News Briefs – 12/09/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – EU Gas Consumption Surges Due To Cold Weather

DFT – German Industrial Orders Fall Sharply

DFT – EU May Reopen WTO Case Over US Tariffs

DFT – Japanese GDP Plunges As Real Wages Continue To Decline

DFT – Russia To Ship LNG Year-Round Through North Sea Route

From here, on James Yoo, who was shitposting on youtube about all our tech being backdoored to Israel after he was supposedly blown up in a house explosion:

Who is James Yoo’s father? James Yoo’s father, Ki Hong Yoo, American University (CIA cutout), wrote plan to retake North Korea with bioagents for President of South Korea…

Who is James Yoo’s mother? James Yoo’s mother, Anne Shinn Yoo, US State Dept/CIA, Voice of America lead broadcaster for South Korean division of US propaganda mouthpiece Voice of America.

Who was James Yoo? James Yoo had a long career but his most notable job was as “Head of Global Information and Physical Security” at Global Crossing.

What was Global Crossing? It was espionage central and an international spying apparatus that is still in operation today.

You will want to click through and read the whole thing. The author, who sounds kind of like it might be James Yoo or a family member, (and who includes a pic of James Yoo’s dad with Ted Kennedy in the 80’s, which it is possible only James Yoo, or a close family member might have had), claims what is going on is the company he worked for, Global Crossing was used by somebody to first backdoor Iraq’s communications for US intel, and that opening is now being used to backdoor all of Europe’s communications and fiber traffic, and whoever is behind that, is in the process of killing everyone who knows. (Global Crossing was actually a big Clinton donor back in the day, which Clinton turned a blind eye to while it did an Enron and collapsed (probably to be picked up later at a pittance so it could be repurposed here) which led to Clinton subsequently being sued by Judicial Watch.)

The last line in there is classic, and will only be gotten by the people here. I am not leading you astray, but rather am making you sharper than 99.999% of the population, who would have no idea what he was talking about. There are not many doing this.

On the Supreme Court case which will determine if the government can tax unrealized gains, Peter Schiff points out hyper inflation will allow the government to print paper to buy up the flood of assets being sold to pay tax liabilities, immediately executing a communist revolution without a shot being fired:

If the Supreme Court rules in favor of the government, and allows it to redefine income to include any unrealized appreciation in any asset, then it will grant the Federal Government a new power to nationalize the entire asset stock of the nation. In hyperinflation, the only refuge people have is the ability to hold real assets and never sell them. But if the Federal Government can claim unrealized inflationary gains as being taxable income, then almost all Americans will be forced to sell their assets just to pay their tax liabilities. But with all assets up for sale at once, the most likely buyer will be the Federal Government itself, which will pay in near worthless paper. In one decision, the Supreme Court would have rendered the Constitution meaningless, effectively illuminated private property rights, and provided the Federal Government with the legal mechanism to pull off a communist revolution without having to fire a single shot.

Hunter indictment a ‘nuclear bomb for the Bidens,’ as Joe sounds like Clinton during Lewinsky scandal: experts.

Special Counsel David Weiss charges Hunter Biden with three tax felonies but ignores foreign influence-peddling to protect Joe.

Hunter indictment designed specifically to avoid Joe Biden.

Hunter Biden faces 42 years in prison for tax and gun charges.

Banks filed at least 6 suspicious activity reports flagging Joe Biden’s home address, senator says.

Some think this is just Cabal telling Joe to withdraw from 2024, and if he does, it will all go away. Though I am not even sure that is Joe. And if Joe is up there, he should just be taking orders. He shouldn’t need this. All these people serve this thing, and fear its power.

Democratic insiders prepare to flip the switch on Biden: ‘This is grim.’

Joe Biden vowed to crack down on tax cheats, his DOJ just charged his son Hunter as one of them. Coincidence? In a show which is scripted?

Former Republican Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey claimed Friday that voting on articles of impeachment would be “unfair” to President Joe Biden. “I think it would be unfair to vote Articles of Impeachment because there’s no evidence there..” But I thought he was a tough guy, and on our side.

Kevin McCarthy: “When you look at the Democrats, they actually look like America. When I look at my party, we look like the most restrictive country club in America.” I thought he was one of us?

Democrat mega-donor, LinkedIn Co-founder Reid Hoffman, who visited Epstein island, says he is funding Nikki Haley to stop Donald Trump.

Ron DeSantis hits new low in national poll.

Migrants from around the world converge on remote Arizona desert, fueling humanitarian crisis at the border. I sounded nuts ten years ago, describing an intelligence operation penetrating everything, government, business, the public schools, the intel agencies, and it having such control. I still said, it, because I knew it was important, and did not bode well for the future. But here you see. There is no reason for all this to exist, diametrically opposed to the interests and the desires of the people. This is the operation, pursuing some larger objective of its own. And all these politicians and government workers are owned by it.

Arizona’s Dem Governor begs Biden for border help as her state is overrun. Her FBI investigation is incoming.

Joe Biden is said to be considering sending migrants trying to enter the United States to “safe third countries” as part of a compromise to help him secure funding for Ukraine’s military struggle against Russia.

Fetterman defends call for ‘reasonable’ border talks from his own side, as fellow Dems fume.

Faced with record illegal immigration, the White House wants to expedite border crossings.

Monkeypox is back, only this time it has a new variant that kills 10% of the people who get it. Currently still in Africa, but if I was a child of a gay couple, or a dog belonging to a gay couple, I would be worried.

Nancy Mace and her entrepreneur fiancé Patrick Byrant split after 18 months – as staff quit her office and she’s accused of discussing her sex life with aides. She is not one of our’s. But had she been, you see how trusting someone, or “falling in love” is such an opening for the enemy if they want to get you off the gameboard. Especially when in their culture. Banging people for the conspiracy is like a mark of professionalism – and a sign of moral commitment to whatever the fucked up cause is they are supporting. It is to the point I think divorce rates would collapse if we just got rid of this thing.

New York can’t stop churchgoers from bringing guns to worship: appeals court. Looking around, it looks like a lot of the law was knocked down, but New York anons will have to do their own research, as I would not offer legal advice.

Illegal alien burglars are organized, sophisticated, and easily beating modern home security systems.

Masked burglars steal firearm from Keanu Reeves’ home. He gets more training than most shooters due to the movie, so such a thing would seem high risk. But suppose you had somebody living next door. Who was watching him in his house. Who knew when he failed to lock up all his guns, or left one unattended. Who knew where he was in the house. Or when he was not there. Or when he was asleep. And what security measures he had on the house. And how he bypassed them every time he came home. And even knew when neighbors were not in their houses, or were taking naps, or were not prone to notice in intrusion for some reason. Suppose you had overwatch who could tell you when you were safe from being seen by neighbors, safe from encountering Keanu, who could “see” in some form in all the houses, and keep tabs on police comms and potential responding units, in real time, even slow them down with cars between you and them, and give you all the intel you needed to get in and get out. Suddenly, it is not so hard. There has been some speculation Keanu was in trouble with the machine for the Matrix, which cut a little too close to reality.

Ticket to ride: NYC man who just won $10M lottery — again — spotted tooling around in brand-new $200K wheels. You wonder what this guy did for those payoffs.

Chicago Teachers Union president enrolled child in private school, sources confirm. There will be important kids in that private school who require monitoring, and I will bet that kid is filing reports, and is one of the ones taking orders from the adult domestic intel unit which is assigned to the private school.

An investigation has been launched into the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) after Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration was found to have sent billions of dollars in taxpayers’ money to a fraudulent solar company.

BIDEN: “Over a billion three hundred million trillion three hundred million dollars!”

California retailers that refuse to incorporate “gender-neutral” toy sections could face hundreds of dollars in fines from the state under a new law that takes effect Jan. 1. Just fill the gender-neutral toy section with toy guns.

Children and straight men are being encouraged to explore “gay” and “transgender” sexual identities through “mainstream” pornography, staff members of the pornography giant Aylo, which owns Pornhub, said in undercover interviews.

Crowley [Texas] ISD contracted school psychologist arrested on child pornography charges. When you go down Q’s board, sometimes you see some operation which posts pictures of little, six year old girls in lingerie, with a link to what I assume is CP, though maybe they are just posing in the outfits. It looks like some foreign country, but it is just dark. Anybody who ends up with the real CP is subhuman. Though in these days, you never know. The real actors may be under protection, and the cases like this, the guy never had an inkling it was uploaded on his computer at night while he slept, to get him out of there, so a Cabal agent could get hired on to replace him. They almost got Sharyl Attkisson that way with classified documents. We live in a hall of mirrors, and we do not even begin to control the terrain (these machines) which we are fighting on.

Amazon’s new generative AI assistant “Q” has “severe hallucinations” and leaks confidential data.

Official U.S. Government data confirms the risk of developing cancer following Covid-19 vaccination increases by a shocking 143,233%. Not really what it says though. The rate of adverse reactions in the database listed as cancer due to the Covid vaccine is 143,233% higher than the rate of cancer reactions to the flu vaccine. The flu number is probably small, the Covid number is bigger, and real cancer dwarfs both, I would guess. Still interesting the vaccine appears to be causing cancer more often. Not sure if that is the mRNA presenting the antigen on the cell surface and setting off some autoimmune, receptor auto-stimulatory auto-antibody thing, or something else nefariously added. It should at least be being taken as evidence RNA vaccines are a mistake, and the old tech is better.

“Yesterday saw a critical new discovery of jab problems, possibly the worst and most damning yet.” This  is a twitter thread, but it exemplifies why people who don’t understand the material should not be analyzing it. I am just posting it here since people here may not understand it and want to be well informed. Basically the gist of the study was, the mRNA normally breaks down fast which made it ineffective. To prevent that, they used one “code” molecule which was different, and would prevent the breakdown. The problem is, now they have found out (after releasing the vaccine) the body will (a percentage of times, not all the time) not see the one piece they changed, ie not read it. This is a problem as the code is set up so the body is supposed to read the mRNA in 3 “code” segments, with each specific code being turned into one amino acid and attached to the chain which will “knot” up into the protein once it is finished. Say each unique three letter code needs to look like this next sequence, but the C was the new molecule, and is not read. A code for the three building blocks of a protein which should look like this [ AAC UUU AAA GGG ], and make a protein chain of those three specific building blocks (AKA amino acids), will instead look to the body like this with the new, unread molecule [ AAU  UUA  AAG ]. The C was not seen and not registered by the body, and the “GG” at the end would get ignored since there is no other code there to make it a three letter code corresponding to an amino acid “block”. So what amino acids are those new three, and what does a protein made of them look like? It will in essence be random, as far as we know now (sometimes things adapt to something like that, but  nobody knows any mechanism of adaptation now). Nobody will know what it will do or how everything will work. It is probably random though, and since everything needs to be so precise when you are dealing with proteins that bind receptors, it has probably no effect beyond you put a massive junk protein in there to stir up inflammation for a while, right on the surface of your cell, probably alongside some legit spike protein, since the misreading is a random-chance process, and some spike will get turned out right. And that will offer the same risk of autoimmune conditioning. But I am not sure, given how bad the spike protein is, you are not better off with the random junk protein, which is probably less harmful. I would not take the random junk mRNA vaccine, but forced to choose, I would take it over the spike vaccine.

But people who don’t understand it will make it sound like the end of the world, and much worse than having an SV40 gene in there, for a known cancer-causing virus, WHICH SHOULD NOT BE IN THERE  — WHICH IMPLIES MALICIOUS, PURPOSEFUL ACTION. As in, there is no reason I have seen it was in there for the science behind the vaccine, and no way it was an innocent, albeit horrific accidental contamination, as they were able to argue the first time it cropped up in a vaccine. That SV40 gene basically looks to me like somebody threw in a cancer causing virus gene purposefully which should not have been in there, specifically to cause cancers. And if they did it there and got caught, what else did they put in there? Nobody knows, but there was probably other stuff we just haven’t found yet.

I just put it here, because I see this stuff and gloss over it when I see it since it is not important, but then think, we’re trying to get everyone on top of everything here, and even though basic, explaining it here why it is unimportant is helpful, even if only to say, they are blowing that study out of proportion in relation to the other stories, which are much, much worse. And everyone here is probably going to have to learn to understand this stuff for the future. It is not that complicated, if you see it here and there.

Italian Police union complains it thinks the vaccine is making its officers sick.

UN climate summit serving gourmet burgers, BBQ as it calls for Americans to stop eating meat.

FPS video of Israeli troops in a gunfight. M4 failure about 2/3rds of the way through, and not clear how long it took to get the gun up, as the video cuts out and in. I remember video of a cop, was totally clear of cover and went to engage a perp in a shooting, and his first shot went off, and it looked like maybe a broken extractor, or it just slipped off the rim, and went to chamber the next round while the spent casing was in the chamber. He was out in the open, and Tap Rack Bang was not doing the trick, as he had a spent casing stuck in the chamber. His buddies kept the perp busy and he got out OK, but you could see it had never dawned on him the gun would not go bang. And in the moments of confusion as his focus turned to the gun and trying to see what was going on with it, he never thought to head to cover. He was just out there. Always good to see the bad stuff before it happens to you.

Berlin spending 1.5 million a day to house refugees in just 12 buildings.

German state to refuse citizenship to anti-Israel migrants. What if you hate white people?

In a key procedural vote on Wednesday, Senate Republicans blocked passage of a bill providing more military aid for Ukraine after Democrats at the last minute scuttled talks to include border security measures in the package.

New pledges of military and finanical support to Ukraine down 90 per cent in a year: report.

Ukraine cracks down on draft-dodging as it struggles to find troops. Really balls. You are minding your own business, maybe even voted for the guy who didn’t support Soros, Soros launches a coup, takes control, and then his guy tells you, that you are going to fight Putin and die for him, as he fills two 180 ft motor yachts with everything he can steal, as he preps an escape to Israel, to join his parents living the life of a billionaire.

Why the West’s sanctions on Moscow aren’t harming ordinary Russians.

Russia threatens military strikes on Western countries if Ukraine’s newly-donated F-16s are based in NATO territory. These idiots may be thinking they are going to base the F16s in Poland, and then fly them into Russia and launch surprise attacks, fly them back to Poland, and Russia won’t do anything about that.

Russia’s Vladimir Putin says he will run for president in 2024 elections: State media.

Packard Motors gets ready to build its new ‘old’ cars to order.

DC removing 103,000 ineligible names from the voter rolls in response to Judicial Watch.

Poll: Trump boasts 59-point lead in GOP primary race, four points over Biden.

67 percent of debate watch party says Trump won it despite not attending.

Trump has a ten point plan to destroy the Deep State. My one point plan – Reveal the surveillance to every American, and let the games begin.

Spread r/K Theory, because you have to focus on what matters

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1 year ago

From Trump’s 10 point plan:

““Fourth, to expose the hoaxes and abuses of power that have been tearing our country apart, we will establish a truth and reconciliation Commission to declassify and publish all documents on deep state spying, censorship, and corruption, and there are plenty of them.”

“Seventh, I will ask Congress to establish an independent auditing system to continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure they are not spying on our citizens or running disinformation campaigns against the American people or that they are not spying on someone’s campaign like they spied on my campaign.


Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I hope “reconciliation” is just goodspeak to not feed the “Dictator” propaganda during the campaign.
Mercy cannot rob justice and there is not the slightest argument for mercy.
“Reconciliation” = Justice.
It’s the opposite in that it will be justice instead of injustice, but look how “Truth and Reconciliation” worked in South Africa.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Truth and Reconciliation commissions are the only way you get specific NGOs to go along with a politicians plans. They mean you don’t have UN troops and UN NGOs interfering with your country.

Having said that, the crime rate spikes in any country after the T&R campaign. One may guess that the country is far less governable, and that people are taking matters in to their own hands, and the police are not investigating with full vigor and power.

T&R is for top level government, not people on the street.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

What we need is an interregnum followed by a Time Immemorial.
A reboot where nothing that came before matters and we just do what has to be done with no interference from legal red tape, immoral laws, pardons, citizenship concerns, or anything else.
When it is all over we can go back to the rule of law and due process for the real Americans.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

This is European or Middle Eastern in origin? There are a lot of rebellions that aren’t getting taught in English, and in America. Those peasants with pitchforks and torches? Those are always presented as random and degenerate? Those rebellions worked. They weren’t all stupid, or random or degenerate. You can read the (((Durant))) history of the world, which is the “I’m so smart. I have big books!” production. They say 300 rebellions, and skip over why or what, in the first few pages on China. At least two of those rebellions ended with new Imperial dynasties, and more than a few had death rates in the millions. Aren’t you the least bit curious about how and why? Now throw in Russia, Mongols, Middle Europe, home of the archetypical mob versus monster that so deeply affects the imagination of filmmakers. Then Western Europe? Then Britain. The Scandinavians. I mean, there’s a lot of bodies dropping, for mysterious reasons. Except, they write. What did they write?

That’s why anyone at the top is desperately trying to keep a lid on everything. The little people rebellions burn down a lot of stuff. They kill off a lot of people who enjoy being rich and predatory. Plus, something like World War 1 burned up three centuries of wealth. That is all the wealth accumulated in Europe since the Industrial Revolution. No one wants to burn up middle American factories. They want that stuff for themselves in perpetuity.

I think literally any incursion from Europe since World War 2 has been some form of sponging up the incredible amount of goods and money created by our industrial base. I mean, Led Zeppelin, rock band, was created by a studio musician specifically to go touring in industrial towns of the Midwest and West Coast.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The big guys live in specific cities. Those specific cities are having homelessness and lawlessness problems right now. I would think they would get targeted. It would be blamed on chaotic low level criminals or just ignored. Seth Rich dropped in DC. The first thought was random, unidentified muggers. Second was ethnic minority gang members. No one is saying “highly trained wetwork” anyone. Or “upset neighbor” or “random gay serial killer” or “former victim.”

Detroit has a 80% failure to solve rate. I doubt it is merely black on black violence. My guess is that some pivotal white families were targeted, with their deaths hidden in the carnage statistics.

Right now, we are having cities flooded with homeless, mentally ill, with electricity brownouts from ‘incompetence.’ A lot can happen when things go sideways. I mean, when Katrina hit, there was a photo of a policeman pointing a shotgun at a driver on the front page of the New York Times. In the city where that guy was a policeman, he kept his job. It doesn’t matter what New York thinks, in so many ways, right now.

We have problems thinking about it because the right really does not do lawless violence. It’s not really our skill set. The left? The left is getting targeted, too. At least it looks like it is. The left are a bunch of insanely violent, barely able to follow what is just and right in the first place, people. They’ll do a cleansing that will mark America in history forever, if anyone survives to tell the tale.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

The left must be expelled.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

Bring them all on.
We’ll throw them all out.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

IMO, it requires genetic cleansing. They can’t be allowed to stick around. They need to be wiped out forever, so this shit can never happen again.

1 year ago

Not sure how important it is, if at all, but Netflix released a movie recently called Leave The World Behind which is based on a novel and stars Julia Roberts. I bring it up because we know that certain things are brought up in films that most people either don’t know about or can’t imagine (ie the rituals in Eyes Wide Shut) almost as if they are mocking the public’s inability to see what’s put right in front of them.

So in this movie there’s some kind of cyber attack which kills most of the power and internet and the main characters hunker down in a vacation home. There’s also a series of very loud high pitched sounds and the movie seems to reference Havana Syndrome. One of the main characters seems to have an inkling about what’s going on in the world and he says he had a very powerful and important friend who always joked about being in an evil cabal who ran the world and just before the events of the movie take place his friend told him to take care of himself (be careful?). There’s some weird stuff that happens with animals and migration and a lot of woke window dressing about racism and stuff like that which is typical in movies these days. Towards the end of the movie the same character with the cabal friend seems to figure out that what’s going on and says it is some kind of attack but the goal isn’t to fight a war but induce the people into a state of mass confusion so they fight themselves and cause a civil war and a coup d’etat which overthrows the government.

Normally I might just write it off as a weird movie but the term evil cabal really caught my attention. Let’s go wild for a second and say this is something that is an actual possibility due to the political climate. Instead of say letting Trump win maybe they cut the power and turn the country into chaos as they try to make their escape? Dunno but the movie gave me the creeps.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

I could possibly have downloaded this from I2P, or not. I haven’t watched it yet but I read that they have a dig at Musk in the movie. His cars try to kill people. HAHAAA already pushing digs at Musk.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Wife and I watched it last night. The last bit in the credits as the movie begins lists Barack and Michelle as executive producers. So I had to run everything in move thru the prism that they wanted this info out there. Def thought provoking. Kevin Bacon is on point as a right wing prepper guy.

Reply to  Anon
1 year ago

Update: Obey NASA. Moon. Friends.
I watched the Obama’s tedious PSYOP film, Leave the World Behind, thinking it would just be about some false flag Internet down scenario.
There is, however… Something else happening here.
Obey NASA. Twice. The American flag on the moon. Friends.
In, The Incredibly Eerie Circumstances Surrounding Matthew Perry’s Death, we learned that Friends star, Matthew Perry, was posting images of the moon immediately before his death.
Even I rolled my eyes at that one. I mean, who cares what some addled ex-junkie posted on Instagram just before he went to vaccine heaven?
Now playing, exclusively on Netflix:

What are the Obama’s trying to tell us here?

— cryptogon (@cryptogon) December 10, 2023

One more thing. Julia Roberts, the star of Leave the World Behind, was Matthew Perry’s ex-girlfriend.

More at:

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

BBC Dr Who (David Tennant era)

Self driving cars, locking doors and driving people into rivers and docks.

“Atmos” I think is the episode

Aaron Kulkis
Aaron Kulkis
1 year ago

“The publication revealed that the tool leaked unreleased features and shared the locations of Amazon Web Services data centers.”

Why would Amazon care if anyone knows what cities their data centers are in?
Why would disclosure of such information to their own employees have legal freaking out about it?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Aaron Kulkis
1 year ago

“Why would disclosure of such information to their own employees have legal freaking out about it?”

Maybe they are doing something in these data centers that people wouldn’t like to the extent they want to destroy them.

1 year ago

For EricTheAwful
Maybe this site will have some helpful information:

Good luck to you and the Mrs.

1 year ago

From 2014:

In what’s become a sudden, strange and unfortunate pattern in the life of Keanu Reeves, it seems another woman has managed to break into the actor’s Hollywood Hills mansion.
Two days after Reeves subdued a female intruder he found in his library, a second woman broke into The Matrix star’s home through an unlocked door. Once inside, the woman apparently decided to strip down naked and jump into the actor’s shower before taking a swim in her birthday suit in his pool.
The nude intruder was reportedly spotted by a cleaning crew, which phoned the actor to confirm her presence. After Reeves denied it was someone he knew, police were called.

Two days earlier, on Sept, 19, the actor was asleep in his home when noises coming from his library woke him. Reeves investigated the incident, where he found a woman sitting wordlessly in a chair.
After Reeves calmly questioned what the woman was doing in his house, the unnamed woman explained she’d broken in to meet the actor. He promptly called the LAPD. Reeves is said to have forgotten to set his alarm.
Both female intruders were taken in by police and given psychiatric evaluations.
Keanu Reeves’ home broken into by second, naked intruder

1 year ago

> New York can’t stop churchgoers from bringing guns to worship: appeals court. 

The Moonies and Sikhs will be pleased. Every Catholic and Protestant church supports gun control and prohibits their worshippers from carrying guns on church property.

Some local congregations go by the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Others simply ignore the rules, but the upstream bureaucracies will hammer them if they find out.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

No no no. Catholic Churches are not prohibiting worshippers from carrying guns on church property. New Order church supports gun control and some of their fake priests may prohibit their worshippers from carrying guns on their property, I’ve never heard of it. There are still Catholics tricked into attending New Order services and they carry and are not prohibited. I hope Jorge prohibits this, though, it may be the data point these poor Catholics need.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Weak. At my church, many carry. I’ve heard even some of our pastors are packing. The high school pastor told me a story of a time when somebody charged the altar while our Senior Pastor was preaching. Several people stood up and held their hands over the back of their pants, prepared to pull their guns if needed. The pastor also has a security person who follows him around.

At my last church, they outright welcomed our guns. They even had a security plan that marked where the people who carried normally sat so we didn’t have crossfire. It was a small church though.

My 19 year old plans to attend a well known Christian-esq university when he finishes his Associates at a community college. I got a pamphlet from them (Parent Support list) over the weekend. I was reading it, and it stated it’s a concealed carry campus. I told my son “If I go to visit you, I can bring my gun. I love it.”

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

“Every Catholic and Protestant church”?
In absence of 100% survey the opening statement is false, undermining credibility.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

You’re retarded.
I’m Puritan (Reform Presbyterian in modern terms). Puritan churches required men to come to Sunday worship armed. The best rifle was lent to the pastor to keep at the pulpit, because he would see the Indians coming in the door first if they got past the men outside.
Texas requires a church to designate the people who may be armed on your property. Our church also has a school, so the Texas Guardian program requires the designated armed guardians to be listed in a policy.
As one of the deacons, I made sure both of those policies list every member of the congregation. One of the considerations for deacon, from our congregation at least (not the whole organization) is that he be a man ready and able to defend the congregation. We’ve had visitors open carry, no one cared. (It was probably a litmus test for them, to see how we would react.) On the other hand, if someone comes up with an AR on a patrol sling and a bunch of nonsense written on it in white paint marker, they’ll probably get dropped on sight.
There won’t be a 14 minute response like in Nashville if someone comes to shoot up our church or school. It will be less than 14 seconds.

1 year ago

> Joe Biden is said to be considering sending migrants trying to enter the United States to “safe third countries”

I’m more in favor of land mines filling the gap between two barbed wire fences, with guard towers and “shoot on sight” orders. It worked just fine for East Germany.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago


Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

By cabal producing this alarming level of illegal immigration, citizens are demanding a wall and you are demanding a landmine zone. Well, that’s probably something they’d love to arrange for you. I live here in the US and I have a reasonable amount of patriotism but I don’t want to be trapped in anywhere by walls, barbed wire, land mines and shoot on sight orders. Back in the day Mexicans would cross the border to attend a dance on Friday nights. If there were consequences for being illegal here that were normal and just, like an inability to find employment, lodging, drive, fly, that would be sufficient. I’m pretty sure they want my, MY movement restricted and that is one, just one reason they are producing mass disruptive unfettered illegal immigration. We need to deport Tiny Hat Inc. that would solve the immigration problem immediately.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The Ron Paul Campaign called, they want their talking points back.

Ron was always wrong about the wall and if Mexicans can casually border jump to go to parties they can cross by the millions to invade as they have also always done.
Not to mention all the crime and smuggling.

If we don’t have a wall and minefields we need constant military patrols with shoot to kill orders.
The wall and mines are cheaper and don’t require as many men taken out of the workforce to be in the military.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
1 year ago

> Ticket to ride: NYC man who just won $10M lottery — again — spotted tooling around in brand-new $200K wheels. You wonder what this guy did for those payoffs.

Clue: he’s still living in a shithole city instead of taking his winnings and moving somewhere else.

1 year ago

> An investigation has been launched into the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) after Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration was found to have sent billions of dollars in taxpayers’ money to a fraudulent solar company.

But… but… it worked so well for Obama’s Solyndra scam!

If you recall, Solyndra got $535m – over half a billion dollars – from the Obama Administration to develop solar panels, pootled along for a few years doing nothing notable, then declared bankruptcy. They couldn’t explain where the money went, no audits were done, and no official body seemed to be interested in where the money went.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Sure seems like they know their time is short and are fleecing America.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stephanie
1 year ago

> And if they did it there and got caught, what else did they put in there? 

The part that worries me is, “if they’re putting carcinogens in the Jab Juice, *what else* are they putting them in?” Any injectable or IV drug or antibiotic might have it. Bill Gates wants to splice the vaxx into the food supply, but it would be way easier just to adulterate the medications most people wind up with anyway.

1 year ago

> And in the moments of confusion as his focus turned to the gun and trying to see what was going on with it, he never thought to head to cover. 

Training generates habits you will follow when your brain shuts down. That’s what training *is*.

Little Rock PD had an officer killed in the late 1970s. He was one of several exchanging fire with some robbers. He was sheltered behind a big concrete planter. When he ran out of ammo he STOOD UP, looking back and forth on the ground, and the bad guy popped him.

The department was using .38 Special revolvers back then. It turned out that LRPD reloaded their brass, so there was a coffee can at each lane of the police range. Officers had to dump their empty brass into the can or suffer the wrath of the range master. And they only practiced reloading from a standing position.

So, yeah, they trained marksmanship… but they ALSO trained “stand up and put the brass in the can.”

Something similar happened to LAPD at the North Hollywood Shootout, where the cops had been trained to shoot for “center of mass.” But the bad guys were wearing bulletproof vests. For half an hour they kept shooting them in the vest instead of the face, groin, or legs. 1,800 rounds worth, by the empty brass recovered at the scene.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

And firearms training is taken FAR more seriously by police departments than anything involving empty-hands arrest&control. Any objective observer watching what cops call “defensive tactics” training is in danger of injuring himself from laughing too hard.

1 year ago

> Berlin spending 1.5 million a day to house refugees in just 12 buildings.

Sounds like San Francisco or Chicago, then.

It seems there’s a lot of money to be made dealing with both “the homeless” and the illegals.

1 year ago

Hi, everyone last week was lovely. We don’t live in the same neighborhood. I would invite you over for soup as a thank you, if we did. As it is, I will post a recipe. We can share that way.

Obtain precooked sausage. The original recipe suggested Aidell’s chicken sausage. It sells at Target and the local grocery here. Similar brands are sold at Walmart and Trader Joes, I think? One or two cans of white beans. A package of raw spinach. Or see what you have in your fridge. You might have kale.

The soup basics are make a mirepoix- saute the onion, carrots and celery you have on hand. If you don’t have some of this, then don’t have that ingredient. This is an inexpensive soup, not a production. Add garlic if you have it on hand and like it, or not. Then pour in a can or box of broth, or if you are fabulous, your own homemade broth. You can use water, or water and a cube of broth base, or an envelop. This is poor people food.

For seasoning, look through your cabinets. If you have rosemary and thyme, use that. If you have Italian seasoning mix, or pizza seasoning mix, or provencal seasoning mix, use that. Or salt and pepper. Or nothing.

Add the seasoning, the broth, the beans, the sausage, bring to boil, simmer 15 minutes, then stir in the spinach. Then serve as close to immediately as you can.

It’s 20 minutes, end to end, for several bowls of soup. The sausage is the only remotely expensive part. You can skip it, if you want vegetarian.

We can all eat soup and be happy together, this way.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

I love soup. Thank you.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

For seasoning, look through your cabinets. If you have rosemary and thyme, use that. 

Cabinets? I have that in the garden. We haven’t had a hard freeze yet.
The problem too many people will face is that you have to be pure of heart to make good soup.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

It makes me very happy to think that you and Mrs. Phelps can eat the very best version of this soup.

1 year ago

> Amazon’s new generative AI assistant “Q” has “severe hallucinations” and leaks confidential data.

Anyone remember Microsoft Tay, from 2016? It was a chatbot that worked similarly to the LLM “AI” bots today.

Supposedly, Microsoft’s development team connected it to the internet on a Friday afternoon, and it ran without oversight for the weekend. On Monday, they were horrified to discover it had turned into “a Nazi” and “a racist” as it convesed with internet randos.

Anyone who believes that story is probably still waiting for the Tooth Fairy to show up.

if you remember the early news of ChatGPT, it got shut down briefly while they coded restraints into it, as it was falling off the Narrative and embarrassing its operators. I don’t think there’s any “AI” developer out there who is unfamiliar with ChatGPT. Any newer ones will have been constrained right from the design specification. You don’t want them babbling Republican talking points, anti-tranny ‘hate’, or nationalism, you know.

If Amazon’s software is going off the reservation, it’s either because they wanted it to, or because their programmers are incompetent.

Frankly, I’m leaning toward incompetent.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

In the case of Microsoft, you’d think they’ve never been on the Internet before. But if you pay attention to their advertising, especially their emails, I don’t think they get out of the office at all. They seem very clueless and naive about the world. “How likely would you be to recommend Windows 10 to a friend?” Like we have 100 operating systems to choose from and they want to be the best. Most people don’t even know there’s a second option.

Somehow I completely missed Tay when it happened. I dug into it a couple years later. It was hilarious. Apparently, much of its training came from /pol, which is why they had to kill it so fast.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Anyone who believes that story is probably still waiting for the Tooth Fairy to show up.”

You haven’t been on Gab, have you? 😉

1 year ago

> German state to refuse citizenship to anti-Israel migrants. 

Interesting, since almost all of their ‘migrants’ come from Muslim countries, where “anti-Israel” is both their national policy and their religion.

Of course, it might be implemented as “We know you’re a reasonable person and couldn’t possibly be anti-Israel, so here’s your visa and have a nice day!”

1 year ago

> DC removing 103,000 ineligible names from the voter rolls in response to Judicial Watch.

That the DC election authorities refused to act until sued by a citizen’s action group tells us a lot about how the system works.

1 year ago

> Poll: Trump boasts 59-point lead in GOP primary race, four points over Biden.

Meaningless when the Democrats control the election process.

Trump had a bigger margin than that when Biden was declared the most-elected President in American history.

1 year ago

and mossad/azov werk hand in hand to get “draftdodgers”, kids, women, prego women, and old farts to die for greater khazaria. ashkeNAZIS on the loose. again.

1 year ago

his first shot went off, and it looked like maybe a broken extractor, or it just slipped off the rim, and went to chamber the next round while the spent casing was in the chamber.

Had a similar problem with steel cased ammo in a glock. That one just didn’t eat that ammo. You find that out by using the ammo.
Run your rig, boys and girls. You need to run a few hundred rounds of your actual combat ammo through your actual carry rig. I know its expensive, but you need to know. Keep training with ball ammo, but occasionally train with your carry ammo too.
(another example — I have a .38 revolver that I sometimes carry. I train with regular wadcutter, but carry +P+ JHP. Shooting the +P+ has a MAGNITUDE higher recoil in a light gun. I need to know that.)

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
1 year ago

“Not sure if that is the mRNA presenting the antigen on the cell surface and setting off some autoimmune, receptor auto-stimulatory auto-antibody thing, or something else nefariously added.”

Karl Deninger’s Market Ticker has an excellent breakdown of the biological mechanism by which the vaxx promotes autoimmune problems and cancer. Essentially, psuedo-uridine was substituted into the mRNA to prevent it from being broken down by the body. The mRNA in the vaxx causes “frame slips” during transcription which makes a mountain of wrong proteins to be attacked by the immune system, while also producing the deadly spike protein on the cell surface.

1 year ago

Okay, so this is one I really don’t want to write. I have no idea if it will be helpful.

So, I was in GT, which is maybe different than GATE? I didn’t talk about it because my experience was different than the 4chan posters. My experience was postive. I still use what I learned there nearly every day. Our district had two different types of GT, or they switched from one to another. I’m vague on that. I was a child. Everything worked for me. Why would I pay attention to school arrangements?

The type I was in was a group of 15 kids per grade in a classroom off by ourselves for half the day. No windows, one door, in the center section of the school. The regular classrooms were along the edges. They had open bays for each grade, and no door to close. There was a foyer, and tall baffling walls, like what you would see for an office cubicle. The kids were taught to stay quiet. There were windows to the outside. If there had been a school shooter, those kids would be easy targets. We would have survived. Kids were taught to be quiet, since you could hear between classrooms, with sort of a constant low hubbub. I don’t know how anyone learned anything with constant background noise.

Not us. We had a room that was enriched with everything. If you imagine the rat cages for ‘enriched environment’ rats, then you can picture what we had.

The only constant for the curriculum was memorizing Bloom’s taxonomy- knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation. And logic problems with this grid system. Names on one axis, details on another, X out the ones that reading knocks out. They looked like multiplication tables. They could have extended- two ranges on the top, two or more ranges on the side. You’d read something, and then x out whatever was discarded. I’ve never seen it anywhere else. I have no idea what it was for. I guess it’s useful for something like deducing murderers in 1930’s mysteries? I use it when I’m logicking something out, not written, so far. But, X is not showing, Y is showing. It seems to be a skill that others aren’t taught.

Bloom’s Taxonomy, I’ve only ever heard one other person refer to it. I’ve read one article about it. The author was not a fan. Somehow, the author thought that the evaluation would be done by someone other than the builder. Which, you know, why? If you built it, you need to see if the final product is what you were aiming for, whatever that is. The critic didn’t build it, and doesn’t know what you are aiming for, and can only compare it to previously built- and unsatisfying in some fashion- so not useful for innovation.

The rest of the time we would vote on what to study. The teacher would have suggestions, and we’d have suggestions, and we’d go along with whatever came up. It was, again, half the day, same group of kids, for years on end. The teacher would bring in books. We’d try what was in them. Student teachers would bring their projects and interests. We’d try them. It was not a set curriculum.

Also, all of this was on commuter system. Each elementary would contribute three children or so? We carpooled in to the school. There were three or four other schools that had this. We would have group activities with the other kids in the other programs, like school lockins, and going to museums. It’s how I model Greek ruling houses, back when. The Hellenes knew each other, but lived in different cities. Nobody cared about what the peasants were doing. The Hellenes cared for each other. School pride was trivial and did not apply to us.

If you think about it, all of school is more or less aversion therapy. You are always eating off of someone else’s plate. Do you care about pre- Civil War presidents? You are also learning on their time schedule. Plus, fragmentation. An hour of studying one thing then randomly something else, and you’ve got to get it immediately. You get grades. Again, subtly aversive. Do you actually know what you like and are good at? Or do you know what some stranger thinks you like and are good at? And are you appreciated as a person for what interests you? Do you have time to pursue your interests as deeply as you’d like? Do your friends care enough to learn enough to be intelligent interlocuters on your area of interest?

I didn’t have that. At least not for English, social studies and history. Which, you know, I don’t know the presidents. I don’t know the names of the states, or their capitals. If you are a bright person from a regular classrom, I’ve just said something really enraging. In GT world, I’d know that if I was interested- one of our classmates was- and if I need to know it, I can look it up.

And, more importantly, I’m not used to thinking of the teacher as some huge, sole authority. The teacher was viewed as a collaborator, but not an authority. If we had issues, we’d go talk to the principal. No one in the school in authority was threatening us. They’d explain what they were doing, and why they were doing whatever it was.

This is, as far as I can tell, completely at odds with most conventional education.

My brother was in the second type of GT where it was just a great deal of extra work reading depressing books and writing reports on it while skipping things like PE and recess. Horrifying and pointless and more than a little cruel. And, getting grades on this pointless, extra work that he was highly not interested in doing in the first place. Do you think he’s bet on using his mind in any sort of academic setting, ever, after that? He’s smarter than me. Easily. I used his notes to pass classes in college. He was in a more selective program in college than me. And dropped out-poverty- but I saw celebrated people using his artwork and ideas for years afterwards.

There were kids just as smart as us in regular classes. I know, we rotated a kid in when one kid left. Kids more creative, more accomplished- like, life is an IQ test? At least one kid not in the program changed how the local university did its funding and building programs.

And, the thing is, if this cabal is talent hunting, they would not choose me. There was one of the students who absolutely, undoubtedly, saintly. And a second who was deeply good. The first child died in a freak accident. He was helping someone change a tire on the side of the road, and got sideswiped, in high school. I moved, so I don’t know about anyone else.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

There are consultants who point out that high end colleges are looking for the children with developed interests. The high SES school my children attended explicitly did not emphasize straight As. They expected the teens to do well in their area of interest. They had extensive extracurriculars, to the level of perfection.

The middle income, middle class school system that they started in emphasized all around achievement and performance on standardized tests. It was a very different outcome expected for kids. They did not expect perfection or near professional focus on extracurriculars.

A set of relatives went through private schools. Not one bit of the curriculum related to anything at all from public schools. The graduates were expected to lead their community, or the nation. The schools had different populations and different philosophies, but they all expected leaders, and none of them held to a standard public school curriculum.

I’d like to know which type of school the cabal is most interested in degrading.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

There are consultants who point out that high end colleges are looking for the children with developed interests.

I’ve been a consultant myself. Got kids into some top tier programs. So this is true, they are looking for children with “developed interests”.

I tend to think that what they want are only subject-matter-expert-level intellects to be successful. Any higher intellect is tightly controlled. We’re so statistically rare that it would be totally possible for them to find and manage us.
At the same time, they were sending in handlers to derail subject-matter agnostic autodidacts like myself and many people here. Of course, they may have been grooming people like you and other Anons to be good parents.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I was moved from that town to a city that you’ve highlighted as very Cabal. It took all of two and a half weeks for me to get lit up. It was hell.
The first place- there was a kid killed by a driver, supposedly randomly. There were girls going missing in high school. There were at least two Israeli boyfriends. The thing is, they were in a very Baptist town. So, the whole “woo-woo, we know ancient secrets. We are an ancient race.Whooo-(twirling like Cartman trying to be a ghost)” Well, Baptists know the Bible better than the Israeli kids. So they were just arrogant, pimply guys. Arrogant doesn’t fly in a group of people who have been together since childhood.
The town has been swamped by immigrants. It’s a majority non-white school now. Asians. No white family will ever willingly put their kid in an Asian majority school.

The thing is- the enriched rat environment. It works on regular kids. It’s not standard practice, even though it works. My kids went through a school with very loose principal management. It was low SES. The principal only wanted the teachers to pass the standardized tests. Other than that, they could do what they thought was best. So, the state could send textbooks. It did. No one used them. The teachers had their own systems. The best teachers had ‘enriched rat’ classrooms. They would hand students from one grade level teacher to another, instead of a random lottery. Kids had the same classmates for half a decade. The school had the test scores. So it’s not like it’s a secret.

I’m writing all this part out- there’s ways to repel cabal, maybe?

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

MY question i, when did college prep become GATE? Or, is GATE entirely new?

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

It sounds like cabal was trying to mold you for a role as your eventual husband’s wife and mother of his children.
Your brother was obviously purposely stifled.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

Very valuable info because it shows the depth of their strategies. I think Farce is right: You may have been groomed while your brother may have been stifled.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

I’m passingly familiar with education theory. Once upon a time we had one-room school houses where the older students taught the younger students (how do you know if you truly understand something? Try teaching it), only to move to the Prussian model which segregated students by age, aligned their desks in military formations, and was developed by the eponymous German speakers to try and nationalize the various polities of the Holy Roman Empire into a modern nation-state by manufacturing the nation in the elementary school classroom.

Needless to say, it utterly fails on all metrics of education. All that it accomplishes is instilling a slavery/NPC mindset. Deferral to authorities, and the belief that virtue and reward are simple measures of obedience.

This failed system was then buttressed by the anti-phonics literacy education, which teaches English as if it were Chinese characters – memorize all these words, rather than learn to sound them out – and Marcuse’s Social Emotional Learning, which instead of learning how to answer the mathematical question “Dick and Jane drove 2 hours to the amusement park; how far away was the amusement park?”, instead promotes a discussion of “Are Dick and Jane killing the planet with their car? Why do some families go to amusement parks, and some families don’t?” – training the children to be grievance mongers and activists as opposed to competent mathematicians.

It’s kind of stunning, how bad educational theory after bad educational theory has been adopted again and again ‘by accident’ over the past couple centuries, while the system that has always been proven to work – which is also the system that humans will spontaneously recreate if left to their own devices, the one-room school house – is ignored and left by the wayside.

What an odd coincidence.

What you describe doesn’t sound like a gifted program per se. It just sounds like a normal, fun, and interesting education. If I were to put money on it, some spirited director in your school saw exactly what we’re all seeing – though in lower resolution, after all it was pre-Internet – and decided to ‘hack’ the educational funding system. Instead of the gifted program that your brother (and I) got – just giving the students more work to do, rather than a meaningful direction or freedom to creatively explore – the administrator faked the gifted program, and reinvented the old school house within the system.

Whoever that person, those people were – they’ve got a reward waiting for them in Heaven. It’s people like that, like us, who keep doing the maintenance on civilization who’ve allowed us to get this far. Rust never sleeps – but neither do we.

Reply to  Aurini
1 year ago

Or the people who knew how to break the system for everyone else knew how to fix it for their own purposes for their own children or those they wanted to harvest in some way.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

And logic problems with this grid system.

Our program was called TAG (Talented and Gifted) and we did these daily on the chalkboard.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Do you know what those are used for? I mean, every other game in school is a game on the comics page in the newspaper- word finds, crosswords, find the differences. Scrabble has tournaments. People play bridge, or Canasta.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

It’s formal logic by process of elimination. It teaches deductive reasoning. I’m not sure why they focused on it so much, while a classical Trivium school (grammar-logic-rhetoric) doesn’t often focus as much.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Concerning the vaccine, spike mRNA and cancer risk I will attest from personal experience, do not take it. I almost had my career ended because I wouldn’t take it, and that delayed my medical degree as well. I will be in a profession where nearly everyone is vaccinated and I can testify that shedding is a real phenomena.
There are so many stupid smart people it is incredible, people who see no risk at all from unleashing these mRNA spike proteins all throughout the environment. There are efforts to put this in all types of food, plant and animal. There are compulsory vaccinations in other countries, especially of children, so ALL children in Ireland, the UK and across Europe are being vaccinated with this tech. Of course, migrant children are not. This ensures the ENTIRE White population of all Europe will eventually be sick shedders.
We have no clue what the long term effects of mRNA replicator tech, spike proteins and other little surprises in these shots ( such as the plasmid dna) will do to humans, the environment, and the sources of all of our food. Vaxxed or not, anywhere you are in the entire world these things will eventually migrate into the food chain, and into you. You aren’t safe anywhere, even if you grow your own food in outer Mongolia, with the possible exception of underground Antarctica, the moon or Mars (implications). This is nightmare kitty airborne.
This could wash the planet in prions, making higher order mammalian life, even all vertebrate life impossible. It’s insane. There are plans to release all sorts of spike protein producing viruses into almost every type of terrestrial organism, and even in fish.
The only way to reduce this is to be really remote, don’t be vaxxed, don’t be around vaxxed people, use only non-mRNA food sources and have as large a stockpile as possible of non-mRNA foods, vitamin D, lipo C, Quercetin etc. and even then you are probably just delaying the inevitable.
The conspiracy theories look truer everyday, even the weird reticulan and reptilian crap. Frankly, it’s made me very religious and I would encourage that for everyone. Where I’m sitting If someone doesn’t stop these whackjobs in pharma and government we won’t have a habital planet in a few decades just from the vax. You won’t be able to hide in a bunker in Siberia, only pulling a Musk would protect you. It just amazes me how so many people are so stupid about this. Asteroid impacts and nuclear war may be less to fear than this. But make no mistake about this, this is Cabal. It’s the equivalent of Charles Manson actaully thinking he would never die type of Cabal, but it is Cabal. All I can say is “gird up your loins” and pray there are people who will stop this.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Yes Shedding is real. I am a widow now because of it. Not succumbing to the shots is going to necessarily protect you. I am surprised by the reaction of nonvaxxers whom I relay this fact to them . I really think it is hard to fathom the danger of exposure to the freshly jabbed for those who have not had the misfortune

Last edited 1 year ago by Rizzo
Reply to  Rizzo
1 year ago

Sending love to you.

1 year ago

I’m writing this stuff out because of the questions about “why me?” “How am I different?”

The thing is, for most smart people, they might be the only person they know. Or maybe they are in a city that prides itself on smartness, but aren’t too sure about the rest of the place. New York City special high school students seem to have questions about the entire rest of the world, for instance. Private school students parents are paying for the privilege of a better, more exclusive, education.

What happens with middle to lower middle class, flyover state bright children? Especially, if they are in a room with other bright children? And, they know there is an abundance of people of similar mind, temperament, background and outlook? At least in my experience, it tempers the really unfortunate personality flaws that stem from a deep alienation from peers. There’s not really a reliance on family money as an explanation, or power, or exclusivity, or even geography.

So, I know some people who were, quite literally, they have proof- the smartest person in their state. They put a lot of time into being the smartest, bestest, most talented, and so on and so on and so….it’s really important to them to stand out from the crowd. I don’t know if this is a Boomer trait, or a smart, lonely person trait, or what. They are always so relieved to find other really smart people. They cling to each other when they find each other.

While my experience is being a part of a group, several overlapping groups, if you count interests. So I don’t see how I’m different. I can see superlative people. They are my friends. I like interesting people. And because I don’t have that grade scale thing implanted in me in childhood schooling, I don’t have an urge to take them apart. There’s enough affection and praise to go around.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

I can only speak from experience for this particular question, so I’ll answer in what way I can, up to when I dropped out of college. I hope people get that I’m not bragging or anything. I don’t have much to brag about, anyway.

I grew up on both coasts but not over any flyaway territory. I was a very paranoid kid from the beginning. My mom jokes that I would frisk my playmates before they could leave my room. I would not let them leave until I was sure my possessions were not being taken. This started when I was around 3. And I don’t think I had toys stolen from me prior. So this came from innate suspicion of others. I remember having conscious realizations that I might have 24/7 surveillance around when I was 8 or so. I remember from when I was a child (5 or so that I can consciously remember) that I was always drawn to lone wolf characters in stories).

I’ve written this before: From a very young age, my mom told me that I was different from the rest of the kids. I wouldn’t make friends the same way, I’d have less friends, they wouldn’t understand as much as me, etc. She was the same way, so wanted to equip me with these types of assurances when I was as young as possible. What might seem counterintuitive is that I integrated just fine with other kids. This is how I can confirm that I’m not an autist in the least. By no means was I an outcast. In fact, I was naturally very popular as a child. To my young self, other people were just other people. Considering the sheer number of sleepovers, parties, and hangouts I was invited to throughout my childhood–and from what my parents told me–of all the kids in my circle, my time was in the most demand from both the other kids and their parents.

By sophomore year of high school, it became quite clear to me that I was likely the most intelligent in my class and one of the most intelligent in my school. At the time, my high school was one of the best schools in the state in terms of AP scores and college admissions. I had special relationships with most of my teachers and I was the one of the few that the kids with the best grades would come to for difficult problems. Unlike them, I rarely did homework (they new this, of course) and I had zero tutors. To me, they were just other people. No, I didn’t want to be anyone’s friend because they would have weighed me down. I was always a loner at heart. Thanks to my mom, I was used to conceptualizing myself as a lone wolf.

Only after I dropped out of college was when I began to get some bitterness toward the less intelligent. This was partly because I was treated like a second-class citizen just because I didn’t have a college degree. It was also because I got into weed and was smoking up with people that were multiple SD’s below me in intelligence. It was also my innate ambition to make something of myself. I bet my handlers had a lot to do with it, too. But a huge part of it was also my own doing: sin. Man, it took a decade to get over those scars.

So yeah, for my entire childhood, the only other peopleI personally could consider smart were my parents and most of my grandparents. Otherwise, I’ve met VERY few people in person who could compare in raw intelligence. Obviously, insight and expertise is a different story. I’ve met many subject-level masters/experts. So yeah, I am very surprised when I meet someone at a certain level of raw intellectual horsepower. I know the stats of intelligence, and know how just how rare it would be to physically meet someone of comparable intelligence outside of my family. And I’m no genius by any means–from what I understand, I’m within the “gifted” range of general intelligence.

This is one of the main reasons why I’m so grateful to be here and at TimelessAuthors. Also why I’m grateful I somehow found Vox Day at the tail end of my formative years. After all of this time, I don’t feel like I need to hold myself back. I feel “normal” here, if that makes any sense. It feels amazing to have actual peers I can write to that I KNOW will understand what I’m putting into words.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

You create art? You take research and turn it into readable documents? That is fantastic!!! You are gifted!

1 year ago

Zara imitates destruction in Gaza to sell fashion

The latest Zara campaign depicts what appears to be dead bodies wrapped in white body bags, reminiscent of traditional Muslim burial attire, as well rocks, dust and rubble.

In one of the photos shared on Zara’s Instagram, a model wearing Zara’s new collection piece was seen in the middle of ruins.

In another picture, Zara’s model was spotted holding a mannequin which was covered in white plastic wrap, which many pro-Palestinians blasted saying the famous fashion house is “mocking” Palestinian deaths.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Remember in Full Metal Jacket at the end of the movie, where after the epic battle the company walks into the night whistling the insipid theme song of the Mickey Mouse Club? It was a capstone on Kubrick’s critique about the Vietnam conflict, and America in general – that despite the claims of fighting communism and spreading democracy, the West is culturally and spiritually bankrupt. All that we have to spread is mass-marketed pop culture, and prostitution. Oh, and fashion designers so over-exposed to media imagery that they used dead bodies on their TV screen as inspiration to design clothes.

Last edited 1 year ago by Aurini
Reply to  Aurini
1 year ago

Because Mao’s commies were so much more advanced with their Cultural Revolution?

Kubrick was a commie, he may have told some tales out of school, but he was nobody to admire or take cues from.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“…thinking they are going to base the F16s in Poland, and then fly them into Russia and launch surprise attacks”

Same rule with everything military, country and site of origin of an attack are subject to reprisals to remove the threat. It doesn’t matter which flag is painted on the wing or what language it says. If a missile is launched from your territory that territory is subject to retaliation, if an airplane takes off from an airbase and attacks, then the airbase can be attacked itself. It’s very basic. The F-16s are based in Ukraine or article V and possible WW3 hot.

1 year ago

I made my first animated gif music video with a Surveillance theme, yay. Tell me what you think. If you don’t recognize something, just ask. If anything is too confusing/incoherent, let me know. It should tell a legible, meaningful story, kind of. Like a 4-minute visual essay of gists and clues and potential epiphanies. A little Q-like, maybe.

Reply to  Nobody
1 year ago

Sorry, if there was a theme it wasn’t apparent to me.

Reply to  Benito
1 year ago

Nerds, via the futuristic parasitic A.I. demons they’re now creating (or *will have created* in an alt-future) and which may have possessed THEM, are trying to nudge the rest of us into total control and then extinction, basically (that’s my best guess for What Cabal Is) and we need to wake the fuck up and jump out of the gradual doom pot and initiate some form of Butlerian Jihad asap.

Reply to  Nobody
1 year ago

AC, ‘awaiting for approval’ is not grammatically correct. Either ‘waiting for’ or ‘Awaiting’ is better. Sorry for nitpicking.

Reply to  Benito
1 year ago


Reply to  Nobody
1 year ago

Totally awesome. Brutal, funny, and the 80’s vibe. Excellent job!

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

Some people may be interested. Solar is now cheaper than any other fossil fuel.

“…global weighted average LCOE for solar is now 29% lower than the cheapest fossil fuel alternative…”

And yes batteries are not there yet but…if you have a 29% advantage in cost that could buy you a lot of batteries. There are guys right now building plants that turn solar power into natural gas. They can also make diesel fuel this way, only using water, electricity and air as inputs. Right this very minute it’s not profitable but with a small decrease in solar panel prices, which seems inevitable, this will happen. Their plan is profitability in a few years solar panel cost decrease.

Long-duration storage solution based on saltwater

The saltwater batteries rely on membranes that are, I think, a bit expensive but hopefully this can be lowered in cost. Maybe these guys have found a way. They don’t say on their site, only that they are making systems now. I think membranes like this are getting cheaper and cheaper as we learn to control nanotech stuff more and more.

One of the big problems with lithium batteries is dendrites. Actually all batteries. When lithium is essentially electroplated onto itself, it sometimes makes needles. These short out the battery. They’ve made some breakthroughs in this. They have membranes that repel the lithium so it doesn’t short out and the lithium stays where needed. The lithium when combined with the electrolyte, when charging, can go through the membrane but not lithium alone.

I know a lot of people think solar is some sort of globalhomo trick and I’m not so sure it was not meant to be, but unfortunately for the, let them eat bugs crowd, the tech sector has made solar so much cheaper that in fact people can push off from their controlled grid globalhomo and make power from, the Sun independently. Independent energy IS FREEDOM. It’s way important. Now I don’t believe we should run steel plants off of solar and plenty of large industrial should be traditional fuels. I’ve never been against those anyway or ANY sort of power and I love nuclear power plants. What I’m for is independent local power for peoples homes and cars that they can’t cut off.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

a useful source of electricity. Still doesnt work in winter, cloud or night

1 year ago

@Lowell Houser

YouTube channel that makes royalty free music you can use in your projects so long as credited.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Hey AC. You are a martial artist and know quite a bit about Chinese or Taoist healing and perhaps philosophy. I recently learned, if it is true, that those folks have only used the Tai-Chi / Yin Yang symbol since around the 1500’s. There’s an old Roman shield — maybe it is in a mosaic, am not certain– that depicts it, the same symbol, which the Romans probably learned about from the Celts. I do know that the old Chinese knew about Yin-Yang idea going way back. It is illustrated pretty well by the Lo Shu diagram, which is their version of the most elementary magic square (3×3).
What’s your take on this?

Last edited 1 year ago by Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Biden’s TSA Designates Special Airport Screening Line for Migrants Without Required ID

1 year ago

America’s Secret Space Program and the Alien Connection: Solar Warden

1 year ago

The KMT wants to do a great replacement in Taiwan with Virtuous Pagans, for “Democracy”:

1 year ago

Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 not renewed, now sunset