Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Milei Picks Former JPMorgan Trader For Economy Minister
DFT – Wall Street Leaders Oppose Both Biden And Trump For President
DFT – Oil Stabilizes Lower After OPEC+ Meeting Yields Cuts, But No Certainty
DFT – Barclays Announces 900 Layoffs In Runup To Christmas
DFT – Russia Sees Record Low Unemployment, As Employers Seek Workers
Donald Trump on Truth Social:
Trump gag order reinstated by appeals court in NY civil fraud trial.
The Obama administration, just 17 days before the inauguration of President Donald Trump, revised the guidelines of Section 2.3 of Executive Order 12333, “Procedures for the Availability or Dissemination of Raw Signals Intelligence Information by the National Security Agency.”
Although widely overlooked, the implications were broad and far-reaching.
Under the new procedure, agencies and individuals could request the National Security Agency (NSA) for access to specific surveillance simply by claiming the intercepts contain relevant information that’s useful to a particular mission.
No privacy protection of the raw data was undertaken. Under the new rules, sharing of information was significantly easier–and the information being shared was raw and unfiltered.
Over 200 FBI Agents/assets ‘dressed as Trump supporters’ on Jan. 6. And that does not include the guys like Ray Epps, who was clearly something, but nobody can prove he was anything but a regular citizen. And I will tell you, that civilian network, whoever operates it, is at least ten, and maybe a hundred times the size of any FBI asset operation, at least.
Roger Stone: Kissinger was a top agent of the Chinese Communist Party.
‘A friend of ours forever’: Chinese Communists celebrate Henry Kissinger.
Foreign-born population hits 49.5 million under Biden – Largest ever in American history.
A federal judge in the Western District of Texas reversed her Temporary Restraining Order that stopped the Department of Homeland Security from cutting border barriers put in place by the State of Texas. Case now goes to trial on the merits.
Speculation runs wild after Michelle Obama joins Clintons, Biden alone on Air Force One. That would be peak clown world, as we head to some sort of climax. A transgender President.
Eric Adams ‘fears he’ll be indicted for campaign violations over donations from Turkey’ – which could lead to chaotic 60 day open election for new NYC Mayor if he steps down. Pretty fast. He complained about the migrants, and FBI got right on top of him.
Businesses where George Floyd was killed sue Minneapolis, saying police are not protecting the area.
Florida Republican Party Chair Christian Ziegler is the subject of a police investigation after a woman alleged she was in a “longstanding consensual” sexual relationship with Ziegler and his wife, Bridget, before being “sexually battered” by Ziegler at her home, without his wife present. So many things in this. That relationship is why Cabal allowed him to that position. And how many women do you know want a threesome relationship? He found two of them? Just a lucky guy? The vast majority of women are very selective and even discriminatory. If you have one throwing caution to the wind with you, just desperate, she might not be what she seems. The wife is a co-founder of Moms for Liberty.
142 child cases of ‘white lung syndrome.’ I just realized, they are having it affect children, so anyone who does not follow their dictates is selfishly demanding their freedom at the expense of children’s lives. When the virus could affect you, and you said you were not wearing the mask, it was one thing, since you were also showing you thought the virus was fake by not caring about your own danger. Now, they will say you are being selfish, and are killing children because you don’t care about them, and it doesn’t cost you.
Japan is concerned that the U.S. military is continuing to fly Osprey aircraft despite its request to ground them until their safety is confirmed after an accident this week, Japan’s top government spokesperson said on Friday. It is interesting that Q implied the military aviation crashes were somehow Cabal related, and Trump would get on top of them, then they died down, Trump left, and now they are back.
Congress members held a UAP transparency press conference. They are trying to author a bill which would make recovered UFOs the property of the government, but Schumer is trying to water it down with an amendment.
Ric Flair told Shannon Sharpe that he was kidnapped by child traffickers at birth and never got the chance to meet his real parents.
Ric Flair’s adoption was arranged by the Tennessee Children’s Home Society as part of Georgia Tann’s baby-kidnapping operation.
Many people don’t know because it is hidden from history but it is a fact that Georgia Tann placed over 5,000 children all over the country, many of them to Jewish families in New York, and to stars in California.
Birth certificates were rewritten to make the children’s background fit the desires of prospective parents.
This included taking Christian children and giving them Jewish sounding names. Other records were destroyed, to cover the tracks of the Orphanage and their criminal acts of kidnapping.
We are making merely one more turn in the cycle which keeps repeating:
This girl’s pro-Palestinian, and she features a lot of videos like this, which show Israeli hostages being freed, and being super-friendly with the hostage takers as they are released. She wants to argue it is how nice the Palestinians were to them, Israelis want to say it is the Israelis are just trying to not get killed. But there is a third possibility. When I went to college, for some reason I was surrounded by Cabal’s theater kids, in some sort of surveillance bubble. They came from all over. India, Iran, China, America. And they all joined together like a team, all knowing the big secret about how Cabal intel is embedded throughout the world, monitoring things granularly at the neighborhood level. It would appear none of them found it odd they were all brought together from different nations, to monitor me in college. And I even saw a group of the girls once, different nationalities, huddled together, looking baffled at me, and talking to each other confused, as if trying to figure out why they were assigned to me, as if postulating possibilities.
Intel needs to control things, especially productions like you are seeing in Israel. They don’t want a bomb-thrower getting up on the stage from the audience, and maybe screwing things up. I suspect all of those people are Cabal-theater kids on both sides, and the familiarity you see is the same as the kids I saw come together from all different nations in college, to perform some Cabal mission. They all know the big secret, whatever it is. I think if they pulled in some regular Israeli dude in the group, and that Israeli managed to get hands on an AK, and kill fifteen or twenty hostage takers before going down themselves, and other Palestinians killed all the other theater kids, the script could have been screwed up. They want a controlled fake war, not a real war. It is even possible these acts are some sort of demoralization play on regular Israelis. But I do not see Palestinians and Israelis in those videos. I see people who feel they have common cause together, and know they can trust each other. File it away as another thing which might not be as it seems.
Another one here. One commenter says, “Honestly without any bias but I never ever seen hostages like this, they look like they’ve become friends with the Hamas members!”
Ukraine finds the big weakness of the M1 Abrams tank is you cannot let it get too dirty. The filters need to be changed every 12 hours or you wreck the engine?
Pfizer is sued by Texas over fake COVID vaccine claims.
Trump widens lead over DeSantis in new national poll.
Rumors are saying Trump may be considering Dr. Ben Carson very strongly for VP.
“Another one here. One commenter says, “Honestly without any bias but I never ever seen hostages like this, they look like they’ve become friends with the Hamas members!””
They are getting sloppy, it will end up hurting them.
“An Arizona judge denies 2022 Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake’s request to review ballot envelope signatures, saying it “would have a corrosive effect on public confidence in the electoral process.””
That’s a confession.
Yep. It’s the same as letting a murderer go because the cops didn’t catch him fast enough and it embarrasses the authorities.
Or because a look at the evidence would show it was one of the authorities.
If looking at the evidence undermines confidence in the system then people should not have confidence in the system.
If the system is worthy of confidence then looking at the evidence will promote confidence that is obviously lacking.
One of your anonymous commentors wrote about a southern television preacher who arranged the private adoptions for the infants of unwed teenage mothers to wealthy Jewish people he played golf with at his country club. Straight up preying on his congregation.
If they wanted to drop by and tell us more, that would be greatly appreciated.
I am not the commenter you’re speaking of. However, I am from the South and a very close family friend/former babysitter got pregnant at 15 or 16. It was the early 80’s. As far as I know, she came from a broken home and wasn’t overtly religious. But, she was sent away for several months to have the baby and was forced to give it up for adoption before she came home. She loved kids and I know it was heartbreaking for her.
In the mid-nineties we were on vacation together and she told me how she’d always look for her child in the faces of other children she saw. She ended up having 6 or so more kids, but never got over her first born being snatched away. Fast forward to a few years ago. The lost child, now in her 30’s found her on Facebook. Curious, I snooped her profile out to see what she looked like, etc. She was adopted by a Jewish family, is “Jewish”, and even boasted of her trip(s) to Israel.
Even knowing about the Georgia Tann kidnappings, up until today, I never realized the prevalence of Jewish families adopting these children.
That poor woman. She lived the life of the innkeeper- she had the baby for nine months, and then it was taken, but the child lived. I hope she is consoled.
I lived in a town with a huge adoption agency. There was an adopted child on every block on the mile long walk from home to school. You could tell the adopted children from the biological children. They weren’t just usually the oldest child. They were more physically beautiful and noticeably more talented than their siblings.
Georgia Tann did not just steal babies, she killed them. She is listed as the most prolific female serial killer in American history. She was a lesbian. She was politically connected, socially connected, familially connected. She was friends with Eleanor Roosevelt. She was a premiere social worker. She had trained at Hull House in Chicago. When I make remarks about how horrifying social workers can be, this is one of the people I am thinking of. She is the literal child-stealing witch from fairy tales.
I hope she prays for this child, too. God returns stolen everyone, in this life or the next.
Do you think that was Cabal targeting higher levels of genetics when they were young and vulnerable, maybe to get their genes mixed up with better genes, maybe to derail the girl?
I do not know. Have you ever met a series of women who adopted out their children? In a room with women who kept their children? Or had abortions? The women who adopted out their infants were pretty. Not strikingly severely beautiful, not domineering in any way, just this soft, soft prettiness. They were really lovely, kind, warm, completely guilt-ridden women.
Prior to abortion being legal, having sex before marriage was very taboo, especially for teenagers. So if you were going to risk messing up your future, you were 1. someone worth some guy risking his future for a chance to be with you and 2. probably considering being in a permanent relationship or on the way, but probably materially deprived (fancy way of saying poor) and 3. probably already a very warm, trusting, kind, good person. And, with the USA demographics of pre- 1965 to early 1970s America, white with blue eyes. Or at least one of you was likely to have that in your genes. The guy had to be someone worth risking your reputation, your family’s good name. You had to trust that he would make good on his physical commitment.
Georgia Tann went shopping for poor, married white women’s children. She could see the parents. Appalachian. So, pale skin, blue eyes, blonde for the most part. And, you know, the sort of people who could kick out a Dolly Parton and a Rick Flair, and really, just a ton of what we think of as California blondes. I mean, you look at wealthy Californians from around that time? Swarthy, short, rich. Not even restricted to Jewish. Just, not that easy on the eyes. Two generations of heavy adoptions, you are at the 1960s with ‘classic California good looks.’ That is really not the look they started with.
And, really, if you are this girl, you are willing to lay down your virtue and your body for a stranger- the infant. You aren’t scrabbling around trying to find the local black market abortionist. You aren’t going to Mexico. You aren’t asking around for help. Your mother isn’t bribing a doctor to do a menstrual regulation D&C in his office. That girl who goes through the pregnancy and the adoption? That’s an unusual girl. Sometimes good, sometimes very bad. But unusual.
The freestyle promotion of abortion didn’t really kick in until the Baby Boom was breeding indiscrimately, for one, and demographics were beginning to shift. Boomer women, as a generation, are right up there with the Black Plague and Genghis Khan in terms of their killing abilities. 1/3 of all pregnancies. The demographics for abortion after the Baby Boom women aged out is mostly poor, mostly immigrant, and/or mostly non-white.
The mothers who adopted out who were wilful, or, really sociopathic- they exist, I’ve met them- the kids are fantastically charismatic. Like, great salesmen, theater types, artists with succesful careers.
The beautiful, soft women, the children are so beautiful. Like, go read models’ biographies, or Broadway, or Hollywood. So very, very, very beautiful.
“Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing”
“She wants to argue it is how nice the Palestinians were to them, Israelis want to say it is the Israelis are just trying to not get killed. But there is a third possibility.”
Calling it the Stockholm Syndrome makes it sound all science-y.
i dont believe in e Stockholm Syndrome.
Just normies getting new information
It’s weird that there are so many couples who can not conceive and so many women who have unwanted pregnancies yet adoption is impractical. The cost is astronomical, the institutions for adoption are stealing babies?! Why??? And I’d assume if you’d adopt you’d have one of these filthy criminal social workers as a fixture in your home for the rest of your life so what sane person has anything to do with adoption? This leaves the area in the purview of evil child kidnappers, abortionists and sodomites as far as I can see. How is a country that allows the sale of children to sodomites and abortion going to be blessed by God? Also, I keep seeing our side abandoning higher education to the tiny hats. Don’t go to college Matt Walsh tells my kids. Fuck Matt Walsh. I guarantee his kids go to college. We need these institutions to have a functioning society. We can’t just run away from the perverts. Our Universities, our Church, our governments, we need to control them not abandon them to the Jews and their band of freakin misfits.
“We need these institutions to have a functioning society” Really? Because it seems that everything wrong with our society is because of these institutions. What do we need them for?
Sadly, I have not been able to conceive children. My child is adopted, but it started out as a private foster situation, so CPS was never really involved. We’ve raised the child from a baby and the adoption was finalized a few years ago. The birth parents were junkies and basically abandoned the child. We had years of legal fees that put us into a lot of debt, but still cheaper than a standard adoption.
The only way to adopt without spending tens of thousands of dollars is through the foster system, but then you have a slew of other problems that come with that. It’s a sh*t system. Meanwhile, women left and right murder their unborn (and even born) children without batting an eye when so many loving families would gladly care and raise those children as if they were their own.
Also, not only am I not insane for adopting, despite the struggle, stress, fear, and everything else involved with adopting our child, I am such a better person with my angel in my life.
Like everything else in clown world, the evil few infiltrate and destroy EVERYTHING.
I’m glad you are raising a child with all of your heart and skill.
Pray. Rebekah and Isaac prayed. May you get a child by God’s Grace.
Adoption is a sacred mission.
Probably why Tony Bliar shut down the Christian adoption agencies
> Don’t go to college Matt Walsh tells my kids. Fuck Matt Walsh. I guarantee his kids go to college.
His kids go to gangstalk real humans, learn nothing, and get inserted into prestigious roles despite their lack of merit. Your kids go to get gang stalked and brain raped by demon infested nonsense liars.
Don’t form opinions based on reactionary analysis of the enemy’s actions. Use your God-given discernment and see which fruits trees produce, for a good tree cannot produce bad fruit, and a bad education system cannot produce good fruit.
State education IS the experiment, and society would be a lot better off without it.
“Unhinged DC Judge Beryl Howell who is assisting Jack Smith in his political assassination of Donald Trump goes on toxic Trump-hating rant in public speech.”
Another “woman” that looks like a dude.
They would be highly blackmailable.
I will bet for the last three or four decades, surveillance has been running a fine toothed comb through the population looking for them, and then offering them one of two paths — exposure and a community-gangstalking-ridicule-harassment party, 24/7, for the rest of their lives, or join the conspiracy and get protected and effortlessly elevated into a position of wealth and power.
Sundance at Conservative Tree House puts to analyzes Inquisitor Jack Smith’s warrant for Twitter metadata. This is the establishment of blanket coverage of American citizens; it also means the vast expansion of FBI harassment and imprisonment of citizens: we can expect Jan6 treatment of all caught in this net.
Putting It Together – The Forced Metadata Demand Inside the Jack Smith Court Order – They Are Showing Us the Govt Battlespace for 2024 and What We Will Face
Cycle that keeps repeating. That hard left society that is then overrun by a hard right society may be an ingrained trait flaw of humans since the dawn of organized mankind. Cabal surely think tanked this observation and got on top of it like an insider trader to grasp onto either trend and imbed within it and co-opt it. The U.S. and many other similar western nations that are being defiled so badly will snap back violently into a full on Fourth Reich system / society. Upon a power swap, all of the NSA data center recorded information that is now a powerful tool and at their disposal, will be cracked open and all of the stored evidence will be sifted for the new regime’s targets. The tech and arms advances since the last events is enormously more powerful and thus will be able to reek much more havoc. This cycles spicy show will be much worse. Thank you for your hard work A.C.
Latex masks?
What the hell is going on in this world?
Why hasn’t Q had someone rip off one of the masks yet?
Whatever is the reality in this world, I think it is apparent we have been so psyoped, we can barely grasp reality, or tell what we should expect. Everything we were raised to believe would be reality, seems to be fake, because I cannot model a plausible reality in my head where Biden’s neck is some kind of latex prosthetic, but clearly that video, which I originally grabbed off CSPAN, is a latex prosthetic.
And of course, I could not imagine anybody would have known I existed, or that anyone would want a surveillance-intensive society, and yet I was buried under surveillance. I am not sure what there is I am not mentally and psychologically maladapted to.
Trump should do it during the debate. Bwahahahha. Maybe we can get Elon to put up a reward for yanking of Bidens ball chin.
For the same reason that nobody actually knows who the Q Team really is – the choice to know will be yours. They are gonna play everything straight, like everything you’re seeing is real. That everything you can see on the surface is exactly how it is – we’re this close to WW3, there’s nothing that can be done about the economy, Epstein’s blackmail club will get off scott-free, riots, everything. Very likely Trump will be in court soon on bogus criminal charges that will ultimately go nowhere. That’s Q’s “the precipice.”
We don’t have any way of knowing what’s real and what isn’t these days, not really, so the SAFE belief is that everything bad you see is real, but massaged and fed to you to manipulate you. If instead EVERYTHING coming out of the US federal government is literally CoG propaganda designed to drive people into desperation and towards a masculine father-figure like Trump, would you be able to tell?
If they can take charge of the ENTIRE CORPORATE MEDIA in 1942, they can do it today when things are so much more centralized and we’d never know it from the outside, except via oddities like US Navy helos operating out Coast Guard bases like only happens in time of declared war.
They aren’t going to tell everybody what just happened, normies will have to continue to scratch bellow the surface. The Q Team will NEVER let everybody know who they are and take a bow, and I seriously doubt that officially they don’t and never will exist. Nobody is pulling their masks off on live tv to vindicate us.
Right now Trump is denouncing the injustice of him having to face charges when he knows damn well that the charges guaranty him victory all by themselves, and everything imploding around us that can be blamed on Democrats will take him from victory to 50-state landslide territory.
Optics are important. Washington, DC is not a real capital city. It’s a sound stage built on a swamp that the Europeans would accept as a format for diplomacy. Q didn’t make the rules, they are just playing by them.
They don’t have to sign their name and tell everyone Q is real.
But the enemy would be severely disrupted if they would have some “lone nut” do something like ripping a mask off on live TV.
We are supposedly suffering the destruction of our nation to wake people up, why are they not doing something like that to accelerate the awakening?
I always assumed Q would eventually reveal himself/themselves based on a post from March 2018. Q said something like “wait until you learn who is talking to you here.” But that could also include some of the anons, who could be anyone. And we know the intel agencies troll the board.
I saw a post that said on October 7, a lot of the shilling died down and anons could work in peace. That made them think a lot of it is coming from Israel.
Why would an anon reveal himself?
Possibly to lend credibility to what he said once it is safe to do so.
Yes, she says it is a single-use prosthetic
I was recently hanging out with a Jewish friend of mine, a fellow Canadian Forces combat arms vet with contacts in the IDF and Israel whom I’ve known for a decade, and I picked his brain about what he’s hearing.
From what he said, the Israeli and Canadian Jews he knows are seeing all of this as a snowjob; a power grab by Netanyahu, at the very least. Sure is funny that the only Jews I see on Social Media are stoking the hate fire, when according to him the reality on the ground is quite different.
I trust this guy. I suppose you could argue he’s running disinfo on me, but I’ve got reasons not to think so… do with this information what you will.
The M1 Abrams is fake and ghey … just like everything the U.S. military had produced in the last 40 years. Change filters twice a day. They must be out of their minds.
I’ll never forget the day the full bird called a thousand of us out onto the parade ground and informed us our new radar invisible camo uniforms apparently only retained their superpowers until the first time you put them through a washing machine. The chemicals embedded in them would rinse right out. A hundred million invested in their development to replace the former simple khaki greens.
I wore my khakis with ranger stripes for six months afterwards as a protest and told the Sergeant I felt the khakis were better at concealing my location in combat. I got dressed down in formation over it and threatened with another field grade but I only had a year left and just ignored them until they actually took the khakis out of my locker. Pretending to be too stupid to understand the command goes a long way in the Army. The cheeseheads in the Carter military wouldn’t last 5 seconds against Spetznatz troops.
Infantry with atgms was good enough for the Fulda. 11th ACR was sacrificial. If too many Soviet tanks got through I’m pretty sure the plan was to drop neutron bombs on every square inch of East Germany. Too liberate them. From life. Abrams are great tanks though, as long as the combat doesn’t last longer than a day.
George Floyd was not killed.
At this point I’m convinced that ATF is actually TRYING to get itself smacked by SCOTUS.
F-Troop bans homemade/Form1 silencers
Best outlook on this is that they think he is going to walk, and this ruling could interfere with that, giving the state a reason for appeal. (Appeals by the state are VERY rare, but they happen.)
It’s not probable (probable is that he actually can’t get a fair trial OR appeal in NY) but it is possible.
LOL. War is peace. Slavery is freedom.
This is what I was afraid of:
One of the requirements for a TRO is substantial likelihood of success. You have to be substantially likely to win on the overall merits to get a TRO, which is why it was such a good sign that she granted it. That she’s vacated it on further evidence isn’t a good sign.
Alternate theory: She was sent to give the “come to Jesus” speech to Biden. It’s time for him to step down. Obama couldn’t deliver that message himself, because he doesn’t want his obvious fingerprints on it. If he really is that shadow president, the LAST thing he needs is to act directly on ANYTHING. So, he sends Mike insead, along with the Clintons, to give Joe and Offer He Can’t Refuse.
It’s too late for Biden to quit. That talk should have happened back in March at the latest. They messed up for some unknown reason.
There is a reason no one else in the world was stupid enough to run a tank on a jet turbine.
Ukraine got the diesel engine version.
They are all multi fuel and will run on diesel. Its just a jet turbine burning diesel.
There is an export version with diesel engines.
Other than a single prototype, there was never been an M1 Abrams variant, export or otherwise, produced with a traditional cylinder fired diesel engine. This is because the AGT-1500 gas turbine engine is multifuel and works fine on diesel, so no change is necessary.
The export version of the M1 variants have different electronics and lack chobham armor, but they have the same powerplant.
It’s the same on ships. They use four LM2500 turbine engines running on DFM (Diesel Fuel Mixture).
Using what looks like resin printing to create dis-solvable molds for injection molding, allowing for geometry that CAN’T be injection molded via traditional molds, or using the same process for rapid prototyping of molds for injection molding. Mold-making is the expensive part of injection molding, and this process reduces the costs DRAMATICALLY.
3D Printing Nerd – 3D Printing & Injection Molding IMPOSSIBLE Parts? Nexa3D at Formnext 2023!
The package is available for about $30K, including resin printer, wash & curing chamber, AND the desktop injection molding machine. It’s a full prototyping startup business on one pallet. Add a small cnc mill & lathe and you’re covered for basically every type of prototyping.
I can think of a better way that’s cheaper. Use low-temperature melt metals. Make the part he dissolves out of the LTM. Freeze it. Maybe even with liquid nitrogen[probably overkill]. The surface of it being cold will operate as a chill plate and instantly harden the plastic in a shell, so even if the metal melts it will already have the surface made. Get the right temperature metal and the plastic will solidify before the LTM melts. Some of these dissolve in hot water.
So print 3D final part surface. Make LTM mold of it. Freeze. Use LTM mold as base to inject. Melt out metal and you have your part. And you can use the same metal over and over. And depending on what metal alloy you use, it’s completely non-toxic and food rated.
You could probably just use pot metal.
“… nationwide mandate requiring new vehicles to have software surveilling American drivers for adherence to local speed limits.”
AC, please remind us: in Enemy of the State, Gene Jackman drove only pre-OBD-II vehicles. What was it about OBD II that was the problem again, considering there was no satellite connection back then? Was it just the data-recording?
ODB-II requires CAN bus to operate. I’m sure that ODB-II was intended to be an indicator that CAN bus is in the car (and is also an interface for injecting attacks into the CAN bus.)
It is a good point. Whatever has been going on, has been weaseling its way into people’s lives for a long time. I can remember way back before Broadband internet, I was surfing the new internet on dialup, and one of the conspiracy sites was saying, they had microphones hidden in cable boxes, and they were using them to listen in people’s living rooms to family conversations, by sending the sound back out the Coaxial cable along with other data on viewing habits.
You could be right, they had some extra functionality in there. One thing I will say is we do not know how advanced their ability to access electronics remotely is. They are claiming whatever it is, was hijacking UFO crashes. Well, UFOs have hovered over nuclear missile silos, and powered everything up to launch, and taken everything off line too. And they hovered over a Navy ship, and appeared to turn off all its electronics off the coast of California.
It is always possible they wanted everyone driving OBDII so if they had some special target they could roll out special tech and remotely access it.
This whole thing was doing things we would never have believed. They are very weird, and can’t just leave others alone. And stuff we would find embarrassing, even creepy, like planting cameras in a neighbor’s bedroom, they embrace, almost as if they are raised to think it stupid not to do that. And there is no overstating the extent to which they view everyone not in their secret society of surveillance people as the opposition, which needs to be controlled.
It is why if we get it public, the nation will get rid of it by any means. It is so far beyond the point where anyone will understand, it will just horrify everyone. It is just a huge mixture of threat stimulus, competition stimulus, violation of expectation, intrusion, betrayal, territoriality instincts, and just a general irritation.
I suppose anytime OBD II was plugged in at scheduled maintenance, repairs, or regular “emissions” testing, they could store that info permanently, off the books, without fear it would be written over before it was “needed”.
Also, likely the EDR stored WAY more than what they tell us it did. I recently disconnected my built-in nav (+EDR/)/phone/talk-to-service-for-help module, even disconnecting the power connection. It was buried deep in the dash, had a screw designed to be inserted from behind (no accessible screw head). The screw was hard to reach and could be loosened only after 15 minutes spent with the vice grips. Result: nav worked fine, but so many warning lights and buzzers came on that the vehicle was undriveable, virtually. Plugged in the one random wire whose function I couldn’t discern, and all was fixed, operating as it did before the surgery.
It was a surprisingly large box, about the size of a hotel-drawer Bible, filled with circuit board. WTH is it sending out via satellite? I can’t find info on where the antenna is, either. Can’t even bust off a shark fin antenna like BMWs have.
That was the amazing thing to me. I looked high and low for any video on how to physically nuke the antennas which connect newer cars to the internet. You would think, somebody looking for views would say, take this cover off, remove this, dig down here, and right here is the wire which connects the car to the internet over the air, and if you just disconnect this plug, now your car thinks you are in Northern Montana, and there is no 4G coverage, and it is fully airgapped from the wireless internet, but drives just fine.
There was nothing out there. No website, no youtube video, I could not even find a diagram of where the wireless antennas are. The only thing I saw was sever sites saying, just take it to the dealer, and he will use his computer to hook into the car and turn off the wireless connection.
Yeah, sure. And then you are perfectly safe.
Speaking as a backyard mechanic, who’s used the paperclip trick to read error codes from OBD II computers – I think this was the first generation of vehicles which COULD be hooked up to GPS, or other RF devices, but generally that wasn’t the case. Most of the computer controls were just to optimize engine efficiency. In theory, if it had a wifi antenna, you could hack into one of them to destroy the engine or slow it down – but you couldn’t control the steering wheel, or fully deactivate the brakes. You might be able to activate ABS or skid control, but brakes, steering, parking brake – those would still function as normally.
The major downside – discussed amongst my fellow backyard mechanics – was its lack of resistance to EMP. The computer could be fried by a mid-level EMP event, possibly even a low-level one. While the pre-OBD II vehicles would be immune to everything but a major event (and even then, the problem would be melted wires – sort-of easy to replace – as opposed to having to rebuild a computer from scratch).
These are educated opinions, but only opinions. Most of the systems of these vehicles were mechanical in nature, not hackable. The steering wheel lock, for instance (once had to drill mine out, rewire the circuit on the otherside, and for several years I drove car which you started by jumping a couple of electrodes in the cabin with whatever piece of metal was handy at the time). I’m pretty sure there was no way to lock the steering wheel aside from engaging with the physical locking mechanism on the column.
In other words, I think this was an exaggeration; OBD II is not particularly hackable, but it was a step towards the centrally-controlled death mobile. Even know, if you’re familiar with the mechanical setup of your car, there is still a LOT of stuff which remains under your control. You just need to know what it is, and identify the malfunction quickly.
Every car with an ODB II port has an engine control unit or powertrain control module built around microcontroller chips. It’s nigh-impossible to verify any given microcontroller chip always behaves as we are told it behaves because features inside the chip are microscopic. The fear is some Easter egg might be buried deep inside a microcontroller and triggered by the enemy at an inopportune moment, perhaps self-destructing the engine, perhaps worse. Some old cars without ODB II ports employ simpler electronics (not microcontrollers) whose behavior is easier to verify.
You know, I was driving a diesel Chevy, way back, and I had a vehicle in front of me I later came to recognize as surveillance. I had no idea of surveillance back then.
I am driving along, and feel a little goose to the truck, and before I know it I am full on the brake, trying to get off the side of the road, as the engine went full bore, and black smoke poured out the back of the truck. I was able to kill the engine and get it stopped. Had I not been so fast, I would have taken out the surveillance in front of me.
I took it to the mechanic, and he was like, no big deal, the fuel pump solenoid went. I just accepted it, and maybe it was. But now you have me wondering.
Yeah, now that’s the sort of thing that *could* be caused by maliciousness on an OBDII – or it could have just been one of the cars from Fight Club. “Payout to family – Cost of recall = a positive or negative integer.” Just as an example: my first car had a really weird problem, where after about 20 minute of driving the raditaor cooling fan would stop working. The car was fine when moving, but I had to turn it off at red lights.
The thing at fault was the relay controlling the cooling fan. A relay is just an ON/OFF with a spring pulling it one way, and an electrically controlled magnet which pulls it in the other direction. If the relay were broken or removed, it should have defaulted to the ON position – constantly cooling the engine, even if it wasn’t necessary – a safety feature, so that even if it was broken it would still work. Turns out this relay had developed a short circuit that would only activate when it warmed up to over 20 degrees. So it would work while the vehicle was cool, but after a bit of driving the magnet would turn the cooling fan off, even when it needed to be on.
No maliciousness here though; the car was from 1988 and I bought it at auction.
It’s amazing how many things can potentially go wrong with a vehicle, and how few of them actually do. OBDII might be able to turn your transmission into a coin purse too, now that I think back to your other story. Bven without cabal, vigilance is necessary. Another story.
My current vehicle has an issue with the fuel guage – specifically the part in the tank (I think) where it has a tendency to get stuck at empty. Sometimes I’ll go for a few days after filling up with the gauge reading empty, before it notices the fuel I put in. I’m guessing some sort of rust or gunk on the hinge of the float. Pain in the ass to fix, and not really that much of a problem, so I ignore it.
Until the other day while I was cruising along at 80kph, and the engine started sputtering and losing power.
The gauge was at 1/8th, so I didn’t immediately clue in to the issue, but the moment I felt an inexplicable power loss I scanned my gauges, popped into neutral, and scanned for a safe location to pull off the busy street and onto a side road. I managed to find a relatively out-of-the-way parking spot on rolling momentum.
It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out what had gone wrong – the gauge had got stuck going down, not just coming up, and I’d simply run out of fuel – but it created a mild emergency on the road, in traffic with a lot of heavy trucks on the road, and if I hadn’t reacted as quickly as I did I could have been in an accident or stalled in the middle of the road, in need of a tow.
So pay attention to your vehicle and how it operates. Even if cabal doesn’t take you out, a bad circuit can.
The gas gauge on the car I drove in high school stopped working on me suddenly one day. I had just filled up and noticed the gauge read empty. I knew a full tank would get me a little over 300 miles, so I just filled up every time, reset the trip counter, and put more gas in around 250 miles later. I’ve never actually run out of gas in my life.
Moms For Liberty co-founder in raunchy three-way sex relationship rape probe.A parental rights crusader and her hubby were allegedly part of a three-way sex relationship that has now come off the rails with accusations of rape.
I just realized, they are having it affect children, so anyone who does not follow their dictates is selfishly demanding their freedom at the expense of children’s lives….
THINK OF THE CHILDREN. Rinse and repeat. Queue the tiresome meme.
And of course those behind it are the worst most hard core child abusers of all. Sickening.
“Over 200 FBI Agents/assets ‘dressed as Trump supporters’ on Jan. 6.”
Maybe Congress can’t do everything but one thing they can do is start un-earmarking these people. If they can earmark funds they can un-earmark them. Not one dime of taxpayers money to any of these agents and not one dine to any entity that receives public funds that go to them. Once they start doing this, the vast amount of agents of any sort will stop “just following orders” and refuse to be involved in this sort of skullduggery. The reason a lot of them go along with this is they are afraid of losing their jobs. Un-earmarks turns this whole thing on its head. It won’t take the whole of Congress to do this. Only a few in committees that absolutely refuse to fund these people. There’s a whole lot of them that could be done this way. The tapes disappear, then un-earmark the whole damn area that lost them. They can’t do their jobs without corruption, stop finding them.
“Peltz is the last hope for saving Disney.”
There’s hope for saving Disney? That’s too bad. Disney is responsible for the phrase “let it die. Kill it if you have to” and I can’t think of a better fate for it.
Peltz Launches ATTACK To Take Control of Disney Board | Disney TERRIFIED as Hostile Takeover LOOMS!
I was starting to wonder if their shareholders were going to revolt. The odds that everybody who invested in Devil Mouse was on board with the agenda are very low.
M1 filters
I’m not all together sure this is not fake. It’s not like diesel engines can run without filters. They have pistons with tight-fitting rings. How do you think they fare with dirt scrubbing down the cylinders? Not good. The jet engine has no metal to metal rubbing to work. Not that dirt is good for it, but you’d expect it to be more tolerate. Wearing off just the edges of a turbine would likely be less destructive than grinding it in the cylinders. On the other hand there is the fact that a jet engine needs a LOT more air to work. So it uses more, giving the filters a harder time.
All the people dissing the M1 jet engine are doing so not taking into account what the thing was built for. It was built to operate in Germany with a large Soviet attack. It’s much faster to accelerate, much quieter, and the distances it would be required to cover are far less than a general purpose tank. For what it was created for, it’s superb.
It wasn’t built to fight the Soviets. It was made to funnel billions to Chrysler and then back to generals and congressmen.
Ukraine got the diesel version.
The invasion
The video is from SITREP 12.1.23: Operation Trojan Horse; he is covering the government’s methodical dispersion of the illegal aliens.
You’re Not Imagining It: Cell Phone Reception Is Getting Worse
wrong spot, worry
Watch the wives:
The Current Absurd State of Generating AI Images
Kind of a sidenote, it seems that I introduced some folks to Trey Smith’s “God in a Nutshell Project” and for two months in a row now my login doesn’t actually work despite my bank account having been charged on time. Tech support resolved it last time, so I’m going to have to fire off another email to them. Minor inconvenience, but it’s starting to stack.
Israel Pounds Southern Gaza As Officials Say ‘Long War’ Expected For A Year Or More
What are they still hiding about January 6th? Surprise – Johnson only released 90 hrs of the 40K hrs of video