News Briefs – 12/08/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

On a more serious note, great link from the comments where Sundance speculates Patrick Byrne is a glowie who is going to possibly sabotage Trump’s new media venture. From the piece:

? October 24 – CTH receives a tip that Patrick Byrne is investing $1 million in Locals (launched by Dave Rubin Dec 2019)

? October 26 – Rumble and Locals announce they are merging into one company. Rumble purchases Locals.

? December 04 – Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG) announce $1+ billion raised in private equity, through Digital World Acquisition Group (DWAC).

? December 06 – Rumble announces a deal with TMTG through Cantor Fitzgerald.

From my perspective, there is one big glowing worm in this new social media operation.

Byrne engages with NRA, NRA comes under federal investigation….

Byrne engages with Donald Trump Jr, DJT Jr. comes under federal investigation…

Byrne engages with Sidney Powell, Powell comes under federal investigation…

Byrne engages with audit groups, audit groups come under federal investigation…

Byrne engages with TMTG, TMTG comes under federal investigation…

Oddly enough, Byrne never comes under federal investigation; only the people he touches….

Sundance is dead on, but he left off the big one – Maria Butina. There were three things which bothered me about Byrne. First, he was intelligence aware enough that when he ran into Maria Butina he went to his FBI handler and reported her to bring her to their attention. Awareness of intelligence tends to be either non-existent or absolute. If fifteen years ago, I ran into Maria Butina at an NRA event, and she tells me she is a Russian lass who grew up in Siberia hunting and she wants to expand Russian gun culture, I would probably have never thought twice about it. But once you realize intel is a thing, you realize all the rules are out the window, your paranoia skyrockets, and you very quickly become totally aware that most of what you see in those government influence circles are operators playing other people. So Byrne was intel aware, and he reported her to US intel, despite knowing everything that would entail.

When I was expecting surveillance but was still ignorant, and the neighbor to my south was saturating the whole neighborhood in a toxic death cloud every so often, I assumed the kid was making drugs or something (I now think it was a defoliant to knock back leafing between our houses and improve the performance of their tech). Even though I assumed he was cooking meth or something, I didn’t call in DEA, or local PD because he looked 17, and maybe he was just doing something stupid for a few months and would straighten out without having to do ten years inside and his mom getting a $50,000 legal bill. For Byrne to be intel aware, and happen on what might have been just an innocent and naive girl, and then report her as a possible spy and lay the entire US Intel apparatus on her without cause would be a dick move – even if the US intel apparatus was actually a US intel apparatus dedicated to national security. And worse, he is a smart guy, so I would think in his high position, he would have to know US intel is a criminal front for the conspiracy, so there was not even any NatSec interest in reporting her to FBI. I think he turned her over as something which maybe this thing would find useful at some point, almost as an afterthought, to generate good will with his handlers. And I think later on, when they were looking for a way to fuck Don Jr, they saw his report on het Russian gun girl, and decided to use her to try and target him and link his family to Russia so they could get FISAs.

The second thing which bothered me was his story about not sleeping with her and fooling the FBI into thinking he was. What I am quite sure about is he would know once a person is a US NatSec target, and FBI has Carte Blanche, you are not fooling FBI into thinking you are banging a girl you are not banging. No way, no how. The technology they have is beyond imagination, and they will roll it all out. They are literally capable of listening to your breaths when you are with her, and watching you in 3D through the wall with microwaves, and probably on video too, and they do it every moment. And if he knew FBI would see through it, he wasn’t about to try and fool them, and piss them off, and become a hostile target himself. So that whole part of his story, where FBI told him to sleep with her and he fooled them into thinking he was, and then even tried to set them up criminally without any concern of them turning on him, was bullshit too. He knows better than that. I would not have even done that, not for fear of pissing them off, but because I would have known they would have seen through it a mile away and it would be futile from the start.

Third, he kept stopping throughout the story to tell us the FBI were the good guys, but at the end he admits he knew all along they had set up Hillary, and then not busted her and just taken in blackmail. It is one or the other. Because the FBI guys they put on those operations are not the former local PD Uniform Patrol guys, recruited in to handle bank robbers and legitimate killers who shoot back. The guys working political intelligence are the corrupted politicos who McCabe and Strzok know will keep their mouths shut and slit the throats they are told to slit.

Now we have him buying stock in a company which was going to end up intimately aligned in a critical role, with our almighty God-Emperor over a month later, and long before you would think anyone would be able to divine what was going to happen honestly. Again, these things can be coincidence. Maybe he looked a Locals and saw something which made him think it was going to be a good investment. Maybe he even got inside knowledge through something he overheard from Flynn or an insider. But prescient information can also be a good indicator of an intelligence operator. It is equally likely Trump has surveillance and infiltration everywhere trying to get intel out of his operations, it picked up on these plans of his, and Byrne’s handlers told him to buy this stock so he would be on the inside, and they would have some sort of access. If he is still working for them at this point, even unwittingly, there is no excuse for that.

I’ve seen domestic intelligence It isn’t doing crime or National Security. Its purpose is population control, and it is not always gentle. I have a lot of people dropping me stories through this site left and right (if you have done this, you are not alone), asking me not to tell anyone because the rest of the site would think them totally crazy. They are not NatSec threats, or criminals, or even bad people. But they are seeing shit you would not believe. Shit like we would hear the CIA might have done in some third world shithole, to some leader who tortured his political enemies, and was a terrorist threat to the US. Violent assaults on children. Attempts to kill spouses with neurotoxins. Deadly infections with pathogens. Arsons, directed energy targeting, just crazy shit. I’ve seen enough at this point I would never be an asset of this thing, against anyone, even a criminal, because you just don’t know what they are doing. If they caught me on a crime I would do the time before I would turn against regular people for this, because I think it a reasonable chance it would be damning. In the case of a guy like Byrne, I hate to say it but I think that seeing it from the inside, he has to know how evil this machine is, and he has not renounced it utterly and completely. He is not exposing the surveillance. I have not even seen him renounce the FBI or call for its destruction. Hopefully Trump will make sure his people do wargaming, to make sure whatever access stock in a subsidiary gives, cannot be used to any effect. Because surer than shit, Cabal still has its sights on him.

Q-anon follower Martin Geddes sees where the entry team’s fast-construction-element botched the repair of his door. My response, for those that missed it:

One book I read said FBI has on its entry teams construction elements, outfitted with fast set spackles and concretes and fast dry paint kits which can match paints on the spot. The older book I read said back then, they were actually more likely to enter a residence through a wall or floor than a door (he said they even have dedicated tunneling teams who would come over from the neighboring house underground), and they would repair the hole once they were in. I assume they were planning for a target to booby trap normal points of entry, so they went in like an infantry unit through some place nobody would think could be entered. Today I would assume they had moved into his neighboring residence and were watching him through the walls to make sure he didn’t boobytrap the door, which is why they used it.

I have suspected the legal principle where if you leave a boobytrap in your house and it kills an intruder. was created to prevent people from catching their surveillance with lethal booby traps.

It is tough. Because once you are under, they load the entry team in the house next door, wait until you leave, and then while you are out they have you under coverage for the whole trip, and they can report if you come back fast, so the entry team can get out. It really means whenever you leave your house they can break in and do whatever they want, and it is basically impossible to come back and catch them there. You see the difficulty in the video on my surveillance page, in Texas, where the local team enjoys drugging the food in the fridges of pretty women while they are out so they will pass out after eating it, and the whole team can come in and gang rape them while they are out.

It really is a criminal operation which has to be dealt with at some point.

Flashback to March of 2018 – 39 year old Army vet sees the remote video rig he set up in his motel room went down while he was out, he calls the cops to check the room because he has weapons in there, they arrest him, at which point he reveals he is on a covert mission for a government agency trying to stop some sort of release of a virus. A subsequent ticket check reveals he has gotten tickets by a biotech firm called Genzyme, a division of Sanofi which is involved in COVID testing, but more importantly would have facilities for off-book work.

There will be an Arizona election integrity rally December 17th in front of the Arizona Attorney General’s office.

It has now been over 74 days since the Arizona audit report was delivered to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich and we have seen no arrests.

Donald Trump has won a legal fight against Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Tony Evers and other officials who sought to force the former president to pay legal fees racked up defending his lawsuit to overturn the 2020 election result.

1/6 committee subpoenas phone/text records of political opponents AND their families.

Lt. Mike Byrd raises $122,000 on GoFundMe after killing unarmed US veteran Ashli Babbitt in cold blood.

People are talking again about Ghislaine Maxwell likely running one of the most influential news posting accounts on Reddit. My guess is the reason she accumulated all of those Karma points was the domestic network was all told to sign up there and give her points. One of the things which struck me about the domestic network was when I would ID local individuals, so many of them have social media accounts filled with generic posts about Cabal media operations like the Kardashians or Taylor Swift. I suppose if you have 10%, maybe even 15% of the population who you can make post stuff on command, you can fully control what trends on social media.

A Vatican source tells Newsmax’s John Gizzi that “Pope Francis is dying,” with insiders saying they believe the Pontiff will not survive past 2022. That sounds significant. Whatever it is, if he isn’t being taken out by the resistance, I would bet the Vax didn’t help.

Pope’s partially vaccinated EU representative dies in Belgium after battling COVID.

Ghislaine Maxwell’s lawyer said the redacted last name of one of her victims and witnesses against her, in open court, where it was open to journalists to release, and neither ADA Comey nor the judge said anything.

Teams of Pentagon and intelligence community experts would rapidly respond to military UFO sightings and conduct field investigations under newly unveiled defense legislation set to pass Congress.

A group led by longtime GOP strategist Bill Kristol and a group of fellow so-called Never Trump Republicans raised more than $35 million during the 2020 election, funding projects that targeted then-President Donald Trump. I’d be willing to bet there is an element of money laundering to these things, because he is only doling that cash out to Cabal-approved entities. I’d love to know Kristol’s bottom line off it all, and what his cut was.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw turns on his GOP colleagues and brands House Freedom Caucus members, which include Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz and Paul Gosar, ‘grifters’ who tell ‘lie after lie.’ And he defends Kinzinger.

Soros-backed Los Angeles DA is slammed by union representing nearly 1,000 county prosecutors for his silence on the smash-and-grab looting across Southern California.

Former White House strategist Steve Bannon’s criminal trial on contempt of Congress charges for defying a subpoena from the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol will begin on July 18, a federal judge ordered on Tuesday.

The Justice Department plans to file a motion to try to block a central line of defense for Steve Bannon in his upcoming trial for contempt of Congress: that his decision to stonewall Jan. 6 investigators was the result of his lawyer’s advice.

In an abrupt reversal Mark Meadows will not cooperate with a House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, citing a breakdown in negotiations with the panel.

Chinese property giant Kaisa suspends share trading: Hong Kong stock exchange.

Jenna Jameson posts tweets about Hollywood being involved in child sex trafficking as well as the elites involvement in child hunting games, sacrifice, and the torture of children as young as 2. 

New published documents have shed fresh light on the CIA’s detention and interrogation program in Afghanistan, describing some of the extreme techniques used by officers that resulted in deaths in captivity, and the Agency’s decision to simply imprison captives for life without trial to prevent any scrutiny of their activities. Once you can’t trust an agency you have real problems when they start trying to keep everyone in the dark. The article talks about them trying to permanently imprison Abu Zubaydah to prevent any examination of how they interrogated him. The story would be they interrogated him harshly and don’t want any punishment for it. But what if Cabal did 9/11, Zubaydah knew because they were trying to blame it on him, and the real reason for imprisoning him was to make sure nobody ever found out? It is interesting this is coming out, given the power of the Agency in the past to keep secrets. What has changed?

The Chinese may have developed shipping containers that house and launch missiles, allowing them to turn container ships into mobile missile launching platforms that can penetrate foreign ports to launch massive attacks on enemy infrastructure. This may be why China was shutting off tracking on all their container ships – so nobody can tell where a container ship came from or where it is going, and whether it is a legit shipping ship or a mobile missile platform.

Marjorie Taylor Greene tweets – Around 6,000+ people in Sweden have gotten a microchip inserted into their hand. The chip contains their vaccine passport, train passes, keyless entry, ID’s and more. They can buy and sell with it. Sign of the times…

Joseph McBride, who is an attorney representing several Jan. 6 defendants, told Fox News host Tucker Carlson that he is requesting that the government release explosive videos concerning at least 4 “agent provocateurs” in action. One lawyer said the government agents were going around handing people hammers, so that they could later be charged with possessing a dangerous weapon.

Helicopter crashes with India military chief on board. Doesn’t look survivable.

CA school bribed a boy with pizza to get the Covid jab without parent’s consent, told him to keep it secret.

US federal judge sides with Attorney General Wilson and blocks Biden’s vaccine requirement for federal contractors.

Neocon WashPo editor who trashed anti-vaxxers dies of ‘sudden cardiac arrest.’ Featured his death yesterday but they didn’t have a cause. Looks like it was vax-related.

A Vietnam province has suspended the use of a Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine batch after over 120 students were hospitalized following their inoculation.

NY Times actually tells readers to skip pre-surgical testing because all those EKGs and heart tests might just turn up heart problems that will make you worry.

Vox Day on the new push to say COVID has changed and produces symptoms exactly like Vaccine side effects so clearly any adverse reaction is simply a COVID infection, and even better, the new variant is genetically indistinguishable from the old one.

Serbian basketball forward Stevan Jelovac passed away from a stroke he had suffered some weeks ago.

Japan‘s health ministry confirms that „mRNA vaccines are harmful to health.“ 

Australia just announces it is giving an exemption to some actress to skip the mandatory 72 hour quarantine on entering the country, so she flies in and immediately goes to the park to exercise with no problems. I said, it is a shadow dictatorship, which only sustains itself by remaining secret.

New study shows vaccines are just producing vaccine-resistant mutants. Not surprising when they don’t prevent infection or spread of the virus.

WHO says there are zero deaths reported from Omicron yet as Covid variant spreads as Omicron infections pushed South Africa’s total cases past 3 million. That is a zero percent case fatality rate, which is better than most colds.

NYC judge HALTS Bill de Blasio’s vaccine mandate that has forced city workers including NYPD officers to have COVID vaccine

Rumors flying around Amazon a Web Service outage was a cyber attack which will cost billions.

NatSec Advisor Jake Sullivan says Biden “looked Putin the eye” and warned him of a ‘strong’ response if Russia invaded Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration is exploring options for a potential evacuation of Americans from Ukraine if Russia were to invade, half a dozen sources tell CNN.

Putin says Ukraine is to Russia what Cuba was to America in the 1962 Cuban missile crisis.

China threatened the United States on Tuesday over the Biden administration’s diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Olympics in Beijing, warning that the US will “pay” for its action.

Chinese cyberattack almost shut off power for THREE MILLION Australians in terrifying demonstration of what the belligerent regime could do in wartime.

Apple never disclosed a $275 billion deal with the CCP to the US and it will likely trigger an angry response from lawmakers, who are bound to question Apple’s loyalty to the US, along with whether it prioritized profits and growth over respecting human rights. 

South Portland, Maine makes history with the city’s first female black Muslim mayor, and she’s believed to be the first Somali American mayor in the United States. She is either a CIA asset brought over from Somalia, or a child of CIA assets, and in the conspiracy through that. I never understood why the “Christian Missionary” organizations were drawing in Somalis like crazy in Maine. But they were CIA fronts and it had been calculated they could drive Maine blue with a targeted influx of foreign assets, because it was so sparsely populated to begin with. It might mean if everything came to light, including their importation as part of a criminal conspiracy to rig elections by CIA, all those migrants could be stripped of citizenship retroactively and shipped back.

NYC about to grant 800K noncitizens the right to vote in local elections, which the state GOP blasts as the ‘worst idea out of New York City Democrats ever.’

Ex-aide testifies Netanyahu ‘tried to rob state funds for personal needs.’ I remember seeing Netanyahu begin to have Cabal-problems like Trump the moment he decided not to ship all the African migrants in Israel to Europe, but rather to bounce them back to Africa.

Man killed his three children and himself because his forgery of his vaccination certificate was exposed, and he feared the government was going to arrest him and take his children. He was not a fighter, but that sentiment, of an evil government which is the enemy, is pervading everywhere, even more among people who tended toward patriotism. It could produce good things, but only if the intel machine is defanged first.

Supply chain crisis expected to intensify as China installs a 7-week quarantine.

Marijuana thieves steal $5 MILLION of products from 15 cannabis shops in the San Francisco Bay Area in a single month and one business owner insists it was ‘safer to sell on the streets illegally.’

A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge has refused to rubber stamp an agreement between controversial prosecutor George Gascon and defense attorneys to remove a man from death row for a 1996 double murder.

Authorities in Washington, DC, have provided a list of tips for residents as carjackings rise in the city, urging people to “drive in the center lane to make it harder for potential carjackers to approach the car” and to “GIVE UP YOUR CAR” without argument.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says Congressional leaders have reached a deal to avoid breaching the federal debt ceiling. The deal will allow Democrats to raise the debt ceiling on their votes alone – creating a temporary fast-track process which would allow them to increase the debt limit with 51 votes, bypassing the filibuster.

Jussie Smolett reveals CNNs Don Lemon used his media position at CNN to get inside info on Smolett’s investigation and gave it to him to help him out. On the heels of Chris Cuomo, it makes it look like CNN is more an intelligence op for well connected leftist criminals than a news organization.

Chris Cuomo’s book canned by HarperCollins. There is definitely some sort of turmoil in Cabal-land.

Sinaloa Cartel ring busted in Colorado, 1,400 miles from its Mexican headquarters, with 11.5 kilograms of cocaine, six kilograms of methamphetamine, 8.5 pounds of heroin, 28 firearms, three hand grenades, multiple high-capacity magazines including one 200-round drum magazine, armor piercing ammunition, body armor with rifle rated ballistic armor plats and $450,000 in U.S. currency.

NASA headline : Mars Ingenuity helicopter has flown 17 times.

Why 17 cases of COVID-19 on a cruise ship shouldn’t be a huge cause for concern.

Elon Musk sold a massive stake in his company over the past several weeks, and yet he owns 564,000 more shares than he did at the start of the selling spree because at the same time he is selling shares, he’s also exercising options to buy additional stock at a bargain exercise price of $6.24 a share, well below 1% of Tesla (TSLA)’s current share price.

Eight years ago, a team of researchers launched a project to carefully repeat early but influential lab experiments in cancer research recreating 50 experiments, the type of preliminary research with mice and test tubes that sets the stage for new cancer drugs, and they found about half the scientific claims didn’t hold up. Many courses you will take as you advance in the sciences will be taught from papers. When I did Dev Neurobio, there was no text book. The instructors had bound photocopies of several hundred studies, in a primitive book you had to buy at the Campus bookstore, and they would give out three or four more studies in class each week which you had to read and understand. They said the material we were learning was so new, there was no text book. That was how they taught the course. Now imagine if 50% of that material was wrong. And that’s not even looking at studies by pharmaceutical company researchers, where the company’s stock price depends on the result, so there is a motivation to fudge results. But when your life depends on it, you have to trust the science from those studies, because Fauci says you have to.

Three of’s top executives have reportedly resigned from the company after the online mortgage lender was hit by a wave of backlash over a leaked Zoom call in which the CEO callously laid off some 900 employees from its woke departments and called them all leeches. That company was lucky to get rid of them. The CEO was probably going to fire them next, so they left ahead of it.

Saule Omarova, Joe Biden’s commie nominee for the office of the Comptroller of the Currency, withdrew her nomination Tuesday after Democrats and Republicans opposed her controversial views to eliminate community banks and fossil fuel companies.

Greene, Gaetz, Gohmert, and Gosar release their “Unusually Cruel” report on the DC jail and unusual and cruel treatment of Jan 6th defendants.

Ex-Bush strategist Matthew Dowd drops bid for lieutenant governor in Texas. If things were as they were, the Bushes would still be winning easily. Something has changed.

New poll shows Liz Cheney trails her Trump-endorsed challenger by 18 points.

Latest Wall Street Journal election poll numbers spell doom for Democrats.

Poll shows only 37% of Democrats want to see Biden on the 2024 ticket.

And only 22% overall want Biden to run again.

Harvard poll shows Trump would beat Biden if the election were held today.

CNN worries – As former President Donald Trump prepares for a potential comeback bid in 2024, his allies are flocking to election jobs all the way down to the local level in key battleground states, raising new concerns that the election officials who blocked Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election won’t be there the next time around. 

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.

Endorsement of David Perdue

Great to see that David Perdue is running for Governor of Georgia. He is a Conservative fighter who isn’t afraid of the Radical Left, and is the only candidate in Georgia who can beat Stacey “The Hoax” Abrams in November. Brian Kemp has failed Georgia. He caved to Stacey Abrams before the 2020 Election and allowed massive Election Fraud to take place. The signing of the Stacey Abrams-backed Consent Decree, so stupidly giving her and the Democrats everything they wanted, was a monumental mistake for not only Georgia, but also for our Nation!

Kemp has been a very weak Governor—the liberals and RINOs have run all over him on Election Integrity, and more. Most importantly, he can’t win because the MAGA base—which is enormous—will never vote for him. We need strong leaders who will fight, and time is running out! David Perdue will eliminate the Income Tax, secure the Elections, defend the Second Amendment, support our great Farmers, get crime in Atlanta and other places under control, take care of our great Vets, and put parents back in charge of the schools.

David Perdue and Herschel Walker (who I have already strongly endorsed) will make an unstoppable team for Georgia. Trump supporters will turn out to vote for these great leaders in big numbers. David Perdue has my Complete and Total Endorsement. He will not let you down!


I’m watching Republican Senators talk about fighting the horrendous Build Back Better Bill that the Democrats will push forward, made much easier for them by the 19 Republican Senators who voted for the Democrats Unfrastructure Plan, which is only 11% Infrastructure, and also by McConnell incredibly giving the Democrats a two-month extension, which allowed them to get their act together. Now the Republicans start fighting a much harder war, and I told them this would happen. It’s pathetic! Those 19 Republicans, including the Broken Old Crow, should not be forgotten for what they have done and the absolutely horrible ramifications this Bill will have on the future of our Nation. Just like McConnell blew two Senate seats in Georgia, and wouldn’t fight the Rigged Presidential Election, he gave this one away also.



Vladimir Putin looks at our pathetic surrender in Afghanistan, leaving behind dead Soldiers, American citizens, and $85 billion worth of Military equipment. He then looks at Biden. He is not worried!

Invite other people to because we are a team.

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3 years ago
Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  info
3 years ago

Despite the Chinese governments best attempts, stuff like that will probably become more common.

Video games, sex robots and that may be more chosen alternatives for young Chinese males than leaving country and competing for a wife since they will usually lose said competition.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

May God continue to preserve his remnant in China in spite of the great state power of the CCP.

As Pharoah failed to crush Israel in Egypt. So Israel in China shall not be crushed. But purified.

3 years ago

“Marjorie Taylor Greene tweets – Around 6,000+ people in Sweden have gotten a microchip inserted into their hand. The chip contains their vaccine passport, train passes, keyless entry, ID’s and more. They can buy and sell with it. Sign of the times…”

Foreshadowing of the Mark of the Beast. This is how they get people acclimated to submission to the AntiChrist.

3 years ago

“It might mean if everything came to light, including their importation as part of a criminal conspiracy to rig elections by CIA, all those migrants could be stripped of citizenship retroactively and shipped back.”

At some point we are just going to do that to all of them even if their ancestors landed on Plymouth Rock.
And we won’t care what the laws say about it.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

Another case of cancer soon after being vaxxed.

“The first inkling that something was wrong with his body came last spring, when Hoppus felt a weird knot in his shoulder while he was sitting on his couch playing Ghost of Tsushima on PlayStation. He had recently been vaccinated and was eager for the world to start opening up again”

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“entry team’s fast-construction-element ”

Does anyone who knows a bit about quick dry paints know if UV light will pick up the paint differentials? I just might make my own kits that can do this, for fun.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Another option:

Assuming they are using traditional methods with quick drying materials, then I would just get a big level and run it across the wall. The repair will be a bump on the wall.

Or if they replaced the whole sheet. Just get a cheap rare earth magnet and measure the drywall screw locations. I doubt they would take the time to measure the locations, if they put up a new sheet.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Most all paints for the home these days are latex and dry quickly. Solvent based lacquers can also be sprayed which dry pretty much instantly (used for kitchen cabinets, etc)

Matching color precisely is a different story, though, as there are thousands of colors and dozens of shades of white from each manufacturer.

But even using the same paint there will be a difference in sheen (reflectivity) which can be spotted by looking parallel to the surface in indirect sunlight. New paint is cleaner and brighter than surrounding areas, which has cured, dulled, scuffed, and probably covered with a layer of dust or oils (if it comes into human contact, like doors)

So yes, I suspect a UV light might spot this, based on it’s newness if not also its makeup. But I’ve never tried it.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

The comments here about paint matching are good. It’s very difficult to match a color, because 99% of the time paint dries a different color than when it’s wet. Another way to see if there is a seam would be to lay your light source on the surface; so that the light moves across it, parallel. Also, just start the UV test yourself. There’s got to be something around with older pain on it.
Myself, I’ve been in situations where I have to hide a color match. One time was when I painted the house I’m living in. Paint’s expensive, and times are tight, so a guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do. There was a city paint recycling place where people dropped off paint, and they in turn gave it away to the public, Cheaper for them than haz mat disposal I guess. The house is white, and what I found was that regardless of brand, they all have some sort of ultra white, which looks the same as the other brands. They might call it super white, brightest white, whatever. People would buy 10 gallons for a job, even though they might only need 8 or 9, which is smart. The rest went to this dump w/ recycle center.
I would drop by regularly, and get a few gallons at a time. When I had enough to paint one side of the house, I did. I would mix the different brands of paint, all exterior latex, in a 5 gallon bucket. Then paint. Paint EVERYTHING facing that way. Could be a little part of the porch, doesn’t matter, everything facing that way.
You see it’s a fool the eye deal. The shade/tint is ALWAYS going to be a little different around a corner. It has to be, because the light hitting it will be from a different angle.Nobody, and I mean nobody can see this trick, because you’re not looking for it. The walls look just as every cornered wall looks since you were old enough to remember. Maybe Hume’s customary relationship sort of thing. I’ve done this trick on a few commercial jobs too, and saved people a lot of trouble.
So in regards to this thread, look at/in corners?

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Another color trick, while we’re on the subject: There have been a few times, only a few, where I was painting an object, and realized I didn’t have quite enough paint to finish.So I grabbed a color that was very similar, but not dead on. Rather than wait until the first color ran out, and hope I could sort of kind of do a mechanical blend with whatever tool I was using; I started adding the second color into the pan or bucket I was using as soon as I knew there was a problem. Gradual is the key, stirring the two together of course. Keep doing this until you’re done, and it will fool the eye. Speaking of fooling people; I know a guy who used to paint houses. If they could tell they were working for an overly particular person, they had a trick. They would leave a place on the first side of the house unpainted. Some gap in the paint on the trim. Every day, the home owner would notice the glaring omission, and ask about it; only to be told “Yeah we know about it, we’ll fix it before we leave.” At the very end of the job, the painter would go the the missing spot, and fill it in. When the home owner was told they were done, the first thing he would do is go to the missing spot to see if they did it. Being satisfied that it was fixed, he would pay. He was distracted from constantly inspecting the work.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Ghislaine Maxwell … Karma points on reddit ”

Ironic as this is, it really tells you something about reddit.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“A Vatican source tells Newsmax’s John Gizzi that “Pope Francis is dying,” with insiders saying they believe the Pontiff will not survive past 2022. That sounds significant. Whatever it is, if he isn’t being taken out by the resistance, I would bet the Vax didn’t help.”

As interesting as all that sounds he could be replaced by someone better, or someone worse.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Assume worse. Much worse.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Viganó would be great!

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  1984
3 years ago

Jesus Christ hasn’t returned yet so Viganó is likely to be a martyr.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Teams of Pentagon and intelligence community experts would rapidly respond to military UFO sightings and conduct field investigations under newly unveiled defense legislation set to pass Congress.”

Not fast enough. What the Pentagon teams will find is that they need a real-time surveillance grid to “catch” the phenomena. And then they will magically have said system. And normies might, or might not freak out over a reveal.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Marjorie Taylor Greene tweets – Around 6,000+ people in Sweden have gotten a microchip inserted into their hand. The chip contains their vaccine passport, train passes, keyless entry, ID’s and more. They can buy and sell with it. Sign of the times…”

This is why I have doubts that the vaccines are the credentials of the beast system. The vaccine is just a killing sieve for those who take it, they either get through or they don’t. But a chip? A chip could do some pretty crazy things to it’s user once the technology catches up, or rather once the technology to enable the abyss, and it’s depravity, is revealed.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“where FBI told him to sleep with her and he fooled them into thinking he was, I would not have done that because I would have known they would have seen through it a mile away and it would be futile from the start.”

I agree. If the FBI told me to sleep with Maria Butina I would have made the great sacrifice and done it. If they had also told me to submit to Sydney Powell’s advances I would have excused myself to the balcony and thrown myself off.

I’m saying he’s full of shit when he says he rebuffed Sydney. His earpiece would’ve gone off like a 40s Marine drill sergeant.

“You fall on that grenade soldier! Get your ass back to that hotel room and get to porkin!”

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Putin says Ukraine is to Russia what Cuba was to America in the 1962 Cuban missile crisis.”

Putin could be offering a trade. Cuba for Ukriane.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

That’s a win/win deal if I ever heard one.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Agreed. Although I gotta facepalm Creepy Joes public statement about being willing to do anything to buy off Putin. The price just jumped.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Chris Cuomo’s book canned by HarperCollins. There is definitely some sort of turmoil in Cabal-land.”

They are turning on each other- most likely because there is a differential in money and kompromat- not because a higher authority is policing them. It could rebalance, but parts will shatter off and be exposed. It could also be a controlled burn.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

They could also be slinking back into hibernation. Cut off the worst offenders in the public eye, maximize damage to civilized society on the way out, then give people another decade or two of “peace” as they regroup for another push. I don’t think they expected the 2016 upheaval and may need to slow down for round 2 down the road.

Like AC’s said, and like cockroaches and mice, if you leave even one left behind you’ll have a thousand back again in a year. Unless every single one of them is eliminated, there’s no way we’ve won the war.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Now imagine if 50% of that material was wrong.”

Sounds like an ethnic studies course in college.

3 years ago

“The Chinese may have developed shipping containers that house and launch missiles, allowing them to turn container ships into mobile missile launching platforms that can penetrate foreign ports to launch massive attacks on enemy infrastructure. ”
Think of how many shipping containers are sitting all by their lonesome across the US. Just one in a construction yard or site, one behind a WalMart, a few in a local trucking yard that haven’t moved in a few months. Or even the ones that are train or truck mounted, rolling all over the US and never really going anywhere. Understand this has been going on for years, if not decades.
What’s the chance? We’ll never see the next missile coming, because it only needs a few miles, a few seconds, to go to hit it’s target…not some partial circumnavigation of the planet to get here. We’ve already lost, long before we even saw the first one launch.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  millerized
3 years ago

They’re referred to as “Club-K”. Mil-Spec-Ops-Monkey has an entire category of posts on his blog about them:

3 years ago

Marijuana Thieves ….. Who? short answer the ferals (who are beginning to become organized). Why? Well the short answer is because they can. What? here is becomes interesting. Not things like food but glitzy things and things that can be resold by the fence. When, well when they can gain access without going through the effort of breaking into the target. Where? everywhere where there is no or limited prosecution. How? by being brazen.

But then what is happening? By limiting arrests (defund and woke movements along with claims of racism). Along with installing prosecutors who do not prosecute society is being reorganized. The goal is simple. Instead of multiple classes of people in a society there will be only three. The elite. those who serve them (functional slaves) and every one else (serfs). The elite will live behind walls and be protected; you and I will be out in the cold. This is the beginning of the reinstitution of the Middle Ages, current version. If you question me look at China and the EU.

If you want a more studied edition of what I have said and I have stolen the thought go here:

If you want to know how I know about serfs, well my grandparents were born and raised as serfs in Russia until they escaped.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

Be me. Sitting in a conference room yesterday with my boss and a contractor. Both are PhD’s and trust the science explicitly. Both of them are also visibly sick. I mean coughing and sneezing the entire meeting. The contractor was worse.

Why are they even at work? We’re all masked up so they feel safe? Why not Zoom? I don’t know.

At the start of the meeting the contractor mentions that he’s getting his booster the next day. My boss says that his is scheduled for next week. I’m pretending they’re both not retarded and writing notes so I can ignore them. It was a very uncomfortable next two hours.

I’ve known the contractor for 25 years and he was absolutely struggling during his presentation. I mean he was almost catatonic at times. Long pauses while he tries to find his desktop in Windows Explorer or even the tab he was just presenting seconds ago. He’s normally sharp as a tack.

Afterwards while walking him to the elevator I felt sad. I’m wondering if I’m ever going to see him again after getting his booster. He’s a good man on the cusp of a retirement he’ll probably never get to enjoy.

My exemption request is still under review but I’m almost hoping they deny it. It’s depressing being here.

3 years ago
3 years ago

Looks like we are seeing a purge of the HRC and Bush factions from DC. Obama Faction hasn’t been touched. Other than Biden crashing everything. I’m still undecided on if Barry Faction is doing this as a coup de grace after assuming full power, or there is some Trump and Barry marriage of convenience. Or there really is a large bipartisan coalition slowly purging DC and Barry is next.

Hunter is a crack head and Biden is senile BUT Hunter and DJT are either parallel or inversions. Both engage in preposterous deals that blow up spectacularly and they walk away and everyone else gets ruined. The “everyone else’s” are scummy ppl.

As usual, AC is on the nose, big tectonic shifts are happening.

Re: Bibi

He and his mizrahim (Mossad and U8200) and chabadniks (Kushner and Tablet Mag) are aligned with DJT. They want Israel as independent actor and perhaps hegemon. NYC Ashkenazim want Israel to bend the knee to US because they run US. Bennett and vaxxx = bending the knee. If Bibi gets back in Pharma CEOs are gonna get MURKED.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

not convinced id believe all the vax news out of ISR…

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

Fair point.

3 years ago

Helicopter crash with India’s Chief of Defense Staff on board with his wife. India just took delivery on Russian S-400 air defense systems after US thugs warned them not to do that but buy US made junk instead.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Donnie
3 years ago

The Patriot is junk, but the SM-3 and SM-6 are killers. A lot of planes in India crash because they’re maintained by average pajeets, since every exceptional pajeet is H1b. There are also muslims in India, rival Indian companies that want American contracts and of course Pakis and Chinese trying to sow discord. So you can really take your pick as towards who is responsible for the crash.

3 years ago

Rep. Dan Crenshaw turns on his GOP colleagues and brands House Freedom Caucus members, which include Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz and Paul Gosar, ‘grifters’ who tell ‘lie after lie.’ And he defends Kinzinger.

FWIW, Owen called the One Eyed Wonder Weasel at plant from first sight.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

Probably conman outing other conmen

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Could be. Either way he has a damned good radar for the frauds.

3 years ago

Dan Crenshaw talking about “grifting” is rich coming from the guy who lost his eye, due an unfortunate jewish oral incident.

3 years ago

and whether it is a legit shipping ship or a mobile missile platform.

It’s both. You take a legit ship and slap a couple of containers on the top of the stack.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

*cough* GULFTAINER *cough*

3 years ago

When I did Dev Neurobio, there was no text book. The instructors had bound photocopies of several hundred studies, in a primitive book you had to buy at the Campus bookstore, and they would give out three or four more studies in class each week which you had to read and understand.

The wife watches Brett Weinstein and Heather Heying, and they say the same thing. Textbooks are garbage and neither one uses them for their courses.

3 years ago

> entry teams

…or, just use a prybar and boots to get through the door, leave muddy footprints all through the house, and take a handful of small, portable valuables while the tech team installs the cameras and speakers.

Victim gets home, reports a burglargy – and who could tell anything was different in all the mess? – reports it to the police and his insurance company, and tells all his friends and workmates about how he was burglarized… and there’d be no reason to expect it was anything other than a simple meth-head smash-and-grab.

3 years ago

> Meanwhile, the Biden administration is exploring options for a potential evacuation of Americans from Ukraine if Russia were to invade, half a dozen sources tell CNN.
We’re not at war with Russia. The normal thing when this happens (Americans in a country being invaded) is to work out a deal with the invaders so they don’t mess with the Americans or prevent them from leaving.

Well, it used to be. Lately the default response is to abandon them overseas; “What Americans? None of our business anyway.”

3 years ago

Not sure how to phrase this, but is there like a resource or a manual or simple list with descriptions what ground and pole tech looks like, tricks how to spot it, maybe the disguises employed to hide it from casual sight?
I think it would be if immeaserable practical value. Go a long way to becoming knowlegeble how techical ground coverage and survieliance is put on us.
Im thinking some of it is now so small and its guises so tricky you need a refrence to see and find it. For example what stand off range capabilities, what electromagnetic frequencies are employed, or say is there different ground or pole tech for city, village or rural use, as each environment has unique circumstances. How long is their battery pack life? Is the tech so cheap and throwaway now that its a simple matter of leaving them lie and just place new units when the older inits batteries run out. What frequencies are used to transmit the data, whats their transmit range, do they lay dorment untill a vehicle drives by or UAV flys over activating their comms and do they do a rapid data dump? Laser comms instrad of radio making interception of a data burst bertually impossible? Ground or pole to low earth orbit transmission capabilities, or are they tied into the 4G DEW technology network?

Nothing complicated. Basically reference information with basic capabilities, and styles of and physical hroup types.
It would be common sensical to assume the practical aspects of the state of the art is cheap, disposable, one use and throw away, for cost reasons, reducing chances of assets being seen emplacing such tech, retrieving it or the data accumulated, stuff like thst.
No doubt not much chance its info available from a handy source like a shop or operationmanual, more so lots of bits and pieces inferences and eyewitness accounts.
The value of this has to be near priceless for its pragmatic worth. Almost as good as revealing humint assets. With some common sense and critical thinking much is derived and inferred from knowlege of the physical tech itself in situ in the wild, and where it is placed also.
Seems half the value of ground and pole tech is derived from it remaining incognito, undiscovered, unrecognized.
Walkng up waving and taking a leak on a piece of ground tech device is good sport. Make for really fun target practice time with your trusty .22 or pellet gun say if your under pole tech in a citt or burb. The possibilities only limited by the imaginative creative ways to have fun and send your bery best in appreciation for the honor of considered such a danger or threat you are put under coverage.
Be a great asset to showing others, changing hearts and minds, the conspiracy indeed is real, the import of seeing with your own eyes what we thought and been told to believe all our lives was supposed to protect us and preserve our constitution, our Republic, is actually the very thing itself it is supposed to protect and defend. Maybe some kind of repository everyone can add to or something like that?

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  D.C.
3 years ago

This is a great point. The problem to solve would be determining the trustworthiness of the sources. A crowdsourced project like this would be a bright target for the IC to throw us off.

Reply to  D.C.
3 years ago

Build your own database, I’m sure it’s locally different based on blending in. Just go for a jog around and whack a few random poles, see when the parade starts.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
3 years ago

I’ve been tracking how most of what they tell us about “health” is bullshit. Roosh just came out (Roosh is a trained microbiologist) on one of those threads, with how virology is a lie: . I had to link his Telegram channel. Maybe he’ll do a blog post on it.

I came across the parasite theory on 4chan a while back, and we even discussed it here. I’ve known for a while that they don’t have a single purified sample of a virus they can point to and say “This is what we’re calling COVID-19/SARS-COV2/Kung Flu/Shanghai Sniffles/China Virus.” The Clot Shots were developed against a computer model. According to Roosh (and this jives with a few other things I’ve read recently), there isn’t a purified sample of a any virus anywhere. The entire field is a lie.

This doesn’t surprise me at all.

3 years ago

I read the MMC’s most recent post referenced ystdy last night. Been thinking all day about why the vaxx is “real” but everything thing else is “fake” and mostly a harmless theater performance. Idk seems strange.

3 years ago

The beast’s servants come in many shapes. The mind job some have become victim to comes close to home. A woman in our rural community contracted the chink lung sids after submitting to the death jabs, proceeded to visit everyone she knew, friends and casual aquaintences to immediate family and clan, invited in to sit and visit, and after a time announce she is ripe with covid, say her goodbyes and stop at the next victim’s houses.
Somebody my wife and i do not know or have met, but here it is very clannish, about 75% born and raised are related by blood, i think even more by inlaw/marraige. We are imports, after 17 years we are still outsiders. Its no problem, we understand and it makes sense, we have no prejuduces on that score its just what it is. This is their place, their rules, nobody nothers us, and actually the finest friends we ever made are here.
Lot of love and deep generosity in these mountains. It is a place you can truly claim is where people leave eachother alone, and everyone just wants to be left alone. It really exists and it works awesome. Another world for sure.
So this woman’s behavior and what she deliberately did, coughing hacking blwing her nose with total lack of considerate basic cold/flu protocal, exposing everyone to her illness, is exceptional and very out of general character.

Our first thought was gangstalker! Co-opted from the natural born native local population. A rare one too. The culture here and mores and deeply Christian, the rich family first and always culture prohibits such behaviour, it is totally out of place.
Indications this notion has credence is the infestation of gangstalkers we experienced up to recently, had northern virginia accents and other evidence they are birginia based gangstalkers. The assumption is they can’t get enough WV based gangstaljers because of the general culture and attitudes is prohibitive to being co-oted into the network at the dirt people level. Now at the government and coroprate/political level above local reps and selectman, it is the diametrically polar opposite. The graft and corruption at the state level is vile, possibly worse than the swamp and feds. The coal money that vanishes into thin air has to be seen to appreciate. The theft and laundering of federal dollars gobsmacks you. In some cases, and thats close to all, its so rife no dollars whatsoever make it past the meathooks of these fuckers into the intended use or peoples hands.
Its so bad when i vilunteered down at a local farmers opening of the first custom meat cutting shop in 36 years, to teach his employees to cure and smoke meat, a never ending daisy chain of state and federal inspectors literally smothered the owner and myself with every concirvable bullshit invented regulation and law possdible to styop us, because of a scam they are involved in where highschoolers compete for the best cured hams bacon and other curiculture, awarding 10 grand federal grants to the “winners” schools.
What they where doing was auctioning off, in a racket like pedo=joe’s son, selling his “artwork”, they auctioniff the same ham or slab of bacon hndreds of times, and they had created a state law commercial production of Dry Cured pork products where peemitted in a commercial meat cutting shop which sold any meat to the public. What this old timers meat shop did was only kill and butcher your live meat animal.
They fucked up when they created that bullshit regulation to monopize on the hrant money laundering, at first they tried the gull of ommission hoping we did not read the regulation’s stipulations. Then they hovered and smothered us out looking for any violation they could use to stop us. We only cured/smoked about 3/4 to 1 ton of customers ham bacon and beef a year.
This is how fucking greedy the fuckers are. What we where “stealing” from their take we never could figure out, it seemed they saw it as a potential threat and did some really dirty shit to fuck up customers curing meat and wreck the owners reputation, under the guise thYeah, the photo of Patrick Sundance used on your link to his post, AC, is classic r/ amygdala face. What a nasty piece of shit. You got to be some kind of vile decrepit shitstain to go about his kind of con and treason. Burne has the face of those who they put out for us to see, our dear pedo money laundering human trafficking civilizational destroying crime gang public relations sociopaths and psychopaths. Look into his eyes and see an insect lower than whale shit. And like us good folks, nobody can make him comply with anything. There is always choice. Free choice. The choices you make reflect brutally what you are. This is the heart of this war. Hearts and minds and choices.
And us good folks are going to win.
Byrnes represents the physical manifestation of Agent Smith in The Matrix, once he was free in the flesh able to take on the form of blood and flesh, unjacked, he moves in and out of all real world systems. They sent him in to infest Trump’s alt-media platform system. That must scare the everloving crap out of the beast and his minions. Imagine how truly dangerous Trump and Q is now, in one fell swoop they bypass trillions invested in the censor/brain fuck platforms they built to deny access to the unfettered open source internet. What The God Emperor is building will obsolete their evil works over night. Imagine the hord of snowflakes that worked for the machine at goolag faceborg and teatter having to learn to code. I know they need coal miners where i live. Do these precious lickspitlke NPC’s even have an idea whats coming? After their overlords have wrecked the economic industry of American paycheck level wealth creation they will face, which they are an instrumental part of destroying?
Vengeance and nemesis is a jobless desert best experienced cold and devoid of gainful employment. They thought it was delightful, something wickedly funny to destroy us good folks jobs. Its too late now for such insects to be product hustling skilled craft labor and skilled operators of machines and equipment. They lack that critical life skill set takes many evolutions to acquire as you first begin to build when you first join the blue collar workforce. Yeah. Learn to code bitchez. Imagine the loss of the wealth transfer stream with the loss of the masters of the universe revelency when their system of control is no longer the monopoly of the information highway.

It is a brilliant stroke by The God Emperor, imagine the resources that will be pulled off to counter it. If globo=pedo fails to stop it they will have to take the nuclear option of pulling the plug. But I think they can not because they loose the very instrument of their power. Everything they do is inextricably linked to the web Matrix. While us good folks have spent decades how to thrive and survive with ever decreasing resources, along with that it is not them who have sent their sons and daughters to fight and die in their endless wars either, to come home with the experience and knowledge how to counter the beasts endles LIC war weapon. And how will the glowies and gangstalkers operate with the just in time comms and survieliance system that held billions in its thrall who have walked away to go live in the wild west of the unfettered open source internet?

Gina Haspel’s name, of all people, popped up on We Love Trump over the weekend regarding some info connected to a FOI request, like she was currently working at the agency. The FOI was denied, see eye ay flat out refused to release any info. Pound another nail in your coffin there mr glowie. Everything is a gift, a freebie now for FreeFor. Its the downhill side of the collapse of the institutional order.

Sure seems like the media fake news/narrative death jab campaign to con and use fear to coerce people into taking it, is begginning to take on all the subtlties and flavors used for foisting globullshit colding on us. Must be using the same phsychological warfare and false narrative shop manual.
Guess the smart money is on when do they trot out their teenage looking gangstalker punk method actors telling us what our priorities will be and how dare us pure bloods, ( or as the ho called us in a WH security meeting, “Trump’s dirty nasty unvaxxed”)? That will be a good sign of desperation due to massive failure from universal refusal to comply.
Which is kind of an element of the one way to undermine the intelligence apparatus as AC points out is so critical and best left to the non kenetic aspects of LIC resistance. Better still its totally grass roots and natural open source. It goes something like this; pure bloods along with other good folks resistance and defiance, maintain universal franchise of non compliance, aka turning backs and saying “I WON’T!”, which is withdrawal of consent in action, and “action is what matters, it is the act that counts”, ( quoted by a famous light infantry combat leader in WWI, as one of the finest tactical precepts in effective small unit infantry tactics, cant remember his name, read his book, a great fundamental’s combat leader). The point is in regards to the machine and how its existance is predicated on the success of imposing all sorts of controls and those controls as effective. This last point is tge critical point. Long have the fuckers enjoyed the cake walk of mass brainwashing and social engineering, this has gifted them with the institutional leisure of appearence if success, and an air of invincibility. The mistake is they conflate their successs and power with manufactured consent which comes from brainwashing generations into conforming to the intended mind fucking.
And here in revealed is the chink in the machines, the vulnerability in its armor.
The intell apparatus is geared primarily on continued success of continually creating compliance to glob=pedo’s agenda, obvious thing to point out, goes without saying, its the objective of course, herd compliance. Mass programming for creating billions of people whise minds are putty which can be shaped in the desired forms and behaviours.
All good for all in on the genocide of ” The Hearts and Minds” of the people. Everything is suborned to creating billions under the machines thrall. Generations within this institutional order are also in thrall, in their own way, its apparant in the NPC like visual appearence of glowies dressing up as “conservative activists” where they are blatantly obvious fake and attempting a false flag Op. Now you might think this intell apparatus is staffed with proffessionals, secret agents who on a dime transform themselves using their secret squirell disguise kit, like rouge agent character Ms. Salt. Here is the weakness and what it is made from; this intell institutional order is false to its core, everything in it is about false and fake, its what it does, so dressing up like alt-dissident right in Charlottesville or last weekend in DC the agents running shit are incapable of creating grass roots organic disguises and airs. It can’t see this because it doesnt understand the elements on the grass roots dirt people level.
And so too the solidarity thats a natural result of massive non compliance. Yeah they know what this is politically and technically, they see and know resistance, but non compliance, the natural organic open source universal tendency of good folks to withdraw their consent, is actualy the most powerful weapon ever devised. The machines intell appatchuk community see’s the threat this is to it, but it can not inderstand its inherent organic natural state of dignity of individual liberty, it mistakes this individual non compliance for organized resistance, when it is anything but a state of being many choose, so it seems to be organized to the intell apparatus, when it is actually the profound organic movement of leaderless resistance in action. Of all forms of refusal to comply and non compliance, of BFYTW!, leaderless resistance, kenetic or peaceful, is the one threat existential to the machine. It can not control what is not of organized structure. It doesn’t understand them. Hence glowies posing, and “infiltrating” these “white domestic terrorist” protests, agents in good folks lawfully peacefully petitioning their government, mufti. The results are comical, its the epitimy of NPC hive mind mentality, because what kind of minds do you need to fuck over and betray, commit treason on such a scale, the USC and the good folks who are America? You need minds that can not grok the awfullness, the depravity, and treason and terrible crimes neccessary in destroying and usurpation of trad America and its originating foundation and its natural evolution.

They point is the machine can not cope, it does not have the means to deal with non compliance and its inherent form of organic individual resistance to tyranny beyond the natural 3% of American’s who are natural Patriots. Its when withdrawal of consent grows because preference cascade not of the natural 3%, is where the machine is in a pickle. It simply does not have the capability nor capacity to stop, even effectively deal with a sea change in perceptions from the approved artificial accepted norms of thinking.

In otherwords the greatest weapon we who are Freemen have is non-compliance in numbers, a totally spontaneous totally unorganized turning if backs, a plurality thats chosen to never comply no matter what.
The machine has no counter, except force and violence, and the thing which is self destructive, what withdrawal of peoples consent causes the machine to react, it does what NPC’s resort to when faced with reality it can not accept, it doubles down on what does not work which is the cause itself of organic unorganized resistance.

Essentially this unorganized resistance overloads the machine. Confounds the minds of its assets, puts it on the defensive, the hunter becomes the hunted inthe philosophical sense, at first, and as it inevitably resorts to force and use of violence it causes the very thing its whole existance is based on repressing manipulating and controlling.

In the most basic form as millions of us good folks go leadeeless unorganized resistance, we first become non colient individuals.
A counterpoise in contrast is the machine is target fixated on Trump and Q. It see’s no other target. Glowies are so focused on The God Emperor the root and cause, the leader of white domestic terrorism resistance movement, you are looking at the institutional blindness to the very thing which is diametrically opposite from what they are, just good folks naturally and legitimately turning away from the horribleness the machine creates. They simply without guile or ulterior motive, just dont want anything to do with that shit. Its that basic. Glowies and gangstalkers are instituional beings in their own specific way, so much so their minds are not cognizant of the elemental natural resistance thats a part of the courage and prudence of decent people who had enough and no more no matter what. They cross their arms, get the steely eye look, shit up, because dialog and discourse is undrrstood to be useless against the machine. And thats it. There is no premeditation or ulterior motives, there is motive power and audacity, great innate audacity, because under cabal, total resistance to tyranny by from hearts and minds to it is the audacious thing, its the act, it is action that counts.
The machine absolutely can not tolerate the mere existance of resistance to it. In any form in any quantity. No exceptions to this rule are possible. And there in cabal sets the seeds of its demise.

Armed to the fucking teeth is great, a really great thing if for no reason that it moderates the machine, it causes it to be circumspect, causes it to fear and take council from its institutional fears. Our Rifles can not be over estimated in their value and importance to our tesustance and non compliance. We all be having our dirt naps decades, probably over a century ago already and be no America today. If not our Rifles, and they are critical, tools of defense against the worst and the most foul the machines agents sent hither to eat out our existence. Defnse against the myriad of proxies and gangstalkers at the one on one level, for they create and send these low level assets shainst us, to sibvert undermine and destroy is and our Republic. You absolutely need a weapon to defend yours from these insects and creatures of the darkness. An effective combat proven small unit light infantry combat Rifle. Its the best do all choice, the primary arms of freedom.

The most important aspect is just as AC keeps telling us, force of arms will not by themselves be what brings down the intell apparatus. We beat it we win using our greatest weapon, ” I WON’T!” I will never comply. Go fuck yourself. Its when good folks attain the midset level where even if tied to a chair, a .45 held to their head, hammer back safety off finger on the trigger, and told, if you do not comply we kill your wife then your daughters then your son, after we butt rape and beat the shit out of them, then we blow your fucking brains accross the room. And you know without conscious thought you win no matter what, that it stops with you, compliance ends with you, that BFYTW is why you are so incredibly more powerful than they are, that if you give in, you doom all your brothers and sisters. Because compliance is tge one thing the machine must have above anything if it is to be the machine.

What happens to the machine because unorganized leaderless “I WON’T!” is its institutional order collapses. Not a shot fired towards that ends required. It is poison to the machine, cabal kryptonite.
Already the truth of this of us is evident. Us pure bloods confound cabal. It can not understand doubling down only hardens our refusal to comply until it is impervious substance. Such substance is contagious. Its like a good virus, that has the ability to kill the bad virus, the good virus neing naturally the herd immunity itself, immune to all efforts to stop it.

ey had to inspect it, when they had zero jurisdiction, that meat is private property subject to no laws or regs. The only regulation for me to cure meat was I need a food handlers liscence you take online for $35 bucks and is good for 10 years if you work continiously in a job handling food.

It became apparent as time passed, the commercial meat industry is totally converged by the network, its controlled by a vast gangstalker organization. It is a gold mine of graft and money laundering. And the shit they allow to be killed and processed will curl your fucking toes and you will never eat a piece of store bought meat ever again after you find out what the fuckers do to get the last fucking buck.
Make you fucking hurl just thinkng of it.

Johannes Q
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Remember Herod; Joseph was instructed to take his family to Egypt and lie low. Perhaps it threw off the dogs. Also, the Romans probably had their own surveillance, maybe if Cabal was active then they had to avoid clashing with the Romans.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Among the more powerful psychics, they speak of cloaking to hide themselves from other psychics and from entities. There are a few different techniques they describe.

In church circles, among the Charismatic and even among the groups that don’t practice the gifts of the Holy Spirit, there are many stories of people going through checkpoints and people just conveniently “don’t see” them, or don’t notice that they lack the needed passport, or don’t notice the contraband Bibles they are smuggling, etc. Some of the stories like the contraband Bibles go back to the cold war years, but there is a prophet speaking in local churches who has been going through the border without a vaccine passport… the hand of God shields, covers and protects him. This is the same as the story of Lot, where the angels struck the sodomites with a special type of blindness, so they couldn’t see or find the front door of the house.

The surveillance etc is more than we can handle on our own, but there is a reason Q spoke of the “whole armor of God”. With God’s protection, the enemy will fail to see or notice things even though they are looking right at them.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
3 years ago

“In church circles, among the Charismatic and even among the groups that don’t practice the gifts of the Holy Spirit, there are many stories of people going through checkpoints and people just conveniently “don’t see” them, or don’t notice that they lack the needed passport, or don’t notice the contraband Bibles they are smuggling, etc. Some of the stories like the contraband Bibles go back to the cold war years, but there is a prophet speaking in local churches who has been going through the border without a vaccine passport… the hand of God shields, covers and protects him. This is the same as the story of Lot, where the angels struck the sodomites with a special type of blindness, so they couldn’t see or find the front door of the house.”

Maybe the people at the checkpoints were likewise secretly on the side of the people passing through the checkpoints.

Also explains why they would want to rely on machines, electronics and AI to surmount those human weaknesses like the “Selective blindness” by the hand of God.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

This time Christ is coming back in the clouds at the head of his army.

But they do want to catch and destroy any of his prophesied servants if they can. (He will not let them)

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Indeed, Christ will return from the sky and unlike the imposter he will not need to have his arrival announced by some faggoty media machine.

No sir, when our Lord arrives everyone single person on this planet will all know it at the same time. There will be no mistaking His return.

Reply to  D.C.
3 years ago

The fact that daughters even go fight in war is an example of the success of Cabal propaganda and actions on the interchangeability of Male and Female and respective roles.

It’s natural to feel disgust at women pummeling each other bloody or being injured in that way. Yet this is what has been allowed to go on in the Military.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

“Harvard poll shows Trump would beat Biden if the election were held today.”

There was a poll on Nov 3, 2020 that said the same thing.

3 years ago

> One book I read said FBI has on its entry teams construction elements, outfitted with fast set spackles and concretes and fast dry paint kits which can match paints on the spot. The older book I read said back then, they were actually more likely to enter a residence through a wall or floor than a door (he said they even have dedicated tunneling teams who would come over from the neighboring house underground), and they would repair the hole once they were in.

AC, any theories on who/when/how they developed these reconstruction methods? I’ve worked in construction on every level from patching bullet holes in the hood to very expensive residential and commercial work, and just can’t fathom tech that is capable of seamlessly reintegrating back into a damaged part of a structure, particularly damage from some sort of destructive entry method and particularly in minutes, not days/weeks.

There’s always tells, always small details that even the best of the best guys can miss 1% of the time, and that’s assuming they’re working on regular multi-month schedules. Being able to come up through the floor of a building, presumable through concrete or hardwood floors, through the foundation or structural elements, hell even through a painted drywall sheet would be so insanely difficult to hide I just can’t buy it.

It also doesn’t answer the question of how they exfil from the site, as I can’t imagine being able to rebuild and seamlessly paint a wall from outside the structure. If they can leave via the front door they can certainly enter through it too, assuming them not knowing everything going on inside in advance.

I mainly as because I could make a billion dollars doing months of work in one day if this tech is real lol.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

> exfil

Just push the lock button and pull the door to behind you, like the owner did when he left.

3 years ago


This is the Vox Day article. That Begley study had an 88.6% failure rate, where the seminal cancer papers could not be replicated.

3 years ago

A preference for increased sexual dimorphism is verified as being K selected:

3 years ago

The thought of missiles on commercial freighters has been around for a long time. The comic “Terry and the Pirates” had a Chicom tramp freighter with what at the time looked like a Kraut V2 in its hold. This was during the Korean war. Read a blog (actually several) that claimed that the Russian Club K weapons were already scattered around the US. A number were supposed within 25 miles of DC. No warning or defense as they would fly at treetop level and reach DC or other targets within a matter of minutes. Batteries are kept charged by solar cells or just plugged into a sympathizer power supply. With all of the containers scattered about the US almost impossible to spot. If one was found you can be sure you would never hear about it.

Israel already has the set up and I have seen a video on the launch off a freighter.
The whores sell anything they have to anyone so anyone could have them. So why not the US and everybody else (like Iran and North Korea).

Better info from here:

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: AWS outage

Centralization means that when one thing breaks, EVERYTHING BREAKS.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

It didn’t break. It was taken down. Just like Facecock a few weeks back.
The question is WHY.

Debra Shaffer
Debra Shaffer
3 years ago So many things make me think- …comms, or just the general slide into insanity?

Debra Shaffer
Debra Shaffer
3 years ago

Why Finland elect a thot as Prime Minister, or does even tiny frigid Finland not have real elections?

3 years ago

Schwab’s analysis of the coming Metaverse Virtual Reality that we are all being corralled into:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Any app on your phone is doing exactly what he says. I have wiped phones, readded apps, and things just work. All because the app is reading more than just the Model of your phone. It knows the unique identifiers.

3 years ago

Things that make you go hmmmmm

Russia’s Second-Richest Man Faces $7 Billion Claim In Divorce Court

3 years ago

“I’ve seen domestic intelligence It isn’t doing crime or National Security. Its purpose is population control, and it is not always gentle.”

It has nothing to do with national security, but it has everything to do with crime. Brutal, ruthless, inhumane looting, pillaging, and raping carried out so heartlessly, so wantonly, so savagely, and so pointlessly that most couldn’t fathom it.

Having seen the beast and how it works, there’s been times when I wished this country was nuked. Certainly we’ll never go back to a high trust society in my lifetime.

We’re in a savage space. An unbelievably cruel space where our brightest, most creative and entrepreneurial people have been systematically culled in an ongoing ruse of unimaginable cruelty. After wiping out all of the talent in this society, we’re only going to be left with the most ferocious, the most greedy, and the most cowardly.

Police and teachers participating in organized targeting of bright young minds to fuck them up.

Universities offering access to talented teenagers… just to fuck them.

It’s a wanton horror show.

Look at it this way, for every child trafficked by Epstein, there were school teachers and local police who participated in the monitoring and corruption of those kids. Every damned one of them. And other police officers and teachers knowingly covering up this crime.

Every brainwashed, fucked up kid in Antifa has been cultivated for years.

The size, cruelty, dishonesty of this is beyond comprehension.

The earlier communist and Bolshevik revolutions wiped out the urban elites of those societies in a lighting fast manner in order to leave the societies free of creativity and will, leaving behind just a bunch of blathering, greedy, filthy halfwits whose only criterion for survival was heartlessness and unquestioning acceptance of unethical orders.

They are doing the same thing in this population, it’s just being done stealthily and slowly. With our teachers, police, and former special operations personnel gleefully joining in.

This country has become an abomination that will NEVER be the creative force it once was. We no longer have the genetic stock to make it happen.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

We most certainly will return to greatness and we most certainly do still have the genetic stock.
We just have to purge the enemies among us.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

May God avenge. As he avenged all the countless evils of the Bolsheviks.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

If viruses are fake then how can chickens be given vaccines but if they are not they are killed in mass numbers from viral infections?

How did smallpox ravage people until there was a vax for it? The people denying that viruses exist say it’s from better nutrition but it worked just as well in places in Africa where no better living standards arrived and in some cases got worse. If you’re paying attention that takes out the only real excuse they have for why smallpox disappeared. What other reason can they come up with? None. The story of smallpox is the biggest clue to the idea of viruses being fake is a whole lot of nonsense. It’s damn hard to explain away something that,

“…The origin of smallpox is unknown;[14] however, the earliest evidence of the disease dates to the 3rd century BCE in Egyptian mummies.[14] The disease historically occurred in outbreaks.[10] In 18th-century Europe, it is estimated that 400,000 people died from the disease per year, and that one-third of all cases of blindness were due to smallpox.[10][15] Smallpox is estimated to have killed up to 300 million people in the 20th century[16][17] and around 500 million people in the last 100 years of its existence.[18] Earlier deaths included six monarchs.[10][15] As recently as 1967, 15 million cases occurred a year.[10]…”

and then after vax,

“…the World Health Organization (WHO) certified the global eradication of the disease in 1980…”

How the hell are you going to explain the disappearance of something around that long that killed that many people that disappeared after a vaccine was made for it and distributed world wide???? Good luck doing that without sounding like a fool or making your mind get stuck in a perpetual fantasim of stupidity.

We also have filters that take out everything below a particular size and if infected material is run through this filter the residue can infect subjects with “something:” that we call a virus.

There’s just too much evidence for this. I assume the whole “There’s no viruses” is just another confusion op to confuse everything and spread nonsense. MMC in the large.
I don’t believe this about there being no viruses. Life or parasites abound in every niche they can move into. Viruses are just one niche. We have, and AC showed, pictures of viruses.

I would say that logic dictates that Roosh abandoning his seduction series of books now has no way to make a living is being paid to spread nonsense.

Ask him to explain smallpox. If he avoids it then…you have your answer.

Now that I say vaccines work doesn’t mean I endorse faultily made vaccines. Nor that I endorse Jew vaccines. There appears to be a huge amount of cancer from animal substrates vaccines were made on that were infected. There’s a lot of vaccine problems. Lately most of them seem to be because the Jews have taken over the companies and as usual EVERYTHING the Jews touch turns to shit.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Good nutrition and hygiene solves most infection problems immediately. And would tend to select for less lethality as transmission is far harder.

3 years ago

Byrne may be a problem:

There are two basic ways to think about raising a PIPE here:
1. Go out to institutional investors, explain the business model, introduce them to the experienced management and technical teams, give them financial projections and let them pressure-test them, and generally get investors comfortable with a high 10-digit fundamental valuation for this company.
2. Go out to institutional investors and say, “look if you buy stock at $30, you can sell it to some retail rubes at $40.”

On Saturday, TMTG and DWAC announced a billion-dollar PIPE, and if you read the announcement very carefully, I think you can tell which approach they took…
What will these PIPE investors do when they buy stock at a 40% discount to the trading price after the SPAC merger? I don’t know, but I think … they will … sell it? For more than they paid for it? Like if the stock is trading at $45, the SPAC investors will buy at $27 and then sell at $45. If the stock is trading at $80, the SPAC investors will buy at $33.60 and sell at $80.
Ordinarily, in SPAC mergers, the PIPE investors can’t sell their stock the day after the merger closes because the company has not yet registered their resales of stock with the Securities and Exchange Commission…
Not in the Trump deal…
DWAC and TMTG have promised the PIPE investors that they’ll be able to freely resell their stock the minute the merger closes…
… the important point is that the PIPE here is explicitly designed for TMTG to sell stock to hedge funds at a huge discount and for those hedge funds to immediately turn around and sell the stock to retail investors at a markup. That’s why the conversion price and registration rights are set up the way they are. This is an indirect way to do a big meme-stock offering to retail investors, with some hedge funds standing in the middle and getting a cut.

Levine heaped even more scorn on this in yesterday’s column: The Trump SPAC Pitch Is Weird.
In summary, everything about this company and deal is a total scam, carefully engineered to rip off retail investors and/or Trump supporters.
As such, mark my words, there’s no way the SEC allows this to go through…