News Briefs – 12/13/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Somebody has been getting harassed by the surveillance – European MEP Christine Anderson: “ Your decision today will determine whether your children will live in a free and democratic society or if they will be subjected to a surveillancing police state.” Click for the full video. It is filled with the sensation of someone who is simultaneously shocked, outraged, horrified, and pissed off, in that way you get when it first shows up and demands you kneel.

Pennsylvania Democrats are scared of ongoing 2020 forensic election audit in state as the crooked AG is freaking out and suing the udit company to prevent them from getting the data.

Fulton County Commissioner Robb Pitts tells auditors: ‘Stay the hell out of Fulton County.” Because he doesn’t want to embarrass less perfect election boards.

Amazing flashbacks to issues and evidence of election fraud from November 2020 which were all never investigated leaving their questions still unanswered.

The Feral Irishman (who has probably the coolest favicon of all) relates a run-in with the surveillance state. It sounds like Cabal wanted to turn on the mic on the surveillance system at his local establishment. So they sent in an agent to create a pretext for a FISA-type warrant, which was probably written as a bulk warrant to catch everyone in the establishment, plus the requisite two hops from them. Where they screwed up was trying to sell the ruse by showing a picture of the suspect from the surveillance system to one target, which caused word to drift back to the owner who then looked at his system, saw the mic on the surveillance system had been turned on, and turned it back off. I would bet though, they went back in and turned on the mic again, but made sure the next time, the little box was not checked on the screen to show it was on. Assassinations are a meme, in my opinion. If this guy is honestly a rando going around saying he is going to kill a President, chances are he was noted back in middle school as a nut, by fellow students performing collection for their parents, teachers who were in the network, even hall aides in his school. All along the timeline of his life, he was tracked and monitored and he became well known to the local neighborhood collections team and the archivist assigned to his sector that they deliver to, probably in an observation post in his neighborhood with access to the tech monitoring his house, among all the others there. I do not believe Secret Service ever needs to show you a picture and ask if you know who a guy is. I think if they have a picture, and it is important, and Cabal does not want that assassination to happen, and somehow it is not in the facial recognition database, it goes goes out to all the local archivists, and somebody will almost certainly know them. And from there it is just about putting the machine on him. The only assassinations you will see will be Cabal-hits, and I think in those cases, there would be no stopping them if Cabal has the White House and control over Secret Service. But everything today is done in an intelligence fashion, designed to take any rule, and bend it around to allow whatever the machine wants.

Julian Assange has a mini-stroke in October. I listed this yesterday, but forgot to point out, they are beaming presumably microwaves into his head to generate the voices-in-the- head thing. I have no idea what being hit with energy powerful enough to vibrate the tissues hard enough to generate physical sound waves inside the head does, but it is probably not healthful on a long-term basis. I love how they just say a credible person like Assange is suddenly hearing voices and music in his head, and just move on, though. Because if that is a real tech available to elite intel, the implications would be so huge, from gangstalkees reporting it having been used on them for decades, to mass shooters reporting hearing it drive their acts. But to this media, it is just uninteresting.

People think they are being tracked by unknown people using airpods. They are a sort of mobile GPS tracker that can be deployed quickly on a target. There is an app which supposedly scans for any specific aipod serial numbers which keep showing up around you, though one trick intel uses, is to offer ways to see if you are under surveillance, as a way to look for people interesting, who surveillance people would want to put under surveillance. I tend to think Cabal would not have to bother with this if you are a real target, although they might drop one on you as a back up. I’ve lost my coverage briefly a few times, so it happens. Once, I might have been able to lose them more if I was willing to divert myself and duck into some little nook somewhere to sit them out. But I had to go somewhere, and continued on my path on a highway, and in three or four minutes, a car came screaming up from behind doing like 130-140, and slowed right next to me to look in and verify if it was still me in the car, before calling it in and taking off while the rest of my coverage hustled in. They might drop an airpod on you just in the event something like that happened. But for the most part, your coverage will be physical.

Judge puts Bannon under a gag order, forbidding him from releasing to the public any materials provided to him by prosecutors.

Patrick Byrne gives about a 45 minute talk on his history and the election situation with him. I watched the whole thing, here is a full summary, blockquoted just so I can use paragraphs:

He begins by claiming he was never an asset of anyone, just a hired expert, but later he says it was Peter Strzok “running” him against Maria Butina. Make of that what you will.

So in the early 80’s he was in his 20’s in China as one of the first students allowed in as it opened, he was fluent in Chinese and French, dating a French girl, and out of the blue a big Vietnamese government person approaches him on the street and asks him to deliver a letter to the Embassy, which he did. I’d assume he was ID’d as a spook, which is why he was approached as a secure conduit of information to the US government. I would assume he was CIA then. He claims he was never associated with the CIA – because almost a decade later he was written about in KGB files over something. But he wasn’t in KGB files back then, and CIA is noted for using very young officers for sensitive work because they have no legend, or record with other nation’s agencies. He might know nobody would trust him if he was ever outed as CIA. He later identifies himself as a young “Asian-hand” though, and clearly it seems likely he was being run by somebody. Plus they keep coming back to him with these assignments.

He then has years of cancer he has to battle. I would assume the cancer was produced by surveillance technology deployed on him, probably by the Chinese, but he might also have been exposed cumulatively growing up in the US by our side, given he was on this path due to some family connection, and his father was a business man in DC so prominent a legendary Chairman of the Joint Chiefs knew him. After beating the cancer he ended up at Stanford.

From there he was employed by the government as an emissary, hosted by Vietnam’s foreign ministry, who handled communications between our governments before relations were normalized. There is no way he functions as an unofficial quasi-ambassador in that important a position without being trained to some degree in espionage at some point by somebody. It is how things work in diplomacy. All Ambassadors are spies.

He then tells the story of the Senate Judiciary Committee bringing him in and telling him some sort of corruption has penetrated the US government and they are authorizing him to do anything to out it and giving him a letter to act as a get out of jail free card. He names some of the seven Senators present, Arlen Spector (You will never convince me he was not corrupt) Patrick Leahey (Same, but worse), Orrin Hatch (Same), and others, probably as corrupt. I think if you name a Senator, it is 99% likely he is a corrupt scumbag owned by Cabal, so the idea the Senate Judiciary Committee is somehow a bastion of noble, patriotic purity operating against the scum,  seems unlikely to me.

Again, I don’t have all the intel. But I would have been under full surveillance when that happened, 100%, so the domestic surveillance machine was fully operational, 9/11 had already been pulled off, Cabal was deeply entrenched in our government back to Kennedy and farther, and all of that would make it extremely difficult for even the most highly trained spy to operate. Especially given that for Byrne to have an element of surprise, the Senate Judiciary Committee would have had to not have even one asset on board, reporting back to Cabal. Absent that, his name would be given to Cabal immediately, surveillance would move in to contain him, and I am still not sure how you have any communication outside their purview, let alone do any research, planning, coordination, or preparation to catch them unawares. It is another story that plays well as a movie in “Myth-America” where people are free and have privacy, and there are only small spook teams deployed from DC to a specific area and they miss a lot. It does not play so well when every neighborhood has its own junior STASI spook team wired into the pole surveillance, with cutting edge CIA mobile tech, and unlimited personal-device backdoor access, and is complete with children spies in the schools, watching even other children, and building files on everyone from childhood.

The only way it might make sense, would be if there was some new upstart intel op Cabal was already on top of, and Byrne’s operation was going to be a cover story for how the upstart was purged honestly “by the rules,” in a free America with laws and privacy, and stuff like that. That would protect the American Myth of Cabal-free privacy and freedom, by not using Cabal’s real assets, and thus allowing Cabal to retain its full mechanisms of control in the shadows.

In that case a bunch of Cabal assets in the Senate gave Byrne (probably a Cabal asset, maybe just naive) a letter, and he was going out to operate, with full Cabal-surveillance/intel support, to do all this to the new upstart. He details being sent in to set up Hillary with a bribe, and DOJ embargoing the evidence for use later as blackmail, and adds that he thinks Obama is just an asset of John Brennan, who is the real villian behind all of this. He again goes through the Maria Butina story, and how he was going to fool the FBI, and set them up on a rape and murder charges by telling them he raped her when he did not, as if they had no idea what was going on when Patrick and Maria were together in his house. The idea they did not have at least ears, and probably video-eyes, where a tier one NatSec target was meeting with THE tier-one FBI asset, in the biggest, most important FBI investigation in the country, being done by FBI Counterintel Agents hand-picked by the Director and his lackeys, in conjunction with the DCIA, who were all micromanaging it together from the top, is impossible. And then he tells the story of the FBI threatening him, over him possibly hurting her, as evidence the political FBI Agents Strzok, McCabe, Comey, and Brennan hand picked were the good guys. Either he was getting played by them, or the entire story is fake. I tend to think he is smart enough to know the score, and that anybody handpicked by Strzok and McCabe, to take down President Trump, and probably Don Jr as well, is not going to be a good guy. So something there feels like bullshit, and Byrne should know. He closes out saying Brennan was the head of the corruption operation, and implying everything will lead to him. That said, whatever/whoever Brennan serves, I am pretty sure my mom was under surveillance by this in the US going back decades before Brennan was in high school, And I was under it as a little kid before Brennan joined the CIA, so it predates him.

I still get the impression, knowingly or not, Byrne is just a cover operation, designed to break off a lizard’s tail, and allow the rest of the machine to scoot away under a rock unseen as we all descend on the tail. Sadly for John Brennan, if that is true, it looks like he will be the lizard’s tail, along with his buddies in the FBI leadership, Obama, and maybe Hillary. But we will see. As I have said, if the domestic STASI civilian informant network is not outed, and if everyone does not find out they have files going back to their childhoods, with intel gathered by kids they thought were friends, producing the biggest scandal in the history of the country, then everything you will have seen will have all been bullshit, and the same Cabal that did 9/11 will still be humming along in the background, just much better concealed.

From Enty at CDAN:

January 6 committee releases resolution recommending holding Meadows in contempt of Congress.

Former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro has refused to comply with a subpoena for documents related to the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus, saying the former president ordered him not to, according to his response to a congressional request released on Saturday.

4,000,000 km of secret tunnels and chambers hidden under London were built in secret by the Post Office, British Telecom and the Ministry of Defense. If there is a secret domestic intelligence in the West, it will be hidden with the Post Office as a central element, since the Post Office was how messages which people wished to be private would be sent.

‘Fully weaponized’ software bug poses a threat to Minecraft gamers and apps worldwide including Google, Twitter, Netflix, Spotify, Apple iCloud, Uber and Amazon.

The US government is slapping sanctions on Russian news outlets for “election interference,” which means no American can wrote for them without risking a $300,000 fine for violating sanctions. Again, a sign they are afraid of Russian media, and want to firewall it from the American public.

DOJ says CNN producer who was Cuomo’s best buddy raped a 9-year-old girl while her mother watched, and solicited girls age 9-16 for sex, and ‘virtual training’ sessions. Ask yourself, if you wanted to do this, one, how many mothers are out there who would, of their own motives, deliver their nine year old daughter to you for such an encounter? Two, what are the statistical probabilities you could locate such a mother, and arrange such a session? And three, would you try to seek such a thing out, given the improbability of being able to do it, contrasted with the high degree of probability of the law enforcement apparatus busting you? I think this mother was Cabal, delivering her daughter to this guy to produce blackmail in return for the conspiracy’s favor. He was doing this (and this was probably not his first rodeo), because as a member of the network, he knew this was normal, common within the network, and was a necessary part of his getting promoted, maybe even to studio-head one day. At least I think the later postulation is much more likely than the probabilities of this being as it would seem it would happen normally in Myth-America, where there is no Cabal.

OTF – The “independent” internet freedom organization that makes all your favorite privacy apps – is staffed full of spies. “I’m just a burned spy, here to help you. Now lets do what I say…”

Researchers identified more than 600 cryptocurrency addresses used by white supremacists and far-right extremists including many who have reaped major windfalls. Those are probably Cabal-funded, to gin up racial animus and create a cover for targeting regular pro-American conservatives. The interesting thing will be if you oppose Cabal and its many and sundry intelligence operations against the American people and in support of destroying America on behalf of our enemies, is there some other set of organizations out there, well funded, who will fund you to keep the pressure on. If I ever get it together and get up a donation page, we will find out one way or another.

Deaths reported to VAERS after Covid ‘vaccines’ nears 20,000 as CDC pushes 3rd shot for teens.

Vaccines pose 7 times higher death risk than COVID for young people, Japanese experts warn.

Since Biden’s military vaccination mandate, the rate of Covid deaths in the US military has quadrupled.

Explosive rise in Ontario stillbirths triggers parliamentary questions, and denials from the government.

Brazilian Health Department suffers a ransomware attack that wipes out the vaccination status of millions of Brazilians.

CVS Health is partnering with Microsoft to develop a “data-driven, personalized, privacy-compliant customer experience,” which sounds a whole lot like Bill Gates getting free access to patients’ vaccine records.

South Africa’s Omicron outbreak is already slowing with no deaths, low numbers in hospital and only 15% in intensive care.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s new book, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” includes a revealing transcript — printed here at this link — of a conversation with Dr. Andrew Hill, who admitted to caving to pressure to downplay the benefits of ivermectin as a COVID treatment.

Documents released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reveal that drugmaker Pfizer recorded nearly 160,000 adverse reactions to its Covid-19 vaccine in the initial months of its rollout.

French riot police beat anti-vaccine mandate protesters in Paris as demonstrations spiraled out of control.

A pharmacist says Monoclonal antibody treatments are being done with house calls, right to the homes of China-virus infected patients.

Moderna stock crashes after poor Flu vaccine results in trial.

Another famous last tweet from twitter, compares the flat death rate of unvaxxed seniors over 60 (blue) with the spiking death rate of vaxxed seniors over 60:


Missing in America – inside the disappearances of Summer Wells, Oakley Carlson, and Michael Vaughan as kids continue to vanish across US. What will shock the fuck out of people is how many of these kids were abducted under the watchful eye of the watchers, but nobody said anything, or tried to help. And it may be even worse than that – the watchers may have spotted the targets, passed them up to command, and run over-watch when they were grabbed.

Fat Chris Christie (R) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol “was driven from the top” by former President Donald Trump as a coup, and it is proved by Mark Meadow’s powerpoint.

California governor Gavin Newsom has called for a new California law that will effectively bar the manufacture and sale of assault rifles in the state. He is claiming if Texas can violate the Fourth Amendment, then that gives him the right to violate the Second, which obviously will not fly with the Court now. Though the truth is, we have no idea what might happen in the next year. If every conservative Supreme Court Justice were assassinated, Biden would appoint all of the replacements. And that is the type of time we are living through. This is not the America you thought you grew up in.

Man smashes glass case at Chicago Lamborghini showroom, runs out with $1 million in watches.

With 1.7 million illegal border crossings this past fiscal year – Where did these people go and who paid for it?

District Judge Bryan Biedscheid on Friday granted a request by the Occupational Health and Safety Bureau of the state Environment Department to issue a subpoena to Dave Halls, assistant director for the movie “Rust,” local news outlets reported. after he declined to be interviewed.

EU members agree to import nearly 40,000 Afghan migrants, over half to Germany.

An Israeli parliamentary committee has voted to stop providing personal security details to former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife and adult sons.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said the collapse of the Soviet Union spelled the end of “historical Russia,” revealing he drove a taxi to make ends meet following the U.S.S.R.’s fall. Taxi driver?

The AFP is warning that online child sex offenders are enticing young teenagers with cash and food vouchers to provide naked or sexually-suggestive images. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is Cabal’s blackmail operation, and assets get rewarded the more blackmail they accumulate on others. At the very least they are piggybacking this to get blackmail which will go in these kid’s files.

Wikipedia threatens to purge the ‘Communist Mass Killings’ page, citing anti-communist bias.

Vittorio Messori confirms Benedict XVI has been placed incommunicado by the Vatican.

China’s Central Bank declares Evergrande officially enters the bankruptcy liquidation process.

China vows to attack US troops who come to Taiwan’s aid.

String of earthquakes in Japan raises fears ‘the Big One’ is about to hit.

A cancer treatment actually interacts with Rhodopsin in the eye to give people better night vision by picking up IR.

City of Chicago confirms it will sue Jussie Smollett for the wasted $130k police investigation into his fake hate attack as the Nigerian brothers he accused also plan a lawsuit.

Over 300 arrested on Gulf Coast, including 92 alleged gang members.

MSNBC and The Atlantic claim there are ‘30 million people’ ready to take up arms for Trump.

Pennsylvania Republicans come under attack for their new redistricting plan. From the article: “It’s a near impossible task — cutting Pennsylvania’s 18 congressional districts down to 17, while keeping counties intact, communities of interest together, respecting minority rights and not giving one party an advantage over the other.”

Chris Wallace just suddenly announces he is leaving Fox News. There is a rumor he is jumping to CNN.

Biden has decided to blame his bad polling numbers on QAnon.

Politicians hanged in effigy at protest at B.C. legislature reflect disturbing trend according to an expert.

Hillary Clinton says Americans won’t ‘recognize our country’ if Trump wins in 2024.

Eric Trump: “Help is on the way and I promise we will never ever let you down. My father will never let you down. We will never let you down. Let’s go take this country back.”

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.

Endorsement of Congressman Michael Burgess


Dr. Michael Burgess is a tremendous Congressman for the Great State of Texas. A steadfast supporter of our America First policies, he fights for American Energy Independence, Transparency in Healthcare, and Border Security. He is strong on Law Enforcement, the Military and our Great Vets, and he will always protect and defend the Second Amendment. Michael has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Endorsement of Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne

Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne is doing a terrific job for the incredible people of North Texas! She is working hard to secure our Border, support our Military and Vets, grow our Economy, protect our Rights and Liberties, and defend our Second Amendment. Beth, a former appointee in my Administration, is a fierce fighter for Conservative Values. She has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Endorsement of Congressman Michael Cloud

Congressman Michael Cloud is doing a phenomenal job serving the incredible people of Texas. He fights hard to support our Farmers and Vets, secure our Border, defend our Second Amendment, and hold Joe Biden and the Radical Left accountable. Michael is a strong supporter of our America First agenda, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Mitch McConnell, the Broken Old Crow, has just conceded, for absolutely nothing and for no reason, the powerful Debt Ceiling negotiating block, which was the Republicans’ first-class ticket for victory over the Democrats. He was afraid to play that card even though, without question, they would have completely FOLDED on the Build Back Worse Bill, which will destroy the fabric of our Country and virtually anything else that the Republicans wanted. It should have been used on the Unfrastructure Deal also. Proudly, House Republicans voted 100% like true patriots (Kinzinger, in my mind, is not a Republican!). The Old Crow also allowed a breaking up of the filibuster, which allows the Democrats now to establish precedent for changing the number of Justices on the Supreme Court and, perhaps most importantly of all, a so-called Voting Rights Bill, which will make it almost impossible for Republicans to get elected in the future. He lost two seats in Georgia, didn’t fight for the presidency, and now gave away our most powerful negotiating tool—the Debt Ceiling. Other than fundraising, where he buys senatorial support, the Broken Old Crow is a loser, and very bad for the Republican Party!

Endorsement of Congressman Roger Williams

Congressman Roger Williams is doing an incredible job for the Great State of Texas. He fights to support Small Business, grow our Economy, defend our Border, and protect our Second Amendment. He will always put America First. Roger has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

We had a great time in Sunrise, FL yesterday. Very exciting, informative, and fun. We will be back in the area for a major rally in the not too distant future. See you then!

Watch here.

Invite other people to because you never trust a spy, burned or not.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Researchers identified more than 600 cryptocurrency addresses used by white supremacists and far-right extremists including many who have reaped major windfalls. ”

Hope they moved their money. Also, supremacism ≠ nationalism. The only true supremacist groups I know of are black israelists, talmudists, nation of islam and wahabists.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Southern Poverty Law Center keeps their list of “white supremacists” on their web site. The FBI uses their list, as does Amazon.

Last time I looked at it, most of the groups I recognized by name weren’t any type of “supremacist”, and most had been defunct for decades.

I was sort of disappointed my name wasn’t on it. You haven’t really arrived until you’ve been denounced by the SPLC!

BTW, the SPLC is worth a *tremendous* amount of money, from large donations by Democrats. It’s all off-shore in the Cayman Islands.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

The ADL was given de facto veto power over Fed Gov hires after WWII. Especially State and Intel. There were Congressional Hearings about it.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Since Biden’s military vaccination mandate, the rate of Covid deaths in the US military has quadrupled.”

By next year the Air Force will be mostly grounded.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Hillary Clinton says Americans won’t ‘recognize our country’ if Trump wins in 2024.”

Funny that, I don’t recognize it now. It’s black, vaxxed, trannie, woke globo land.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Gavin Newsom … will effectively bar the manufacture and sale of assault rifles … This is not the America you thought you grew up in.”

The America we knew is gone, so it’s wrong to call this current thing America. There are just a few rump states like Texas, Oklahoma and Florida remaining.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

And Arkansas. Where we’re all toothless hillbillies, and people play banjos in the woods. The whole state is like one of those “Mister Tibbs” movies, except with more rednecks.

Best not to visit Arkansas. In fact, driving through on I-40 is risky; make sure you fuel up in Sallisaw or Memphis so you don’t have to stop.

“Brought to you by the Arkansas Department of Tourist Disservice. Don’t let the sun set on your Commie ass; we don’t want your heathen attitudes here.”

Ann K.
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

As someone who moved away from Conway in 1984 and went back for a visit recently, I agree 100%! I felt like George Bailey in Pottersville.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“MSNBC and The Atlantic claim there are ‘30 million people’ ready to take up arms for Trump”

That’s probably pretty accurate for people supporting Trump although you can triple that number for the amount of armed people that are ready to take out the vax tyrants.

I’ve been out more than usual recently (purple area) and I can say that many NPCs are getting fed up with this shit. You can feel their anger. They know they’ve been conned so in many cases they’re more pissed at the machine than Purebloods.

They are having none of it in regards to the mandates and vax passes. Probably because they’re saying no to the boosters so they’ll be considered unvaxxed in short order.

Even they know where all this leads and they’re ready to stop it by any means necessary. And if they don’t know I’m informing them like a good dissident should. Welcome aboard brothers.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

I agree with this. A supermajority of gun owners and moderate/right to conservative are seething, myself and my family included.

Millions will take up arms over the vax dystopia and any more mandates. To all of the mid level managerial elites who facilitate cabal’s charade… Fauci and Gates won’t run to your rescue. There will be a reckoning. Look at Baldwin and Cuomo and Epstein. Dancing with the devil eventually ends up with you losing or dying, or both.

I live in New York, and even here working class people are exhausted and fed up. You can feel it, particularly after that robot bitch Hochul claimed she was fabricating some more emergency powers. The only reason Hochul and Newsome in Cali are terrorizing their own populations is because the cabal running their state political machines have told them pushing yet more vaxxes is the ticket to future political power. All lies and bullshit all the way down the line.

The same cabal that tossed the Cuomo brothers under the bus in a heartbeat will dust Hochul and Newsome so fast it will make their heads spin.

The Covid Op is quickly losing steam here in the states, and outside of the media classes of NYC and LA/SAN FRAN, nobody gives a shit anymore. You can only keep people trapped in a state of media driven high anxiety for so long before they burn out and tune out.

Thankfully, multiple rural counties in upstate New York have openly stated they will not comply with any new mandates. The faux-governess has no leg to stand on. All bluffing and bluster.

Europe and Australia will continue to torture their populations and enact increasingly bizarre totalitarian dramas that make them lose legitimacy in the eyes of the world.

Seriously, how pathetic that all of these so called leaders dance to the tune of a handful of effete aristocratic snobs and their authoritarian dreams.

No joy, no testosterone, no real creativity. Just robotic, algorithm generated blandness. Weaponized soy.

Sane people are waiting in the shadows… and losing our patience.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

“Weaponized soy”! That’s fuckin’ hilarious.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

There will be a window of opportunity before the Boston Dynamics autonomous land combat drones come online.

3 years ago
3 years ago

But for the most part, your coverage will be physical.

I think that they avoid putting any tech on your person or property as much as possible. You can tell people about someone acting weird around you all day, and its just a crazy guy talking. As soon as that crazy guy comes up with a bug, with a camera, with a GPS tracker? Now he’s not crazy anymore and people start listening.

That’s why the LPs, why the rush for tech to see through walls, for the pole mics — all of that isn’t on your property. It’s deniable.

3 years ago

Especially good rundown today AC. Thanks. Sure feels like a local maximum of intensity. Feels like Cabal is going 100% on acting to re-assure their operatives that Cabal still has power and saying eff the normies. Byrne is such a glowie it is comical.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

And what does that tell us about Buffett?

3 years ago

Judge puts Bannon under a gag order, forbidding him from releasing to the public any materials provided to him by prosecutors.

It’s fake news. This is a standard protective order.

This is an order that lets the the state designate things as confidential because they have personal identifying information in them. Social security numbers, bank account numbers, things like that. It’s a standard motion that is files and ordered in virtually every single case. It’s not a gag order. It’s a “don’t dox people” order.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Yup. The question is why reporters are writing this shit WITHOUT that knowledge.

3 years ago

Regarding Bannon, the Trump lawsuits, etc — if you can find the citation, you can use to get filing alerts (I use the RSS feeds.)

That’s the feed for Bannon’s case.

3 years ago

So this is the 14th part of this guys series on post-election Trump strategy. He’s the most prominent (behind Wictor maybe) proponent of Devolution. This is wild. He has to be aping MMC or MMC has wormed its way into the MAGA hivemind. It’s not Phoenicians though, it is PRUSSIANS. Hahahahh. It’s hard to get much closer to naming them than this piece though. Alfalfa Club is new to me. We are def in a local max intensity time.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

I was also amused by the Prussian aspect. The Alfalfa Club was also new to me, and I’ve been well acquainted with conspiracy research for 30 years.

I guess you learn something new every day. I encourage AC to look over the Alfalfa Club document Patel Patriot link to. It is clearly an older comms format. Read between the lines.

The devolution theory has a lot going for it, and most of it adds up, but he steers clear of the Covid aspect, which casts a big shadow over everything.

The “Prussians” being behind everything really gave me a laugh. I didn’t know the Rothschilds and Rockefellers were Prussian, but according to this theory, both those houses work for the Prussians.


Maybe it’s even true. Who knows anymore.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Does Patel patriot realize his ass needs to go back to india?

3 years ago

Always figured crypto was set up as a honey trap from the inception. The fact that Satoshi has never been identified just fits too perfectly with the Occult Societies and the meme that their founders were anonymous or the authors of the seminal works were anonymous. Rozenkreuz etc etc

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

This has been my assumption all along and I couldn’t figure out how otherwise intelligent people couldn’t see crypto as an obvious trap from the get go.

In theory crypto sounds great, but how anyone could think the highest levels of the financial pyramid don’t already have crypto covered is beyond me.

Maybe I’m missing something.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

Yeah. It was intentionally seeded to computer privacy honks and I can’t believe NSA wasn’t deep into that milieu. So even Satoshi wasn’t a spook comittee, if I were a sig NSA figure and this came across my desk I would spend every single man hour I could on co-opting it. Easy call. And if they didn’t start it they knew about it almost instantly.

Ridiculous to think the powers that be would just be like “You got us nerds. You plumb outsmarted us. Nothing we can do. Congrats.”

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

It came out in the recent court case that Craig Wright (the real Satoshi Nakamoto) was the son of an NSA man. Craig appears to be a white hat. Lawful good. Reminds me a lot of Texas Arcane. Someone got their hands on a trail of evidence that shows how Satoshi was forced out of bitcoin and it was taken over by a chain of control that leads back to…. Jeffrey Eppstein. Hence all the fuss over the MIT Media Lab, that was one of the links in the chain. Much more of this if you listen to the Kurt Wuckert Jr. podcast.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

Dad and I were just talking about the VERY LOW price for both gold and silver. The reason is crypto. The banks are buying the metals and the land. We’re all buying the cryptos, allowing them to keep the prices artificially low.

Looking into it, was thinking about mining Monero, but BUYING silver. I should have spent $2K and put together a six gpu Ethereum mining rig back in 2018, back when that was still affordable. Near as I can tell, the only way to make money with crypto is to mine it when it’s worthless and sit on it for five years until it’s worth something. You never want to buy crypto, only mine and sell.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I agree. My gut always told me the correct hedge was between gold/silver/PMs and crypto.

But I could never get myself behind cryptos until I found a real company generating true consumer value that could actually be financially valued. Fundamentals are called fundamentals for a reason. They’re fundamental.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Yeah I think Eich may be real too.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I want to caveat with the above that I believe crypto in general has a great deal of merit and I believe that (given no global EMP event or apocalypse) Web 3.0 has great potential for the Good/Beautiful/True. My reply to Lowell was just about fundamental valuation and hedging.

I don’t know if BTC was begun as a honey trap because it was never meant to be truly private or privacy-promoting. It wasn’t about privacy at all. But the paradigm shift that it started, from uncovering just how inefficient non-crypto transaction fees are to showing people just how many middle-men/power-brokers are skimming from the top, is a lot like how Q and Trump woke tons of us up to the reality of what’s going on. Just more focused on the corporate rather than the political.

In the big picture, I don’t know yet how to reconcile crypto vs. conventional currencies when accounting for: the obvious merit cryptos have in eliminating bureaucratic waste through smart-contracts, the obvious cybersurveillance panopticon nature of crypto, and other factors I can’t come up with right now.

What I do think is that crypto has a potential for good as evil. There’s so much good to be done with this tech! For instsnace, the smart contract is truly revolutionary, and can help create bastions of safety from banks and lawyers. Also, there are plenty of guys on our side involved in these crypto projects. From what I understand, one of the beauties of crypto is that the most respected projects are open source, but without the weakness of traditional open-source governance of Web 2.0. So all you need are a couple of autists to run audits on the code to see what’s behind the veil. Granted, you could make the argument that the current system can also be audited as well.

In the end, I believe we should be watching closely and support the projects our guys are building, because if the whole world doesn’t go EMP/Apocalypse, crypto and Web 3.0 are here to stay. And these paradigms are quickly becoming the next major battlefront in the spiritual war of Good vs. Evil.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

The news is very distressing. The worst of it is the children. I think whenever I hear about all these children it really effects me. Very depressing. I think with all the stuff we track the fed not tracking all these missing children so that there is a solid number we could look at is on purpose. Think of all the stuff they track yet they refuse to track these children.

That CNN producer, it’s just unfathomable that he could be randomly trying to find women to let him rape their children. I find the odds of that close to impossible. There is some sort of organized faction behind this. There’s a lot of people that have to know about this. Ive seen numbers as high as 100,000, if I remember correctly, children missing a year. Could be way high and the real number lower, the point being we have no idea. I bet there are a large number of people who would fill us in on the details if they could be protected and they really thought that the ones involved would be prosecuted.

All rock stars are not evil. Two said they would look into child abuse in Hollywood and, they were killed. Chester Bennington of Linkin Park and Chris Cornell of Audioslave.

Marielle Radclaw
Marielle Radclaw
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I’m a (fairly) new mother with two daughters and two more planned. I have no clue how to keep them safe without being some overbearing helicopter parent who goes with them everywhere until they are 18 and armed. My family has a history in CAGOP politics where they tried to fight the corruption and surrender when I was a kid. I’m sure I’m on a list somewhere.

We’ve got to split away or something. We need a proper homeland free of these filthy monsters. Our whole race is doomed unless we can get free of their influence.

It’s why I hammer the Conservative, Inc. types. They have the platforms to ring the alarm bells on things like this, but they’re all traitors and ticket takers. All last week was stories about that man-in-a-dress breaking women’s swimming records, and all the good conservatives online could do was (bleep) on the girls, saying they “deserved it” because they voted for it (ignoring the fact some are barely old enough to vote), or ridicule them for not “standing up to” a global industrial propaganda complex that would ruin their lives and leave them open to attack.

It’s maddening. Snarking, selfish old farts belittling the victims of the corrupt machine the farts helped bring about, all the while prancing about like show ponies as if they hold some sort of moral authority. It’s Hunger Games level of hubris, and then they wonder why younger generations utterly despise them.

Reply to  Marielle Radclaw
3 years ago

Blame the men. Of course. That’s why we no longer pay attention to the lamentations of women.
Back in the kitchen you go! And the sooner the better.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Marielle Radclaw
3 years ago

Marielle Radclaw says,”I’m a (fairly) new mother with two daughters and two more planned. I have no clue how to keep them safe without being some overbearing helicopter parent…”

I feel for you. When I was a kid I used to be dropped of at elementary school then walk home after like twelve blocks or more in Atlanta. No way in hell would Iet kids do that now. We used to in a smaller town go all over. I never felt unsafe but it’s become worse and worse.

“…man-in-a-dress breaking women’s swimming records, and all the good conservatives online could do was (bleep) on the girls, saying they “deserved it” because they voted for it…”

This is true. You may not like this comment but it’s true. Women have voted this stuff in. That the actual girls can’t vote makes no difference. Women are responsible for this. That minority votes are overriding White votes is their fault also. Eventually Whites will be a minority and Women will complain but it will be too late. Especially white women. Look at this chart. It can not be any plainer.

comment image

“…Snarking, selfish old farts belittling the victims of the corrupt machine the farts helped bring about, …”

The only problem with this is Women voted these people in yet who do you blame??? Men have no control over this so blaming them is pointless. I have problems with constantly attacking Men for all the problems we have.

Men today are supposed to have all the responsibility but no authority and Women all the authority but with no responsibility. This can’t work. Your complaints about Men are really not going to fly because the present structure leaves no ability for men to change anything short of violent revolution and that…you do not want. Not at all.

If Women want Men to take more responsibility they will have to give up some of theirs otherwise Men will never fall for this raw deal. I don’t see this happening because Women have the best of both worlds now. Why should they give it up? So things will just get worse until Women decide what we have now is not working for them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Marielle Radclaw
3 years ago

I think I forgot the graph so here it is.

comment image

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Marielle Radclaw
3 years ago

Here’s two more in case I haven’t made it clear enough.

comment image?w=1150

comment image?w=1150

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

@Sam J

The biggest secret in Hollywood is the amount of parents who actively pimp out their children. Puzo alludedto this in the Godfather. Check out the photos of Brooke Shields aged 10, naked, wearing a black choker, and all oiled up. The photos were taken by her mother.

The evil that exists in Hollywood is very very dark.

3 years ago

Crypto is a long term automation project. Makes financial transaction just another web app. Now they are creating the equivalent of collector coins. But you are not wrong that it isn’t anonymous.

Alexa Open Your Third Eye
Alexa Open Your Third Eye
Reply to  Huggy
3 years ago

not sure how … have read that standard ‘dollars & cents’ transactions are processed at rates of 10,000+ per second, and it takes more than a minute to process just 1 crypto xaction.

meaning the banksters would have to hire roughly the population of India to do processing on any kind of large scale. central banks aren’t gonna sign up for anything like that.

Nobody Special
Nobody Special
3 years ago

Watched a video of an Australian politician scolding people for not checking in when visiting stores. Said check in is necessary so authorities can do effective contract tracing in case you bump up against an infected person. So basically this level of surveillance of people’s movements is only for their own good — to maintain gain population health and all (so they claim.)

It occurred to me that maybe this means that disclosure of massive surveillance is near? And cabal is prepping g to be able to claim that (1) the surveillance only started recently due to the China flu and (2) its for your own good?

Reply to  Nobody Special
3 years ago

Victoria, Australia. A close relative of mine had a ‘flight risk’ order on him because his/her jerk government psych wouldn’t talk, just wanted to medicate.He/she made a call, out in the forest, all location/tracking shit turned off. Cops arrived in three minutes. Never officially revealed, but it’s crept into news reports that cellphone tracking is busting people. Yeah, we already knew. The gradual reveal in the news, it’s conditioning the general populace. We’ve had ‘speed advisory’ detectors/displays here for a while. I told a friend that’s not what they are, that they’re to get us used to being monitored. What do you know?, they’ve been replaced with cameras. Now if you travel 200km from A-B in less than expected time it’s a speeding fine.

3 years ago

I think everything is going to work out relatively well because it has been scripted. I think the plan is to go to something larger which requires wolf society instead of rabbit society. Devolution would fit in well with that. I’m thinking millions of people will be convicted of crimes and placed on home confinement.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Huggy
3 years ago

Is the scriptwriter Christopher Nolan?

3 years ago

God in Heaven is this really Herschel Walker’s son?

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

What? You don’t think Herschel Walker can produce a tight end?

3 years ago

> 4,000,000 km of secret tunnels and chambers hidden under London
Same objection as last time; the distance from the Earth to the Moon is only 384,400 km. If this isn’t the same article you posted a while back, then they’re carrying the ridiculous number forward.

I expect 40 km would be closer to the real number. I’d be astonished at 400 km. And I refuse to believe 4000 km without extraordinary evidence.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

I think the okey doke that is going on there is that when you hear “tunnels” you think about the ones in the article, that are big, open tunnels designed for humans to transit. I suspect strongly that the number includes stuff like pneumatic tubes, fiber optic tunnels, conduit placed for secure phone systems, etc. Once you add that in (considering that they might have 20 of those next to each other in more places than not) then it’s not hard to get to 4MM.

Dr. Cocolotopus, the famous Greek gynecologist
Dr. Cocolotopus, the famous Greek gynecologist
Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

Even considering all that FOUR BILLION KILOMETERS of tunnels is just absolute bullshit.


I agree.

We are talking about 4 million km. About 2.5 million miles.

America has 41 million miles of fiber optics (probably more, goes up every day.) 2.5 in Britain wouldn’t be astonishing.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

4,000,000 km sounds like London should be a giant sinkhole unless these things go down into the mantle.

3 years ago

> Again, a sign they are afraid of Russian media, and want to firewall it from the American public.

The Russian media aren’t friendly toward the USA, but the American media are our avowed enemies.

Funny, that.

3 years ago

>Vaccines pose 7 times higher death risk than COVID for young people, Japanese experts warn.

“St. Fauci protect us from gook heresy! We have received our Truth, we don’t need any pernicious foreign ‘facts’.”

3 years ago

The Dr Oz with abrhamovich tweet has replies showing the picture was at an “American Turkish Society” event despite her not being Turkish which was odd, but got me thinking back to the Turkish bathouse pizzagate clip

3 years ago
Johannes Q
3 years ago

Regarding Putin driving taxis, taxi drivers are one of the information nodes in every city, town, village; they see everything, they share info with each other (work gossip), they drive around at night, they chat with their passengers, they listen to their passengers talking on the phone, and as noted in the film Collateral and an episode of the Benedict Cumberbatch Sherlock Holmes, they’re almost invisible, perfect cover for an ex-KGB officer trying to figure out the lie of the land. Taxi drivers and prostitutes are both access points to certain types of information.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: Biden has decided to blame his bad polling numbers on QAnon.

….Very well. Your terms are acceptable.

3 years ago

This could explain a lot of what Cabal is doing. And if true, why we will win. I believe we are very near 10% unshakeable opposition to Cabal.

We show how the prevailing majority opinion in a population can be rapidly reversed by a small fraction p of randomly distributed committed agents who consistently proselytize the opposing opinion and are immune to influence. Specifically, we show that when the committed fraction grows beyond a critical value psubc≈10%, there is a dramatic decrease in the time Tsubc taken for the entire population to adopt the committed opinion.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Nice find.

Sci-Hub link for those curious to read it:

3 years ago

>If there is a secret domestic intelligence in the West, it will be hidden with the Post Office as a central element
Post Service Act 1792 — from its inception? After Lysander Spooner’s Constitution of No Authority, the convention only were charged with ammendment of the Articles of Confederation, not wholesale replacement– only possible with conveniently tardy letters to the strongest objectors having to travel the farthest to arrive on time . . .

With all the hives under places like SF, LA, Washington DC, hopefull all that ‘underground warfare’ training funding will be put to good use.

>French Riot police go ape
Their gear is clunky and restrictive, by weight and visibility in particular. If they have to smell fetid dairy products through their masks to the point of retching, their endurance will be radically limited. Same for the visors — frogs shouldn’t lack for oily mayonnaise to smear over them. Distractions high and actions low – like snaking tape/rope through the legs to clump and offbalance them – for being the ones leaning on the escalation of violence, they are the vulnerable ones by sheer lack of numbers in mass as the article showed.

>China vows to attack US troops who come to Taiwan’s aid
They were just whinging about US SOF advisors training with the Taiwanese, oblique brinksmanship rhetoric over the ‘tripwire’ troop deployments. If they could take Taiwan, it’s a bad precedent for Japan . . . and if WW3 is getting kicked off over Formosa, may as well just throw resources at the Home Islands instead before they properly re-arm. Wasted their first dedicated amphibous force in the jungles of Vietnam, why loose that arrow on a possession that you believe can be coopted for free with time? Domestic semi-conductor initiatives in China have been an embarressment, but surely not worth the gamble to seize them on the island?

>has to be aping MMC or MMC has wormed its way into the MAGA hivemind. It’s not Phoenicians though, it is PRUSSIANS. Hahahahh.
Same old shuck and jive, a la Curtis Yarvin doing the same act, “No bro, it’s the GERMAN speaking ones! Not the Polish ones! I REALLY don’t want to make an aliyah to the perma-warzone hellhole holy land, so please trust my liberal-yet-based non-remedies.” [Meanwhile in the Levant most of the Prime Ministers…]

In fairness there are Templar threads in the banking schema out of Venice and Genoa, still amusing to see the gymnastics from Boomercons and outer temple types alike.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago


A former British soldier said if you mix black gloss paint (it must be gloss) with oily substances and put the mix in balloons then throw this at the police it seriously diminishes visibility if it hits their shield, visors etc, also windshields and cameras.

This tactic was used by the IRA.

Reply to  English Tom
3 years ago

Grab the shield on both sides and wrench/rotate it clockwise. You’ll get a takedown and ruin their rotator cuff.

And once you’re in that close, overhand baton strikes will be minimally effective.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Great points.

“If they could take Taiwan, it’s a bad precedent for Japan . . . and if WW3 is getting kicked off over Formosa, may as well just throw resources at the Home Islands instead before they properly re-arm.”

This just made me realize: No one talks about how India would respond to China’s moves. I don’t know much about this or global military strategy, but the GFP ranks India as #4 globally:

Any reason why everyone’s ignoring India? Doesn’t India also have skin in the global game?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

“…No one talks about how India would respond to China’s moves….”

I bet the Chinese sure think about it. But your right not a lot of thought about India in this context.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

The old prophets already described India. When WWIII breaks out, India will seek to invade South Africa, but the USA will prevent it. Then China will seek to do the same, but India will be sharing American military intelligence with them, and China will turn back. When WWIII hits, India puts aside its conflict with China to fight the white man, if it hadn’t before. Indian and Chinese influence on the African continent is finally eliminated. Currently India has infiltrated and compromised all of Americas computer systems, so this scenario, described 100 years ago, becomes more plausible day by day. The two prophets are Alois Irlmaier (died 1957), and Nicholas van Rensburg (died 1923).

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Now three shots???

I’m not seeing them able to maintain this. People are already dying in large numbers and those are the ones with the shots not the ones not taking shots. Of those people who took the shots some will be oblivious and refuse to ever admit any wrong think but the majority will be pissed that they tool these shots under pressure and now a lot of them are dying. There’s a limit and I think we are reaching it. I bet when they call for a forth no one will bite.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

(((They))) aren’t interested in maintaining it.

(((They))) are carrying out their Malthusian die-off plan. (((They))) WANT everyone to die from it.

3 years ago

Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online.

Everything from Hillary Clinton’s emails, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs’ HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran …

Index of /file/

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Archiving now. We’ll see what’s actually there.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Wow. Assange must be convinced they are going to kill him. For good reason.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Or he’s already dead and his deadmans switch was triggered.

3 years ago

Albanian Opposition Leader Refuses To Relinquish Power To Anti-Soros Crusader Berisha

3 years ago

Dr. Fauci opens up the possibility that the COVID-19 vaccine could be making people more likely to be infected by the virus. “This would not be the first time, if it happened, that a vaccine that looked good in initial safety actually made people worse.”

This is a deepfake right?— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) December 14, 2021

3 years ago

Christine Anderson just a few days ago called out the NWO op here in Australia, in response to Monica Smit’s SOS. Coincidence? Yeah nah, as we say here.