News Briefs – 11/18/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

First Republican Korean woman elected to the House in California won by 3%, now after a recount, she is behind the Democrat by almost 1000 votes.

One year on, no justice for reporter in Malta killed with a car bomb. Notice that most people in Malta most likely assume the standard rules of freedom and justice apply in their world. And that is the only power those in power have. Threaten that, and you threaten them.

Obama Foundation contributions soared in the year after he left the White House.

Man runs across street to punch Trump supporter protesting outside CNN, fails, falls down, gets arrested:

Over 1000 still missing in California wildfires.

Teacher at a British School tells a horrifying tale of children at her school being shunted towards transgenderism by older trannies, and then shunted through the process by a system that does not inform the parents.

Facebook investors call on Zuckerberg to resign. Cabal goldenboy is fun, Cabal fall guy is not so much.

Brenda Snipes says criticism of how she handled the Broward vote was probably racism.

Meanwhile, counting in Broward had to be stopped when observers pointed out they were counting the wrong ballots.

NY Times points out 3,000 votes went missing in Florida during the recount. Did Cabal realize the sting was on, and disappear the phony ballots they submitted?

And Snipes was left searching around her office for 2,000 ballots she misplaced.

Romney signals he will focus on Global Warming. I view guys like Romney as bots. Zuckerberg is one too. When Facebook had some crisis, Zuckerberg said to his staff, do whatever will put me on the right side. He had no internal compass to tell him what to do. Romney is the same way. He has no internal compass, his entire judgement of himself is determined by how others judge him. It is weird in a guy who is in every other respect so successful and intelligent.

80 patriots faced off with a few hundred Antifa at a Philly “We the People” rally. Not really a fair fight when the few hundred Antifa look like this:

Not to be too paranoid, but notice he is wearing a “Smash the Fash” shirt paired with “Pizza” leggings. Where would you even get pizza leggings? And why would he seek them out specifically? Makes me think that despite the appearances, a lot of these characters are part of a far more organized and regimented organization than you would think – and a more evil organization than you would think. If you are not in it, it is weird to think there is a separate “clique” in the nation with totally different norms and values, who sees themselves as wholly separate, and views what I assume is the majority of normies as a curiosity. The Storm will be mind-expanding for us all.

3,000 more migrants enter Tijuana. They were already overwhelmed with crime and disorder before. It is possible if we could keep them out, and in these border towns, those Mexican Border towns would render themselves no-go zones for migrants, killing and brutalizing any which came north.

NY Times ran a story implying Trump was about to jettison Pence, Trump now hammers them, demanding a retraction of the fake news. What is interesting is the Cabal’s go to strategy with the Trump administration is the same as it is with the nation – turn everyone upon each other. Kelly bad-mouths Trump, Trump wants to fire Kelly, Trump hates Pence, Pence is badmouthing Trump, Kelly hates someone else, Someone else bad-mouthed Kelly. And just to pile on amygdala, everyone is about to get fired. All fake, and all said specifically to divide, and try to get what appears to be a very functional team of trustworthy individuals now to jettison some trustworthy operators, so Cabal operators can move in to replace them. That the left thinks it would work tells you how angsty they are.

Khashoggi had married another woman a couple of months before he disappeared into the Saudi Embassy. Makes the desperation to get his divorce paperwork so he could marry another woman sound a little fake. Was the fiancé even a fiancé? Is Khashoggi even dead? Everything you see might be a show.

Khashoggi was a full on, 20 year veteran intelligence officer for Saudi intelligence.

Trump says it is a good time to do a government shutdown over border wall funding. If Cabal still controls large swaths of government agencies and units, this could strip them of their last vestiges of power. For example, shut down the surveillance machinery, and Cabal may not see the arrest teams closing in. Could be as it seems, or it could be setting the stage for something else.

One dead and hundreds injured in protest against Macron. This will produce even more K for the next one. I wonder what the stresses are that are so great they have already begun this much of a K-shift.

In Italy newly legalized Muslim refugee strips naked on the street, begins masturbating, before heading to a beach and raping a grandmother right in broad daylight. They are not sending their best. Then again, migrants are r-strategists, so they never will be their best.

Trump Health and Human Services executive assigned to lower Prescription Drug Costs, found dead of suicide from multiple Blunt Force Injuries. We do not have any kind of certainty about what is going on, but if there was some sort of shadow war for control of the government, being waged carefully so as to not awaken the awareness of a sleeping populace, this is exactly what it would look like. It all says to me, that whatever is going on, the established powers are under some sort of threat.

Oddly enough the exact same thing happened to a Putin aide two years ago in DC, only then they blamed it on him drinking, and repeatedly falling until he killed himself. Cabal MO?

Word Economic Forum puts up an article on using Ultrasound to alter human brains, to make them into mindless slaves. I guarantee you it is being used on innocent civilians this very day, just to see what it would do.

Leftist Australian Universities ban sarcasm. Narcissists have in common with the Borderline Personality Disorder an inability to cope with people not being emotionally riled by them. Sarcasm is a sort of rhetorical Stillface, where you simultaneously ridicule their position and demonstrate a wry absence of caring about it. It is very painful cognitively.

Joy Behar says Trump can’t handle the stress of the Presidency and should resign. Another window into the liberal mind. My favorite narcissist loved to ridicule one of his targets for not being able to handle stress. The truth was, he was the one who could not handle stress, and he was very insecure about it. His projecting that trait was the way he relieved it. Clearly things which stress normal humans invigorate Trump and make him feel alive. Which tells you Behar is very stressed – and very insecure about it. If I were talking with her I would repeatedly tell her to calm down, and not get so worked up and crazy. Even if she wasn’t being crazy, it would trigger her insecurity, and she would get crazy.

NY Appeals Court rules that not only don’t cops have to call ICE on illegals and hold them for a federal violation, they are not allowed to because they do not have the authority. Just amazing.

Director of the Government Accountability Institute says Democrat election fraud could easily qualify for a RICO case.

Interesting story about a Professor who made an innocent joke in an elevator only have the feminist brigade close in. On the one hand it is probably as it seems – mentally ill feminists being triggered by everything. But a small part of my brain says, “look at the mechanism they are assembling.” It is a social version of the old tyrannical ideal, where everything is illegal and the tyrant rules through selective enforcement, only here it is applied to employment. Alternatively, if there is some sort of secret alliance of individuals operating as a covert network taking over society, these triggers, once established as legitimate through public conditioning, could be used to decide who wins and who loses, as the network advances its own people and takes over institutions. Leftists being insane is the easiest explanation, but is that because we are programmed to not see the truth?

Illegal immigrants cost Americans about $18.5 billion per year, just in healthcare. Could this be a root of our skyrocketing premiums?

Migrant invaders are cutting razor wire as part of an organized effort.

Lost Argentine Submarine found on the ocean floor.

Roger Stone appears to have text messages showing that he was not in direct contact with Assange, but rather was being updated by a third party. There goes that avenue of attack for Mueller.

Trump shows how he can work across the aisle, even with his most sworn enemies:

Arizona Republican Party announces an independent audit of Maricopa County results.

Four identical mail-in ballots discovered in California. Q said watch California.

An anon on Q’s board lays out the possible in image form:

I agree entirely. As awful as it is to say, I am always amazed just how much the Lord knows what he is doing.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because we are getting closer

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5 years ago

That protest in France was interesting. I’ve seen reports that it all started online over a very minimal 3 cent increase on fuel. Went viral and some reports said a million people strong at 1,500 points of protest. Someone had the idea that they should all wear yellow hi vis jackets which you have to carry in your car by law now to wear if the car breaks down. Seems to be organic but after reading your posts, I’m definitely not sure of it.

5 years ago

I’ve noticed that with narcs too, -especially women narcs- where they’ll accuse you of either being stressed when you are high energy or they will accuse you of being mad when you disagree with them about something. I’m also a person who is invigorated by stress; easy days make me languorous and constantly yawning for no reason. It also goes along with that female collectivism where they’ll be in a stressful situation and can’t get the courage to deal with it in a new way unless they form a posse. IE: I’ll see one of them at work want to change her routine, but before she commits, she talks a bunch of others into changing their routine in the same way so they can sit around talking about it and giving each other emotional validation. That would explain why they tried to group harass me only on certain days when individuals were in certain positions. They fallaciously assumed I was like that when I can change my routine constantly and stand up to a group on my own without back up.

Those ‘guys’ in the Laura Benshoff tweet look so gross. I wonder if they are females taking hormones to gain facial hair? Their body shapes are off. The one in the back looks like he has a glued on ‘stash.

5 years ago

“…a $266 million lottery jackpot winner.”–election.html

Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.

5 years ago

Teacher at a British School tells a horrifying tale of children at her school being shunted towards transgenderism by older trannies, and then shunted through the process by a system that does not inform the parents.

Credit to my wife for picking up on this one — this is purely eugenics. They’ve figured out a way to sterilize the autistic children without calling it eugenics.

5 years ago

Must read this! Sydney news subtly promoting prostitution, look how they display a sexy pic of her. Obviously they are indirectly encouraging it

5 years ago

Some princesses of Monaco looks trans:


Cinderella the Deplorable
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5 years ago

disgusting. check out Princess Stephanie’s facial asymmetry.