News Briefs – 12/03/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – Spain Importing Record Quantities Of Russian LNG

DFT – Ronaldo Sued Over Binance NFT Endorsement

DFT – AstraZenica Links Up With Absci To Use AI To Find Cancer-Targeting Antibody

DFT – Walmart To Scale Back Ad Spends On Social Media Platform X

DFT – Evergrande Restructuring Depends On Monday Court Hearing

Has anyone else noticed a reduction in technical harassment? I ask because of this in the comments:

We also do not seem to have the classic white male shooters who are hearing voices or popping gaskets since Gaza kicked off.

I keep saying, intelligence needs to control, but I never thought about it this detailed before. The Gaza “event” is important to Israel, and probably Cabal for some reason. If it is important to Cabal, or if those in control of Israel are Cabal, the Gaza event would need to be controlled as well. Nobody in control wants to see things spiral, say for Gazans to, by chance, rise up at the same moment, overwhelm Israeli positions, kill massive numbers of IDF, Lebanon get enthused, and flood across the border, Palestinians in Jordan sweep across, and things get really out of control. They cannot have that.

They want the event they want, not a random outcome, and since it is a fight, if you don’t get in their incredibly granularly, anything could happen. When I was an 11 year old in martial arts, I caught the older blackbelts sleeping every so often. It wasn’t that I was awesome, it was just I fought them over and over, and it happens in fights, because there is always an element of chance. Openings happen, and even if your timing is not good, you will eventually happen to hit them at the right moment, just by chance.

If they have the tech Bill Binney, and the readers here describe – and they do – they would use it in Gaza to precisely control the war. If so, the war is even more fake than we know. Because they could just end it immediately, if they wanted. But they play the script, heading to an outcome which is not even vaguely in question at any time. Everyone who dies, Israeli and Gazan, are just like bit actors, or pawns to them. And that would explain why we are not seeing that tech in America right now. It also makes me think back to the Foo Fighters of WWII with some degree of curiosity. I remember a fighter pilot saying his squadron went out one day, and the sky was filled with metal spheres, all flying far above the envelope of his squadron’s aircraft, just blanketing the sky,

as they headed into battle.

It would also explain the odd obsequiousness of politicians across the spectrum, from Pompeo, to Bush, to Fetterman, to Geert Wilders, to Milei. It would explain Epstein rolling for Mossad with Maxwell, whose dad was Mossad, with no resistance from the US machine. No offense to Israeli anons, we are all plebes united against this, but I am American. I am not overly attached to any foreign country, and would never send money anywhere before my own people are taken care of. Our politicians are another story.

And just as we have politicians eager to take the money Americans worked for and ship it to Israel, whether Christian, or Jewish, or atheist, we also have five to ten percent of the population, which I have told you, is loyal to something other than America, and which knew 9/11 was at least allowed by their operation, which thought nothing of the death of Brian Mancini, and which gets cops killed left and right with no compunction.

It seems like a potentially interesting data point. Of course there is also the possibility the tech is US systems, either outright weapons, or some kind of intelligence/scanners which get used as weapons by amping up the power, and they have been deployed by the US to Gaza, either in support of Israel, or for observation/monitoring.

Also – to be clear, I have probed the domestic surveillance. The surveillance operations are a weak point, if their reactions to it are any measure. They believe they are destructible by regular Americans. Whatever this conspiracy is needs them, and it actually seems as bothered as them by probing, which is important, as it means the command sees it as destructible too.

They can have their high tech. From what I have seen, if we reveal the domestic network, we will destroy this thing’s ability to operate and get much closer to whatever is actually running all these scripts.

Do not underestimate how vital resisting this thing is to the future of humanity. It is the face of evil on the planet. There is nothing else even close. Do not fail to grasp you have a weak point in the surveillance, which if merely revealed, will lose all of its power, as the entire world will turn on it. And never forget, the weakest fighter in the world can KO the world champ. He just has to get in the ring with him, and hang in there long enough until the opening presents itself, and he gets lucky. It happens, I have seen it myself. Maintain the fight, and that moment will come.

God is on our side. We will win this, I have no doubt. And in the meantime, it will be a wild ride. This is probably what he put you on this planet, at this moment for. Embrace the ride.

Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) : NSA must answer whether it is buying Americans’ location data and web browsing records before new director is confirmed.

An hour-long video with Monkey Werx discussing flights all around the country, apparently spreading fighting-age single male illegals very deliberately for who knows what purpose. Basically he lays out how the military-aged single male migrants are being spread out in the nation as part of a coordinated operation, which is moving them deliberately to every city for some ominous, unknown reason. They are probably going to try to kill you and your’s. You will need to be more deadly than their random third world animals. It is doable, fairly easily, but you should start preparing yourself now and getting what you will need. Always remember, those who are really capable, would not look to thwart the meritocracy, and cower before Cabal. You have the advantage:

Leo Hohmann: FBI tells Newsweek that Trump supporters are enemies of the state and must be secretly tracked, monitored, investigated. It may be more than Trump supporters. Whoever it is, FBI, CIA, we will find they were sending their own children into the schools, identifying kids who had a psychological intolerance for victimization and high IQ, and labeling them enemies of the state as well. And that label followed those kids through their lives.

Trump might just enter 2024 election unscathed as Court dates are delayed, legal attacks falter.

The DC Appeals Court has ruled that Trump can face a lawsuit for ‘inciting January 6th.’ Eric Swalwell and other are taking legal action against Trump.

The Philippine Commission on Elections has banned Smartmatic Philippines Inc. from the nation’s elections, to ‘safeguard integrity of elections.’

Author and journalist Michael Shellenberger has said that “U.S. and U.K. military contractors” have used “sophisticated psychological operations and disinformation tactics… against the American people” in sworn testimony in the U.S. House of Representatives. Interesting in that the old standard operating procedure would be to sweep everything under the carpet, and forbid the media from discussing it.

New York City’s Rockefeller Center opens ‘The Beam’ – a new ride that allows visitors to re-create this historic photo of death-defying construction workers lunching atop the skyline – but social media reactions are mixed… Is it me, or might somebody be trying to make sure the first thing you get on a Google search of “The Beam,” is this? Do you really think anybody wanted to recreate what it was like for construction workers, sitting on a construction site on a steel beam in 1900 today? Don’t underestimate how powerful we may be here, or where all this is going. It may point to them viewing the existence of “The Beam” as something even worse for exposure than the surveillance. At this point nothing can stop this thing from being exposed. Too many people know, and are beyond caring if they deny it, and too many more practically expect “The Elites” would do this, so they are open and ready to see it. Nothing can stop what is coming. But I do not think it is Q. It is the revelation of the surveillance. And it may be us that does it.

Jeffrey Epstein flight log subpoena request denied by Democrat-led Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Marsha Blackburn says.

Another Lie! Joe Biden claims he “Taught at the University of Pennsylvania for four years” — Biden NEVER taught a single class. I wonder if that is a tell for a Cabal theater kid. He has been essentially living a cover for the last fifty years, so he can say things like that. You or me, we would remember if we had stood in front of a class teaching, and if we didn’t we would not say it. But that doesn’t factor in with him. You know he doesn’t have legal training, just by him saying he told his wife, that if she hears someone on the porch, fire the shotgun through the door. No lawyer would want to look that stupid in the law. So his law degree is a cover.

U.K. government data reveals young people are dying of cancer at “explosive” rates.

The next generation of RNA-based injections will contain self-amplifying RNA (saRNA). The problem is self-amplifying RNA is beginning to describe one part of what some viruses are. And sometimes there can be selection processes, which might select for the fastest self-amplifier. It will depend how fast it can get into cells on its own without some artificial LNP artificial construct, too. If it can get into other cells fast enough and multiply fast enough, it could become virus-like. I do not know these things, but like last time, I am not sure they know them either. But it surely will not be better than regular mRNA vaccines, and again, you are presenting antigenic peptide motifs on the cell surface, right next to your “self” cell surface receptor motifs and markers.

George Santos, not going quietly into that good night:

Monday I will be filling an official complaint with the Office of congressional Ethics against

@NMalliotakis regarding her questionable stock trading since joining the Ways and Means committee this Congress.

Before joining the committee the congresswoman didn’t have an active trading habit or a high volume stake.

The question is, what set of information is she trading with?

LOL. More:

On Monday I will be filling an Ethics complaint against @RepMikeLawler for questionable campaign finance violations.

Congressman Lawler owns portion of Checkmate Strategies and he uses the same firm that he is a beneficiary of to pay for services related to his campaign.

The concerning questions are; is Mr Lawler engaging in laundering money form his campaign to his firm then into his own pocket?

I will let the Office of Congressional Ethics be the judge of that.

And another:

On Monday the 3rd ethics report I’ll be submitting to the Office of Congressional Ethics is on @RepLaLota.

It has been raised in the local media that congressman Lalota obtained his JD attending Hofstra in day school while he was supposed to be working at the Board of elections at the same time.

The questionable actions are? Did Rep Lalota no-show to his tax pay funded job while going to school and if so he can potential have stolen public funds form the tax payers of NY.

I will let the Office of Congressional Ethics determine the validity of this grave allegation raised in his local media.

Still going:

Mondays 4th Ethics report will be filled on Congressman Menendez (not to be confused with the senator).

While congressman Menedez has not been invoked by the diligent investigation of the DOJ into his father, there remains a question of what did he know and when did he know it, the complaint is to seek clarification from the freshman congressman on his involvement with his fathers overseas dealing over the years and any potential compensation he received.

I think it’s a fair point to make sure we weed out the doubt surrounding Rep Menendez and his business associations with his father.

I will leave it to the office of congressional ethics to investigate the material I’ll be submitting to them.

Leftist billionaire George Soros and son maximize donations to Joe Biden’s reelection campaign.

Liz Cheney: The U.S. is “sleepwalking into a dictatorship.”

“Sheila Jackson Lee got the election day (which is actually Dec 9) wrong on her TV ad. Dec 5 is last day of early voting. Dec 7 is, well, not a day to vote. A perfect metaphor for Sheila Jackson Lee’s whole life: wrong.” They are not sending their best. Cabal cannot use meritocracists, because meritocracists would realize they do not need Cabal.

NYC bodega owners arm themselves amid surging crime. “The United Bodega Association’s Fernando Mateo explained… “NYPD is doing their job, they come when you call them and make arrests, but that person will usually get a desk appearance and nothing will happen because District Attorneys and judges are not willing to prosecute.”

Texas must remove a floating barrier it placed at the Rio Grande to deter immigrants from illegally crossing the United States-Mexico border, an appeals court ruled Friday.

NY lawmakers propose bill requiring fingerprints, criminal background check to buy a 3-D printer. With guns it is one thing. But as we head to the point you need fingerprints and a 6 month background check to turn out an anime statue in plastic, on the off chance you could make a firearm that would be good for a few hundred rounds, you begin to see how badly Cabal wants everyone disarmed. It is very interesting, as they’re fighting for what you would think Cabal would want, and what it has taken effortlessly, in places from Britain to Australia. And yet something above them seems to have made its decision here, and as they are debating 3D printers, people are walking around with concealed weapons permits for high capacity “assault pistols.” And they are helpless to act.

Transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney named to Forbes ’30 Under 30′ list.

Private jets in Munich on the way to Dubai global warming conference are literally frozen on the runway, which has turned into a glacier.

Travel chaos worldwide as heavy snow blankets European cities to Hawaiian peaks.

UAW President compares Israel to Nazi Germany as Union calls for ceasefire in Gaza. I am unclear why the Union feels the need to get involved in this, but surely it is a psyop of some sort, probably part of some concept of extending all fights into every domain, to amp up the perceptions of chaos. I doubt he would even care otherwise. Cabalites are kind of detached, due to knowing everything is a scam.

Some 200 far-right demonstrators gathered in Paris on Friday night to protest the death of a French teenager who died last month after being stabbed during what appeared to be a brawl that broke out at a village dance.

Tourist is stabbed to death and ‘British man is knifed in front of his wife and child by assailant who shouted Allahu Akbar before attacking people in central Paris near the Eiffel Tower’ – as suspect is arrested. Is it me, or do the timings on these things just feel too perfect? Like somebody wants this battle.

Young European voters flocking to ‘far right’ — Guardian.

Zelensky ‘not satisfied’ with the level of Western weapon donations.

Zelensky has devolved into authoritarianism, Kiev mayor Vitaly Klitschko says.

Russian security forces raided gay clubs and bars across Moscow Friday night, less than 48 hours after the country’s top court banned what it called the “global LGBTQ+ movement” as an extremist organization. If Putin were Cabal, Russia would be in the same state we are. I think Cabal must find it galling they cannot do it to the Russians, who I think they want to do this to, most of all. Instead, he is fighting the push to destroy the country, as CIA is funneling cash to characters like Navalny, who have no doubt, would usher in Globohomo death, and migrant hordes galore the moment he took office, as he told everyone to shut up and take it.

Ohio Republican Party endorses Donald Trump for President: ‘The right choice in this moment.’

President Trump speaks at Ankeny, Iowa:

President Trump speaks at Cedar rapids, Iowa:

Spread r/K Theory, because we are acquiring interesting data points.

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1 year ago

“Is it me, or might somebody be trying to make sure the first thing you get on a Google search of “The Beam,” is this? Do you really think anybody wanted to recreate what it was like for construction workers, sitting on a construction site on a steel beam in 1900 today?”

Might want to relabel it to “The Vibration Beam” or something like that.

1 year ago

I stopped using the fans unless my wife has the living room TV too loud. The radio seems connected to the fans somehow. I get vibrated once in a while but it’s not every time. Yesterday I had a decent nap and only woke up because of noise from the Hallmark sappy Christmas movie my wife was watching in the living room. (Every year, I have to pay for 2 months of Frndly so she can watch her sappy Christmas movies.)

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Better Christmas movies than true crime, I guess. Seems kinda wholesome.

Reply to  🌲🌲
1 year ago

She enjoys it, and I’m glad I can make her happy. I just can’t be in the same room while those Hallmark movies are on. It’s a good thing we live in an age where there is a TV in almost every room.

1 year ago

for those that dont want a tracked twitter account, user nitter

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


1 year ago

“God is on our side. We will win this, I have no doubt. And in the meantime, it will be a wild ride. This is probably what he put you on this planet, at this moment for. Embrace the ride.”

True that.

previously I would say “Amen”, but that is the name of an Egyptian deity kept alive by a people originating from Egypt

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

If Amen is written in Scripture which Jesus said: “Amen, Amen I say to you”
You either trust that God preserved his word or not.

If not. The Scriptures are untrustworthy.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Good point. It doesnt mean it is not true, and the Freemason Bible documents it.

jews as a people are egyptian descended from Joseph (Donny Osmond) and his 11 brothers (and sister).

The name Moses is an egyptian princely name, eg Tutmoses, Ramoses

but if good enough for JC, good enough for me.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

According to Exodus, yes, Moses is an Egyptian name. Pharaoh’s daughter named him that, as he was “drawn out” of the water. That’s what it means.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Tutmoses means Tut-drawn-out and Rameses means Ra-drawn out.

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“Amen” at the end of a prayer is from ecclesiastical Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, and was adopted in the Septuagint as an affirmation. Lots of words sound similar but have different meanings.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You’re probably thinking of Amun, not Amen. Amen is a Hebrew word, not Egyptian.

Reply to  Max Barrage
1 year ago

Amen, or Amen, is an Egyptian deity.

12 brothers went to Egypt. 400yrs later, the Hebrews came out, “Exodus”

Do you think it is possible that vowels & consonants change over time?
Could Moonday become Monday, or Kont become “Cunt”?

1 year ago

The article regarding the French stabbing says circumstances are unclear.

From what I read, it is very clear. 20 muslims from neighbouring ghetto town turn up at a ballin a picturesque town of 500 people. They stabbed 20 saying “we are here to kill white people”

I suspect they were there to find native french girls. In my village, immgrant africans come in to hang outside the girl’s school.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The savages are doing exactly what their importers want them to do: they are imported with the realization the product will behave exactly according to its savage nature.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

They are either expelled or they will consider those girls ripe for the taking.

1 year ago

I agree with the gist of the opening monologue about hanging in until you get your shot. If I may, for some readers who may be a little bit younger, I’d like to rephrase that gist in a way that might resonate more.
You know when you’re playing a video game and you get to a boss and you’re under leveled and under geared? You fight and lose and reload and fight and lose and reload and fight and lose and reload over and over. Because you know you can still win despite being massively disadvantaged. You just have to get that perfect RNG run where everything goes your way. What AC is saying is essentially the same thing. We are massively out geared and under prepared but if we can just hang in until the right stars align we can defeat the Goliath that is this cabal. It’s not impossible so don’t get black pilled when things don’t go our way. They have to be perfect and win every single time, we only need to win once.

1 year ago

Re: The Beam
I’ve had this theory for awhile now that cabal makes entertainment out of things they don’t want searched so the top result is whatever movie, game, or in this case ride instead of what you actually wanted to find. I can’t remember what it was but this happened to me several months ago. I went to look up something, I feel like it was related to pizzagate but I can’t remember, and instead some stupid movie popped up with the same title as whatever I was searching. I think this is exactly something that is happening. You don’t really even have to disappear information if people have to grind through hundreds of search results to find what they were looking for. Only the most committed autists have the patience and dedication for that, god bless them.

Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

It’s been called Keyword Hijacking, and a schizo poster on the old Rigorous Intuition message board was frantically warning us about it almost 20 years ago. “Schizo”, lol…more and more, a synonym for “Right”, pretty much.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Huh, didn’t realize this had been a thing for so long. I admit I only noticed within the past year myself.

Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

They have been doing it since before the internet.
Many years ago I went to look up various famous people in alternative/conspiracy history on the internet only to find that before the internet existed they created “famous authors” and other such “celebrities” who had exactly the same name (people who I doubt anyone actually heard of) and it was impossible to find the original I wanted to look up.

Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

The Disney movie Frozen was just to saturate search results for “Disney frozen” so as to not make the public aware of the cryogenics keeping old Walt in stasis.

Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

They do it a lot. Neoreaction (also called dark enlightenment based on a nick land essay) was gaining some traction and the came up with this “intellectual dark web” and listed a bunch of people no one cared about much, or were obvious grifters trying to latch on. First and foremost was jordan peterson. Milo yianopolous was in there too. Now that wasn’t exactly the same title, but the idea was similar.
I know I have noticed movie titles and things like that being the same as important things needed to be hidden, but can’t think of it off the top of my head right now.
Its definitely a utilized tactic by intelligence agencies.

Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

“Fast and Furious” is a famous example of this. Not sure if the movie franchise or US government gun running operation came first, but the end result is that Googling “Fast and Furious” gets you a whole bunch of movie stuff and absolutely nothing about the US government running guns to the Mexican cartels.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

It’s even more effective now that you only get the top 100 or so results on the major search engines. It’s to remove what they don’t want found.

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

This is the case even for the online dictionary I use. Maddening, and utterly corrosive to civilization.

1 year ago

As for your opening comments…

One only needs to look at the seemingly magical cleanup of San Francisco for the recent Chinese state visit to see how in control they really are. All these miserable conditions are orchestrated and forced on us even though we clearly do not want them.

1 year ago

The Financial Times reported speaking with sources who said that Israel plans to wage war on Gaza for over a year. In a little less than two months, Israel has killed at least 15,000 people, damaged 100,000 buildings, displaced 1.7 million Palestinians, and destroyed most of Gaza’s medical facilities.”
The Moon of Alabama
MoA – Israel Plans For Long War And The Expulsion Of People From Gaza (
And then marry that info with this commentary at Unz Review:
Israel’s Objective in the Gaza War: Kill the Buildings, by Ted Rall – The Unz Review

Yes, “””Killing the Buildings”””. Israel blew up the Palestinian University in Gaza thus wiping out the heritage records and history of the Palestinians. Israel blew up their Parliament bldg.

As the author talks about is that destroying buildings is about trapping people inside, crushing them—which then creates disease. They are poisoning the ground with all sorts of biological cesspools of rotting flesh, and feces.

This is a grand disaster. This is awful. We are supplying the bombs doing this. We are supplying bunker buster bombs to Israel. This country is complicit in the crimes Israel is committing! I remember the unjust Serbia Airwar and the arrest of Milosevic. Milosevic is sitting in jail—for something Israel has done a 1000x worse!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Netanyahu created and funded hamas just as ISIS was lead by IDF commanders. where there is cabal, there is the tribe

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Did you catch the recent video of some popular rabbi claiming, “Islam is the Jew’s broom.”?

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

We truly are a state sponsor of terror.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Look at this way: this is the seed of Satan in full operation; its very nature has or is being exposed; only the willfully blind cannot or will not see this; thus do the latter also expose themselves. Thus all the Ziongelicals are exposed as are the Israel Firsters and the Zionists: they are calling Evil Good and Good Evil; they are unfit to be called Christian; and it best, even proper, to avoid their churches; and if you are a member, to come out of them. If they insist on being told why you are leaving, be frank in your reasons. God is not going to spare the wicked even if they are hiding under the churches.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

For most, it is entirely unintentional. I became a Christian in 2002 and as a tech guy, did most of my learning on the Internet because church met at most twice a week. I had a lot of influence from people like Chuck Missler early on and became a Christian Zionist. I have since studied my way out of it and repented of it. But it was with a pure heart and a desire to serve God.I’m sure for many others it’s the same. They don’t fall into it intentionally; it’s just all their teaching involves it.

I found out a coworker used to go to John Hagee’s church in San Antonio. It’s as bad, or worse, than any of us thought.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

No Palestinian will be left alive or the survivors are expelled to the West.

1 year ago

And there is some disturbing news that I stumbled upon. About a month ago, I posted on the quote of George Washington about America ““We have sown a seed of Liberty and Union that will germinate by and over the whole earth. Some day the United States of Europe will be constituted, modelled after the United States of America. The United States will be the legislator of all nations”.

Well—it gets worse! In these two quotes, GW uses the word “empire”!

Happy, thrice happy shall they be pronounced hereafter, who have contributed any thing, who have performed the meanest office in erecting this stupendous fabrick of Freedom and Empire on the broad basis of Independency; who have assisted in protecting the rights of humane nature and establishing an Asylum for the poor and oppressed of all nations and religions.

Altho’ I pretend to no peculiar information respecting commercial affairs, nor any foresight into the scenes of futurity; yet as the member of an infant-empire, as a Philanthropist by character, and (if I may be allowed the expression) as a Citizen of the great republic of humanity at large; I cannot help turning my attention sometimes to this subject. I would be understood to mean, I cannot avoid reflecting with pleasure on the probable influence that commerce may here after have on human manners & society in general. On these occasions I consider how mankind may be connected like one great family in fraternal ties—I endulge a fond, perhaps an enthusiastic idea, that as the world is evidently much less barbarous than it has been, its melioration must still be progressive—that nations are becoming more humanized in their policy—that the subjects of ambition & causes for hostility are daily diminishing—and in fine, that the period is not very remote when the benefits of a liberal & free commerce will, pretty generally, succeed to the devastations & horrors of war.

References at Wikiquote. I am STUNNED. STUNNED. …that he uses the word “Empire”!

This has been The Plan all along! America was NEVER about the Anglo-Saxon and the furtherance of the Anglo-Saxon–its’ about Masonic dogma (which is based on Jewish Messianism). America is a “Republic of Humanity”!!!! It’s NOT about us, Anglo-Saxons! Right there is what Prof. Carroll Quigley in The Tragedy of Hope labelled the Anglo-Zionist Conspiracy, of a New World Order. It’s right there! It is Empire. America is not only the seat of Revolution–its the seat of Empire! It is no wonder now that we are being genocided!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

nail on the head

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Pressing X to doubt.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Are you sure GW said that or wrote it? That sounds completely divergent from his very well known “beware of entangling alliances” warning which he DID say. America is in a dangerous time, devils seek to use the Founders for their own purposes to weaken the USA and confuse the citizenry. I wouldn’t trust anything attributed to the Founders that is globalist or anti-Christian. They were a very God fearing and independent minded group that sought non-interference and freedom.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

The freakin’ quotes are at Wikiquote–there are the full references!

They are REAL quotes:
George Washington – Wikiquote

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

comment image

The same applies off the internet too.
Masons have a way of appropriating history and making up false stories.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Even if true (I can cite quotes from King David in the book of second opinions all day and who would be able to check?) you are taking it out of context.
He clearly endorses “Independency” and is using “empire” only as a term for a great realm composed of many parts (the colonies/states).
His “Republic of humanity” is merely fancy terminology for “the brotherhood of man” which only means the kind of thing AC means when he talks about our kind and all the normies being on one side against surveillance and cabal on the other.
The most disturbing thing is the “Asylum for the poor and oppressed of all nations and religions” which was absolutely not the dominant view among the founders even if Washington was utopian enough to fall for it.

Washington was not the best of the founding fathers (see the whisky rebellion), but he was nothing like how you are painting him even if those quotes are real.
You are clearly either so brainwashed by the America and liberty haters or so dishonest that you twist the slightest straw you can grasp into a pretzel to serve your bias.
Love it or leave it.
Queen Charlene needs you, give your piece of America back to the Injuns and go fight to save England from the invaders.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
1 year ago

Tyrants prefer the company of aliens to that of citizens in society and at the table. Citizens they feel are enemies, but aliens will offer no resistance.
The work you are doing is highlighting what they have been trying to hide for centuries. Keep it up.

Reply to  Steve Morris
1 year ago

No it is more simple than that.

The nationals have more right to the land than the Tyrants, and need to go

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The Tyrants may be nationals, but they divorce themselves from their people in order to feel free to abuse them.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

You know he [Biden] doesn’t have legal training, just by him saying he told his wife, that if she hears someone on the porch, fire the shotgun through the door. No lawyer would want to look that stupid in the law. So his law degree is a cover.”

Alternate take: If you are in the White House, and your name is not Donald Trump, you can literally shoot someone and get away with it. Remember Dick Cheney and his duck hunt shooting incident?

1 year ago

Party like it’s 2003?

Big if true

1 year ago

FYI, another poster and myself both posted yesterday that we are getting the Beam, and the other poster posted details (I am too sick for a long post). I think mine is coming through the roof, but I live in an area particularly thick with surveillance. Are symptoms are similar, though its affect my eyes for some reason.

1 year ago

Commentator Wooderson is going through a difficult time spiritually and mentally, to the point where here comments were becoming incoherent and people were wondering if it was really her.

I suggested Bruce Charlton’s site might help:

Its not woo. Charlton is pretty hard nosed. But it might help to make sense of what is going on.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Thank you.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

{Ed Note – I apologize, this was Filthy British. I failed to check IPs to names.]

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

???? why is someone else using wooderson??? I’m Wooderson, and I’m not saying “You are welcome.”

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

Knock it off.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Job 38 is always a good read. None here are as righteous as Job, and none have been through the same travails. Keep perspective.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

I have no love for Job 32-37. I read them as part of my daily Bible reading then they come up, but Elihu is a Gamma from Hell.

1 year ago

Liz Cheney: The U.S. is “sleepwalking into a dictatorship.”

Replace “into” with “through” and suddenly a Cheney, perhaps for the first time in living memory, speaks the unvarnished truth.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

When her father was ‘in charge’, I had the very same concerns.

Pebble skimmer
Pebble skimmer
1 year ago

Dutchsense is back. I can’t help think he played a Q card.

1 year ago

Okay, so directions about coding languages? Learning? How to? Which ones?

I looked up what I said yesterday, and what I said last year, on the off chance I sound different. I sound the same. I’m talking about the same stuff, for the most part. I even had a post about ‘children of god’ and local rulers. The only difference is that when I’m tired or sad I end up using more 80s verbal tics: like, for sure, totally.

So, what if the “local rulers” thing is the thing? I mean, Miles Mathis keeps banging on about how rulers all the rulers back when are secret Phoenicians. So maybe that’s irritating? No more Phoenicians getting emotional about boats, being rich, trading exotic goods at high margins, and harming children? I mean, seriously, Jeff Bezos in on a boat now. Vox Popoli, the blog, has a meme of Jeff Bezos talking about margins on goods.

Laurene Powell Jobs has money. She directly freezes out her money supply’s child when the girl was a child. The girl grew up and wrote a memoir with the encouragement and assistance of her high school teacher. It’s a heartbreaking read. Laurene Powell Jobs hangs out with Ghislaine Maxwell. I don’t know about her and boats. She married tech money.

Incidentally, Steve Jobs is one of adopted children. The starting mother ended up in graduate school. So, she’s bright, and she was poor. Not Appalachian. Hooked up with an immigrant.

Instead, Christians being in charge? I mean, back then you didn’t just get a crown and do photo ops at volunteer work centers. I don’t think it’s a peasants’ holiday thing, either. Like, those all involve everyone getting drunk and being foolish. Everyone is relieved when the seasonal foolish fest is over. One of its signatures, no matter the religion or century, is the ugliest, most foolish is made king for the day. It’s a plot point in Hunchback of Notre Dame. They had things like that in Rome, England, France, Greece.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

Recommend Python…

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

About coding, what do you hope to do with it? Are you just looking to dabble in it? Change careers? Automate processes on your computer? (Note: I am NOT a programmer. After my experience in college, I an inclined to never touch it again, but I know how to talk to programmers and can manage projects involving software.)

The answer will depend on your specific goals. But for starters, I came across this a few years ago, Automate The Boring Stuff With Python: . I got through the first few lessons, then “squirrel!” and I moved on to other things. From what I understand, Python is very beginner friendly. The book is free online, and there are links to the companion YouTube videos.

When it comes to programming languages, each one is a little different. But they all have a lot in common. Your first lesson will usually be to write a program to simply print the words “Hello, World!” on your screen and build from there. You need to develop good programming habits like commenting in your code so you know what you were thinking and why you wrote the program the way you did. I remember one job I had where was had a programmer working on the system we used. He had more comments in his code than he had code in his code, but when he left it was very useful to us. You may also learn to wrote “pseudo code” as you’re designing a program before you actually start writing the code.

I hope that helps some. I found the lessons in the Python site I did easy. Some programming books have errors, so you write the code and it won’t compile and all it does is frustrate the Hell out of you. That was my experience with programming classes. At least I got enough partial credit from “Instructor, you can see from my code that I understand the concepts but the damned thing won’t compile and run” to pass the classes. In my IT degree program, we lost half of the class during the programming models. I somehow survived.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago


Not sure why you’re looking into coding. But if you are looking to understand the road map of independent opportunities available for you, I would recommend skimming through the many articles in the eBiz Facts blog:

Again, this focuses more on independent ventures, which might not be for you. Also, if you are interested, please ignore the hype and pay attention to the specifics of what many of these people were/are/will be doing and why. Even if you’re only tangentially interested, it will show you just how open the playing field actually is in the “gray” areas of any market.

You are a very good writer and have a razor sharp intellect. You’ll be surprised at what those two assets can do for you. Pray, and keep your eyes/ears open. Check out UpWork and see what writers and other people are doing there. Check out what writers/editors/translators are advertising on Craigslist. My first writing job was me blindly advertising on Craigslist and praying. It turned into a part-time academic writing career that helped make ends meet, surprisingly well, while funding my failed ventures. If you can deliver on a deadline without being a diva, clients will love you and pay top dollar.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

I am trying to find an on-ramp to a viable job. I stayed home for twenty years. I have a thin resume, and I prefer to remain in a good school district that is a safe environment for my child.

I can deliver on deadline, and I am not a diva. I will look. You write academically? Nice!!!!

I also took the advice and signed up for a Python class through Udemy on the Gale platform, which is through the library system. I get to start it this weekend.

I emailed the recruiter from the temp agency. I just took some clerical tests to see if I qualify for a decently paid job.

I put in for a job that I am not formally qualified for. I did temp work for them. I like the company. I admire the person I would be working for. I love the projects I would be working on. Not in a superficial “Wasn’t that fun?” way, but in a great, big, rest of my life, worthwhile things I really believe in kind of way. HR loves me. The hiring manager? Who knows? Like, I tell people about the project, just because I think it’s really cool, and they go from indifferent to excited, too. I mean, is excited as worth as much as trained?

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

I’m really excited for you. You remind me very much of the key women I’ve been blessed to have in my life. I have a lot of hope and admiration for you. Don’t let your resume hold you down in the least. Have fun flexing and testing your potential! Don’t limit yourself and seek out your boundaries. I’d bet that you’ll continually surprise yourself at how much you’re actually capable of once you put your mind to it. Constant prayer, seeking, and, I suspect, examining your gut instincts will be invaluable to you.

Regarding writing: Like programming, writing for cash isn’t for everyone. For academic stuff, the money isn’t in short papers for undergrads, but it’s in writing dissertations, which can be daunting until you get a hang of it. Took me 15 years to get burnt out, which isn’t bad. I always found that job funny because I only have a high school diploma to my name. I’ve never had a client that cared. I’ve also done marketing/sales copy (WAY harder than people think. Also, marketing and sales are completely different things.), websites, articles, reports, white papers, you name it. If you are inclined, I’d be more comfortable discussing this type of stuff in a closed forum like TimelessAuthors.

I’m rooting for you!

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

Can I talk to you about writing as a career at Timeless Authors in January? I have a house full of people through the middle of January. I cannot concentrate on anything when I’m vigilant over so many people and all of their needs.

This is not complaining- their needs met and them all safe and all their stuff vigilated over means they flourish. It’s more fun living around flourishing, happy, good people. I can schedule concentration time when that part calms down.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

I’m there every day. You’re welcome any time!

Totally understand about January. I’ll have a full house myself in a couple of weeks until mid-January myself. I’m also the one that coordinates everything when people stay over, from food to activities, so I’ll be in the trenches like you 🙂

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

You are welcome at TA any time.

1 year ago

AC, I saw an ad recently, for “novavax non mrna” covid vax. Protein based. “Side effects may be myocarditis or pericarditis.” Interseting. I’ll still never take one, but interesting nonetheless.

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  1984
1 year ago

Mycoplasmal pneumonia—the white lung pneumonia that is in the news—is a listed, known side effect, too.

Reply to  1984
1 year ago

During the Scamdemic, I developed a policy. I will not take any harmaceutical that hasn’t been around long enough to have a generic available and a solid track record. God bless my doctor, she’s cool with it. She’s never even mentioned the Clot Shot.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Dry Bar Comedy – How To Get Banned From Karate. Shayne Smith

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Patriot Front Again Dept: they are at it again, showing up en-mass in the District of Criminals for their latest National Rally. And still not “feds,’ much to the chagrin of kvetching Boomers, har, har, har.
What will the 3-5% Surveillance do when 7-10% of Americans belong to this or one the many other regional and local active groups? And of course, once things reach about 10%, millions will join just because.
Shades of William Dudley Pelley and his American Silver Shirts! Did “The Boss” really have 7 million in his organization?!What the heck happened? Don’t tell me…Franklin Dees pulled a false flag and coaxed the Japs into bombing the dregs of the American fleet at Pearl, while the Traitor -in-Chief had moved “The Good Stuff” to safer digs. The rest is history, and it took US 40-70 years to find out What Really Happened.
Won’t happen again, in large part because of decentralized News — real, not fake — and the people’s right to assemble. And of course the fact that these groups are growing. Even Onkel Adolf had to start with a handful, but look where that went!
Meanwhile, the Kosher KleptokRATs are stuffing more and more of their UN Mud Army into the lower 48, and moving them into every middling-size town. But where are they? Have you seen them? Maybe they are hiding underground.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

On the topic of diverted resources, perhaps they are busy repositioning their assets for whatever chaos they have planned in 2024. The Iowa caucuses are only 40 days away.

1 year ago

Fully intentional:

comment image

1 year ago

Venezuela initiates operations with Special Forces along the border with Brazil and Guyana

Elvis Amoroso, President of the National Electoral Council of Venezuela (CNE), in an initial bulletin, claimed that the voter turnout in Sunday’s consultative referendum reached the figure of more than 10,554,320 million votes. However, if the number indeed refers to voters and not 5 votes per person, Amoroso would be asserting that the turnout surpassed the referendums of 2004 and 2007, tripled the votes of the PSUV in 2021, exceeded the Chavista voters in the presidential elections of 2012 and 2013, and even surpassed the alleged voters in the controversial elections of 2017, 2018, and 2020. Pay attention to the use of language: it seems that “votes” does not refer to “voters.” In other words, we are talking about five votes per person: about 2,110,864 voters. If that is the case, the turnout would be lower than the opposition primary.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
1 year ago

The event is the big one 💥🔥💥
Hope you love mushrooms. Big helping by the end of the year.