Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.
Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Biden Administration Created A National Security Risk By Draining SPR – Expert
DFT – Gold Reaches Record High
DFT – UK Inflation Continues To Be Exacerbated By Greedflation
DFT – US Continues To Dominate Global Weapons Sales
DFT – Russian Exporters Move To Sell Foreign Currency Holdings
There were a few changes here. I will be experimenting with themes, but I will need input when I do, so if the site looks like crap to you at some point, please let me know.
On the bright side, I’m pleased to say I believe all posts and comments were restored, outside of the Gilgo Beach piece which I need to grab out of a backup still and stick in here. The surveillance page now has all the surveillance detection courses, which looking back are just masterful. We should be more secure going forward, but time will tell.
Regardless, I have more backups than anyone will ever need, so there is no danger to the content here.
And thank you to whoever was zapping me back a few weeks ago. You were the kick in the ass I needed, and had you not been hitting me, I would have slept through many a night, rather than get up and do the work needed to get this back in order.
Wait until you see the merch shop, and all the other stuff I will have going because of you! So thank you. Even trying to serve satan, the Lord used you for good.
House explosion rocks Virginia neighborhood as police try to serve search warrant. Story sounds bogus, as they claim Police got a call about shots fired, and had a warrant for the house which blew up in hand, when they showed up for the call, to investigate it. They determined it was a flare gun which was fired, they tried to enter to serve the warrant, and the guy inside fired the flare gun which blew up the house hard enough to be felt for miles, and they do not know if the guy inside is alive or dead yet. But nobody else was injured.
Unconfirmed – Reportedly the guy was in the Youtube comments of a video on it posting, says he is under hostile surveillance, they are lying about everything and he was not even home, but this was them trying to kill him. He claims he worked NatSec in computer security, and was made aware all tech was backdoored, in part to give access to all of our devices to “Israel,” and the government is trying to kill him before he reveals it to everyone. Video somebody shot of the comments follows the stills, and it is wild:
Glowies showed up, so you know he was legit, LOL.:
I can vouch, this guy knows…
Update – his youtube channel is here, filled with legal filings.
WaPo OpEd asks if anyone is prepared to kill President Trump to save them from his Presidency:
Let’s stop the wishful thinking and face the stark reality: There is a clear path to dictatorship in the United States, and it is getting shorter every day. In 13 weeks, Donald Trump will have locked up the Republican nomination. In the RealClearPolitics poll average (for the period from Nov. 9 to 20), Trump leads his nearest competitor by 47 points and leads the rest of the field combined by 27 points. The idea that he is unelectable in the general election is nonsense — he is tied or ahead of President Biden in all the latest polls…
… Are we going to do anything about it? To shift metaphors, if we thought there was a 50 percent chance of an asteroid crashing into North America a year from now, would we be content to hope that it wouldn’t? Or would we be taking every conceivable measure to try to stop it, including many things that might not work but that, given the magnitude of the crisis, must be tried anyway?
Will those who balked at resisting Trump when the risk was merely political oblivion suddenly discover their courage when the cost might be the ruin of oneself and one’s family?
Why would a mere President Trump be a risk to this guy’s life, and the life of his family? It might mean if we can just get Trump in, we will no longer find ourselves being chased through grocery stores.
NY lawmaker claims “smoking gun” in NYC migrant voter fraud scheme:
“On page 50 of this contract, there is an entire section dedicated to voter registration,” said Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) on Sunday, after she and four other Staten Island Republicans claimed a city contract with a nonprofit hired to run a Staten Island shelter includes a stipulation that voter registration forms are to be distributed among asylum seekers.
“We believe this is the smoking gun that proves what we’ve been saying all along — that the city intends to register non-citizens to vote.”
Gingrich: Voting against Biden Impeachment will ‘guarantee’ primary challenge for GOP moderates. From the piece:
“When asked for his reaction to Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) saying he has the necessary votes, Gingrich said, “If you’re a Democrat, you have to ask yourself, do you want to vote against learning what happened with Chinese money, Russian money, Kazakhstan money, Romanian money, Ukraine money. And do you really want to go home saying yes I defending Joe Biden’s right to be a crook?””
Conservative actor reportedly arrested by FBI for charges related to J6 (Siaka Massaquoi, from the movie “Lady Ballers”). Notice, they could have arrested this guy at any time over the past two years. But Ben Shapiro releases some kind of comedy movie, which looks absolutely awful and painfully unfunny in the clip I saw, about some tranny men playing sports, he needs some publicity, and FBI just happens to roll up the actor in it at just the right moment, in a big public display at an airport, to create a controversy. I suspect this is like Shapiro getting spammed to everyone on Facebook, to drive up traffic at his site. Only now it is not Facebook giving him free PR, it is the official FBI being deployed to generate a news story and controversy everywhere in conservative news sites, in the hopes it will rescue this bomb, which has the potential to sink Shapiro’s fledgling movie empire (which is really Cabal’s operation he is just fronting for).
Unknown is whether the actor thought he had hit it big and his stars had aligned, and Shapiro’s op burned him for the publicity, or if he knew of the plan. Sometimes I wonder if our kind could go down to FBI headquarters, do just about anything which would get anybody arrested in the narrative, and some supervisor would come out, say something quietly to the agents, out of our earshot, and they would just throw us out the front door, bar it behind us, and shake their heads at each other inside as they went back to work doing whatever they do, false flags, scheming against Trump, MK Ultra shooters, etc.
I actually think they would not arrest one of our kind, just to deny us publicity. I increasingly wonder if these are even government agencies, or if most of it is just teams of Cabal theater kids making it look like US tax dollars are being spent on something, while Strzok and McCabe’s type use the real intel machine for controlling everything. Regardless, I am pretty certain this guy was only arrested because the machine wanted to promote Shapiro’s comedy, before it just bombs massively.
Elon Musk Tweets about Shapiro’s actor getting arrested, saying it went too far. This guy actually entered the Capitol illegally, when everyone knew it was against the law. But Elon tweets for him, and not for Doug Mackey, who was arrested and imprisoned for a harmless tweet on his platform?
U.K’s most senior oncologist/immunologist tells cancer specialists that boosters are accelerating cancer! It is not surprising. Cancer will be found to have an auto-immune component, with the body producing auto-stimulatory auto-antibodies which bind receptors and change how the cell proliferates, in much the way a growth hormone might, or an antagonist to a growth-suppressing receptor might. To the extent the vaccines should, theoretically immunize you to cell surface receptors by presenting antigen on the cell surface, they will likely, in a number of cases, produce such antibodies, and accelerate cancer rates.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton: Pfizer Covid “vaccine” ‘less than 1% effective.’
Supreme Court Justices weigh bid to strip opioid magnates of legal immunity.
A newly conducted review of 17 studies performed by researchers at the University of Queensland, Australia, shows that owning a pet cat could potentially double a person’s risk of schizophrenia. Claims T. gondii could do that, though the 17 is puzzling.
23andMe admits major data breach as hackers access ancestry information of millions.
Several gold bars discovered by federal agents in Democratic New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez’s residence as part of a high-profile bribery investigation can be traced to a violent robbery a decade ago. Article is not entirely clear, but it looks like one of the Egyptians Menendez was doing stuff for got robbed, and may have claimed the gold bars were taken too, maybe for insurance. Now they turned up with Menendez, so the guy may have tagged them onto the robbery for insurance, and then given them to Menendez, figuring it would be best if he did not continue to have them, or transfer them officially to anyone. LOL. Worked out well…
Orlando venue pays $5K fine after letting children into ‘explicit’ Christmas drag show.
Senate Democrats demand Amnesty in return for tightening asylum laws and border security.
Pentagon joins US House – Blocks access to The Gateway Pundit website.
NY Post – Doomsday “prepping” is seeping into the mainstream as Americans of all ages and political persuasions are becoming increasingly worried ahead of the 2024 presidential election about the prospect of a civil war. Wait until everyone is looking at their neighbors, trying to peg who is the surveillance reporting on them to Cabal, and taking their kid down in school for threatening to be too successful.
Hamas may have reaped financial windfall betting against Israeli stocks ahead of Oct. 7 attack: report. Except there is no evidence it was Hamas. These are unidentified traders, with one making a $900 million profit off one bet on Israeli banks which was perfectly timed. They are saying it must be Hamas, as no Israeli could have known. But we had the same thing going on, on September 11th with bets on airlines and other entities. None of those boundaries exists in the minds of Cabal. And this investigation will go nowhere.
Israeli security minister: We are approving ‘up to 3,000’ gun license applications a day.
In recording, Shin Bet chief vows to kill Hamas chiefs ‘in Lebanon, Turkey, Qatar.’ If the Hamas chiefs are actually Cabal, their killing will be like Jeffrey Epstein’s and they will begin life anew somewhere else, probably in incredible comfort and pleasure, someday tipping a drink with Netanyahu and Epstein.
The Biden Regime’s Epic Betrayal of Israel – Biden and his henchmen move to mollify their far-Left base. Since we work with a probability matrix, and try to see all possible mechanisms which could lead to the present situation, it is worth noting if a Q/counter-conspiracy were in control, and everything we were seeing was its movie script, and Netanyahu were on the Q side, then in America he has managed with this script, to piss off all Muslims who have vowed to vote for Trump, and piss off all Jews, who are now committed to taking down Biden. Not sure how they did that, or if they did that, but it is what the news is claiming happened, so it is the script. While we would not ever want to see some harmless 20 year old hippie girls killed in pursuit of such goals, all this is being done by intel, who theoretically would be perfectly fine with such a thing, and there may not even have been any girls. Just to add it to the matrix.
Israel is preparing to flood the Hamas tunnel network in Gaza – report.
Hungary’s Orban demands Ukraine’s EU membership be taken off the agenda at a bloc summit.
Ukraine requests U.S. give it 17 million shells, $400 billion for “deoccupation of Ukraine.”
Remington closes up shop in NY after 200 years, heads for more welcoming red state.
“But Elon tweets for him, and not for Doug Mackey, who was arrested and imprisoned for a harmless tweet on his platform?”
I thought he did tweet about Mackey recently.
Are “The others” Nephilim living underground?
Finding Agartha: The Search for the Hidden City in the Center of the Earth
Gateway Pundit is reporting that it was indeed James Yoo’s house.
I can confirm one part of the story. A coworker lives about four miles away and felt the blast at her house…not knowing at the time what it was. Story locally there, goes that he was shooting flares AT the neighbors prior to the cops arriving/subsequent explosion. Presumably the narrative is all lies, but there 100% was an explosion.
So I guy I follow on IG, former police, Swat, crimes against children and now apparently former fire investigator (he gets around apparently, but he has good information in personal security & protecting children from predators) says it looked like a natural gas explosion. Wonder if Domestic Surveillance went in to go rig his house to explode 🤔
> 23andMe admits major data breach as hackers access ancestry information of millions.
“There’s nothing to worry about. It’s just silly to think your DNA profile could ever be used against you.”
All DNA is pretty well mapped out at this point, especially Jewish, Arab and Chinese.
Unless you are an alien, Eskimo, homo erectus or Andaman Islander your DNA is known.
So who is using it against individuals? Or is it used against groups, conservative white women in red areas? Or to direct chemtrails across certain social demographic neighborhoods?
Medical insurance companies love DNA data. They use it to justify raising your insurance rates.
> Remington closes up shop in NY after 200 years, heads for more welcoming red state.
This time they’d better get involved in local politics to ensure they don’t get New Yorked again.
> Immigrants who come to work and live in Russia must comply with its laws and respect its customs and traditions, including learning the language, President Vladimir Putin said on Monday.
President Theodore Roosevelt said exactly the same thing a century ago.
Maybe Russia will be able to enforce that longer, given the US as an example of how that didn’t work.
WW1 and 2 made it partly unenforceable. As fun as it might have as it might have been to put the Irish and Italians back on the boat and send them away, they were much more valuable as meat shields and sweatshop wage cattle. And they also weren’t black, jokes aside. Many lonely older men also had young mistresses from the isle. That’s how the Kennedy’s got so powerful, they were pimps to the Boston Brahmin families and collected info on them. Later, JFK’s father traded that info in for an ambassadorship to the UK. And that’s why spaghetti and St. Patty’s day are ‘American’.
>Israeli security minister: We are approving ‘up to 3,000’ gun license applications a day.
No matter how desperate the circumstances, the bureaucracy must insert itself into the problem.
The legions of Rome should have been able to deal with the Visigoths without any problem. That the Visigoths walked right over them and set up their own king in Rome is a puzzle to most historians.
I’d bet my last denarius it was because the Senate was deadlocked on who was getting what pork from the defense appropriations, and they were still making deals and backstabbing each other when Alaric and his homies rolled into town.
There were ‘Romans’ who would just let ‘Goths’ in. While patriotic Romans were sidelined or sent to the East, Gothic leadership (undoubtedly cabal) were given comfy abodes inside the Empire. Non-cabal Goths were used as meat shields. Roman leadership (also Cabal) then intermarried with the Gothic leadership. Over the following centuries families that wouldn’t intermarry or lost power were cast down into the lower classes. Most people in the west are descended from isolated patriotic Roman or tribal lineages, or from former lower Cabal families that wouldn’t become completely depraved. As the numbers of these peoples grew during industrialization, cabal had to even the score out and keep the anti-cabal groups ignorant and prevent their coalescing into a cogent force. The world wars and mass immigration are the tools to accomplish this. The EU is also a controlling organization for Cabal, as it facilitates immigration. And if the chains are broken and Cabal is on the run, watch out, as they are likely to start a nuclear war or release a real bioweapon to finish culling the anti-cabal lineages.
On the lighter side of things, the ancient Romans were actually like this. From the Life of Brian.
> U.K’s most senior oncologist/immunologist tells cancer specialists that boosters are accelerating cancer!
“Failure to maintain the Narrative. Deplatforming in 3…2…1…”
Though since it’s Britain, he might get arrested as well.
Indeed. Many have already fallen.
> Senate Democrats demand Amnesty in return for tightening asylum laws and border security.
The fact that the Republicans also wholeheartedly backed uncontrolled immigration for the last 60-odd years being overlooked, with the partial exception of the Trump Administration. Trump tried to put a stop to it, but the majority of the bureaucracy either ignored orders or worked against them.
“Wait until everyone is looking at their neighbors, trying to peg who is the surveillance reporting on them to Cabal, and taking their kid down in school for threatening to be too successful.”
One tip for figuring this out is to locate which houses in your neighborhood have disabled public servants. Firefighters, cops, etc. These guys will spend decades on disability while staying home all day getting paid. Who else has the time and money to be home that much? Outposts are likely manned 24/7 so they’re likely candidates. Watch their children too. A lot of them grow up and pull the same scam.
I had a guy at one of my jobs who was scamming disability from the Navy.
He was the worst person there and was constantly scheming to arrogate authority and persecute other employees, I’m now sure he went home and was spying on his neighbors.
Watch for falsely “disabled” veterans too.
None of this should be taken as casting aspersion on the real guys who did get severely injured as military or first responders, the fakers are a living insult to the real ones.
I agree that the one’s truly injured should get a pass but most of them are working on their properties, going to the gym, etc. Still proudly driving around with their “support your local X” stickers on their vehicles.
I never hesitate to call them out on their bullshit either.
“How are you on disability when you’re able to do X?”
Oh how they hate that. Don’t care, I’m going to give them shit every time.
I have one neighbor that is in his 80s and has been “injured” and collecting a check for over 50 years. His son is now milking it (firefighter like his old man) and he hasn’t worked in almost a decade.
Yeah, the guy where I worked was doing one of the most physically demanding jobs while on “disability”.
Ham Radio operators. They have massive antenna on their homes and no one thinks much of it. Back in the era when cellular phones were analog, a lot of ham radio operators were listening in on cellular calls for cabal.
Your site looks great! At first the fonts were huge, but you got all that calmed down.
Keep up the great work!
It’s holiday season and now have a tradition to read the Narcissist book followed by the r/K book. Everyone needs to read these books and refresh themselves of the material from time to time.
I have now switched to the maintenance phase of the deworming/anti fungal protocol:
Maintenance Protocol:
600mg NAC
500mg Slo Niacin (nicotinic acid)
100mg Pterostilbene
250mg Pomegranate Extract (min. 40% EA)
Black Seed Oil (1 teaspoon)
500mg Slo Niacin
100mg Pterostilbene
250mg Pomegranate Extract
Black Seed Oil (1 teaspoon)
Day 2 of it after four weeks of stage 1. Starting shitting nasty gunk out again. Noticed I have had a bit of a sore throat the past two days also. Brain fog is improving. Feeling better rested when I wake up.
Have also not noticed any surveillance screwery despite deliberately spreading and posting wrongthink to provoke them. Didn’t seem to make a difference whether I had my air purifier fan on or off.
Their resources are declining. And likely the Israel Gaza conflict diverted a lot of resources too.
Also I like the new comment box when posting from phone. Bigger, easier to see what I’m typing.
He did a podcast with Michael Cohen, who is one of the state’s key witnesses. Just that is enough to give the appearance of impropriety necessary for recusal.
Long overdue. I was wondering why they hadn’t flooded them with a heavier-than-air gas, but I figured that they simply didn’t have the volume of any particular chemical to do it with.
Maybe they didn’t want to get rid of the tunnels they directed be built.
So, you love you some genocide, eh? How sweet.
Flooding the tunnels is a way to attack the terrorists (yes they are terrorists) and not the civilians. (most of whom support and aid the terrorists, neither side is “good” over there)
Not flooding the tunnels so far has extended the bombing of the population and the destruction of the above ground infrastructure.
Because I reach a logical conclusion I love it?
Fuck you.
“So thank you. Even trying to serve satan, the Lord used you for good.”
Too funny! Effective use of the two-option Narcissist Shutdown method of presenting only 2 options and making the narcissist choose.
I’m hearing “Either (1) you are dumb enough to not see how wrong you are; or (2) you overestimated your abilities, and achieved the opposite of the effect you were so certain you would inflict.”
I’ve had no time, and days have passed, so I’m commenting here so Wooderson and others won’t miss it.
Wooderson, know that you are loved and appreciated here, and we’re all rooting for and praying for you. I personally pray for you frequently. I have no idea who you are IRL, but I feel a special kinship with you and please know that you have directly helped and improved my life tremendously.
This is a season of sadness, fear and discomfort for you, but know this will pass. God is watching out for you, and He has His reasons for your difficulties. I would respectfully encourage you to attend church if that is your wish. I understand your hesitance due to the possibility of bringing evil from your ex down on them. However, do not let anyone separate or distance you from God. He will take care of all the rest.
That said, I am the one who asked about Wooderson and the change in writing style/syntax/thoughts/etc. There are three regular commenters that when they post, I pay extremely close attention as I greatly respect and have personally benefited from their thoughts. Wooderson, Phelps and Sam (minus his electric car rants). Over the years, I believe I’ve developed a feel/recognition for their “voice” given the extra attention and consideration I give their posts.
If Phelps or Sam’s posts started appearing different on my screen, I would have asked about them. I did have heightened concern (yeah yeah, concern troll, blah, blah – stuff it) due to Wooderson’s extremely toxic ex and her finally breaking away from him recently.
I already know I’m experiencing a curated internet. I’m the person who posted about sitting around the kitchen table with Cabal hubby and my home health aide and between 5 different electronic devices owned between the 3 of us, we could not force the devices to find each other on social media. It was impossible. We were utterly blocked from seeing that the other persons existed.
I’ve also seen personal curation in news articles. I’ve had freaky shenanigans in email. I was wondering if it extended to something as bizarre as imposter posts in comment sections. So I asked about Wooderson (how it manifests to me personally) or if anyone else has noticed any of their favorites sounding radically different in their comments. Has anyone else seen anything like this?
Wooderson, your husband destroying all equity in your shared house/assets is textbook Cluster B. They just do NOT have human brains. Ann Barnhardt nailed it saying the Cluster Bs can only experience the demon palette of emotions – hate, envy, fear, rage.
They are incapable of love, even for themselves. The best they can manage is spiteful satisfaction. This, THIS is why your ex-husband behaved the way he did. He simply doesn’t care about money or his personal well-being. It was most important to him to damage you and thus achieve his spiteful satisfaction.
They are wicked, wicked creatures. I’m convinced Cabal hubby and the rest are Nephilim. It is the only explanation for the severe, pervasive, unrelenting evil un-tempered by anything good, beautiful or true. You, AC (with Bob) and me have all experienced the mask slipping and the emergence of whatever these “entities” are. You are not wrong nor crazy for what you experienced during that conversation with your ex-husband.
If it makes you feel any better, I too have experienced unwarranted, unprovoked, severely negative reactions from an odd number of people. AC talks about studying his face in the mirror as a kid to see if he was funny looking to explain the odd laughter he elicited from cabal. Much like this, I have deeply analyzed my interactions with others to try to explain the out-of-the-gate negative reactions. Like you I am pleasant, friendly and helpful, I smile and am happy in demeanor, I am genuinely interested in others. I speak well and clearly, I am highly conscious of social etiquette and norms. I dress in quality middle class wear, am clean/not smelly, I attend to all personal hygiene, and am not offensive in looks. I have found nothing. Nothing to even remotely explain this treatment except for them being Team Evil/Cabal.
Wooderson, it is not you. IT. IS. NOT. YOU. There is zero wrong with you. It is a badge of honour for you. It is proof you are NOT Team Evil/Cabal. At least allow that to comfort you some. Your ex belonged to their side, and you didn’t stand a chance. There was zero you could have done to change the situation or the outcome. It had literally NOTHING to do with you personally other than your being grouped into their category of target.
I will continue to pray for you Wooderson. I have some idea how you feel and the horrors you went through. I’m gearing up another attempt to remove Cabal hubby from my life. I fully expect he will be a clone to your husband in the detaching process.
It is funny how we are all living like the same lives, with the same experiences, all alongside each other. It is how similar we are, how we are, “our kind.”
I think we are going to need somebody who has walked the path Wooderson wants to walk and knows, to look at where she is, and tell her to do “X” to get going right now. She has to move, but I can say with knowledge, what she has just been through was so draining, that now that it is over, she wants to collapse and hibernate for a bit to recover.
Basically we need one step to advance her position measurably now, and start the new path.
The first time I clicked ‘Reply’ it wanted me to log in to a WordPress account. The second time worked OK.
Anyway, I have had similar experiences, where total strangers will bristle at the sight of me. I look in the mirror and I see a fairly ordinary schmuck. Whatever they see set them off big time. I’ve described it as “feeling like Mr. T walking into a Klan meeting.”
You could have just *asked* Wooderson if she was okay, instead of saying she wasn’t Wooderson, and low key unpersoning her.
Based on her subsequent posts, it would appear she experienced that as *distressing*.
Now you’re “rah rah Wooderson”, after you tried to get others to believe she *wasn’t* Wooderson, making appeals to authority, and claiming you’re her sociological life twin…like that makes it all okay.
High level strangeness.
It could just be paranoia. When you are a target, and really targeted, your head gets really fucked up. I have an old family friend. And I mean old, going back to when I was a baby and before with the rest of my family. She was like a sort of hippie, super-pacifist, ultra-peace-loving, would not hurt a fly type, her husband too, always jokey and harmless. I mean even her voice was like a little girl’s (which can mean early sexual assault, but it also just adds to the perception of harmlessness). I would have rated her the most harmless person I knew.
I found out now that like twenty years ago a family member saw them wander off into their house at a gathering, and they went to see where they were going, and they were snapping pictures all around inside the house on the sly. When they got caught, their explanation was, the inside of the house was so pretty, they wanted to get a picture, and, well, who knew back then.
Then all sorts of other weird stuff floods back in my dealings with her, and you realize this person, who was like one of the closest, most trusted family friends, who you would have trusted completely for decades, who seemed completely unable to act against anyone in any way, must have heard I was weirdly sick, and known it was their command, and still whenever we would meet they were pumping me for information, and serving this thing which was fucking me all up. And acting like they just loved me so much. As I am thinking they are totally harmless, and inside they must have just been a shark, but you never had a clue. Couldn’t imagine it.
Pretty soon you begin to see evidence all the congress people are wearing latex masks and have earpieces in so they can repeat what they are told in real time, and it just makes sense. I mean if you knew the weird alternate realities I have built in my head as potentials in the probability matrix around this site you would think I was just lost mentally.
And you can’t communicate it to people, really. Nobody could have told me stuff, and gotten me thinking like this. But you live it, and you just change like this.
If they were regular, then being that hypervigilant to tone and jumping to the worst possible conclusion, and just spouting it out would be questionable. But if they are really targeted, that could just be their day to day with everyone, because very probably every single person who has weaseled their way into their social circle was fake, and that is just normal to them. It would be weird if Wooderson wasn’t multiple people pretending to be Wooderson, or she hadn’t been kidnapped and replaced, or if the machine wasn’t serving them two different sites. I mean, they said it to me, and my first thought is, “Cocksuckers, they are serving all the readers different AI commenters to keep them apart, and he is getting the fake Wooderson.”
We are all getting bent up because this thing won’t let us just all deal with each other honestly. It has to fuck things up, and it has a lot of resources, and weirdos who want to do just that.
This will be short. I am not upset that Anonymous asked if I was okay, or myself. When I am very distressed I have problems speaking clearly. I, myself, checked what I had posted because I was worried what I was typing was scrambled. It’s an unfortunate effect of the damage I’ve sustained. It has affected things like career choices,.
Anonymous was right, anyway. I try to write clearly. I had posted several things without the starting premise: 1. responding to the young actress’s interview and 2. responding to a post from Vox Popoli, which, quite obviously, is not AC.
Then I was getting worse as the day went on. No downtime can do that. Not knowing or facing or solving issues can do that. So, after seeing how bad I’d gotten- adverbs, all caps and janky clauses, I started fixing things, starting with all the suggestions. I may have a job interview next week for a job that pays decent wages. I have to pass some tests.
I care very deeply when Anonymous writes to me, and I hope she knows that I care for her, and pray for her,too. She lives in a prison of hurt in her house. It’s not one with an obvious open door. It’s good to know that a person is not alone, and not desolated or viewed with hatred and contempt by at least one other person in the world. Respect, love and gentleness are all that I wish upon her.
It is a rough world, and it leaves marks. Doesn’t change who you are inside.
Best of luck on the job interview. You are smart and thoughtful, it is not common these days, and they will be lucky to have you. Hopefully the interviewer is smart enough to make good decisions.
I’m glad you are okay.
Thanks for writing this. It was very helpful.
Did you catch this witness to the house explosion? He certainly seems chipper.
Maybe he’s in line for some kind of bonus…
Don’t Police try to clear an area of people before driving the APC into the house?
Usually a minimum one-block perimeter for a barricaded subject.
Did one of those Jonah Hill in Moneyball “YES” fists three times when I saw the dawn of AC Surveillance Memes, and the reference to Streisand Effect publicity, and the allusion to toxoplasma. About the toxoplasma, the causality may sometimes be reversed, i.e., maybe those with toxoplasma-colonized brains have an urge to buy cats. (Also, #NotAllToxoplasma, necessarily…many of our best and bravest must have been loaded with risk-tolerant or even risk-aroused toxoplasma, too.) About the obvious Shapiro stooge thing, it immediately brought to mind the improbablish scenario you later made about Netanyahu, that he is a pawn in an ANTI-Cabal kayfabe which might have already captured the Cabal subsystem wearing our institutions as a skinsuit, as they say, so, like, the Team Q anti-Cabal non-psychotically-evil whitehat theater kids would be wearing Cabal’s skinsuit like a skinsuit. Very meta. Turns out postmodernism had some electrifyingly good practical ideas for toppling the monster elite, after all, it wasn’t all just lit crit geeks navel-gazing or anus-gazing or whatever. Reminds me of Infinite Jest, the thing about cancer being cured by figuring out a way to give cancer itself cancer. Anyway, I don’t wanna get prematurely Pollyanna about it and jinx anything that might still need some opacity to finish the job, but…imagine that. Imagine if Team Q had already stealth-repaired our timeline and stealth-repaired such festering rotten supervillains as the FBI and Ben Fucking Shapiro, lol. It’d be like a cross between the part in Hot Tub Time Machine when the ski patrol villains transform into heroes to save Crispin Glover plus, like, 10 or 15 of the weirdest/silliest sci-fi and spy thriller narratives ever conceived. But if that were improbably true, then so, what the fuck is happening in Europe, with no jail for 8 out 9 child rapists and with foreign orderlies neglecting the elderly to death? Well…I dunno. Maybe the EU has a firewall of some kind of keep out Q? Maybe the EU is just as irredeemably EEEEEEVIL as Kratman thinks? (Cue his Ode to Joy, lol.) Or…maybe that’s all a kayfabe narrative now, too. Hmmm. Maybe all 9 are going to prison, secretly (if Q can pretend to kill prisoners, Q could theoretically also pretend to release them, yes?) and maybe that 91-year-old died from an ordinary disease and Q planted that totally-fucking-might-as-well-be accusation, to make a point, because the kayfabe would be not just a cloak for hardcore planning but simultaneously DIDACTIC, teaching people a lesson…in the future, by showing them, because most people are simply too fucking dense to be taught one single damned thing. Jist as we already were told. By Q. The 17 comms are getting ridiculous now, too, no? What logistical war gaming analysis could ever produce a number like 17 million shells? Somebody ask Kratman that. Not 16 million, not 18 million, not 15.5 million, not an even 20 just to be safe, but 17…which, okay, feigning precision is a classic scammer tactic, but SEVENTEEN, then? That’s what the scamming accounting executives decided on, in this era of QAnon? What, are we supposed to think they’re STAR TREK fans, these accounting nerds? Possibly. But then again, I just read the fan wiki about that character and WOWWWWW, hahaha, that is pretty much exactly what I would expect our Q to literally be, more or less. What are the odds.
Q from qanon fame took his pseudonym from Q level clearance in the department of energy (nuclear weapons clearance.) we
Break up into Paragraphs after you finish writing before posting.
“All tech was backdoored to give access to Israel”…Where have we heard that before?
The MEGA Group is a real thing.
A few days ago Vox Day posted about an interview Delingpole conducted with an ex Mother of Darkness. I coughed up the bucks, subscribed and listened to the entire 2+ hours.
I realized I’d previously heard this woman interviewed years ago. In the Delingpole interview she fleshes out and expands upon what she’d said in the prior interview. She tied up glaring loose ends. In addition, she connected a surprising number of random facts/oddities I’ve noted over the years.
***Crazy Alert***
I’ve thought for a while now our food supply is not only poisoned/tainted for the obvious reasons (greed, to enfeeble us as foes, etc), but also for spiritual reasons (attempt to curse us, distance us from God, etc.)
In the Bible, God is oddly specific about what we can and cannot eat. He is explicitly specific we are not to consume blood and especially not human meat. It is an abomination. Jesus brought a new covenant (and our salvation!), but Jesus also explicitly stated that we must follow God’s laws. I personally don’t see any reason for or evidence of Jesus dying and rising somehow erasing God’s dietary rules.
In the infamous Rofschild AMA, he went on and ON about our food supply. He was unequivocal about do NOT eat from the public food supply (or drink the water). He explicitly said it meant our condoning and abetting murder. He said it would distance us from God. He specifically said the word “murder” over and over.
He further said the true, in-the-know elites grow/supply their own food. We’ve seen this to be true for celebrities and other rich folk.
I have stumbled upon other “interviews” with the same basis as Rofschild AMA. The “entity” explains doing the interview/AMA by invoking the rule that they must “warn us” before doing their evil, and then the culpability/guilt will lie with us. The two other interviews/AMAs were very similar to Rofschild save for some different topics covered and a distinct drop in the level of arrogance and malice.
Both of these non-Rofschild interviews also warned not to eat the public food supply as it had been spiritually cursed/tainted.
Coming back to Delingpole’s ex Mother of Darkness lady, she connected enough random dots in this interview that I did more research on her. I found a videotaped presentation she’d made.
In her videotaped presentation she discusses the children that Cabal uses/exploits and how Cabal profits monetarily and spiritually from them at every step. Her description is sickly elegant in the lack of waste and maximizing of profit.
Quicky recap:
Step 1: Children are obtained – either abducted (look up the shocking/unbelievable/horrifying number of children who go missing every year – usually their bodies are never found) or farmed (e.g. Oprah’s John of God). The farmed children are especially convenient because they never enter the system, so have no record of their ever existing.
Step 2: Use children as sex slaves for valuable blackmail or as sacrifices for blackmail/evil spiritual power. Use children to farm/extract adrenochrome. Once the children age out as sex slaves or are used up biochemically, they’re utilized as sacrifices for said above reasons.
Step 3: Cremate deceased children. Split ashes into 3 revenue streams.
a) Turn children’s ashes into diamonds (this is real – look up cremation diamonds!) and sell to interested parties as mementos/trophies
b) Turn children’s ashes into diamonds and sell on the open market for monetary profit
c) Sell children’s ashes (for monetary profit) to the food industry to use as filler and to taint/curse our food supply
Who knows if this is true, but man, it ties everything up very neatly. Where they get the children, how they dispose of the children so we don’t find kids’ murdered bodies littered all over, how they make bank, partially why our food is so poisonous, why the Rofschild and Co were so fanatical about don’t eat the food and equating it to murder (since it does contain murdered humans), partially why our culture is so cursed and separated from God.
Ex Mother of Darkness also said there are witches/wizards at the food plants cursing our food supply as it’s made/processed. Sounds preposterous until you consider no one bats an eye at Rabbis present in food plants “praying” over the food to make it Kosher.
She said the entire industry is infiltrated and you cannot escape this if you eat any food not grown, processed and supplied exclusively by yourself (or a trusted family member/friend).
Her suggestion was when praying before each meal, ask God to purify and bless the food you are about to eat. He is all powerful and all loving and can certainly remove the curse and taint if asked. I’ve instituted this at our house.
A few days ago someone asked about how the lower Cabal don’t end up poisoned (see Ben Affleck + in person pizza run discussion). They obviously don’t have the time/means to supply all their own food. I’m unaware of Cabal exclusive commissaries or grocery stores. Seems like someone would have noticed these if they exist.
Someone else noted a preponderance of Cabal shopping at Costco. My crackpot theory – “Kosher” designation means safe for Cabal to eat.
Hear me out. Take some time and browse through Costco food online and you’ll see the Kosher designation everywhere, even on the most ridiculous foods. Foods that have zero chance of breaking Jewish dietary restrictions in any way on their own, and yet someone went to the trouble to at least label them Kosher.
What convinced me “Kosher” is Cabal comms for safe for their side to eat? At Costco online I found multiple maunfacturers/companies/items fitting this same pattern:
Manufacturer A will supply the same food product in essentially the same formula/form as 2-4 different products. Ingredients will ostensibly be the same as per printed ingredient list. The packaging or serving size will demark the difference. What should be the same product, just packaged slightly differently, will have ONLY 1 of these iterations labelled as Kosher.
Manufacturer B – lather, rinse, repeat
Manufacturer C – lather, rinse, repeat
And on and on…
Maybe I’m just a schizo, but do with this what you will. God bless and keep you all, especially AC!
Great post. Given those in control appear to have some occult thing going on, and even outright satanism with Abramovic and the Rothschild posing in front of the painting, I hate to say it, but it is plausible, as terrifying as it is.
And Thank you!
Jesus clarified the dietary rules and made them spiritual rather than legalistic. Everything you eat turns to shit. (Literally what Jesus said.) What comes out of your mouth matters, not what goes in. He clarified this with visions to Peter and Paul regarding what “unclean things” means. It means things you KNOW are dedicated to idols.
A lot of the kosher rules are to prevent eating things sacrificed to idols. Jesus clarified that it is the intent that matters, so you can’t be tricked into it. You can fall into it through willful ignorance, though.
When they corrupt you, they will do it openly.
This ties up a LOT of loose ends. This COULD be part of the “…knowing the truth would put 99% in the hospital”.
Finally, I would suggest that the “banality of evil” is such that they consider children as literal cattle and would thus “industrialize” the use, abuse, misuse, death, and reuse of their “product”.
I agree with the basic premise of your post – namely, that the general public food supply is absolutely tainted and of horrendous quality. At best, it’s filled with all sorts of hormones and other crap which messes with our own hormones and makes us weak and sick; at worst, it’s even more nefarious than “just” that, as you described.
All that said, Acts 10 in the New Testament very explicitly reveals that the Old Testament dietary restrictions no longer apply. Furthermore – even if they did – a Biblically clean food (via the OT) such as chicken is CLEARLY not clean health-wise today if obtained via public means. Thus, analyzing this via the lens of Biblically clean/unclean is not appropriate IMO; it’s about the source of the food.
In any case, as you say, it makes saying Grace and praying for the sanctification of our food even more critical.
“…Mother of Darkness…”
Link to lots of articles that say she’s likely a fraud. Now what I believe is that, yes, most all these things happen, but in order to make it seem retarded she’s mixing in a bunch of stuff that’s way out there and NOT true, so that people will not believe ANY of it, even though most IS true. Typical tactic.
Here’s one quote that shows the basic tactics she is using that point towards the idea she is in fact a fogger. Take an issue that should concern us as horrific and then fog it up with so much nonsense that people think it’s all bullshit even though much of it is true.
“…So we know human trafficking is factually based. But her stories of eyewitness testimony of numerous atrocities are strictly her own. So many of these accounts have so much gore, torture, rape and horror with virtually nothing to back it up. Actual SRA survivors tell a different tale of sexual abuse, [Sam J.-I do believe the SRA survivors cases], while Jessie claims to have experienced none it. Their experiences are not similar to Jessie’s and it is of note she has little interaction with these survivors. Of all the video interviews she has done over the years, there is no group round table discussions with SRA victims. In her fundraising efforts for veterans and whistleblowers, those who allege satanic abuse don’t have a place at the table…”
I unfortunately have to retract my link to george bailey. Why? He is so incredibly stupid, that I can not see him getting anything right. I read some of this other stuff and…ok, but I read this article he does on the Manned Maneuvering Unit which was a very basic compressed nitrogen unit used to fly the astronauts in space from the shuttle. Not much in the way of distance but good enough for close stuff. He says,
“…NASA’s own document on the MMU states its thrusters can propel it 66 feet a second, which computes to 45 miles per hour. Meanwhile, the space shuttle’s orbital speed is over 27,404 feet per second, or 17,500 (28,163.52 km) miles per hour. It’s way too fast and an astronaut in the MMU would be left behind. Stranded. The MMU is in effect, useless..”
The guy is so incredibly ignorant that he doesn’t realize the unit moves with the shuttle and the 45mph is in “relation” to the shuttle. He also says that it would only work if the shuttle parked. ?????? He seems to think the shuttle “parks” next to the space station to unload stuff. I can not fathom it. I know most don’t know a lot about space and stuff, but…it’s just so basic that if he can’t see this, then he can’t be trusted on anything. Even if he’s right.
Later on he talks about how NASA is full of idiots because in a book by Jim Lovell,
“…Jim Lovell’s book…Apollo 13…It’s a gripping read and well written but filled with peculiarities and scientific oddities that Lovell should have addressed and corrected.
The strangest part of the book is the constant use of weight as a measurement system. For example, on page 123, it is stated that the fuel cells were pressurized at 300 pounds per square inch and one of the damaged oxygen tanks was leaking, and eventually, 218 pounds of oxygen would bleed off. (Page 104 lists 320 pounds of oxygen in the tank before the damage took place.)
My word, that 1960’s NASA technology is amazing! Only they could have a tank holding over 200 pounds of oxygen in zero gravity! I fail to understand how this is possible or how weight such as this, could be measured in a gravity free environment. Perhaps they used some other method of measuring the volume in the tank? There is the other issue of pressuring tanks at “pounds per square inch” or PSI, which is a pressure system based on gravity—pounds equals weight. How does that translate to zero G? It is common knowledge that in zero gravity everything weighs nothing…”
The guy doesn’t even understand “mass” and makes fun of people who do.
Or maybe he says such stupid things so that other things he says people don’t believe them. It’s hard to imagine such cluelessness. Something is not right with him.
The first humanoid robot factory is about to open.
A factory planning to pump out 10,000 two-legged robots a year is taking shape in Salem, Oregon — the better to help Amazon and other giant companies with dangerous hauling, lifting and moving.
Why it matters: Agility Robotics says that its RoboFab manufacturing facility will be the first to mass-produce humanoid robots, which could be nimbler and more versatile than their existing industrial counterparts.
China seems to think so: Beijing recently announced a goal of mass-producing humanoid robots by 2025.
Driving the news: Agility Robotics, which makes a bot named Digit that’s being tested by Amazon, plans to open RoboFab early next year, inaugurating what CEO Damion Shelton calls “the world’s first purpose-built humanoid robot factory.”
“We’ve placed a very high priority on just getting robots out there as fast as possible,” Shelton, who’s also a co-founder, tells Axios.
“Our big plan is that we want to get to general-purpose humanoids as soon as we can.”
There’s a growing backlog of orders for Digit, which the company says is the first commercially available human-shaped robot designed for warehouse work.
5’9″ 140lbs.
Now just attach an M4 carbine, pepperspray dispensers, and blinding lasers and we’re all set.
Roger Roger.
Funny how the robot makers chose a leg structure similar to the aliens in Charlie Sheen’s movie The Arrival
“Elon Musk Tweets about Shapiro’s actor getting arrested, saying it went too far. This guy actually entered the Capitol illegally, when everyone knew it was against the law. But Elon tweets for him, and not for Doug Mackey, who was arrested and imprisoned for a harmless tweet on his platform?”
11/11/23 Elon tweeted the following: ‘Whether or not you agree with the judgement, it’s worth understanding this issue”. Underneath was a Tucker Carlson tweet which begins: “The First Amendment is done” and underneath that is Tucker’s presentation on the case, featuring an interview with Mackey, that was highly sympathetic to Mackey’s side of the case.
That does not constitute ‘tweeting nothing’ and it led over a hundred million Musk followers directly to a presentation on the case which was highly sympathetic to Mackey.
Fair enough, but he still should be fighting. Mackey was completely innocent without a hint of glow.
Point of Context.
To the run-up to the unjust Serbian Airwar, our TVs and Newspapers were constantly calling out Slobodan Milosevic as “Hitler”, Hitler this- Hither that-. The drumbeat was clear–we had to go to war, bomb an Orthodox Christian country back into the Stone Age for Muslims because Hitler.
Well, Come to October 2023, and Netanyahu seems to be not only outdoing Hitler but the Japanese of WWWII and their campaign in China! I’ve never seen so much barbarity coming from victims of the Holocaust! So—Where is our Hitler analogies to ol’ Adolf? Shouldn’t we be hearing that Netanyahu is Hitler? No, we hear that Trump is Hitler! How does that go anon?
It’s All Fake and Gay!
Definitely fake and gay. I’ve learned to save myself hours of research by just doing and believing the opposite of whatever the “mainstream” says. If they say a leader is Hitler, I assume he’s got to be pretty good. Even if you take the WWII Narrative at face value, why is Hitler the very measure of evil while Stalin and Mao are saints?
Did you catch the asteroid reference in that WaPo assassination op-ed? Just another data point to add to the pile that they are using references to asteroids as code for something, e.g. “asteroid the size of half of a giraffe.”
The body? or the neck?
Shit, I can’t see the upvotes and downvotes now, nor can I vote, at least on this smartphone, an Android if that helps you troubleshoot. p.s. I just made what might be my favorite still-photo meme ever, possibly a significant one, too, if it helps people understand one of the crazier but at this point simultaneously one of the likelier scenarios. Chappelle was discovered by Brooks. They have a close, high-trust bond. If Brooks referenced the same Space Jews joke in two separate movies that got Chappelle in trouble, then maybe he knew it’s Actually A Fucking Thing, and maybe he recruited Dave to the bright side. Amazingly, this is completely serious speculation. But, it’s still funny, lol. What in the fuuuuuuuuu…[lol] EDIT: AGGGHHH, now I cannot see the icon to upload a picture, so I’ll have to get a temporary imgflip url for it, one sec…here:
For anyone unfamiliar, that’s Nietzsche, Hannah Szenes, the Laughing Jesus guy from The Chosen, and Bill Burr. Is this “Operation Jewbeam”? Well, maybe…WHICH Operation Jewbeam, though? Could be more than one, cross-purposed, diametrical opposites.
Brooks is okay by me. Cabal might actually enjoy “funny” and leaves some of them alone.
Yikes, can you fix that horrendous pasting fuckup of mine?
Enough have people noticed that the Israeli hostage story seems staged because now the cabal is trying to explain it away as “Hamas is drugging the hostages.”
AC we don’t need this site to be pretty with banners etc. Don’t waste your time. I’ve tried to comment several times and I get this error
I keep getting a “Duplicate Cooment detected. Looks like you’re already said this.”
In the leadup to the imminent disclosures, it’s good to have the interface looks halfway-current so that normies who inevitably rush to inspect this site aren’t met with a jarringly antiquated template which might visually prime them not to take the content as seriously.
I agree basic style is best. A majority of sites these days suck. They have HUGE top banners that take the whole page (they waste large amounts of space)and the pull down menus block the content if you stray on them. My guess is the retardation of sites looks is to make them more compatible with phones and tablets. A simple, clean site, to me, always looks and reads better.
“…it’s good to have the interface looks halfway-current…”
I disagree, If current sucks, then parroting the current trends means you suck too. Classic, clean simple is ALWAYS in style. All the “current” site glitter glitch will eventually crawl back in the gutter where it belongs.
Some obsevations.
The vote approval button doesn’t work for me.
One thing I checked when you said you had more post from the backup was to see if some of the comments I had disappeared came back. I didn’t exhaustively, or even close, look through them but I did find comments that were gone that are now back. So apparently the back ups had at least some comments that would not show before.
Thanks for all you do, AC. Software these days has so much crud piled on top of crud that it’s damn near impossible to sort it out. The complexity is so high because there are so many options and each one has its own quirks. It’s impossible to keep up unless you specialize in one small section of it. I used to like to try and understand all this complexity but over time as soon as I mastered one thing they would throw the whole damn thing out and do something totally different. Mixing up what I had spent so much time to learn and making it obsolete. It’s one thing to put in effort to learn something you can use for ever, but if all this effort is thrown away every 5 years it’s a waste of time. Now I see the complexity as just a burden to overcome instead of a blessing.
Example picture I love. Temple of Poseidon , Paestum, Campania, Italy. Roughly 500BC. Some things never go out of style.
Correction, the approval button now works???? A few minutes ago it didn’t????
We are making headway. I am not sure we are fully rid of the asshole who was fucking up the site, as he may be one of the Indian techs the host uses, but hopefully the host will get rid of him soon. If not I will clone the site somewhere else and move.
The Government has Secret Listening Posts in Every Major City
What really happened to Andrew Dawson?
Ancient Craft Watching us From Orbit | The Black Knight Satellite
It is interesting that it is polar orbit
Venezuela Orders “Immediate” Start of Oil Exploration in Disputed Territory
Like father (Judaeo-D.C.) like son(s).
Now tell me. I’ll try to control my laughtersmirk, Venezuela is wrong while Israel destroying Gaza for the gas and Judaeo-DC occupying part of Syria and stealing its oil is just dandy; because anti-Semitism, or whatever. Go ahead I dare you.
What makes you think I support either side in the Israel vs. Hamas war?
Are you just looking for a fight? first with Phelps and now with me?