News Briefs – 11/30/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Yesterday Gen Tom McInerney said a report he had heard said there were 5 soldiers and 1 CIA paramilitary killed in the raid on the CIA server farm. This report claims the five Special Forces soldiers were the five soldiers reported as killed in Egypt in a helicopter crash while on a peacekeeping mission, and the CIA Paramilitary was the former SEAL Team Six CIA paramilitary said to have been killed in Somalia. It is interesting Gen McInerney’s numbers turn out to correspond to two incidents we have recently seen in the news. Plus, when do you ever hear a public announcement about a CIA Paramilitary who was KIA? Others are noting if there was going to be a big SpecOps raid against a CIA facility, you would have needed to boot the compromised Esper, and have a dedicated SpecOps SecDef pull special operations directly under his command to eliminate a larger chain of command which would have leaked the operation to the enemy.

A DOJ plane went to Toronto (Dominion HQ), and then to Atlanta. DOJ has the responsibility for bringing together all the LE and Intel which will create the report that will cause the Supreme Court to invalidate the election and throw the Presidential selection to the House.

PA election observer drops a bombshell – says DOJ showed up at her door to question her after she testified. DOJ is assembling the report. All of this is not just plausible – it is predictable.

Native Americans in Arizona given TVs, tablets, resort stays for votes/registering to vote.

Joe Biden is getting booted. Best comment from 4Chan – “You know, they booted McCain a month before they offed him.” That is true, anon, that is true.

Trump trolls Biden? – Trump wishes Biden a speedy recovery from fractured foot. The tweet is here, and it has a troll-like quality, as if there is a secret left unsaid.

A coalition of Republican groups are calling for an occupation of the Georgia State House in response to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger ordering the Dominion voting machines in the state to be wiped of all voting data from the last election. Lin Wood and Sidney Powell got an order preventing the wipe in important counties, but the very fact this would be proposed now, before it was necessary, is amazing, and a direct sign of desperation. Some think the data may be unimportant overall, as it may already have been grabbed up by the DOJ flight reported above.

Michigan judge who tossed a pro-Trump voter fraud suit was caught releasing child molesters.

Dominion Voting Systems is a Clinton Foundation donor and hired a Pelosi staffer as a lobbyist.

Georgia recount in Fulton County delayed by Dominion server crash. Dominion techs are reporting to the scene.

Sidney Powell says the #KrackenOnSteroids team is also looking at election fraud in Virginia.

Lawsuit in Georgia Claims Dominion Software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran.

Matt Braynard, former data chief and strategist for the Trump campaign, says the FBI has contacted him and “has proactively and directly requested from me the VIP [Voter Integrity Project] findings that indicates illegal ballots.” It is said when your first thought is, Cabal is probably trying to find out what Trump and his team know.

A video from 2018, where a Symantic tech bought a couple of voting machines for a couple hundred bucks, and shows how easy it is to hack them.

A BBC flashback to the time Venezuela was looking at investigating it’s electronic voting machine election. From the article – “The electoral council in Venezuela says a fire in its main warehouse near the capital, Caracas, has destroyed most of the voting machines held there. Almost 50,000 voting machines and 582 computers used in the country’s elections went up in flames, electoral council chief Tibisay Lucena said. “

Trump says Big Media and Big Tech are ‘massively powerful, massively corrupt.’ I don’t want to see the corruption cleaned out. I want to see examples made of everyone who was a part of it, done in such a way that a century from now, when some conspiracy offers somebody a ticket, they think back to what happened to the corrupt now and feel nothing short of abject terror, so they report any new conspiracy immediately, and oppose it. If the government can’t do that, release the names, take down the surveillance, and let it be known that is the only way to save our republic, and encourage the citizenry to do what needs to be done. Otherwise, you will have people looking to get one up on everyone else doing this shit all over again at the first opportunity.

Inside Michelle and Barack Obama’s new $11.75 million waterfront home on Martha’s Vinyard – with its own private beach. Selling out the nation is well paying work if you can get it.

At least 32 shot in Philly over Thanksgiving weekend.

Superseding indictment charges “Boogaloo Bois” with conspiracy, and material support to Hamas, and firearms violations. The weirdest thing about Cabal is they all know it is an act, and they are all on the same team. I could see a picture of Richard Spencer, the head of the ADL, a BLM leader, Yassir Arafat, the leader of the Ku Klux Klan, and Osama bin Ladin sitting around a camp fire having shots, and it would make perfect sense to me.

More than 60 Aryan Brotherhood gang members and associates arrested for violent crime, firearms, fraud, and drug trafficking.

A former background investigator who did work under contract for the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA), pled guilty today to a charge stemming from his falsification of work on background investigations of federal employees and contractors.

Another account of the killing of the nuke scientist claims it was done with just remote control machineguns. Why are the accounts continually changing?

Study finds 84% fewer hospitalizations for patients treated with controversial drug hydroxychloroquine.

Stability in the Chinese bond market has been shattered by a recent spate of defaults by major Chinese state-owned companies.

The first Presidential interview since the election, with Maria Bartiromo.

Spread r/K Theory, because the end of the tunnel can come on you fast if you aren’t in the locomotive.

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

So cabal has recently developed a thing for Chess, for some reason. Netflix just had an awful girl-power show that wasn’t really realistic. But they’re also going after this guy, the best Chess player in the world, Magnus Carlsen, who has the highest chess rating ever, and they’re targeting him probably because he is a normal, White, Swedish male. He appears to have been “getting the treatment” recently. Probably to push a more diverse set of top players (ie. Chinese or Muslim). Q also made chess references in his posts, but it’s still weird because it seems the liberal brain is ill suited towards playing chess. The world of international chess has been showing a pozed side the last couple of years. Does anyone have any theories for cabals recent chess fixation?

M in the 517 l
M in the 517 l
Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

Magnus Carlsen is the man. He even deploys The Bongcloud at times.

(Cabal probably had it in for Bob Fischer also)

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“Native Americans in Arizona given TVs, tablets, resort stays for votes/registering to vote.”

And they still broke 52% for Trump. Polynesians went 56% for Trump.

4 years ago

EWillHelpYou is referring to a Twitter account “TheSecondPhase” which has currently 1 tweet and subtitles “And They All Came Tumbling Down”

The initial post is “Standby to Air – All Set”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

2nd post on the second phase acct.

Someone was in Ghislane Maxwells cell taking photos.

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“Another account of the killing of the nuke scientist claims it was done with just remote control machineguns. Why are the accounts continually changing?”

Because Iran doesn’t want to admit at least 62 Mossadites operated inside the Islamic Republic with impunity. In addition to tickling leadership’s raw amyg it has a “short between the legs” quality about it. Machinegun robots is better propaganda.

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“Stability in the Chinese bond market has been shattered by a recent spate of defaults by major Chinese state-owned companies.”

Every Chinese company hemorrhages yuan. So they have to be aggressive to survive, and if the Chinese “market” tanks during tensions with the U.S. then they can blame America to maintain stability. It’s an old trick, focusing people on the outside threat. It also means China will be very aggressive with their military if their economy goes. That’s another reason why cabal wants America with a weakened military. A defeat of S. Korea, Japan, Australia and the U.S. would cement Chinese power, and economic shaping in the Pacific for decades to come.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

Edge of Wonder did an interview in Sep or Oct with Jennifer Zeng, a Falon Gong practitioner who was persecuted by the CCP and was able to escape China. She commented that the CCP knows it’s falling apart, and seems to have what she calls a “59 year old mentality”, as in the year before retirement is when you cram as much as possible into your retirement accounts. The entire country seems to have this mentality, so they work on building things very fast and very cheap and nothing is built to last for long. Nobody has a mindset for long term planning. This affects their markets as well.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

I don’t think the ccp take on Japan unless they use nukes.

We would arm them so quick winnie xi pooh would wish it was merely a wasp nest.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  PubliusFlavius
4 years ago

True, nuke sponge may be the role NK was supposed to play in the initial stages- after taking down SK and Japan.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

CNBC’s China page is full of stories touting the wonderfullness of China today. The leading article encourages investors to buy more Chinese stocks. As for me, I think I will pass on that one. Buy American.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  RedMoonProject
4 years ago

CNBCCP (and to think they’re still the rational one out of all the Peacock networks. Along with NBCSN I guess.)

Remember when CNBC was FNN (or FNN/Score)?

4 years ago


Not voter fraud? Odd, I almost expect that.

4 years ago


The CCP will collapse within a decade and China will be transformed. How? Look at the collapse of the Soviet Union when we last had a good president. It is remarkable how a seemingly vast and impersonal system can have a human scale and timeframe in reality. People matter. Individuals matter. Ronald Reagan and his good guys completely undermined then tipped over the Soviets.

What we are already seeing today is Donald Trump and his team putting the kibosh on the CCP. It’s not an open hot war, it is a slow, steady, asphyxiating cold war of attrition. We are denying the CCP resources, capital, and freedom of movement. Furthermore, we are insisting that allies who wish to remain so do the same. It is a tightening blockade. We will observe more frequent social unrest in China, corporate defaults, bank runs and market crashes, prosecutions of “unfaithful” Party members domestically, and CCP diversionary tactics overseas along with prosecutions of criminal, CCP-linked Chinese in foreign countries. Sooner or later the house of cards will tumble down. I expect within eight to ten years but with the skill and dedication of Donald Trump and team it could be sooner.

Trump will avoid a hot war and therefore ignore CCP/PLA provocations in the international arena. The CCP will attempt to extort the US and its allies with threats to Taiwan and others. Trump will simply tighten the noose around the Party leaders’ necks through alternate sanctions and restictions. In the immediate future Trump will use the 2020 elections to reveal the CCP’s attempt to interfere in the US and all CCP/PLA-linked foreign bank accounts and assets will be seized and their foreign travel ended. The MSM embargo on free information will be over post-election and the Chinese people will create a slow boil beneath the CCP who, in their well-founded paranoia, will turn on each other more and more.

Despite the huge size of China this situation does have a human scale to it. Trump and his Patriots, our friends overseas who will ally with us, Xi and his Party cadres who will begin to flail against their impending doom. It will be dog eat dog in China for a while but eventually sanity will prevail and Taiwan will provide an infrastructure and mechanism for the mainland’s transition to normalcy and a peaceful, productive role in the world.

4 years ago

Another glorious splendid day.
This is Winning.
It is everywhere.
The institutional order of pedo’s and thieves is failing.
One day closer to the Cabal clown show total collapse.
Its past the point of stopping whats coming.
Too many of us good folks say I see you now you Cabal skum.
Your satanic magic has no ju ju power over us any longer.
The spells been broken.
r/K Theory is like that.

Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

if I were a ninja
I would say “I’m no ninja!”
but I’m no ninja

4 years ago

That link above of the announcement from DOJ DC AG’s Office: Former Background Investigator for Federal Government Pleads Guilty to Making a False Statement

Figure there’s got to be a shit ton of that particular Cabal/deep state espionage in order to install selected agent provocateurs within the federal framework.
Dollars to donuts it’s used in the inverse to data mine and doxx patriotic and honest to God and country federal employees who are seen as threats to Cabal/deep state operations for surveillance, removal or putting a hit on.

Hopefully they squeezed the fucker dry for what he knows about Cabal.
At first appearance it might seem like this actor is low hanging deep state operative fruit but I would think you snatch enough of these guys all sorts of things begin to happen.

I can think of a raft of uses.
I’d be interrogating this traitor with these questions:

Is he a pedo
Preferred sexual deviations
How did they compromise him
Was he a volunteer or coerced
What forms of extortion used
Was his family threatened, his personal property etc
Was he on the Cabal payroll
Who does he know in similar position
Who is his handler or reports to, and how
Who provides him his operational objectives
What is the scope of his actions
Who placed him in his position
Part of a network
Part of a false fake front company
What IC contacts or knowledge
Comprehensive list of associates, create a timeline and map of his life leading to his involvement in Cabal/deep state history

Basically give him the kind of intrusive vile demoralizing rectal exam he is complicit in providing to us good folks.
1st so he gets a taste of his own medicine but good.
2nd so the Cabal knows we know they know we know they know.
3rd, process of discovering the unknown unknowns and the unknown unknown unknowns.
4th, you take out enough of this diseased on the vine low hanging Cabal/deep state fruit you begin to disrupt Cabal operations, the roll on order effects are highly disruptive. The Cabal/deep state leadership manager cadre class, aka neo amerikan-Nomenklatura, is reliant on minions and proxies to a very high ratio of boss to worker bee.

I think the Cabal/deep state Nomenklatura are lazy, the peter principle probably applies in spades, mirrored in the converged corporate world, monkey see monkey do. Besides the hive collective and dogmatic/cargo cult dynamics. And there’s all sort of sycophant and true believer. It diverges downward into Cabal depravity tendencies from there.
Lot of intelligence to be gleaned from such a source. From there its solid basic investigative work.

Last thing hits me, is this character was bagged and tried to begin with.

Then again “Trust But Verify” as RR said. A timeless priceless wisdom.
Slippery cunning sly, not stupid in this way is the Cabal, it didnt get where it is otherwise. Desperate cowards in desperate straights are very dangerous.
This actor might be a victim of a false flag frame up, and is a white hat they had to do something about. Would not be first time.
Think Assange, Snowden, Flynn, Stone, Operation Fast & Furious fall guys, Oklahoma City FBI/false flag scapegoats, western states cattle ranchers, in particular think LeVoy Finnicum.
Gas Lighting and Plausible Deniability are the operative concepts.

Its fun inferring in the age of institutional order collapse.
Besides they watch us all. Therefore they see the message, they can’t stop.
Its really grass roots open source organic insurgency Counter-PsyOp’s, at least in effects.

Nothing draws wittle gaslight comment trolls like flies to a hot nasty fresh steaming dog turd on a putting green on a hot July day as The Truth and discourse regarding The Truth.
The advent of the comment thread and its commentariat is the beginning of the end of the Cabal’s power of thought/speak policing to control The Message.

Sometimes I get the inkling a main objective of faceborg goolag and twatter was to counter open free discourse out of the advent of reader comment capability. May be the Cabal instituted it and it backfired, wouldnt be the first backdraft it created.
Draw as many to faceborg and such, to its euphoric call, that way you have far more control, get as many as possible in one easier to control spot, and all who defy Cabal’s call stick out like sore thumbs, and those who trade liberty for the illusion of safety among the herd collective are very useful dupes who police their hive mind such as Karens and NPC’s out of fear of those who rock their little boat of collective self subservience to the Cabal. Like good little slaves. Some even volunteer to be latter day digital age Janasaries and Sepoys, and are well rewarded by their Cabal/deep state overlords.

r/K History is circular.

4 years ago

> “You know, they booted McCain a month before they offed him.”

That ran through my mind as soon as I saw that. Also note Hillary!, Chelsea, and Jeff Flake were all wearing “orthopedic boots” a few years ago. And some people questions why one day the boot would be on the left foot, and the next day it would be on the right… almost like it wasn’t really for orthopedic purpose, nie?

4 years ago

> Dominion techs are reporting to the scene.

[crackle] “Foxes to the henhouse, please. Foxes to the henhouse!” [pop]

Does anyone else think giving Dominion employees access to *evidence* – remember the several lawsuits queued up against Dominion – is maybe not a good idea?

4 years ago

> Why are the accounts continually changing?

When the “we got bin Laden!” news popped up I spent many hours hopping between all the major news sites. CNN, BBC, MSNBC, Fox, etc.

None of the stories were even *remotely* similar. Missile attack, joint Pakistani/American commandos, US Army Air Cavalry, dead at scene, taken alive… I spent hours just sitting there clicking, watching the stories gradually converge in real time, to what is now the accepted SEAL Team Six narrative.

And the original diverging stories were quietly altered to match. Every one. And the scary thing was, people I’d talked to about some of those early stories, claimed not to remember them. And tended to get angry when I pressed the subject. The Toob could have told them we were always at war with Eastasia, and they wouldn’t have questioned it.

It was pretty open and in-your-face fake and changed news, but they got away with it. Which is probably why they expected to get away with it again, 2011 was a long time ago in internet years, and people tend not to be as uncritical of news sources as they used to be. I

4 years ago

The recent news of Biden’s “transition team” getting Federal funds and security briefings got some people upset, but I didn’t see anyone following through to the conclusion.

When we prove Biden’s election was fraudulent, that means the entire “team” obtained classified national security information under felonious circumstances. That’s Club Fed right there. And they got Federal money by fraud. That’s a felony too. And both matters of open public record, no investigations needed.

4 years ago

Inside Michelle and Barack Obama’s new $11.75 million waterfront home on Martha’s Vinyard – with its own private beach.

This will be the very first thing I bring up any time someone brings up Obama and “climate change.” No one spends $12MM on a house that is going to be underwater in 10 years.

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

Off Topic:

Many here are fans of Texas Arcane and of course know about him being wiped from the internet. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, doing a search on Texas Arcane in the handy search box on this page. His blog was wiped and eventually he was pressured to lay low.

Here’s a possibility: maybe it was the people behind Q/white hats that pushed him away. He was engaging in some strong disappointment with Trump there towards the end.

Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

Tex often said he was a rodeo clown. A rodeo clown distracts the bull so the matador can get away. In his postings, who is the bull he is distracting, and who is the matador he is helping to escape?

4 years ago

Related to Haspel:

Increased flight traffic lately.

Milspecmonkey from twatter.

4 years ago

Probably full of shit, but I thought it was interesting the poster mentioned E.

comment image

Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

Who is E.?

Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

I’m behind the curve. Who is E?

4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago

South Korean Duck Farm Suffers Outbreak Of “Highly Pathogenic” H5N8 Bird Flu

4 years ago

Add this to the list of sites to check:

Codemonkey’s site?

4 years ago

Unrelated to Intel but good practice for militaries. I think like the Monks in Monasteries. The only sounds heard during mealtime is people eating and a Man reading the Word of God.

When one eats meals in silence and don’t speak during that time. Time gets shaved off of mealtime and enables greater readiness the rest of the day.

And only afterwards could speak. Which makes it easier to prepare for any attack.

Of course fasting during the afternoon and nighttime and reducing the meal-times like to only eat before noon could also help.

As you may know with the previous video I posted about a Man who had only one meal per day along ketogenic lines.

4 years ago

I really wish there was a way to turn NPC’s to actually Player Characters. It really gets tiresome and boring that so many people are just there to be programmed to run algorithms.

I want there to be real agency and people being actually interesting on the large scale. Makes the world a more fun place.