News Briefs – 12/10/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


United Healthcare shooter caught. 26 year old Italian guy from a politically connected, wealthy family with a Penn State degree in computer science. Supposedly went to McDonalds in Pennsylvania, cashier recognized him, called cops, and he sat down to work on his computer until they arrived, searched him, turning up the 3d-printed gun, the fake ID he used, the silencer, and a manifesto on the healthcare industry.

I have no idea what this is. I know with a relatively high degree of confidence surveillance was on scene, and I know it parked two SUVs to block the ambush site from the far side of the street, to let it play, and prevent any unplanned interference. Either it did so in coordination with the shooter, or not.

If not, surveillance would have had to penetrate his detailed planning (and his planning would have had to be detailed, down to the exact spot on the sidewalk where he would hit the target and the time, for them to discover that and set up on that exact spot).

Surveillance operating with the shooter as an integral element makes more sense. If he is operating alone, he needs to make the hotel the target is staying at, which itself is not easy. He needs to know the conference the target is attending, the path the target will take to get to the conference he is attending, and the time he will depart to reach the conference, as well as the path the target will take. The target is making like $10 mill a year. Do you think he will hire a car, or move on foot? He moved on foot, which seems unpredictable, absent detailed behavioral surveillance for years. Will he leave early and divert to visit an old friend before the conference, or even just to get Starbucks? You need to know.

It is getting to where, without intelligence and surveillance support, the idea the hitter and the target will cross paths by chance, anywhere in the city, is about zero. And because surveillance was set up exactly on the ambush site, there must have been an exact time and spot on the sidewalk, which just happened to be in perfect view of a surveillance camera, too.

I do not see him having the intelligence support to do this himself, nor do I see him likely getting this lucky. Much more likely is the target was under Stasi surveillance, it clocked the target’s departure, and that surveillance guided the hitter to the hit site, got surveillance there moments before to secure it, and then the surveillance recorded the hit for the Cabal’s scrapbook of murders.

So the hitter was most likely an element in an American Stasi hit team. Do you think, given that level of intelligence and surveillance support, he would walk into a McDonalds, and wait to be caught with the gun, the ID, and a manifesto? When. according to NYPD, they did not even have his name? When he could have been disappeared by the conspiracy, and never found?

And that is if this was a murder. Once you are getting to where things are this strange, nothing is guaranteed. The CEO could be on a beach somewhere, sipping a Mojito and thanking God he was out of this game.

I do not know what I am looking at every day. The level of bizarreness is off the charts. I just know this thing must be evil.

I was not inherently moral when I was younger. People want what they cannot have. Guys who cannot get girls end up obsessed with getting girls. People who are poor end up obsessed with money. I never had loyalty. I could feel it. Almost everyone around me lacked all loyalty, and often seemed to be playing me. And I was born to be part of a tribe with loyalty.

It made me corruptible. My feeling was the time you cut friends loose was not when they had problems but rather before you made them. Had my Cabal-infiltrator friend Danny called and said he just killed some dude, and the conditions were bad, and he needed the body to go away, I’d have felt uncontrollably bound to help him. I know, that is both stupid and immoral. I was young and stupid in my desire for loyalty, but nevertheless, I was corruptible, through loyalty, and quite corruptible at that. But they never even tried.

I know how loyal I was, and that they knew that too. That they never tried to wrangle me into full control, says to me whatever they are into is so bad, they knew even my level of loyalty would not be enough to wrangle me, and keep me under control once I saw it. I know what I am, and that would have to be just an inhuman amount of evil, that I would be unable to maintain loyalty and would actually betray friends, betray my tribe, based on what I saw from the inside of this conspiracy.

This thing has to be really bad, whatever it is.

Others see that things just don’t fit, as well:

It is like a movie. You are not supposed to ask these questions.

I just grabbed this screencap off 4Chan, I am not about to track down the source, but it makes sense:

Sad but true, whether this is real or not:

And Italians are loyal, which becomes their vulnerability. If any of this was vaguely as it seemed, he sacrificed his op pursuing a Cabal bimbo who does not know loyalty, morality, or anything real in life. Don’t be like him. When operating, the Cabal bimbos are decorations, nothing more, and every girl is a potential Cabal bimbo. You are not going to reach them, or have relationships with them, or have kids with them. They exist solely to burn you. Of course, most likely, all of this is scripted, and he was probably Cabal too, so you couldn’t trust him either. In what is coming, you will be mostly on your own.

/pol notes the eyebrows do not fit, unless he needs to shave them every day. However if his Cabal file photos showed them shaved, they could have picked him as a credible double never thinking of that and it could be a mistake by the conspiracy:

Little bit of an MK Ultra feel here, where he was said to be a surfer, and suffered a back injury, which led to him taking psychedelics, and then heading to Japan (where John Podesta and Dennis Hastert oversaw a summer camp in their youth, and where Podesta said Hastert should be sent after his molestation of student athletes came to light). In Japan (IIRC a CIA hub for Asia), he completely dropped off the grid, with family unable to find him, and emailing fellow high school students in search of any information. Kinda like the guy who attacked Pelosi’s husband disappearing for a while, then returning out of the blue.

More – UnitedHealthcare CEO assassin is from wealthy Baltimore family, cousin is Maryland state legislator.

He would not talk about the election, despite a cover as an anti-establishment right wing:

Loomer is batshit crazy, but whoever her handler is, does give her some interesting stuff. It is a small world:

The suspected shooter of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, Luigi Mangione, told a Pennsylvania judge during his arraignment on weapons charges that $8,000 in USD and $2,000 in foreign currency was planted on him.

Richard Spencer is brilliant as an agent pushing Cabal narratives:

Trump says there is an MLK file which is as bad as the JFK file. Typical Trump talk which is fascinating and yet tells you nothing. He is clearly dancing, and the man  is an artist. However, Trump says he will open the JFK files almost immediately on assuming office, as it is time. Trump also talks about aliens as “People coming from space.” Which implies there are people in Earth who came from space. Surveillance are functional retards. I deal with them all the time. These people are not splitting the atom any time soon, they can barely conduct normal surveillance without sticking out like sore thumbs. I, personally, would not hire them to clean out an outhouse. It raises the question if these people are retarded by growing up with a reliance on ultra-high technology while living on Zeta Reticucon, or if the conspiracy is just recruiting retards using the promise of promoting them above the smart people. If there is high enough technology involved, you could produce some serious retardation, so I am like 50-50 on the likelihoods.

Grasssly signals support for Kash Patel as FBI Director.

FBI Director Christopher Wray to resign because he doesn’t want to get fired by Trump.

Daniel Penny was acquitted by a Manhattan jury Monday in the chokehold death of Jordan Neely.

BLM leader calls on ‘black vigilantes’ to rise up after Daniel Penny is acquitted in Jordan Neely subway death, to attack white people.

Former U.S. Representative Liz Cheney on Sunday issued a panicked response to President-elect Donald J. Trump’s remarks about the imprisonment of members of the January 6 “unselect” committee, calling it an “assault on the rule of law and the foundations of our republic.”

This is strange:

… an eye-popping video unearthed exclusively by suggests that U.S. Rep Nancy Mace wasn’t always as uptight about personal boundaries.

The lurid clip shows Mace, 47, downing a shot of liquor before locking lips with a spikey-haired female friend and dribbling it into her mouth.

The gal pal, wearing a Trump T-shirt, uses the same revolting technique to relay the booze to a male reveler.

He barely manages to spit it into the mouth of the next participant before violently retching and throwing up on the kitchen floor.

Republican senator Joni Ernst is accused of cheating on her husband with a soldier, ‘lying out nude on the patio’ and dating men in D.C. while she was married – but she says her ex was a violent cheat.

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner doing something with kids. At 3 seconds, a door to an SUV pops open just as they pass, and Affleck turns to face the person exiting the vehicle as if they are some kind of threat. They walk off, and he continues on. He knows all about the surveillance, based on other videos, and he seems to feel it is some kind of threat to him and his family, personally. Just interesting, as you would think at his level he would see it as on his side, but apparently not. Yet, everyone in surveillance knows what it is, and is on the same team. So even some elites, are on the outside of the conspiracy, and view surveillance as an enemy, raising the question of just what separates those on the inside, and apparently, everyone else.

Derek Chauvin hires new attorney, plans to ask for convictions to be overturned.

New pictures of some of the New Jersey drones taken from a 300 mm camera. Not sure if this means they are blurry circles, or if lights just photograph this way at night from a 300mm camera.

Large drones spotted in Philadelphia area as FBI investigates mysterious drone sightings in NJ. You want to say this is government, since it is not getting shut down, but in one case there was an accident, and the medivac helicopter could not transport one of the injured because of the drone activity. So either not government, or government is doing something it feels is so important it will risk people’s lives, and so secret it cannot tell anyone.

Did Hunter Biden also fail to pay California taxes? Whistleblower complaint filed with State Auditor.

Military pauses Osprey flights again after more metal failures are found in near crash in November.

In a tax case, the U.S. Supreme Court held that statutory interpretation is a judicial function and that courts may not defer to an agency’s interpretation merely because a statute is unclear, calling into question all of the IRS’s tax guidance.  A continuation of Chevron.

Obama tells allies to quit wokeism after Donald Trump’s victory.

Video – China debuts what looks like a big Tesla Cyber Truck, but it carries in the back a small, folded up hexacopter which it can offload, allowing you to park the car and fly to your final destination, before returning by air to the car and driving off.

They are saving Israel for last?:

Brits call for Bill Gates’ arrest as they BOYCOTT ‘toxic’ milk products containing anti-cow-fart chemicals. I thought he said when he has these things which will have uncertain effects on people he tests them in India first.


The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) launched hundreds of attacks on Syrian heavy weaponry and suspected chemical weapons facilities in the 24 hours since the fall of the Assad regime.

Reports: Israeli tanks are about 20 km from Damascus.

Austria prepares to deport Syrian migrants after Assad regime falls.

The United States Supreme Court has set an official conference date of December 13 to decide if the High Court will hear Snope v. Brown, a case directly challenging Maryland’s assault weapon ban, addressing whether states can legally ban semi-automatic rifles such as the AR-15, commonly owned and used by law-abiding citizens.

Tom Cotton says EVERY Trump cabinet pick will be confirmed.

Musk signals support for Ron Paul’s advice to try eliminating foreign aid. This would imply the criminals of old are not in control.

How some Bernie voters supported Trump because both were anti-establishment. Obviously Bernie was doing it to fool them and neuter them, Trump was not, but the idea is the same.

Matt Gaetz to launch new show on OAN News.

President-elect Donald Trump is refusing to accept the presidential salary again — just as he did in his first term — ‘I didn’t’ accept it before, ‘and I’m not going to’ this time, either.

Send people to, because nothing makes sense, beyond it all being controlled

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2 months ago

Brazil’s Lula Undergoes Emergency Brain Surgery Following October Fall

2 months ago

> Rep Nancy Mace

Maybe she overplayed her hand and the leaked video is a warning from her cabal handlers to “be careful”?

2 months ago

The shooter doesn’t look to have the olive skin tone that an Italian would. From seeing picture before, not just this one, you can see the pinkish-reddish hue that a white person with northern European heritage would have. Also, the hoods are a different color/shade, as well. The shooter also looks more slender, too. Maybe that’s just optics, I don’t know, but my impression is that the shooter looks a bit taller.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  u.f.
2 months ago

Not all Italians have olive skin.

2 months ago

So even some elites, are on the outside of the conspiracy, and view surveillance as an enemy, raising the question of just what separates those on the inside, and apparently, everyone else.

Or cabal is just a dog eat dog and all the other dog’s puppies world.
The more you know about it the bigger you know the threat to be.
If they know enough about it they should all know it’s a threat to its own members almost as much as to the public at large.
They live in fear and respond with collaboration, hoping to feed everyone else to the crocodile to delay their own demise.

2 months ago

The sidebar fell into Mel’s Hole.

Just Me
Just Me
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

I haven’t heard “Mel’s Hole” in years! Art Bell baby!!

Just Me
Just Me
2 months ago

8:00am and Sidebar has activated its cloaking device.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
2 months ago

“More – UnitedHealthcare CEO assassin is from wealthy Baltimore family, cousin is Maryland state legislator”.

Can’t wait to see his BlackRock commercial

2 months ago

> turning up the 3d-printed gun, the fake ID he used, the silencer, and a manifesto on the healthcare industry.

Ditches the coat in NYC, but not only keeps the incriminating evidence, but keeps it on his person for the convenience of the arresting officers.

“Seems legit.”

2 months ago

Some noticing taking place on the fediverse

2 months ago

> Do you think he will hire a car, or move on foot? He moved on foot, which seems unpredictable, absent detailed behavioral surveillance for years. Will he leave early and divert to visit an old friend before the conference, or even just to get Starbucks? You need to know.

True, but if it’s surveillance, they could have had half a dozen robokillers hanging around likely spots.

2 months ago
2 months ago

> Tom Cotton says EVERY Trump cabinet pick will be confirmed.

Cotton looked pretty good, until he went pro-illegals and pro-Ukraine. He has generally sided with the Democrat party line since then.

2 months ago

My comments just disappeared.
This should bring them back.

2 months ago

My opinion is that the whole thing is meant to push an idea or narrative but what exactly I’m not sure. Is it resentment against the healthcare industry? Is it anti gun? Is it normalizing the killing of important people if they’ve done wrong? Anti trust fund kids LARPing as revolutionaries? Something else entirely? I really have no idea but given the circumstances it feels manufactured and I do believe normies are supposed to be getting a certain message I just don’t know what it is.

Some Kosher Jihadi
Some Kosher Jihadi
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

It’s a way to get a bunch of CEOs who don’t have protection details to hire some in a hurry.

That hurry will make it easier for Cabal to slide in some covert surveillance so that those CEOs now have Cabal operative coverage 24/7 with insider information.

And all it took for that to happen was one CEO getting popped?


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

The company I work for is part of United Health Group. Brain Thompson reported directly to UHG CEO Andrew Witty (I looked it up in the org chart after he was killed) and Andrew Witty has put out a couple of videos internally addressing the shooting. I was particularly interested in his facial expressions. He seemed to be legitimately grieving but also I thought I saw some real fear. And while I can’t figure out any connection that Luigi would have had, something in my gut feels like the cyberattack earlier this year is somehow related to all this, like things are still playing out behind the scenes and Brian Thompson ended up with a target on his back, even if UHC was in a separate division from Optum/Change Healthcare,under the UHG umbrella.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

It definitely was a temperature check of the environment, as much as the straight white man military commercials right when it’s time to go to war again.
Assuming the comments aren’t propaganda, “they” are fucked. People aren’t going to sit back and play this homo bullshit “movie/plan” anymore. My default assumption with all executives is they and their families are part of the club and elevated to those positions.

Reply to  Ultra
2 months ago

I think it’s to push a Narrative that we need socialized medicine, which will totally solve all our problems just like outsourcing payment to corporations who profit from denying claims did.

I’m starting to think this CEO might have been somewhat “good” considering all the right people are happy about his killing. I have nothing else to base this on besides instinct.

2 months ago

Regarding the quantum computing thing I watched a video once where a guy was saying they’ve been hyping up quantum computing for some years now and it’s basically a grift in Silicon Valley. He said they’ve claims of quantum computers doing these calculations that normal computers can’t do in many years isn’t as impressive as it sounds because all they’re calculating is their own state or something and that has no practical application unlike the calculations normal computers make. I have no idea if what he was saying was legit or not but I thought it was an interesting take as opposed to the hype you normally see about quantum computing.

2 months ago

The eyebrows could definitely prove shenanigans.
But if this is theater kid kayfabe…maybe it’s the good kind?
There are some upsides to steal, at least, if it’s the bad kind.

2 months ago

If he is operating alone, he needs to make the hotel the target is staying at, which itself is not easy. He needs to know the conference the target is attending, the path the target will take to get to the conference he is attending, and the time he will depart to reach the conference, as well as the path the target will take. 

I’m less convinced that it’s that complicated. He wasn’t staying there — this was the location of the conference. The conference was the UHC Annual Investor Conference. He’s the CEO, he has to be there. Also, on something like this, he would have to be there the day before. That’s the entire recon needed. Watch the place the day before, and see what direction he comes from. People are lazy creatures of habit, so he’s likely to use the same door every day. On the morning of the conference, wait between his direction of arrival and the door he uses.
And that’s a wrap. Alter your routes, alter your habits, folks.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

I live in NYC, and you are severely underestimating the sheer volume of foot traffic both in and out of major building and hotels, but also on the street generally.

Also, I am very familiar with large building security in NYC, many of whom are ex NYPD for important buildings and events, and there is no way they didn’t see someone casing the entrance, if he actually did that.

This whole thing is a bizarre set up, but to what end, I cannot fathom right now.

2 months ago

Others see that things just don’t fit, as well:

The problem is that the others are seeing things by getting the facts wrong. The big one here is that the “face reveal” photo doesn’t come from the starbucks that morning. It’s from almost a week before at the front desk of a hostel, from a person that may or may not be the shooter. The actual video of the shooter doesn’t look to me to be the same person as the hostel photo and the cab photo. The eyebrows and eyes are wrong, and the build doesn’t fit.
The flirt photo is from the hostel days before, with a person that may or may not be the shooter. Ask yourself why so many people are “confused” about this and conflating it.

Some Kosher Jihadi
Some Kosher Jihadi
Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

The PD measurements and eye to nose bridge angles look a bit different.

Maybe the right autists with the software can show that in detail.

Different PD, different angles, different guy.

NYPD should go watch the movie “FX” and have some quiet moments to think afterwards about how they’ve been fooled by a makeup kit.

2 months ago

 These people are not splitting the atom any time soon

Some of them would die of thirst before they could split a coconut.

2 months ago

I know your times short AC but below is a link to a video that touches on Havana Syndrome, ELF and implants. The Project Unity channel normally covers UFO’s, but in this interview the guy seems to think the beam is not always the beam but in alot of cases implants, check it out if you get the time.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Some of the comments below his video track with your data.

I lost everything in 1 day, civilian, 120k a year, white collar, Oregon.

Woke up and sat up from bed and that was the last day of my normal life. 

Something literally blew me off my feet and and ended up back in bed. 

MRIs, Cat Scans, came up inconclusive.

I looked up Havana and had all + symptoms. 

I was 39 years old and now on disability. 

Happened in 2011

2 months ago

“Obama tells followers to dump Wokeism”

sucks to be you, Barry. they ain’t gonna do it, they don’t give a fuck what you say. to the brain-and-soul damaged people that pathetic, self hating religion attracts, “Woke” is the equivalent of pure uncut china white heroin. they love their Woke, it makes them feel so VERY wonderful about themselves, and they will never, ever give it up, no matter what some old guy who used to be important tells them. and just as opium ruined Manchu China, just like heroin ruins aspiring rappers & models, it is going to destroy the democrat party, and sooner than anyone thinks. Heh.

and Barry and Big Mike and the California/Chicago/NYC/Boston mob are the ones who got them all hooked on it. probably a life lesson there somewhere.

Reply to  anonymous
2 months ago

They’re addicts who no longer need the pusher that hooked them.
Fixing a single individual would be nearly impossible, fixing the group is laughable.
They must be expelled, but the Ds have no other base now, so if we do expel them any Ds remaining would be insignificant. (There won’t be any Ds remaining, they will be expelled as well)

Reply to  anonymous
2 months ago

Zero is living in an information bubble. To him, nothing much is different from 2012: he still has his SS security detail, he has his coterie of sycophants, he gets invitations to ‘leet events as the star, Important People seek his opinions.

What he doesn’t realize, at the working level, is that other than that small number of people, he’s a half-forgotten has-been. Nobody gives a damn about him or his opinions. He’s like Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton; something the Democratic Party scraped off their collective shoe after he was no more use to them.

2 months ago

Someone’s take on the lone chad assassin guy

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Well worth reading.

2 months ago

Israel and Israel controlled US couldn’t wait to begin the slaughter to bring in Greater Israel.
God, I despise these people

Israeli forces have carried out large-scale attacks across Syria, targeting three airports and other strategic military infrastructure, including in the capital, Damascus.

Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

Baldwin is full of it, he’s been a Never Trumper all along.
Trump will not be starting any wars, he proved that last time.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

The wars will already be started by the time he is sworn in.

Reply to  Stephanie
2 months ago

They just did: in Syria and Georgia.

Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

Christians have often been the enemy of Christians. Quite a few European wars, insurrections, and general mayhem have been the result.

Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

I find that I’m generally in agreement with Baldwin’s positions. He’s an anti-Zionist Dispensationalist, which is a rare bird, imo The “Trump is a Zionist” harp he’s stuck on is suspect, however. Time will tell
This: “ Trump’s rumored favorite for Secretary of Defense, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis”Is a misquote by the author of the linked article quoting Baldwin; the original lists Hegspeth as a “Zionist war-monger”. If that weren’t the case, I’d have thrown the whole thing out without consideration. If you can’t get fundamental facts right, your opinion is trash.

2 months ago


“maximize profits, no matter how ruthlessly”
“maximize profits, no matter how ruthlessly”
“maximize profits, no matter how ruthlessly”
“maximize profits, no matter how ruthlessly”

2 months ago

Jay Z having a bad week as photos resurface of him with his future wife Beyoncé when she was 16. They told people they met when she was 18 and sparked a romance when she was 19. Jay Z was in his late 20s early 30s at this time btw.

2 months ago

How $11,000 Billion Local Governments Debts Are Hidden and Handled | China Truths

Last edited 2 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Wrong video.