Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Who says you can’t overturn fraudulent elections? The certified results of a 2020 election in Florida were just overturned and decertified. It was a local town council election, the judge found illegal and fraudulent votes were cast, and he outright overturned it, and put the loser in the seat.
North Carolina Senate passes ‘Zuck Bucks’ bill to end private donations to local election boards.
Lin Wood says, “I think I can fairly be described as an Anon. I believe that QAnon is likely a Deep State operation constructed to discredit Q and the Anons.” I think I have read a fair deal about Q, but I have no idea what Lin is talking about. It is interesting, as if he was an asset, you would think he would read up on this enough to make sense. I wonder if Cabal assets, given millions of dollars, and all the benefits, are so busy enjoying themselves, they don’t have time to keep up on their cover identities. It would be like if I knew all of this was corrupt, and didn’t care, and then had ten million dollars dropped in a bank account, and I got building the ultimate survival bunker, and had five new guns delivered every day, and all the ammo I could burn, and then I got a sailboat, and went cruising through the Bahamas, and deep sea fishing, and jet skiing, and scuba diving, and then I’d have martial arts, and lifting, and motorcycles, and sports cars, Epstein’s underaged prostitutes sent to me, and young blood injections, and coke and heroin, and probably numerous other things I would buy and get into. Before long, when I would poke my head up to talk about the movement and fulfill my duties to Cabal manipulating all us rubes, I would have to wing it and I would sound like Lin. That would explain how somebody like Ana Kasparian, who is supposed to be a reporter telling us about the news (albeit a leftist version), had no idea the guys Kyle Rittenhouse shot were white, and not black. I mean, her job is commenting on the news, and she never saw a single picture of a victim, or the video of the shooting?
It’s official, the band — who played a lead role in getting the first ever audit of the Pentagon – is back together and we have amassed an Intelligence Community and Special Forces army to fight back against the small covert fascist faction within the CIA who has been working in partnership with global intel agencies, political leaders, China’s CCP, Fortune 100 board members and the World Economic Forum to incrementally enslave a significant percentage of humanity…
We will put out a series of reports laying out the evidence.
I don’t vouch for this writer, obviously. But I will say this. Everything written in the article that can be checked looks like it pans out, from BCCI to the players named. Whether there actually is a plan to expose it all is the only thing I have a question on. I have long suspected the domestic ground operation is a CIA-run domestic network of citizen informants and agents who are also tasked with active surveillance and intelligence gathering, most probably false flagged through other agencies and private intelligence companies. But a CIA leadership at the top is the only way I see them employing children in active surveillance roles, as I have never heard of any other agency having a provision to recruit children, and as the FBI’s Russia hoax showed, these characters paper everything and try to attach responsibility to the agency so they can use the “following orders” defense. If it is CIA, then CIA taking point on the COVID scam is exactly what you would expect. And if CIA did take point, these 20 pandemic simulations they ran over and over are exactly how the run-up would look. And Q did imply CIA was going to be going away permanently after this. Exposing the COVID hoax would go a long way to achieving that goal. I will say though, it is not just a small group of leaders at the top. There is a giant fucking chunk of the populace who have known for a long time they were making a mockery of the Constitution and the law, fucking their fellow citizens, killing cops, and that 9/11 was run by whatever the command they answered to was. If this thing just hangs out a few hundred leaders, and calls it a day, you will know Cabal is still in the shadows, its covert control machinery is still intact, and this was just a big corporate reorganization under the guise of a show for the plebes. If this thing really blows honestly, it will be a happening in our society on the order of the meteor which took out the dinosaurs. Anything short will be more fake news.
Just because conspiracies are fun, there was this thread on 4Chan were anons discussed the old John Titor posts. John Titor was a poster who showed up online claiming he was a time traveler from the future, sent back in time. He described an alternate timeline, which he had lived through, though presumably by coming back he had altered the timeline, so his predictions would not necessarily bear out here. The interesting aspect of the thing was the detail, with him posting pictures of his time travel device, and schematics, as well as a photo of a laser pointer’s laser being bent as it exited the car, due to gravitational effects emitted from the time device. It is one thing to go online and shitpost for an hour before your favorite TV Show. It is another to post a LARP with extensive props you spent weeks constructing and elaborately altered photos in the pre-photoshop age, with special effects. Obviously, I lean towards LARP, making the interesting aspect, what entity had the interest, technological capability, and motivation to produce such a detailed, effort-intensive LARP and what its agenda might have been. But it was funny to me as I read the link above, one poster noted that Titor was wrong about two things – he failed to predict 9/11, and he predicted a violent Civil War tearing the nation apart by 2005. It is funny as 9/11 was certainly an engineered event, at least allowed, and probably created by the intelligence machine running our nations. There is no way the sectorized, neighborhood-based surveillance I see was not fully aware of the perpetrators and their plan. And had 9/11 not happened, you have to admit that after Clinton, the left was clearly heading more leftward rapidly, and the right was far more prone to war over these things than we are now. 9/11 was about the only possible event which could have brought those two sides together to stave off conflict, albeit temporarily. And an impending, unavoidable Civil War that split the United States would be among the few events which could make engineering 9/11 make at least a little more sense. Theoretically, if this guy was legit and walked into the DOD and presented evidence he was legit, and Civil War was coming, I could see them saying, “Lets have a massive, dramatic terrorist attack, and see if we can bring people together against an external enemy, to avert the Civil War.” His failure to predict 9/11 and his being off on the Civil War were the only evidence which could conclusively disprove this guy as a LARP, and yet it would fit perfectly together to explain it as well. It is also worth noting, if we begin to approach Civil War levels of hostility between our two sides, they might try an even more dramatic event, designed to make us all feel attacked together by an external enemy. But it would have to be more extreme now, like Aliens, or Demons or something. And even then, at this point, I am inclined to side with the Aliens, if it involves the eternal torture of all the evil assholes selling this nation out to our enemies and destroying our Constitution. It does feel like among an increasing segment of society, their ability to cast such spells has reached its limit, and they will not work any more.
But there will be no more important task than exposing and eliminating the surveillance, and the intelligence operation behind it, prior to any Civil War. Fail to do that, and Cabal will win.
Prince Andrew ‘flew on Epstein’s Lolita Express jet four times’ according to flight logs.
Silence deafening as media mostly ignores Ghislaine Maxwell case.
New York Post reporter claims there is more behind Chris Cuomo’s firing than is being reported. It appears that now a new wave of sexual assault allegations are popping up.
Dozens of Uhaul trucks picked up mysterious patriot protesters after creepy March in DC — another Democrat stunt? The thing is politics is not that popular. I don’t know what percentage of people are seriously following the news these days, but I would be surprised to find if it was ten percent. As I discussed above, even Cabal’s gate-keepers and reporters seem to not follow the news enough to maintain even a semi-plausible cover, or sound semi intelligent about the most basic facts of major events. And knowing this stuff is their job. When these “white supremacists” show up, and all of them have a standard uniform they were wearing, and they all have custom made shields, and banners, and flags, and all the acoutremon supplied, and then you find somebody rented U-Hauls to transport them, you know somebody is footing the bill. If they weren’t everybody would be doing their own thing. There just isn’t a big pool of people following the news, within which there is a big group willing to open their wallets and fund things like this. It has to be some sort of influence operation. Also worth noting, I am pretty sure it is illegal to pile people into the back of a cargo truck like that for transport, absent seat belts. They were accompanied by cops all along their march to keep the peace, but Police did not intervene to stop them from riding off illegally in the trucks, packed like cattle. That reeks of Cabal intel ordering the Police to stand down. Video here:
It looks like this group’s march was first tweeted by a made up twitter account with no history, with the photo being an AI blend of images, and it was then promoted by the usual suspects on the left’s gatekeeping Cabal. Twitter since deleted the first account once people began asking questions, to cover for the op.
The “Patriot Front” marchers carried “Clear Point Blank Warrior Shields” that have a 2-3 month lead time and must be ordered by Law Enforcement or government, to the FBI’s specifications. Twitter actually deleted John Cardillo’s tweet on this to cover for the op. If these were LE grade and not props, they must have cost, and of course, only FBI could buy them. LOL.
More Kamala Harris aides reportedly ‘eyeing the exits’ as resignations stack up.
Omicron strain may actually provide natural immunity with mild symptoms. Probably safer than the vaccine.
Big Pharma begins to fracture, as Pfizer tries to blame the vax deaths on everyone else.
100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Permanent Disabilities and Deaths among Children were caused by just 6% of the batches produced according to official Government data. More evidence there my be different batches for different people, and the powerful got the saline doses. Don’t think any secret, no matter how big, no matter how many people know, cannot be kept to some degree. There are things bigger than this, known by more people, that even now, we do not know about.
More than 40,000 march in Vienna against coronavirus lockdown.
‘People in their twenties have a 7 times higher risk of death after vaccination than from COVID.’
Hospitals are quietly suspending their vaccine mandates and nobody is talking about it.
FOX News sidelines Lara Logan after Dr. Fauci complains about her Nazi Ddoctor comparison.
Manchin joins GOP to torpedo Biden’s vax mandate.
Putin says Russia is opting for persuasion rather than compulsion concerning vaccination.
Consumers’ research warns US Governors about BlackRock’s retirement fund investments in China. Cabal’s investment fund scams are really powerful. It gives them the power to move the market actively by moving massive amounts of money around, it lets Cabal decide whose money to grow and whose to disappear, and it does all that as it takes people’s money and lets Cabal direct it into their own enterprises.
Haitian journalist says Biden is ‘standing in the way’ of local plan to end political turmoil.
Dr. Oz is a ‘Republican’ Manchurian candidate for the Architects of the great reset. I had a relative purchase a phone consult with him while he was famous, and they said they felt as if he never read their file, gave them a quick, generic assessment, and hung up on them to cut them off because he didn’t want to answer any questions. They reported being quite dissatisfied, and I filed the account away as weird, but maybe he was busy. I later caught five minutes of his show once, where he asked a personal trainer something basic, I don’t even remember what it was, but it was something like what she should do if her client reported feeling faint and light headed before a workout, and the trainer said abort the workout and have them get checked out by a doctor. He told her she was wrong, the client probably just needed some sugar, so get them some juice and they would be fine. It probably wasn’t exactly that, I caught it while waiting in an office years back, but that was very similar, and of that magnitude of stupidity and danger. The personal trainer looked flabbergasted, but said nothing, and he was on to the next blurb as if he had just said the most brilliant thing in the world and corrected that simpleton trainer. I filed away it was a very strange thing for a cardiologist to say. As I have said, I would not be surprised to find he was an actor, and was just playing a role at this point.
Republican Senate candidate Dr. Oz supports transgender surgeries for kids, occult practices, CRT, seizing guns based on an active surveillance of the social media of gun owners, and Cabal baby-farmer spiritualist John of God. And I don’t trust his smile.
Anti-NATO French presidential candidate Zemmour attacked at 1st rally. He is supposedly our side, but I don’t like the look of this guy. Too Mousey.
Sony VP busted by amateur pedo-hunter online. It is possible getting that high in the company requires blackmailability, and I would assume his blackmailability is why he was in that spot. The only question is, did he provide the blackmail in a knowing pact, or was he unaware of the surveillance, and they just had it and promoted him up, knowing he could be controlled if need be. Who would have thought ten years ago, you missed out on that promotion because you weren’t diddling little kids on your down time, and the guy who got the promotion got it, because he was?
Doug Ducey has ordered the flags to be flown at half staff because of the death of BPS supervisor Martin Barrios who was killed in the line of duty. There is no mention anywhere of how he died. That’s a secret. He was a BPS supervisor from Sierra Vista. Chances are they don’t want Border Patrol getting any good press for their service, and they don’t want migrants getting bad press for being dangerous and violent. Isn’t this just about the time that violent migrant caravan from a week or so ago, that beat a Mexican cop unconscious, should be arriving?
60 Police Officers shot, killed this year as ambush attacks skyrocket. It is not impossible these are targeted hits. If you’re a cop on this site, and you are not part of a conspiracy, you should exercise extreme caution, and paranoia. Keep your eyes peeled, and always ask yourself how you would ambush yourself, as you go into a scene, and guard against that.
Supply chain issues now causing shortages of heart medications, antibiotics, and cancer drugs.
Saudis raise oil prices for Asia and the U.S. despite Omicron’s spread.
Car thieves are walking around Minneapolis with full size AR-15s, stealing cars right in the open. Mad Max here we come.
Unsealed records allege a cover up of safety concerns on Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge. I don’t know what the Cuomos did, but it is looking like they got their entire bloodline condemned.
There is a large crack on the main cone of the La Palma volcano. I have not seen an expert describe the implications, but one source said it is miles long, and smoke is rising from it. Looks impressive, but I don’t know what the implication is for the landslide-Tsunami event.
China Evergrande braces for payment deadline after doubting availability of funds. There was a massive sell off of Crypto, some thought investors were creating liquidity to cover margin calls on Monday, because they were expecting the market to tank.
The Chinese regime may be downplaying how fast its population is shrinking. Sit by the river long enough, and the bodies of your enemies will float by.
One analyst makes the case that Citadel, SIG, Simplex and a few dozen other funds have a massive problem – not only have they have not covered their short positions from January, in fact they have grown, exponentially. I am not an expert in this, but I thought some anons who are may find the information useful so I am dropping it here.
Trump says Biden could bring the US ‘to a point where we can’t come back.’
Invite other people to because not everyone you see is who they say.
“Dozens of Uhaul trucks picked up mysterious patriot protesters after creepy March in DC ”
I know the term “glow op” is becoming a meme, and posters on /pol/ are saying the “conservative” movement is finished because they can’t (or won’t) legitimately protest a single thing, but I disagree.
In early 2020, in Virginia there was a 2nd Amendment rally. 22,000 Second Amendment supporters showed up. Most were armed. No violence occured. It was successful. There can be more successes but the right things have to be demonstrated. What made the protest successful were several things. First, it was simple, it was about the 2nd Amendment. It wasn’t about Whiteness. It wasn’t about Fascism. It wasn’t about Jews being bad. It wasn’t about a host of other things. It was about the single most important thing to any K strategist psychology, the right to be armed and have self-defense.
Second, gun owners tend to be more responsible. They typically didn’t just get out of jail. They can afford their gear. They have networks of friends, etc. etc. They are sort of a natural militia.
Lastly the definition of “success” is weird. With the left running the media, you won’t really know when you do something successful as it will just be ignored. The 2020 Virginia 2A rally is consistently ignored, partially because of the Covid op, but it was successful.
Future “rallies” should involve 1) single polarizing issues 2) already existing networks like churches and communities and 3) self-policing. no rowdy stuff. The 2A crowd was literally, self policing. Later alt-media will cover the successful demonstration of power that regular media channels will ignore. Every time legacy media ignores a successful demonstration of power, it loses power itself.
You will notice most anti-2A legislation in VA was shut down, then this happened,
Currently the rest of 2A legislation in VA will probably be dismantled in 2022. The Right is stronger than anyone thinks, if it can just focus.
> It wasn’t about Whiteness. It wasn’t about Fascism. It wasn’t about Jews being bad. It wasn’t about a host of other things.
Protests can only occur when they are about the correct topics, yes fellow traveler? Right leaning people lose because they never fight for anything that matters, just like you advocated for here.
Blacks are openly advocating for blacks over all else, hispanics for hispanics over all else, jews for jews over all else, asians for asians over all else, muslims for muslims over all else, but white europeans can’t do anything without being dogpiled by the aforementioned groups. Protesting this is appropriate and acceptable.
Anyone can advocate for totalitarian communism without fear of repercussion despite the obvious lethal wounds it is and will inflict on society; there’s a legitimate argument fascism would be a preferable outcome, even though I disagree. Protesting for this is appropriate and acceptable.
I don’t think anyone needs to say anything more about our small hatted fellow travelers, but the point still stands: protesting the evils of the synagogue of satan is appropriate and acceptable.
You can’t win if you never fight, and you can’t fight without identifying the correct targets. You can have all the 2A and guns rallies you want, the .GOV is probably ecstatic you’re distracted by arguing over rights you already have guaranteed. The issue is bigger than having the guns, the issue is WHY you need the guns and WHAT they need to be aimed at to release us from the tyranny.
Bro you completely missed my point. I didn’t say you can’t ever protest for other things. But when you protest, make it about 1 thing. Just 1 thing at a time. You can have multiple protests. Crowds are finicky things. If you try to teach a 4 hour course just to protest you won’t have many people showing up.
It also helps if you strike while the iron is hot. If a racialist attack occurs against Whites, it would be good to have a pro-White protest/demonstration very soon after. Even if people don’t show up to protest etc, normies will understand what is going on, and if they don’t they will soon ask questions. You will get publicity and it will be hard for the other side to argue against it. This is exactly why the media is burrying the Waukesha massacre.
White people act the same way with the Aryan Brotherhood. Outside of jail, normie goodwhites don’t like it. But lock them up with a bunch of raping blacks and watch them start tatting up with lightning bolts and SS skulls.
Make each demonstration about 1 thing. Keep it simple, stupid.
“Big Pharma begins to fracture, as Pfizer tries to blame the vax deaths on everyone else.”
Like a wounded buffalo on the savanna. Packs of hungry lawyers are eyeballing them waiting to strike.
“undercounted by at least 31 times, and notes 38% of the children who died were under 2 years old, which needs to be explained because they were too young to receive the vaccine, but nobody seems to care.”
I’m sure some parents care. They either removed their own dna by being libshits or they weren’t in the club/smart (goodwhites) and would be absolutely stewing (like nothing left to live for stewing) mad if malicious intent on the vaxxes origins were revealed. The world is already dangerous enough, why poke the lions cages and hurt their cubs?
“In Austria, the unvaccinated will be formally asked to get vaccinated starting February 15; those who fail to comply one month later will face penalties, according to a new draft law. Penalties for non-compliance: 600 euros every 3 months. Maximum penalty 3,600 euros. Failure to pay will result in substitute prison sentences.”
I predict Austria will have a new government in March 2022. Take it to the bank.
“Putin says Russia is opting for persuasion rather than compulsion concerning vaccination.”
Russia also doesn’t use mRNA vaxxes for the most part. Still stupid though- Russia should focus on more wide-scale biodefense as a new era has clearly begun. This new era will be more impactful than the invention of the ICBM was for military history.
“Republican Senate candidate Dr. Oz supports transgender surgeries for kids, occult practices, CRT, seizing guns based on an active surveillance of the social media of gun owners, and Cabal baby-farmer spiritualist John of God.”
and his first name is Mehmet. He is not us.
“Car thieves are walking around Minneapolis with full size AR-15s, stealing cars right in the open. Mad Max here we come.”
Sven and the Scandicuck crew have ancestors that were called “Vikings”. Apparently these “Vikings” made being armed mandatory in ancient Scandinavia. It was really the only rule. If a man wasn’t armed, he wasn’t a man and you were legally allowed to kill him or take him as a slave, his family too.
But I have a feeling these car thieves aren’t Scandinavian.
They’re brazen because they haven’t faced resistance yet; overconfidence breeds sloppiness.
All I can think of is whether or not a prepared citizen would get to keep the ARs after taking care of the problem.
That’s true. There is a reason they don’t do this down in the south with a bunch of scotch people.
“Bomb squad called to ER after a patient turned up with a WWII artillery shell lodged in his rectum, police say.”
I’m not going to read the article, but I bet it’s the UK.
“‘Never seen anything like it’ – Los Angeles residents stunned as violent crimes creep into wealthier communities.”
You know, that’s how feudalism started. Either you pay for security, and the security becomes the new aristocracy, or the vandals loot you and they become the new aristocracy.
“The Chinese regime may be downplaying how fast its population is shrinking. Sit by the river long enough, and the bodies of your enemies will float by.”
They could be doing the same to us. The U.S. downplays how fast it’s population is “diversifying” and what that means. Eventually both China and the U.S. could be in ruin.
>Cabal’s investment fund scams … lets Cabal decide whose money to grow and whose to disappear
“Chinese economist – Dr David Li – who came up with a mathematical formula that lay behind the creation of these “bundles of bundles” of securities, and who had close associations with the Royal Canadian Imperial bank and who then went on to become a risk assessment manager… in China, of course. The essence of the formula was that any bad paper in a bundle of securities would be offset by the high probability of all the good paper in said bundles, and thus his formula set off a whole new era of speculation: one made money by trading those bundles, and then bundles of bundles, and then bundles of bundles of bundles. … all of this – the derivatives swaps – is not only a vast mechanism of fraud, but there is an organization behind it. It is almost as if Szymanski is implying that the “economic miracle” that has been China since the days of Chairman Deng Xiao Ping has been one vast money laundering shell game.”
>I would not be surprised to find he was an actor, and was just playing a role at this point.
Tribe frontmen leitmotif: Marx, Einstein … even MLK’s biographies and achievements don’t bear out under scrutiny, built on the backs of plagiarism, ghost writing and spook industrialist money.
>Too Mousey.
Gargamel lookin’ ass, physiognomy Is real.
>Border Patrol agents apprehend foreign nationals illegally entering U.S. from many different countries, from Africa to former Soviet Republics
Glowie boom for international Soviet die hards. Aging shithole former Warsaw pact pensioner, but still fanatic for the cause? Go to vibrant America, you’ll slide right in– and they’ll pay you comrade! Cartels & former Soviet Block military assets article repost:
>violent crimes creep into wealthier communities.
Fran Drescher home invasion comes to mind.
>[Somalis] are walking around Minneapolis
>Sit by the river long enough …
Vietnam, except all your conscripts are the sole family bloodline vector sent to Iwo Jima 10x over on Taiwan. As bad or worse than Ameri-Boomers on real estate speculation. The shitshow is truly global.
> bundles
That sounds an awful lot like the Savings & Loan collapse, with companies playing “hot potato” with high-risk mortgages and hoping they wouldn’t wind up being the loser.
“Manchin joins GOP to torpedo Biden’s vax mandate.”
Hmmm…wonder if he’s looking to do an opposite party switch to get elected like Jim Justice did here (from R to D to get elected, then back to R)…so Joe hops on the R bandwagon, say he’s ‘with us’ then go back to his D roots? There’s little to no chance he’s doing this for ‘us’.
AC, aren’t Hannity and Oz buddies? I used to watch Sean years ago, thought I remembered them together. I spotted watching or listening to him a LONG time ago. Dr. Oz is a cabal actor I agree, and very likely Hannity is too.
I think last week, you mentioned lin wood saying Hannity told him on a personal call, the election is good, no funny business.
It would go along with fox going faux. Much that never used to be, is being shown to us. Exciting times we live in.
These people belong to things we have no idea about. Nobody on TV just happens to end up talking to the entire nation, and telling it what to think. They are all under some form of control of whoever controls the media. I could see both being Freemasons in the same lodge, or having grown up in the surveillance infrastructure spying on neighbors, or even doing stints at 20 as CIA posing as students taking a year to travel through Asia or Europe, or having some other connection through some secret group which decides who rises to the point a lot of people listen to them.
AC called out Hannity years ago for being likely Cabal. AC is an excellent inquisitor general, the very best.
Dr. Oz is a huge peddler of vitamins and alternative treatments. The Oprah crowd eats that up. It came to the point where real doctors thought this was irresponsible, so there were several weeks of his show following him on his rounds at a hospital.
The staging is that complete.
“It is also worth noting, if we begin to approach Civil War levels of hostility between our two sides, they might try an even more dramatic event, designed to make us all feel attacked together by an external enemy. But it would have to be more extreme now, like Aliens, or Demons or something.”
I doubt I’ll survive the upcoming Armageddon but if I do I’m going to write down my observations for later generations.
1 Corn Pop
“I witnessed the anti-Christ leave his Antarctic base and and descend in a UFO as if from another world. His supposed goal to bring peace to a world at war. It was a blasphemous display mocking our Lord’s eventual return from the sky.
With great sorrow I watched him deceive many weak Christians (henceforth to be known as faggots) to bow down and worship at his feet in place of our Lord.
The outnumbered Faithful Chads discerned that this imposter was indeed not our Lord and tried to warn their brethren but for their efforts were made to suffer persecutions and death at their many soy-soaked hands.
After much destruction and cringe our Lord Jesus Christ returned and banished the imposter and the faggot traitors to hell. He then rewarded his loyal followers with a wine and tendies party in Heaven.”
What would we do without you, Corn Pop? Even your handle makes me laugh every time.
“Bomb squad called to ER after a patient turned up with a WWII artillery shell lodged in his rectum, police say”
“You’re not vaxxed? Leave the premises immediately! You’re a danger to everyone in this hospital.
Trauma Team, get the guy with the explosive in his ass prepped for surgery stat!”
I’ve seen some sick sh!t on the internet. My top “Wow” moment was watching a Mejican dude being dismembered limb by limb, then being beaten by his own arms and legs while the cartelios taunted him, shouting “PUTA!” (we miss you, Bestgore)
The one that made me feel most sick to my stomach, really lightheaded, was the “man” who filmed himself inserting a light bulb into his colon, then inserting a firecracker into the base, which had been removed, and lighting the firecracker. After the initial BANG, which turned the bulb into tiny glass fragments, the “man” rubbed his bleeding ass, making moans of ecstasy.
Homosexuality was rightfully considered a mental illness until a few decades ago the APA removed it from the DSM because (their words) they couldn’t find a mental causation. IN OTHER WORDS they proved it’s a choice.
Yet, with all spiritually harmful choices, it does become a mental defect.
“the “man” who filmed himself inserting a light bulb into his colon, then inserting a firecracker into the base, which had been removed, and lighting the firecracker. After the initial BANG, which turned the bulb into tiny glass fragments, the “man” rubbed his bleeding ass, making moans of ecstasy. ”
When thinking of normal folks reading the article and asking themselves “why would someone put a bomb up their ass?”
I just think “well, in hopes it goes off of course”
I don’t even think they’re insane. It’s just that degeneracy if given free reign will lead to depravities you’d never have imagined when you started the journey. You get so used to the stink of shit on your soul you can’t imagine a life without it.
A conscience seared as with a hot iron, and then some. I now remember something even worse I once saw someone do to himself. I won’t mention it, makes me woozy just thinking about it. You are totally right about the cause.
I’m not sure what’s going on with Lin Wood. Q pointed out a few times “infiltration instead of invasion”, and also specified that there is Q and there are anons, but there is no QAnon. Most of the infiltrators seem to have come out of nowhere within the last year and put themselves in front of the “truth movement”, but they hawk BS like “flat earth”, NESARA/QFS, “med beds”, and other things. They don’t appear to be authentic anons who participated in the digs over the years. Some may have never read a Q post, much less all <5000 of them. They probably don't even know what a clockfag is because they did not participate with the rest of us.
I tried to follow Lin when he first went on Telegram, but he posts too damned much and wastes too much bandwidth on "I am imperfect." I couldn't take it so I unfollowed him. Then he went off the deep end and started attacking other people I think are authentic. His behavior doesn't match his claims of Christianity (or even decades as a lawyer). His due diligence doesn't rise to the level of an elementary school book report. "I am imperfect. Do not trust this guy. I could be wrong. I am imperfect."
I was impressed with him last year when he was blasting Chief Justice Roberts and posting about how the blackmail network operates, but that didn't last long.
Lin appears to be a more unhinged Alex Jones type of patriot asset.
He might not even know he’s an asset, just thinks he’s getting great Intel from 10 different sources who are actually using him and running him to make anything associated with MAGA look batshit insane.
He definitely has a few screws loose, and I’m being charitable with that. He always seems on the verge of having a psychotic break.
My sister, a nurse, sent this to me
Richard H Black is in the LaRouche orbit. And possibly the de facto leader of what is left of the org. He represented Loudon area which was ground zero for LaRouche. Fascinating career. He also goes by the absurdist name of Dick Black which fits in nicely (yikes) with the whole LaRouche schtick.
You and SamJ had an interesting exchange here yesterday:
Another fascinating project that remains unbuilt – in the 1840s William Gilpin envisioned The Cosmopolitan Railway, a transcontinental network across the Americas and Eurasia. Gilpin, the first governor of Colorado, prophesied for over 50 years that America, Russia and China were united in a common mission to transform all humankind. :;JSESSIONID=ead96c21-2370-4093-be4e-3eda44dab2b9?search=SUBMIT&cat=0&q=Mission+of+the+North+American+People&dateRangeStart=&dateRangeEnd=&sort=pub_list_no_initialsort%2Cpub_date%2Cpub_list_no%2Cseries_no&QuickSearchA=QuickSearchA
Thanks! Never heard of that. Really cool. The Bald and Bankrupt mossad ytuber did a few episodes on the Russian train out to the west coast of Asia. Built in the 60’s and 70’s to access the mineral wealth.
Yeah, I also thought Benjamin Rich’s Russian train series was interesting. That it abruptly ended suggests Putin’s people were not amused by MI6/Mossad blatantly operating and sending comms on Russian soil. The comments on the videos are often wise to whats up.
Hahahha. Yeah. Looking back it did end abruptly
“Cosmopolitan Railway”
Oh no you gave me an in to talk about a whacked idea I had. Thinking about Roman roads of which there are still some from thousand years ago I wondered if we could not do the same. The Chinese have started putting their high speed railways on raised concrete skyways. Very smart because you can make all the girders, support, etc. in a factory and truck them to the site. The only ground work being holes in the ground for support. We could do the same for highways.
I was looking at Basalt rebar which is volcanic glass rebar that doesn’t corrode like steel rebar. Once you make a slab with it it’s there for thousands of years if you build with decent concrete.
But to make it even more retarded I happened to see this volcano flow from Kamokuna at the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park spewing out the side of a cliff. It’s been erupting for thirty years.
So here’s the whacked idea. Back a catamaran with two huge concrete hulls up to this spewing lava with the middle of the catamaran made of tracks of high temperature concrete. Catch the spewing lava as it comes out and run it through a rotating mold conveyor belt that presses it into the shape of slabs 4″ thick by say 8′ wide and 100′ or so long. As it’s being pressed to shape also press clean through a huge number of 1 or 2 centimeter by 6″ slots. It would look like a slotted grate. Chop off the pieces in 100′ lengths and throw it in the ocean to cool and strengthen it. That’s your road.
Each long slab would be placed at 60 degrees or so to the direction of the road travel. The slots are to drain water, dirt, etc. Keeping the slots at 60 degrees would lower noise and be easier on car tires(It would still be noisy but the slots would be a huge increase in safety to drain water and make upkeep less by letting dirt wash through). You place one 4″ slab at 300 degrees then the next under it at 60 degrees then one more at 300 degrees under that one. That way earthquakes or other such destructive events will only move the slabs but not drop cars through the roadway. Remember the earthquakes in California where the slabs on highways fell off their supports and cars fell through? This could not happen if the slabs were alternated. The slabs could be tied together with large plastic barge rope or other connectors that would hold it together but also stretch in case of shaking earthquakes. Make these things high in the air like 40 feet up or so. This way we could get rid of all the fencing on highways and let animals, and people, wander through on the ground.
You would have to make the slots point the same way even if they are at 360 or 60 degrees so you would need two type roads so the slots would line up.
You could build concrete test sections first to test for noise, strength, etc.
Basalt is ridiculously strong and long lasting stuff. There’s all kinds of sea cliffs that have been next to the ocean for who knows how many millions of years and they are not wore down much at all.
If you could get the roadway part to work then you could try other type road parts. Like the supports, columns,stringers, etc. All made of volcanic basalt.
Concrete would be fine also and was my original idea. You could save a fortune on roads and upkeep with the main disadvantage more road noise but that could be lessened by sound barriers like they have many places now. Roads cost like $2 million a mile now. Mass production of the roadway, even if you add the cost of columns to raise it up, could I think make it a lot cheaper and once built these things would last forever in human life terms.
Brilliant, Sam! However, if Gilpin got stymied on his modest vision, you may have a challenge realizing your grand plan. Have you considered canals in the sky?…Good luck! )
“…Have you considered canals in the sky?..”
YES! Have you seen roads built. They take forever. Canals the same. It’s all this major moving about of dirt and labor to do so.
Now consider. You can drill holes very fast. In another link I mentioned you could siphon off the lava pouring out of Hawaii on conveyor belts and run it through rollers just like they do in steel plants so this is not something that no one has any experience with. I mentioned roads built in slabs.
Now canals. You roll off a slab and then curve it, then chop it off and dump the basalt lava into the ocean into a sunken barge. Barge fills up you move another under it move the full one out of the way.
Anyways the curved sections make the bottom of the canal. The slabs would have to have two different orientations. One would angle one way and the other the other way so the seams were crossed. This would keep them more aligned than if you only had one type.You take many layers of these and put bentonite clay in between them. The clay totally blocks water from going through it. They use this stuff in oil well drilling, dams and other locations to stop water movement. Since it’s just a clay mineral it’s not going anywhere and should be there forever.
The beauty of this is once you built the conveyor belt, road and canal sharper molds(actually rollers), and barges the cost is next to nothing. So for maybe twice the cost of a big integrated steel mill you get many tens of thousands of near indestructible roads and canals.
Nuke Antarctica
Zemmour is an early-lifer raised by women that “taught him how to be a man”
Um, no thanks
>Bomb squad called to ER after a patient turned up with a WWII artillery shell lodged in his rectum, police say.
I thought that. It seems so improbable, comms would be a more realistic explanation. I mean who finds a bomb and decides to put it up their ass? But what could it mean?
AC, at this point in our bizarre clown world, it wouldn’t shock me that some NPC decided to destroy their own body and then check in to the ER as a sublimated cry for help.
All assets deployed, including the crazies and the weirdos.
They don’t perceive any danger. They’ve been in the padded hamster ball all their lives.
That’s why you see so many young people featuring in their own snuff videos, parachuting off buildings too short for their chutes to open, hang gliding into vicious mountain updrafts that crash them, trying to pet alligators or bears, etc.
There was one on 4Chan, it looked like Japan. The guy was shooting a massive wild boar coming up a stairway, toward the flat area he was on, I think with a girl out of frame, and the boar was as casual as could be. The guy was like, “OMG, look how friendly it is! Should I pet it?” The boar walked up to him as casual and calm as any domestic animal, and at the last foot lunged, the camera went flying and hit the ground somewhere, and you could hear the guy yelling, “Help me! HELP ME!”
It wouldn’t fit.
Re: comms on artillery shell inside a rectum.
Let’s blow up the shit.
Maybe meaning taking things to the next level and the system is coming down.
Just a speculation.
That could be. I wonder if articles like that have something in them to confirm that, like a rule you take the first letter of the first word, the second letter of the third word, the third lett of the ninth word, the fourth letter of the twelfth word, etc – something like that so they could be sure. Something so complex we will never put it together, but something they can use to all get the message fairly fast.
re; Uhaul trucks.
Maybe they are on a tight budget:
Also, about not really knowing what they are doing. I have seen a number of stories over the years where “nazi” hate hoax crimes are committed, and they end up drawing the swastikas’ wrong. LIke this
Here is the pic I meant to put in the previous comment, with the poorly drawn swasticas;
It always seemed weird that it happened more regularly than you think. Is cabal really hiring out that level of retard they don’t even know what a swastica looks like?
I hadn’t visited the Zman’s blog in awhile so I stopped by just now only to read the following reply from him to a comment about how the parallels between the present day West and Wiemar Germany are uncanny.
“Modern America is nothing like interwar Germany. The only point of comparison is both times were populated by bipeds. Otherwise, there are no useful comparisons.”
I mean he has a point. I mean Germany had to pay it’s debts for a failed war. When’s the last time we lost a war?
Clearly the modern West is nothing like Weimar except for the rampant degeneracy, transitory inflation, and the same tribe behind the scenes running our nations. No parallels at all.
It does bring to mind, r/K Theory has to have added, the concept of a parasitic population that exploits the slide into r-selection to weaken the population so it can seize control, and then controls the events produced by the return of K-selection so it can survive. The only question is, who the parasites are, and is it a permanent population/strain of human, a conglomeration of populations, or does it change with opportunism among a certain type of human.
It brings things all around. I used to think r/K was a good analysis of how history was formed, but the real truth was it was just a good analysis of the forces used by whoever scripted the history that was formed.
It’s the second dimension.
Sneakers and Exhibitionists have opposite ways of trying to exploit r/K.
I used to read Zman every day several years ago, but it became clear that he lost the plot at a certain point.
Also, his posts were becoming literally formulaic, like some AI was just scrambling various templates and posting them every morning.
I used to read it regularly, but lost interest when he changed it so you had to have a Google account to leave comments.
And that’s exactly why I stopped reading him. Rehashing themes over and over.
“…Clearly the modern West is nothing like Weimar except for the rampant degeneracy, transitory inflation, and the same tribe behind the scenes running our nations. No parallels at all.”
Like a broken record.
Why are ppl still saying “President” Joe Biden when he was the most obviously fraudulent “winner” ever? Remember when Bush II got in and the leftist media called him “Mister Bush” instead of President Bush? How about when the same media reverted to “President Obama” and then merely “Donald” Trump? I don’t call Biden President, ever. Not going to lie to myself.
Good catch. When I copy headlines, I try to delete it, but occasionally in the rush to cover as much ground as possible, I miss one and it gets copied and pasted.
Nah, you’re the first person I’d forgive, if forgiveness were even necessary, which ot isn’t. The work you do is invaluable.
You never did mention how your monetization idea worked out. When can we start donating? I can buy a ton of r/K books but I don’t know who I can give them to who would be willing and able to receive your message.
I’m still putting the donation page together. I wanted to do it so donations could be as fully untracable as possible, which meant setting up another server with its own crypto server, which I had to school myself up to from zero, and still don’t fully understand beyond it should be mostly untraceable. But when I get it up, I do not want you guys putting money in at least at first, because I want to see if there is a force opposed to what we oppose here.
There are two possibilities. If Cabal is all through the Western nations, but places like Russia are Cabal-free, I would expect the places Cabal-free would already know about this place and dump money into it to enlarge this place, let me hire staff, hire programmers to create forums Cabal cannot compromise and control (by giving moderation function ot the individual users, ets. I have all sorts of ideas that would fuck shit up. If there is even one competing force, I would expect funding would roll in, like the CIA supposedly funds Navalny to fuck with Putin. Only this would be something trying to fuck with whatever has taken over the West.
But if Cabal is everywhere (which is possible, especially if there is something like Satan/demons/interdimensionals behind it, and/or the Freemasonry rumors), then I would expect Russia is under its control too, and probably everywhere else, and there would be no state/counter-Cabal sponsoring. It would be interesting to know. They do have pictures of Putin doing the same Freemason handshakes at world summits, and Stalin was walking around with one hand inside his jacket. But if a Navalny-sized lump sum of $40 million in crypto dropped in, then we are like fight club, with corporate sponsorship.
If that failed, and there is no state funding, it would be interesting to know if a site like this could be run off user donations, just to get an accurate look at other sites, and whether they are legit or not. Obviously I do not think user donations are going to generate $24 million per year to fund 115 full time employees, like Ben Shapiro’s website. That is obviously being funded by something with deep pockets for some purpose. But it would be interesting to see if a site like this could become self-funding on a shoestring through honest means.
In short, two more weeks, and we’ll know what I am going to do with funding.
But thank you for the offer of donations now though. I appreciate it. And do not buy books, because a good chunk of that goes to Amazon which it looks like is just CIA/Cabal. I’ just spend all my spare moments now trying to make the news briefs pop, and keep meaning to get to it but letting it slide.
Russia 100% knows about your website. I’ve been a daily reader for years, and was when I lived there for 18 months a while back.
Their survellience was pervasive, in my computer in real-time, and actively blocked disfavored websites (web page speculating that an American kid who died from “exposure” out in the snow in a backwoods cabin… with his shoes off, sitting beside him, unlaced, was actually a homicide by the government because he didn’t back off from environmental protests when the FSB told him to, for example). Cut off skype calls if my liberal family started talking about Trump and Putiin, etc.
You never got blocked.
FWIW, the survellience in Russia though pervasive and obvious, was never threatening. Even getting interrogated at border crossings, subjected to Kompromat seducation attempts, etc. mostly felt like the local deparatment in our rural region was just totally thrilled to have real-live Americans to practice on.
I agree with the Anon, Russia is here.
We changed the anti-bot question for registering at Timelessauthors recently to make it harder but before we did that every single spam bot that registered was from Russia or their zone of influence and I am sure it is because they found us from the link at the top of your site.
Of course Cabal is in Russia. But Cabal doesn’t have nearly the control over state institutions in Russia that it has here. But you’ll find some Russian oligarchs are cabal, and you’ll find some media sources are cabal. And cabal likely tries buying influence, acquiring blackmail, the works.
All of the “pro democracy” activism in Russia is clearly cabal. As is all the reporting on it.
>In short, two more weeks
>And do not buy books, because a good chunk of that goes to Amazon which it looks like is just CIA/Cabal.
I was going to say, offer it for free then. But then I saw it’s available on z-lib anyways.
Welcome to the party, pal.
Heh. Somebody’s been watching Christmas movies.
Really hoping Int’l Finance gets crushed by the short squeeze they set up eff’ing with Trump’s vehicles.
Hey AC, here is the Substack link (I believe it’s the correct one) that is missing from your fourth item. (The item you commented on, alleging a break in proving agency role in covid etc).
Thank you! How did I miss adding the link there?
> One Montana hospital went into lockdown
Commies love them some lockdown. Though state laws vary a bit, it’s generally not within the power of any private individual or concern to stop someone from leaving. The ability of the police is highly questionable; in most cases, they have no actual legal backing, the courts just automatically side with the police.
> FOX News sidelines Lara Logan after Dr. Fauci complains about her Nazi Ddoctor comparison.
Faux News is a leftist front; they always have been. Though they seem to sucker in an awful lot of people who should know better.
> Bob Dole passed away.
Maybe he’ll wind up in a fire pit next to John McCain.
“99% of the elderly (in USA) have been vaccinated…” If you follow the links on that one, it dead ends at the New York Times. I never believe anything from the NYT or WaPo. I wouldn’t even believe that 99% of the elderly have stopped having sex, much less have all been vaxxed. It’s a ridiculous number.
I’d like them to try getting 99% of people to do basic, common sense best practices like cleaning their butts after a dump and see how fast their belief in the possibility of 99% withers.
> China. Cabal’s investment fund scams are really powerful.
China is Communist, but they’re serious about money. Also, they have Hong Kong (“One Country, Two Systems”), which is possibly the most aggessively capitalist country – well, province, now – on Earth.
An awful lot of US companies have wound up on the shitty end of the stick when dealing with the Chinese. As one of them said, “It’s not like they lie, it’s like they have no concept of the truth.” If you don’t like how things turn out you can hire a Chinese lawyer (accredited by the CCP) to take it to a Chinese court (judge is a member of the CCP) which almost always either dismisses the case or rules in favor of the Chinese party. Because you are a stupid gwailo and deserve it.
Here’s a video you might find interesting. In Mpls (where else?) a group of Somali’s recorded themselves breaking into the apartment and beating a woman and her daughter who had accused a friend of sexual assault. But what I never would have noticed or paid attention to before reading your site is this nugget….”The main video of the incident opens in an elevator as a group of Somali youths, some wearing face masks apparently to conceal their identity, approach their target. After a minor confrontation with a man walking in the apartment building’s hallway, the majority of the group stands back as two individuals knock on the targeted individual’s door.”
Watch the video….and of course there just happens to be a random guy walking in the hallway as they get off the elevator. But if you watch the video to the end, the group that beat the woman retreat back into the elevator. So the random guy obviously wasn’t walking to catch the elevator himself. Where did he go? What was he doing?
Exactly. That is what it looks like. Even the guy pulling up his hoodie inside where it is warm, so his face and hair style are not as noticeable as he passes them. I can see the video in my head, when I turned off unexpectedly early in the morning, into the autoparts store, and went inside and it was empty. Within a minute, three different cars peel into the parking lot, and get out and come in, and one of them does that exact motion, coming from a cool outside morning, into a warmer store, and he pulls up his hood just like that.
They were listening to that group plot that, and knew what was coming.
Re: Guys in UHauls
I tend to Occam’s Razor a lot of these things.
Simple explanation: cops didn’t know or care about the rule, and just wanted the Patriot Bois out of their juris-dick-tion.
Hey, AC, can you add a Gab login icon or is it beyond your control?
You want to login to gab and automatically be logged into this site to post?
I’ve looked at all the gab plugins to do something like that, and I only see buttons to share posts on gab. I do not see a login plugin. Does Gab have a place where you can ask them if they have produced such a plugin?
I do not have the expertise to try and go into the code, and the time it would take me to learn that from scratch would be quite large, and I just don’t have it now given this site is hours of scraping the news each day.
Do you even need to be logged in to post here? I think I had it set so anybody could just put a comment in a comment box and hit post, and it would work. The name is even not necessary and I do not think you should even need to put in an email, if you don’t want to.
No log in needed. I could be mostly anonymous
Found this from blab.
“Vaccine batches vary in toxicity and are distributed to unsuspecting Americans in timed coordination by three companies: researcher
One company allegedly performed toxic dose range finding without consent.”
Hey buddy, “and all the “acoutremon” supplied …”, that’s how the word is pronounced, it’s spelled “accoutrement”. It’s a french word and you spelled it phonetically. Just sayin’, I want you to seem sofistimocated and all. 😉
LOL. Thank you! If there is one thing what I do here needs, it is a bit of culture!
> That would explain how somebody like Ana Kasparian, who is supposed to be a reporter telling us about the news (albeit a leftist version), had no idea the guys Kyle Rittenhouse shot were white, and not black. I mean, her job is commenting on the news, and she never saw a single picture of a victim, or the video of the shooting?
I have looked it up. It seems she thought that Kyle was chasing Rosenbaum and admitted she realised it was the other way around, and someone else thought they were black.
About Dr. Mehmet Cengiz Oz’s name:
Mehmet is the distinctive Turkish variant of Mohammed.
Cengiz is the Turkish spelling of “Gengis” as in Gengis Khan.
(Useful knowledge: “C” in Ataturk’s Latinized Turkish alphabet sounds like “J” in English—hence the Young Turks’ Cenk sounds like Jenk; FYI Cenk’s last name, Uygur, is just the Turkish spelling of Uighur—a TURKIC people. But he’s a Turk—it’s merely like having the surname “French”).
Oz is a clear Americanization of the very common (mostly though not exclusively as given name), Oğuz. (In Turkish, the “Ğ” is unpronounced but affects adjacent letters, such as lengthening/shortening vowels, similar to the way “H” works in French). So Oğuz is pronounced OH-ooz (or OH-wooz).
Although there is some debate (an unlikely claim that it means “arrows”), Oğuz almost certainly is a reference to the collectivity of proto-Turks and, by implication, the fast-spreading, warlike and conquering peoples of the Asian steppe.
Nationalist Turks have grand ambitions that they don’t really believe feasible to someday rule the universe. I’d wager that Dr. Oz has occasional dreams of putting “yabancı” (i.e., foreigner or non-Turk; yaban = wilderness, + cı = one from) infidels to the sword.
So the elements of Dr. Oz’s name basically iterate, three times, his family’s intention to spread the Moslem faith and Turkic seed to the four corners of the earth and subdue and dominate the peoples they encounter.
Climate change causes another heart attack. Many such cases these days.
They are the most evil of monothesiests. They respect no god but their own, in the form of cabal, and what evil incarnate behind it.
This cabal, its instruments such as the intelligence/surveillance running terror and reprisal operations against us good folks, the people inside their organizations believe in only one god, and they believe that god they worship is the only true one, and all others are false, and funally they believe that the only true god must be worshipped in only one way, and that those who worship otherwise are vile monsters who should be killed.
It is similar to the Inquisition; the bloody Albigensian Crusades; Saint Bartholomew’s; Haarlem; Magdeburg; Stalin and Mao’s purges; the Bolshevik’s Genocide of The Kulaks.
We are all Kulak’s now to these vermin, these instruments of cabal and cabal itself to whatever darkness operating along the fringes of darkness, this beast, or what have you evil incarnate.
So AC is way past correct about they must all be killed. This is war if extermination, its what its down to now, total existential warfare, its only begun. These are the early days of a phase in the order of their kind of war they wage on us good folks, on the world around us.
Last night up on our mountain ridge which stretches for miles, a series of brush fires where ignited, it has been bery dry in the forest, winds where gusting up to 50 mph, all the fires where started on the upwind side of the edge if the ridge line so the fire would travel over down the steeper than 12 inch pitch, into the handrailing hollows that drop 100foot or more. Too steep to traverse without rooes and climbing gear. 3 major fires then once the volunteer fire departments from surrounding districts where committed, to the 3 already blazing, they set off dozens of small fires. We counted 17 pumper trucks, they refulled their on board tanks multiple times at the hydrant located on our property/road line.
A bout a month previously I caught two gangstalkers stashing improvised incindiary devices across from our house in the ditch, they disguised them under trash they also set out. Two woman, had them at gun point after observing them setting out the firebombs, they where terrified, one repeating OH SHIT! OH SHIT! over and over nonstop till i told them to get out of our niehgbhorhoid and dont come back. The bombs where made out of IceHouse 24oz cans, with a cloth wick and storm match ignitor, home made phoo gas filler. Looked like gasoline and styrofoam mix. Very well constructed, carefully taped and each identical in every detail, a pro built them. I think they used aluminum can instead of glass, because it will burn too, at near around1500-1600 F depending the alloy the cans are made from. Thats enough to ignite wet forrest duff.
We where totally infested with gangstalkers the last year up here, more of the shitstains than people who live up on the ridge. Causing all sorts of trouble and doing loud disruptive things with vehicles all night and day. Week before thanksgiving they began to leave, most had been living in RV camper trailers on a few poeces of unoccupied land pretty far back off the roads.
We wondered what would happen next once most had moved away. I thought it would be arson of some sort because it had been about a minth since I had caught those two gangstalkers with phoo gas bombs. Only problem, most folks up here are just really nice good people who can not imagine tgere are really bad people who would run terror and reprisal operations against them. In other words when iattempt to inform others of what the machine is capable of i have earned a reputation as some cheeses has fallen off my cracker. And I am a Yankee with a severe NH accent to boot, so there is that cultural difference and hillbilly clan factor of instinctual distrust of outsiders to overcome.
Folks are pretty upset. All the firemen are local folks, everyone is telated up here, so word travels at the speed of light, right off they could see the fires where not only arson but tactically set to stretch their fire fighting resources to tge max and extra.
I figured ince we got word it was multiple fires, its the gangstalkers doing a dry run so they can determine the limits of the areas volunteer fire departments. A number of structures like cabins and barns in wooded spots where set to fire also.
This comes on the heels of deliberate dumping of animal shelter dogs, usually in a dozen to 2dozen size packs, from what we all up here hunted down, and there’s some of the more feral ones remaining out in the deeper paper company timber lands, better than 150 dogs been release on the ridge. Appears they are deliberately starved for awhile before dumping the dogs, hingry enough they go straight for everyones livestock, chicken coups and pig pens.
I think they want to chase the farming and agrarian culture off this ridge. It just so happens we have a most pristine hydraulic springline aling the ridge, it supplies everyone with spring fed ponds and cisterns. Supposedly its the finest natural pure spring source of water on the eastern seaboard. It filters up through thousands of feet of sandstone and coal ribs. It is very nice pure clean water, lots of folks use as their water supply. Then we are totally surrounded by thousands of square miles of timber, plus right under us is the worlds finest metallurgical coal, so much coal nobody can determine the extent of the reserves. Some ribs are 25 feet thick. There is on average up to 22 seams, plus small “rider seams” which are very high grade met coal, like a few inches thick between the najor ribs. Then there is a shale gas plays, actually two, under all the coal. I seen it all with my own eyes, worked in the mines. It is so much energy nothing you know provides a reference for grokking how much coal and gas is there. Its one of the biggest lies the fuckers play on our country.
No doubt they want all of this incredible blessing of natural resources for themselves and are attempting to genocide us dirty filthy unvaxxed Trumper’s who despoil what belings only to them to have it all for them and their spawn. And they have created a cult of millions of true believers that worships hellmouth to do their evil deeds for them. Most are the gangstalkers. It adds up by what AC contends and inlightens us about, what many of us see and experience, there is no other plausible explanation how so many people are working to destroy our great Republic and our civilization, thru genocide. I know of no other example from history which explains how so many willingly participate is such evil, but the instances tgruout history where such true believers in one god or one entity drives people to such depths of depravity. Of course some sort of rewards/gains, the carrot, is required as mass motive, when such an insidious stick is used.
What I see here, is a lot of good folks got reserved dirt naps waiting for them before shit gets better and us goid folks win. I see it in the form of almost total, all but complete incomprehension and inability for a myriad of very human reasons people can not wrap their heads around whats being done to all of us by evil none of us have faced previously to whats unfolding.
I can understand it.
Even showing it to others, pointing it out right there, see it, its right there, look at it, they deny it is something so evil. Yet at the same time they look at me and its written all over their faces, they see me as a tin foil hat wingnut best humored and tolerated because nice folks never do such things, meaning both me and gangstalkers. It really is outside their frames of references. Not even in the same galaxy.
Really, the whole network of gangstalkers will not last 5 minutes in an environment where good folks have the mindset and wherewithall to face evil squarely and resolutely. Be No gangstalkers in a week. The reality is they operate freely exactly because a machine spent decades, seems its over a century by some evidence, socially engineering hearts and minds turning us into clieless suckers who have no recollection of courage, bravery, enduring unshakable faith, and Men of The Christian West Citizen Warrior mindset.
I guess Im simply not of that catagory of American. A Deputy Sherrif looked right in my eyes, he said, you know all you folks up on this ridge are really good folks, we all know who you all are, we never have any trouble from you all. I’m gonna tell you something, it is time for you all to start taking care of things yourselves, like I told you, we know you all, we trust you, and we no longer can take care of these bad people, we arret them, bring them down to the county jail, and an hour later we drive by them walking and giving us the middle finger. It is time you all take care of this yourself. I never said a word to this Deputy before, never met him even, seen him drive by in his Crown Vic Interceptor, they still maintain them, keep a small fleet of those great Ford police sedans. Small town-small county, very rural, very frugal administration at the countt/precinct level. A county close to the size of RhodeIsland with arounf 2000 households. There’s usually 8 Deputies, couple of sub Sheriffs, one or two administrative grade Sherrifs, and the elected County Sheriff.
Gangstalkers and glowies stick out like sore thumbs in these mountains. They are unmistakable. The ones I personally got to hear talking with my own ears have northern and tidewater Virginia accent, slang and vernacular. Employed my woods skills and reconnoitered on them to get an ear on their conversations, so it was totally candid as i listened to their pavalars, most where a Captain or LT, who been around for awhiles, asking for feedback from his new charges after they had spent part of the day getting a tour of the area. It has been enlightening to say the least, the level of arrogance and very expressive contempt shared between them in their after tour debriefing. True umistakable contempt for us locals, almost racially extreme derisive comments and anecdotes. From other comments it seems these gangstalkers are running what you could call rural acclimation cells. The captains provide advice on how to blend in, what the locals are like, etc. The newbies, particularly the women, and many seem to be couples our married, are particularly hateful and condensending. Far more than their male counterparts. To say it opened my eyes is a great understatement.
So much hatfulness, its reckless hate too. No limits hate, and they seem to feed eachotger, like validate their contempt and hate for us locals. It is unmistakable. And they behave as overlords, as if its beneath them to be working here, to lower themselves, be somehow contanimated by contact with us white hillbilly trailer trash and filhty Trumpers. But tgey are also resigned to the job too. Like we just have to get thru this, do the assigned mission, and its better and bigger things after.
Attempts to share this knowledge with my community have met with blank stares and prompt change of subject, and abrupt dismissal of conversing with others.
Its truly a fucked up situation all around in every respect with all things considered.
Seems the primary objective is to survive the first large dieoff. Then get thru the shick of that stage. After that then it is when the true survivors and warriors are realized and things evolve in effective ways. This stage is the roughest because non of us have ever gone thru it. Yeah, here and their in personal tribulation, but that is the rare exception to tge rule.
My instincts after listening in on these gangstalkers is they are no different in most respects on tge individual personal level. Their glib and arrogant mindsets are revealing, they too do not have comprehensive how ugly dirty nasty bloody and brutal what they are trying to foment is. And on the rural level, the primitive land and environment level such where I live, the ones I got an ear on are wholly unprepared for rural tactical/kenetic operations. They all appear to me to be city and metro and high density suburban critters. I know this as I have lived my life in and on rural life. Born/raised to it, those folks are unprepared, they have zero comprehension of this life, that you only get thru life experience. I was able to get right up on them broad daylight close enough to hear them breath and they never knew I was there. They have no rural environment awareness. A deer and a fox has that, i have it too, they lack even an understanding it is a thing.
I hope somehow this helps somebody. Its real. I seen it with my own eyes, i seen so much it would take days to type it all down and I would forget hundreds of important small details, you can not make this shit up, least I can’t. Maybe I been lucky in a sense, beginning at least in 2008, i became a subject under coverage due to my efforts to investigate and weite about events nobody seemed to know of, totally on my own, by my druthers. Was invited as a paid citizen journalistto work at one of the first online alt-media newspapers. From that period on everything everyone see’s now daily, all happened and happened in spades to me back then. The fbi was doing its thing like presently, i was doxxed, survieled followed gangstalked, had to use a weapon to defend my wife and myself from violent terror reprisal action in our own front yard because I refused to stop writing about what I discovered, i was hacked by an IP in the old executive wing an hour and five minutes after the Malcolm X’s bastard son was installed on the usurpers tgrown of power. We came nder constant video survieliance set up in a next door property, a complaint made in three states to their respective state police claiming I was a violent extremist white nazi skinhead, and nobody outside those who first hand first person shared experience in these events believed my good honest word about what was taking place.
So hopefully, somebody can benefit from this minor missive and use it in postive ways that helps them.
This shits real. Do not doubt it for a second. It is possible something in this could help you avoid the dirt nap of ignoring history.
And thats the thing right there. History. What has happened to me, AC and others thru tome is nothing new. Hostory is circular, not totally, but it overlaps and at those junctures are the realky bad nasty shit and it kills more people than any other source of human conflict.
As they say; Believe it. You risk nothing, it costs you nothing, it may be priceless. It saves your and your loved one’s arse’s. It has mine.
Lets Win!
“They are the most evil of monothesiests (sic)”.
Except they aren’t monotheists, they are, and always have been, polytheists, all the way back to the days of Nimrod, then Noah, and further back, to the Anunaki. Their gods are the Fallen Angels, led by their master, Satan. The minions of cabal believe Satan and his minions are equal in power to God (as an aside, remember Sammy Davis jr., renowned Satanist, revealed this belief to Eddie Murphy), and that they shall defeat God at the close of the End Times. Satan and the Fallen Angels know God is the one and only true God, and they will be defeated, but they pass the false narrative to their minions on Earth as part of Satan’s revenge, the goal being to separate as many from God spiritually as possible and to kill as many humans as possible.
Every anti-God, diabolical, degenerate, anti-human action we see is part of Satan’s Revenge, as he has time on this Earth to exact his revenge before Judgment Day.
The Bible calls Satan the “prince of the air”, and he knows his days are numbered. Revelation tells us Satan will be thrown into the Abyss by the Archangel Michael, to be imprisoned for the Millennial of Christ’s reign. Satan will be released from the Abyss after the Millennium of Jesus’ reign to then be thrown into the Lake of Fire, by Michael, to be extinguished, even though he was created as a immortal being, but God’s will shall be fulfilled.
Satan and the Fallen Angels are in rebellion because God said He will raise saved, sanctified humankind above the Angels on Judgment Day.
>Q, anons, and Qanon
My understanding is Q only signed his posts as “Q” and never “Qanon”.
Anons do research and make theories.
However, “Qanon” is a conflation of the two above. It is just a general term for conspiracies by people who have read Q, which can be about anything and made by anyone, but it is also used to incorrectly refer to “Q” himself.
So the MSM takes the crazier sounding theories from anons (or probably glowies) and calls it “Qanon”, which is technically correct in a broad sense when referring to the movement itself, but misleading because it can easily be mistaken for “Q”.
So when people say “Qanon said …”, they can be referring to “Q” himself, or more likely it is from something an anon said, or even just an interpretation of something an anon said.
Lin is suggesting this obfuscation of terms was intentionally done by Cabal, and “Qanon” (which as a person does not exist) is used as a puppet by MSM to make Q and anons look crazy.
Drop 4881
There is ‘Q’. 1 There are ‘Anons’.
2 There is no ‘Qanon’.
3 Media labeling as ‘Qanon’ is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] ‘Q’ to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.
Not all ‘Anons’ are authentic [injected].
You are correct, CJ.
Retweet @ 17:17 had meaning. [mathematical probability _17:17 [day after]?]
Do you believe it was a coincidence surgical removal of You Tube accounts occurred same day as ‘Hunter’ drop?
Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.
“Trump says Biden could bring the US ‘to a point where we can’t come back.’”
We KNOW that.
We’ve been saying that all along.
When is he going to do something to actually atop it?
How many divisions does he have?
Using an estimate of 20K per division, 74M votes, figure half male. Maybe 20% of those are MAM. 3% of the MAM will actually pick up arms and fight.
222K, so roughly 11 divisions. Figure that you can count another four times that as auxiliaries and supporters (women, old men, etc), so in that million people the guns and ammo are covered. I think Trump could feed and transport them out of pocket. It’s doable.
That’s why they are terrified.
In that context, the numbers game might be even more favorable if you look at the number of deer-hunting licenses nationwide.
One million issued in Texas, 600K in Michigan, 400K in Wisconsin, etc. etc. That’s a lot of potential riflemen, many of them veterans, all of them with experience hiking, camping, etc.
Then he should stop giving false hope, as he has since the stolen election.
Trump may be referring to “extreme measures” to bring the US back from something that we wouldn’t come back from by following our laws, that I might point out, the enemy that occupies D.C. doesn’t follow.
So Trump could just be moving the Overton window preemptively. Remember, it’s not extreme to expel 25 million immigrants, or force people to learn and speak English. It’s been done before, when the U.S.A. was rising. It’s also not extreme for any nation state to banish citizens who are constantly subversive, it’s happened numerous times throughout history to all kinds of people.
I pray you are right.
But I want to know what took this long before he did it and how long before he launches the “extreme” measures.
Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi sentenced to jail
In which Miles Mathis suggests 15% of the country are paid agents
That’s not very far from talking about surveillance.
I always halve what I think it is, at least, to avoid sounding crazy – and partly because if they flooded it around me to make me say it is more powerful than it is, I don’t want to come here and tell everybody bad info I was fed. But I will say, 15% would not leave me the least surprised.
I would only be confused who exactly they would say they are pledging their loyalty to, and why. It seems so strange when the myth we are sold could exist, and be so beautiful.
Idk why we would have anything less than East Germany had.
But there has to be a point beyond which it all becomes counter productive re: cost and effectiveness, right?
But they can’t stop.
They have to keep expanding and adding new layers to protect the old layers or the whole things falls apart.
It’s like a pyramid or Ponzi scheme of power, it’s doomed to fail eventually but they think they can survive the collapse.
Good point. I keep projecting my own mindset on them.
A great Surveillance meme:

Great 4chan memes:
I don’t understand
Wow ChristCemic was a wild foray into the Christian metaphysic. Dr. Bronner’s soap labels are a mystery but man this resonated with me. I usually try to keep my gospel presentation simple but I’ve gotten into what I thought near the extremes of complexity when explaining the Christian metaphysic, particularly to high-IQ New Agers or “post-Christian” agnostic types. But man, this is next-level stuff. Not for the faint of heart! Kind of like reading a biblical Christian version of a Cylon hybrid:
“One analyst makes the case that Citadel, SIG, Simplex and a few dozen other funds have a massive problem – not only have they have not covered their short positions from January, in fact they have grown, exponentially. I am not an expert in this, but I thought some anons who are may find the information useful so I am dropping it here.”
I get the feeling that a lot of this “gamma squeeze” stuff is like HFT…a lot of misdirection.
The short interest has dropped to around 10% for GME. At one point, it was 184%. This was due to the construction of synthetic shorts, a contract between two counterparties to build a private security that tracks the underlying stock. This happens when a hedge fund cannot borrow enough shares from the exchange to construct a short because there are not enough shares to borrow. If Melvin Capital wants to short $7 billion, but there not $7 billion worth of shares to borrow against, then they can’t do it, at least not through the market.
Enter Citadel. Citadel can construct a short contract for Melvin by “lending” them $7 billion and then tracking what is owed by GME’s movement. If GME falls, then Melvin only has to pay back what the current value of the loan is and it can keep the difference. Meanwhile, Citadel gets to charge interest that is much higher then what the exchange gets and Melvin can execute a strategy.
The thing is, because this transaction does not take place on the exchange, the terms are enforced by the two parties. Melvin is only in trouble if Citadel forces it to settle the contract in cash. Likewise for Citadel. Moreover, Citadel is not harmed by the gamma squeeze because they are on the opposite end of the trade.
Massive gamma squeeze losses look bad, but, if they are concentrated off-exchange in a synthetic shorts, then it really isn’t an issue, more so if the counterparties are friendly and will nullify the terms. The only loss is an opportunity cost of capital for the firms, but, they look massive because they have to be reported and treated like any other transaction.
All of this talk about the gamma squeeze is designed to hide how these funds really make money: gunning the stops.
Gunning the stops is a technique that was used in open-pit trading. The traders would pay the market maker to tell them where the stops are. The traders then move the market to the stop order. Stop orders become market orders when the price hits them. If you know where the stops are, then you can trigger a collapse or a price spike and make a fortune.
This was such a problem that traders like Paul Tudor Jones would never enter their stops in the exchange. This is also why the open-pits became computerized: the stops were hidden by the machine.
To get around this problem, hedge funds like Citadel opened separate companies like Citadel Securities, whose job it is to simply execute orders on behalf of clients. Because they order-execute or “clear,” they know every order and their type. If they are large enough, they become market makers (Citadel Securities clears TD Ameritrade.) What do market makers know? They know the stops. Which means, Citadel’s hedge funds know the stops. If they can’t move the markets on their own, they will work with other firms to move the markets.
If you look at Citadel’s 13F, then you will see their long positions are hugely invested in option contract straddles on the underlying security. You buy equal amounts of puts and calls that are at-the-money, then gun the stops, and watch those option contracts explode in value. Wash, rinse and repeat.
Basically, Citadel has a license to print money.
Oh, and it gets better. Notice that most hedge funds trail the market. The market may return 35% and Citadel will get 25%. How is this explained? All excess profits are “burned” laundered through the quant traders. So, if you make 100%, then you pick some number that trails the market, declare that your return, and burn the rest of the money through your trading operation. The transactions will then hide your larger, illicit trades.
Citadel can just print riskless returns whenever it wants.
But…Cabal wants a bigger cut of these returns so it engineered a short squeeze to basically negate completely Citadel’s money-printing operation. That is why Griffin so rapidly aging and under so much stress. Anything from losing his business to ending up in jail is on the table.
Now you understand Woodrow Wilson’s quote.
Truly excellent post.
I’m still working through this: how Cabal views “money” and what they are doing with it.
Right now I am thinking they don’t think much, if anything of it. They have an “it’s just a means of exchange bro and you morons worship it.” Their goal seems to be more denying it to everyone else, everyone outside the Cabal. They don’t lend at interest to other Cabal members.
They seem more about inter-personal relationships and projects with money just a tool.
I’m a Christian but not a fan at all of the Old Testament so it doesn’t surprise me that they follow the injunction to lend at interest only to outsiders.
Hardly anyone else agrees with me, maybe Jeff Snider at Alhambra, but I think the main economic issue facing the world is a “shortage of USD”. I know that sounds insane but I believe it. USDs are just sitting in the vaults of Int’l Finance or the stock market (functionally same same). They are denying USDs to the ppl who want to make things and move them around. The global economy is choking out from lack of oxygen. Which is what they want.
Their goal has always been to steal EVERYTHING.
They can’t help themselves, it’s an evil spirit that posses them.
It doesn’t matter that everything will collapse and be worthless if they succeed, they must steal more and more until there is nothing left to steal.
They have convinced themselves that if they import (or offshore to) slaves and replace us with robots they won’t need us and can finally have everything without sharing but it is impossible.
Once they are rid of us they will proceed to steal from eachother and try to eliminate eachother and everything will collapse.
That is already beginning to happen and they haven’t even stolen everything and eliminated us yet.
Chapter 34
And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
2 Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD unto the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks?
3 Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed: but ye feed not the flock.
4 The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost; but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them.
5 And they were scattered, because there is no shepherd: and they became meat to all the beasts of the field, when they were scattered.
6 My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, my flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth, and none did search or seek after them.
7 Therefore, ye shepherds, hear the word of the LORD;
8 As I live, saith the Lord GOD, surely because my flock became a prey, and my flock became meat to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, neither did my shepherds search for my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock;
9 Therefore, O ye shepherds, hear the word of the LORD;
10 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more; for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them.
11 For thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out.
12 As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.
13 And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and feed them upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the inhabited places of the country.
14 I will feed them in a good pasture, and upon the high mountains of Israel shall their fold be: there shall they lie in a good fold, and in a fat pasture shall they feed upon the mountains of Israel.
15 I will feed my flock, and I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord GOD.
16 I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick: but I will destroy the fat and the strong; I will feed them with judgment.
17 And as for you, O my flock, thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I judge between cattle and cattle, between the rams and the he goats.
18 Seemeth it a small thing unto you to have eaten up the good pasture, but ye must tread down with your feet the residue of your pastures? and to have drunk of the deep waters, but ye must foul the residue with your feet?
19 And as for my flock, they eat that which ye have trodden with your feet; and they drink that which ye have fouled with your feet.
20 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD unto them; Behold, I, even I, will judge between the fat cattle and between the lean cattle.
21 Because ye have thrust with side and with shoulder, and pushed all the diseased with your horns, till ye have scattered them abroad;
22 Therefore will I save my flock, and they shall no more be a prey; and I will judge between cattle and cattle.
I think you are right about Cabal turning on itself after a point. And there’s perfect correlation btwn wealth distribution and world wars/ global conflict/ collapse. The powerful eventually deprive the kulaks of so much that the only valuable targets left are other Cabal factions.
My point is probably without a difference but I was trying to point out that Cabal seems oriented toward deprivation rather than accumulation. They want to rule a debased populace. US Cabal could have had complete global hegemony by 1970 if they had kept the US kulaks rich and breeding NCOs.
They desire maximal differential btwn them and the other. Economically and in every way. They’d rather be poorer but have a greater relative advantage over the kulaks than be 100 times wealthier and have a less relatively rich relationship to the kulaks.
I am speaking of the elite of the Cabal. The top of Cabal’s own pyramid.
I agree 100%.
It’s about relative power and hate.
In his latest paper Mathis makes the point that they were much safer at the top when they had more relative power over the lower levels of cabal and less over the ordinary middle class than now, but they hate us too much and desire to feel god like power over us so they endangered themselves to internal power struggles by weakening us and strengthening their lower levels.
I read a book a while back. I can’t remember the title, but Vox Day recommended it. It talked about some of the factors in cycles of history. One that stood out to me was the balance of numbers of the elite versus positions for them all. Eventually, they reach a point where not all of them can get choice positions, then some of them turn on others. I don’t know how that plays with Cabal, versus more run of the mill elites, I’m sure it’s a factor.
I’ve been trying to resolve issues of competence. It seems like the modern Cabal and lackies are so totally incompetent, they fail at almost everything. Back 100 years ago, it seemed like they were more patient and slightly more competent, but maybe without an Internet people couldn’t see them fuck up in real time so they were perceived as smarter and more capable than the general population.
What Cabal pursues above all else is status.