News Briefs – 12/06/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Traders Benefitted Off Advance Knowledge Of October 7th Attacks In Israel

DFT – Italians Forced To Cut Back On Food Due To Inflation – Consumer Group

DFT – British Households Continue To Get Poorer Than Their European Peers

DFT – World Bank Asks Member Nations Dig Deep To Fund Climate Financing

DFT – Russia And Vietnam Trade Settled In National Currencies Soars

If you have any issues with pages, try hitting refresh. Let me know if there are any problems.

Here is a strange one. To rehash first, the Kyle Odom story here, with an old Sumerian statue some 4Chan anon found which looked like Kyle’s Martian:

Here are statues of Freyr (Old Norse: ‘Lord’), sometimes anglicized as Frey, is a widely attested god in Norse mythology. The mouth and the eyes as well as the head shape are quite similar, even if it is some kind of headgear he is wearing:


Here was another statue I do not know the origin of:

A sexually obsessed being with a cone head, big wide mouth, and weird protruding slit-like eyes. It is either some neurological quirk which causes this image to emerge in humans’ psyches across time and space, or something else people keep experiencing, complete with the image and the perception of sexual obsession associated with it. Given the same conspiracy has been operational for so long, you wonder if it used this image in some kind of psyop and today it is like a tradition/culture thing to them. Maybe even a ceremonial mask they wear after pumping a hallucinogenic gas into a victim’s house or something and entering it, which causes the same image to emerge in people. Just interesting such similar representations pop up again and again.

James Yoo, the guy whose house blew up, and who was posting to youtube from his account after the blast claiming he was not home, but the government was going to kill him because his work for the government gave him evidence all our computers, including DOD’s, are backdoored to “Israel,” is now said to have died in the blast, making his posting comments after the blast seem curious. Seems like the end stages of whatever illusions we had that we were free. I showed you, Ira Sok was just some pretty mom of a teenager and happily married wife. They killed her right in her living room, and we still don’t know why. Not sure where we go from here. I cannot say I see anything in my day to day which is inconsistent with them blowing up his house, finding him and killing him later, and then saying he died in the blast. Whatever is going on, they have big secrets to keep. And you will probably never hear of this guy again.

The article above says this:

Assistant Fire Chief Jason Jenkins said authorities turned off gas service to the home and evacuated nearby residents — including people who lived in the other part of the duplex — about 90 minutes before the explosion.

And yet this guy, interviewed by the media, claimed he was a resident who watched everything and saw the house blow up. Either this guy is secret society sent in to control the narrative, or the story above is fake. Also notice, Yoo claimed he was computer security, and he had information showing all our computers, including DOD’s were backdoor’d to “Israel.” If glowies were afraid of that, they might have feared he secreted a thumb drive in the house somewhere, or had other evidence. If so, blowing up the house that completely is the best way to destroy his ability to recover that evidence. Also interesting is if you look at the house on Street view, it is a shot from 2014, and the house has a guy outside turning his head from the camera, as well as a lot of construction materials. On the 2023 satellite image, I see no deck out back, so those 2x8s are not outside the house. It is possible there are houses reconstructed inside with “Big Brother” monitoring systems built in, inside them, and real estate agents steer high priority targets to them, such as Yoo, and this was required to clean up evidence inside the house that this guy was being monitored.

Guy whose house got blown up believed his neighbors were spying on him, and had even been inserted into his life previously under different identities.

President Trump: Biden won’t be Democrat nominee: ‘I don’t think he makes it.’

Now Durbin signals willingness to subpoena Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs.

Special Counsel Jack Smith is now seeking to introduce evidence against Trump that isn’t even charged in the indictment.

Two key House GOP lawmakers on Tuesday launched an investigation into possible collusion between Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and the Democrats’ Jan. 6 committee after uncovering evidence the prosecutor pursuing criminal charges against Donald Trump asked for evidence from Congress.

Special counsel David Weiss is calling for a judge to reject Hunter Biden’s request for a trove of documents related to former President Donald Trump to bolster a defense that the current charges against him are due to selective prosecution.

IRS whistleblower confirms Hunter Biden received nearly $5 million from donor for personal expenses. Hunter was making a gazillion, he was being loaned hunks of cash like this, and yet he was always broke, and borrowing money from others.

The Republican National Committee sent a letter to Nevada’s Secretary of State, alleging discrepancies in voter registration figures and hinting at potential legal steps to ensure electoral integrity.

Liz Cheney is considering a third-party presidential bid “to stop Trump from winning” in 2024.

Former Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters filed a federal lawsuit seeking to ban the government from conducting criminal proceedings against her, claiming investigations are unlawful and retaliation against her for “exercising her freedom of speech, freedom of association and her right to petition the government for the redress of grievances.”

Mayor Adams once again heading to DC for meetings on worsening migrant crisis —after last trip cut short by FBI raid. Think it was a message?

GOP lawmaker rips Biden official over special agents reassigned to ‘make sandwiches’ for illegal immigrants.

Stunning images show Arizona border overrun by massive surge of adult male migrants from across globe.

Two more Venezuelan migrants staying in Chicago were arrested Friday after allegedly stealing hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise from a suburban Macy’s that has been an ongoing target of retail theft by migrants. The degree to which we have lost control of the government, and to which the politicians are now outwardly hostile to what is in the voter’s and the nation’s best interests, is just stunning. Venezuela empties their prisons of their worst criminals and sends them up, and the government welcomes them and spends the people’s money to support them, as they rob our stores blind.

NYC comptroller strips Mayor Eric Adams of power to strike emergency migrant service deals with contractors without approval – as city spends $1.7BN catering to 146,000 asylum seekers who have flooded Big Apple.

Checking in! Huge group of well-dressed CHINESE migrants with smart luggage wait to be processed after illegally crossing border from Mexico into California.

Interview with Mexican Mafia member who knew Chauvin’s attacker – Mexican Mafia who attacked Derek Chauvin was anti-black, and because Mexican Mafia is anti-black, he is now Green-lit for assassination by the gang, and had nothing to gain from the attack, especially given he was three years from being released. Sounds like FBI really was having an asset tie off Chauvin to prevent his case from leading to an investigation of FBI helping alter Floyd’s autopsy, which initially would have exonerated Chauvin completely.

FBI whistleblower says U.S. gov’t sees Americans as ‘primary enemy.’ It is not the government though. It is the conspiracy, and the people in the government who are in the conspiracy, and it extends down to parents who have their children help the local intel op kneecap kids who the op deems are too smart, or problematic in terms of principles or adherence to freedom. And even the kids, who are raised to see the other kids not in the conspiracy as the enemy. They are just a bunch of psychopaths, who want to hang on to control, so anybody raised believing the myth of America is a noble aspiration is a threat.

Speaker Johnson says GOP staff is blurring participants’ faces in Jan. 6 tapes to protect them from DOJ causing release of all security footage to be delayed. Hiding Cabal ground surveillance/intelligence agents is what he is doing.


“If Only You Cared Half As Much About Our Border As You Do My Tweets” – Congressman Thomas Massie to Chuck Schumer on X.

Patrick Byrne on Twitter:

Just letting the nation know that somewhere in the country, I won’t say which state or official, but somebody key has just flipped on superiors and is spilling guts.

Lesson for all Election Miscreants:

“Roll early role often.”

Byrne has lied to us, or at least shown he is clueless, with the Maria Butina story about him fooling FBI into thinking he was sleeping with her, as if there was no surveillance. And nobody is flipping in secret, they will be known. And The Beam could find them. So this idea somehow randomness has just turned the tables, and now we are winning in a fight where anything can happen, is just silly. That said, he reads from the script, so these were his lines. It is tiring though. I do not know why we cannot all be one team of Americans, making the country better. Some morons at the top, usually midwit IQ’s, feel there is no choice but to fool everyone else into doing something, apparently now by destroying the country. If you have that power, spare us the bullshit, and just make it decent around here.

There have been more mass shootings with four or more deaths in 2023 than in any year since at least 2006, according to gun violence data.

From here:

Octogenarian Julie Jaman was in the shower at a YMCA-managed pool in Port Townsend, Washington, when she suddenly heard a man’s voice. “There stands a man in a woman’s bathing suit, looking at, watching, and touching little girls who were taking down their bathing suits,” she told The Epoch Times. She was shocked. At the time of the July 2022 incident, she had been using the pool for 34 years and had never seen a man in the women’s changing area. The man is a YMCA child care worker who identifies as a woman.

Retired Louisiana Supreme Court Justice E. Joseph Bleich ruled in the election lawsuit filed by Caddo Parish sheriff candidate, John Nickelson regarding the Nov. 18 runoff election, in which Henry Whitehorn defeated Nickelson by one vote – Election is voided, a new runoff election will be conducted.

FBI director says terror threats elevated to all-time high since Oct. 7: ‘Blinking lights everywhere.’ No such thing. Everybody who could pose a risk, is bubbled in surveillance, probably pushing them to launch an attack. Like the “Draw Mohammed” shooting in Texas, if there is an attack, it will be FBI Agent accompanying them to it, to make sure it goes off without a hitch. As with September 11th, if it happens, it will because they wanted it to, and they may even have done it.

FBI’s spying on pro-life Catholics is more extensive than previously thought.

FBI Director Chris Wray admitted to Sen. Josh Hawley that he has not fired anyone at the FBI’s Richmond office over the memo urging the FBI to investigate “radical traditional Catholics.”

FBI director Wray admits he withheld the truth about Hunter’s laptop because it was an election year.

Paging Texas Arcane, we have a Congresscritter robot malfunction in the Capitol Rotunda, please hurry before it explodes and starts a fire:

Republican Rep. Patrick McHenry won’t seek re-election as congressional exodus expands. He had said of Trump’s indictment, “No one should be treated differently under the law because of who they are.”

You probably don’t want to click this, it is LibsOfTikTok highlighting some tranny drag queen man pretending to be a woman, half-undressed, who is a kindergarten aide in some public school where he was hired by the principle who is also a tranny drag queen, and apparently the school is run by homos.

Two transgender women take top spots in women’s cycling.

NY Post – John Kerry releases some greenhouse gasses while speaking about the climate crisis.

A random AP article, but in the upper right, the AP now features a donate button, asking readers to donate to support their news operation.

Moody’s puts China on downgrade warning as growth, property pressures mount.

Europe facing ‘huge risk of terror attacks’ during Christmas season, EU warns. No. Domestic intel in Europe is as bad or worse than in the US. As in the US, anyone who could be a threat is blanketed, and the only actual attacks you will see will be domestic intel looking to increase their own budgets and power.

Israel takes out half of Hamas’ battalion commanders — including one caught on eerie video in tunnel. It is like the FBI with the mob. These will be non-Cabal Hamas commanders. The ones which did October 7th will be left in place or get promoted up to these positions, while other Cabal agents enter to take the places of those killed or promoted.

Former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer has called on the European Union to arm itself with its own nuclear weapons.

From here:

Before becoming Italian prime minister, Giorgia Meloni was one of the most strident voices on migration in the European Union. As an opposition politician, she warned darkly of efforts to substitute native Italians with ethnic minorities and promised to put in place a naval blockade to stop migrants crossing the Mediterranean. During her time in office, she has taken a markedly different tack — presiding over a sharp spike in irregular arrivals and introducing legislation that could see as many as 1.5 million new migrants arrive through legal channels.

Spread of gang violence wrecks Sweden’s once peaceful image.

Russia can offer you a great deal on a brand new Bradley fighting vehicle:

Big risk Ukraine loses war without US weapons – Zelensky aide.

A classified briefing for senators on the White House’s request for aid for Israel and Ukraine became “heated” with Republican members storming out of the meeting.

Speaker Johnson: Ukraine funding depends on ‘transformative change’ to border security. They need those migrants so bad for whatever they are planning they will give up the billions they were laundering through there, to make sure the migrants keep flooding up.

Romney claims the deal is a closed border for Ukraine and Israel funding, which will reveal if the Democrats want Ukraine funding, or an open border. You can’t trust Romney, I assume the border measures they want will do nothing, but the Democrats will let them “win,” and claim a victory. Plus, most of the Cabal assets are probably already here. It should be a closed border plus mass deportations of everyone vs Ukraine funding.

It does dawn on me, as long as we are fleshing out a probability matrix, that letting in 40 million foreign criminals, or whatever it is, and then having to deport them under Trump, will make it easier to deport the Dreamers and all the others who were here since they were kids too, as they will get lost in the shuffle. By then most people will not care as much, wanting simply to get “them” all out. Without this flood of criminals to kick out, the choice would be expel the Dreamers and the ones who have been here twenty years, or not, and people might get soft. People will not be soft by the time Trump gets in, and this mass of scumbags will offer a lot of cover. Still, Intel has the power to do this, and could have skipped all this and just deported the Dreamers without all this shit. But it could be a potential script.

State Dept’s Miller today – Funds for Ukraine almost gone, 97% used.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned Congress on Tuesday during a private briefing that if they do not pass more aid to Ukraine, it would “very likely” lead to U.S. troops fighting a war in Europe. What a lying corrupt fuck.

“President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine canceled plans on Tuesday to make a direct, last-ditch appeal to senators for tens of billions more in emergency military aid for his nation, a day before a critical Senate vote that was expected to show growing opposition in Congress for continuing to fund the war effort.” Its over, hopefully.

Tucker Carlson Ep. 45 How could Washington possibly send tens of billions more to sleazy oligarchs in Ukraine now that the whole enterprise has been revealed as a fruitless, corrupt and incredibly destructive disaster? Because that’s what they always do. “To support this money you have to be economically illiterate and morally deficient.” -Republican Congressman Thomas Massie of Kentucky to Tucker Carlson on the $60 billion the Biden Administration wants for Ukraine.

Putin blames ‘sanitary reasons’ as he refuses to stand within 70ft of Britain’s new ambassador to Moscow at diplomatic ceremony. Just mixing a knowledge of biology with a knowledge of Cabal, I would assume he was afraid they would have infected/contaminated the Ambassador with something they vaccinated him against. I take it as another sign Putin’s security concerns are real, he is genuinely opposed to Globohomo Cabal, and he is really one of us. And he is caught in a deadly game.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s upcoming visit to Saudi Arabia illustrates that Washington’s efforts to isolate Moscow have failed.

On Tuesday, South Carolina Treasurer Curtis Loftis removed Disney (NYSE: DIS) from the Palmetto State’s approved investment list, citing concerns about the company’s “political agenda.”

In a groundbreaking development, three lawsuits with the potential for a class action suit are being filed on behalf of former United States service members who are suing the gov’t for ‘billions’ in backpay over Covid vaccine mandate.

Team Trump declares victory as Arizona court dismisses 14th Amendment ballot case.

Warren Buffett stated, “I could end the deficit in five minutes. You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP all sitting members of congress are ineligible for reelection.”

Advocates for Texas’ secession from the United States believe they are on the verge of scoring a crucial victory.

Democrats are afraid Trump will do to them what they have done to him. I hope he will not do to them what they have done to him. I hope he will do much, much worse.

Donald Trump REFUSES to rule out being ‘a DICTATOR’: Tells Sean Hannity he may get revenge on his enemies on ‘Day One’ – after dodging question about abusing the law to ‘go after people.’ Total Fake News. Trump said he would be a dictator on Day one about Drilling, and closing the border. But I wish he would reconsider.

Trump: Robert De Niro is an ‘unwatchable, Total Loser.’

Spread r/K Theory, because there are a lot of total losers who are elevated way above where they would have gotten on their own

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10 months ago

It’s occasionally losing my logged in status (it returns if I refresh the page a time or two) and when it thinks I’m not logged in it doesn’t show me the most recent blog or comments. (I assume it would after a time delay)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

You’re not going to start requiring a WordPress login for commenters, are you?

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

AC just fixed it. When it was requiring WordPress, it was defaulted to Jetpack, which is a service. I think he’s using the plugin he’s been using for a while, but because this is a clean install, the plugin is actually working properly (sans the delete function, which is the plugin’s fault).

10 months ago

I may be wrong about the most recent comments but I know about the time delay on the blog when not logged in.

10 months ago

“It does dawn on me, as long as we are fleshing out a probability matrix, that letting in 40 million foreign criminals, or whatever it is, and then having to deport them under Trump, will make it easier to deport the Dreamers and all the others who were here since they were kids too, as they will get lost in the shuffle. By then most people will not care as much, wanting simply to get “them” all out. Without this flood of criminals to kick out, the choice would be expel the Dreamers and the ones who have been here twenty years, or not, and people might get soft. People will not be soft by the time Trump gets in, and this mass of scumbags will offer a lot of cover. Still, Intel has the power to do this, and could have skipped all this and just deported the Dreamers without all this shit. But it could be a potential script.”

Still not good enough unless it includes deporting all leftists no matter their nation of birth or citizenship status.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

And to remind people, I actually did the math on deporting 100 million people from the US and it could be done in a timely and cost-effective manner if we decided to determinedly to do so. And as Farcesensitive noted, most would deport themselves once they saw that we were determined to do this.

10 months ago

“Donald Trump REFUSES to rule out being ‘a DICTATOR’: Tells Sean Hannity he may get revenge on his enemies on ‘Day One’ – after dodging question about abusing the law to ‘go after people.’ Total Fake News. Trump said he would be a dictator on Day one about Drilling, and closing the border. But I wish he would reconsider.”

We need one.

10 months ago

From time to time you make mention of the number “17” . Peruvians made use of 17 angle stones in their architecture stone walls .

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Plus unknown amounts from ngo’s and church groups

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

There’s a recent film called, to catch a killer, which is about the hunt for a mass shooting suspect. It is chock full of 17’s.

Reply to  English Tom
10 months ago

At this point, hunting for 17 is distraction like flat earth BS

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
10 months ago

Arizona border: I don’t think that invader paid anyone ten thousand dollars; nor did anyone like him; if he was a poor man from where did he get the money? And if he had the credit to obtain the thousands, he had enough credit to do well in his native country.

But I must admit the Chinese imports do stand so nicely at attention next to their luggage.

Reply to  Teo Toon
10 months ago

Where did they get the money? It has been reported that foreign nationals living here, legal or not, send about 53 billion to the families still at home. Not sure if that is per month or per year, probably per year. There should be a 10% tax fee attached at least.

Reply to  bigD
10 months ago

You should have to provide proof of citizenship or legal presence to send money out of the country.
Crypto would probably get around that, but you put up as many fences as you can and you will discourage many of them into leaving.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
Reply to  bigD
10 months ago

Interesting because that would be enough to build the wall and help maintain it.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
10 months ago

Venezuela empties their prisons of their worst criminals and sends them up….
We are only told about the Venezuelan prisons; we are not told about all the other countries (China may be an exception: they appear to be sending military).

This use of released prisoners fits a pattern dating back to the French Revolution (Freemasons: as Mr. Wheeler says, they are controlled at the top by the Jews): releasing the prisoners into society in order to disrupt the target’s ability to function. The Judaeo-Bolsheviks in the start of the Russian 1917 revolution successfully used this tactic. The Judaeo-Bolsheviks are globally replaying the script using not only the various governments they control but also the global structure of the NGOs.

10 months ago

I am not sure Austin is lying. It could be more something like “if you don’t keep giving us money we’ll destroy the world”.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
10 months ago

Something went down during the October 4th false flag:
Resistance rocket struck IOF base suspected to house nuclear arms: NYT

The New York Times issued a report on Monday, detailing that a rocket, likely fired by the resistance during their October 7 operation against the Israeli regime, had struck the “Sdot Micha” military base located in the central occupied territories.
According to writer Riley Mellen, this base is believed to house many of the regime’s nuclear-capable missiles, although “Israel” has never officially acknowledged the existence of its nuclear arsenal.

Lame Cherry’s analysis with reverse speech.
Roman 10 6

10 months ago

Re: “Pastor” Tim Remington,
My eyes are opened to what depths the medical community will sink to, after the vaxx. So now I can’t help wondering what must the doctor who attended Remington have seen–yet nothing announced to the media. No reaching out to Kyle Odom to affirm there’s something weird about Remington.
For that matter, no medical paper from the hospital on this one-in-a-million-years ability of Remington’s brain’s miraculous to dodge .45 hollow points within the skull?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

If that’s so, then as always “traitors first.”

10 months ago

I’ve been thinking about the rampant shoplifting lately and how many stores, especially ones in the cities, are putting their products under glass cases. What if the next step is not to lockdown products, but to create a world where every store you enter has total, absolute surveillance?

Think about Amazon Fresh. If you haven’t been to one, you basically go into it with your Amazon account and it monitors every single item you take off the shelf and charges your account directly.

While this seems to be convenient, it also means that they can have AI programs monitoring your every move inside the store. Given that many stores are probably fronts for Cabal activities, this means that they would have even more control over them without the need for more personnel.

Reply to  swiftfoxmark2
10 months ago

It reminds me of the Service Merchandise stores.

10 months ago

Assistant Fire Chief Jason Jenkins said authorities turned off gas service to the home and evacuated nearby residents — including people who lived in the other part of the duplex — about 90 minutes before the explosion.

Turned it off and then turned it right back on?

Of course, since I have a very convenient gas log lighter in my fireplace (it actually is really convenient, get one if you can) I have a nice way of filling my house with gas on the way out the door if I expect a visit from them alphabet bois. Thanks for the idea, James! Kicking my door just got a lot more dangerous, and it already wasn’t a good idea.

10 months ago

Special Counsel Jack Smith is now seeking to introduce evidence against Trump that isn’t even charged in the indictment.

I think this one is unlikely to succeed. 404(b) is generally applied very narrowly. You need to really make the link to get something in between 404(b). It usually has to be something like, “he was convicted of robbing Mrs. Smith, and yelled I’m gonna kill you bitch! when the verdict was announced” when he’s on trial for murdering Mrs. Smith.
You can’t just bring in evidence of crimes that you didn’t charge because you think they are related. There has to be an actual proximate link.
On the other hand, if the judge lets this in, it’s such obvious error that it means that they are going full kangaroo court for the media and don’t expect any of the charges to survive appeal. It’s like really letting the other player have it in a foul because you know you are going to get thrown out of the game and lose anyway.

10 months ago

Special counsel David Weiss is calling for a judge to reject Hunter Biden’s request for a trove of documents related to former President Donald Trump to bolster a defense that the current charges against him are due to selective prosecution.

Going to get rejected. Selective prosecution is held as a crazy-pants defense by default by judges. (All prosecution is selective. That’s what prosecutorial discretion is.) You need to already have a smoking gun before you can get discovery on something like that.

10 months ago

The man is a YMCA child care worker who identifies as a woman.

Remember that the C in YMCA stands for “Christian.”

For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us.

Some of us here are always looking for The Antichrist. You need to realize what the apostle was trying to tell us — we are surrounded by antichrists, and they all claim to be Christian.

Also An Anonymous Conservative
Also An Anonymous Conservative
Reply to  Phelps
10 months ago

She’s No Young Man, but This Jewish Woman Loves Leading the Y-M-C-A. Sharon Greenberger is the first Jewish woman to serve as president and CEO of the YMCA of Greater New York. (Haaretz July 1, 2019)

Reply to  Phelps
10 months ago

As in “Anti-Christ Pope”

10 months ago

Paging Texas Arcane, we have a Congresscritter robot malfunction in the Capitol Rotunda, please hurry before it explodes and starts a fire:

Her rubber mask wasn’t fitting right, and she’s fidgeting to try to get it to settle into place.
Look at that hairline. That’s doll hair, not human hair.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

They keep trying to cut corners on the facial muscle stepper motors. Buying the cheap versions from Taiwan. That’s why she ends up looking so unnatural and uncanny valley. All my ‘bots get top of the line facial motors perfectly synced with their emotion simulator.

Either that or she was tweaking out on meth. 🙂

Reply to  Texas Arcane
10 months ago

my guess was coke, but meth would work too

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I actually have come around to the idea that they are wearing masks of themselves. The only deception involved is that they want to look younger with better skin.
It’s mind boggling to us, but I think these assholes are so vain that they would coopt CIA technology just to make themselves look better.

Reply to  Phelps
10 months ago

Could be.
But that would also make replacing them with imposters much easier.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Yeah, but this is stupider and more ridiculous.
You brave enough to vote against stupid and ridiculous over clever and devious?

10 months ago

Israel takes out half of Hamas’ battalion commanders — including one caught on eerie video in tunnel.

Probably half of them did just exfil and have turned up for debriefing in Tel Aviv. For the others, get rid of that cell phone, kids. The Taliban learned that one. If you have a cell phone, you die. If you give up the cell phone, you win.

10 months ago

letting in 40 million foreign criminals, or whatever it is, and then having to deport them under Trump,

Home prices will plummet due to the sudden reduction in demand. Giant funds like Vanguard and Blackrock will get destroyed (likely insolvent and bankrupt), which will free up tons of credit, meaning that interest rates will plummet back down to or near zero.

Maybe those zoomers will be able to afford homes after all.

Reply to  Phelps
10 months ago

Immigration keeps prices high.
As for affordability, if inflation is 120% as in Argentina, mortgages are affordable. Only the wealthy can bu

10 months ago

> Either this guy is secret society sent in to control the narrative, or the story above is fake.

If I were running a cabal, I’d seed the media with dozens of fake stories, ranging from likely to ridiculous, to drown any truth in the flood of fakery. There are also plenty of trolls out there who probably do that sort of thing for the lulz.

10 months ago

> Liz Cheney is considering a third-party presidential bid “to stop Trump from winning” in 2024.

Like Pence, she is delusional. A few months ago she was talking like she expected to get the GOP nomination.

At this point, the only mystery about the 2024 GOP candidate is who DJT is going to pick as his VP. Most of the people who looked good a year ago have decloaked and exposed themselves as weasels. Perhaps he will pick some complete outsider like he was in 2016. I wouldn’t mind seeing Tom Kratman on the ticket with him. Or, just to see the heads explode, Ted Nugent.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

Erik Prince.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
10 months ago

Marielle Redclaw

10 months ago

> Guy whose house got blown up believed his neighbors were spying on him, and had even been inserted into his life previously under different identities.

Funny how that sort of thing keeps cropping up in the news, isn’t it?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I knew one guy who said if we wanted to save the nation, we would need to crucify about 3-5 million people.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

AC is correct, below, but it would be a good start.
Also, since we are already paying for the fake Holocaust of 6 million Jews, suppose we look into which Jews in Americs are guilty of capital offenses. Including being accessories and aiding and abetting. Execute them. That would probably amount to…um…hmmm…darn near all of them! But sadly, not quite 6 million. Plus, we could claw back all Jew wealth and use it to build a huge amusement park in Africa. Call it “Wakandaland ” and stock it with Skittles, malt liquor, and KFC. Offer dissatisfied negroes a free one-way ticket.

10 months ago

A client needed a new form printer for printing invoices. I tried to get a new Lexmark to replace the old one, but Lexmark is out of the dot matrix printer business. I tried Okidata, but their web site had something interesting:

“On Monday, April 10, 2023, a report that was commissioned by the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office to investigate printer issues related to the November 2022 general election was released publicly. OKI was not contacted by Maricopa County officials, investigation teams working on their behalf, election services providers, or any other parties associated with the investigation at any time during the investigation. Our correspondence with Maricopa County can be found here:
OKI Data Americas has discontinued the sales of all OKI-branded printer hardware in the United States, Canada, and Latin America.
For owners of OKI-branded printers you can continue to purchase consumables and spare parts for your printer from an Authorized OKI Reseller.”

All laser printers sold in the USA, by Federal Law, print “tracking dots” on every page, that uniquely identify every laser printer. That’s how the NSA caught “Reality Winner”, the traitor who was printing secret documents and mailing them to “The Intercept.” Why she tracked down their mailing address and sent paper instead of just emailing the stuff from a burner account was never explained.

Anyway, Oki’s withdrawal from the US market after being subpoena’d by Maricopa County is… interesting.

10 months ago

> Hunter was making a gazillion, he was being loaned hunks of cash like this, and yet he was always broke, and borrowing money from others.

Warren Buffett has talked about how when you get rich enough, people bend over backwards doing things for you for free.

10 months ago

> Speaker Johnson says GOP staff is blurring participants’ faces in Jan. 6 tapes to protect them from DOJ causing release of all security footage to be delayed.

These are the tapes they got *from* the DOJ.

“Seems legit…” Or, basically, no. At the very least the “GOP staff” involved are part of the operation.

Remember, most people will swallow any cockamamie ‘explanation’ without batting an eye. Anyone else, they just point and screech “conspiracy theorist!!!!”

10 months ago

> Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned Congress on Tuesday during a private briefing that if they do not pass more aid to Ukraine, it would “very likely” lead to U.S. troops fighting a war in Europe. What a lying corrupt fuck.

The preponderance of evidence is that ‘they’ want US troops fighting another war in Europe, period. Which is one of the reasons I tend toward the idea that Hamas’ attack was sponsored by the Russians, to divert US attention from Europe, like a cat following a laser pointer.

10 months ago

> President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine canceled plans on Tuesday to make a direct, last-ditch appeal to senators for tens of billions more in emergency military aid for his nation

When Churchill came over to ask for American help before the US entered WWII, he asked for guns, ammunition, and ships, as well as for aluminum, steel, and explosives. Funny, he didn’t beg for money. Perhaps he thought that waving sheaves of benjamins gangsta style wouldn’t stop the Germans. Obviously, Zelensky knows better.

10 months ago

> Warren Buffett stated, “I could end the deficit in five minutes. You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP all sitting members of congress are ineligible for reelection.”

Could be prepping the battle space for him attempting to launch a trump-spoiling campaign for president or something. This ghoul is one of their alpha fake characters acting as cabal money manager, so if he’s suddenly appearing reasonable it’s time to get on high alert.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Buffet says:
“I could end the deficit in five minutes. You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP all sitting members of congress are ineligible for reelection.””
Those two sentences contradict each other.
If the deficit is more than 3%, then he hasn’t ended the deficit, he’s merely reduced it somewhat. If the congress keeps it at e.g. 2% of GDP, he still hasn’t ended the deficit, nor has he gotten rid of any congress members.
Jimmy Buffet was smarter than Warren. RIP

Marielle Redclaw
10 months ago

My Twitter feed is flooded with “Hello fellow Trump voters! Join me in voting for Ren DeSantis” type posts followed by how we need to “move on” from the biggest act of treason in American history in 2020.

Hard to know what’s going on at Twitter. I keep blocking channels that post “Watch someone die/get horribly injured” videos, and two more show up in my feed.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
10 months ago

That is SO weird. I get the same crap in my feed. 1000 ways to die or whatever. I never ASKED for that crap. Geez.

10 months ago

>’A sexually obsessed being with a cone head, big wide mouth, and weird protruding slit-like eyes. It is either some neurological quirk which causes this image to emerge in humans’ psyches across time and space, or something else people keep experiencing, complete with the image and the perception of sexual obsession associated with it.’
They are real, I have had similar and ongoing experiences. Nothing much on this planet is as it seems, there’s a mostly-hidden war ongoing, coming to a head.
Their leader suffered a massive defeat recently, a civil-war of sorts took place, he and his troops are now all hiding on earth, waiting for the next moves.
I trust evil will be defeated.

10 months ago

I’m to go Miles Mathis on that Kyle Odom pastor story. Maybe the pastor really did die, and the glowies replaced him with a body double because the pastor was some necessary asset in whatever operation the glowies were running at the time. Either that or the pastor really was a lizard. Such a strange story.

10 months ago

Coneheads? We come from France

10 months ago

Like the new look in the comments section.

10 months ago

Suez Canal…Again! ONE Orpheus Grounds And Blocks One Lane of the Canal

10 months ago

Patrick Byrne


10 months ago

Alien Probe, Sentient Machine, Nuclear Weapon, or Junk? What is the Betz Mystery Sphere?

10 months ago

Italy Exits China’s Silk Road Initiative Citing ‘Lack Of Expected Results’

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Reply to  Teo Toon
10 months ago

Nor will China collapse in one single day.