Cabal, as part of an effort to provoke leftists to move to Texas and Florida, so it will not require so much fraud to flip those elections and it will look more plausible. We need to find that central command which gives thee orders and nuke it.

American thinker has another article referencing 1776. Probably the seventh time I have seen a reference to this number in the last two days, from pictures and memes on 4Chan to articles. The number is everywhere, and I get the impression it is being planted, possibly on orders from someone like Q.

Struggling restaurant owners city-wide are permanently banning New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo from setting foot into their establishments.

Scientists looking for aliens are very interested in a radio beam ‘from a nearby star.’

Four more Judges confirmed this week.

Trump appoints the 1776 Commission to promote ‘patriotic education.’

Spread r/K Theory, because 1776 was a great year.

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LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago


Did some digging and Young Americans Against Socialism was created by the same people who created TP-USA. I guess the game Conservative Inc. is playing is the illusion of choice. They sponsor an alphabet soup of youth groups to crowd out alternatives.

Don’t want to be in the Young Republicans kid? No worries, you can join TP-USA and enjoy blacks and buttsex. Not into that? No worries, join YAAS and support Israel and buttsex.


Where’s all the neo-bolsheviks in meat space? Tell you where, sitting on their arses drinking fat free starfucks skim milk lattes, thinking they be something special, Che posters and sweatshirts, portrait of Mayo on the den wall, Lenins bust on the dinnette counter shelf. Aint none of them worth their salt. They substituted protracted struggle and ddirect action for a cousy safe office in yellow media land or goolag’s boardroom/ or running WP IT departments, its virtual world chickenshit.

globo=pedo crosses all boundries, its been an equal opportunity tool like since for-eva.
Ask me how I know, The YMCA and me the experience to go to for summer camp 1 year, was a pedo=predator hothouse, not jew in sight.
I got pedo radar. Even the worst zionist got nothin’ on white liberal scum satanic human trafficking pedo=elites in the depravity department. Just visit Wellessly College sometime, take a look around. Make your hair stand up.

What really counts is open source grass roots insurgency by good folks, peoples learning our great classic western institutions really where marched over, that long march been over for a generation at least. Those comintern 60’s red diaper babies spent summers in Castro’s paradise, are long in the tooth, they don’t make em like they used to, they create dumb ass victim stance and virtue signalling automatons, because they destroyed the sources of good solid amerikan radicalism and replaced it with ideological farce indoctrination absent any of the essential though dangerous truths that educate even red diaper babies, they wrecked a key element of conversion to an ideological farce. Whistling past their own graveyard of history.

Takes a generation of good folks to grok it. And a good nudge by a God-Emperor to tip that insurgency over in the direction thats truth and Time Honored Tradition, and healthy anti-fragile nice and frosty cold anger.

globo=pedo institutional order is failing. clown show is Kaput. Happens when a certain plurality decides it is, and it will be, because the whole construct is predicated on and built upon a lie. Or a raft of them.

Trump’s statement about come on down on 1-6-21, about it be wild, is a call to the open source insurgency of dirt people out in the wold of flyover nation, a self regulating leaderless insurgency of good folks. Something cabal has no hooks into or plugged in its insect minions, even if they infiltrate the crowd, they got nothing. Maybe try start shit, something using violence, the plurality is united in cause, can’t touch that, but you can piss it off and turn the had enough dial up on it. Thats cabal’s blind spot, can’t grok folks got the BFYTW in them, Sam Adams worked that like he was a master playing a Stratavarious, so’s TG-E.

You don’t cause the institutional order to collapse by throwing the baby out with the bathwater, this is key to Trump’s doctrine, just take a gander what he caused in the mid east, the Jews don’t look like they got much on the old boy. Nary a human bomb or a rockets been seen.

Got to be something shiny on a hill there for good folks to see, makes no sense destroying what matters about whats really important about the Republic if your saving what matters most, Western Christian culture and its civilization, in spite of cabal insect world order C&C and its precious reset. Fuck them. Kiss my arse.

Two can play that mind fuck game. 5 million outside the swamp capitol building, or 50,000 armed to the fucking teeth shitlords and shitlordettes in Richmond. Effects and message is the same, leave us the fuck alone, we’s telling you, or we rip your fucking insect head off and shit down your insect throat.
Wolverines Bitchez.

Hey, I’m all for using my Rifle and gumption to win liberty, I’m hoping sure as shit get my licks in on cabal insects, its a gestalt thing, cathartic, was born when our BoyScout Troop could camp out right under the Minute Man and the US Army set up commissary cook us up a hardy breakfast and a bag lunch, rides in troop trucks to Hanscom Field to stand on the runway apron so they could run F-4’s at 20 feet with full afterburner flyby’s past us. Thats my America buddy let me tell you.
But I’m practical, it isn’t political rocket science, you choose not to destroy what your trying to preserve, revenge and vengeance for its own sake don’t make you better than cabal, and a shit-ton nicer to pick up the pieces after winning.
Having a nice life is great revenge, having a great country free of infestation of these insects is the best vengeance.
Of course, hanging some of the fuckers is only the proper thing to do. Publicly. Festively. The God-Emperor declares a national holiday. Bring your children, they need to see and know what happens when you are evil and work for tyrants. We all need to have it crystal fucking clear in our hearts and minds, and nobody, no jews or cabal or chinks, the whole lot of them don’t fuck with us.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago


Clown world: my kid goes to a private, nonreligious preschool. They did a #Christmas show. None of the 14 kids in the class are Jewish. But half of the “Christmas” show—of course—had to be a #Jewish dance to a #Jew song that featured lighting a menorah. Because some Jew somewhere could be offended if that was not included.

But it is perfectly fine, of course, to make 14 #Christian toddlers do a Jew dance to a Jew song for their Christian parents to watch, here in our country, where Jews are supposedly 2% of the population, at the preschool Christmas show. I could go on.

At the gym, grocery store, condo lobby, bank lobby, etc., every Christmas tree is decorated with Jewish 666 stars!!!!!!! But at Jew establishments, Jew decorations include nothing re: Christmas. I could go on.

Even the “Christian” part of the preschool show was, of course, only “season’s greetings” (((Christmas))) as approved by the jews. “Jingle Bells”, like all (((approved))) (((Christmas))) songs since 1950, has nothing to do with Jesus. There was no reason, therefore, to make the 14 Christian kids include a Jew dance and lighting of a menorah in the Christmas show. “Jingle bells” and “Santa clause” are non-offensive enough.

Should I go on?

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
4 years ago

Regarding the statement about “no role for the US Army in Martial Law”, according to Robert David Steele, this is not so for the Marines. The USMC is considered the “President’s Own” and they are exempt from Posse Co. The God Emperor can employ the Marines domestically without Martial Law or Insurrection Act, and this has been done, such as “to guard the mails”. It could just be a slight of hand. What I’m seeing is people taking that General’s comments about the Army and assuming it is true across the entire military, which may be what it is intended to do.

I can’t substantiate this, but a contact called me Friday to say that Marines have been called up in the cheating states. My contact saw a video where a mother claimed her son, as a Marine, was ordered to report for duty in Grand Rapids. I haven’t seen or heard anything since. The same contact also said Haspel was in a “black hole” prison in Greenland, singing like a bird. The source for that one is Bishop Larry Gaiter. I’ve also heard Haspel was wounded during the raid on the server farm in Germany, but I’ve heard nothing about what she was doing there as CIA Director, and to the best of my knowledge, she hasn’t been heard from since.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
4 years ago

The National Security Act of 1947 delineates the broad responsibilities for each of the armed services. The final entry under USMC is “…such other duties as the President may direct.” This verbiage is not found under the categories for the Army, Navy, or USAF.,%E2%80%A2Such%20other%20duties%20as%20the%20President%20may%20direct

Also the plain language of the Posse Comitatus Act does not apply to the naval services.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
4 years ago

The current USMC Commandant is kind of a wild card. He has eliminated all Marine tank units and has cut artillery to the bone. He also has some weird Rube Goldberg ideas about how the Marines would be deployed in the event of a conflict in the South China Sea. His main priority seems to be cracking down on Confederate flags and symbols.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  SteveRogers42
4 years ago

And getting women into infantry combat roles. Let’s face it, the guy is a fruitcake.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  SteveRogers42
4 years ago

“… He has eliminated all Marine tank units and has cut artillery to the bone. He also has some weird Rube Goldberg ideas about how the Marines would be deployed in the event of a conflict in the South China Sea…”

This is not crazy. Tanks are dead and have been for a long time.

“…The Stryker Concept reflected the vision of the previous Chief of Staff of the Army, General Shinseki, who argued that the existing force was either too heavy to be deployed quickly…”

The heavy armor guys laughed at the Stryker until General Shinseki fired a kinetic kill missile at a M1 tank which went completely all the way through it and completely destroyed it. I can’t find the link of this off hand but I’m fairly sure it was one of these.

I’m not saying there’s any perfect solution to this but muti-mega ton Abrams are not the answer. In a real war they would nothing but expensive targets that would cost a fortune not only to move but in the loss of supplies that could have been carried to the battle with limited air lift.

If the Marine General is doing what I think he’s doing he will use fast small armored personal carriers, guided missiles and other such advanced weapons that he can move quickly about. The Marines ARE NOT a heavy hunker down and slog it out organization or they are not supposed to be. They are a fast moving force with medium weapons.

Some of you are going to laugh but what we need is a mechanical horse. Think of the power of one horse and what can be done with that. What if you had a mechanical horse build like a big Ostrich. Look at this South African APC.

comment image

The SA learned the hard way to have a highly slanted bottom as they were constantly hitting mines. The above vehicle could run over massive mines and it would blow the axles off and they would put on a new set and take off again. Very effective. It took our Army a long time to do what they could have right away by copying them or licensing their design.

Now imagine an Ostrich type legs on a triangular diamond shaped body with the pointy end of the diamond faced down. Another way of explaining is a square with the point down then cut in half horizontally with the top open. You put roll bars on the top so if it gets thrown in the air it still protects the driver. I would put an extra leg on it in the front so that if it trips, and it will, it could catch it’s fall and roll over. Also would provide a spare leg if you hit mines you could limp back on.

You teach it with a standard $100 processor or neural net to not fall and be able to walk about without tripping most of the time. Steer it with your feet and knees while sitting on a motorcycle type seat.

Think how efficient it would be. One horsepower is the rating of a horse when it is working like plowing a field. It’s only 776 watts. We have right now solar cells with multi-spectral cells combined that have 60% efficiency. So in full sunlight that’s 600 watts. Combine that with a small diesel motor of around 3 HP and lithium batteries you could charge it with the Sun or run the generator. Even better would be a Stirling motor like NASA has built and then you could charge the thing with anything that would burn. Leaves, stick, waste paper. Diesel or kerosene for primary fuel. I have no idea what the power rating needed for a horse just walking around but it’s got to be less than half the 1HP needed to be worked plowing. Let’s call it 400 watts. I expect it’s a lot less because thinking and digestion uses power which would not be needed.

We have lithium cells for automobiles @ $100 per kilowatt hour. So for one pack this size you could have 2.5 hours worth of walking about in the dark. In sunlight you could likely not need any power but the Sun for slow movement at horse trot(about 8-9 mph).

Let’s be generous and figure 30 hours with no solar so we would need 12 packs or $1,200 worth of batteries. That’s damn cheap compared to most military stuff.

Along with a long time walking we could give it a big burst power to run at around 100mph on flat ground. A horse can gallop at about 25 to 30 mph but tires quickly. The machine could do this continuously.

A computer neural net could handle this. Better than a horse because we could give it many wave lengths to see. Visual, infrared, thermal and possibly microwave. Much easier to identify paths without tripping. It would mostly drive itself after you pointed it in the right direction or you could just program where you wanted it to go.

You could put a shit load of these in a plane. A BIG horse weighs about 2,000 lb. and we would be looking at something in this range. A Toyota Tercel weighs 1,609 lb so at 2,000 we’re being generous. You could carry 60 or so of these plus food, fuel and ammo for the weight of one M1 tank.

Put some flotation in these and with duck type feet you could throw it out of a plane and swim to shore.

Add a machine gun, some anti-tank weapons and some grenade launchers on this thing and it would be a terror.

It would be called a Rorsey. Robot Horsey.

4 years ago

For prioritizing blacks and Hispanics, it makes sense to me given that this comes from the Bill Gates camp, whose back story is eugenics. It’s no different than setting up abortion mills in black neighborhoods. Or sending polio vaccines to India that sterilized them.

4 years ago

“Trump appoints the 1776 Commission to promote ‘patriotic education.’”

On that front Razorfist gives a good analysis:

And on the basics of Classical Education which is more about teaching method than content although content containing the classics is very important:

A longer form Podcast for those with some time:

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  info23
4 years ago

Thanks for these, we have an infant we’re planning to homeschool, and am looking for our homework.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  info23
4 years ago

Keep in mind that Cicero was an Oligarchical shit head who was responsible for the collapse of the Republic because of his excessive greed. The Roman Senators owned EVERY THING. They were so wealthy it boggles the mind. I mean Rothschild type wealth and stopped any redistribution at all. Now if you’re a Libertardian then maybe you would think that was s a good idea but the problem is a huge amount of his wealth was because he had a super massive slave force working his lands, mines and properties. I’ll be willing to bet he also tried his best constrict housing so he could charge excessive rents to the captured populists.

So he set up the system where he took away all the jobs and gave them to slaves and when the “actual” citizens of Rome wanted a piece of the pie that came from this attack on other countries and the slave force collected because of this…well fuck you he wanted it all. He also was against Caesars idea to force the rich to hire a certain percentage of Romans for all jobs instead of slaves.

Since Caesars ideas were of course popular as the monopolist were completely destroying the general population the Senators set him up to be arrested even after he was one of the most shit kicking best conquering Generals EVER who brought home untold massive amounts of booty, slaves and riches to Rome. They were going to jail him and impoverish him. So they pushed him into a corner. Well what did they think the end result would be? A kick ass full of himself like Caesar???

They fucked up purely because of greed. Caesar fucked up by pardoning them and trying to get along. He should have cut their heads off.

It’s my understanding that not one of the offspring of the Roman Senate exist.

We have all sorts of explanations why Rome fell but the simplest one that I advocate is that no one gave shit about the average guy so they stopped giving a shit about Rome. When the Vandals came they just got out of their way and let them kill off the rich assholes who refused to allow any part of the State profits to touch their grubby peasant hands.

We see an almost uncanny resemblance in the US today. People often rail against people getting something for free[the average person who has been shit on] but the bankers, the politicians and there buddies have availed themselves of over $40 trillion of cheap loans from the central bank while giving the average person nothing but antifa, shit, job outsourcing and a heart ache.

4 years ago

“Trump appoints the 1776 Commission to promote ‘patriotic education.’”

In contrast the Prussian Model of Schooling which currently the world depends on stifles creativity and manufactures NPCs. It is training people to be slaves.

4 years ago

Classical Education vs. Common Core:

4 years ago

Dollars to donuts the Insurrection Act of 1807 was due to Fabian/British/cabal Loyalists jonesing for the war of 1812, and we had to put a stop to it.
Now its latter day Fabian/cabal loyalists jonesing for another war and we got to put a stop to it.
But instead of the Hudson Bay Trading and other Crown masters of the universe corporate monopoly assets, its faceborg and goolag and the cabal having no British Navy has had to bow so low its using chink-coms human assets as Jannessaries and a mercenary force, it can’t even rely on its US domestic plugged in insect minions. Goes to show they are too long too fat too lazy too used to skimming off the local cream too long holding what it thinks is power, when all it really is is good folks who ain’t turned meaner than a rattle sneke against them and shoot and hang their worthless useless hides, yet.

This thing is gonna all come unraveled, the whole cabal construct, cabal only has the power it gets away with because good folks aren’t got that kind of mean we get when we have had enough of our codes being violated. Thats days comin’ down the pike.

Can you imagine bill gates and bill clinton fighting thru the streets, the obots and muh stay behind resistance when the guy fighting next brains and gore is suddenly a reeking mass covering his face.
If all those plugged in cabal minion insects where worth a damn fight wise be no reason to hire blm and blackbloc and scrape out the bottom of the social latrine for pedo’s and other auto-degenerates to use as force and violence to make good folks afraid and compliant so they can be controlled, and cabal has to hold their hands and provide them with better pay rates and per-diems than the private sector, whats that tell you, or a biowarfare chink lung aids panic-demic, cabal isn’t looking all front of the bus and everything when you get a look see under the hood. Sure they got assets doing hits on folks, thats par for the course for organized crime, that don’t equate to a total overthrow of this here republic via totalitarian techniques no matter what problems we got with it not functioning right.
That cabal bullshit only works on good folks till it doesn’t.
Its like gamma trolls with hurty vaginal discharges, their bullshit only works when they get good folks to play into their look at me i’m so important hate/envy mental retard bullshit. Or the cabals ranks of trained .gov agent provocateurs, crony corporate desk slobs and the intelligentsia 5th column clown trolls working the comment threads spreading doubt discontent and subversion, publishing their 9am journo-list yellow media talking point orders de jour, sure its effective, till it is no longer.
When the jigs up, you pull the curtain back its all revealed as the grift it is that depends on fooling most of the people most of the time. And meat space, there’s millions of us, we actually do constructive things, we are makers, builders, artisans, fast order cooks, mechanics, equipment operators, miners, drillers, welders, single moms running daycare out of their home, guys who sandblast bridges, all of us, we do things, create things, we don’t destroy we create, but we got a switch, we can destroy things too, when needs be, and we are very good at it, because we are the folks who get things done, we ain’t 2 legged fucking leeches.
Trump loves us. The dude is a git er done kind of American. Winning. Best shit on God’s green Earth. They don’t make stupid like stupid that won’t leave folks alone who only thing they ask is just to be left alone. Thats where Ragnarok and Armageddon comes from.
These fucking clowns don’t cut the crap its on and they will loose everything because they all be taking dirt naps. Guarantee it.

4 years ago

> Scientists looking for aliens are very interested in a radio beam ‘from a nearby star.’

Conveniently soon after Arecibo went offline.

I notice that none of the organizations who had oversight over the telescope has anything to say about where the maintenance budget went. Or why their only reaction was “the telescope must be destroyed”, claiming it was “too dangerous to repair”, though it was basically a suspension bridge, and there are companies that do that all the time, sometimes while they’re still carrying traffic. Now, instead of repairing it, they’re talking about paying contractors to come in and destroy every vestige of it, returning the site to the poison ivy and squirrels. Funny the money for *that* was available, but they supposedly couldn’t even pay for inspections before…

Arecibo was the largest radio telescope for over half a century, until the Chinese completed their 500m FAST telescope in 2016. And now the two largest radio telescopes are in China and Russia. The third and fourth largest are in Germany and West Virginia, but they’re less than a third of the size of the Russian one, a fifth the size of the Chinese one.

The Proxima signal was caught by the Parkes telescope in Australia, a tiny thing like an airport radar dish, so there’s no problem with anyone picking up that signal… but we’re now dependent on the Chinese and Russians if something faint is detected.

Hepcattt 3
Hepcattt 3
Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

yeah, but so what?

say the heathen chinee or the rooskies pick up a genuwyne bonafide alien signal from a nearby star. let’s say one a mere 10 LY away. further, let’s say the signal is translatable: “whoever finds this and pings us back wins a shitload of gold and rayguns!” so quickee like a bunnee, the chinese ping em back, and only THEN tell the world of what they’ve done. “Ha ha ha roundeye fuckers! we gon be the boss humans soon as our gold and deathrays arrive!”

and then what?

even assuming the aliens have FTLS tech, which is a mighty big assumption, it’ll be 15 years at least before they get here. in the meantime, once they’ve figured out the chinese weren’t (for once in their sordid contemptible history) lying through their teeth, the rest of the world preemptively gangs up on china and wipes them all out. BEFORE all the goodies arrive. human nature will allow no other choice of action.

all that said, your analysis of the Arecibo story is dead-on. I’m positive any audit would find a truckload of missing money and a boatload of smoking guns. My bet is standard-issue 3rd world corruption over some kind of conspiracy, but whatever the true answer is, it’ll stink on ice. which is why we’ll never get the truth.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Hepcattt 3
4 years ago

The Chinese would nevel tell us about theil layguns befole they alive.

4 years ago

> The State Department has informed Congress that it plans to shutter its last two consulates in Russia

I’m pretty sure that’s not State’s call. Their *job* is to maintain the consulates and embassies; they’re not only diplomatic posts, they’re for the use of American citizens overseas.

No Russians will be inconvenienced if they shut the offices down. Only Americans.

They probably hope to do this during the annual Congressional shutdown, and while DJT might be distracted. Though what they intend to accomplish by it eludes me.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

7th floor types there want to go somewhere they would be more welcome, like tel aviv bathhouses

4 years ago

> California’s Legislature is considering a wealth tax on residents … and even those who move out of state would continue to be subject to the tax for a decade.

Federal law doesn’t allow that. And most of the CA legislature are lawyers; they have to *know* better. Though I note Coumo in New York was blithering something similar a couple of months ago; he knows better too.

Trying to persuade residents to stay? Anyone subject to a “wealth tax” would have an accountant, and the accountant would tell him it’s bullshit.

I’m not sure who they’re trying to intimidate, but it makes them look like even bigger idiots than usual.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

pretend politics to keep dimrat normies on the res / hood / ghetto / shtetl

4 years ago

> Half of US states are prioritizing black and Hispanic residents over whites when giving vaccines.

“But dat be rayciss!”

I dunno, the vaccine might not be a bad idea overall. It’s like an IQ test in a hypodermic. “Would you like to be shot up with a mystery concoction developed by people who have been ruled legally untouchable for any adverse results it might cause, conconcted in haste and without passing normal FDA testing protocols? Yes? Here you go!”

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

It is kinda like a retarded version of Gom Jabbar test by the Benis Gesserit.
If you gib in to the fear of the chinaflu psyop fiasco, you get the jabbar.


I’ve been saying since December 2018 that this is the big IQ test.

4 years ago

> IMF proposes punishing dissidents by lowering their credit score if they go to bad websites.

There are *hundreds* of web tracking companies eager to sell them your web browsing history. “So, what of it, and who cares?” Well, here’s a nice example of why. And remember, some of those datasets go back to the 1990s when tracking cookie support became common in web browsers. Doubleclick went online in 1996; they were one of Google’s first acquisitions later.

Remember Joe and the Ho talking about “Chinese-style social credit score” a while back? Those companies would be tapped to fill in your initial standing in the system, should that somehow come to pass. And whatever your opinion is, a bunch of Federal agencies and extremely large corporate entities are practically slavering for such a thing, so don’t expect anyone to be pushing hard against it when it is seriously proposed.

There have been reports of some car and medical insurance companies doing web searches on new customers before pricing an insurance quote, and adjusting the price upward if they didn’t like the kinds of activity they saw. Usually fervently denied, but on the other hand HR companies offer it as a service…

4 years ago

Re the supposedly now-dead vaccine victim: The ‘records search’ some idiot at /pol/ linked to is a scam. I searched for myself and it spit up a “record” that is definitively me, and was told “your search was successful! death record for My Name is ready. Just pay this fee to unlock it.”

Meanwhile, here is the nurse speaking from beyond the grave about how she’s a human fainting goat. (I had a buddy in high school with the exact same problem.)

Reply to  Reziac
4 years ago


4 years ago

> Struggling restaurant owners city-wide are permanently banning New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo from setting foot into their establishments.

…and some restaurants in DC and Florida not only refused to serve some of DJT’s staff and family members, but urged other patrons to physically attack them.

4 years ago

> Trump encourages ‘wild’ protests in D.C. on the date of Electoral College vote count.

I find that an unusual word choice when calling for a protest or demonstration. The DC mayor and PD have done their best to steer Antifa/BLM and pro-Trump groups together to encourage tension and/or violence. They’ll be pulling out all the stops, if not faking attacks, to try to turn things bloody.

Poking around, it looks like the District of Columbia has its own National Guard, even though it’s not a state. According to they work for the President directly, not the Mayor (that office is roughly the same as “governor” in other territories) According to their web site, they’re the only Guard unit that reports only to the President.

Those occasional news bites about Guard units being activated in and around DC might have some truth in them. Telling what a Guard unit is up to isn’t easy from a distance; they have full and part time guys, and they have training, exercises, and some of them have guys rotating in and out of the Middle East and elsewhere.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

Seems likely undercover NG could be used as “protestors” to draw antifa attention, and once antifa starts acting up, they get rounded up (and antifa also has MI infiltrators, they could assist in the round up operation by guiding antifa members into certain containment areas, or something to that effect). Would make sense IMHO, but I am just speculating.

4 years ago

> Nine people have been killed after an oxygen ventilator exploded at a hospital treating Chinavirus patients in southern Turkey.
An old-style pressurized bottle *might* fail, and it would likely cause a righteous fire, but you’d have to have a big tank with a bunch of people holding hands around it to get many fatalities. Even a small leak and you could get a righteous fire, but not an explosion. And even in old hospitals, the oxygen tanks are outside or in a basement, and oxygen is plumbed to individual rooms at low pressure; it’s one of the ports on the wall panel even in 1950s hospitals.

Even assuming “backward and unmaintained”, that’s a bullshit story. Stupid journalists plus translation, perhaps. Or covering for another bombing. if the mass media said that someone was killed because their bowl of Cheerios blew up in their face, some percentage of readers would just say “huh!” and move on.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
4 years ago
4 years ago

So according to NeonRevolt over on GAB, he thinks that Scavino has been signalling that Bill Clinton’s time is short. Been waiting for justice for him for 25 years, and while I would prefer a perp walk, I have to say that knowing that these are the circumstances he Arkancided under is almost as good. Assuming that’s what Scavino is signalling.