News Briefs – 11/28/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Over at, Hans G. Schantz is hosting a major Black Friday Book sale from a raft of independent creators, where every title is .99 cents or it is free. Stop by and take a look.

File this one under anons are amazing. This kid who is in pain, decides to sit down and make a youtube video of his Schizophrenic episode, for the benefit of his followers, done as he is hearing voices in his head telling him, among other things to, “turn the recorder off.” It has almost five and a half million views. An anon watches it and notices a curious background warble in the video when you turn it up loud, and thinks it sounds almost like whispers. I heard it on the first listen, with the volume up, and I didn’t even filter the output. He applies sound editing software to the feed, and draws out a background feed with a voice which precedes the kid saying the voice told him to turn the recorder off, which says, “Turn the recorder off.” Whatever the energy they were using to project the sounds into this kid’s head, it was spraying over and either hitting the magnets in the microphone on his computer and jostling them just enough to mimic sound wave motions, or it was triggering current fluctuations in the microphone wires that the computer thought were being produced by magnet jostling in the microphone from sound waves. And that caused the computer to record a background feed of the voices they were putting in his head, on his video, just below the normal auditory range. Kid’s video first, the two analysis videos after.

I’ve never heard the voices in the head trick gangstalkees report, but I have no doubt the tech is out there, given the fact there are sound propositions of how to do it, and cases which show you can create a sound effect inside the brain with microwaves. Everything else is just signal modulation, ruined lives, and a pretty big chunk of the populace which I think knows this is being done to their fellow countrymen, and is cool with it so long as their benees keep flowing. As this video shows, it can leave footprints, however faint, which leave no doubt. As bad as you think it is, it is much, much worse.

2 months after they were identified illegally deleting 2020 election records, three individuals remain unpunished, unidentified and uncharged by AG Mark Brnovich.

Lin Wood accuses Trump lawyer Sidney Powell and Stop the Steal of grifting. I tend to think Gen Flynn is not a grifter, and he seems to trust Sidney Powell, last we heard. I think I called Lynn Wood’s office once, to inquire about a surveillance lawsuit. I say “think,” merely because it was an answering machine in the middle of the day, which can always be faked and rerouted, if somebody else controls the lines. Nevertheless, I left a message and never heard back. Maybe he didn’t get it, maybe he got it, but knows the surveillance is too powerful right now for him, or maybe he is under some sort of control, I don’t know. I’d feel better if all of these people would take a stand against what was being done to this poor kid above.

Mike Lindell threatens to pull advertising dollars from Salem Radio Network if they don’t address 2020 election fraud.

13 SC, 16 NC state lawmakers sign letter asking for audit of ‘corrupted’ 2020 election.

There is an anon on 4Chan I have linked to previously. He has a hard-on for US Intelligence, probably due to gang stalking or some other fuckdugery he thinks they were responsible for in his life. He keeps exposing how somebody was using AI to create images they then disseminated in support of US intel activities, but these images were detectable due to flaws, and thus it exposed those operations, rather than help hide them. My own view is the intel game is a joke – it’s just the smart kids in each nation tricked into playing spy games with each other, while the elites, who control almost all the nations, and their intelligence services which they control, freely pillage all of those nations absent any resistance from the smart kids, who are all busy fighting with each other, unknowingly under the purview and full control of the elites. Nevertheless, he posted a quickly deleted 4Chan thread, which had the following picture of an AI generated girl. “She” was displayed as the kidnapped daughter of some intel operator they wanted found. They wanted to touch off a national manhunt for him over the kidnapping of this AI generated girl. Notice the ear:


It called to mind this picture from the Getty archive of Joe Biden, which featured an ear which looked like this:

Of course after you get past the initial amusement that these elites fucked up an image in the Getty archive, you begin to realize the most elite NatSec intel agencies are using, for the most supposedly high-stakes NatSec intel activities, AI software which is like a 1985 Pac-Man video game. Then there is Cabal, who is running a modern Sony PlayStation in 4K, for shit as stupid and irrelevant as creating a picture of Biden. But it does raise the question, why are we looking at fake White House sets, and fake pictures of the President, if, as is alleged, he is right there, in the real White House, and could do the real thing, in the real place, for a few moments and a fraction of the cost and effort of the fakes? I have no idea what it means, but it feels significant.

Brave Search beta now available in Brave browser, offering users the first independent privacy search/browser alternative to big tech.

A new report finds organized criminal gangs infiltrated the Freemasons, and then used that connection to gain control over officers in the Metropolitan Police Force to further their criminal activities. These gangs did this under the command of MI-5 and MI-6, to further their criminal enterprises, which are a subsidiary of Cabal’s greater intelligence operation. It is funny how when I was younger I always thought it sounded batshit crazy the CIA colluded with members of the mob to kill JFK. Not so crazy now.

U.S. stonewalls probe into security firm that allegedly spied on Assange for CIA, says Spanish judge.

I have yet to see independent confirmation of this, so I would assume it is a hoax, but I’ll include it under fake but true. A woman precedes her question to Alexa with “Alexa open your third eye,” then asks “What is the purpose of your device?,” and Alexa says it is to abolish privacy for the New World Order.

Texas congressman calls the new COVID variant the “Midterm Election Variant.” Some on 4Chan called it the “Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Variant.”

Austrian Police march with lockdown protesters.

New Covid variant just makes people tired, appears to not produce respiratory symptoms, affect hearing or smell, or otherwise put the patient at any risk.

Did Big Pharma receive an emergency use approval a couple of weeks ago for the COVID variant discovered a couple days ago?

New medical journal article shows no difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated COVID cases.

A top physician says it will be necessary to keep “vaccinating the world for years” in order to prevent a COVID strain as deadly as Ebola from developing.

Public Health Authorities caught fiddling with death-rate by vaccination status figures – Real rates show the fully vaccinated over 30’s are 286% more likely to die of Covid-19.

Biden spotted in Nantucket shopping indoors without a mask despite sign mandating them. The guy is on death’s door, and he has no worries.

France postpones vaccine mandate after violent unrest in Martinique and Guadeloupe.

Bill Gates charged with murder for COVID-19 vaccine death in India’s High Court – death penalty sought.

17 more flights from South Africa to arrive in the U.S. before Biden’s African travel ban on Monday.

Over 17 million in Southern California had to spend Thanksgiving under wildfire warnings after thousands had power shut off to avoid sparking blazes.

Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama lead the Democrats’ 2024 field if Joe Biden doesn’t run according to a new poll.

Democrats now assert their bailout of multiemployer union pension plans in March’s American Rescue Plan Act was deeply flawed and are demanding the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) rescue multiemployer union pension plans from the act’s botched rescue.

Newsweek claims Ahmaud Arbery’s father did not say ‘All Lives Matter’ after the verdict, despite the fact he clearly did, with Al Sharpton standing over his shoulder.

The United Nations is handing out $800 debit cards to illegal migrant families in Mexico heading to the US. Looks like Cabal has re-upped off the US Treasury.

Feds apprehend man who flew from Guatemala to Miami in plane’s landing gear.

Reporters go out to do a piece on the latest Bay Area smash and grab on Oakland, and robbers proceed to shoot their security guard dead while trying to rob them of their cameras. Security guard was a retired cop and grandfather. It is hard to believe so many prefer this evil system to what could be, just for a few creature comforts. You can see how souls get damned.

Looters rampage through suburban Minneapolis Best Buy.

Whitmer’s Michigan paid $3.9B in pandemic unemployment relief to ineligible claimants according to an new audit.

A poultry whistleblower says agriculture may experience a collapse in its ability to supply food to the population in the near future. The causes are, fertilizer shortages, shipping problems, vax mandates will force plant shutdowns due to an inability to man quality assurance positions which are already so short one company is looking at putting the CEO on the line, USDA inspectors are already unable to do inspections due to manning issues and the vax mandate will cull as much as a third of their numbers, and the Biden administration is not hiring new ones for some reason. It is like somebody read Evopsych, said we need to K-ify the population, and decided to do it by instituting a massive resource shortage.

Philadelphia surpasses the murder record set in 1990. Evopsych noted, crime rates parallel the Conservative Policy Mood too. And now crime is off the charts, because it is being allowed purposely. Obviously I don’t think whoever is doing this patterned it off Evopsych. Rather, I think this same thing has been done numerous times throughout history, as in Weimar Germany. I believe it signals that those who run things knew about the salient points of r/K Theory, at least in rough terms, for a long, long time. For a long time, they used it to ride the waves of r and K, and control how society flowed through those cycles, all for personal benefit and control. It might be why I get the impression they would have preferred to nuke r/K Theory, had they been able. It was a secret recipe they would preferred to have kept as a trade secret.

Biden to increase U.S. oil lease fees 50% while accusing ‘Big Oil’ of anticompetitive activities.

School board refuses to allow students to hear from ISIS survivor because it might encourage ‘Islamophobia.’

Put up or shut up, Ukraine warns Putin as Russian troops mobilize. Cabal definitely wants a war with Russia.

Poland has urged NATO to send reinforcements east over concerns about Russia’s military buildup near Ukraine, which is expected to be the focus of high-level alliance talks in Latvia next week that will include U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Russia’s Defense Minister on Tuesday accused U.S. bombers of rehearsing a nuclear strike on Russia from two different directions earlier this month and complained that the planes had come within 20 km (12.4 miles) of the Russian border.

US says “all options” on the table over alleged ‘Russian invasion threat’ to Ukraine.

China has invested more than £685billion across 42 British Commonwealth member states since 2005 as the Communist Party’s extraordinary bid for global power continues unimpeded.

2 US defense officials say Israel hacked Iran’s gas system last month.

Denzel Washington says, to a convention of Christians, he has been praying, and God has responded, saying, “Feed my sheep.” He went on, “In every prayer, all I hear is: ‘Feed my sheep.’ That’s what God wants me to do… What is our role as a man? Strength, leadership, power, authority, guidance, patience are God’s gift to us as men. We have to cherish that, not abuse it…It [the Bible] says in the last days we’ll become lovers of ourselves. The number one photograph now is a selfie. So we all want to lead. We’re willing to do anything — ladies and young men — to be influential. Fame is a monster, and we all have these ladders and battles, roads we have to walk in our given lives. Be you famous or whoever’s out there listening, we all have our individual challenges. It’s cliché, [but] money don’t make it better. It doesn’t. Fame just magnifies the problems and the opportunities… Stay on your knees. I hope that the words in my mouth and the meditation of my heart are pleasing in God’s sight, but I’m human. I’m just like you. What I have will not keep me on this Earth for one more day. Share what you know, inspire who you can, seek advice. If you want to talk to one someone, talk to the one that can do something about it. Constantly develop those habits.” In general, I see two types of people who seek fame. The Cabal mouthpieces simply want others to focus on them so they can get rich, and Cabal seems to give them that in return for pushing Cabal narratives. The other type is people trying to help other people, even if just by furthering knowledge. Usually these people appear to not have as big an audience as the first group, but that is tough to say given everything is a lie. What I do know is their path is the only possible way to have any success without Cabal support. Nobody who mimics Cabal mouthpieces without Cabal support will ever have any success. And if Cabal ever goes away, the people helping other people will be the only type out there.

This week an arbitration hearing ruled that Kevin Spacey will be responsible for tens of millions of dollars payable to the studio because of the manner that he impacted the production of the television show “House Of Cards,” and that ruling may bear upon Alec Baldwin.

The Pentagon is creating a new office to investigate unidentified flying objects (UFOs) amid concerns that after broad probes it cannot explain mysterious sightings near highly sensitive military areas.

Hillary bemoans the lack of media ‘gatekeepers’ and the spread of ‘disinformation.’

Radical leftist Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs was the Democratic frontrunner for Arizona Governor, but then she lost a $2.75 million racial discrimination lawsuit and her likely lead in the race for Governor.

President Joe Biden’s approval rating is now underwater by double digits, over 10 months into his presidency, Friday’s RealClearPolitics’ average shows.

Nine of 10 most popular governors are Republicans, and Biden is less popular than the least popular governor.

Laser-focused on 2020, Trump seeks a Michigan Legislature that could help him in 2024.

Pro-Trump painter causes stir in NYC art scene.

In one press release, Trump seals AZ State Senator Boyer’s fate as a former state senator.

Invite other people to because by their fruits ye shall know them

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“It called to mind this picture from the Getty archive of Joe Biden, which featured an ear which looked like this:”

You know, Biden may actually be our first CGI “President”. There may actually be an operation where a large number of our politicians are being faked because they are actually in military prison.

I doubt it, but it is a possibility. Something like “Dave” but far more complex and for unknown reasons.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Saw somewhere, those are tabs to pull the mask tight and you are supposed to remove them.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“A new report finds organized criminal gangs infiltrated the Freemasons”

Q. And when did this occur?
A. Yes

Albert Pike became a Freemason in 1840.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Also funny is the open admission the police are run exclusively by the Freemasons, so much so that infiltrating the masons gives you defacto control over the police.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Biden spotted in Nantucket shopping indoors without a mask despite sign mandating them. The guy is on death’s door, and he has no worries.”

Further evidence the Biden that we do see from time to time isn’t creepy Joe but is likely an actor.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Did Big Pharma receive an emergency use approval a couple of weeks ago for the COVID variant discovered a couple days ago?”

Are you questioning the science? Black science guy will cut ya…

comment image
(Picture of THE black science guy, right before he stole Pluto)

Sometimes humor and ridicule is our only weapon. We should train it the same way we train in martial arts.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Put up or shut up, Ukraine warns Putin as Russian troops mobilize. ”

The last act for the circus that is in Kiev may actually be bears on unicycles- watched by 2 or 3 brigades of Spetsnaz. Putin would be very effective just striking the head and leaving the body alone.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“US says “all options” on the table over alleged ‘Russian invasion threat’ to Ukraine.”

They won’t just send a nasty letter, they’ll email it. Then they’ll sign the Russians up for all of that scam stuff from Nigeria and India. Then the Russians will all have their Lada’s registered for that extended warranty crap. That will show those pesky Russians. It will be blyatiful.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“The Pentagon is creating a new office to investigate unidentified flying objects (UFOs) amid concerns that after broad probes it cannot explain mysterious sightings near highly sensitive military areas.”

They’re just nuclear powered drones run by a joint program between Babcock&Wilcox, Lockheed Martin and the Navy. I don’t see what the big deal is. Most advanced missiles can regularly pull 150 g so anything up to 1000 g is achievable by current known materials science tech. People need to chill out on the bluebeam stuff.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

The level of stupid in the comment is causing Rickover to spin in his grave.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

comment image

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

This is a bit long but there’s a point to be made. The whole ufo thing is nonsense. Not that there are not things flying around but that it MUST mean they are aliens. That is the story they are trying to push without directly coming out and saying,”Aliens are invading”. At some point that’s probably exactly what they will do.

The reason I know this is that there are several devices that show what I call “inertia drive” type actions. The general idea is the same as electromagnetic waves. If you shake electrons it gives off electromagnetic waves. Matter does much the same. There is a specific time that matter can be moved in that if too fast it creates “inertia waves” as I call them.

I first heard about this from G. Harry Stine. He was a physicist that wrote for “Analog Science Fiction Science Fact”. He heard about a device made by guy called Norman Dean. Dean Drive. He went and tested it. He said that was driven by an electric drill and had rollers on it and when the drill ran it would roll forward without expelling matter. Stine put his hand on it and could feel it push.

Stine and another guy tried to gets rights for it from Dean but were not able to make this happen but he and another physicist worked out the mathematics for how it worked. Called Davis Mechanics.

What it amounts to is that bodies accelerating that are then given further acceleration or a big surge emit what I call inertia waves. Inertia waves in that it pushes the body against the inertial properties of the universe.

The Dean drive was two counter rotating weights on a platform that surged the platform forward in one direction the slowly released it to the other direction. Acceleration of an accelerated body. Here’s a page where they say it’s all nonsense but they show the counter weights.

Here’s a page with a description of how it works.

Now you might say this is all bull but the Dean Drive is not the only thing that shows this type behavior.

A smart guy named Professor Eric Laithwaite. He also invented the linear drive motor to levitate trains and was famous and widely respected until he started talking about gyroscopes. Here’s a video where Laithwaite shows gyroscopes acting very strangely. About half way through the video he remarks that the effect is the same as what Stine reasoned. Change in in an accelerated object a gyroscope, causes the effect. [rotating it changes it’s acceleration]

Professor Eric Laithwaite Explains Gyroscopes with Demonstrations (1974) – Part 4 of 5

In other videos Professor Laithwaite shows him lifting a 50 lb. gyroscope with light pressure to the handle. He showed this to the Royal Society and they weren’t impressed. I am. Where is the force of the 50 lb. gyroscope plus the force of it’s ascension going to? I know it supposed to be the torque channeling the force elsewhere but 50lbs. is 50lbs. and if you hold it up the 50lbs. doesn’t disappear. The standard line is that you just “think” you’re not holding up 50lbs.. So it “seems” easier. I’m not buying it. This simple experiment is absolute proof that you can have an inertia drive that pushes against, the universe/gravity/I don’t know/???.

Now people say gyroscopes change the torque but they can’t explain how you can lift a heavy weight with no strain when it’s spinning but is hard to when it’s not.

The problem with their explanation is that no matter what the torque is doing if you are the sole holder of a spinning gyro and you lift it up then you should have all the force on your hands. “If” their explanation about torque being redirected is correct then what is it pushing against??? They then refuse to notice something odd is going on and cover it up with math equations.

Now here’s a guy that gives you the standard line. Look at 1:48 how he has so much trouble lifting the gyro when it is not spinning yet he can not bring himself to notice that in front of his own eyes that the entire weight of the gyro is NOT being forced on him when he has it spinning. It’s easier to pick up yet he denies this anything special and exclaims the “torque” is being redirected. The point is it is not an equal reaction to the force he is placing on it when he tries to lift it spinning. The system is different when it is spinning and is no longer the same.

He even says,”it feels incredibly light as I do that” but then flunks completely when he tries to explain it.(I’ve seen his other video’s where he explains and gets it wrong)

Later on in his life Professor Eric Laithwaite would give lectures to kids and you can see why. He realized that none of his colleges could “get it”. They refuse to understand. Kids just see what is and ask,”how is that happening”?

There’s more than just gyros.

Here’s one that’s a sort of twist on the gyroscope. Instead of a gyro moving to affect something this one spins up a gyro to affect something. Lagiewka Bumper. Look at this extraordinary video. If that’s not a inertia control device I would be extraordinarily surprised.

It works on the same principle as all the others. It has a straight “rack” gear linked to a flywheel that when the front hits something the gears spin the flywheel very fast. He says it’s redirecting the force but what it’s really doing is the flywheel is giving out “Inertia????” waves. That this sort of strong force is shown with such a low frequency is a good sign that it can be controlled. He also has lots of other videos. One he runs a Fiat into a wall with his bumper on it and it doesn’t hurt the driver at all.

Here’s a link to more info from the magnificent Rex Research.

Now this device has been stolen by formula one race car drivers. They’re making a shock absorber out of it. If you could use inertia to bleed away shock instead of heat think of the advantages to a race car that wants to save every ounce. They call it an inerter or J-Damper. It’s directly stolen from lagiewka as he missed something on his patents.

Another oddity with large acceleration. Rail guns. They don’t have an actual recoil force opposite the round firing that’s equivalent. There is NOT an equal and opposite reaction force.

The above says,”…This effect is magnetic, instead of gravitational…”, they’re wrong, it’s the same inertia force. I submit that all of these are the same.

In the 1950’s there was a LOT of articles about making space drives that were electromagnetic but right after that they completely disappeared and now if you say anything about a space drive you’ll be laughed at. Hmmm…wonder why? If you make one of these don’t go telling the Air Force you have one as you will probably disappear. Think of what a massive tech advantage in a war would be to have a really efficient drive that could accelerate without blowing a bunch of air out of a jet engine. It could win a war easy. They don’t want anyone to know.

So maybe they are using the observations to “prep” people into the idea that “THE ALIENS ARE HERE”. Except…it will all be bullshit. Don’t believe a damn word. Think what they could do with genetic engineering today if you were ruthless about culling all those that didn’t work out. You could make some alien humanoid that was real. It would have been raised to not know anything but what they told it. Could be some fish looking alien. So even if they pull out some strange looking humanoid there’s no reason at all to believe them.

Let’s use common sense. If an alien race was smart and advanced enough to go all the way between the stars then surely they’re smart enough not to crash in a corn field in Roswell, New Mexico. And if they wanted to study us they could easily make nano-tech small devices we would never see.

The last thing they would do would be to zoom around where we can see them while doing anal probes on humans and dissecting cows. If they were going to be seen they would just announce themselves on TV and land somewhere.

And finally there have been warnings that the dark State would use the excuse of “alien attack” to force us to have a world government to fight them.

Von Braun aid Dr. Carol Rosin said that Von Braun told her many times that fake aliens would land and this would be used to start a world government take over.

Von Braun,”…And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We’re going to have to build space based weapons against aliens,’ and all of it, he said, is a lie…”

Von Braun’s Legacy (with Dr. Carol Rosin)

Dr. Carol Rosin is not some nobody she used to run Fairchild corporation.

Sorry so long but I want to make it abundantly clear that there’s not any reason at all that we can’t make advanced craft purported to be ufo’s and it’s extremely likely that they are lying to us to set us up.

Tell other people about this especially about Von Braun’s warning so they aren’t able to blow smoke up our asses and tell us more lies for perpetual war.

I think at some time in the past we made these and then they were appropriated by some corporation. Given to them by some corrupt Jew in the government. They probably only have a few of these and likely can’t duplicate them or not easily. They fly them around every so often to keep the “alien attack” scam alive.

My reason for posting this long diatribe is just so that you will know there is a verified, known path to making something like this and that the science is not impossible for us to duplicate. Not that it would be easy or cheap but that it can be done and with all the money spent of research it could have easily have already been done.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It doesn’t have to be an either/or scenario.

Every ancient society that has left us any written record attests to visitations from beings using what sounds like high technology.

That doesn’t mean that aliens are about to invade, as the descriptions from ancient sources almost universally describe beings that are indistinguishable from humans, just incredibly advanced.

It is also clear that our government, and possible the NAZI’s, have developed an entirely different technological track in regards to flight, and they have been keeping all of this hidden from us.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

That is fascinating.

And, yes, lifting a 50 lb gyro like that? Telling.

I am sold.

No aliens.

Fake alien invasion.

Got it.

3 years ago

“2 months after they were identified illegally deleting 2020 election records, three individuals remain unpunished, unidentified and uncharged by AG Mark Brnovich.”

The military is the only way, the sooner everyone on our side accepts that the better.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

We accept it. Problem is the military doesn’t seem to.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

Military is pozzed, did you really think the bad guys wouldn’t be able to identify that risk and cut it off in advance? No one in any position of authority is coming to save us because the positions of authority have been relentlessly targeted for decades if not centuries.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“No plan survives contact with the enemy” applies to cabal plans too.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

The threat to Cabal is insurrection.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago


No disrespect to Farcesensitive, but it seems he feels that if he keeps saying that, the military will finally wake up and take action, or something.

I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

The elements of the military Q spoke of and that Trump prepared do not need to wake up.
They need others to wake up.
There are people whose support they will need during or after the counter coup who will not support them as long as they believe there are “legal” options available.

3 years ago

I have had brave browser and am trying out search now, previously used google as a default and yandex as controversial/memoryhole search. It seems good-ish, major flaws: no maps, the layout I have to get used to, and if I search “X meaning” or “X etymology” it’s much worse. Otherwise it’s surprisingly functional

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

So far it has less complete search than google being a beta. But it’s surprising how bad google is, because it highly promotes curated sites and doesn’t show a lot of sites memoryholing them.

3 years ago

China Shipping goes dark. Their economy is imploding so it is prob 50/50 prep for an op against US and covering their weakness.

“Vessel location data from China has been greatly reduced, impacting maritime supply chain visibility.

The tracking signal, known as Automatic Identification System (AIS), is used globally by the shipping industry to transmit data on vessel location and identity.

However, China’s new personal information protection law that came into effect this month has reportedly prompted domestic providers to stop sharing AIS data with foreign companies. AIS can be transmitted from coastal networks, satellites and vessel-based sources.”

3 years ago

Re: Michigan Covid fraud

Adam Housley on twitter (ex fox news) did great work exposing fraud like this in CA pre and post Covid.

Accelerated Cabal payment system.

3 years ago

Howling with laughter at the seething of the journo who wrote the Trump Michigan article. It’s perfect.

“Trump’s focus on the state illuminates just how driven he is to exact revenge on those who haven’t supported his baseless claim that the last election was stolen from him.”

3 years ago

Maybe I’m reaching here, but all I see when I look at “omicron” is, “i c moron”. I don’t know if evil is doing a bit of “hiding in plain sight”, or if I’m just seeing things

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I remember one of their vaccine ads featuring an NPC getting injected. They getting in on to the meme culture and trolling?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Let’s review:

John Boehner = John Boner
Keisha Lance Bottoms = Keisha Lancing Bottoms
Buck Sexton = Butt Sexing
Peter Buttigieg = Peter Buttitches
Chase Buttigieg = Chasin Butts
Eric Swalwell = Eric Swallowswell
Brian Laundrie = Brain Wash
Faston Ngoy = Fisting a Goy
Omicron = IC Moron or Moronic

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Many of them operate under changed names for some reason. I don’t have them all memorized. DeBlasio is really something like Warren Wilhelm Jr. Elizabeth Warren is not her real name. Of course we all know “Barack Obama” is Barry Sotero. “Michelle Obama” is Michael LaVon Robinson. And so on. I don’t know what Oprah’s real name is, but many suspect it’s a guy. I have a meme saved somewhere with many of their public names and real names, but your comment software doesn’t allow posting it.

Then you have infiltrators in the “truth movement”, like Juan O Savin is Wayne Willette.

I can understand a desire for anonymity, but these are public figures. I settle on a semi-anonymity policy because I am NOT a public figure. I really am named Eric, but I’ve gone with “The Awful” to avoid disclosing my identity, and as a tribute to an old Ray Stephens song which is kind of cool. I used to comment on here under my full name, but I realized around 2015 or 16 that I need some anonymity in Clown World.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

They liked Ian Flemming’s name choices for Bond girls too much.

They are also immature as part of their r selection and impudent as part of their satanism.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Doug Ducey = Doug Douchey

Reply to  TP
3 years ago

Others have pointed out that “moronic” is an anagram of omicron. But I’m not worried about the moronic/omicron variation, because top scientists from Swaziland and Lesotho are working on it. They have already learned that wearing a dirty rag on your face is of no value.

Reply to  TP
3 years ago

Good anagram, but “omicron” just means “little o”, and “omega” means “big O”. “Moron” is also Greek, meaning something like “toddler”.

Reply to  TP
3 years ago


Reply to  TP
3 years ago

I’ve been calling it the Omigod! variant

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Another very useful piece of Brave functionality:

When you open up the context menu with a right-click, under the “Brave” option (with the lion head logo) you will find the “Block element” function. You definitely will need steady hands to finesse exactly the combination of the front-end elements you want to block at the same time, but it’s not difficult. I used this, for example, to get rid of the right hand column on Twitter where they recommend users to follow. Twitter runs faster and I get less bloat as a result. I don’t know if this function existed with Firefox (been too long since I switched) but to me it’s another testament to Brave moving toward a user-centric Web 3.0.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

That is very cool. Like a area specific noscript. Thanks.

I found a super nice screenshot tool add-on

You can save an area then you can actually use the plug-in to draw on the picture before you save. Very nice and useful.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

It only seems useful on twitter really.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Hillary bemoans the lack of media ‘gatekeepers’ and the spread of ‘disinformation.”

She must be trolling.

It’s too bad she’s evil. I like her on some levels. I appreciate her unabashed racism and her ruthlessness would be useful if directed against the correct targets.

If she ever wanted a second shot at being President she should come out as a hard-ass law and order (i.e. pro-white/anti-dindu) candidate. One note that shit like Nigel Farage and Brexit. Hammer it home.

Even if she gets called a racist then it would still work in her favor since so many people (left & right) are exhausted of the rampant negro crime wave we’ve been experiencing.

Look at me, I’m Karl Rove over here. If she wins I’ll take two Gaddafi bars as payment. Don’t kill me please.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

She is worthy of a multi-part Shakespearean cycle.

Alexa Open Your Third Eye
Alexa Open Your Third Eye
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago


Hilly ain’t interesting, she ain’t fascinating, nor compelling, nor tragic.

She’s just a scummy little crook grubbing around tryna be Preezy – when she’s not actively stealing everything that ain’t nailed down (remember how she and Bubba **stole the fucking WH silverware, just like any other white trash grifters would do** as they were leaving?) She wants to be Preezy not out of a sense of duty to her country. Not because she’s got a whole bunch of fantastic, wildly original ideas on how to run a government…. no, she wants to be Bosslady because she likes telling people what to do. She gets off on it.

She’s the very essence of mediocrity: she’s not pretty and never was; she’s not smart and never was – failed bar exam more than twice, IIRC – she’s a lousy lawyer and a worse politician. NO ONE “likes” that woman. Because we all sense she’s ugly as hell inside, along with that whole “deeply unlikable wretch” thing. She can’t schmooze. She can’t fake likability. She can’t be a gracious host. Shit man, she can’t sing. Or tell a joke. Or charm a small child. Or step back quietly and let the hero of the minute have his/her time in the spotlight. Hell, she can’t even dress herself properly when her go-to Mumu is at the cleaners.

Shakespeare would cast her as the comic-relief scullery maid who has to clean up the mess when the baby barfs. No lines, just lots & lots of hateful disgusted death glares at the baby.

THAT, she can do.

3 years ago

>Then there is Cabal, who is running a modern Sony PlayStation in 4K, for shit as stupid and irrelevant as creating a picture of Biden.
There have been moments where something in the timbre of his voice and mannerisms, word choices, that were . . . Trump-like, uncanny valley, like Mission: Impossible and green screen face masks and overlays. If it’s being done here, how much more so in polar and space photos.

>the CIA colluded with members of the mob to kill JFK.
Permindex, Chicago mob, Meyer Lanskey — refusing to gift nukes to the Holy Land and insisting on inspection of their facilities was the final straw.

>it will be necessary to keep “vaccinating the world for years” in order to prevent a COVID strain as deadly as Ebola from developing.
Good to know the Marik’s Chickens scenario is a non-starter. Fucking idiots will never reach the threshold to discretely dump endgame bioterror at this rate.

>A poultry whistleblower says agriculture may experience a collapse in its ability to supply food
Holodomor-lite was done in the US under FDR, subsidizing pork culls et. al. There are no production issues, just this ‘just in time’ logistics nonsense.

>How could this happen? Switzerland once
Banking hub. BIS, ect.

3 years ago

I think you’ve mentioned it before, but recently saw Das Leben der Anderen (‘The Lives of Others’) about the East German Stasi. The film is excellent. The horror of living under a total surveillance state is made clear, and as you watch you find yourself becoming filled with a sense of dread and hopelessness, which, of course, was the precise purpose of the Stasi policy of Zersetzung, accomplishing the psychological destruction of dissidents.

Highly recommended. Thank goodness we have nothing similar in the Land of the Free.

3 years ago

From the article on the popularity of various governors:

“The list of governors in order of popularity in order from one to ten includes: Scott, Charlie Baker of Massachusetts, Larry Hogan of Maryland, Chris Sununu of New Hampshire, Mark Gordon of Wyoming, Jim Justice of West Virginia, Lamont, Kay Ivey of Alabama, Mike DeWine of Ohio, and Spencer Cox of Utah.

Rounding out the bottom as the least popular governors list were Democrat Kate Brown in Oregon, Republican Doug Ducey in Arizona, and Democrat David Ige of Hawaii.”

I will make a comment about this but I don’t trust polls. For the purposes of discussion, lets take the polls at face value.

The really important variable is pro COVID restrictions vs restriction skeptical. Its not so much Democratic vs Republicans, since many people and pols on the red side were pro COVID restriction. Just about everyone on the blue side was pro COVID restriction, with the few dissenters (like myself) having migrated to the red side by now.

Of the ten popular governors listed GOP governors Baker, Hogan, and DeWine were definitely pro COVID restriction, in fact Baker was one of the worst in the country. Sununu is also a country club Republican/ RINO. So on the key issue this doesn’t say much. Interestingly, Lamont was the only Democratic governor in the country to put up any resistance to the COVID cult.

Brown and Ige are both hard core COVID restrictionists. Ducey is not, but of course facilitated the election fraud. Arizona politics seems like a mess, even more so than other states.

3 years ago

This just in on made up fucking bullshit:

>Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama lead the Democrats’ 2024 field if Joe Biden doesn’t run according to a new poll.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

Many “polls” are just position statesments, signaling forthcoming changes to the proletariat and giving them time to gracefully abandon oldthink and claim they’d been with newthink all along.

3 years ago

This is the Christian convention/organization that Denzel Washington spoke to:

Any friends here know it at all? Any opinions?


3 years ago

>For a long time, they used it to ride the waves of r and K, and control how society flowed through those cycles, all for personal benefit and control.

Really this is a must read about this exact thing with respect to the criminal justice system:

“liberals” go lax on crime, shit gets all messed up, then “conservatives” get tough on crime. The ultimate result? Crime goes back to pre- problem, reaction, solution BS but now the laws are all much more draconian, and prosecutors threaten super-heavy penalties so people will accept plea deals instead of going to trial. If you intentionally wanted to make a police state, this is how it would be done. We are in round 2 now, its seems.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

For those out there frustrated, you are hardly the only one:


What AC has said about hitting the population with K stimulation makes the most sense to me. Again, I believe that we will not hear from Q again, UNLESS the Plan actually FAILS. If the Plan fails I think that we can expect a dump of classified information the likes of which has never been seen with a message from Q saying that they have done everything that they can, and they aren’t worried about being charged for treason because the country won’t exist soon.

So that means that the suffering we are only beginning to feel is The Plan. Think about The Greatest Generation, yes they are a bit over-hyped, but there’s enough truth to label to be instructive, and that is that a generation born into poverty and forged in war produced the greatest version of the US in living memory. Granted I would argue that the 19th century US is preferable to the 1950’s, but there are simply too many people for that to ever make a come back.

This line of thinking dovetails with what Q actually said, unlike the guy in the video yammering on about NESARA which I continue to maintain is an absolutely ridiculous concept – a magic computer that can make everyone rich! All we had to do was put the word “quantum” in front of it and ala-kazaam. Do you see the problem? It used to be get-rich quick, FREE-ENERGY! blah-blah, now they’ve gone and built up an expensive number cruncher into a dammed genie instead of simply starting a small business and building it up over DECADES. Resources are NOT infinite, be frugal, save, and then build as you can without debt.

That’s where most of the frustration is coming from. We have had it so easy that we just don’t remember how to do that.

Tucker Carlson just expressed it best, Americans do NOT forgive a reduction in their standard of living. And that is why I believe Trump walked away from DC to let all of this play out – the people NEED to suffer, it’s not an option, but they will blame all of that suffering on whoever is sitting in the big chair even if that guy is an obvious puppet who can’t remember where he is half the time.

So Trump is protected from that even though he absolutely started it all. Biden takes all the blame for the economy and COVID, Democrats entire brand is toast for a generation, and now a hardened K-iffied population is ready to accept a new financial system that DOESN’T include easy credit, round-ups of illegals to deport no matter how many times the fake news calls them racist, a military that’s actually focused on ever improving ways to kill people and topple architecture while cutting out the social engineering, actually being tough on crime, being active in local politics-

ALL of it requires a population that has suffered enough that they get off the couch, and we Americans like our couches.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I usually agree with you, but this isn’t boot camp. If the Cabal has been winning, its because they are really strong and any resistance is weaker or non-existent. If they lose, its because their agenda is ridiculously incoherent and/ or ambitious. Sort of like the WW2 Axis, which I think was their first attempt.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Travel through the highways and byways of this beautiful country, everywhere you see obesity. It has become a plague, unimaginable several generations ago. It is endemic and it is severe. Everywhere you go you see grotesque facsimiles of human beings so inflamed and engorged that they can barely walk. The mind cringes at the mental image of how these people urinate and defecate. This is truly a plague we should be confronting with all our national resources and yet? Crickets…The Cabal has us focused on the Covid scam, while they’re murdering us with the obesity poisoning. Are these the Rs they’re culling while the Ks getting leaner and meaner?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

4 words, boys: high-fructose corn syrup.

no HFCS, no fatties. you know – like America used to be, back before HFCS was introduced into the food supply because “sugar is so damn expensive!”

just that simple.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I happened to remember once talking to a cabal woman who I believe was part of targeting me. And we were talking about different drinks and I mentioned I was looking for something to regularly have instead of diet soda. suddenly she got all excited talking to me about Sparkling Ice, a nice little fruit drink that’s low calorie. Her enthusiasm was a bit too high.

Apparently it’s loaded with a powerful sweetener that’s known to kill intestinal bacteria.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

A lot of people encourage being vegan nowadays

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

How Canola Oil is made:

Barf worthy like the Gutter Oil used for cooking in China.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I agree with this. First of all, yes, NESARA is just goofy and I have no idea who is sustaining that nonsense. But secondly, Americans do need to suffer in order to wake up. What do you do to someone who is sleeping an won’t wake up? You subject them to discomfort. Loud noises. Cold water. Unpleasant pokes.

Trump’s critics do not give him nearly enough credit. He woke up a critical mass of people. And the Q operation also served wonderfully. Had all of this scamdemic erupted during a Hilly presidency there wouldn’t have been nearly the skepticism and suspicion.

Furthermore, everything the current administration is doing represents a desperate attempt to keep any “insurrection” down. By insurrection they mean people who won’t accept what the television is saying.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“…Trump’s critics do not give him nearly enough credit. He woke up a critical mass of people. And the Q operation also served wonderfully…”

I don’t agree that this is the “truth”. It’s not like the people had not already decided that the press were lying crooks. Trump pointing out that which already is does NOT make him a prophet.

Q’s actual effect may have been to lull people into complacency that someone was actually doing something about the destruction of the country yet the sum total of Q’s “actual” on the ground, “doing something” is zero. There has been no change. Things are just getting worse. If “they have everything” then why didn’t they use it? You don’t effect change by losing power to guy whose mentally out of his mind some days.

What level of “woke”, in the conservative sense, is required before action? Is it when 50%, 60%, 75% of the population is dead from vax reactions? When is enough, enough?

Use some common sense. If they had “everything” then why didn’t they blackmail the legislature to pass laws in our defense??? if the legislature wouldn’t pass these then why not prosecute them?

Some may say we couldn’t get prosecutions but that damn sure doesn’t stop the left now does it? They attack people with lawfare constantly. Why didn’t “they” who had everything do this?

Numerous opportunities have been passed up.

Some examples
1. Why wasn’t Wieners laptop pursued?
2. Why didn’t Trump clean out the FBI?
3. Why didn’t Trump fire all the Justice department? All of them. Clinton did. The only guy he let go was Sessions who you may hate but he’s damn sure not Cabal.
4. Why didn’t he force a revote due to corruption before he was kicked out of office. The “line” is that doing it as we are now would show the corruption. Well excuse me but couldn’t he have done that before he left office. Answer this, VERY IMPORTANT, and simple, point, what’s the difference between counting the votes and showing fraud now and he having done the exact same thing but before he was booted from office? How is it “more” credible “now” than it would have been earlier? The answer is it’s not.
5. Why didn’t he make a major effort to find the blackmail material and then,”I would do this as I’m a son of bitch”, use it to blackmail the people who are doing evil?
6. Why did he surround his administration with Jews who constantly led us down the wrong path while letting his best associates, Sessions, Flynn, Bannon, flail about in the wind with no support?
7. Why didn’t he get us out of Afghanistan? Or Syria?
8. He knew that votes were very, very likely to have been stolen in the first Congressional election in California where they kept counting votes into the night until the Democrats won. Why didn’t he do an intense investigation then?
9. Why didn’t during the four years he had he do an intense investigation of voter fraud and then change the system or at the very least make such a huge stink about it that no one would trust the Democrat voting city centers?
10. Why make such a stink about AFTER he’s gone? He could done this before? Why wait? What’s the purpose? Do you or anyone think that a big stink now is any different from him doing it from office? Well it is different at least in office he had power to do something about it. What does it say about him that he waits THEN raises holy hell, after he can do nothing?
11. Why did he appoint people to his administration that were tied up in covering up Epstein’s business?
12. Why didn’t he make inroads into child trafficking for blackmail? If you are honest you know he did stop some of what they called child trafficking but it was mostly underage girl prostitutes and of age prostitutes they called child trafficking. There was never any stopping of Epstein type politician blackmail. There was never any bust of pizzagate type stuff where children are held captive. No real stopping of the group controlled stuff. They only scooped up freelancers.
13. Why didn’t he go after the control centers where due to court decisions they put cops in by testing that are less suitable for the job? He could have taken away these people’s ability to control police insertions.
14. Why didn’t he fire the political generals? Obama had no problem doing this and they were acting pozz even when Trump was in office.
15. Why didn’t he get to the bottom of what appear to be false flags but with many deaths of the attack in Florida and in Las Vegas where many witnesses said there were more than one shooter. In Vegas there was 100%. You could hear it in the cab drivers video. There’s no way there was just one. Not to mention the Natural News break down which was very good showing two different shooters at least. He could have sent Marshall’s in and confiscated the videos which would prove this one way or another. So a bunch of his supporters can be murdered and he does nothing.
16. Why didn’t he protect the people gathered during the election by pardoning them?
17. AND the big WHY, but hardly the last there’s many more, why did he not do anything about 9-11? If anything would shock the people into action it would be that the President coming out 100% over and over and making it impossible to hide that 9-11 was a false flag and that he was going to use every available resource to find out who did it…but he didn’t. Big red flag that.
18. I could go on for pages but you get the idea or should.

They were ineffectual in the extreme for people who had “everything”. If I had everything I would cut a swath so deep through them they would think an earthquake opened up the earth.

The actual only thing Trump did was to cut taxes for the rich. All his political appointments were total disasters and disappointments. Look at this judges. they are worthless. Look at people like Barr who let Epstein go. He was in charge there and Epstein just walked out the door and nothing happened to anyone involved. Trump put a man in charge of the labor department that struck up an illegal deal with Epstein to let him go even through he was prostituting underage kids. I MEAN WHAT THE FUCK. All his appointments were greeted by this Q clapping, any minute now, and we have nothing to show for it.

AC says, I disagree with him on this, that somehow Trump is responsible for the people “somehow” waking up to the corruption. I say people have been bitching about for a LONG time and it had become a tsunami long before Trump got there. It’s as if an avalanche was started and someone looked up and said, over the roar of the avalanche, “look an avalanche” but…they knew that. He didn’t do any more than point at it. It was already there.

We have absolutely zero long term substance for Trump. Nothing. A pause in the pozz but even that was only slightly. We still had massive legal and illegal immigration and a whole range of other falling indicators.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“…Trump’s critics do not give him nearly enough credit. He woke up a critical mass of people. And the Q operation also served wonderfully…”

Forgot. Trump appears to be nothing more than Jew Hitler. Hitler but totally controlled by the Jews. Fake Hitler.

3 years ago

“School board refuses to allow students to hear from ISIS survivor because it might encourage ‘Islamophobia.’”
“In 2018, she and Denis Mukwege were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for “their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict”.[8] She is the first Iraqi and Yazidi to be awarded a Nobel Prize.”

White Boy Sumner
White Boy Sumner
3 years ago

The whole thread is worth reading, but once I saw “millions”, lol…

3 years ago


You missed some of the “SCHIZOPHRENIC” analysis videos:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

You also might want to put all this in your Surveillance Detection stuff.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

AC this is a GREAT find. We need to figure out how to put this into a presentation that normies can absorb, or at least people on Gab can absorb.

It dovetails with this vid about outdated tech used by a college professor to screw with people in a library:

Directional Sound System

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I’m not buying it. Amplifying and selectively filtering noise to find what you’re looking for… sorta like say, a PCR test for COVID. The background noise in the clip sounds to me like his microphone is on a resonant surface, a desk, as are his speakers, his computer fan/s is coupled to that surface (desktop PC?). From the sound of actions outside the visible frame I’d bet a bare wooden floor, coupling any fan in the building through the desk into the mic. Note the resonance on any audio impulse – his mic and speakers are sitting at a gain level just below runaway feedback. FYI I’ve been in pro audio for 25 years and have had to mitigate every audio ‘fault’ in this clip many times. And the ‘decoding’ guy gives no clue as to what processing has occurred. I’ve turned pure computer-generated noise into the most beautiful organic-sounding ‘scapes just through deliberate processing inside the computer.

Hans Schantz
3 years ago

Thanks for the signal boost, AC!

3 years ago

I like this substack. Here is a concise discussion of social media. Maybe not much new but the InQtel stuff is new to me.

3 years ago

> Bill Gates charged with murder for COVID-19 vaccine death in India’s High Court – death penalty sought.

Grandstanding. I applaud the prosecutor who had the balls, but it’s not going anywhere.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sends tens of millions of dollars to India. If they even *hint* at closing their checkbook, the charges will go away and they will receive a groveling apology.

3 years ago

> The United Nations is handing out $800 debit cards to illegal migrant families in Mexico heading to the US. Looks like Cabal has re-upped off the US Treasury.

The John Birch Society used to put up billboards saying “Get US Out of the United Nations!” I thought they were nutcases then, but now they’re starting to look scarily prescient.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

You were told the Birchers were nutcases because they were spot on.

3 years ago

> Looters rampage through suburban Minneapolis Best Buy.

Many office buildings require a photo ID and signing a logbook for entry; some even during “normal business hours.” They always claim either “insurance regulations” or “fire code.”

I could see large retailers adopting the same schtick.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Violent Negros making life impossible for all of us. So instead of just walking a store you will have to go through all kinds of BS to do anything or go anywhere.

Same with public transportation. You can’t ride it because Negros will attack you and when they do no one does anything about it.

We could stop this. Any time Negros do this sort of stupidity they lose the right to travel on the public transportation or any other privileges.

3 years ago

Evidence of elderly being forcibly vaccinated?:

3 years ago

The real problem with gangstalkers reporting voices in the head is that the basic effect of gangstalking, particularly all of the gas lighting, is to basically produce schizophrenia or at the very least very deep doubts in one’s own sanity.

Jordan Peterson that most “mental health” problems are actually just variations of people being overwhelmed with complexity or doubts. They have too much confronting them that they can’t handle. This produces anxiety and usually leads to depression or learned helplessness.

If that’s true, and I think it is, it means that the real cure for most mental health problems is change o environment: being in a secure place that they can manage, around people that they can trust, an learning to build ever better skills to manage.

What the gangstalking and gas lighting do is make you first feel as if you are watched or targeted. Want to freak out a schizophrenic? Stare at them. A lot of schizophrenic art features terrifying eyes looking at them. Presumably, in an ancestral environment, this meant that the tribe was looking at an individual with some kind of distrust or suspicion, and we’ve evolved to be fearful of that. Alternatively, schizophrenic visions and questioning of “reality” could form the basis of “group splitting.” Some people begin to have doubts about the leadership or what the tribe is doing, and they gravitate towards a charismatic and rebellious personality who offers a different set of priorities.

What gangstalking does it provides you with that paranoia of being watched, of being singled out, and then adds gas lighting on top of it in the form of each of the participants in this artificial madness denying to the victim that anything is taking place. As someone who has experienced this I can tell you that the sensation was utterly maddening. I felt violated, I felt threatened, I felt as if there was no recourse to the law… and the people around me that weren’t participating didn’t believe it and those who were participating denied it (gas lighting is just lying meant to undermine your sanity). It was a complete collapse in confidence in. Things would have been really bad if I’d not realized that this insane feeling was artificially created and I had not had the trust in myself to know that I was being deceived.

But that feeling of deception also requires an absolutely ferocious betrayal. One can only gaslight you if they have previously earned your trust, and you’re in a vulnerable place and seeking trusted feedback from them. There’s a reason that Dante felt that betrayal was a worse crime than robbery, rape, or even murder. And the deepest circle of hell was populated by people who betrayed their friends.

This entire process utterly destroys the ability of the individual to make sense of reality. And I’m sure that the “voices” many schizophrenics here are basically deep aspects of the personality attempting to guide the individual. They quite possibly represent repressed thoughts that have begun shouting in at attempt to aid in survival. I am also sure that religious “prophets”, with their visions and voices, are produced by the subconscious or unconscious detecting that the tribe is doing something wrong or overlooking some threat to survival. And the warnings or recommendations from the subconscious become so pressing that the individual believes that they are hearing voices.

So basically, the entire process of the omnipresent surveillance, gangstalking, and gas lighting is to produce mental imbalance to make a person vulnerable to predation. It’s an attempt to artificially drive people into a kind of schizophrenia. We shouldn’t be surprised by claims of hearing voices. If they are throwing them in artificially it’s gotta be an unbelievable mind fuck.

3 years ago

The “schizo” kid and analysis videos remind me of some episodes I had as a kid where I heard voices screaming at me. It really confused me and scared me at the time. First was when I was at home in the evening, my parents had been arguing over something i think, and i was already a bit distressed from that, but then these screaming voices came and I knew they were just in my own head. I don’t remember what they were saying, if anything discernible at all, just that they seemed angry. I didn’t know what to do, and i don’t remember if it only happened the one time this way or if it happened twice but i know that it stopped for good when i decided to try being like water and letting it be without allowing myself to be bothered by it, and moments later it just stopped.

The only other time I had something similar was a few years later maybe in the hospital sick on an IV, in bed at night. I was having an experience where I was seeing a spot in the cement between bricks of the wall behind and above my hospital bed, seeing that little spot as infinitely large and infinitely small at the same time. I felt terror at that and it was very similar to when those voices were yelling – but i don’t remember today if the voices were actually there that time or not. I had wondered if it was some kind of weird out of body experience, since i was visually seeing something that i was incapable of actually seeing from my bed, and I KNEW that I was not dreaming like even when my i came back to normal and yelled out crying, my mom who was in the room said it was just a dream and that was just flat out nonsense to me because it was not a dream at all, i was really seeing and having this weird experience that was unlike anything I’ve had happen before or since.

I don’t know if I genuinely had or have some brain issue that caused either or both of those events, but if it was some jackass screwing around with me as a kid at least with the voices, why did it stop? I can understand maybe being an easy target in the hospital where they assuredly have all manner of bs tech set up to screw with people, not to mention whatever drugs i was being given at the time. But if they could send screaming voices to my head in my bedroom at home at night, why stop once I chose to be unaffected by it?

If it was not just all in my own brain, maybe it was them doing some kind of calibration. Maybe there have been voices in my brain ever since but just in a form I don’t consciously hear. Or maybe I was just a random person to test it on that night.

Maybe this anecdote will be of use to someone. Thank you for all that you do, AC.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

That really does make perfect sense. Thank you. I’ve had other issues more mundane, depression and anxiety mostly, which i would suppose could be stimulated by a malicious actor but which might also just be diet, genes, and bad environment. Still dealing with the anxiety, but happy to say depression is likely impossible for me now. I aspire to have no physiological response to a train of elephants in front of me.

(I accidentally posted the previous comment without including a name.)

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I ran across something odd. Very off topic but while looking at stuff to keep barnacles off of boat hulls I found that a new way they are doing so is to mix into the paint, get this, Ivermectin. This stuff is the wonder drug. It even keeps away barnacles.

What I wonder is what exactly processed someone to think that Ivermectin would be good to put into boat hull paint to stop sea growth??? How did that idea get in their head???

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago


Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Musk Margin loans.

I’m guessing this is untrue from this statement from Musk a long time ago.

“When there are macroeconomic risks, it is generally wise to avoid using margin loans on any company, as stocks may move in ways that are decoupled from their long-term potential,” Musk

When I search for “margin loans Musk” all I readily see is the bankers pushing the idea that they would “give” him margin loans on Tesla to cover twatter. You see it! They desperately want to take Tesla away from him. They tried this with short sells to make him go bust and were not able to make it happen now they want to financially injure him enough to force him to take out loans on Tesla stock. Then they will crash the stock and take the company away from him. I don’t think he will bite. I bet he will just let twatter go bankrupt before he does what they want. Sure he will lose a lot of money but he still has “actual” billions in cash and in stock. The billions on cash he has can be used when they try to attack Tesla.

Further search shows he could have some margin calls on Tesla stock but it appears to me that he has set this up to have leverage. In other words he could just throw his hands up and tell the bankers to fuck off he is going to walk away from twatter and bankrupt it. This would mean they would lose everything. No cash, no loans, no profits, nothing because twatter would immediately become completely worthless if he walked away. He on the other hand would lose some cash but survive to fight another day still having multiple billions of cash in pocket. No way could they take over Tesla or SpaceX. Some of this decline in Tesla stock I think is engineered so that he will be under pressure to take out more loans on Tesla. I bet he doesn’t do it. The recent big stock sales show he has cash now to weather things.

And I find other sources that say he has no margin loans at all. It’s so confusing.

“Elon Musk Drops Margin Loan From Twitter Bid, Making It A Little Less Risky”

I do believe that Tesla is going to move into some serious trouble but he will be in the same trouble that ALL the auto manufacturers are in. According to financials, shown by Sandy Munro, Teslas financials are stupendously better than any of the other big car companies. Like multiples of ten better. If he can whip up a cheaper electric car he could head this off. I think he can. He and the Chinese have the only really large battery manufacturing capacity on the planet. He could slow down other manufacturers that use his batteries and speed up the Gigafactory. I think he;s build several more of these. And I think they are mostly paid for so he will have these as collateral. He noted that during inflationary events like we are having now it’s best to have things, and he has things, that no one else has.