News Briefs – 12/08/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Iowa sues Biden administration to verify status of 2,000 registered voters who may be noncitizens.

Alleged journalists are freaking out about Trump allowing independent outlets in press briefings.


Flashback to one year ago – UnitedHealth uses AI model with 90% error rate to deny care, lawsuit alleges.

Elon Musk is planning a rude awakening for 94% of federal workers by monitoring their every move. All remote positions will have software monitoring exactly what they are doing each day.

Mystery ‘UFO’ drones now spread to NYC after hovering over New Jersey for weeks.

Govt claims it still cannot figure out who is operating the drones. Either they’re American Stasi, being flown as a show of force, or they know who is flying them.

Video – Parade of drones/UFOs in Morris County, NJ, are disrupting the electronics of resident vehicles. Small aside, notes a family chased after a drone in their car, it hovered over them, and their car’s clock got screwed up, but changed back when they drove off.

Upon leaving Friday’s House SCIF briefing with the new AARO director, Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) — Co-chair, Congressional UAP Caucus said, “It was a dud. We didn’t get anything.”

I think they are trying  to soften us up. I think the big reveal that is coming about how we were watched, and interfered with, and sabotaged, will be horrific. So they are bending the knee preemptively, to try and avoid the violence, which the reveal should precipitate. They hope if everything else has been changed, you will take the reveal, and do nothing. Understand how that clique has betrayed you though, and how it will try to rebuild what was. Understand how it can never be trusted, and never be lived with. Understand how the mouthpieces trying to tell you what to think can never be trusted. Elon especially.

IRS expands its armed wing to highest level in nearly a decade.

Federal judge forces FDA to release over a million pages of Pfizer’s COVID-19 trial documents they wanted to keep hidden for 75 years.

Bombshell study confirms Covid ‘vaccines’ alter human psychology and behavior, by causing increases in feelings of inner turmoil, fear, dread, and depression.

Satanic Temple religious release program kicking off in Ohio elementary school.

Chinese nationals using Mariana Islands to get US birthright citizenship for children, lawmaker warns.

Britain’s intelligence services have launched a summer internship programme – but white British students are banned from applying.

One person has died after a huge explosion ripped through a block of flats in the Netherlands with cops now hunting for a car seen speeding away.

Outrage in Germany as judge jails woman, 20, for sending online insults to a gang-rapist – after all but one of nine men convicted of attack on girl, 15, were allowed to walk free from court.

Russia evacuated its military fleet from Syria following an offensive by rebels.

Syrians storm Bashar al-Assad’s presidential palace in Damascus as rebels declare the country is ‘free’ and tear down statues of deposed leader.

US will send Ukraine $725 million more in counter-drone systems, anti-personnel land mines.

Handing out grants, Zelensky tries to win over war-weary Ukrainians, as citizens will be entitled to a $24 one-off payment this winter to offset tax increases he will institute to fund the war. Of course those $24 dollar grants are our money, as are probably just about all of the salaries and pensions he will tax, which means so is the tax money he will get, which is on top of the funding and graft he has already helped himself to before that money drained down to there.

Ukraine should consider drafting women and lowering the mobilization age to 18 to boost its chances in the conflict with Russia, Ben Hodges, a former commander of US Army in Europe, has argued. Kiev lowered the conscription age to 25 earlier this year. Our kind, the warriors of the world, both officially inculcated and trained up, and not, are his enemy, and he is trying to get them all killed. At some point, the lines need to be made official.

Many Ukrainian teenagers are planning to leave the country and never return as the US increases pressure on Kiev to lower the mobilization age. They are depopulating that country. Putin is literally Ukraine’s only hope.

White House announces nearly $1 billion more in military assistance to Ukraine.

Daily Mail featured headline – Netflix fans rave over ‘top tier, ten out of ten’ movie hailed as ‘the best EVER’ – urging everyone to ‘stop what you’re doing and go watch it!’  I would rate the movie a four or a five out of ten. What is it? Law Abiding Citizen, the movie Q kept showing clips of and quoting, about how our revenge was going to be “Biblical,” we were about to “bring the whole fuckin’ diseased corrupt temple down.” Feels more than coincidental. And I should add, reconciliation commissions are not Biblical.

In Paris, one by one, world leaders rose to greet President Trump, showing what respect for our President and country looks like.

Send people to, because Respect is under-rated.

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2 months ago

The sidebar ran out of battery power.

2 months ago

What happened in Syria looks a lot like an invasion, launched from Turkey, using regular armed forces. It doesn’t look like “rebels.”

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

Syria: A Battle Lost Amid a Wider War

A vlog detailing the Turks, D.C., and Israel’s culpability in the war.

Just Me
Just Me
2 months ago

8:00am Sidebar is with DB Cooper

2 months ago

Posted by a commentator yesterday:

“In UK, youtube is swamped with free bootleg versions of new movies.

“Question is why?Is it so that people would spend time watching movies instead of looking at what is happening?

  • France – govt falls and le Pen charged
  • Germany – govt stupidity exposed. AFD lead in polls and face ban
  • Romania – elections cancelled after anti-EU/Nato candidate polls at 62%
  • Syria – US attacks govt troops in support of AQ/ISIS
  • Israel – (etc)
  • Ukraine – illegitimate President Zelenski & military collapse
  • S.Korea – Martial law
  • Pakistan – riots in support of outsed President Imran Khan
  • Georgia – pro-EU President refuses to quit. Failed Maidan
  • Moldovia – people vote against EU reversed by last minute votes

“The Romania vote is a big one. They will kick elections down the line and arrest Calin.

” The Blob is becoming desperate. People are waking up.”

The formatting may not work with this, but hopefully the point still gets made.

This is starting to remind me of the situation right before the COVID psyop was unleashed.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

“It’s all so tiresome”

2 months ago

Israel with USD.C. backing has created a major part of Khazarian Greater Israel.
This is what you get when dual citizens with first loyalty to a foreign country rule over you.

2 months ago

Ukraine should consider drafting women and lowering the mobilization age to 18 to boost its chances in the conflict with Russia, Ben Hodges, a former commander of US Army in Europe, has argued. Kiev lowered the conscription age to 25 earlier this year. 

25 in the military is an old man. We recruit 18 year olds because they are ready to deploy at 19-20, at their physical peak. Most people in our military leave the service at 24, having come in when they turned 18 and doing a normal 6 year term.
Before the change this year, they were conscripting at 27. This is insanely disruptive to families and careers. In the US military, 45% of the service is under 25, and 66% is under 30.

Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

Sending dumb kids off to be shot for what appears to be almost universally corrupt wars has got to be some of the most evil shit anyone could engage in.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

I agree, but I think whatever our intelligence “community” just did in Syria is probably worse.

2 months ago

On the food dyes, if they are banned, you won’t lose a single major product. You will just get the European/canadian recipe, where these dyes are already banned.

Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

Except for the GMO and glyphosate parts of the US recipe, unfortunately.

2 months ago

Update to the Elon meme xD

Marielle Redclaw
2 months ago

Journalists: (turn the American mainstream media into a giant propaganda machine)

Trump: Let’s give someone else a try.


2 months ago

“And I should add, reconciliation commissions are not Biblical.” But the Bible is a huge book, so Biblical could mean a lot of things, e.g., it could refer to the part where Jesus threatens to do worse than tying a rock to the necks of child-harmers and drowning them like a mafia hitman. WORSE than that. The question then becomes: What is a child-harmer? Define harming a child. Which children. All children? Only some children? The children specified are The Little Ones Who Believe In God. But that includes little children in Cabal Stasi families, like 6-year-olds who pray to God to save their hideously corrupted family members. Not execute them, but save them. Save them, i.e., deliver them from evil, which means rescue them from the evil that possesses them, not deliver them into the hands of patriots who’ll ventilate their skulls and bury them in a mass grave. If you do the latter, will you yourself not then become one of the child-harmers, killing the family that those little kids asked God to save, rather than finding some other ways to punish them? Yes, AC, you would, you would become one of the child-harmers. None of your alibis would be viable. None of your righteous excuses would fly with God. Especially since you’ve been told, you’ve been made aware, you’ve been prompted to consider that situation, and you have surely considered it. And yet, here you are, again, sneering at any potential resolution where you don’t get to gratify the bloodlust you swear you don’t feel. WORSE than a mafia drowning, bro, remember that. You will WISH you had merely drowned. A fate WORSE than death. One where your agony will be shielded from the sight of little children in YOUR family, who don’t want YOU to die but who wouldn’t need to know about any non-lethal ordeals you’re forced to endure in the hope of exorcising YOU of YOUR demons. You clearly have demons. You seem to be possessed by some Skynet Demons with conservative default settings rather than liberal or libertine settings. We can save you from those, I’m sure. Gonna be an extremely painful process, though, I imagine. Way, wayyyyyyy worse than any of the beaming you’ve experienced. You will probably want to avoid it. By cutting the shit about slaughter fantasies. If you traumatize even just ONE little kid in a Cabal family by killing ANY Cabal creeps in their immediate family, no matter how much the creep deserves to die, you will be punished WORSE than the Cabal creeps. Because you have claimed to be on God’s Side, you have asserted yourself as Knowing Better, Being Better. You are therefore judged according to a higher standard, and if you insist on making a liar out of God, if you indulge in a child-harming right wing death squad purge, if you spite God like that, despite being directly warned not to, then you will have the current soul in your body tortured out of you, until it can be replaced with something permanently feeble and harmless. Understood, motherfucker? Last fucking time I’m explaining this to you.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

God ordered the slaughter of the children of foreign gods more than once, if that helps.

Reply to  NotEven
2 months ago

To the Jew and his Noahide laws, you, as a Christian, are an idolizer; therefore, you and your family are worthy of being slaughtered. Enjoy your fate Judeo-Christian.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Go public with the whole truth if you want a chance.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

What is a child-harmer? Define harming a child.

Easy: anyone who leads children away from Jesus Christ, the truth of His death to forgive our sins, and the path to salvation via belief in Jesus Christ.

Same as the other things Jesus says about putting out your eyes if they lead you to temptation and sin, etc. The only thing that matters in this life is the moral test of denying mortal temptations and choosing to love God more than the god of this world (satan). Anyone who leads children, true purity incarnate, towards satan should be millstone’d.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Understood, motherfucker? Last fucking time I’m explaining this to you.

Main character syndrome, plus manic wall of text. My ongoing diagnosis of manic/depressive with delusions of grandeur (posting as God, narcissim, etc) just keeps proving itself.

AC this guy is only going to down-spiral til he devotes his life to doxxing you and trying to wear your face skin as a mask. Just IP ban him and move on.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

He’s an asset being written by different people. That’s why it’s so all over. He stinks like a Roth.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

What about an eye for an eye? Are we not able to protect ourselves? Adults are punished. Children are innocent and should be protected by removing the animals that prey upon them. #ChristIsKing

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

If you traumatize even just ONE little kid in a Cabal family by killing ANY Cabal creeps in their immediate family, no matter how much the creep deserves to die, you will be punished WORSE than the Cabal creeps. 

Isaiah 14:21

Prepare slaughter for his sons

  because of the guilt of their fathers,

lest they rise and possess the earth,

  and fill the face of the world with cities.

Get thee behind me.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

And Luke 19:27, where Jesus concludes a parable with this:
Now as for those enemies of mine who did not want me as their king, bring them here and slay them before me.

2 months ago

Apparently he wasn’t the ONLY CEO assassinated in the last week, just the one that is being focused on. The assassin left a backpack with monopoly money as a “joke” which is probably a misdirect.

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

Still enjoying this….

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

Fwiw Insider trading obviously should be legalised. It’s insanity. What’s the line between being an insider and an outsider? Obviously you want insiders to trade to increase market efficiency…

Reply to  kid
2 months ago

Yes, insider trading is how the market is supposed to work, and people who don’t have insider knowledge should stay out of the market or accept the risks.

The only exception is that politicians and bureaucrats should be prohibited from trading in the market at all.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Yeah, I can imagine it will be wrong to trade, and then act in a way to force the market to make the trade good. It should totally be correct to act on information though. Not sure how to draw the line exactly but the line currently drawn is really bad.

I guess, market manipulation bad, non-manipulation insider trading good.

2 months ago

video commentary by The New Atlas on the Syrian operation

Syria: A Battle Lost Amid a Wider War

2 months ago

Not siding with Clown World, just pointing out the obvious. BRIC is an 80+ member “alliance” that just stood by and watched as one of their member states completely imploded due to outside interference. At the same time India and China have been in a cold war for decades and Russia is Russia, so it’s going to do it’s own thing regardless, including cutting a deal with the temporary government of the now-former member-state to keep a naval base operating.

If your hope is in BRIC to slay Clown World you need to remind yourself that two weeks ago it was BRICS.

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

S=South Africa not Syria.
But your overall point is correct.

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

BRICS was never aimed at killing clown world, they just wanted to make their own clown world which has ALWAYS centralized around the finance shit.

Enemy of my enemy can be a friend, but they’re still an enemy.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

And the C is the biggest rotten apple in their barrel.
(not that it doesn’t have competition)

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

S in BRICS is South Africa bro

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

I thought the ‘S’ in BRICS stood for South Africa, no? BRICSA just looks funny, but really, I thought it stood for that country.
The other thing I was thinking about, is that perhaps it’s not enough to get the BRICS into a full on war. That could have kicked off WWIII for sure.

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

The S stands for South Africa, not Syria.

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

BRICS was always a financial agreement, not a defense treaty.

2 months ago

Looks like they were getting an early start.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Maniac
2 months ago

Pedo triangle in the steps.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Maniac
2 months ago

The pedophilia sign on the steps? Right in front of our faces.

Reply to  Maniac
2 months ago

The pedo stairs and the one eyed willie robot.

Reply to  Maniac
2 months ago

Probably everyone sees it, but just to make sure no lurkers miss it, the pedophile symbol is on each of the steps. the spiral thing.

Just Me
Just Me
2 months ago

Garand Thumb does a breakdown of potential weapons used in UHC CEO assassination attempt.

Reply to  Just Me
2 months ago

Glad to see he got some time off being a degenerate to make videos. Maybe if he spent as much time with his family as he does shilling for whatever gun manufacturer is paying this week, he wouldn’t be such a wretched failure of a husband and father.

2 months ago

Fuck Elon. Just what we need is more spy shit on our work computers. I would shit can all in person jobs and make them remote only. Getting your employees to pay for water, plumbing, heat, ac, property taxes, etc. Real estate is stupid if it’s not needed. Do you know how much local internet/wan circuits and network gear costs? I built a corporate network for a large 88 acre campus for 4000 employees. It was over $20 million dollars with a massive discount.
I have a better fucking idea. Let’s put a web cam on Elon’s ass and follow that useless fuck actor around all fucking day.

Last edited 2 months ago by Bman
Reply to  Bman
2 months ago

I don’t mind if government employees get a taste of their own medicine.
I don’t believe they are all doing their jobs at home either, and any excuse to fire almost all of them will do.

Reply to  Bman
2 months ago

DEI hires will gladly return to the office and do the nothing there that they were doing at home previously.
Because measuring productivity with quantifiable metrics will lead to disparate outcomes, and that’s racist. Somehow.

2 months ago

There it is. Knew there had to be a reason they were rushing this before Trump got sworn back in, and why Germany piped down about Nordstream. It’s the Orient Express all over again.

2 months ago

The MCR Fightlite is about to have competition, and apparently at around HALF the cost.

2 months ago

Inexplicable, unless you’ve visited
USPS has seen a 80% DECREASE in volume of mail but ADDED 190,000 employees
Senator Rand Paul “Can you think of a private business where 80% of what they’re, you know, doing to make money is going down in volume that would actually increase their employees?”
“You’ve insourced 190,000 jobs, and it’s just sort of inexplicable”

Reply to  Nels
2 months ago

Yeah, I know people who have worked there.
They aren’t hiring more people who actually do the job, they’re featherbedding middle management and probably lots of fake jobs to pay surveillance.

Reply to  Nels
2 months ago

Fits with them bulking up their ground forces.
Boomertards, “Trumps going to do X, day 1.”
Me: Trump gets “arrested” day 0.

2 months ago

Because “Die Hard is a Christmas movie” is getting kinda played out……

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

A Christmas kaiju makes as much sense as a Christmas reindeer, frankly.

Also, more Japanese would probably recognize Harlan Sanders than modern Americans, many who only know his restaurant chain as “KFC”. Turkey and Christmas aren’t really a thing in Japan, but fried chicken is; the Japanese franchises sell the “Christmas Barrel” for Christmas take-out dinner.

2 months ago

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday declared the 1974 agreement creating a UN-patrolled buffer zone between Israel and Syria null and void. In the wake of the fall of the al-Assad regime and the disappearance of Bashar al-Assad, Netanyahu ordered the IDF into the buffer zone. In particular, the IDF took possession of the 9,232-foot Mount Hermon, the highest point in Israel-Lebanon-Syria-Jordan.

The new position on Mount Hermon is a game-changer in Israel’s war with Hezbollah. From that peak, Israel can visually and electronically monitor any movements by Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

More at:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Mount Hermon is where the Nephilim alit: the Bulls of Bulan.

2 months ago

Debunking The UnitedHealthcare Assassination Myths

Garand Thumb

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

Dude is dead to me. He has proven he is part of the club.
Here’s another opinion of someone who’s not promoted.

2 months ago

I’ve seen the abridged version of this clip floating around for a week or so and today found the whole thing and somehow it’s even better. Oil industry vet explaining wind turbines to a $900/hour lawyer who obviously isn’t an outdoor girl….

Landman | Tommy Explains Why Even Wind Turbines Depend on the Oil Industry (S1, E3) | Paramount+

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

I didn’t know about this series. Looks like it is worth watching. Thanks!

Reply to  Anon
2 months ago

Anything with the name “Taylor Sheridan” attached, look it up.

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

Interesting. “Taylor Sheridan” is also behind Lioness. I’ve seen that name a lot lately.

2 months ago

I know we’ve debated Elon’s genius or lack thereof, and I do not want to reopen that can of worms. But government computers already do and have for many years software to monitor what employees and contractors do on their computers. It seems like Elon should know this if he’s going to lead a government efficiency effort.

I don’t know if anybody monitors the monitoring software, but it’s already long since been installed on government computers. Most government contractors also use it on their networks.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 months ago

It’s the computers of the people at home that he wants to monitor.
Many companies do that to people who work from home.
Government employees might not have been required to have it on their home computers.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

They’re still monitored when they access government resources, even on a personal computer. But if monitoring their personal computers is Elon’s intent, he really is talking far outside his areas of expertise. The government has already done a shit ton of legal exploration for things like BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and found that it won’t fly. Elon can’t change the laws.

Besides, the NSA already monitors everything we do no matter what.