News Briefs – 12/09/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Wisconsin hearing reveals massive voter anomalies. A quick rundown of stats at the link. I’m posting the next article as one example for those who don’t click through.

A public hearing on Wisconsin’s voter rolls on Wednesday revealed widespread opportunity for election fraud through old voter rolls, with 119,283 “active voters” and 500,000 more “inactive” voters, who all have been registered for over a century. And the state had 93% voter turnout, with these non-voters on the rolls.

157,00 voters in Wisconsin have the same voter registration number.

Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem, Whip Leo Biasiucci, and Sen. Sonny Borrrelli announce a public hearing on election integrity in Pima County next Monday.

Emails reveal Milwaukee officials giving Democrat operatives funded by Mark Zuckerberg direct access to Wisconsin’s election database – to active voters, absentee applications, ballots received, ballots rejected BEFORE and during the election.

Brad Raffensperger argues the State Farm suitcase video was an “urban myth” and kicking out observers, rolling out suitcases and shoving ballots thru machines 3 times in the middle of the night is completely acceptable.

In a win for the GOP, the Ninth circuit ruled that Arizona doesn’t have to give voters who forget to sign their mail ballot time after the election to resolve the issue, rejecting a lawsuit filed by Democrats.

Solicitor General files brief in Harvard v. SFFA at SCOTUS. This sets up the possibility of affirmative action being repealed, gun rights expanded, and Roe v. Wade overturned all this term.

Former Trump White House chief of Staff Mark Meadows is suing the House special committee investigating January 6 and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

In Nevada, the case of a Marine combat vet who had his life savings seized by DEA, despite having all his bank receipts with it, showing where all the money came from going back years, and that none of it was illicit. Notice the patrol guy begin to say he was leaning toward giving the money back at 8:05, and get cut off by the superior. You don’t have to watch the whole thing, and quite frankly it will make your blood boil, even though this guy was made whole by the Institute for Justice suing on his behalf:

Clearly a top tier case though to get rid of asset forfeiture, between this guy’s service, and all his receipts for the cash. I will bet, when everything gets aired out and audits are done, it will be discovered that once the local DEA guy handed the money off, what was supposed to come back to the cops and DEA ended up being some tactical trinkets worth a fraction of the cash value, and most of that cash disappeared, just like the mysterious missing money of the Pentagon. An anon on the 4Chan thread related the story of a guy who went the van-life way, and was always getting stopped like this, until he built a lead box to store his cash in, at which point he was no longer stopped. That just jiggled loose a memory from decades ago. I knew a guy whose family used to do a ton of lucrative contract work overseas each year, for a semi-corrupt country. Once a year his family had to go to the country “on vacation,” where his brothers would make the rounds of all the government officers which hired them, so they could give them bribes to keep the contracts flowing. He related that in the run-up to those trips, everyone in the sizable family would pull every penny they could out of the banks in hundred dollar bills, and then sit around the living room, holding the bills up to the light, and separating the $100 bills with the security band in the bill from the rest, because the bands were detectable when they left the country and would get them flagged. I always thought he was just guessing they could detect the bands and it was paranoia, but they must have been told by somebody who knew.

A reminder from twitter – “One more time for those in the rear. Ghislaine Maxwell is part of a multi-generational child trafficking ring connected to intelligence agencies. She is not a victim of her father or Jeffrey Epstein or anyone. She works for one or more governments. That is what this is.”

Twitter bans account with 525,000 followers that posted updates about the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. Twitter said they were banned for “artificially amplifying information.”

Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein seen at the Queen’s Balmoral Estate log cabin in new photos shown to court. Interesting in that Maxwell’s father ran cover for the pedophile networks in Britain using his tabloids, as a Mossad operative. Ghislaine and Epstein were Mossad operatives running blackmail operations in America and Britain, giving them free access to the Royal estates and Royals like Prince Andrew. So Britain is like a subsidiary of Mossad, controlled through pedo-blackmail. And yet Britain technically predates Israel, so its intelligence services should have been more mature, more developed, more capable, and have been used to corrupt Mossad, if anything. That Israel is running things now indicates something older is running Israel – something that predates Britain, forced British intelligence to accept Mossad domination, and for unknown reasons chose to use Israeli intel agency to control a nation it must have controlled more directly prior to Israel’s existence. Why did Cabal take what was probably direct control of Britain, and shift it to Israeli control of Britain? Unless it calculated everything might come to light, and if it did, we’d blame the Jews, and deal with them, and when we were done, think we solved the problem – as Cabal set about using its databases to rebuild its control network again in secret.

“Carolyn” testified yesterday that she saw photos of Ghislaine Maxwell naked and pregnant. We know Epstein and Maxwell wanted Virginia Giuffre and Annie Farmer to have “babies” for them. What happened to Ghislaine’s BABY? Probably fed into the machine the same way all the babies which were bred in the John of God baby farm were.

Biden-linked CCP oil firm hits record production amidst Keystone pipeline cancellation.

Flashback to October 2020 – Kamala Harris listed as key contact for Biden family business venture in China.

Congress pushes $4.5 billion aid for Ukraine and European defense as politicians saber-rattle over Russia. And the money will go to Ukrainian defense contractors who will pass it back to Hunter Biden and John Kerry’s kids, who will take their cut and pass it on to Cabal.

Judge grants Project Veritas request to insert special master after FBI raids.

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press formally asked the court to unseal the search warrant materials, including the application that federal prosecutors and the FBI submitted when seeking permission to raid James O’Keefe’s home, but was denied, to protect the privacy interests of Ashley Biden.

An attorney for Roger Stone has informed the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol that his client will plead the Fifth and “declines to be deposed or to produce documents.”

Tweet : George Orwell’s estate approves retelling “1984” from woman’s point of view – Let’s pause for a moment and appreciate the fact that the most famous novel on propaganda will be rewritten to conform to modern propaganda. News article on it at the tweet.

FBI executes another “mostly peaceful” raid on a homeschooling mom.

Posobiec asks, “What happens when Amazon’s servers for all their Intelligence Community contracts go down? But sure, this couldn’t possibly be related to anything.”

Long Reddit thread of clotshot victims saying they are experiencing severe emotional issues, from loss of feeling love and connectedness to other people to depression, post-Vax. As we pointed out, that ACE2 receptor is involved in emotional processing. Generate antibodies to the Spike Protein’s ACE2 binding domain, and your immune system may eradicate every ACE2 receptor ligand in your body, including those made by your body and necessary to healthy brain function.

FDA says it now needs 75 years to fully release the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine data.

Senior vascular surgeon Tahir Hussain, who works at an NHS hospital in London says, “I’ve seen a big increase in thrombotic-related vascular conditions in my practice. Far younger patients are being admitted and requiring surgical and medical intervention than prior to the pandemic.” He goes on to say it is “a direct result of the increased stress and anxiety levels caused from the effects of PPSD (post-pandemic stress disorder).”

Governor of Maine activates National Guard to staff hospitals after firing unvaccinated healthcare workers.

Covid PCR tests useless says report by 22 highly qualified specialists.

‘The Republican party is disgusting to me” – Project Veritas exposes liberal grifter posing as “Republican” candidate for U.S. congress.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain has denied claims that his staff broke Covid rules by holding a Christmas party while the country was in lockdown, and that story weakened after a video surfaced of senior staff members joking about just such a gathering.

Finland’s PM Sanna Marin says she is sorry for clubbing after close Covid contact.

U.S. Senate votes 52-48 to repeal Biden’s federal vaccination mandates. Biden says he will veto whatever happens.

UN rights chief says, ‘In no circumstances’ is forced vaccination OK.’

On Saturday, Antifa activists attacked a young couple on Berlin’s rapid train transit system (S-Bahn) who had been involved in protesting against COVID-19 measures and mandatory vaccines in Germany. That is how it would look if the Cabal was targeting dissidents with an organized campaign.

British TV show does a poll asking if vaccines should become mandatory now with Omicron, 89% say no, and they quickly delete the poll.

Pfizer CEO says fourth Covid vaccine doses may be needed sooner than expected due to omicron.

BioNTech CEO says Omicron variant may need three more vaccine doses, plus initial vaccine and boosters.

Dr. Fauci: “I would prefer, and we all would prefer that people would be voluntarily getting vaccinated, but if they’re not gonna do that, sometimes you’ve got to do things that are unpopular, but that clearly supersede individual choices…”

Unvaccinated Arizonans 15 times more likely to die from Chinavirus, report says.

Investigation finds 278% increase in worldwide heart attack deaths among soccer players in 2021 so far.

WestJet flight diverted after pilot suffers medical emergency requiring defibrillator.

Holy Shit. Pilot Association posts “in memoriam” – 2019, 1 death, 2020, 6 deaths, 2021, the rest of the page:

A meme for your amusement:

And a reminder Jacinda is a man:

New CDC report finds increase in autism, with 1 in 44 8-year-olds diagnosed.

Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman was caught by the independent predator hunting group “People v. Preds,” allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex.

U.S. job openings unexpectedly rise to the second highest on record, of 11 million.

Satire : California store owner prices all items at $951 so thieves can be prosecuted. You get coupons that bring the price down to normal at the register.

12 US cities set records for annual homicides. On the bright side, that Conservative Policy Mood needle has to be heading sky high, which will eventually bring us out of this madness.

Video of an Asian restaurant owner walking a block to get a newspaper on the street in Chicago’s Chinatown, when a 23 year old black with a gun takes shots at him from a car, wings him, then gets out, walks over, and executes him. Suspect caught and gun in custody. They are creating this, by putting these characters on the street. It is very strange to see people we supposedly elect trying to get us killed, but that should tell you, we aren’t electing them.

Countless more Americans will be moving from blue states to red states in 2022.

In Canada, the country’s liquid gold – maple syrup – is running low and the Quebec Maple Syrup Producers (QMSP) – the so-called Opec of maple syrup – has released about 22m kg from its emergency supply, nearly half the total in reserve.

Hundreds of black women in Georgia will get $850 per month in guaranteed income. If they rig the lottery, these will not be random black women. I would not even be surprised if these black women had a deal with Cabal to take a slice and give the majority back to command for their slush fund.

Republicans just needlessly handed Democrats a blank check on the debt limit.

Pope Francis says ‘sins of the flesh’ aren’t that ‘serious.’

We had reported here that the son of OAN’s founder had come out supporting Biden’s commie woke FCC pick, in what many thought was a play by OAN, hoping she would kneecap Fox to the benefit of OAN, but the station founder, Robert Herring has now come out and said the station absolutely does not support the pick, and his son was speaking for himself.

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton fought back tears as she read the five-year-old victory speech she had planned to delivered before being soundly defeated by 45th President Donald Trump in the 2016 election.

Two staffers abandon Nancy Pelosi in one week, increasing the retirement rumors.

Jair Bolsonaro: “What is this leash they want to put on the Brazilian people? Where is our freedom? I would rather die than lose my freedom.”

French youth are following in the footsteps of Trump’s MAGA movement.

Conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt pleaded with former President Trump to not endorse disgraced former Gov. Eric Greitens in the Missouri Senate race. I like Greitens, until he proved to not be ardently pro-gun.

Nearly half of Americans believe President Joe Biden’s actions have hurt the United States, while only 25 percent say his actions have improved the nation.

Gov. Greg Abbott leads Democrat Beto O’Rourke by double digits.

Georgia governor candidate Perdue says he wouldn’t have certified 2020 election results.

A new FOX 5 Atlanta/Insider Advantage poll shows former President Donald Trump’s endorsement in the Georgia Governor’s race will have a huge impact on likely voters, driving support for David Purdue and already making the race a dead heat.

Former President Donald Trump wants his political team to start preparing for a 2024 run to win a second term “denied him,” according to former staff chief and current top adviser Mark Meadows.

Sales for Trump’s coffee table book hit 100,000, far outselling new book out by Chris Christie.

Invite other people to because being ardently pro-gun is vital.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“…. 500,000 more “inactive” voters, who all have been registered for over a century. And the state had 93% voter turnout, with these non-voters on the rolls.”

“157,00 voters in Wisconsin have the same voter registration number.”

Wisconsin. WTF, do you guys even know how to count? At this point I’m convinced every Florida voting joke has been part of the psyop going back 20 years, because it was so much worse in the “blue wall” states WI, MI and PA. You people who live there are literally monkeys.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Solicitor General files brief in Harvard v. SFFA at SCOTUS. This sets up the possibility of affirmative action being repealed, gun rights expanded, and Roe v. Wade overturned all this term.”

It’s almost as if the 2020 election didn’t even happen.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Probably fed into the machine the same way all the babies which were bred in the John of God baby farm were.”

More like sacrificed to Moloch. Ironic that a mossad agents lineage ends in such a manner, will jews even appreciate the irony? Probably not.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I have this feeling that as much as they worship bloodlines they have a system where adult/adolescent adoption and I forget the term but same thing as how the Celts would send kids to be raised by other families. That’s how they mostly do it. They likely think in terms of the Roman Gens.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“FBI executes another “mostly peaceful” raid on a homeschooling mom.”

Nothing the FBI did is outside of it’s mission charter here. The U.S. government has been captured by a long-running criminal enterprise, and as such the American Republic, as we know it or think it to be, has ceased to exist. It is in reality a legal nullity from it’s founding intent.

As such the criminal enterprise and it’s enforcement arm (the FBI) are enforcing their territory. Since homeschooling and voting assurance are encroaching on their turf, they can claim, rightfully so, that these are “terrorist” activities because the definition of what constitutes terrorism is subjective. You can terrorize a criminal. You can terrorize a demon. Poof- You’re now a terrorist.

You live in a feudal society and foreign criminal enterprises (Vatican, Italian, Irish, Jewish etc.) have combined to seize control of the U.S. Your children aren’t yours because you are serfs, so homeschooling is “terrorizing” your feudal overlords since your children belong to them. Your votes don’t matter because you are serfs, so combating voter fraud is “terrorizing” your masters, since they control your polity.

You can whine, complain and bitch about this all you want, but it is reality. The former U.S.A. has become a feudal society and you are a peasant. Where you go from here is up to you, but this is the truth and until you deal in truth you won’t change anything.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Where’s the like and retweet buttons?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“UN rights chief says, ‘In no circumstances’ is forced vaccination OK.’”

RIP UN guy. This is a brave statement because of the threats people like him are under.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Could be prepping the info battlespace for calling in UN “aid” to battle the spread of the “super deadly and not at all fake” omicron version.

Get the people who would normally use powder blue helmets as a range check on their rifle to think the UN is their friend, and here to help against the out of control US gov

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

This won’t help if that is the plan:

The United Nations Unveils a Statue at its NYC Headquarters that Resembles the Beast from the Book of Revelation

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“On Saturday, Antifa activists attacked a young couple on Berlin’s rapid train transit system (S-Bahn) who had been involved in protesting against COVID-19 measures and mandatory vaccines in Germany. ”

So, Antifa attacks people protesting against multi-billion $ pharma conglomerates that took over their nation? Honk Honkity Honk Honk.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Pope Francis says ‘sins of the flesh’ aren’t that ‘serious.’”

Whew, it’s becoming every day with this demon. Well, Bergoglio was picked by a conclave of Cardinals, so a majority of Cardinals must approve of this statement. And since almost every Archbishop agrees as well, due to their silence on this, we have to conclude that this statement represents the majority of the Catholic priesthood to some degree since men are still going to seminary training and becoming priests willingly, even under this current Pope. Oh well, Papal infallibility. Now Catholics, pontificate away. And don’t mention Vigano, as his excommunication is imminent.

If it isn’t clear for you by now that Salvation does not lie with this priesthood it likely will never be.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I realize Posobiec is a glowy, but one thing I’ve noticed that he keeps tweeting that its important all Catholics go to church. This church? Now? Really?

Once my Protestant church closed its doors for Easter and Pentacost, I’m not going back until there is some sort of accounting and repentance for what happened, all the hygiene theater has to be dropped, my first service back will be Easter, which they cancelled in 2020, and I walk out again if I hear a sermon urging me to get vaccinated. I might go to some church that didn’t co-operate with the reset but I understand there are few of these and they are pretty fringy.

Bruce Charlton by the way, gets this issue exactly right.

Reply to  Ed
3 years ago

I would be good if the Church has the Eucharist every Sunday.

It is certainly a Protestant Sacrament I would be willing to get behind weekly.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  info
3 years ago

My first church was in the “Church of Christ” movement. They do the “Lord’s Supper” every Sunday, and even carry around portable communion kits in case somebody shows up at other functions (like small groups) that missed church.

The church I go to now does it quarterly at best.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
3 years ago


4. Private masses, or receiving this sacrament by a priest, or any other alone; (1 Cor. 10:6) as likewise, the denial of the cup to the people, (Mark 14:23, 1 Cor. 11:25–29) worshipping the elements, the lifting them up, or carrying them about, for adoration, and the reserving them for any pretended religious use; are all contrary to the nature of this sacrament, and to the institution of Christ. (Matt. 15:9)

(Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter XXIX: Of the Lord’s Supper)

Also the chapter with my favorite passage:

6. That doctrine which maintains a change of the substance of bread and wine, into the substance of Christ’s body and blood (commonly called transubstantiation) by consecration of a priest, or by any other way, is repugnant, not to Scripture alone, but even to common sense, and reason; overthroweth the nature of the sacrament, and hath been, and is, the cause of manifold superstitions; yea, of gross idolatries. (Acts 3:21, 1 Cor. 11:24–26, Luke 24:6, 39)

Reply to  info
3 years ago

My church shares the Lord’s Supper every sabbath. It’s pretty common in Presbyterian Reform churches.

3 years ago

Vampires are real:

Many of the top tiers of Cabal are Vampiric.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Dr. Fauci: “I would prefer, and we all would prefer that people would be voluntarily getting vaccinated, but if they’re not gonna do that, sometimes you’ve got to do things that are unpopular, but that clearly supersede individual choices…””

Remember, once you begin to mess with free will other forces will intercede and any previous arrangement of non-interference is void.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

It’s also a direct argument against letting his goons inject you.

It may be really really painful for them, but it’s for the greater good, right?

3 years ago

>while you are out they have you under coverage for the whole trip
EMF paint/drapes enough uncertainty to cause Them to second guess? Then cameras/mics might be hardened against wireless disabling, making the kinetic booby traps redundant? UV layer in an intricate enough of a pattern individual to each room to be time prohibitive …

>he is on a covert mission for a government agency trying to stop some sort of release of a virus.
“Virus X” appeared in some CDC meeting with Trump early on in the admin. Portable PCR jerry rig + more specialized ‘variants’ from the motherland wouldn’t be a big ask from Confucius Institute appreciators.

>Ted ‘Unabomber’ Kaczynski targets with early RNA splicing research bona fides Phillip Allen Sharp, geneticist Charles Epstein, and Jeffrey Epstein affiliate David Gerlernter & Jonathan Brockman (MIT scandal):

tl;dr Curtis Yarvin’s brother Norman was suspected of a bombing at Yale (both computer science); his father (Herb) and mother were State Dept. (tribe)

>Norman Yarvin wasn’t only found with necessary equipment required to carry out the Yale bombing, [or] publicly admit[ting] his interest … pipe bombs, but he also disseminated information online to help others create explosives. With this evidence, you’d expect each of the five law enforcement agencies involved to begin a rigorous interrogation and investigation of Norman M. Yarvin. Instead, a gag order was put on the press and the case would be quickly swept under the rug.

>If [he carried] out the 2003 Yale pipe bombing, it would have been very inconvenient for Yale University, DARPA, and Norman’s father, Herbert… The day right before the bombing, [Pres.] Bush raised the national terror alert warning to an [O]range, and it is very notable that during a time of a heightened… alert, the Yale bombing was so quickly decided be… completely unrelated to terrorism. Was Norman completely innocent or, instead, privileged and protected?

>The pipe bombing in 2003 came about a decade after another bombing at Yale University. In 1993, Ted Kaczynski sent a mail bomb to the Department of Computer Science where Norman Yarvin was studying for his PhD. The bomb on that occasion caused injuries to a man named DAVID GELERNTER, who suffered permanent injuries to his right arm and eye upon opening the package sent by Kaczynski, who is perhaps better known as the Unabomber.

Curtis ‘Mencius Moldbug’ Yarvin was an online right ‘neo-reaction’ (NRX) founder figure of the 90s & early 00s that has only started giving interviews again in recent years, invariably with a ‘deradicalization’ schtick– a Jordan Peterson figure for left-brain types of the right. Yarvin recently spent most of his e-social capital in Scott Adams tier apologetics simping for coof vax mandates and Chinese style social credit tracking and tagging to combat it. He – among others – are accused of taking “Peter Thiel money” to this end of stopping rightward tension that would embaress or split from RINO Republicanism and/or hold Trump accountable.

GELERNTER was pushed by Thiel onto Trump as a science advisor — the interview ended with an aside on his Unabomber injuries, and ending just as abruptly with “You didn’t get the job.”

Was Trump aware of Gerlernter’s Epstein connection through Brockman? Or apprised of the RNA & genetics research/Coof plans in the pattern of targets and victims of Kaczynski? What did literally early mkultra’d Kaczynski know or suspect, especially if he did not act alone (which remains in question)? Fauci said in a White House Press Conference from 2017 “Trump WILL experience an epidemic during his term!” after all; and with “Virus X” being on the CDC national security briefing docket at the time–

Were the Yarvins connected that high up, with their family State Dept. service history, that they pulled Norman for an Op at Yale to hike up the alert level to Orange to some other end?

The thrust of Curtis ‘Moldbug’ Yarvin’s thought and public life in light of this is only more suggestive of ulterior motives in the shadow play of online ‘influencers’. His ‘based’ Silicon Valley micro-state corporate monarchies are completely immanent to the UN Smart City ghettos coof has made a possibility along the Chinese model. “Check Early Life History” meme applied here decades ago would have saved a lot of time and effort . . . but erring on the side of ‘if you only knew how bad it really was’, this was even more of a bad circumstantial look than I could have forseen, even with the ‘7th Floor Group’ lineage.

To leave off on something completely different, from the Twitter thread on Ted’s targets:
>don’t forget James V. McConnell, psychologist focused on flatworm memory transfer-via-cannibalism. appeared in a UMich propaganda doc on Korean War mind control. proposed criminals could be “rehabilitated” w behavior alteration. Unabombed on Nov. 15 1985.

>But what if Cabal did 9/11, Zubaydah knew because they were trying to blame it on him, and the real reason for imprisoning him was to make sure nobody ever found out?
The Carl Duisberg Society hosted Attah for several years; came up again in (a literal shabbos glowie, but at least an interesting one) George Webb’s early Coof theory around UN Bio-material couriers during the original Ft. Dettrick closure that resulted in offshoring gain of function, and again at the Military Olympics just prior to the putative lab leak in October-November 2019. A lot of certain Dutch surnames with racial makeups that don’t match, speculated by Webb to have been adoptees or fostered children.

>shipping containers that house and launch missiles
This came up as ‘Project Pelican’ years back. Story centered around Iranian companies given port contracts during Bush Jr. administration. Makes me think of portable SAMs turning up in France and Italy ‘randomly’ in the headlines.

>I wondered if they actually know the truth, and are thinking, he is coming back, and this time, they need to look doubly close at every single child, and watch them all like a hawk
Either that or the Antichrist. The Rofschild thread, something along the lines of “It would be bad for us if [those of your kind/that ‘made’ you] came back.”

>The construction project was to cover for the digging noise.
Pentagram drawings recovered in the Franklin tunnels . . . suppose the emplacement is strictly ritual, a ground for non-physical influence over the location and its inhabitants– but then you’d have to get into the weeds of ritual magic and remote viewing during the Cold War . . . if the mind control garbage bore out, why not here–

>It is possible the reduced use of repair is why they fucked this one up so badly. Maybe a team from the nineties … might have done a better job.
Another angle on planned obsolescence and off-shoring with cheap Chinese crap, over played wireless to the detriment of boots on the ground tradecraft and the recent hostility to the Right To Repair Movement (internal statement from Microsoft devs in support was encouraging)

>because the bands were detectable when they left the country and would get them flagged
Magnetic enough to set off airport scanners if too many. Pooh Shiesty – a rapper – was indicted on iffy footage (masked) of a robbery & club shooting over dropping his bag, all on the basis of the bill #s flashed in music videos referenced agains those dropped in the club. Wonder if that wasn’t cover for RFID sort of passive tracking sensors out in the wild tripping it off instead. Aggressive plea deals to railroad blacks like this perhaps motivated with keeping this clandestine drip out of discovery?

>She is not a victim … he works for one or more governments. That is what this is.”
The Rekeita Law stream brought up another case during some Rittenhouse downtime on air, where the defense was aiming for laws that waved crimes committed while being trafficked (woman murdered her pimp to ‘escape’ roughly). Timing was convenient with Ghislaine’s trial.

>That Israel is running things now indicates something older is running Israel – something that predates Britain, forced British intelligence to accept Mossad domination, and for unknown reasons chose to use Israeli intel agency to control a nation it must have controlled more directly prior to Israel’s existence.
City of London goes back to Roman days, even prior. The last bit of that section jives with that apocryphal Albert Pike WW3 scenario. Ye olde Phoenician Navy

>What happened to Ghislaine’s BABY?
Weird amount of cuckholdry and inbreeding in those spheres, like Prince Harry being a bastard, or that Sam Hyde story of the Greek architect ruined by not bringing his wife to one of these wife swapping parties . . . Fostering would be ‘Platonic Republic’ ideal among elites, now the Empire and East India Trade co. bording schools are shells of their former glory; dicking down each others spouses would remove the extra steps

>issues, from loss of feeling love and connectedness to other people
Heart trouble will do that, mediastinal masses just from the pressure alone.

>“mostly peaceful” raid on a homeschooling mom
Another reference point against Patriot Front’s march — putting fasces on the stars and bars (30s kitsch), and being 1 degree removed from Charlottesville (like Fuentes and his cold Waukesha takes). Don’t engage in actual civics with concrete bearing on your lives, like the school board parents having files openly collated on them by mayors and governors, whom are actually getting dealt with the velvet gloves off . . . the Austrian Corporal started out as a police informant on the Spartacus group afterall . . .

>Hillary reading victory speech
/ourguys/ making ghouls do humiliation rituals? top kek

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I just skimmed through this, but Kacynski, before he was caught but when he was communicating through the media, claimed to be part of a larger organization.

So the take is that the claim was BS and he was acting alone. But what if what he was saying was true? What if he was an agent for a counter-cabal organization?

Yeah, he was an MK ultra subject, but someone might have gotten him free from the programming.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Interesting post. Thanks.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton fought back tears as she read the five-year-old victory speech she had planned to delivere before being soundly defeated by 45th President Donald Trump in the 2016 election”

So weak. If this wasn’t her idea she should Arkancide whoever proposed it to her.

“Jair Bolsonaro: “What is this leash they want to put on the Brazilian people? Where is our freedom? I would rather die than lose my freedom”

I love this man. I wish he was American.

3 years ago

The California Store Owner story where he marks prices up is satire. It’s not a real story.

3 years ago

Unless it calculated everything might come to light, and if it did, we’d blame the Jews, and deal with them….

Whomever blamed them, and dealt with them, would be entirely correct, as their tentacles go well beyond the fake country of Israel.

All roads of the world’s major problems lead to the same source.

3 years ago

> In Canada, the country’s liquid gold – maple syrup – is running low

Counterfeit maple syrup is a thing, and there are treaties between Canada and the USA regulating trade in syrup and enforcement against counterfeiters. It’s a really big deal in Canada.

Apparently the counterfeit stuff enters the supply chain mostly through adulteration with real syrup, using corn syrup and artificial flavoring.

Too bad CBPS is more interested in syrup than criminals coming across the southern border.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Got trees?

3 years ago

This Amazon shit is getting fucking stupid.
US-East-1 went down. This is the “main” region, even though it’s recommended to spread stuff out, even Amazon doesn’t do it for everything.

The classified regions are air gapped. Meaning they never touch the internet. At all. They functioned normally through the US-East-1 outage. Which started with S3 and cascaded into nearly everything. This happens once in awhile.

Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

The classified regions are air gapped. Meaning they never touch the internet. At all.

I used to believe that. I no longer do. I don’t think we are still that competent. I think that we are lazy, and our security has become lazy, for the convenience of the powerful and lazy.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I know this for a fact. Decades ago, I overheard a conversation between a Relative and his “handler” “from the agency.” Ostensibly NSA. It was the morning after a news story broke positing that there might be backdoors in a certain type of tech hardward that Relative’s company made. Handler and Relative both knew the suspicions to be true, and didn’t even address the veracity of the claim. Handler just wanted to “know how you’re feeling about it all…” Relative “felt fine.”

3 years ago

> And yet Britain technically predates Israel

Britain *created* Israel, out of land they cut out of the British Palestine Mandate. It was part of the deal they cut with the Irgun terrorist group. Well, they’re “revolutionary founders” now, but blowing up civilians and killing children makes them terrorists as far as I’m concerned.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

yes, (((britain))) created israel. who really created (((britain))) in the first place. if you talk to folks from the UK they dont recognize british. they recognize irish, scottish, welsh and english and some other now lesser groups.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

John Dee and Walsingham?

3 years ago

> Republicans just needlessly handed Democrats a blank check on the debt limit.

They’re just the two faces of the UniParty.

Remember the huge “bailout” in 2008, and the other one in 2010? Both sides enthusiastically cooperated on that. And now with the “Infrastructure” bill.

“It doesn’t matter who you voted for, the Government got back in.”

3 years ago

“Finland’s PM Sanna Marin says she is sorry for clubbing after close Covid contact.”
Whoa! That jawline is impressive! I wonder if it is related to the New Zealand PM.

Reply to  kbg
3 years ago

Early life doesn’t name alleged abusive drunk absconding father but does say her mom went lesbo and PM raised by two moms.

3 years ago

U.S. Senate votes 52-48 to repeal Biden’s federal vaccination mandates. Biden says he will veto whatever happens.

Right, but one of the things the SCOTUS looks at is “legislative intent”, and this is strong circumstantial evidence that Congress never intended for OSHA to have this power, even if Biden vetoes it.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

I expect the Supreme Court to wave the mandates through, but there are two potential problems for the Cabal here and small grounds for hope.

First, if the appeals courts actually rule against the mandates as they have been signalling, then if the Supreme Court just punts and doesn’t here the cases, like they did with the election cases, the appellate rulings stand and the mandates are still struck down.

Second, upholding the mandates really goes against tons of legal precedent. The Supreme Court really would be burned as a cabal asset. But courts in Nazi Germany were notorious for letting Hitler get away with all sorts of openly illegal stuff without protest, so we will see.

Alexa Open Your Third Eye
Alexa Open Your Third Eye
Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

vaccine mandates are a tax. you have to be a superJudge to see it, but then it’s obvious.

3 years ago

Pfizer CEO says fourth Covid vaccine doses may be needed sooner than expected due to omicron.

BioNTech CEO says Omicron variant may need three more vaccine doses, plus initial vaccine and boosters.

Images of the Phizer CEO making the announcement:

comment image

3 years ago

“On the bright side, that Conservative Policy Mood needle has to be heading sky high, which will eventually bring us out of this madness.”

Deaths from coronachan and the vax certainly is contributing to the Mortality Salience I think so too.

But unfortunately its “managed” by them.

3 years ago

California store owner prices all items at $951 so thieves can be prosecuted. You get coupons that bring the price down to normal at the register.

Satire site.

3 years ago

Raffensperger must be so compromised that he has to stand out so far on this ledge and just blatantly lie, hoping that his “all-in” will save him.

We all know he’s lying now. This ill-advised, emotional desperation will destroy his career, and his freedom once he is arrested by (probably) the GBI, but that doesn’t matter to these sick Cabalites. It is all-in, or it all comes to an end for him personally. I’d wager he is a key candidate for #SuicideWeekend, whenever that will happen. He has to be close to cracking up.

They are burning key assets like a fire sale. This is preservation desperation, and that significantly reduces their timeline forward for any kind of defensive action, if it’s even possible now.

As a historian, I hope uncompromised, proper authorities have a chance to interrogate assets like Raffensperger to find out when they were approached, compromised, and activated. Finding out this information before they face the firing squads will be important to analyze the entirety of this probable global conspiracy and help prevent its re-emergence in the future.

3 years ago

My father had a vanlife type old friend. I think going back to his Vietnam or prior Marine Corps years.

Guy taught me as a little kid to make little tears in any bills $20 and higher to pull out the strips inside. Guy essentially looked like a tall and commanding hobo, but he would get treated like a king when rolling into casinos with a plastic baggy full of those strips. Or so his story goes – I was too young to accompany him to casinos in Vegas to see firsthand. At the time of the story and behavior described, it was before things were computerized to the degree they are now, making it easier to track gamers as such. I don’t think they even had “player cards” yet. So it’s plausible to me that they would use remote scans of money on the persons of patrons like that.

3 years ago

Dr Oz meme candidacy getting weird. Erdogan ties. Sister with Google. Flynn ties. Anti-Gulen. Turkish citizen.

3 years ago

“As we pointed out, that ACE2 receptor is involved in emotional processing”.

Interestingly I started taking 12mg of Ivermectin weekly about a month ago and noticed a change of mood, wonder if it’s related. Got some St John’s Wort to compensate.

3 years ago

Vox Day referred to the photo of Epstein’s bookshelves and determined the man was a midwit.

From /pol/ today an anon lists the books in the photo:

“Jeff and Ghiz book shelf is full of used books. Books are a large time investment and give good psychological insight into the minds and motivations of what’s important to readers.

This list shows the top half has been started on, can anons help identifying more and add to the list? Any insight to the books is also appreciated.

Any relations from authors to jeff & ghis is also valuable.

1. Three Roads to Quantum Gravity Paperback – 2001 by Lee Smolin
– discussed include string theory, M-theory, and Smolin’s preferred approach, loop quantum gravity. Smolin suggests that these approaches may be approximations of a single, underlying theory.
2. ?
3. The World According To Pimm: A Scientist Audits the Earth Hardcover – 2001
– Malthusian eco- cult trash
– Stuart Pimm plays bio-accountant and gives us the bottom line on our planet’s resources, how we are spending them and how much is left.
4. The art of xxxxxxx and xxxx xome??
5. Music and the Power of Sound: The Influence of Tuning and Interval on Consciousness, Alain Daniélou – 1995
– _traces the development of musical scales and tuning from their origins in both China and India, through their merging in ancient Greece, and on to the development of the Western traditions of modal and polyphonic music._
– review: _does not lead to any rational, evidence based, discussion about the effects of music on the psychology of humans, as perhaps one might expect. Instead we are fed endless quotes from ancient texts (mainly Indian) about metaphysical speculations on the influence of music._
– review: _If you are interested in the real significance of tone and scale to mood and perception then this is a study worthy fo the name_
– disdain of western classical music
6. On War by Carl von Clausewitz
9. ?
10. 10. How many people can the earth support? Joel E. Cohen 1995 – lol
11. World Literacy Anecdotes By Hendrickson, Robert 1990
– intellectual cheat sheet
– 1,200 anecdotes regarding the lives and work of celebrated foreign-language novelists, poets, dramatists, critics, editors, and publishers, including Socrates, Balzac, Ibsen, Cervantes, Dinesen, Marx, Petrarch, Pushkin, loads more

12. ?
13. A Delicate Arrangement: The Strange Case of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace by Arnold C. Brackman
– about the Wallace/Darwin affair, the Watergate in the history of biological science
14. King xxxxx?
15. ?
16. Tales for an Unknown City Paperback by Dan Yashinsky 1992
– offbeat, often quirky folktales spun in the heart of bustling Toronto
17. The Annals of Unsolved Crime Paperback – 2013 by Edward Jay Epstein
– re-investigates some of the most notorious and mysterious crimes of the last 200 years
– UN plane crashes, Marilyn Monroe, Jack the Ripper, Hitler burning the Reichstag, Ab Lincoln conspiracy. Total of 3 dozen high profile cases.

18. The Red Fox Hardcover by Anthony Hyde, 1985
– spy thriller
– _When May Brightman asks foreign correspondent and Russian expert Robert Thorne to help find her father, a millionaire fur dealer who has mysteriously disappeared, a transcontinental hunt for Brightman–and a cache of gold–ensues_
_…a trail of secret adoptions and phony identities that leads back in time to the terrors of Lenin and the bloody purges of Stalin…_
19. ?
20. By the Wayside by Jeff Putnam, 1992
– Fiction: BY THE WAYSIDE recounts a battle that anyone can understand who has been torn between a responsibility to the best in oneself and a responsibility to afford the best for a child or loved one.
21. ?
22. The Peddlers by Alan Stratton 1982
– follow-up novel after ‘The Empire Builders’ Story of a man’s climb from an East End market stall to rule a textiles and cosmetics empire that spans the world.
23. ?
24. ?
25. ?
26. Evolution of art, Hardcover –by Ruth De Rochemont January 1, 1929
27. Works of Genius by Richard Marek 1988
– review: _WORKS OF GENIUS is a captivating time capsule into the 1970s in general and into the world of publishing bestsellers in particular. It showcases the dynamics between authors, editors, agents, and publishers, and the competition between them all in a time when morals were loose and money was tight. The secrets of the Cabala, so to speak.
…it conjures a feel of the Al Pacino flick THE DEVIL’S ADVOCATE.
In for a penny, in for a pound. Not the Shakespearean pound of flesh, mind you, but the weight upon the shoulders and the toll it takes on all involved gets heavier as the chapters unfold and the relationships deepen. In particular, allowing transgressions and covering for them…_

28. City of the Great King: Jerusalem from David to the Present 1996
– In 1996 Jerusalem celebrated 3000 years since the biblical conquest by King David. That very celebration serves as a political statement, marking the city as historically Jewish
29. Ingenious Fua?!
30. Murdoch by William Shawcross 1993
– On cover “One man has built an information empire that stretches around the earth – from Adelaide to Hollywood. Now he stands at the threshold of unprecedented global power
– Dame Elisabeth Murdoch, Rupert’s mother indicated during an interview on the occasion of her 99th birthday in 2009 that Shawcross’ biography was indeed the best & fairest biography of son Rupert.
31. Madonna: Unauthorized by Christopher Andersen 1992

review: _The author did such a wonderful job. He really did his homework. It exposed Madonna’s dark side, Such as picking up underage teenager boys. Going to sex clubs(doesn’t everyone). Madonna’s abusive releationship, with wild actor, Sean Penn. Madonna’s other releationships with others.

67. Degenerate Art: The Fate of the Avant-garde in Nazi Germany, Peter W. Guenther, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Art Institute of Chicago
– Examines the 1937 Nazi-arranged exhibition “Degenerate Art,” comprised of 650 avante-garde artworks stripped from German museums. Includes essays, a diagrammed catalogue of the exhibition, artist biographies, a translated facsimile of the exhibition guide, and other reference resources, accompanied by reprints of the artworks and photos of the exhibition itself.

Several other anons add the following:

2. The Devil’s Oasis by Bartle Bull
4. The art of Etruria and Early Rome
Art history knowledge is probably good small talk in their circles.
9. Darwin and the Beagle by Alan Moorehead
14. King Icahn by Mark Stevens
16. I am 98% sure this is Vengeance Hardcover – August 1, 1991 by Ian St. James
19. The Three Passions of Countess Natalya by Alan Fisher
“A novel of romance and adventure forged in the fires of the Russian Revolution”
29. Ingenious Pursuits – Lisa Jardine

3 years ago

AC, these pieces may be of particular interest to you. Lots of things mentioned by their authors validate your insights and notions and careful observations.

I believe the first Eye of The Needle, and the first of Emerald’s links are of particular interest for you, and take the similar paths down the rabbit hole as you are traveling. But they all have some relative tasty bits. Both suthors possess similar caliber of critical thinking skills and deduction as you.

PS, appreciate you much and thank you.

3 years ago

So we are almost a year into biden’s “presidency”, and the news becomes scarier every day for normies and switched on people alike. Yet, there hasn’t been a gun grab, there hasn’t been any wars, we pulled out of Afghanistan, normies are watching their view of the system being systematically destroyed, and every normal person is being put onto the same side. Even liberals are being red pilled, and starting to question long held beliefs. Some paraphrased Q quotes:

“Your guns are safe”

“The public can’t be told, they have to be shown.”

“Enjoy the show”

“The great awakening”

“It had to be this way.”

I am positively white pilled on everything that is going on. Take care guys.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

They don’t need to take your guns. Cabal controls the major gun rights orgs and many weapons manufacturers.

Why on Earth would they need to take your guns?

Conservatives have surrendered every major city and every major institution without so much as a peep from this oh so brave “armed patriots.”

Has anything happened in the last year from the armed patriots defending our rights as a police state has built around us?

What exactly are all of these armed patriots, and all these 2nd amendment blowhards protecting us from? Not a goddamned thing.

They are so useless that one almost suspects that the whole “we need guns to fight tyranny” thing is nothing more than Cabal giving people something to distract themselves with so they don’t band together and fight to save their country.

When it comes time to take the guns they’ll do what they’ve done in the past: they’ll starve people. 99% of gun owners can’t use them for shit. And after a month of food shortages they’ll pawn an AR-15 for a case of beans.

What you really need guns for are to defend yourself from the chaos and anarchy that is likely to come. Cabal will do what it’s always done: bide its time and wait until you’re desperate and buy up your wealth for pennies on the dollar.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Why trade your AR for a can of beans when you can take the AR to the food distribution center and leave with the whole truck of beans?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Right now there is a PERFECT juxtaposition between two former British countries that perfectly demonstrates AC’s broader point.

US versus Australia.

Oz has an incredibly limited firearms ownership system, the US has a semi-limited ownership system. In Oz you are heavily restricted in what can be bought while also needed a license just to buy anything. In US, you need licenses to buy full automatic, which are of limited utility to a guerrilla army anyway simply due to the amount of ammo they chew through.

Australia arrests and fines people just for leaving their homes, they have an involuntary camp system now functioning, and a mandate is on the way.

In the US, the blue states are TRYING to keep their mask mandates, forget vaxx mandates, while all the red states are largely ignoring the whole thing with Florida jabbing it’s finger in the administration’s eye.Meanwhile the red staters are undermining any push to make this stuff permanent on the national level.

Why? Because guns are safe. Because anyone 18 and older can go purchase an AR-15 pattern rifle which enjoys full ammo and parts compatibility with the government standard issue rifle.

Now this approach has advantages and disadvantages. Advantage is that it can avoid an all out civil war which simply destroys the country. Disadvantage is that it can avoid an all out civil war which would prove decisive for one side or the other.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It’s almost like Cabal is leaving the US, remaking Australia and New Zealand into their bugout location and into their own image, and unaware that they’ve been driven into China’s maw.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Yes. Great points. Fall back positions are prepped. Wonder if they scorched earth the US on the way out…

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Hopefully it fails and they have to retreat to Europe.

3 years ago

SEAL Team 8 commander died Tuesday following training accident

3 years ago

Warning from former Veteran:

Antifa and BLM are already training for direct combat action. They are becoming ready for War. So don’t underestimate them.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

Some Antifa were found in Syria over the last few years, gaining similar combat experience. They’re past the fear of being shot at, which is very important, but there aren’t enough of them to make a difference.

BLM’s “combat” formations are a joke. It’s Chinese-wave quality of effectiveness. Urge them to buy nice accessories for their equipment, as battlefield pickups are a good motivation for the real pros.

Some Lefties are getting wise, as indicated in the below piece. But it comes down again to numbers, which just don’t exist on the Left in meaningful quantities. The patriotic Right has been training & acquiring for this emergency situation for over 50 years.

Reply to  lordofthehundreds
3 years ago

The YPG/PKK aren’t our allies for certain in aiding and abetting our enemies.

3 years ago
Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

A bunch of game trailers hit Youtube tonight. Much as I hate to say it, there’s two that I actually want to see more of:

ALAN WAKE 2 Announcement Trailer (NEW 2023) Survival Horror

WARHAMMER 40K SPACE MARINE 2 Announcement Trailer (NEW 2022)

I didn’t expect sequels to either one. I’m also not sure Alan Wake needed another game, but if Sam Lake is writing it will probably be worth a looksie.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I was just playing Space Marine again last week (needed a bit of mindless grimdark carnage.) Looking forward to SM2.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

Dawn of War 1 and Dark Crusade are still awesome to play.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  info
3 years ago

I’m basically at the end of DOW2. I’ve been there for like three years because there’s an optional fight that I can’t seem to win that has the best terminator armor in the game as it’s reward. It’s on my eventual to-do list. I’ve heard that DOW3 is underwhelming which is why I’ve kind of lost enthusiasm.

However I did reinstall it and see if my rig could run in on the new 4K screen. I’ve been trying a bunch of games from pre-2015 to see which ones I can run, and DOW2 ran beautifully in that res on a 5600XT. So does Space Marine and Far Cry 3.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

DOW3 is underwhelming. I hardly ever play it. It’s interesting if you can find it for $5-10, but don’t spend any real money on it.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

New STALKER coming out to.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Heck while we’re at unlikely sequels, still waiting on one for this:

E32008 – Ubisoft Prince of Persia Trailer