News Briefs – 11/10/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

From this article, the California bar shooter wasn’t normally like that, according to one of the victims. From the article: “Todd Stratton, who was at the bar with two friends who died, said he was in “disbelief” because he’s known Long for years. “My friend killed my other friends, and I was just there to see it all happen,” Stratton said. “I didn’t think that he was the type of person that would do this, and I don’t understand it.”

Then there was this article, which says this: “There was a community there,” Long’s friend, who requested anonymity, told CNN. “He was a part of that community. The whole bar is line dancing. People do choreographed dances for hours, cowboy boots and hats in the middle of the suburbs of Thousand Oaks. The friends interviewed by CNN were shocked to learn what Long had done, describing him as a “sweet,” “good guy” who was “always happy. He wasn’t unhinged, he wasn’t violent,” recalled a friend who was last in contact with Long two years ago. “He was a sweet guy who served his country and was using his GI Bill to go to college and get a degree to help more people. Out of our group of friends I thought the highest of him.”

I have no idea if this shooter was nuts or not, but do find it interesting all of these shootings feature a cohesive narrative at the beginning, when the Mainstream media is doing the reporting. But after the narrative is delivered, they leave, and then other people come out to do the follow-on media coverage, and say things which are directly in opposition to what the big media told us.

Shots fired right outside a Kanye video shoot.

Kim Kardashian had to flee their house as a wildfire approached.

Great thread detailing exactly what is going on in Florida. TLDR is that Broward will not reveal how many ballots were cast, counted, or remain to be counted, in direct violation of campaign laws, and the Supervisor there is a hard core partisan who has previously mishandled mail-in ballots and even destroyed ballots that were part of an active case. In Palm Beach, they have a sworn affidavit that the elections people declared ballots damaged, and decided to recreate “new” ballots to replace them, but barred election monitors from observing the process, again in direct violation of the law. So whether Scott and DeSantis votes were recreated as Nelson and Gillum ballots, nobody can say for sure. Scott is suing over both, and a judge already gave Broward until 7PM last night to comply, and said Broward must immediately allow Scott’s people to inspect the process. But you know Broward’s records must be screwed up beyond all measure, so if she reveals them, the supervisor is in trouble, and if not, she is in trouble. And she chose not to, according to Matt Gaetz. This was all fully predictable, at least by an intellect like Trump and the forces behind the Storm. It is possible we are about to witness a brilliantly crafted set up unfold before our eyes, and that is why the Democrats are now beginning to make such reckless moves as defying court orders.

Since election day, Broward has found 46,000 Democrat votes.

Broward Supervisor has already admitted she has previously allowed Felons and illegals to vote, and destroyed ballots, while others have complained about how she has a history of finding ballots whenever an election was close.

In this election, the Broward Supervisor admits she accidently threw bad provisional ballots in with good ones, and nobody now knows which is which.

A Broward temporary employee says in an affidavit she was fired after she witnessed possible absentee fraud.

Now photos crop up of dozens of boxes of ballots sitting in a mail facility that were not mailed back in time. Some have wondered if that is where the mystery trucks went to drop off GOP ballots, to get them out of the system.

Broward Police remove Representative who was filming ballots being secretly loaded onto trucks outside of Broward Board of Elections offices, and officials in Palm Beach banned journalists and threatened arrest for trying to film any public counting activities.

Also, Democrats are objecting that matching signatures is too subjective, and will disenfranchise minority voters.

Nine people arrested by Texas AG for voter fraud.

Meanwhile in Arizona, the Senate race there which had been called for the Republican has flipped since election day as the Democrats continue to find more votes.

And Arizona GOP alleges destruction of evidence of voter fraud.

Trump tweets signatures aren’t matching:

Another House race in NJ goes the same way as the counting progresses.

Cindy McCain publicly excoriates Arizona GOP group for suing to get the state to call Mail-in voters, to confirm they mailed in a ballot. The Republican request sounds reasonable, which gives the impression she is trying to aid the corrupt Cabal to keep control of the election.

Vet says he was barred from voting because polling workers said the flag on his shirt was a symbol of hatred. Hatred for liberal treason, maybe.

Districts with large foreign populations are the ones which sent far leftists to Congress. Is it that foreigners don’t really understand freedom, or does Cabal recruit assets off the boats and at the borders, promising to ease citizenship issues in return for fealty?

Former NYPD commissioner Kerik says Antifa should be labeled a terrorist organization. Remember how quickly they took him out when he was proposed to run DHS? The problem with his plan is Trump needs control of the federal machinery first. He could make the declaration now, but if the machinery isn’t under his control, Antifa will actually be protected.

Wanna see where your Obamacare premiums are gonna go?[language warning]:

The gun doesn’t seem to recoil enough, so probably fake, although it did look like the foot was a little floppy in the after-shot footage, as if the shot caught a metatarsal. I could see this catching on as a Russian Foot Challenge. “You’re back in the ER again?” “Ya, hell, I was playing the game again, and Muthfucka’s just fucked up my other foot!” $15K boom! Now that this is on youtube pulling views, everybody is going to be doing it. And get this – the insurer can’t even factor in whether you play this game or not when creating premiums. They will pay the same fucked up rate you do – and their vote counts the same as your’s – and they are breeding faster.

Dems may sue to block Whitaker’s Acting AG status. Feels like a very desperate stalling tactic.

Terror attack in Melbourne. 30 year old Somalian set his truck on fire with propane cylinders in it, and then went on a stabbing spree until shot and killed. ISIS claims responsibility. A division of Cabal, Inc.

Massive California wildfires wipe out a town and kill 9 so far. Now this is happening exactly as they are in the process of trying to steal the elections. I cannot remember a time filled with so may tragedies and disasters, almost every single day. On the subject of people being killed in their cars, never forget your car needs oxygen to combust the gasoline. Drive it into flames, where the oxygen has been consumed sufficiently, and your fuel line might as well have water in it. And if another car goes down ahead of you, it can be just as bad.

The new Democrats in Congress intend to pass the most restrictive gun control in Texas.

Comey discussed sensitive FBI business on his private email hundreds of times.

ICE slams NJ Jail for releasing an illegal ICE was pursuing, without allowing ICE to take him and deport him. He just murdered three people.

DEA and ICE caught putting surveillance cameras in streetlights. Everyone has their panties in a knot. A whole $22,000 contract. I laugh at articles like this. I was watching Manhunter, which is like Cops for the US Marshalls. It follows them as they track fugitives and bring them in. They put a surveillance team on a guy, and all they had was like 4 surveillance people. The guy they were tracking ditched his clothes (he had a black layer of clothes on under them), and he disappeared into the night. Everyone came out to look at the pile of clothes by the corner of a building. Here DEA is fielding like ten cameras, across the nation, probably only specifically placed, targeting specific bad guys. LEOs are going to have their minds blown someday, when the Storm blows through.

After Arizona’s Senate race was called for the Republican, the Democrat is now up 20,000 votes as they continue counting absentee ballots. Digital imaging technologies are such today that all ballot counting should be recorded and stored, for review by lawyers after the election. It would take nothing to set up the counting like a blackjack dealer, even with just one camera positioned over the table, attached to a DVR, filming each ballot and its recording into the system.

10% of men, and 7% of women have uncontrollable sexual urges. This is what r trends toward. You can see how when resources are ever present, an uncontrollable need to have sex constantly can keep those babies coming, and be a real evolutionary advantage.

Transgender regret is becoming increasingly common, warns a top trans-surgeon. Amygdala is a funny thing. One thing lights it up, another gets blamed. Work wears on you, and you snap at your wife. Transgenders are simply in high amygdala, and they fixate on something. The fixation is probably amygdala-relieving, since it creates a perception happiness can be attained one day by changing something. They “fix” that something, and find the amygdala is still there, and now it is triggered by the “fix.” It is amazing how leftism always creates misery – even where it ostensibly takes the side of the person in misery.

Gun control activists gained ground in the past election, while gun rights advocates lost ground. Not entirely bad, if you look at the long game. Trump’s reelection is paramount. If this election was not totally fixed and the media coverage totally fake, gunowners have gone long enough without threat that their amygdalae have atrophied, and the weaker aversive stimulus is not driving them to the polls as it should. Hopefully we will have a few close calls in the coming two years, with no advance of any gun control. But it will supply enough threat we have to get out and fight like hell, and we are left driven to make sure we get out in 2020.

Ratings rise after Megyn Kelly leaves NBC.

Michele Obama admits she used IVF to conceive. Would that be worded the same way if the fertilized egg was implanted in a surrogate? I almost wonder if this was admitted to because they knew Trump and Q had accessed the records of the IVF clinic, or something similar, and they knew it was coming out. So admit to this now, and make it old news, rather than have it function as a piece of supporting evidence. Just as a reminder:

And you see what happened to Joan Rivers.

Ginsburg doesn’t look good. Notice in the first profile shot, her mouth is open as she is wheeled by. She isn’t breathing through her nose. In TCM that is a sign of a lung issue, and now she will be prone to pneumonia due to the reduced breathing from the broken ribs.

Here is a strange one – The NY Time ran journalist-guided vacation tours of Iran, and just recently canceled them under pressure.

Trump touches down in France, and immediately slams Macron on Twitter over his assertion they need an EU army to protect them from America – calls it “very insulting.” This may mean this is not a simple remberance trip, but rather some real hardcore negotiating will be going on about something important to Trump. Trump always gets unpredictable in the run up to negotiations to make sure his opponents are aware he is not pleased, and can and will do anything, even something wildly out of the box. Macron sees this and realizes it is something he would not do right as he arrived somewhere, and that drives a perception Trump cannot be predicted. The question is, what is Trump negotiating in the run-up to 11/11, at a meeting featuring so many world leaders? He may be laying on the table that he can destroy them or they can join him and help eradicate Cabal. My guess is it will be a persuasive case, which he assumes will just happen. But he needs them to know he will pull the trigger if they say no.

Catholic intellectuals support the US government investigating sex abuse in the Church.

Trump says more reporters may need to be banned from the White House.

Trump is sending lawyers to Florida to expose the fraud.

President Trump on Obama: “I’ll never forgive him for what he did to our military. I’ll never forgive him for what he did in many other ways which I will talk to you about in the future. But what he did, what he did to this military made this country very unsafe for you and you and you.”

Spread r/K Theory, because you don’t want to lose both feet

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6 years ago

I am noticing here some are expressing doubts about Q…

The Art of War is being played out in front of us.

People should read several versions \ translations of it and the Prince (not just the current copy)

Both have been “translated” until it has been neutered (done on purpose – you can figure out why)

Q reference to possibly Lynch flipping (drop 2261):
[LL] talking = TRUTH reveal TARMAC [BC]?
[LL] talking = TRUTH reveal COMEY HRC EMAIL CASE?
[LL] talking = TRUTH reveal HUSSEIN instructions re: HRC EMAIL CASE?

I read three things from it.

1. This new Intel may help Q a lot… and it may justify delays since new data has to be added and weighed against the plan… but anyone in Intel also knows…

2. A trap… does not really mean it. They sent her to spike the punch and both get Intel and lie to Q

THE BIG ONE. She did not just flip. She is the WHITE FLAG for Hillary… and they both did. If you think the latter would not sell out Bill and her own daughter (much less everyone else)… well… you have a better opinion of her than I do. However, if she goes directly… THERE would be direct violence… she is too big not to pull the plug.

Things change. Moreover, there is a storm our there (for both sides)…

What do you think better survives a cat 5 hurricane… an Oak tree or a Willow tree?

I bet on the Willow since it bends and absorbs the impact – where an Oak tree would “stand” solid against the beating and you could be proud of what it took – even after it cracks…

If you want to stay standing at the end of this… be a Willow tree…

On point #3… Would I give her up to get a bigger fish… even with everything she has done to us all?

Hell YES.

Because her losing did MORE damage to her than any prison. In addition, death is too easy.

Nevertheless, to use her to get the others… THAT is worth more than anything we can do to her in court.

Every war has had battles that one wins and one loses… However, what matters is… who authors the treaty…I am betting on Q and Trump (for now)…

Mountain Farmer
Reply to
6 years ago

Good analysis. Please keep posting.

6 years ago

“I’ll never forgive him for what he did in many other ways, which I’ll talk to you about in the future.” Wonder what the God Emperor is referring to here?

6 years ago

The reason why Comey would talk about sensitive FBI matters on a private email is so he could,

1) purposefully get hacked, and
2) give the hackers warning into critical FBI ops

When the Cabal/Deep State compromises someone all they ask is “Hey, you do nothing but let your guard and security measures down a little- we do the rest”. That way the compromised has plausible deniability (just looking like an old fogey idiot). Remember the UK guy who hacked Brennan?

Imagine what a kompromat laden foreign intel service could do.
This is why, during the Cold War when security worked a little better a person with a security clearance could go to jail for 20 years simply for leaving a safe unlocked. If the spy situation is just as tough or tougher than it was in the Cold War and security measures are weaker what do you think is going to happen? You have more dicks going through you than a sorority chick at a frat kegger.

It works the same with Ballots and elections as well. Brenda Snipes has deniability, and the compromised yokels working with Cali/Mex transplants in AZ do to. They didn’t have to do anything, they just missed some stuff here and there and a bunch of operatives did the rest.

In a perfect world, the Comeys and the Snipes would be shipped to Guantanamo, injected with sodium pentathol and have their privy parts hooked up to car batteries. Using that intel the NSA/DIA would then find the operatives and DEVGRU would woodchip them, where ever they are. Sadly, we hopefully just have forward thinking law enforcement watching election officials and their own bosses hard. I hope that’s enough.

6 years ago

War, only a damn war will stop these motherfuckers.

Everything else is bullshit.

6 years ago

On this story, 10 cameras? Hmmm, a little off…
Getting your info from a TV show? Wrong.
The real stuff is classified.

Anyway, the street
Light cameras are sorta for surveillance, but typically more for evidence collection. As in, for court. “As you can see in the footage here, Mr. smith went into the house and came out with drugs.”

Where the mass surveillance stuff comes in is via fusion centers where say local police, FBI, and other agencies share their goodies.

A last point is that ice and dea have tiny tiny funding for stuff like this, surprisingly small.

You do have a really good point, the fact all the fun toys are use against us and not to fight crime will be staggering one day.

6 years ago

Any idea where that 7% of women is located? Just so, y’know, I can avoid that place.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…Digital imaging technologies are such today that all ballot counting should be recorded and stored, for review by lawyers after the election…”

I’ve got a perfect secure way to vote figured out. Wrote about it here…

No it won’t stop people illegally voting but that’s what registration roles are for. It would stop them “finding” ballots. They would all be tallied immediately. Voting would end and you would have the results within seconds.

“…Transgender regret is becoming increasingly common…they fixate on something. The fixation is probably amygdala-relieving…

You know that old saying,”Wherever you go, there you are”.

6 years ago

It appears it is go time. Stay safe everyone.