News Briefs – 12/17/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the description. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

 I assume this means there is a Grand Jury into Lisa Page, who Flynn’s lawyers assert in a tweet below modified the sworn 302 of the agents who interviewed Flynn, so as to make it seem as if Flynn said incriminating things to them. I also assume the Grand Jury release, or something tied to this will be released at a time which will match one of the [watch] pictures.

This means Obama was in on it all, just as Q said.

Link to the pictured article here.

Presumably, since he took over after Trump was elected, he was brought in to clean house for Trump to try and salvage the special relationship.

So apparently Barr will be on The Story with Martha McCallum tomorrow at 7PM on the Fox News Channel.



Page edited Flynn’s 302, before Clapper told WaPo to, “Take the killshot” on Flynn:

A quick reminder, the deadline to win a full bitcoin at is tomorrow, the 18th, at 12 noon. Link at the top of the site. All you need is to submit a 250 word essay summarizing Patrick’s articles. If you read them, you will notice a lot of Cabal fuckbaggery, from efforts to use SEC and shorts to drive the price of Overstock down, to pouring money into Wayfair and inflating the price to deny him funding and out-compete him, to even his own employees in the company lying to him and ignoring his orders to sabotage things. I think Patrick wrote all of those articles and the Marina Butina articles to begin to give people an idea of how he was bumping into Cabal all over, but not realizing all of those things were interrelated. I know Patrick knows more than he is saying, because at one point he said in an interview that every time he sees somebody do a mass shooting, he feels responsible, so he knows Cabal is behind those mass murders somehow. And that is a big, hugely difficult pill to come to terms with. From there, the rest is easy by comparison.

Pakistan orders former military dictator Pervez Musharraf to death for treason. Was done in absentia, as he convalesces in a hospital bed in Dubai, stricken with heart and blood pressure issues.

Ukrainian oligarch paid $700,000 to the husband of a House Judiciary Committee democrat.

Former FBI, CIA director William Webster slams AG Barr as “dangerous” over reaction to DOJ watchdog report criticizing FBI’s handling of the Trump surveillance. Interesting bifurcation of a younger Webster below. His consciously projected right side in the middle looks fairly human with a slightly upturned mouth, but his uncontrolled left side has a distinctly dark, unemotional, deadened, machine-like quality to it with a downturned mouth, going even beyond the shadows that coincidentally frame it. M. Scott Peck always said the biggest indicator of evil he saw was “dead” eyes. I would think extremely capable psychopath, looking normal consciously to fit in, from that picture.

Obama: women ‘indisputably’ better leaders and ‘old men’ need to get ‘out of the way.’ Notice how a wide awareness of r/K Theory would facilitate an easy social attack on this which would devastate leftists. Merely point out that as r-selection rises, there is a reversal in sex-specific traits and sexual dimorphism, and that is exactly what Obama is showing us. Suddenly Obama advancing woke-ness spontaneously transforms into prima-facie evidence for the very theory which devastates leftists and sends their amygdala stratospheric. Like high explosives, r/K Theory is a highly adaptable solution to a wide variety of problems.

House lawmakers will continue their impeachment investigations even after the House hands Impeachment off to the Senate.

Twenty former Republican lawmakers, officials and legal experts are urging a federal appeals court to reject President Donald Trump’s claim that his former White House counsel, Don McGahn, can ignore a House subpoena.  The enemy is everywhere.

Crying Chuck Schumer says Hunter Biden would just be a distraction at the Impeachment trial.

Democrats say they have the votes to push through Impeachment. Maybe, but it feels like it was always going to pass, in no small part because that is how it was scripted, and it is necessary for the Plan.

Democrats tell court they need Mueller’s Grand Jury documents to be included in Impeachment. It is possible this is just to get a look at them.

The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. Secretary of State without informing the State Department.

US Federal agents arrested Mexico’s former top security official and charged him with receiving millions of dollars in bribes from the Sinaloa Cartel.

FBI is hitting credit agencies with National Security letters forcing them to turn over vast troves of credit data. Again, it is too much data for people to go through. But if they are feeding it into an AI, this might make sense.

Romney proposes a redistributing universal basic income for children of poor parents.

Mike Bloomberg told a pregnant employee to “Kill it” a lawsuit alleges. When I saw this, I recognized instantly such an aberrant response has within it a very strong, unthinking, emotional component. You do not contemplate logically, turn to the employee, and say “Kill it” unless you are far too fucked up to even function in society. So this had a non-logical, emotional component, very strong, which had within it a desire to destroy something younger which would get copious attention. Within humans, such an urge is almost always borne of a younger sibling who stole a child’s attention, and whom they grew up constantly resenting, and wishing gone. Just knowing that one thing, I would have bet he had a younger sibling. You can never be 100%. It is possible he is that evil a creature, that he would come up with that logically, and be so emotionally autistic he wouldn’t grasp why the advice was not good, but in this case, a quick search revealed he grew up with a younger sister, whom I have no doubt he was immensely jealous of growing up. Combined with likely being beaten up frequently by the bigger stronger kids, (and developing a grudge over it) he is a very, very damaged man.

Breitbart foll0ws Border Patrol through a neighborhood in Rio Bravo Texas that is filled with Los Zetas Cartel members, as the Zetas launch a distraction in one place while trying to perform a complex smuggling operation in another. Good video at the link of what is basically a pacification operation of a US city by US Law enforcement, which is facing an incredibly sophisticated enemy similar to a nation state, in the form of a Cartel made up of former Mexican Special Forces, and obviously high-end intel people who have access to a top notch intel/surveillance network embedded within our borders. Oddly enough Breitbart describes numerous vehicles suddenly driving back and forth by them and Border Patrol, once the smuggling began and pedestrians walking through on foot while Border Patrol operates, apparently  part of a foot/vehicular surveillance network made up of residents in the neighborhoods running real-time physical coverage on Border Patrol for the Zetas so they can better avoid patrols. I hate to say it, but I think that network is everywhere, and it is n0t just for use by the Cartel. It has been running cover for MS-13, probably most organized crime, mass shooters, and I even think a serial killer or two, which may have been Cabal MK Ultra psych experiments or some sort of ritual ceremony shit. When Cabal’s reach shakes out finally, we are all going to be blown away. Notice, 3:28, driver’s window open, and 4:46 driver’s window open (they actually call him out as watching them). I told you in earlier posts, (((They))) are watching the US Marshals in the TV show Manhunter, in one case seemingly running cover over a maraschino cherry bottling-factory which could have been a great Gus-Fring-like tool to ship drugs around, given nobody can smell anything by that factory because of the cherries. After listening in the Marshals vehicle, they seem to get what they were doing, and I think they went into the factory and told them to get rid of the employee the Marshals were after out a back door, so as to not have LEOs poking around the factory and maybe notice something. Here, Border Patrol shows up, and they are watching Border Patrol and Breitbart. They are even watching the google car. And they watch a fucking shitload more than that. It is even more strange, and curiosity provoking,  than it is ominous, and it is highly fucking ominous. I am very close to the point where it would be 50:50 there is a big secret, like this planet is an alien experiment, and they are documenting everything about everyone’s lives, because only some big, paradigm-changing secret could make the pieces fit together in a logical fashion. Really, it is that, or we live in a nation being occupied and pacified by the Cabal, and it is even bigger than I think.

Twelve police officers have been killed in the central Mexican state of Guanajuato in the space of a week. Terrible, because those were all the honest ones who were cut out for civilization, because they lived by the rules, even when I am sure they knew they needed to put together a death squad and kill everyone in the cartel, if they were going to survive. The difference between those who kill and those who hold back is brain structure, and sadly there is always a period between r and K when the brain structures just are not designed for the new reality.

Jews are taking axe-throwing classes after the Jersey City shooting, since they are not allowed to carry guns in New York City.

Ocasio Cortez has the gall to complain that she has too many health care choices to pick from.

One active Detroit voter was born in 1823. Article says active means they voted at some point in the recent past so as to not get flagged as dormant.

Democrat Party chairwoman says to claim that Detroit registers dead people to vote is a “direct attack on people of color.”

Massive power outages in Hawaii. Could be high winds, as they say, but it is also a central data-repository for various intel outfits.

Canada has a secret program that grants visas to war criminals, terrorists, and security threats who would otherwise be rejected.

The eurozone’s economy suffers its worst quarterly performance since 2013 – as experts warn it faces ‘gloomy prospects for the year ahead.’

Leftist government in Finland is chartering flights to bring Islamic State jihadis back to the country.

Large gangs of vibrant youth in Chicago organize impromptu holiday festival on innocent citizens trying to enjoy the holiday season. And this is when it is all good. When that federal debt hits in ten years or so, watch out.

America’s main pro-China Communist party is trying to turn Florida blue in 2020.

America has the world’s highest rate of single-parent households. Also the among the wealthiest of nations with free resource availability, though it is worth noting the effects of Cabal, which has been using sophisticated psychological techniques to drive the population even more r-selected than it would already have been.

Border Patrol in Arizona fired on by a car filled with people that tried to run a border checkpoint.

In Switzerland: Muslim migrants rob and sexually assault a blind woman.

Migrant beats a German local in Germany in this next one. You tend to get angry when you see this, but that is really illogical. Judging by his inability to fight, the German getting his ass kicked is most likely a cucked leftist who would have been preaching the wonders of diversity just one day prior. As far as I am concerned, traitors who support Muslim migrants are not my countrymen, and them getting firsthand lessons in the wonders of diversity are high entertainment. Also German Police have specifically requested people NOT spread this video.

Moar migrants beating cucked leftists please:

$425M allocated for election security in government funding deal.

Rasmussen asked, “How likely is it that senior federal law enforcement officials broke the law in an effort to prevent Donald Trump from winning the presidency?” 52% of likely voters responded that it is likely that senior federal law enforcement officials broke the law  vs. only 39% who think such FBI lawbreaking unlikely.

Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN), chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, confirmed Saturday that he plans to vote against impeaching President Donald Trump.

76 percent of Democrats do not have any one candidate they want to commit to in the Democrat primary.

IBD/TIPP poll shows impeachment is moving voters toward Donald Trump quite strongly over the last month.

Homebuilder confidence unexpectedly jumped higher in December to the highest level in 20 years.

Dow Jones racks up 10,000th point under Trump. Up 50% in three years.

Kudlow says the trade deals will begin to kick in next year and supercharge growth.

Trump hits new approval rating high in Quinnipiac poll amid impeachment.

I saw this next tweet, and wondered, why are all those celebs making the OK symbol? It kind of has the feel of their other symbol displays. Might the OK symbol have actually been an illuminati symbol, like representing the eye of providence or something, like the one covered eye, or the triangle pyramid hands? And might the meme of it being a White Power symbol have been somebody in intel going on 4Chan and fucking with them by taking their symbol from them with meme’ing? A lot of the memes which take, and end up everywhere, might not be entirely organic:

This feels significant, like a signal from Trump that all of these agencies need some sort of reorganization to prevent future corrupt leaders from turning their purpose from simple law enforcement to political espionage and interference:

Spread r/K Theory, because everything comes to an end at some point.

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5 years ago

Jeremy Fleming is much more likely to be Cabal. He was Head of MI5 (before moving to GCHQ) and there are text messages between him and McCabe before and after our referendum in 2016. They weren’t happy with the result. Even more so after Trump won.

When he was Head of MI5, he reported direct to Teresa May when she was Home Secretary, before she became PM after the referendum when David Cameron stepped down.

MI6 the equivalent of the C_A, reports to the Foreign Secretary at the FCO. In 2016 that was Boris Johnson who is now our PM.

The whole scandal goes to the very top of the British Government.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Rossa
5 years ago

And Theresa Mays father covered up (at the very least) for Churchian Paedophiles!

Lost a lot of Pedopaperwork whilst she was Home Sec.

5 years ago

An update on the situation developing in ‘blue’ Virginia. One of the second amendment sanctuary counties has decided to set up an active, lawful militia to protect any Sheriff that is being targeted by the State Govt for refusing to confiscate guns.

Reply to  Rossa
5 years ago

This is the beginning of our coming hot civil war. The Left will push; they will miscalculate; they don’t read reality; then pushback comes. Right there in Virginia, then they can march on DC and take it over.

5 years ago

“credit agencies” Patriots hunting Cabal. No AI needed given that dataset.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Brickbat
5 years ago

Would you please elaborate on what you mean by this?

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

Would you please elaborate on what you mean by this?

If I had the task, I would start looking for people who keep getting “loans” despite having terrible credit tons of defaulted and unrepaid loans in the past.

A common money laundering and bribery scheme is to loan out money that you know won’t be paid back.

5 years ago

“and I even think a serial killer or two” At least one that you have never heard of. Likely many.

5 years ago

Democrats say they have the votes to push through Impeachment. Maybe, but it feels like it was always going to pass, in no small part because that is how it was scripted, and it is necessary for the Plan.

You won’t see it, because it is the best political move for the dems and Schumer, but the best move would be for the Senate to defeat the impeachment without a trial 0-100. Unanimous.

No Senate dem is any worse off than another, they are all together, and Schumer can say, “hey, I had a list of witnesses, I had a plan, but when the Damned Republicans decided to not allow witnesses, what could I do? There just wasn’t enough there with what the House sent us.”

It would be a justified “fuck you” from Senate dems to House dems, it would leave the Senate dems in the least damaged position, and it would tell the House to double down and really figure out something instead of just flailing around.

Thankfully, the Dems are now the Stupid Party, so it won’t happen. It will be a party line vote.

5 years ago

Vigilent citizen did a pretty good write up on the eye hand symbol, and has a lot more pics of celebrities making it. I don’t think it is a coincidence that the same exact symbol has been memed into being a “white supremacist” symbol in the last couple of years. That highjacks previous programming to start paying attention to it, and then getting people to start asking why all these celebs are apparently “white supremacists”.

Reply to  Atavisionary
5 years ago

Speaking of the White Supremacism hysteria, this video breaks down why it is a totally made up narrative that serves only to muddy the waters from the real problems the West is facing: – “The Hysteria over Blanco Supreme Party Poopers”

5 years ago

The war on Christmas is like the war on marriage. The conflict we see is mostly a distraction.

Why did the church wait hundreds of years to start celebrating Jesus’ birth in December?

Pride becomes a means by which people can be successfully baited into unnecessary conflict.

Reply to  chronoblip
5 years ago

The same reason it took hundreds of years to form the Council of Nicaea. The Church was largely just trying to stay alive until it had the support of Constantine.

As for why December, don’t believe the neo-pagan lies. Early Christian theology was that Jesus was corporeally conceived on Passover. That’s why His birth was celebrated on Dec 25 (or Jan 6 depending on which Passover year He was conceived, another theological/historical debate.) It has nothing to do with Saturnalia (Dec 17-23) or the equinox (Dec 23). It has everything to do with counting nine months after Passover.

5 years ago

“This feels significant, like a signal from Trump that all of these agencies need some sort of reorganization to prevent future corrupt leaders from turning their purpose from simple law enforcement to political espionage and interference:


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 16, 2019″

“The Justice Department cannot be trusted to investigate itself”

Military tribunals?

5 years ago

Public school is in my opinion a prison for kids. And the damage that is done by it is churning out a lot of damaged people damaging society.

5 years ago

The eye hand symbol was at the UN Climate Cluster you know what.

Hey AC.

I suppose you have noticed the uptick in anti porn articles. Why would this be coming out now?

Reply to  rogerlocke
5 years ago

8chan/8kun can’t block all porn. Cabal wants to shut it down; attacking porn is a means to that end.

5 years ago
5 years ago

There has been widespread speculation concerning the whereabouts of Matt Drudge, as his news aggregate web site continues its historic downward spiral.

Is Drudge still affiliated with the site? Did Drudge sell the site to rabid liberals? These questions persist while traffic on drudge’s site has lost 30 percent of its unique visitors in approximately three months.

But our crack researchers have discovered a different venture Drudge has launched which could help explain his whereabouts, although he literally could be anywhere based on Drudge’s newly discovered venture.

Drudge now owns a travel agency in Florida called Moon Traveler LLC.

Moon Traveler? What?

Florida corporation records show that the address Drudge used for the travel company matches the Miami address he uses for his media company. This is hardly high-level sleuthing, however, it must be noted no one else in the news media found this, so what does that say about the news media these days?

If Drudge was running a lunch truck instead of his news site, that would be newsworthy too. But a travel agency for a guy that many say has vanished? That’s quite insteresting.

More at:

5 years ago
5 years ago

Poland could exit EU over judicial reform clash: top Polish court

5 years ago

Rep. Jeff Van Drew Was ‘Almost Obsessively Anti-Trump’ Before He Considered Joining His Party

He’s either a cabal infiltrator or an exhibitionist who smells the wind changing and wants to get on the new winning side.

5 years ago

Iran’s Rouhani to visit Japan amid heightened tensions with U.S.

5 years ago

US Congress ends Cyprus arms embargo, in blow to Turkey