News Briefs – 12/11/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the description. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Ukrainian Prosecutor General Shokin tells OAN his health is not well after a poisoning attempt  (@1:37), then OAN gets chased out of the country. They say they heard Soros was in the area as they fled, confirming Q’s assertion Soros was there:

Jonathan Turley says a good analogy is the FISA report didn’t criticize the Captain of the Titanic for leaving the dock, but it did say he did everything else wrong and sank his ship, but the media acts like it was a full exoneration.

Lindsey Graham goes on, “FBI engaged in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the FISA court the moment five FBI officials in January 2017 interviewed the dossier subsource — Sergei Millian — and learned the document was bogus, yet continued to seek two FISA wiretaps based on it. And they lied to the FISA court about the Millian interview… If I were Carter Page I would hire a lawyer, and sue the hell out of the United States.”

Interesting article at Conservative Treehouse, which maintains the dates of the FISA are redacted to hide the fact DOJ caught a leaker cold with a fake FISA used as a trap, but let him go to protect a corrupt group of probably-Cabal Senators on the Select Committee on Intelligence. So you uncover absolute evidence of totally illegal spying on every citizen by Cabal, across the country, using assets from our foreign-intelligence agencies, and you rush to the one major oversight body, The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and expect them to immediately get to the bottom of it? Cabal already war-gamed that, and solved the problem before it arose. And all the conspirators on the committee know, which is why they feel secure letting China have our secrets, because if anybody tris to tell on them, they tell on Cabal.

Whistleblowers present hundreds of pages of evidence alleging illicit behavior of the Clinton Foundation.

William Barr says FBI falsified documents to continue spying on Trump & co. after election.

New evidence confirms that the FBI was actively hunting for information on Paul Pelosi Jr.’s whereabouts and potential criminal business activities, producing a subpoena for records from the Asian girlfriend suing him, and that caused Pelosi Jr. to panic and go on the run.

Husband Of Democrat in impeachment hearings took $700K from firms tied to Ukrainian oligarch ‘accused of ordering  contract killings.’

John Ratcliffe says Adam Schiff is burying evidence of the whistleblower’s crimes in the House SCIF.

Carter Page is prepping a lawsuit against the FBI.

Lisa Page sued the Department of Justice and the FBI on Tuesday, alleging information about her was improperly disclosed to the media. Interestingly her suit reveals she is seeing a therapist to help her cope with the stress. How many in Hollywood talk about having a therapist? Could therapists be a sort of MK Ultra-trained deep state handler/monitor for assets? Even if these people think the relationship is legit, the therapist is the ultimate spy – they give them all the details of their innermost thoughts and traumas.

Federal judge blocks billions in Pentagon funding from paying for border wall.

Pensacola city network shut down after cyber attack immediately following Navy station terror.

The US spent $133 billion to build up Afghanistan as part of a plan officials secretly called ‘idiotic.’

Insurance companies ask Supreme Court for $12 billion in Obamacare losses.

Secretive national oil companies control $3 trillion in wealth, but nobody has ever heard of them.

Finland is now led by a government of under-35 millenial women and has a majority-female cabinet. Matriarchies are likely a sign of an r-selected population, but it is tough to tell if what we are seeing is the result of that mechanism, or if these things we see are just the unseen hand moving pieces, unrelated to any mechanism.

New York bill would force all public colleges to offer free abortions.

Democrats’ “Medicare for All” plan would force Americans to fund abortions up to birth.

Miss USA, Miss America, Miss Teen USA and now Miss Universe are all black women. Is this just all coincidental, or is there some organized message the hidden elite are trying to infiltrate into people’s minds?

Seven heroin users dead from flesh-eating bacteria outbreak in San Diego.

Gov. Ralph Northam announced Monday his “assault weapons” ban will mean AR-15 owners can either register their guns with the government or hand them over.

New York wants to ban Assault Style Nerf guns.

Self-driving truck completes first cross-country trip from California to Pennsylvania driving 2,800 miles ‘primarily’ in autonomous mode.

Pelosi immediately follows Impeachment press conference with another presser announcing a USMCA win for Trump.

An active tuberculosis case has been confirmed in a student in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

South Africa’s state power company intensified rolling blackouts to a record, signaling a deepening crisis at the debt-ridden utility.

In Jersey City a drug bust, or possibly a homicide investigation went bad, one Officer was killed, two wounded, and then two suspects, who may have been Muslim, headed to the local Jewish neighborhood, shooting at anyone on the street before entering a grocery store, killing those inside, and then killing themselves:

Czech mass shooting, suspect eventually committed suicide when found:

Hillary is laying the groundwork to get in:

On this next one, it is not just women – there is a whole cohort of human NPCs who I could easily believe are fleshy androids put among us by alien overlords to make our populations  more controllable. Real humans with souls are not this stupid:

Dan Bongino has filed a $15 million defamation lawsuit against liberal, online publication the Daily Beast for saying he was dropped from NRATV when he really just decided to not renew his contract.

The Supreme Court declined to hear a murderer’s appeal to receive gender reassignment surgery, leaving in place a lower court’s ruling refusing the inmate the procedure.

NAS Pensacola shooting leads Navy instructor pilots to tell top brass, ‘Arm us.’

In rare diplomatic breakthrough, U.S. and Iran see eye to eye on prisoner swaps.

US small-business sentiment jumps most in 18 months, defying recession fears.

On the day the Democrats announced two articles of impeachment against Trump, his average job approval rating was higher than Obama’s was on this same day during his first term.

Trump confirms another judge to a seat on the influential 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

I am not familiar with the source on this one, but big, if true:

Spread r/K Theory, because knowledge really is power.

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White Guy
White Guy
5 years ago

Profile of star Cabal employee, I mean if this dude isn’t cabal I’ll become a vegan!

Reply to  White Guy
5 years ago

It’s funny that the (((Iranian))) went to a Jesuit school.
The same happened with (((Fidel Castro))).

5 years ago

> New York bill would force all public colleges to offer free abortions.

Well, why not? Nobody is going to expect an education when they buy a degree from one nowadays, they might as well get something for their money.

“College: the new junior high…”

5 years ago

Watching some gameplay footage like this one:

I think its good for men to wargame with as realistic simulations as possible. Whether with paintball or in regards to strategy and tactics utilizing tools like Kriegspiel or even better.

The best way to train is with simulations that are as realistic as possible. Nothing beats such a thing short of the real thing where there often is no 2nd chance.

5 years ago

Is this just all coincidental

I literally laughed when I read that.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago
5 years ago

From the Paul Pelosi Jr bit:

CPS took Ms. Feng’s four children, ages 13 and under, the first three born through artificial insemination and the last through a biological father that was not Pelosi, away from her when she was in the hospital having her most recent baby, and placed them in a foster care situation that Feng says is abusive.

The whole thing screams cabal, but this really looks like a cabal breeding program. Who has IVF three times and then has a natural conception?

5 years ago

Chanel Rion is best waifu 4 ever.
That’s some intense journalist work right there, the organized crime faggots in Ukraine were going to murder them, probably. This whole thing with Ukraine seems to be the start of a pull on a very long string which makes up a very big ball of wool (and by very big ball of wool I mean a massive international organized crime network that reaches the highest levels of political office).

Exciting times!

5 years ago

>”Gov. Ralph Northam announced Monday his “assault weapons” ban will mean AR-15 owners can either register their guns with the government or hand them over.”

Hmmmm, I suspect that unfortunate boating accidents will raise sharply around that place.

5 years ago

“Carter Page is prepping a lawsuit against the FBI.

Lisa Page sued the Department of Justice and the FBI on Tuesday, alleging information about her was improperly disclosed to the media.”

Are Lisa PAGE and Carter PAGE related?

5 years ago

This is why even Democrats with TDS in Middle America should not try to eliminate the electoral college. After 2024 you may still want to be able to have some say in govt… don’t be shortsighted.

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) December 11, 2019″

What’s going to happen in 2024?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

It sounds to me like they will lose much of their voter base one way or another and only have a chance at the Presidency because of the EC.

That would be a reversal of the current trend that puts Republicans in danger of not even being able to win with the EC.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Turkey Threatens To Revoke US Nuclear Base In Incirlik After Sanctions Bill Advances To Senate Floor

We should just pack up and leave.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Pack up and leave AFTER all we demolish all Incirlik AB structures: runways, hangars, tower, radar, barracks, mess halls, water, power, sewerage…

Reply to  redan
5 years ago

The thing is, if nukes are real (they aren’t) then you have to slowly fly them out in ones and twos. If you try to fly them all at once, someone will spill that you are evacuating and do something stupid like suddenly fly their in-country family home and the Turks will invade the base to try to capture what remains.

Of course, we could have already been doing that for months or years. Or, if nukes are all fake, we can say that is what we did if they overrun the base.

5 years ago

Patrick Byrne should be treated as an unreliable source of information, he said Buffet is his rabbi.
Buffet seems to be in on the cabal baby killing:

[Rabbi] Warren Buffett Spends Big Bucks to Promote Baby Killing

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Link title says it all:

One pundit said, probably correctly, that he likely wouldn’t have won if he had been White

5 years ago
5 years ago

At the middle school in my district, there was an issue between some of the students and threats were made. The police were involved. The school district kept it mostly hush hush. (Not the real story here….just pattern of behavior so you understand). A parent, that has a child at that middle school, had been previously fed up with other things the district kept hush hush. My wife was able to join this group and found out there was a book that the middle school parents were pissed about that the district was keeping it hush hush. The books name was “Unwind”. Hence, I dug a little into the book and specifically the author. Made a bet with my wife before I looked anything up…..$100 the author is jewish…….(channeling my inner LembradorDos6Trilliões).

Unwind is a 2007 science fiction novel by young adult literature author Neal Shusterman. It takes place in the United States, after a civil war somewhere in the near future. After a civil war, known as the Second Civil War or the Heartland War, was fought over abortion, a compromise was reached, allowing parents to sign an order for their children between the ages of 13 and 18 to be unwound—taken to “harvest camps” and having their body parts harvested for later use. The reasoning was that since 100% of the body had to be used, unwinds did not technically die because their individual body parts lived on. In addition to unwinding, parents who are unable to raise their children to age 13 for retroactive abortion have the option to “stork” their child by leaving it on another family’s porch. If they don’t get caught, the “storked” baby then becomes the other family’s responsibility.

In a near-future dystopian United States, teenagers between ages of 13 and 18 may be “unwound” (dissected and sold as transplanted parts). This is considered legal because roughly 99% of the patient is kept alive. The story centers around three teenagers who have been scheduled to be unwound.

If that doesn’t tickle the spider-sense, nothing will.

The author:

Every fucking time……….

Reply to  Bman
5 years ago

The telling thing is that the author considers finding a baby on your porch a curse.

My wife and I would find it a blessing.

5 years ago

Congress needs a good purge that includes both parties:

Senate committee passes bipartisan bill to stop Trump withdrawing from Nato

This is totally unconstitutional.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Rounded naso-labial lines at 14.

5 years ago
5 years ago

I drove past a frat house recently and thought about how it must be an entry into Cabal.

Hedonism and parties abound to start. Secretive initiation rites. How could that not funnel into more evil things?

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

“…The US spent $133 billion to build up Afghanistan as part of a plan officials secretly called ‘idiotic.’…”

This so stupid. I say we spend the money on our own people first. Now I know a lot of people here, and elsewhere, think the homeless should be all killed off for being useless. It’s true a lot of them are drug addicted but I personally think if they had a place to stay they would be more likely to clean themselves up. Maybe not right away which would fire people up but the idea that they had some stake in the world and didn’t have to live on streets would be a good motivator I my opinion.

So I did a little math.

$133 billion. The average cost of building apartments is $$200 per square foot. I used the higher figure and then figured 500 sq. foot per person. A tiny space but good enough if it’s free. Average suburban house is 2,598 square feet for four people so it’s not that much smaller. The figure came to 1,330,000. So we could build that many apartments and since wikipedia says,”…553,000 homeless people in the United States on a given night…” we could end homelessness in the US. I bet that we could easily get well below $200 a sq. ft.. $100 easy and double this number or maybe the apartments a little bigger at 800 sq.ft. which would be a good size.

Whether you hate the homeless or not it would seem to me we should spend the money on our poor first if we are going to throw money around.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

I think the 3 main factors which contribute to homelessness are:
Lack of financial stability (and a free-house would be a huge factor in helping out people with that aspect);
Addiction (which I don’t know enough about to make very informed comments, but I think people could be helped with adequate help (but I don’t know about the specifics about what that help should look like optimally)); and
Lack of a sense of belonging and meaningfulness (which probably ties in with the addiction factor).

I would say that including in said houses for the homeless: guides, materials/supplies and space for a DIY hydroponic or aeroponic food growth operation would help people tremendously at a relatively cheap cost because it would help them financially (and health wise, access to fresh home grown veggies are a big quality of life factor), it would help them keep them occupied in their free-time (which would help out with addiction, I think), and it would have them care for something alive, gardening is very rewarding at the emotional level (which ties in with factor number 3 above).

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

Re: point 1 — I think you have a category error on the problem. The kinds of people who are chronic homeless will DESTROY any housing they are “given”. It’s astounding if you haven’t seen it. It defies belief. Their capacity to mutilate and corrupt a habitation is biblical. The reason they end up in prison like environments are that they are the only structures able to endure their machinations.

Watch section 8 videos on YouTube. The people you are talking about are a MAGNITUDE WORSE. Play a Fallout game and look at a raider settlement. These are the same people.

I am not saying that they cannot be civilized. I am saying that they must be civilized before they are given agency over an abode.

Reply to  Phelps
5 years ago

>”Play a Fallout game and look at a raider settlement. These are the same people.”

Kek, wow, I think I get your point (I have played the shit out of fallout 1 and 2, and some NV and a little 3). Any ideas on how people become like that? How do you even civilize them?

Oh, and coincidentally, I found this hold movie yesterday called Nikita about basically a women like that (homeless homicidal junkie that looks and acts like a fallout game raider, literally) that gets thrown into a government program to be trained to be an assassin/spy.

5 years ago

Cabal money troubles?

Duke and Duchess of Gloucester to sell items from private collection as they move out of Kensington Palace

5 years ago

Finland is now led by a government of under-35 millenial women and has a majority-female cabinet. Matriarchies are likely a sign of an r-selected population, but it is tough to tell if what we are seeing is the result of that mechanism, or if these things we see are just the unseen hand moving pieces, unrelated to any mechanism.

My own pet hypothesis is as follows:

When a society’s most pressing resource challenge is resource acquisition, the society will be led by men. Men are the experts at wresting resources from an unwilling environment, be it by harvesting, hunting, or war.
When a society’s most pressing resource challenge is resource allocation, the society will be led by women, who are, after all, the “experts” at divvying up the family resources between the children. This can happen if resources are abundant and easily obtained, as with literal rabbits in a pasture, or with a tribe living in a tropical rainforest and surrounded by abundant low-hanging fruit, where the biggest threat to the tribe is from tropical diseases so the population never gets into resource constraint. Or it might happen if resources are scarce, but trying to increase the inflow of resources is deemed to be futile, and the focus switches to rationing and managing the demand: think, e.g., Australian aborigines.

If this is correct, a shift towards matriarchy is over the long term inevitable, but can be reversed for a period by a sudden disaster that causes population decline and opens up feasible resource acquisition opportunities. Of course, once a society becomes permanently matriarchal, it will eventually be discovered and overrun by a patriarchal and more dynamic, expansionary society.

Reply to  Valtandor
5 years ago

>”a shift towards matriarchy is over the long term inevitable”

I think that it might be avoidable in the sense that preventing a K mindset from eroding from a society is also probably avoidable, if one puts in place the appropriate societal and cultural mechanisms to do so (for example: mandatory military training for young adults, a counter-sexual liberation type of culture, rites of passage for the young, incentives for people of all ages to get into all kinds of combat training and field craft (always a good thing to be comfy in da woods), incentives to having a prepper mindset, etc).

Oh, and most importantly, abundant access to information (so people learn about history) and free-speech, so subversive and/or sub-optimal grassroots narratives/ideologies can’t take hold on the population.

And a big part of this cultural safe guard would be something that women are instinctively against (I can expand on that if anyone asks): teaching the principals of the “seduction game” to all men, starting at a young age. This is the only way to have the majority of the population pass the matriarchal civilizational shit-test: to educate the population on what the shit-test is, why it happens, and how to respond to it adequately.

I would even go as far as saying that if a matriarchal shift happens, it means that that particular society has failed the matriarchal civilizational shit-test, and by allowing women to take over the leadership of that society, they already doomed it to be taken over by one that hasn’t made that mistake. At the end of the day, it’s a darwinistic cultural process, if a society allows itself to become culturally weak to the point it shifts to matriarchal leadership, nature itself will have it destroyed by another one that is suffering from that particular type of cultural/civilizational weakness.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

Teach the seduction game to women as well. It will still work, but they will have more defenses against inferior practitioners.

Reply to  Phelps
5 years ago

Kek, good idea. Although most of them grils are born knowing the game at a level way above the average male (because our society has become pretty gay due to all the subversion and shit, like Bronze Age Pervert used to joke about), but it would be nothing but upside to have women have a more spelled out knowledge of the game.