News Briefs – 12/01/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Fascinating article on a seeming scammer, or maybe intel operative with unknown objectives, who approached two high-powered, well-known Cabal lawyers claiming he set up Epstein’s servers, and had all his blackmail videos. The lawyers response was, they could take the videos, show them to the powerful people, and essentially legally extort them to pay money into a charity the lawyers would set up to benefit causes related to human trafficking – a tactic Q said was how Cabal laundered money – in return for making the videos go away. Two interesting quotes follow in italics, with comments on them in bold.

Barely an hour after the session ended, the Times reporters received an email from Kessler [The guy with the videos]: “Are you free?” He said he wanted to meet — alone. “Tell no one else.” That afternoon, they met at Grand Sichuan, an iconic Chinese restaurant in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood. The lunch rush was over, and the trio sat at a quiet table in the back. A small group of women huddled nearby, speaking Mandarin and snipping the ends off string beans.

It is OK. Although they just happened to be positioned perfectly to eavesdrop, they were speaking Mandarin, so they were immigrants from a foreign country, and couldn’t possibly understand what he was saying, or have any association with anyone involved in a major conspiracy to control the entire US government. Even though I have no doubt the reporters were Cabal themselves, I’d put money on at least one of those women being Cabal as well. And if you told me all of them were recruited on entering the country, I would be entirely unsurprised. When you play that game, you cannot be too paranoid. I’m not saying that as a phrase. I mean literally and technically, however paranoid you are, the pros expect you to be that paranoid, and they will go the extra mile with an effort which will make you think, “It would be paranoid to think they could do that, so I will let my guard down there.”

In an unpublished memoir, Virginia Giuffre, who accused Mr. Epstein of making her a “sex slave,” wrote that she discovered a room in his New York mansion where monitors displayed real-time surveillance footage. And Maria Farmer, an artist who accused Mr. Epstein of sexually assaulting her when she worked for him in the 1990s, said that Mr. Epstein once walked her through the mansion, pointing out pin-sized cameras that he said were in every room. “I said, ‘Are you recording all this?’” Ms. Farmer said in an interview. “He said, ‘Yes. We keep it. We keep everything.’”

Not “I” keep everything. “We” keep everything. Small slip, but significant.

Hunter Biden wants all of his financials sealed in his baby-momma case because he fears they could be leaked and used against him and his family.

It is still unconfirmed whether this is legit or a fake. Fotoforensics analysis may show some editing around the name of the poster, but if it is a fake, it is close enough to today’s state of reality that that people can’t say for sure:

Interesting case of a guy on /pol who bought a 23 and me test and used it on his cat, only to receive a generic 67% European, 22% African, 8% east Asian result, as if they make things up if the test is not successful. Now that I think about it, has anyone ever had the company call them and say, geez, sorry, our tech was unable to get a result, please resubmit a new sample? Surely somebody has submitted a degraded sample, or a poorly acquired sample, or one tech has screwed up a test. And if they make up a generic result to cover those up, whose to say any result they give out is legit? I have thought we could be buying tests, swapping our own samples, and submitting them under each other’s names, but if they are watching when we do that, they could just rectify our attempt at deception by reorganizing the results in the secret Cabal database where they are going, which would give them our actual DNA. Not that those of interest haven’t already lost it at some point and entered the database whether they know it or not.

Australian “researchers” in Australia (a five eyes nation) did a massive study cataloging and analyzing the posts of the members of r/conspiracy on Reddit. Conclusions were conspiracy theorists have no mental illness or hostility, but do have a sense of alienation and a tendency to focus on threats. And offering to analyze the enemy and catalog your findings as well as provide an organized database of their postings and psychology is probably the best way to get government to fund your research.

The Daily Beast does an article on MK Ultra’s head honcho, because a new book is coming out. It says they gave up on MK Ultra in 1963 and closed down the program because it was judged a total failure, and the human mind couldn’t be controlled. So they definitely weren’t pulling the MRIs of vets today with damage to various parts of their brains and fucking with their care to see what it would do without that part of the brain, nor did they kill Brian Mancini to cover it up. Even as a piece probably written by one of those in the conspiracy, to limit the damage, the story is horrifying.

Fusion GPS was doing work for Russia to try to change the narrative of how Sergei Magnitsky was killed, and thus were Russian agents, when they were crafting the Trump dossier (which included a Russian agent used in the Trump Tower meeting setup.)

A Tampa surgeon who traveled overseas to do work for free in places like Haiti, Cuba, and Russia, and who did gender reassignments surgeries for free, died when a friend asked him to fly a plane from one place to another, and somebody accidently put Jet fuel (diesel) in the fuel tank instead of the aviation gasoline the plane needed. Seems strange the engine wouldn’t conk out when he taxied around to take off and powered up to full throttle to get moving.

Trump demands the media look into Obama’s $65 million dollar book deal from Penguin publishing. One of Penguin’s imprints, Pearson publishing was the only publisher allowed to be used to implement testing for one of the two Common Core consortia given government grants under a $350 million competition simply to develop the tests (not even to implement them) under Obama. From the article : “Some have even argued that Common Core is a scheme intended to increase the profits of large companies such as Pearson.” And that would have been just one flow of government cash to Penguin mandated by government under Obama. How much would all the levels of government buy in the way of printed materials? Training manuals? Text books? It is entirely possible the book publishing and sales industry is just a cover for a multi-billion dollar government fraud operation. If run honestly publishing would overall just be a regular living for everyone involved, like any other small business scaled up to have a bunch of employees. But add government largess, and a little intel op organizing things behind the scenes with election rigging and political blackmail, and you have reams of millionaires and a world of “super-stardom” with Mansions and mega-yachts.  That may be the model behind much of “Big Business” and tech in sectors that can in any way profit from government contracts.

File under really makes you think:

This article makes the case that even in regions where HPV vaccination has reduced HPV lesions, rates of cervical cancer continue to increase.

Students are fainting from hunger in Venezuela.

Ex-Amazon employee says Amazon warehouses are ‘cult-like’ sweatshops run by robots.

Migrants are shown to be more violence-prone once they move to a peaceful country. Of course they fled the violence in their home country, and will flee back as soon as their host country become violent. It is only their host country’s peacefulness, and the low-hanging-fruit quality of its inhabitants which makes them choose to use violence as a low-cost means of acquiring free resources.

Philadelphia releases serial child rapist illegal alien *twice* despite detainer.

Terrorist in London knife attack had been lecturing woke university leftists all about criminal justice ‘reform.’

An article on how Prince Andrew tried to supplement his Royal income by “facilitating” expensive government contracts and deals for a percentage. Sounds kind of like he used his royal title as a cover as he spotted deals and contracts for Cabal, and facilitated them for a percentage, though according to other articles he needed Epstein to supplement his income and give him private jet usage, so he was probably on an employee’s salary with Cabal.

Flu season takes off quickly in the Deep South.

82 year old Billy Dee Williams identifies as gender fluid, reveals acceptance of multiple pronouns. Marlon Brando had a photo out there of him supposedly performing oral sex on a man. This type of thing may have been a prerequisite for real success if you believe people like Hollywood Anon, so those who were able to navigate that gay path to “stardom” were those who were OK with it to begin with. Now as it become more permissible, you’ll see many of those people coming out.

Interesting stat in this next one, especially if you assume just half of those people in that region are recruited into the network, either as Cabal, or as American citizens who think every intel op in the nation will be legit and not a false flag for an external actor:


@kcpolice are looking for victims to come forward on this next one. Videos are being scrubbed from Twitter as fast as they go up of a drugged girl being abused, and forced into sex with a dog. No idea if it will be proven to be part of something bigger, but word on Twitter was everybody knew this guy had some sort of abuse of underaged girl thing going on, but he was officially above all law enforcement. And now as the Storm takes hold the story comes out:




Beyond Hong Kong, protesters and police clash in southern China over plans for crematorium. This will be a hallmark of K-s approach.

The 2019 White House Christmas ornament is here. It is a model of Marine One.

MAGAnomics – U.S. Black Friday online consumer spending is $5.4 Billion (up 22%).

Clarence Thomas says the average liberal is a bigger impediment to black America than a Klansman.

Conservatives question if they get a fair shake from Washington juries.

Mexican negotiator says US trade deal could be finalized next week.

Kavanaugh is on board with The Federalist Society goal of cutting federal regulations on businesses.

Spread r/K Theory, because the light is coming.

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4 years ago

>”It is still unconfirmed whether this is legit or a fake. Fotoforensics analysis may show some editing around the name of the poster, but if it is a fake, it is close enough to today’s state of reality that that people can’t say for sure:”

Sounds like more Jewish/Israeli shilling towards the “RUSSIA!” bullshit in order to deflect from the fact that Israel is the main influencer of US politics for the past decades.

If that post had even mentioned Israel, it would had been nuked so fast it would make your head spin.

For the newfrens who still don’t know about these things, have some info: – “AIPAC Announces it will take over student government” – “The Lobby: USA Pt1 (The film Israel Lobby didn’t want you to see)” – “The Lobby: USA” documentary screenshots (great redpills) – “USA lawmakers forced to pledge of allegiance to Israel” – “When Victims Rule: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins”

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

The thing about wedding dresses is truly epic. CH could write multiple posts about it. There is so much to love. Filter by size!

4 years ago

>”Clarence Thomas says the average liberal is a bigger impediment to black America than a Klansman.”

That reminds me of this truism on how to redpill the lefties and liberals regarding Cultural Marxist subversion (with the goal of turning them away from such destructive ideologies), which is this: most White liberals have been conditioned to hate Whites as a group, so the best way to redpill them and turn them, is to redpill Blacks and the other non-White individuals so they can redpill the White liberals. Same goes for redpills regarding Jewish collective power (which ends up being the same thing because it was Jews who created, financed and spread Cultural Marxism and its precursor, Communism).

Speaking of which, there is this information warfare method on how to turn all Blacks against Jewish collective power and Israel here:

4 years ago

from the WTF dept:

NYT piece: message delivered. Hot list or hit list? Who has a framed headless parrot? “Bird that talks.” Don’t be a whistlepig.

AC, what’s your take on Robert David Steele?

4 years ago

Malta PM To Step Down Related To Car Bombing Of Journalist Dubbed “One-Woman WikiLeaks”

4 years ago

Clearnet Qresearch board is up and running frens.

4 years ago

> Seems strange the engine wouldn’t conk out

The part about the preflight where you open the petcock to drain any water out of the bottom of the tank? That also catches problems like that.

I have, personally in my own car, run Diesel fuel instead of gasoline. Takes a few squirts of gasoline down the carb to get it started, and it might have to be repeated until the engine warms up, but after that the old Chevy drove just fine on Diesel. (doing some experiments when gasoline topped $4.50 per gallon locally…)

I have problems believing he could get the engine started, but if it didn’t ping itself to death when he throttled up for takeoff, then the wrong fuel likely wasn’t the reason the plane went down.

The most likely scenario is that the whole fuel thing is simply spin. It’s familiar enough; who hasn’t heard of some bozo who got a fat repair bill by pumping Diesel fuel into his gasoline car, or vice versa? But airplanes don’t work like that.

4 years ago

> Reddit

So its Chinese owners will be censoring on the one side, and the Feds will be “shaping” on the other, and Reddit’s own heavy political bias…

“Hello, 2005 called, and wants its social media back…”

4 years ago

> 82 year old Billy Dee Williams

It was 39 years ago I saw “The Empire Strikes Back” at the theater? And Williams would have been over 40 then…

39 years, and I’m still pissed at the yuppies in the row ahead who wouldn’t STFU.

4 years ago

Greece to ask for NATO’s support in dispute with Turkey