Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
NO Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Rudy Giuliani says he never discussed a pre-emptive pardon with President Donald Trump.
The “Mainstream” Fake News is also reporting DOJ is investigating the White House over a money for pardon’s conspiracy, which President Trump has said it is entirely fake as well. There is a feeling of desperation to it all.
Barr converts Durham to a Special Counsel in the Russia probe. And Durham may be working the 2020 election fraud as well.
California’s highest-paid govt employee worked for org tied to Chinese espionage. I’ve seen one entirely uncorroborated account on 4Chan which said that when they hit the CIA/Dominaion/Scytl server farm in Frankfurt, they found both CIA and Chinese spooks working side by side, which kind of jibes with the story today that Dominion was bought, at least in part, by China for $400 million so they could get a hold of our election. You tend to think it could never be, but CIA/Cabal has big, big fucking secrets to keep, and the costs of those secrets being exposed could be death for everyone involved, as well as a collapse of the conspiracy. Its only strength is that nobody has any idea it exists, on so many levels, from pedophile rings, to surveillance, to treason, to embezzlement, to even more. And even if that were known, nobody would know who to launch kinetic attacks on to take the conspiracy down, or how to bypass the various security measures the conspirators employ. Cabal survives because its leadership caste are invisible ghosts no regular citizen can identify, and almost none even knows it exists anyway. Chinese Intel will know all of that, they have the ability to run stories in its media that could be driven viral online to expose all of that, and as a result Chinese intel could easily leverage the threat of public exposure of Cabal’s activities and identities into some sort of partnership arrangement. And that could lead to Cabal Chinese agents working side by side with Cabal CIA officers. I have said there are anecdotal reports of targeted individuals from the US seeing their coverage pick them up seamlessly in China, and continue the same program they escaped in the US, but using what is obviously the Chinese local intel/informant networks. And if CIA and Chinese intel could logically be working together to further this conspiracy, there would be no reason you wouldn’t see domestic politicians in the US at times be working jobs for Chinese intel as well, since the Chinese could be full partners in the whole thing. We are in uncharted waters where our previous programming renders us unable to tell exactly what is to be expected, or what would be normal. Everything was always bigger than we could possibly believe was possible
Lin Wood says President Trump should declare martial law to hold new election.
Firm that owns Dominion Voting Systems received $400 million from a Swiss Bank account funded by the Communist Chinese gov & companies before the election. Negotiated terms.
Illegal money-for-votes raffles conducted in several states in the 2020 election.
Michigan witness testifies that military ballots looked like photocopies with zero votes for Trump.
USPS contract truck driver who transferred 288,000 fraudulent ballots from NY to PA speaks at presser for whistleblowers. They have their manpower in New York, but needed the fraud in Pennsylvania.
Wisconsin now appears to have the same legal problem as Pennsylvania, given they were not supposed to examine ballots until election day, and yet there are accounts of them calling some voters to come in a fix their ballots, but not doing it for others. From a legal perspective not all voters had an equal opportunity to cast their votes, which means legally, all absentee ballots need to go.
Mike Kelly et al have filed an emergency brief with the SCOTUS asking for an injunction against the Pennsylvania certification. The only thing I know is Mil Intel and Trump, when planning this, did not say, “OK, at this point we will hope somebody files a suit which could be heard by SCOTUS and which we’ll hope produces a ruling which will go our way.” Whatever they came up with was something decisive, where they knew all the variables when it first was formulated. So if a SCOTUS case was part of the plan, they have one out there which is perfect to accomplish exactly what they need. This may be it, but there is no way to know, until the show reveals it. Then again, Trump could just get Barr’s report that says the ChiComs installed their compromised assets, go straight to the insurrection act, invoke war powers for foreign action since this is like a foreign attack on our nation, and rock and roll right out of the gate without any Court approval.
Daily Beast editor calls for “humiliation” And “incarceration” for Trump supporters. We are all at this point, all-in.
Senator Ted Cruz demands Supreme Court hear the PA emergency appeal.
Team Trump demands a signature audit as a Dominion server crash delays Georgia recount.
A voter registration group led by Georgia Democratic Senate hopeful Rev. Raphael Warnock until earlier this year, is under investigation for allegedly sending ballots to residents in other states, Georgia’s secretary of state announced Monday. Stacey Abrams helped found it.
Business Insider is doing a hack piece on Q-anon, and tried to rope Gab’s founder into it because he lets Q’s people use Gab. He posts the request for comment and his response here.
An understaffed tiny federal agency and 2 private testing labs responsible for certification of nation’s voting systems. Less that needs to be compromised, so clearly it is by design.
NASDAQ to require one woman and one minority or LGBTQ on company boards.
Six Republicans to explore ‘immigration reform’ with amnesty advocates. Trump has to prove the fraud and hold the office at all costs. If he fails, he will be a hunted man, and the country is done. Between the continuation of the fraud, and 12 million new Democrat voters created overnight, plus open borders to import as many as possible from that point on, we would be done even before the roundups and purges began.
US Bishops oppose excluding undocumented immigrants from census.
Seattle homicides highest in over a decade as council cuts police budget.
Police Chief Association says 2.000 Officers were injured during violent riots.
CNN calls the cops on Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe for crashing a senior staff phone call.
97 percent of conservative Christians voted for President Trump.
Spread r/K Theory, because what is good for the goose, is good for the gander.
“There is a feeling of desperation to it all.”
Suicide week, a week that shall live in infamy.
“97 percent of conservative Christians voted for President Trump.”
And the other 3 percent didn’t want to be violently attacked.
The PA legislative session closed on November 30 and the legislature will not reconvene until next year. Unless there is some sort of intervention by the US Supreme Court, which is highly unlikely, PA will send Biden electors to the electoral college. So will GA. It pains me to say this, but this is likely over. The election has been stolen.
Mastriano’s hearings are looking more and more like a political stunt. He knew damn well that the session ended on November 30, yet he scheduled the hearing on November 27, which was too late a date for the legislature to pass legislation under PA law. Also, the resolution he introduced was toothless. The only conclusion I can draw is that either he’s completely incompetent or this was just a political stunt.
This is the hill on which the Republican party either stands and fights or dies. Every Republican legislator in MI, WI, PA, AZ, and GA who stands by and watches this election be stolen needs to be voted out of office. If the GOP stands by and watches the election be stolen then GA voters should stay home in the January Senate elections, or better yet write in Donald Trump for both spots.
Guest—-“…needs to be voted out of office”?
Really? No Guest. There won’t be any need—every election from now on will be stolen. i will NOT be voting ever again. This country is done. America is a failed state. The Republicans are timorous.
President Trump has to suspend the Constitution, declare Martial Law—and all Hell will break loose—we will be in a Spanish Civil War—with probably military units fighting each other.
The Republican Party is committing Seppuku. They are all politically correct, afraid of the media—-they won’t do nothing—because they do NOT see it.
And let Vox Day know—I called it—America is a failed state.
Relax. DJT isn’t going anywhere. He has a legitimate and not unprecedented course to retain office and he will do so – as he had better. Be ready though because every one of us will be put in a situation to defend ourselves in 2021 and you should all choose to survive. Watch for the riots to start up again. When they do, that is the signal that the shit is getting real because the traitors will need another narrative shift. My other thought is that they have these shipping containers that can launch different types of weapons. The plane tracker guy is freaking out because of all of the sniffer helos so I am inclined to believe his assessment. Spicy times
It is FAR from over, watch and see.
stop being a pussy.
Meaning it is now illegal for CA corporations to list on NASDAQ.
This one smells. On the surface it looks like Nasdaq is “Epsteining” itself. We all laugh at the idiocy of it but there is something else at play. Maybe China owns the Nasdaq board now.
Utah patriot, freedom fighter, activist Robyn Openshaw targeted and abused by Delta Airlines, despite complying with mask rules. Delta employees claim to be government officials, whip up angry mob of passengers against her. Openshaw: “Delta not acting like a business in a free enterprise system” (paraphrasing).
> seeing their coverage pick them up seamlessly in China
In one of the cold war espionage books I have, a Soviet KGB agent working out of the DC embassy commented on how clumsy his FBI surveillance team was, essentially having no street-level skill at all. The agent applied for a pass to leave the DC area to take his family to (Disney World?) in Florida. Foreign embassy officials are generally limited to 30 to 50 miles from their assigned embassy and have to get permission from the State Department to go outside that zone.
So he headed off to Florida and noted each time he gassed up, there was one of the FBI surveillance guys with *his* wife and kids. And then when the FBI guy’s car had a problem, the KGB agent walked over and offered to give them a ride, and they wound up taking a joint vacation together. Which the higher-ups at Moscow Center thought was hilarious, since it actually *was* a vacation for their guy and not some mission outside his zone.
TL;DR: even “professionals” often suck at surveillance. I don’t think the Hoover FBI had the manpower to run a multi-level operation against a minor agent who didn’t seem to be up to anything at the moment, and none of the FBI books I’ve read have ever hinted they even tried such a thing.
Hilarious story and true about Hoover’s Bureau, but the Stasi and Securitate really existed in Europe and were massive. TIPS wasn’t far behind being out in the open, and electronics today are prolific in a way unseen in the Cold War.
Check out that picture at the link I posted, that was an outdated listening device when revealed in a 1987 Popular Science magazine. Imagine what state of the art was in 87, and what it is now.
And the tech exists, and has existed for over a decade to record and store every conversation on Earth spoken by EVERY human on the planet. Analysis for keywords in that entire database can be searched in microseconds, from computers that are ANYWHERE on the planet (or off it). AI can create advanced behavior profiles of humans (or even animals) within seconds.
What do you think is done in these places?
From where I sit, pros can (and do) suck at surveillance, but it doesn’t matter. The lack of privacy and intimidation that a group can cause is dangerous enough.
The biggest tells though that a secret Cabal exists aren’t the weird occult and devil worship stuff, it’s the complete lawlessness and lack of prosecutions that occur despite having these systems, and the fact that foreign contractors are allowed into Classified US systems but not US law enforcement. That lawlessness pushes the US (and the West) into an inevitable destructive and leftist political policy. This system, this BEAST, will not prosecute it’s own- or any left leaning r-select with fragged DRD4 genes. It pushes society in a direction not it’s own, and we Westerners did not will this, we are being compelled and forced down this route against our free will. And that is Cabal, it seeks to remove free will to choose any morally good or normal human activity and replace it with anti-human coercion and control.
Top tier comment.
The only other thing to add is those bugs today, are probably themselves obsolete with remote monitoring tech standard, and placed in areas you can’t look without a warrant, which will never be forthcoming.
> Daily Beast editor calls for “humiliation” And “incarceration” for Trump supporters.
I hope some of you are making your own lists of names.
The recent statements by some of the Democratic party leaders and their complicit media amount to their deguello; that’s a Mexican Army bugle call signaling “no quarter”; fight to the death, no surrender accepted. That’s what Santa Anna’s buglers called at the Alamo.
They’re making their statement. You should be listening.
> Team Trump demands a signature audit as a Dominion server crash delays Georgia recount.
You can, for example, take a picture of a signature, convert it to HP-GL or some other format, and use a plotter to write an exact copy with a ball-point pen, felt top, or even a quill and inkwell. There are videos on YouTube.
The law hasn’t caught up yet, but a signature is crap as far as an identifier.
Oh, those tablets you “signed” for a delivery person, or a credit card machine, or at the DMV? Your “unique” signature is everywhere.
Every now and then some judge gets blindsided by his signature on some warrant that was ridiculously incompetent or inappropriate. The usual explanation is “maybe their clerk had it in a pile of documents to be signed, and they didn’t read it before signing”, implying the judge was incompetent or foolish. But it’s so *easy* to get that signature on a paper you “need” to legalize your actions… and nobody believes it when those judges deny it.
> Business Insider is doing a hack piece on Q-anon, and tried to rope Gab’s founder into it because he lets Q’s people use Gab.
He stated Gab’s position concisely, and should have shut up after the second paragraph. All the rest of it was defense of Q and bitching about the media. Which was fine, but wasn’t a direct answer to their question, and gave them tons of “look at this crazed whack-a-doodle” sound bites.
It was his choice, but I think he fell for the bait. I don’t agree with a lot of Vox Day’s stuff, but this is a good example of his “don’t talk to the media” directive.
Agreed. No good reason to respond to Business Insider. I hope Torba’s a good guy but it reeked of self-promotion.
> US Bishops oppose excluding undocumented immigrants from census.
The Catholic Church is a top-down organization, and that’s the stance of their Pope, who isn’t sure if he’s a real Communist or just a socialist. He has spoken out on “open borders” a number of times.
Phillip IV of France realized the Catholic Church in France was his enemy, and outlawed them and ran them out of his country. Pope Francis is toeing the line, seeing how far he can push interference in American politics and internal matters.
The Catholic Church has been anti-American for a long time, at least since Leo XIII railed against “the American heresy” in the late 1890s and chastised American Catholics for setting their nation above the Church. Which resulted in a mass WTF? as faithful Catholics had no idea what he was angry about…
Looks in no doubts the Cabal/deep state/chicom-cia in of itself as it exists, is literally an act of war upon us, and a suitable response to an act of war upon us, upon our persons is righteous self defense, the rightful righteous course any and all Sovereign people must take.
Not that the whole kittenka-cabal hasn’t acted in waging war for destruction against us as a people and culture in of itself, for as long as the USofA has existed as history shows, specifically war against the very character of we the dirt people which constitutes our Sovereign country, our’s because we ain’t some mindless entity but real blood and flesh Sovereigns, like as in living breathing Freemen, this war they wage is Genocide no less, as its ultimate objective, and consequently an objective once we are liquidated down to manageable numbers or even exterminated to the last of us who refuse to give up and bend our knee, to usurp in entirety the remainder of what they have not previously usurped and thus maintained for far too long thru the activities of internal actors and agents, cloaked, wearing the skinsuit of fellow good and honest American’s, employed as both clandestine weapons and instruments, of further usurpations, as it is apparent by all standards of decency and truth, this war to usurp our governments for its own personal use and lucre, being crystal clear in no uncertain terms, our representative forms of government have come to be infested with traitors, agent provocateurs, crooks and thieves, enemy foreign and domestic, the degree and scope of which intensionally created the desired objective of being incapable to thwart, that which is the entire reason and cause, of and for the creation of our Constitutional Republic to begin with.
This is as Hobbes noted, Warr upon our persons; as William S. Lind and Martin van Creveld postulated, how we now live in the age of 4th Generation Warfare, and that 4th Generation War is war for and of legitimacy.
We are facing such war all but unconstrained, and it is our Legitimacy as free people, Our Sovereign existence, that our enemy desires to lay to waste, that which is all which restrains our enemy, thus it seeks the objectives which totally frees them of we are liquidated, to rapine and pillage unfettered our beautiful beloved America.
We watch with our owns eyes a multitude of rapine and pillage which they can easily usurp, even so, it is small potatoes and low hanging fruit compared to the grand prize of overthrowing our governments. Which can only be obtained by crushing freedom and liberty. So they believe.
Warr has been invested now upon us dirt people directly, which the acts to disenfranchise us as persons Sovereign, thru clear unmitigated usurpation of our will as the governed on a level which leaves no doubt, it is not an attack upon our systems of governance as these acts of Warr constitute the creation of further instruments of Warr against us, but for the singular purpose upon our will and consent and most precious of all, our withdrawal of our consent, thru trickery and wonton acts of artificially manufacturing false consent via the war-makers instruments born out of their usurpations, a pervasive terrible evil called the press.
It appears to be events are come to a razors edge. As the checks and balances created within the framework of our republican form of governance exactly for the purpose as defensive bulwark against just this such Warr upon our sovereign selves and collectively our unique civilization, based entirely upon the truths of ordered and individual Liberty and natural born primal freedoms, if we are to defend ourselves and perserve our Sovereign existence as Freemen, if the brilliant and remaining checks and balances are not sufficient to the cause of defense of our selves and way of life as unfettered free humans, we will be ourselves all that stands in the way of evil, we will be the last stand of Freemen in adequate numbers with the means and will to persevere thus defend our selves. There are no others. We ourselves are the last refuge of Liberty, as this has always been the case, as it is not our form of governance which constitutes us as a civilization of Liberty, but ourselves from which our form of governace is derived, as this has always been the truth of us, we the dirt people are part and parcel what is called America The Beautiful, we are The Republic for which we stand. We, are who comes to save us. All there is, all there ever was, and all who will fight this evil upon us.
There simply is no one else.
We The People are the check and balance.
The sanctioned instruments recorded and enshrined in the foundation of our Republic are merely buffers, defensive phase lines, and as events are proving sacrificial, in that as each phase line is breached by our enemies, they must overcome and breech the next line of defense, till all that stands in its way is our selves, we, each of us who will stand in harms way, between loved ones and our land which we hold so dear in our hearts.
This is not the first time we have been all that stands in tyrannies way. Obviously so, yet it can not be overstated, for any such thing as our courage and conviction for our cause, our very lives, our way of life, our codes and customs, our history and culture, is our country. These things are us and we them.
It is past as prologue truth of inestimable value, we are an Armed Society. It is we who are armed in concert and in solidarity with all not so armed with rifle, but with The Whole Armor of God our protector of our hearts and faith we prevail, we who believe in and support individually and as plurality, constitute A Legion of Free Men prepared and committed to defend everything about us as Sovereigns.
This legion, is become Legion. And when the time comes as it surely may as events evolve, as it appears our time has come to do our duty as Freemen, this legion of us is in every way indomitable, possessing a motive power and audacity which can not be denied, something what is only ours and none others.
It is to arm’s, To Arms!!! we will rally ourselves, to fight an insidious infestation of evil permeating root to branch our country, a duty so terrible in that we will cast aside all civility, the requirement of no mercy, no quarter, as it is Total Warr in all its horror and misery we must fight no holds barred battle, on every level, physical to legitimacy, for this is the cunning of our enemy in which it has positioned itself, as it can not hope to fight and win an open Warr of arms, it has orchestrated a nasty vile offensive in which it positions itself into the very roots, the entirety of the crux of our civilization, and we will have to dig every one of the bastards out of these bunkers of tyranny and kill them. This is our enemies way of Warr. The strategy to be an evasive evil so entrenched, so interlocked into the system, the only strategy which is effective and viable for We The People, is to dig this myriad of bunkered enemies out one by one, in hopes it is a bridge too far for us and we run out of people and resources, thus by strategy of attrition and a million paper cuts, our enemy solves the problem of 100 million armed to the fucking teeth Americans with bones in our teeth. Strategy of Attrition.
As it is our enemies great strategic weakness it consistantly without fail underestimates our character and our prudent virtues, it has no physical experience with our Sovereign will projected thru our weapons, Our Rifles and Our greatest weapon of all, Our Minds. It can not understand free choice, to them it is a variable in their political equations, it can not grok what is legion in us, it can not because it does not and has not fought to protect and defend from evil as it is evil itself personified. How can it intrinsically understand what it has no direct knowledge and understanding of?
Not until it faces physical liquidation itself, then it is too late, and what it can not understand before it is too late is what destroys it.
These tyrants can not understand us dirt people for they are not what we are, they are not born of what we are, and as corny or trite as it may be, good folks do not do these kinds of things our enemy does, thus as ruthless and cunning as they are they can not understand how mean us good folks get when they violate our codes as they strive to accomplish in order to dis-arm us of our two out of three great weapons, our hearts and minds.
What they don’t understand is as they think they have destroyed a part of what we are as Freemen, they make us stronger and cause our courage and will to expand and thrive.
This as it may seem upon first blush as paradoxical about us, is in truth our character which has long been deliberately excised from the body politick, but as the great Patriot and citizen Warrior Andrew Breitbart recognized, our culture is upstream of all politicks, and as politicks are just war in another form, it is our culture which has maintained without fail or interruption primacy over everything and anything and anybody. And it is our great culture born from Athens and Greece and Rome and Christianity and 2000 years of hard won long learned history, and Time Honored Traditions, begun and has thrived, for all these years, against all in its way, as a viable and lasting creation in Jamestown in 1609…Tick…Tock.
2000 Years, The Great 5000 Year Leap, that which created America, and for the first time in history of human activity both individual and ordered Liberty. That in the 245 years of our Republic, more people have lived in freedom under Liberty than in all of the people in all of history, including all those who have lived in America’s history. That it is not as Benjamin Franklin commented; “A Republic, if we can keep it”, though surely they did create a republic. but what happened is our founders gifted us the savings grace of Legacy, it is legacy they handed us, legacy which is eternal, legacy as an evolving thing called Liberty, and it is up to us to keep it save and keep it alive, this thing which lives in our hearts we call home.
Our enemy has pushed us till our backs seem up against a wall. The great thing, The Really Great Thing, is not to loose our nerve, never take council from our fears, and trust to one of our great virtues of Prudence, which guides us and our actions, this is something that permeates us across the board, throughout our culture, and defines what we are and how we act. This is our plurality that can not be denied. Something so utterly fierce, it can only be let out and given free range only when it is almost too late, because if its let out for frivolous or casual reason, it will destroy us instead of our enemy.
This is as it should be, it is what causes us to become manifest in our actions. It is also the source of victory, of vanquishing our great enemy, tyranny.
This is why We will Win Liberty.
I will never loose Faith we Freemen will prevail in the end.
I stand in great company, The Legion of Freemen.
Our Cause, We Leave To God and Our Rifles.
Lets Win!
Because r/K
Because Liberty
Because I will not let some other guy die for my Liberty and Freedoms.
Because the Acme of Liberty is to not just fight and die if needs be, for my Liberty, Freedom and Loved ones, but to fight and die if needs be for the other guys Liberty Freedom and Loved ones, because thats how it works, why we Win, why Liberty, why we are the people and civilization we are. Why we can not be broken by mere tyrants and their tyranny.
E is posting again…
Stay The Course.
Do not falter.
Do not sway.
Stand your ground.
Calm and resolute.
We Will Not Fail You.
The blessed car of peace was driven by an ethnic German, or so it is said.
@TheSecondPhase = Account Suspended.
I checked this morning and saw just the 2 tweets.
Wow. Was it the Ghislaine post, or did he post some bombshell today that got the trigger pulled?
Not sure. Last time i looked it was still the two posts.
Found it. Looks like potential comms.
Found the screenshot

Another site that had similar results:
(search for post: 139354032)
If it happened at 11:11 est, then it might be the trigger back to 11:11 in the Q Drops.
E vouching to follow this account validity:

Strange. It says 5 tweets, but only shows 4 on the archive, and his pool ball avatar is actually not a two but rather a five, upside down.
What was @TheSecondPhase about?
It never got off the ground. Someone here said EWIllHelpYou, which was rumored to be associated with EzraCohenWatnick, had mentioned it, and then its first post was on a mysterious man entering Ghislaine Maxwell’s room to photograph her. And then he got nuked.
More on the monolith.
Monolith appears on Atascadero’s Pine Mountain, CA.
Covid anti-vax sentiment rises above 50% in France
Moscow Plans Expanded Social Credit-Style Tracking System
Wow, they’re really going to push this crap everywhere aren’t they? Oh boy, get ready to see what true crackdowns look like if this garbage winds up here. Even more than it is anyway. Deplorables are already getting a good taste of it.