Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Sonic attacks on spies were believed to have been radio-frequency weapons. What was most telling was CIA officers, wounded by these attacks, returned home and were harassed by ground operations which followed them aggressively, and broke into their houses, in the United States. Picture what must be out there if it injures CIA Officers wantonly, and then intimidates them in our home country, and nobody, not even the patriot officers in the CIA, can do anything about it.
Former Israeli space security chief says aliens exist, humanity not ready to find out about the Galactic Federation. What I love is in his second breath he says the reason we aren’t told about the aliens and the Galactic Federation is because it would cause mass hysteria and anarchy. That was after telling us in his first breath that there are aliens and a Galactic Federation. A Project Bluebeam alien invasion would be a great capper for 2020.
Chinese boast of operatives ‘inside America’s core circle of power.’ The boast makes me think “amateurs.” But how did they get in, if they are amateurs? I’ve said a long time, just the story of the surveillance, and what it is doing right now to every American would be enough to trigger instant Civil War, if it were released. My guess is China was able to easily gather that low-hanging fruit, and once it had it, it could bargain to get itself a seat at the table. Cabal could let China in, and give it what it wanted, or China could run a series of online exposes, and then watch as every regular American began going through their own neighborhoods, door to door, killing Cabal’s machine one by one in the middle of the night, with no mercy. Cabal chose to hang on to see if conditions changed, China managed to advance their position the way they wanted, and suddenly China is boasting they own assets inside America, and our own intelligence services are forbidden to touch them by the even bigger power which has even more penetration than China. This is why the domestic surveillance machine will need to go. So long as it is there, whoever runs America will be at the mercy of whoever gathers just enough proof to show Americans the machine is pitting people against you, personally, in your own private life. And bear in mind it is entirely possible there are even bigger secrets, like the origins of 9/11, or child pedo rings, or even more, which were used to this end. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was also his only option.
U.S. intelligence director says China is greatest threat to free world since World War II.
Meet the Chinese ‘brokers’ laundering Mexican drug money using burner phones and banking apps.
DOJ says Bill Barr ‘intends to stay as long as President Trump needs him.’ So the story was bogus. I can’t help but wonder if Barr plays some crucial role, and that was a message to him to just let time run out, and then bail, and they would let him live. And this is Barr telling them to go fuck themselves.
President Trump says, we need to pass landmark election reform.
2,060 verified dead absentee voters, just in Wayne County Michigan, just so far.
Noncitizens and illegal immigrants found in North Carolina voting and jury pools.
At least 1.7M Biden votes in California are suspect.
Expert identifies 200,000 votes hi-jacked from Trump to Biden in Georgia at the precinct level.
Judge Timothy Batten in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia has dismissed Sidney Powell’s Georgia lawsuit, a similar suit in Michigan was also dismissed this morning, and Powell will appeal to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta, which dismissed a similar suit brought by attorney Lin Wood this weekend. Part of the objective of all of these suits may be to reveal that every position was compromised, before revealing that Trump won 70-30, and everyone who is “the system” was going to let China dictate who our President was, against the wishes of the vast, vast majority of the country.
Federal judge in Michigan accuses fired Trump lawyer Sidney Powell’s ‘Kraken’ of trying to undermine faith in democracy as she throws out bid to overturn Michigan’s election results. When the system becomes this infected, it will not help the good fight evil.
Trump campaign files a stronger lawsuit in Georgia.
Arizona Supreme Court will hear GOP mail-in ballot challenge.
Ted Cruz to argue the Pennsylvania election case before the Supreme Court.
Ghislaine Maxwell is losing hair and weight in prison. You can’t help but wonder if she is being deprived of some baby-blood elixir the elites have.
New Los Angeles prosecutor ends cash bail for many offenses.
A Turkish birth tourism scheme busted. It would make sense if a lot of these were Cabal intel creating US citizens from foreign asset families, for use in the future. I mean how many Turks over there are really dreaming of popping out their babies on US soil to get US citizenship? They say everybody wants it, but I am betting for most it is nothing but an abstraction, and not something they are willing to drop $20,000 on.
Venezuela’s Maduro claims sweep of boycotted election. Using the same voting software as the US.
New illness puts 450 in the Hospital in India. Looks like water or food contamination producing seizures, but the cause is still unknown. Great LARPer on 4Chan did a thread on them seeing it begin to present in Hong Kong like human Rabies as a zombie virus.
Department of Defense releases image of COVID vaccination cards to be issued.
Cornell offers ‘person of color’ exemption for flu vaccine requirement.
Ilhan Omar’s husband received $635k in Covid-19 bailout money for his consulting firm, despite congresswoman paying his company a staggering $2.25M this year alone. I can’t vouch for this image supposedly of Ilhan in an AlQaida training camp with an AK, but I saw it on 4Chan, and it would be worth checking out. It would make sense, as I would bet she was a CIA asset in Somalia, which is exactly why everything worked out as it did for her in terms of citizenship and occupation. I’d bet the boyfriend is intel of some form too, partly sent to keep an eye on her by Cabal, partly on her side to avoid having hooked up with someone who is not in on the conspiracy and can’t be trusted to be a scumbag. It also would not surprise me if some of that money is being funneled back into the conspiracy. There is a whole other society out there which we do not belong to, and they are raised to know to keep us on the outside.
More than 170 total arrests have been made on charges ranging from solicitation of prostitution to human trafficking of a minor. These minor-trafficking operations were also good blackmail producers, so it is not a stretch to assume most of these types of operations would be Cabal-intel-related.
Charter jet CEO arrested for alleged child sex trafficking.
Schumer calls on Biden to bypass Congress and forgive $50K in student loans per person.
Norway to incarcerate those who say things offensive to transgenders.
Lead organizer of Christopher Columbus statue toppling gets community service, avoids trial.
Soros-backed, newly-elected District Attorney federally indicted on 11 counts of tax fraud.
LA’s new pro-crime DA will investigate Police more, forgo the death penalty, undo a bunch of three strikes convictions, and stop prosecuting a whole raft of criminal offenses. I told you, Cabal is ordering everyone it owns there to fuck up California and New York as much as possible, so the lefties there will flood out to Texas and Florida. The Motherfuckers at the top of this thing need to be put out there, so we know who they are. Somebody came up with that plan, gave the order, and put all the pieces in place to carry it out.
Does Chicago have a new Paul Kersey? Robber shoots victim in the leg, and seconds later dies in a hail of bullets from an unidentified gunman.
Spread r/K Theory, because vigilantism is noble when the system is shit.
Hey AC, since you are the highest IQ biology nibba around, is this talk about aluminum nano particles in vaccines true? Thanks in advance for your help.
It is not really an IQ thing, when you get into specific issues like that. I would love to give you a diehard answer, but all of these areas are highly specialized, with vast quantities of data and studies to process to be qualified to render an opinion in them, which I lack in that area. And even then, one, we find many of the studies may in fact be unreliable (either poorly done, or even made up in some cases), and two, among those who specialize in it there can be disagreements. On aluminum nanoparticles in the brain, I have not looked into it, but it has the feel of one of those things somebody probably did decades back without thinking, there was no mass casualty event, and by the time somebody said, “I wonder what this does, or if a very small cohort may have adverse events due to it?” it had been done so long nobody is looking into it. So I could see what the guy said about there being no research being legit.
I have no idea what it does to brains, or how kids might be different if they didn’t get exposed, or especially, if there might be a subset of kids who it fucks up for some reason.
I’m sorry, I’d love to be specific and iron it out.
Seems I remember a number of years ago there was some link between aluminum and Alzheimer’s,
I remember it too, but I also feel, very, very strongly, the vast, vast majority of these neurological issues will be shown to be produced by gastrointestinal micro-organisms.
There was talk in the news back in the late 90’s where “researchers” where claiming aluminum deposits in the brain contributed to altimers disease.
Knowing what is becoming pretty clear is the case dependable, for far longer than most of us where aware of, false flags and plausible deniability and constant servings of weaponized low level fear, its not beyond reason toxic levels of aluminum and say heavy metals poisoning from cadmium to lead, never mind fluorine gas used to fluoridate drinking water, is one of cabal’s myriad of efforts to dumb down America and or commit slow genocide by causing untimely death.
One thing might prove whats up is the old standby, follow the money. Look how Mann and the other cabal con artists along with the other swamp cesspit of cabal insects the UN, have played the globullshit colding scam, to the tune of how many billions/trillions on wealth transfer. Good Folks USofA are the greatest piggybank of tyrants wealth transfer scheme of all time, they been harvesting our intrinsic wealth since they foisted the Fed Reserve on us and eliminated specie and the gold standard.
Think of all the federal grants given to “science” as undoubtably money laundering operations and source of funding thru taxpayer wealth to have us good folks finance our own genocide and related pogrom. All you need is reasonably literate “scientists and researchers” who can pose as science and research, write a paper out of whole cloth, bingo, you get all the nice cash and another fear creation weapon the yellow media can take and do their part fanning the hot coals of general fear permeating the countryside.
Unlimited spin off rackets ensue, and more sauce for the totalitarian goose.
How many scare operations have we witnessed since they killed JFK?
I’m old enough to remember clear as yesterday false flags from the Red Scare ie Cuban missile crisis, Cyclamate’s, the mass race riots in the 60’s, the advent of Cloven/Piven strategy another usurper POTUS, Johnson, institutionalized. Thats just a tiny sample of false flag and physiological warfare I lived through I can recall off the top of my head as having untold effect of us good folks.
The grift and gaslight op’s called scientific research and supposed discoveries/not discoveries, sure carried a convincing illusion of legitimacy, while it lasted and the money hadn’t run out.
The great question here on many minds and growing is not whats been done, or by whom, or for what reasons and objectives, but how do we get rid of these bums. How do we good folks rid our civilization of this Cabal and its institutional tyranny.
Seriously, its not a rhetorical question.
A question that falls under Rule 308 and BFYTW.
Surely, as much as I admire and believe in The God-Emperor and the incredible accomplishments his people have created, without doubt for my part, and have indomitable faith I’m in great company on this, it will fall to us dirt people to effect positive change, first via peaceful redress, then in cabal’s final death spasm, by waving the barrels of our guns in these tyrants faces, then the use of our armed Sovereignty defeating this hive of cabal insects.
I don’t give a flying fuck what nationalities, what race or ideologies, what agenda’s or what kind of organization or institution needs to be cleansed.
The death of most is the order of the day here, an underlying reality I believe is irrefutable, as in war, you defeat your enemy after you have killed enough of them where they no longer are a viable organization.
It has been a steadfast truth thru history where most if not all tyrannies collapse when their fig leafs of legitimacy is ripped away. Now that sure is one definition of what it appears Trump and all are masterminding with utilizing, and what appears for now to be an ambush sprung on cabal’s operations, their election coup attempt, turning this attempt of illusion of legitimacy for the next presumptive amerikan regime into a nation wide spectacle of exposing cabal’s acts of war, treason and high crimes.
It certainly makes for a convincing missing master key puzzle piece been found and placed into the larger picture.
All of that don’t matter either in the end, except to create a map of the organization called cabal/deep state/swamp.
It don’t matter because its they way of these things, these enemies of us good folks, they need to be gone. Thats what counts.
The question, the really great question, as motivated and full of audacity and cold anger, BFYTW that is, the plurality of good folks who will be involved, what are the most effective targets by which we have the means to use our energy of motive organic resistance and our rifles to effectively go for, which will effect the collapse of their institutional order.
This I believe, the de-legitimization of cabal’s fronts of illusion of legitimacy and false flag manufactured consent is the most effective strategy we can adopt.
Its the devil in the details, exactly because the cabal’s networks and factions are so vast, that Kraken with its tenticles into every facet of the sphere of our lives and activities.
Specigically what are the choicest target which will effect cabals collapse, thus rendering its operatives proxies and minions ineffective as an organization.
What key or key objects within cabal’s institution, if attacked will facilitate its failure as an organization, thus causing it to subsequently a soft target, and creating a very target rich situation.
Im postulating this because regardless of our vast armed to the fucking teeth legions, cabal is relatively invulnerable target of open source organic resistance without its organizational collapse taking place first.
The perspective from which I’m coming from here, and asking The Question, is rooted in my experience and knowledge of 4th G warfare, history of war waged by large nation States and cabal’s organization, verses the inherent potential of fundamental resources of grass roots uprising and resistance which is within us good folks means. Namely the uniquely American potential of Leaderless Resistance, which paradoxically cabal has effected and actually nurtured by unintended consequences due to its vast insidious surveillance, where us good folks though we are not privy to cabal’s critical operations and assets, its internal operations, and cadre/proxies, we are not stupid folks.
The unintended consequences of the surveillance state causes we who will never bend a knee to go turn to our grass roots origins, our greatest resource and source of our anti-fragile character, and become a vast plurality of leaderless resistance. I believe because we grok how the surveillance state has its Kraken tentacles into all of our technological forms of social communications, never mind its systematic nudging, its social manipulations and engineering, nor its yellow journalistic and other 5th column operations.
Vox Day has commented about The Zeitgeist, Q; the Great Awakening, The God-Emperor how its not he they are after but us Deplorable’s, Andrew Breitbart maintained the brilliant insight our culture is upstream of all politics, Sarah Palin said that’s flanking and infiltration, getting into the enemy’s rear and causing all sorts if existential effects. Most of all, they never destroyed the Tea Party and its incalculable motive power, it simply went back into grass roots cover and concealment, rising up again stronger for having been politically thwarted by the 5th column media, after the million good folk gathering on The Mall, again rising up in 2010, subsequently a weaponized Lois Lerner and the cabal’s IRS operations, created more Ruby Ridge and Waco effect, (both regime WACO false flag op’s), where they created more Deplorable’s. The hubristic rubbing of our faces in the arrogance and contempt of the obot regime, the malicious calculated dis-respect and economic warfare against us bitter clingers of crony/capitalist offshoring, caused a larger basket of Deplorable’s, who thru some form of cultural open source below the cabal radar signaling, beat the cabal at its own election fraud game on 11-8/9-2016. The only genuine grass roots color revolution, an act so stunning in its depth and breadth, a great fuck you to the cabal and its swamp/deep state oligarchy still reel from.
But the question is, at some point, exactly because Our Rifles are the center of our history, because we have an almost religious taboo against gun regulation and dis-armament, where our inherent contempt for the Hoplophobes and their common sense gun “law” bullshit is our Rubicon, what to we go after, what are the key strategic cabal targets? What is their vulnerabilities, their sift underbelly?
Or, does this not matter either?
That a leaderless resistance comprised of millions of us armed to the fucking teeth, going hot, the key action by dint of it happening?
The truth where the cabal is revealed to have no power whatsoever over good folks who absolutely refuse to comply, will not obey cabal, Deplorable’s who have made the choice to rid ourselves from this evil once and for all?
I know we can do it. We have the weapons, we own the territory, we have the industrial might and improvisational assets, we are by birth and character essentially a leaderless legion of folks who say fuck you. Fuck You to the end.
Because Fuck You Thats Why we fight.
If it is only as Mike Vanneboegh postulated 3% of the population ends up at any one time fighting tyranny, its an army of 9,750,000 good folks armed and equipped for the basis of all land warfare, small unit infantry combat operations, a grass roots open source insurgency of leaderless/small cell, and lone wolf 4th G guerrilla warfare, the cabal’s operatives do not have the manpower and unique resources to counter over the geographic expanse of America, and it’s centralized control inadequate to the job of waging the level and expense of counter insurgency operations in conditions which good folks are shooting back at them. Something cabal has never faced. Warr, it has gone to extreme lengths to keep from happening.
Maybe the answer is right there all along. It’s us good folks resisting via every means possible, where its simply the act of doing so which totally destabilizes cabal and its collapses. Not unlike the Soviet. A centralized body of tyrants out to rule the earth.
Years ago I read an obscure reference to Water Empires, in a military Sci-Fi novel.
The author postulated Water Empires are empires in this instances who for the sake of sharing a concept of how power such as cabal runs along seemingly unaffected, all powerful, until one day an outside influence encroaches the sphere of the empires power.
In the story this Water Empire has absolute control of water within its realm, thus this power is absolute because if how essential water is to life. The empire had been running along merrily, not a care to be concerned with its power being so absolute.
One day a lone person shows up and shows somebody how to obtain water by digging wells, and how this revelation becomes such a paradigm, it forms a wild fire of natural withdrawal of consent for the empires power over every facet in the sphere of these subjects lives. The empires overlords are ill equipped to crush this grass roots movement of self reliant water sources. Its not even something they considered because their perception of their power seemed so complete it never enters their dialectic. And the empire collapses in days.
I think the cabal is such a Leviathan, where if its nodes of control are resisted and defied, it has no defenses to counter such action, specifically because cabal has devoted its resources and power into maintaining conditions where it believes it can always effect resistance to it from developing onto overt outright political and physical resistence in the first instance.
Because cabal does not have that level and scope of assets and manpower to crush such rebellion and defiance which is directly destructive to its institution and manpower.
It will rapidly run out of minions and sycophants who traditionally do its dirty wet work, and where the balance of its minions and compromised cadre are ill suited, and incapable of going toe to toe in meat space with good folks armed to the fucking teeth specfically because they are the ones who betrayed us good folks, violated our every code, and foisted intolerable acts upon us.
The only way cabal can survive the comeuppance heading towards it is to commit some act where it literally throws the baby out with the bath water, such as false flag nuclear attacks using tactical yield warheads on specific targets, possibly a virus so bad its kills off enough Deplorable’s the resistance stops. Maybe the Chi-Com’s part in all this is as cabal’s willing expeditionary force, where the set up is a foreign invasion of America similar to what is postulated in Red Dawn, Max Velocity’s The Resistance Rises & The Unbroken, or Matt bracken’s trilogy Enemies Foreign and Domestic.
Couple things. Our Rifles, and we who hold such personal property, being the very essence of Liberty, ownership of property, ( notice the references in Muh Great Reset which proscribes nobody will own property, which is what the hoplophobe’s are really all about, getting the one piece of property out of the hands of us good folks, so we no longer have the physical lethal means to protect all our property ), our Rifle’s are a serious pickle for cabal, or maybe more specifically our failure to obey and comply thus our resistance and defiance of cabal’s disarmament efforts, are existential to cabal’s further existence.
I’ll wager right about now it is Numero Uno on cabals objectives and tops its threat assessment list.
It very well may be our continued existence totally hinges upon this one thing, not, never, no way, no how, give up our rifles. In no uncertain terms in absolute certainty, under no conditions, give up your rifle. Alone the cumulative effects of such power which we hold in our hands just as we do our rifles, looks mighty like its the critical act of resistance to tyranny which changes everything. In our good folks favor. Its not even the discharge of our muskets in exuberant cause which matters most, but the total resistance of refusing to give up our property which causes the collapse of cabal’s institutional power.
If they crown pedo=joe and kamel-toe, they have a prime directive, I can see and smells its fetid stench, the number # purpose of she who they thought could never lose, disarmament of us good folks by any means possible.
Its our guns and or its us as people they aim to liquidate. Either is suitable, acceptable to the means getting the ends, but either one has to go, or cabal can not take the last steps to globo=pedo world order.
I find it remarkable, delicious, hilarious even, and most heartening, us simple good folks and our rifles are this important. That we are such an existential threat to cabal, that they fear us and loath us, and bet everything, they are envious, of the power we hold, naturally, power so legitimate and so powerful it stops cabal from obtaing its terrible objective of ruling over every human on Earth.
Mwa? Me and my Ar15, my thoughts and words, which is analog to and shared by millions of us good folks, is this dangerous.
As Neo put it in the jump program, Woh!
Free My Mind…Free my mind…
You know at this rate things move slower than molasses on a cold day. After what DNI and others have said about China, along with the openly verifiable info available, I would not be surprised if we reach inauguration day and Xiden and Clamala are nowhere to be found, Roberts is missing so Thomas just swears in Trump and the violation of expectation is so huge for the Left and China that they are just paralyzed. Then Trump does the reveal in his speech and whatever happens, happens.
Of course, alot of normal law abiding people unfortunately listen to the MSM and they would be out in a lurch, their expectations being violated too, and they may think Trump illegitimate. They may be wrong but, they are innocent.
Trump and the Military are probably trying to avoid alot of bloodshed. That’s admirable, it really is, but we have to get this, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SAVE EVERYBODY, so stop trying. People are free agents of their own fates, that is the animating contest of Freedom.
If Biden takes office, then China will eventually destroy the U.S. Economy, Military and Government resulting in likely many tens of millions of deaths, and decades or even centuries of servitude. I doubt any of the military officers putzing around will even leave any posterity.
If legal options fail, and it’s looking like they do, a Rubicon crossing national security EO with a reveal will result in the fewest deaths, but it must be done by Christmas. After the EC meets or in January will result in much greater innocent blood being shed, as people will be going back to work and school and Cabal will draw it out- mostly to blame Trump. The closer we get to Jan. 20th the worse the violence will be.
People are going to die. There is only one way to minimize it. Decisive, Alpha Male Executive Action.
Good point.
BTW, people are already dying, least we forget the executions and murders the Jewish terrorist groups antifa and blm have done (as well as the shadow assassinations like the bf of the daughter of the wrong person who got blown up in his car recently).
Also, all the suicides, old people murderer by Cuomo with deliberate infection and overdoses that happened because of the covid 1984 bioterrorist/hysteria-psyop which was a key part of the gaybal operation to try to provide a plausible excuse for massive fraud-prone mail-in voting. Not to speak of the people who are literally starving because destroying small businesses was collateral damage on the covid 1984 gaybal operation to facilitate the stealing of the 2020 US election.
Cross the Rubicon and faca na caveira caralho.
“Trump and the Military are probably trying to avoid alot of bloodshed. That’s admirable, it really is, but we have to get this, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SAVE EVERYBODY, so stop trying.”
They’ve done enough. Rip off the bandaid. I have family members who are so fucking brainwashed that video tape of Biden saying they’ve built the largest voter fraud system….and then seeing traitors in GA bust out ballots after people are left. THEY STILL WON’T BELIEVE IT. I’m sure the supreme court will fail us, BECAUSE IT MUST. What has happened so far is NOTHING. It’s not enough to wake people up. You need REAL threats and REAL violence to snap people out of the programming.
I have a hard time believing that the chinks and cabal are going to sit around and DO NOTHING while Trump crosses the Rubicon with the evidence.
Martin Armstrong’s AI predicts this is the most violent election in the US ever.
It already is, and I am sure we’ll hear about people defending their homes and families from the Jewish terrorist antifa and blm groups, and that most deaths and injuries will be gaybal operators going all in in trying to start a civil war in the US (pretty sure some mkultraed lunatics will try to raid the WH and get ventilated, which the treasonous mossadsm will use to further incite the anti-West anti-Trump factions).
My prayers are with you my American friends, and I feel it in my heart and bones that ultimately justice and good will prevail, please remain vigilant and keep safe while the pros clean up the shit (and if you manage to get footage of some traitors getting blown to shit, pls share on the chans, it is always good for morale).
Also, this is far from being the last war the West as to win in order to survive, once the gaybal is done with, we will all have to come together and find the best solutions to deal with the demographic catastrophe that the gaybal “gifted” us with, and it will take as much energy as this one.
“…New illness puts 450 in the Hospital in India. Looks like water or food contamination producing seizures, but the cause is still unknown…”
Cause unknown? Maybe it’s the dead bodies floating down their rivers. Maybe it’s the constant public shitting all over the place. The pictures I’ve seen of India amaze me that some sort of hyper-Kill-Kill pathogen has not infected and killed off every person in the country. It’s a massive disgusting foul abortion of a country. I would not step foot in that infected sewage for fear of immediate viral meltdown. That people are not constantly vomiting blood and having their skin slough off with infection is a source of constant amazement to me.
On the other hand that people survive in this hyper assault of infection proves they must have the most advanced immune system on earth. I bet you could inject covid into these people and their immune system would just laugh at it.
India brings out reflexive major disgust in me.
India is an enigma. All that you described is real and yet, the place is the largest democracy in the world and has hundreds of millions of English-speaking citizens. Seems to have very little animosity to the West – Trump was received there like Caesar returning to Rome. Most importantly, India may be a critical ally against the China CCP/PLA in years to come.
Agree on this.
India may be stinky but they are also a bulwark of relative sanity in Asia against the despots of China, Iran, etc. (Never mind bloody Israel.)
AC, maybe it’s time to let some of the commenters post articles? The comment section is getting weighed down with ridiculously long posts.
Just a thought, I’ll be here regardless.
Doesn’t sound like a good idea. Long comments are good exercise for your scrolling finger!
Brother, I can lift a tank with my index finger thanks to you.
lol 🙂
Personally I’m inclined to think the opposite. “Be Sincere, Be Brief, Be Seated.”
Your concern is noted.
Long comments are great [says the guy with the long comments].
Some of the stuff I wish to convey is just able to be squeezed into a pity comment. Many times I do add a lot of boilerplate to make clear points that can be construed in many different ways to nail them down for clarity. Unfortunately to do so requires too many words.
>”Ghislaine Maxwell is losing hair and weight in prison. You can’t help but wonder if she is being deprived of some baby-blood elixir the elites have”
Speaking of that mossad bitch, here is a great article about the Maxwell family:
Hey AC, thanks for putting in the work to make this every day. Lots of people appreciate it. Thought you might be interested in this one. The state of Texas filed a lawsuit over the election directly. Perhaps this was the real route the whole time:
> Norway to incarcerate those who say things offensive to transgenders.
California, Oregon, and Washington were talking about that a year or two ago, but I don’t know if any of those bills passed.
Hey, who *wouldn’t* want to be transgender? Use any bathroom you want, and able to call the police on anyone you don’t like, and make people guess what your pronouns are, so you can take offense no matter what they say. Such a deal!
>be me
>identify as trans trinary bioshock turbo lesbian turkeykin
>start organizing campaings against Islam due to their violence again LGBT people
>start organizing campaings against all Jewish interest groups in the West because all promote the Islamification of the West
>try to jail anyone and everyone that calls me anti-Semitic or islamophobic
>donate to my paytreon if you opose homophobia, faggot leftards, thanks for your simping, come again
Yeah, I kind of know what I am going to do if that bullshit happens here.
We need less of this and more suitcases being pulled out from under tables. We are already living in the Idiocracy. Talking like a fag and trying to be smart and shit is not how you win cases that are this political. This is what we are looking at in the courtrooms when it comes to election cases:
That’s why fortune favors the bold. And idiots will always respect force. Force has to be demonstrated though, or it isn’t a force at all.
Top kek
Here is a quote related to this shit show (pardon me for talking like a fag and shit):
Behind the scenes, corporations, banks, lobbyists, jews, etc. have spent over a century engineering a global socio-economic blueprint. The US needs to be destroyed without the people realizing it’s been destroyed. They need the US for it to work and they’re close to putting a lid on this thing. Traditionally nobody on a mass scale questions their “Truman Show” superficial bullshit once the narrative is in place. This election is the first time it’s happened. The future of the jew world order hinges on this. Because they can’t just try again in four years if the whole system is overhauled to minimize fraud and have real elections.
Whether or not western civilization is destroyed and the world plunges into a century of darkness is dependent on whether or not Trump can defeat the globalists.
By leftist logic (at the level of the useful idiots) the right is made of entirely nobodies because they don’t have a slip of paper from some progressive institution saying they are somebody.
The vast majority of “nobodies” and a growing number of “somebodies” know that if the election fraud is allowed to stand their voices in determining how their country is run is gone. Civil war is the only way to correct this if the courts fail to, and is preferable to the bullshit the progressives are flat out saying or hinting they plan to do if they gain control with their fraud.
There is also the point that the ones with the most conviction to correct things understand the split is not down party lines. One party is completely corrupt (Dems) the other is 60-90% corrupt (Republicans known as rinos).
our legal system at work.
“but I didn’t do it!”
“well….uhmmm… that not what the other lawyer said.”
cross the Rubicon, PDJT
Mike Scheuer has a new post up:
Some articles people here might be interested in:
A very interesting analysis from a pro gambler on why he knows the election was fixed against Trump.
The connection between Smartmatic (Venezuelan software used on Dominion voting machines) and Bill “vaccines will solve overpopulation problems” Gates.
>The template calls for local law enforcement to arrest “any State Police officer, State Health Agent, or Federal Agent” who attempts to enforce the governor’s order and for commonwealth’s attorneys “not prosecute the unconstitutional mandates prohibiting the people’s right to peaceably assemble.” Failure to follow these clauses “will result in the immediate removal of County funding.”
Seems like Rumble is probably another gatekeeping platform.
European treasonous governments are going to use their armed forces to force vaccination on the gen pop. This might be the trigger for the European civil wars.
France protecting police brutality, increasing unrest.
How Trump destroyed one of the plans crucial for the gaybal 2030 Agenda (digital dollar included on the corona relief bill, which Trump got rid of (thanks Mr. President Trump)).
How gaybal intends to force the Western world to adopt a digital currency in order to further crush individual freedom and liberty. Also, how gaybal inteeds to destroy the meat industry using covid as an excuse.
Woke lunacy destroys another once respectable institution.
The incredible relationship between yakuza and politics.
On July 12, 2019, GA Gov Kemp met Houston Consul General Li Qiangmin at rumored Chinese spy hub consulate in Houston.
On July 29, 2019, GA signs contract for Dominion Voting Machines statewide.
Look at Kemp’s face, it looks like they just went over his blackmail with him, then made him sign.
No shit….look at his face.
Kersey’s got an alibi:
Holy Molly, now this is desperate:
BREAKING: Pennsylvania has filed its brief (requested by Alito) to the Supreme Court. They basically urge the court not to open pandora’s box even if federal laws of the US constitution have been violated.
Uhhh, if Biden didn’t cheat, what’s there to worry about????
“and nobody, not even the patriot officers in the CIA, can do anything about it.”
It remains to be seen if there ARE patriot officers in the CIA.
I literally find aliens more credible than the secret TIPS-Stasi.
After all, Q said they exist before the space security Israeli did.
I agree. And yet, TIPS had actually jumped through all the hoops, and was funded and being assembled and recruited, when the reporter found it. And if he hadn’t just happened to see the ad looking for recruits it would be an official government office for two decades by now. Or if that one local Spanish paper had refused to run his story, like EVERY OTHER US paper and news outlet (why did they shut him down, I wonder?), it would be an official, funded and running government office.
TIPS literally already happened, was exposed, and was supposedly shut down once that story went viral. And you have thousands of people saying they saw it long after it was supposedly shut down. Including CIA Officers wounded in CUba by Sonic attacks, and multiple guys who did mass shootings.
Truth be told, is TIPS any less likely than the idea the entire US Government was just a school play, put on for our benefit, while a foreign entity held dictatorial power over the whole thing, down to the local politician level? Truth really is stranger than fiction.
You have to see it though. I understand your position, because I would never have believed the scale of it unless somebody jammed it in my face. I am still wondering if there is something I am missing that it is trying to address, like Kary Mullis’ “Standard Extraterrestrial Raccoon,” or something. Maybe I’m destined to get grabbed up, taken to the mothership, and swapped out with a clone, and they want to document it for the record.
Reminder that in 2016 it was proven that South Korea had been secretly ruled by a fen-centric cult of billionaire witches that groomed puppet Presidents from infancy to serve as fronts to their power.
Read about it here:
Even Normiepedia has an article on it:
Watch video about it here:
Tired of doomers and their “millions will die” which, I’m sorry, but it comes across almost as if they are salivating for it. Any “Plan” that ends in millions dead is a failure. It would fatally disrupt the country as badly as anything else going on.
The effort behind the scenes HAS to be to get Biden/Whoreala to concede and admit the fraud. Nothing else works. And maybe, some day, if the Swamp reforms, the next Q doesn’t ignore the MSM and let it fester.
Think about it. What if the Plan had been to simply clean out the corruption from the media? What if we had honest and investigative reporting revealing every politician who sells us out?
People like the Spider Jerusalem character from the Transmetropolitan graphic novels. The author is a big liberal, but he depicts a journalist who is absolutely relentless in investigating and revealing political corruption, and fighting for people who don’t have slick advocacy organizations behind them. That’s who we need out there.
We wouldn’t even need all this ridiculous plots and plan and nonsense. No taking Western civilization to the brink of destruction because “it had to be this way.” I’ve always call BS on that. Like they say, sunshine is the best disinfectant. This shadowy, super secret squirrel garbage has everyone at each others throats, and not knowing if they should buy presents for Christmas or be preparing to bug completely out of the country, leaving their homes and former lives to burn to ash.
We need to be rid of 30 million illegals just as a start and we need to be rid of a similar number of leftists or this nation is doomed in the medium and long terms.
They don’t have to die but they can’t stay here.
Europe faces similar issues.
There is no easy way out of this.
White pill time guys,
White lives matter, especially in White countries
4benis anon devises a divide and conquer trolling campaign to fracture the leftards:
4kangz thread about the China man Di Dongsheng who brags that China subverts the US with the help of Jews in the US inner power center (possible pizzagate connection):
Everytime I think this timeline can’t get any more fucked up. I get proven wrong again.
that Paul Kersey comes to chicago story is from a chicago cop website. commenter cops seem quite pleased at this turn of events. to the point that some of them offer gettin’ away with murder tips should anyone else out there feel teh need to go Kersey. “use a revolver, cover your face, keep your mouth shut.” “shoot, scoot, and take a vow of silence, also pleeeeease pick up your shell casings.” “drop the gun in a deep lake, forget it ever happened, get a new one.”
purely as an intellectual exercise, no doubt.
also leave the damn cellphone at home. just like a TV is a jew in your living room, a phone is a hostile witness that will happily testify as to where/when you were at any given time.
Unz user is right, we need to weaponize language to counter the forced vaccination gaybal bullshit:
“Getting a jab” is a war propaganda phrase used by brainwashed zombies.
We are now calling it “the death shot”.
Pass it on!
Say no to the death shot!
Sundance has this interesting post up this afternoon. Regarding Chi-Com compromised US governors :
“Reminder, That Time When Secretary of State Pompeo Shared The Chinese Communist Party List of U.S. Governors…”
The provided list has some contradictions, but maybe the list is from the past and much has changed since this list? If they can be taken at face value in any case. If trustworthy, lot of reason and other high crimes and as Anon-Con says, everything is compromised:
Hardline Governors:

Friendly Governors:


Followed the linkage Sundance provided, some other tidbits and context-relativity to be examined.
Related to the war on Christmas and Christianity:
Someone is trying to make it harder to find your site, they have launched this site to confuse people:
Thank you, I’ll check it out.
I’ve had similar problems. It will continuously reload the site. I get around it by clicking on the blog title (date) and then it settles down.
It seem to coincide with the PC loads getting better.
Putin signs law allowing Russian legislation to trump international treaties
We need to make this change or require that treaties be approved with the same requirements as Constitutional amendments.
All Western Countries need this. Sovereignty is sacred
Activists seek to remove moral responsibility from the female sex:
Not murder if women does it. Because its always “self-defence” or “Standing up for themselves”.
Wonder if Cabal forces are behind movements like this or its organic.
“Norway to incarcerate those who say things offensive to transgenders.”
Is it just me or Cabal been pretty prominent in Scandinavian countries?
They’re absolutely infested there and on a genocidal spree.
The NYT article says nothing about the attacks being sonic. Russians use microwaves because they’re quick and brutal. The microwaves do permanent damage. The more ethically-restrained West uses infrasound.
> What I love is in his second breath he says the reason we aren’t told about the aliens and the Galactic Federation is because it would cause mass hysteria and anarchy. That was after telling us in his first breath that there are aliens and a Galactic Federation.
There is no contradiction. One old man revealing its existence won’t cause mass hysteria and anarchy, it will only alert the intelligent and a subset of the credulous.
Freedom Advocate Explains How To Say No If COVID-19 Vaccination Becomes Mandatory
Tried to post this here yesterday but comment never appeared:
Sam J. and others are talking about creating new states so rural populations get proper representation, and this article is very related:
Selected quote:
This wouldn’t be secession; the House and Senate can vote to establish a new state. If a slim Democratic government ratified statehood for Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, and other territories, at least some Republicans would spearhead a movement to create new states and right the balance.
It is not our job to save the GOP from its own stupidity. The point is not to save Republicans, but to have smaller, whiter, conservative areas where white advocates could get a fair hearing and public support. We can also push to rebuild monuments to national heroes. Many Republicans are afraid to talk about race, but if the triumphant Democrats start demanding reparations, gun control, and crackdowns on free speech, the GOP base will react in ways the Establishment can’t control. If the GOP refuses to defend white interests, regional parties, third parties, or even independent candidates could force them to or face certain defeat.
“…Sam J. and others are talking about creating new states so rural populations get proper representation, and this article is very related…”
That is not in any way my position. Not that I’m against that but it is not my position. My position is that most States had regional representation. A simple example was that a County in a State would have two Senators in the State Congress. The Supreme court of the USA made that illegal saying that Senate seats could only be proportionate to population. Now you can easily see that gives vastly more power to large population centers with very bad consequences for liberty and justice. it leaves rural areas with little to no say over the affairs in the State even if they are vastly larger in area. Rural and urban areas have vastly different wants and needs and both should have representation.
I’ll give just one, there’s millions of these laws, example. In Oregon a farmer made a small pond to catch rainwater for his cows. The damn State came in and told him to tear it down because it captured water the cities wanted to run off immediately into their reservoirs. Now this is stupidity incarnate because any damn fool can tell you that him trapping water for a brief time is better environmentally. I’m a big fan of permaculture and a huge part of that is slowing down water run off to have it soak in the ground and provide for plants and animals. No matter how he traps it it will eventually run downhill to them no matter what. I suspect the real reason they are doing this is to make rural life untenable.
This kind of fuckwittery would never happen if this guy had a State Senator he could call up for his county or region. The Senator would tell the State to fuck off real quick but since they all depend on city votes they could care less about this farmer.
If regional representation is good enough for the States in the USA then why isn’t it good enough for the individual States? I don’t know and the courts really never legitimately said why this is so.
I do not have a problem with areas of States succeeding to other States but they would be much better served if they just took every country, which is usually a region, and gave them representation for each county in their Senates. The House of Representatives in each State should remain based on population.
>”that was not my position”
Oh, OK. Sorry for the brainlet moment push-up fren.
make the goper party (and the dimrat party) dig their own graves so our party can assume dominance.
Bury the goper party, create the groyper party : D