Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
Add in zapping people with directed energy weapons through their walls to degrade their health and energy levels, and this would be quite accurate:
The job will not be complete unless the surveillance is called to account, and punished for their treason, and ideally removed, so what is left can move forward as one nation united.
Local Sheriffs gearing up to help Trump carry out mass deportations.
Report: Arizona’s crime surge costs state $20.6 billion in 2022, $7,000 per household. It never had to be.
American travelers are outraged by signs appearing at US airports appearing to allow migrants onto flights without showing proper identification.
Denver spends more than $350 million on migrants.
Leftist Cenk Uygur:
That is like the next step for him. You start out leftist, become rightist, and then the next step is to begin to view everyone on the right, save Trump, as a bunch of fag actors pretending to do things they could never possibly muster the intellect, skill, or courage to do in real life, as they act out a badly-written script which does nothing but put everyone through bullshit they never had to actually endure, if only the assholes at the top would just let everyone be free. The cycle ends when you paint your face like Mel Gibson in Braveheart, join with everyone else, and kill everyone in public life in a massive civil war, beginning with your local surveillance.
Mayor of tiny South Carolina town killed in car crash while being “pursued” by county law enforcement just days after his town’s entire Police force quits. Reminds me of this CIA dude assigned domestically to the Port of Houston, whose Police car chase was cut to live on the local news. He crashed and a local PD went up and just outright executed him point blank on live TV, then went back to another cop and high fived him. Afterwards they went to, IIRC, Larry Johnson, to show him a picture of an award from the CIA the guys family released, and Johnson said, yeah, it looked like a legit award an officer would receive, and the guy was probably CIA like they were claiming. Nothing ever came of it. (Bookmark – surveillance detection piece.) Lots of skullduggery afoot. Update – I did a quick look on Google Streetview, and it was interesting. A lot of the town was last mapped in 2008, and in those photos, the town has almost no vehicular surveillance. You come to intersections, and there is nobody there. With all the surveillance you see today, it is almost an eerie feeling. Other parts of town were 2024 pictures, and they all have cars hitting the intersections as you do, so surveillance definitely moved in in the last 16 years for some reason.
Ghislaine Maxwell has been left ‘starving’ this Thanksgiving after the jail where she is serving a 20-year sentence for child sex trafficking ‘ran out of money’. Her op is draining everything from every corner of the government. Kinda funny.
Republicans face narrowest House majority in 90 years, thanks to California’s ballot harvesting, etc.— If GOP loses just one vote, their bill will die. More like they lost seats to California taking three weeks to produce results, and cramming in fraud as they did it.
An award-winning bodybuilder died suddenly at the gym after going into cardiac arrest.
La. Police Officer, 45, dies suddenly on way to testify in murder case.
70% of Biden admin’s education enforcement targeted Christian colleges: ‘Target their opponents.’
Trump wants Gaza ceasefire deal before inauguration, Graham says.
This is not picking the book up in this next one, it is promoting it, and he is doing it on orders of a command who (as with Epstein’s “body”) arranged for the photographer to be there too in order to capture the pic, and for the story to appear in the Post. Mark it down as one more possible indicator the next phase will be the rise of anti-semitism. I think when Q said we are saving Israel for last, he was lumping it in with democrats, leftist, migrants, globalism, etc. All will be ruined by whatever is coming, if things are as Q claimed (perhaps an “if”). I hope surveillance is in there somewhere, as is the beaming team, with full exposure, including names and home addresses – but we do not need Q for that, we can do that ourselves with American Stasi.
Lawmakers in the United Kingdom took a major step towards permitting the euphemistically named “assisted dying,” also known as state-sanctioned suicide or euthanasia. Notice how if that is a sin, they are tricking people into damning themselves. I do not think this thing can actually use force on you. It needs you to damn yourself willingly. It looks like if you want to defeat it, place your faith in God, tell it to go fuck itself, and take what comes, but never, ever quit.
REVEALED: The ‘ASTONISHING’ list of taxpayer freebies Britain is forking out to illegal immigrants.
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau has arrived in West Palm Beach, Florida, and is due to meet President-Elect Trump tonight at Mar-a-Lago to kiss the ring and beg for mercy. I would feel better if Trump turned him away, and forced him to fly all the way back to Canada having accomplished nothing.
Germany’s far-right AfD to campaign to leave EU, euro and Paris deal.
Zelensky has failed his country — Ukrainian-born US lawmaker. Not if his country is Israel.
Desertion threatens to starve Ukraine’s forces at a crucial moment in its war with Russia.
Send people to, because never quitting means never losing
The sidebar went on an unexpected journey with some dwarves and a wizard.
Frodo, NnnooooooO!
Damned dwarves! They always were a shifty bunch.
People don’t get how much society relies on GPS. It isn’t just car maps. It’s ATMs. It’s all card transactions. It’s bank transfers. It’s even relied on in the electric grid to stabilize frequency.
Russia jamming GPS would entirely shut Europe down, at least for a couple of weeks. A couple of weeks is a LONG time in a region where people only keep 12-48 hours of groceries.
GPS spoofing is even scarier, considering people will follow their Garmin as far as turning into a canal. Spoofing is probably worse than just jamming it.
I truly hope, for the people of the European nations, that they wake up and see that the real enemy in this instance is the EU/NATO and not Russia/Putin. EU/NATO’s version of progress is a Klauss Schwab-esque dictatorship and a complete dissolution of traditional European culture.
It’s always strange that Europeans don’t buy in bulk. I always had like 5kg of rice and an average of 2kg of meat in my apartment. I asked them why they don’t and they said they don’t like having so much food in their apartment. (??)
Russia built their own GPS, GLONASS, after the USA spoofed its own GPS system during Desert Storm. Apparently everyone had forgotten that GPS was a US military (USAF) tool in the beginning.
The EU has its own GPS system called Galileo, but it has a sparse satellite array that has been flaky. It also shared basic frequencies and protcols with the American GPS system, so targeting one would probably shut the other down as well.
India, Japan, and China also have their own GPS systems, but must civilian infrastructure tunes to the American system, which is worldwide.
AC, serious question regarding Google Streetview: why do you seem to suggest that the driver is *you*? It’s a Google employee. Better question: why would the Surveillance — of which Google Streetview’s operator cars are undoubtedly a big part — be gangstalking their own surveillance cars? You seem to be putting yourself in that car when using Streetview. This seems like an error.
I say “you” to make people visualize it that way. I want them conditioned to see thmselves driving that Google car, and the cars hit the intersection as they do, a ridiculous number of times which cannot possibly be chance, and I want them to reflexively know what that is, because they have seen it done to “them” on Google Streetview a million times. If we can condition them that way, they will see their own surveillance in real life.
I do not know why the Google Streetview car is under surveillance, but I suspect there is tech on board doing something as the car drives around, be it mapping inside houses, or beaming select people, something ridiculously verboten. It could be something even more exotic, and they are keeping the car tightly locked down, even in the US, so nobody can grab a car, crack it open, show the tech is in there, and reveal some sort of scandal.
But understand, even my understanding of all this is very basic, and possibly wrong. There are other possibilities, chief among them, that the surveillance is somehow automated, and it is being triggered on the Google car for some other reason.
In short, I cannot tell you for certain why the Google car is under surveillance, but I can tell you, 100% it is under surveillance, and that is exactly what it looks like. I can also say, it will prove to be the key to alerting all Americans to whatever this threat is, and someday getting it dealt with.
I think that often the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.
The Google car is under surveillance because the local network doesn’t know for certain that it’s part of the same machine.
They watch it because it is unusual in their area of responsibility.
Could be. That is reasonable.
That said, I have been 500 miles from a house, looked at the surveillance over the internet as a bear turned up the driveway and walked toward the house, and the neighborhood vehicular unit was sent to drive by right at that moment, despite the fact if someone was monitoring the street tech they should have known it was just a bear, and I was not even there anyway.
It made me think the driveby may have been automated somehow, and the Bear triggered a sensor and that automatically triggered a driveby without any human involvement. It is not impossible they moved neighborhood monitors into vehicular units with cameras and mics, and the monitor function was given to some kind of automated AI, so they would have as many cars as possible on the road, and they would always be moving toward stuff the AI felt was interesting so whoever was in the command post for that sector could watch everything.
It is all very weird, not least of which would be the funding.
Working theory: humans in a loop can only be paid for responding an event when an automated sensor can detect both the existence of an event AND the human response to said event. Otherwise, humans could be trying to bill for responses to non-existent events.
In this scenario, fixed-position automated sensors that detect an event could also detect a human-in-loop response (e.g. driveby), which could then be correlated with automated sensors within the vehicle. That would close the loop on billing and would provide algorithm training data to improve the accuracy of both the fixed-position and mobile sensor platforms.
That could be.
Just as in the t.v. series “person of interest” where the little boxes locked onto the pedestrian type people in videos and attached “known identity info” or put them on a tracking mode. Big box stores cameras at entries and the health and beauty aisle have those facial i.d. boxes superimposed onto facial images on little video screens right there in front of you to intimidate shopper’s into not stealing things. (We see you, we record you, we have your face captured too!) Type of orwellian tech bully methods. That type of a.i. overwatch used in parallel with in use camera systems, shot spotter type of microphones on poles, and motion or ground movement sensors allows a more definitive coverage than relying on a human cabal agent to watch a board of video monitors for a workshift, with limited human attention spans. Funding like their payroll is buried in the bureaucracy, slipped in with grants and carbon capture funding etc used as a front within those Omnibus type infrastructure bills in the billions of dollars. I drive around in circles and dart off in totally different directions than the intended destinations, being annoyingly obstinate. Hand a folded newspaper to a total stranger in front of the post office and tell them a good article is inside and walk away. Now they got someone else they have sit on for days and weeks because of the nexis connection created by an Intel handoff. Such fun.
“Hand a folded newspaper to a total stranger in front of the post office..”
You are TI and you leave post office. Keep in mind that this guy may be a stalker? 😉
Walgreens stores with the “video doors” on their display racks works the same way. They did facial recognition, ID, and tracked eye movements to see what people were looking at. (or for)
Then, of course, they made some of them wait through advertisements before the door would open.
I can’t imagine wanting anything badly enough from a store to put up with that, though apparently enough people complied to keep the system running for a while.
> I do not know why the Google Streetview car is under surveillance,
It was my understanding that the Streetview drivers were gig contractors. They were probably being watched by the in-place surveillance guys, even though they were carrying their own surveillance with them.
AC, I recall a similar concern about “you” versus the Google Streetview car upon first encountering your surveillance tutorials. Consider explicitly naming the Google Streetview car as a surrogate for “you” in every surveillance tutorial, perhaps alongside a link to a page explaining the convention.
Not a bad idea.
‘Lawmakers in the United Kingdom took a major step towards permitting the euphemistically named “assisted dying,” also known as state-sanctioned suicide or euthanasia.’
This is going to become big business in the near future as things get more desperate, especially among onion-skinned Millennial Letists. No big loss.
The big loss will come when people are summoned to appear before a panel to justify their existence. George Bernard Shaw and the Fabian maniacs talked about this over one hundred years ago. The criteria he described was if you are consuming more than you are producing then the state has the right to take your life.
What if the criteria consists of thought crime? Do you think it wont? This assisted dying bill is the thin end of the wedge. God rot the Fabian scum. I’m sure the people who make up the death panel will be exempt from this judgement. It is evil.
Before that happens, expect a massive surge – a tsunami in fact – of organ harvesting to occur: damn fool goes into be euthanized, but he finds himself paralyzed yet wide awake; and he feels the intense pain of being cut open and each organ being removed.
The likes of Steinmetz, Hawking, Edison, or even Newton would have been unlikely to pass one of those panels.
Crippled, sick, or just crazy as a shithouse rat; obviously no benefit to society as a whole.
They cannot be allowed to popularize the idea, even for themselves who totally deserve…well, not just death, but EVEN WORSE than death. They must receive EVEN WORSE FATES THAN DEATH for even trying. Which they coincidentally already deserve. Ready to be instruments of Almighty Discipline?
Is this lady exposed surveillence? She says about series of coincidences.
Definitely surveillance, but I am not sure that is Stasi surveillance. That could be more personal, and more of an immediate threat. I would want to get into an interaction with that guy in a public spot, in front of security cameras, just to get him off balance, and see how he handled it.
Short article from Cabal Central fishwrap: the economist. This is a ‘what about them’ libshit finger pointing at veterans disability benefits, amid any “doge” costs trimmings of other budgets. The last sentence of the article was pure punk talk. A short study of history should enlighten anyone as to what veterans can and will do when those Weimar problems are not fixed by normal .gov functions. The veterans today, after patiently and with discipline monitoring of the shit show things thus far, are quite capable of bringing the pain very well if pushed upon. Stay frosty American Veterans.
My guess, being a non-veteran myself, is that a single vet (if they know their stuff) can train a whole squad of common folk.
I saw a comment somewhere mentioning about how there has never been a standing army turn on the government commanding it, and that soldiers will just commit whatever atrocities they are ordered to commit. Mostly true.
The part he missed is that every government in the world either tries to kill off their veterans or bribes them, mainly because they are the biggest threat to that government. Look no further than the American Revolution to realize that Britain trained all of the most effective fighters via French and Indian Wars. It’s no different today.
America especially, but also Britain, Canada, and a few others have a sizable veteran population created by the GWOT.
Also why Heinlein stumbled on the idea that one day veterans would get so fed up with the liberal order that they would rise up and install a military citizenship requirement so that all of the government could only be run by veterans.
Barron and Podcasters.
Newspapers to Television to Podcasting. Nothing has changed retards.
Same dogshit propaganda brought to you by the same Jews.
“We can all learn from Wicked, an allegory of Jewish history”
“11 Thrillifying Jewish Facts About ‘Wicked’ – Hey Alma”
Holy fucking shit, lmao. At least there’ll be some comic relief to offset the chore of mass-graving them all. Plus some statistical recordkeeping to keep autists busy, for example, perhaps a Jew scapegoating goyim for supposedly scapegoating Jews who are the ones who have actually been addicted to scapegoating rituals for millennia including scapegoating LITERAL GOATS like the musical’s character, perhaps that sets a Hi Score in Chutzpah Kong, we shall see. I realized today, belatedly, that among their many accufessions, which are ancient not merely a recent thing since 10/7, the most disturbing one is accusing us of not being human. Do the math on that accufession, it’s horrifying.
I’m not going to transcribe the who informal interview… There is a guy asking questions to Jews about what they think of non-jews. If you don’t want to read my jumbled transaction it starts at 14:15:
This is very telling. I posted episodes last week of a radio program where the host is talking about the Jews in the 17th century Polish Commonwealth. At that time, they made of 85% of the world’s Jewish population. At that time, they were convinced that their Messiah was coming, and part of their belief… as the guy in the video was saying… that they will each have 2800 slaves. In The Polish Commonwealth, they essentially subjected the commoners (mostly Orthodox Christians) to abject poverty and basically enslaving them – as they were the tax collectors… usury. They didn’t their Messiah but a violent uprising. Now, most history books will tell you that it was just an anti-semetic movement and labeled as a horrific massacre of the Jews.
Well, what the hell does anyone expect once they realize that this is exactly what people even now are speaking about, that all non Jews are just viewed as slaves?
And today every elected office in America is overseen by these dirt bags. Meanwhile huge numbers of otherwise reliable Americans “believe” in the dysfunctional private alleged diety of these characters. What could ever go wrong?
Coup in Damascus is confirmed. Hassam Louka Chief of the general security directorate of the Syrian regime is trying oust Bashar Al Assad.
“ISIS to the left, coup conspirators to the right, here CIA am”
Judas could have had a chance at forgiveness if he didn’t off himself. But that was closed by him committing said self-murder.
> An award-winning bodybuilder died suddenly at the gym after going into cardiac arrest.
My first thought was the Vaxx, of course, but most serious bodybuilders – the guys that enter competitions – inject a witches’ brew of hormones and peptides to enhance muscle growth. Lots of them die young, and long-term health issues are common among the ones who don’t.
Schwarzenegger, like all of his cohort, was a heavy user of HGH. He managed to avoid most of the issues, except for uncontrolled bone growth. If you look at pictures of him as a teen vs. in his forties, you can see how the drugs induced acromegaly, which is why his face looks strange.
Modern bodybuilders also implement diuretic use to rid themselves of subcutaneous water, and those are very dangerous.
> Trump wants Gaza ceasefire deal before inauguration, Graham says.
I don’t see it happening. It’s not to Israel’s advantage.
If they don’t go “scorched earth” now, they’re just kicking the can down the road a few more years, and then they’re going to have to do it all over again.
> Lawmakers in the United Kingdom took a major step towards permitting the euphemistically named “assisted dying,” also known as state-sanctioned suicide or euthanasia.
That led me down a dive into Anglican theology…
Suicide used to be the ultimate Anglican sin; both against God and the monarch. However, the Anglican Church has now endorsed assisted suicide, which, since Charles III is head of the Church, means the King approves of the change in policy, as does his theological appointee, the Archbishop of Canterbury, who is delegated to handle the monarch’s theological duties to the Church.
That’s a *major* theological change, inverting Church policy almost six hundred years old. Yet it seems to have elicited almost no comment other than the bare announcement of the change.
The reason being the Anglican church serves satan and not God. The Anglican church has been pozzed for a long time.
They abandoned the small group of people that could actually afford their cars to court a group of people that DOESN’T DRIVE. Could be worse I guess, they could be Toy R Us funding the abortions of their future customer base.
Jaguar The Woke Joke
Robot Head
Oh, goody! My next new car…as soon as I win the megamillions lottery.
Right to repair. Simply put, the only way to avoid the problem with corporate using software copyright as a sledgehammer is to rebuild older units with third party computers using open source software. The CNC machine world has discovered this when rebuilding older machines, and while that works for a 1990’s CNC lathe/mill, so far nobody has done the work to create open source software for older tractors. Or cars.
How John Deere Robs Farmers Of $4 Billion A Year
More Perfect Union
Up until a few years ago, pirate software for JD machinery could be obtained from sources in Ukraine.
I’m not sure about now.
John Deere is a dirtbag company. So is Haas.
They’re American companies, but I’d proudly buy from India or China before giving them a single cent of my money.
Is anybody surprised? Anybody?
Owen B is gonna have a ball with this news lol.
I would not have expected Destiny to be gay.
> The Biden administration, with their takeover of the ATF, discontinued the publication of Firearms Commerce in the United States without announcement.
Now to remove the “F” from the ATF’s domain, and recognize the supremacy of the Second Amendment.
There were two rebellions against George Washington’s government over taxation of alcohol. Shay’s Rebellion in 1786, and the Whiskey Rebellion of 1791. The government put them down at gunpoint, but they were leery enough to shift taxation to real estate and ‘personal property’ in 1799, greedily enough to spark Fries’ Rebellion.
It was well over a century before they went back to taxing alcohol directly, immediately after the repeal of the Prohibition in 1933. Probably people were so happy to be able to buy legal alcohol again they didn’t notice the tax camel had its nose back in the tent.